Energy of the Week for July 16-22, 2012: Timing

This week, focus on how to be in tune with your own timing. Even though your immediate environment is always influencing you, you can affect it with your own personal energy. The question is: are you going to be controlled by the timing of your environment or follow your own?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

How many times have you put yourself in a situation where you felt uneasy following another person’s direction? This would not happen if you were tuned into yourself. Know and understand exactly what you need so you can take good care of yourself. Since no one else is you, no one is responsible for your energy or how you feel. In addition, they can never help you satisfy all of what you need to do for yourself. Therefore, if you have ever surrendered this power to someone else, you have robbed yourself from the vital opportunity to do what you need to do – take care of you! This is the foundation of being loyal to yourself first and nothing else can take precedent over it. Only you know your own timing: when you are hungry, when you are sleepy, when you need a break, when you can use some more rest and so on. Clarify your needs and satisfy them in the right timing for yourself so you can be ready in the best energy to pursue your wants next.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Whatever your business is, it does not create your timingyou do. If you are late for a business meeting, it shows you are not considerate of yourself. The same way you treat your customers or associates is the way you treat yourself. If you have taken the responsibility to complete a project or meet a deadline, just do it. Otherwise, communicate to the people you are working with you have changed your mind, but do not leave them hanging. Since life happens, it is true that other circumstances may get in your way and affect your original plan. You need to own up and communicate as soon as possible how this has changed the timing for you and them. Do not assume or take for granted that others will or “should” understand. If they are under the impression the previously agreed terms are still in effect, you need to make this right and inform them immediately. It is the prudent thing to do so you are not creating an expectation of something that has already been set to fail. This gap can cause a mistrust in your relationships and drain your own energy which is a disadvantage to both sides. The bottom line is you cannot be clear with others until you are honest with yourself: what really caused your delay?

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Your timing is a major factor in how your social life is going. Have you ever made an excuse for not doing something by exclaiming: I am too busy and do not have the time? Just remember that all of us living life on planet Earth have no more or less than 24 hours in the day-night cycle and having no time is simply incorrect. Rather, you are choosing to do something else with your time that is more important to you. Therefore, be straight and upfront to say so. In meeting the timing of your circle of family or friends, it is okay to be flexible since we all need to compromise to some degree. At the same time, do not undermine yourself to the point where you jeopardize what you really need to do for yourself first. Are you always leaving behind your own needs and going with what the family thinks should be done first? They cannot benefit from your strengths unless you utilize and express your freedom to be the best you can be. The best solution is for everyone to achieve self-loyalty for themselves so when you all come together there is a total balance.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 9-15, 2012

This week, do your best to RESPOND to everything life has to offer in a stable and positive way. By understanding that the position you are in depends more on you than anything else, you can take matters into your own hands and do it with a smile.

Monday, July 9, 2012: Loving

Only by being loving and caring can you get the best response from everyone you will be dealing with today. To remain so, do not let anything get into your head so you can respond from your true feelings.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012:
In any given situation, there are only two ways to go: react from a learned negative emotion or respond with a true positive feeling. The first one will only keep you confused or complacent and comes from a heavy concept you inherited from your childhood that is blocking your basic rationality. The second will show you are free to overcome adversity and come out on top in the end. Well?  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012: Penetrate
Whenever a new idea is mentioned to you, it sometimes takes anywhere between five to eight times before it fully registers or is accepted. This is what it takes to penetrate through heavy thick layers of concepts instilled in you from childhood. If you run into this today, make it easy on yourself and ask: what will benefit me more? Holding on to these habits or releasing them – since there is no point in keeping what is not working for me?!

Thursday, July 12, 2012:
Raise Up
It is in witnessing great examples from others that touches us and makes us inspired so we can raise up to face any challenges in our way. Today, you may need to bring your energy up a notch from seeing real people being at their best or watching movies so you can be empowered to take a step up to a brighter future for yourself – and others.

