Energy of the Week for April 16-22, 2012: Extraordinary

This week is about something extraordinary you will create. As unique as you are, your beingness is unprecedented in everything it brings into this world. You are capable of doing exceptional work and really amaze everyone around you. This is a time to open up your true essence and put forth a remarkable showcase of what you can really do.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Bring out of the closet the unimaginable craftiness you possess. If you have been hiding something about you that has not been given the light of day, you owe it to yourself to open the door and finally let it out. Allow the real you to appear in full bloom and wow your environment. Has there been something you have been wanting to say, sing, write, share, envision, design or dream? Then do it now! There is simply no better time to be inventive and inspired. Do not doubt how good it is or what others will make of it. Outflow and let its energy change your reality into something extraordinary. Everything you are given is for your benefit first but it always enriches everyone else as well. Do not hold yourself back.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
You have seen extraordinary examples of business people making firm decisions and achieving outstanding results that have affected the whole world historically. If you think they possess something more than you, take into consideration the fact you have access to the same resources as everyone else. What can you do this week to rock your own world while you astound the people you touch through your work? What improvement can you make to benefit others and leave them delighted and grateful? What betterment can you offer now – today – to make things easier and more efficient for everyone who is receiving your service? Come up with a simple idea and apply the solution in an easy, practical way to make it work.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Making an extraordinary effort this week to give your best to your most important relationships does not have to be difficult. The clearer, more organized and sincere you are, the easier it will be. Prepare to share with others how much they really matter to you. Showing you care is a natural thing. It does not take any extra effort. You do not need to force anyone into liking you any more than they already do. If you are both yourselves, it is exactly how it needs to be. If you are not, you may be acting out of some negative concepts you have inherited from your respective parents. When you communicate, it will be as if your unbalanced mother or father is battling it out with their unbalanced mother or father. This never works. Take the time to relax, cleanse and just be yourself. Follow these steps and great results will be inevitable and truly remarkable.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 9-15, 2012


EXPERIENCE the perfect life this week and realize how good you have it for yourself. There is no room for hesitation or wondering. Be direct and decisive and have action as your friend. Making things happen will not take time as long as you know exactly what you are going for and why. It will be very memorable.

Monday, April 9, 2012: Practice

It does not really matter how new you are at something. Once you go for it and are doing it, you already have the experience and no one can take that away from you or stop you unless you stop yourself. You can go for it as many times as you like and practice it until you feel totally competent and enjoy it to the fullest.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012:
Today, do not be too quick to make an inference that later proves to be inaccurate. No matter how much it looks like the facts are leading you to an assumption, remain unpretentious and unassuming. At the end of the day, you will discover there may have been more to the occurrence than what you knew at the time and you will be better off not having passed an early judgment.   

Wednesday, April 11, 2012:Detached
You may experience a very high temptation to get involved with what is taking place in your environment. The more detached you are the clearer your head will be. Ideas will come to you about what to do and how to help everyone involved including yourself. Do not think this is happening to bring you down. On the contrary, it will offer you an opportunity to come up with an ingenious solution.

Thursday, April 12, 2012: Resume
You will finally be able to resume your normal activities as usual after you manage to handle any small issues that come up unexpectedly. Create a process you can follow and do not lose track of your engagements while you are paying attention to more demanding circumstances. Keep things simple and practical. Go straight for the solution and do not get distracted. Once it is over and you look back, you will realize it was all for the better.

Friday, April 13, 2012: Reign

Something or someone may try to encroach on your boundaries today. You may need to keep your cool and reestablish your reign over the situation by showing this is your domain and no one else has authority over your space. There is no need to enter into a battle. Once you make it clear where you stand, everyone will listen.

Saturday, April 14, 2012:
An interesting circumstance may require you to respond to it in an adequate fashion. Be ready to change some things around as needed but trust that change is good for you. Do not rush to share with those who may have an uneasy time understanding what you are doing. After all is said and done, they will have to accept it anyway. Save your energy by watching out for yourself first.