Friday, July 13, 2012: Incredible

Life never seizes to amaze you with its incredible twists and turns. This is, to a great degree, thanks to your spiritual guidance who are engaged with you behind the scenes around the clock to help you get where you want to go. If anything, today you are going to feel this more than ever.

Hint: If you are ready to work closely with your guidance and help them to help you even more, learn how to communicate directly with them so you know exactly where life is taking you from now on.

Saturday, July 14, 2012: Undertake

Be mindful of all the responsibilities you undertake today in addition to the benefits and advantages they give you. Do not use any excuses to stay passive. Look at it as a trampoline to propel you into the next experience so you can turn any so-called obligations into opportunities and learn from them.

Sunday, July 15, 2012: Win

Make it a priority to count your friends and your blessings so you realize how much you win just by being yourself and being there. Nothing else matters at the end of the day but the nice feelings of appreciation and the wisdom you gain from learning so much from everyone around you and from all you have been through.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Stay loving so you do not react to any difficulties but penetrate straight through the blockages and raise up to be incredible and undertake to make your life special so you win every time.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Win all of our hearts when you undertake an incredible journey to raise up and penetrate through the layers of confusion so you do not react anymore but always remain loving.

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Energy of the Week for July 9-15, 2012: Respond

Throughout your life, you are presented with experiences that test the way you respond to situations around you. Since it depends on the state-of-mind you are in, this week it is of the utmost importance to address your understanding of everything happening to you on a daily basis and your role in it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The way you view yourself and how well you understand what is happening in your immediate environment determines how you feel about yourself and how you respond to life on an everyday basis. If you allow anything to frustrate you or bring you down to feeling negative, this means you are surrendering your control to these external factors and making them more important than yourself. This confusion steers your energy away from where it belongs and, as a result, you end up feeling run down. Since like attracts like, you are always connecting with the same energy you are emitting. You may blame the outside world for your troubles, but if you do not like it, ask yourself what you are doing to end up in this environment. Change it and regain your control. No matter how low your energy gets, clarify what is keeping you there and snap out of it. This way, you can learn a lot by responding in a more balanced and positive way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Whatever you are doing to be of service to others must involve people you work with. Everyone may not always be on the same page or even have clarity with what the goal is. When there is a conflict, it takes patience and good energy to respond in a peaceful and calm fashion since sometimes a person is only looking out for him or herself. If people could see what an incredible opportunity they have by being in the position they are in, they would appreciate it much more and make it count. However, there are opportunists who only use or manipulate the system. These are people who do not want to create anything for themselves or others and end up abusing the opportunity. To avoid this type of complacency, you need to be clear on how what you are doing is of benefit to you and what you can do to take it even further. Not only will you contribute more based on what you are capable of, but you will gain much more satisfaction in the process.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The best thing you can ever do for yourself is to feel free to follow your own heart. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a bind with your family or friends who expect you to live your life differently. The key is not to sell yourself short and give up on your own dreams to please others. It is important to understand that if anyone is trying to encroach on your boundaries, it is usually their confusion and not yours. You need to maintain your cool no matter what and respond diplomatically. Fend for yourself but help them by being an example in the process. All you can do is remain calm and communicate clearly how inspired what you want to do makes you be. If they really do care about you, they would rather see you truly happy than doing what they are demanding. And if not, you can offer a suggestion as to what you would do if you were in their shoes. Just do not tell them what to do or even do it for them. If you are in the plane of freedom and they are in a state of confusion or complacency, you may not be able to get through to them easily, but your actions will be there to speak for themselves. They may look back one day and evaluate how free you felt versus how uptight their concepts made them be.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 2-8, 2012

It does not take too much to COORDINATE every aspect of your life as long as you make it a priority. Everything you do will not only bring the results you are hoping for, but by staying on top of it, you will ensure the time and place for it is right.


Monday, July 2, 2012: Passion
Just bringing out your passion is not enough. Today, you will want to do justice to your inner core by staying determined to see everything you do accomplished and fruitful. This will take more than the fun part of feeling inspired. It will also need the work of having it carefully thought out and coordinated.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012:
There is no point in letting your flame flicker and no excuse to feel down or uninspired. Retrieve in your memory the moments you had felt really happy in your own life and bring back the exuberant energy you felt as a result so you can live on fire again.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012: Decide
Your spiritual helpers/guidance can help you with anything you need that is spiritually sound and good for you, but they cannot do it until you decide what you want and that you really want it. So, if you want to unleash their power, you need to do your thing first.

Thursday, July 5, 2012:
Your life can be full of wonders if you unfold the unique and interesting potential you may have been holding back within yourself. Believe in yourself to make your own day wonderful and the whole world will respond back to you with a smile.

Friday, July 6, 2012: Action
You possess great energy and you can simply multiply it by putting it into action. As long as you help yourself first, you are enabling your guidance or helpers to back you many-fold. However, if you choose to lower your own energy by staying negative, they will honor your free will and not interfere with your distractive behavior. Do yourself a favor. Put your actions to work for you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012: Resume

If you allow yourself to create an interruption in your flow today, resume and continue where you left off after you give yourself a chance to re-focus on repairing what caused the problem to begin with. If you look at it as an opportunity to improve what you do and not let anything stop you, you can learn a lot and come out much better off.

Sunday, July 8, 2012: Literate

You may be well-read and literate, but the real skill comes from putting the information you are reading about into practice for yourself. Your experiences are real and they help you eliminate any doubts so you can be absolutely convincing sharing about it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your passion to retrieve the high energy you have previously experienced and decide through wonderful action to resume in practice the literate and learned steps to living a successful life.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Put your literate knowledge to work and resume with action a wonderful experience as you decide to retrieve your passion and go by what your heart is telling you.

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Energy of the Week for July 2-8, 2012: Coordinate

Since you can only be in one place at a time and do one thing at a time, it is very important to coordinate both with yourself and others everything needed to accomplish your goals timely and efficiently.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The timing of everything you do has a dramatic impact on the results you get. You pick up inspiration when you are in your feelings and it is just as important to discern through your intellect so you can put a direction to it. Otherwise, if you get a great idea but never do anything with it, what is the point? This is how you coordinate between the feeling and intellectual part of you in order to make things work the right way. Trust the real impressions or feelings that come from inside of you and ask yourself where they fit in your life and the best timing for you to act on them. Make a note to yourself as to the order in which you need to approach what you are wanting to accomplish so you can make it happen. Keeping yourself in balance and organized will always pay off in the longer term.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
You need to coordinate with your business associates who is doing what for your customers so your business team is harmonized. If it is not clear to you or anyone else what responsibilities your or their position entails, this misunderstanding could easily be prevented by defining and sharing the parameters of exactly what needs to be done. Once everyone is on the same page, there will be no undue pressure from unfounded expectations or gaps in the service you are providing. In order to accomplish this, you need to watch out so you do not fall out of balance with your feelings and intellect. If you undertake too much by trying to take care of others and do what they should be doing, you will end up overextending yourself and become very tired. On your intellectual side when you shut out your own sensitivity, you escape into overworking and end up feeling empty. Make sure you take a moment to find out what every feeling you get is about and not just do things mechanically or on auto-pilot so you actually feel good about it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The biggest question here is who you are trying to please when you coordinate with your friends in your social circle. If you are always worried about what others are thinking and how to satisfy what they want or are trying to make them happy, it will not work out for you in the end. If you allow someone in your environment to get you frustrated, you have actually given up your control over to them. Since you can only rule yourself and are the only one who can watch out for yourself, you need to do this first in order to be fulfilled. If you do it and feel confident, you will help others around you feel this way as well so together you can achieve a state of balance and be in control by earning respect for each other. The solution is to allow others to live their own life and for you to live yours by following your own heart. Then, all of you will be successful and feel responsible for where you end up.