Sunday, April 15, 2012: Announce

If there is something you are afraid to announce to the world, this is your time to stand up and make your voice heard loud and clear. Once you do it, the backing from the energy will strengthen you and you will be a powerhouse of unbeatable strength no one will dare to challenge. State your mind and you will be even more pleased with everything just the way it is.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Practice being true and unassuming when you stay detached so you are able to resume your reign over the circumstance and announce to the world who you really are.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Announce yourself to the world despite any negative circumstance and establish your reign to resume your power and stay detached and unassuming when you practice living your real life.

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Energy of the Week for April 9-15, 2012: Experience

After you go through an experience, you have an extra invaluable skill available to serve you. You have an experience of what it is like to live through it. Nothing else compares to it. Any theoretical knowledge or information is only worth so much. But once you live through it, your experience becomes solid and all the more meaningful. After this, your conviction is unshakeable because you know what is real. How can you make your experience serve you in the best possible way?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Your whole life represents an experience. Good or not-so-good, it is equally invaluable as you can learn a lot from it either way. When you learn from going through something good, you get a straightforward lesson about what works. If you experience something not-so-good, although you may think it takes a toll on you, it can bring you incredible wisdom. The key is to turn it around to the positive and make it really count by gaining something from it that will last forever. If you are too shy or indecisive and skip making a step or getting into action, you are cutting yourself short from knowing what it would actually be like to do it. When unsure of yourself, you are better off going through an experience than saving yourself from it. This way, you engage your energy and allow yourself the chance to learn as you go, which is ten times better than staying stuck and deactivated. Let yourself go for it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
How much experience do you need and how much do you have to offer as a service? This week is about having the confidence to obtain anything you may possibly need in order to be on top of your business game. If you are afraid you are lacking something, just remind yourself everyone had to do it for the first time at one point or another. Instead of sweating over it, go for it. The moment you do it, you are already gaining the experience. It always works. Then, nothing can stop you from doing it over and over again until you feel so good at it, you become a natural. You have the world at your fingertips. And the world is watching you do your thing and what you are truly capable of.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
This week is about having the experience of your life. From your inner circle, pick the person you care about the most. Tell them you want something special to take place for both of you. Put your heads together to plan it. Make whatever arrangements you need and do not hold anything back. Watch the unity in your energy work fast to get things organized in no time. You will get to know each other better and bond even more in the process. If someone else tries to interfere, let them know it is not theirs to control. You can truly create the perfect scenario if you give it your full undivided attention. You deserve to have your cake and eat it, too. With the backing of the energy, it is all possible.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 2-8, 2012

You are bound to have an amazing and exalted time this week with great and dynamic experiences to remember. Always count yourself in first when making plans so you do not leave behind what you want to do. This energy will raise you higher naturally and you will want to allow yourself to soar in it.

Monday, April 2, 2012: Purpose
What is the purpose behind your day? This is what gives you real incentive to do anything you need to do. The reason you woke up is driving you to give your best effort toward what you are involved with today. The more dynamic and inspiring it is the faster and more upbeat your rhythm will be. Do not blame it on others if you feel lousy or get bored. Go back to your real purpose, regroup on it and get excited to pursue something meaningful to you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012:
Only innocent energy is truly real. Anything pretended is hyped or faked and does not carry the pure vibration of being genuine in the way you really are. Today is about recognizing and discerning the difference between the two. Starting with yourself and then others, determine who is sharing their natural and sincere thoughts and who is behaving in a stiff pretentious way against their own nature. Help the ones who need it to relax and get back into their peaceful and genuine skin. The reward will be yours.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012: Direction
Today may require you to raise your head and check the direction you are going as there may be some strong winds in the way trying to steer you off the road. Do not get so busy and involved that you forget to make sure what you are doing is taking you to the place you want to go. Do not entrust others to watch out for your direction. This is really your responsibility.