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The Energy of the Month for July is FRUITION

This is the month for everything you have been focusing and working on this past year to finally come to fruition. Physically and spiritually, your life runs in seven-year cycles as everything changes from having brand new cells that make up your body to brand new concepts you have come to work out. Every year, there comes a time like this when everything you are involved with comes together.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
This month, focus on what really matters for you right now in the present year of the current life cycle you are in. Keep in mind the key meaning behind each seven-year cycle and how it affects you: 0-7 is when your personality unfolds, 7-14 is when your intellect develops, 14-21 is when your identity forms, 21-28 is when your maturity grows, 28-35 is when you make deeper commitments, 35-42 is when your spiritual abundance rises, 42-49 is when your material abundance pays off, 49-56 is when you evaluate your life, 56-63 is when you make a decision to stay on, 63-on is when you can do your greatest work. Take a look at how you are progressing in your life and make decisions that will help you accomplish whatever it is that brings meaning to your existence in the present. Now, make a plan to do it and you will experience tremendous gratification with the fruition of everything you will be achieving.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Your decision making ability will determine how things will come to fruition for you at your work. If you understand yourself more and where are you headed with the avenue you have chosen to pursue in your life, you will be able to clarify any confusion that just seems to mess things up for you. Look at everything that frustrates you in your job. If it is not working for you, it must be based on concepts you have inherited from your parents growing up and is not yours to begin with. There is no point in blaming them as they inherited this programming from their parents and so on. The best approach is to stop rehashing things over and over again. Throw out any habit that is not productive. Make an executive decision to reconcile your business goals with what you want to achieve for yourself personally. This will help you make the best of your opportunity.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Everything you inherited from your parents growing up about relationships forms the foundation of your entire life. Most people let these concepts dictate their lives because they do not realize they can change them. The dynamics in your communication with others, especially in your closest relationships with loved ones, stems from how your own parents treated each other particularly during stressful times. Instead of turning into your mother or father when you get under pressure and witnessing a battle between your parents and theirs, the key is to release all the emotion and choose not to indulge in it. Be aware of the cycle of life the people who matter to you are in. This way you can both offer support to each other and bring to fruition a deeper connection with your true selves.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 25-July 1, 2012

Create your own SUCCESS this week by clarifying what you are following in your beliefs and choose your own standards and policies of how you live your own life.

Monday, June 25, 2012: Powerful

You may have enormous inner power but if you do not use it, you will be wasting it. Ask yourself what this is for you and how to use it. Today is about giving it all you got by showing the most powerful side you possess and reaping a huge success as a result.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012: Bright

Why does the word bright mean both: filled with light or being radiant and clever or witty? Because it means all of the above at the same time. Stay gentle and positive and you will not only glow but be directed in your energy which will make you smooth and smart. If you need help relaxing, simply cleanse.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012: Enthusiasm
What feeds your enthusiasm? Do not wait for something to take place first before you enjoy it. Put your energy behind the projects you are planning and begin feeling what you would experience once they are completed. The higher you bring up your positive energy, the sooner the object of excitement will come to a reality.

Thursday, June 28, 2012:
Where does your self-respect come from? It comes from knowing yourself more. Even though you live in your own skin, sometimes you harbor concepts that do not belong to you. If something does not make you delighted, happy and free, it clearly does not belong to you. Let it go. It may be easier by exploring where you inherited it from. Was it from your parents or someone else in your environment growing up? Clarifying this will help you resolve it so you can decide to part with it once and for all.

Friday, June 29, 2012: Room
You may be living a comfortable life, but this is not what it is all about. Is there room for improvement? If you are not pursuing a challenge, you are wasting your time. There will always be more to do and learn from. Fill that room with unceasing and increasing action to get better and enjoy the process.

Saturday, June 30, 2012: Address

Are you happy with your spiritual address – where you are at personally? This is where others meet with you when they pay you a visit. Make sure the state of energy you are in is inviting. If you feel great about yourself, many people will be attracted your way. However, if you do not like where you are, do not be surprised if others do not want to come around you. The soul moves by desire and you are free to go wherever you feel inspired. When you get there, announce yourself to the world with joy and enthusiasm!

Sunday, July 1, 2012: Rally

Do not try doing everything all by yourself. Rally those who are attracted by the same energy as you are. Inspire them and move together to achieve the goal in half the time. This makes you stronger as you create opportunity and learn more about how to share along the way. The results will be even better because what you can accomplish together with others is always greater than the sums of what all of you can do individually.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your powerful bright enthusiasm to sparkle the energy around you where there is room to address and rally those who think alike.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Rally your supporters and address the entire room with your exciting plans for the future where your enthusiasm will sell the bright powerful ideas you have in no time.

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Energy of the Week for June 25-July 1, 2012: Success

What is considered success in your culture? Every culture is a result of both religious and scientific views. In more intellectual societies, the answers to life are sought after primarily through technology and science. On the other hand, from a more feeling point-of-view that just wants to be a part of things and is based on personal experience, there is a predominant yearning in the environment for a feeling of belonging which puts the emphasis on religious doctrines or personal philosophy. But which one holds the answer to your success?      

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
How you feel about yourself stems directly from which of the dominating systems described above you submit to and are following. Based on this, if you are influenced more by intellectual approaches, you may interpret the acquiring of degrees and honors as success by forming your beliefs on scientific models. On the other hand, if you allow your feeling nature, an overall sense of belonging, to become dominated by man-made rules and regulations which end up being more important than your feelings, you will lose sight of the big picture. This is typical of religious views thinking success is following strict guidelines that become an end in themselves rather than a means to learn more about yourself and the ability to fellowship with others.  Science says electromagnetic energy cannot be created or destroyed. Religion maintains the soul lives on after we die. Which of these beliefs is right? They both are. Each of their formulas of success is just a different interpretation of the same thing. But neither one by itself has all the answers or the secret to living a successful life. In reality, only your own personal philosophy inside of you can determine your own success together with the concepts about yourself that will create your own standards and policies of how you live your life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
This week is about finding out from experience what works for you and what does not. Do not go by blind faith, statistics or cultural demands. What is right for others is only an example of what may be right for you. You need to take matters into your own hands because only by trial and error can you learn what success is for you and what is not. This is what different cultures are about – each one of us searching for our niche or what we came to do. Most people try to live life by what does not belong to them. If you realize that most of your concepts come from your parents, teachers and friends in your first seven years, you can slowly start to clarify what is yours and what is not. This is why you cannot find out from others what you are naturally drawn to or want to do with your life. The solution is to ask yourself. If you are doing what you are meant to, it will be a success 100% of the time because you cannot help but do it with your whole heart, mind and soul, giving it everything you have.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

In every relationship, it is the clarity of where the boundaries are that makes it the biggest success it can be. As you travel through this planet together with others, you need to accept that your boundaries start where their boundaries end and their boundaries start where yours stop. This means true respect for each other. Besides, if a person is not ready to accept you in their life, where would forcing it upon them take you both? In any event, not to the right place you would both like to be. Only when respecting each other’s boundaries can you accept others for who they really are. It is also best to see all laws and regulations as man-made boundaries and a way for our culture to create respect and balance. This way, you do not need to make them more important than yourself, rebel against them and get involved with the legal system.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 18-24, 2012

By adjusting a little bit of this and a little bit of that, you can RESTRUCTURE your life to make a big difference.

Monday, June 18, 2012: Redesign

Start your week on the right foot by taking the necessary time to redesign your plans so you can take care of your own needs first. If you have compromised your standards or felt uneasy by following another person’s direction, take things one-step-at-a-time so you do not feel uncomfortable again.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012: Color

This is a vibrant day that can be full of color, fun and joy if you spend it in your niche doing what you love and being yourself. When you are in this great balance, your energy will glow and bring out the brightness of everything that reflects off of it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012: Organization
It all comes down to the organization of how you want things to go for you. It depends on you because the only thing that grows is what you are giving energy to. So, make your plans well and communicate them to whoever is concerned with their execution. Then, you will have a green light to act on them and make it happen smoothly and successfully.

Thursday, June 21, 2012: Develop

You can develop the abilities you need to pursue what your heart desires. Nothing is impossible when you cultivate what you are capable of with the right attitude, steady discipline and the determination not to quit. Be sure to have fun on the way.

Friday, June 22, 2012: Realize
Today provides you with an opportunity to realize there is more to you than you even know. You may recall experiences that show you how every minute is precious as you fulfill your life purpose. Cherish everything you are learning from them and do not put yourself in a position to compromise your integrity or detour from your personal direction.

Saturday, June 23, 2012: Concur

You may find it difficult to concur with others today, but make the extra effort. You may find you have more in common than may appear at first glance. By taking extra time, you can list all of the areas you agree on and discount the others. This way, everything will fall into place naturally.

Sunday, June 24, 2012: Relax

Today is about bringing your energy into an even flow and into a state of complete rest. This will help your body relax so your energy can recharge and get ready to start the following week with a renewed spark and inspiration.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Redesign your life with a color you like so you can bring it into an energy of organization to develop only what you realize in your mind after you concur with others so you are able to relax fully and enjoy everything you have learned from your experiences.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

If you can relax and concur with others, you will realize it is easy to develop an organization of color and redesign the canvas of your entire life.

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Energy of the Week for June 18-24, 2012: Restructure

Now that you have clarified your direction in the big picture, it is time to restructure your specific schedule to fit the path you are taking. The key is to do it in a way where you can find enough time for yourself, enjoy life and be creative like never before.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
This is the season to enjoy the high energy of summer. If you feel depleted, what is causing it? Are you wound up into thinking about everything you had to do yesterday, your to do list today as well as all of the things you are looking to accomplish tomorrow? This will definitely do it to you. This is why it is important to watch where your energy is going. If you are not completely focused on what you are doing in the moment, you may feel either scattered or run down. What is happening is you are sending your energy to every single place you are thinking about. Do not forget yourself. Restructure your personal routines to fit around the most important tasks you need to accomplish and do not overwhelm your schedule with unneeded assignments. As far as your energy is concerned, there is plenty more where it comes from as long as you are using it in a balanced way and do not let it get scattered into 20 million different places.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you think you have already organized everything at work to the maximum, think again. The best way to conduct your business is to remain sensitive to what is happening daily and take all of those hints you are getting into consideration. Staying directed does not mean pushing yourself so hard you never take breaks. It is in knowing where you are going as well as how you are doing it while taking into account what is going on around you. Closely observe how things are developing from what you are doing and the factors that interfere with it. Then, take breaks as often as needed to regroup yourself and restructure the process you are using to take you there. Repeat this at the end of the day and you will never need to lose sleep over anything. This will help you set your energy just right to accomplish anything you put your heart and mind to.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

This week gives you a perfect opportunity to restructure your attitude in your relationships so you can gain even more from them. Since no one likes to be told what to do, the best way to treat others is to offer them a positive and supportive environment. Make a decision to respect the opinion of others and be open to say that they may be right for themselves. This way, you can have an opinion of their opinion without offending them personally. If you are flexible and not rigid in your conversations, you will be able to agree more and allow the other side to feel free to share openly and sincerely. All of this will help you set your own boundaries in a gentle way others can easily accept and you will be able to earn their trust more while having a greater time with everyone.

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