Thursday, April 5, 2012: Fantastic
You will be amazed by a fantastic experience that is in the works for you today. All of the ingredients are there: great timing, surprising smoothness and unexpected backing from your environment. If you are holding the right cards, all you need to do is play them in your best interest. Open up your soul to receive this opportunity the energy is offering you and get ready to enjoy it to the fullest.

Friday, April 6, 2012: Realize
Today is inviting you to realize your full potential by recognizing all of the opportunities, the options and possibilities you have and how to use them in a beneficial way. There is no skill or talent you have been given that was not meant to be applied. The ones you are not utilizing may be clogging your energy and stagnating them simply because you are not using them fully. The key is to allow them to flow freely so more keeps coming your way. You know what to do.

Saturday, April 7, 2012: Preview
Today can show you a preview of what is coming your way if you focus yourself on the big picture of what you want to accomplish. You need to know what you can expect and the potential of what people around you have to offer. Let yourself scan and explore your prophetic gift and how it can help you determine what is going to happen. Be confident and ready to follow through with what needs to be done.    

Sunday, April 8, 2012: Blessing
Today you will understand what a huge blessing your life is after all. You are the most important person to yourself and make a whole lot of difference to others. Celebrate the chance you have to breathe, create and enjoy. Observe your own experience and how much it has changed you over time. Notice how much has taken place around you over the years and how much you had to do with it all. Take it in, indulge in the moment and appreciate everything there is.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make your purpose in life follow a genuine innocent direction to a fantastic experience that will help you realize your potential and give you a preview of the incredible blessing your life really is.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Acknowledge the blessing of your life to preview what is coming and realize the fantastic  direction it shows with a genuine innocent purpose.

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Energy of the Week for April 2-8, 2012: Exalted

Your week will become exalted when you keep yourself in the big picture of what you came here to do. Simply stimulate your inner core by making sure you are not getting bogged down by listening to negative thoughts or degrading comments from people in your environment. Your energy will remain low if you do not stay directed. Your life can be driven significantly higher by this powerful energy. You will have an opportunity to elevate yourself through experiences that will leave you in a better place than ever before.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
This week, dignify yourself by raising your inner ambition and personal standards. You will become exalted and experience a tremendous growth spurt when you clarify more what you would really like to accomplish for yourself spiritually. Account for the things that make you happy and you enjoy being involved with. Some people feel guilty when they feel too good. This is caused by feeling you do not deserve what you have because you have always been taught that others come first. It helps to know the reason why you do this. Keep yourself in the forefront by being more considerate toward yourself so you can understand how what you do to yourself affects everything in your life. This way, you can stay on top of your own game. 

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
See your business service as a noble cause that everyone can admire no matter how big or small you may think it is. You will be exalted when you focus your real drive on being benevolent to the people who are receiving it. Your efforts will be appreciated and truly rewarded. If you feel as if you are stuck in a job that is only paying your bills, by treating others right and giving it your full 100%, you are making a tremendous difference. This way, you can do justice to the time invested and touch people deeply along the way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
If you want to have an exalted time with your closest loved ones, friends and business associates, set the stage for some interesting experiences together that will lift up your spirits and leave behind precious memories. Share with them what you have been wanting to do for awhile but have not given it a chance yet. Find out the same about them. Then, plan to have fun no matter how much of it is possible to do this week. It does not take much to raise the level of your vibration when you are in a good mood and really enjoying yourself. Keep it up the whole week!

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The Energy of the Month for April is SUNRISE

The energy this month marks the beginning of a new cycle in the calendar year. Just like in nature, a sunrise begins every brand new day. A fresh start is possible but it requires you to be open and flexible to see opportunities to renew and revitalize every aspect of your life.

How the energy of this month affects you in your personal life:
What would you really like to start over if you had the chance? You need to both want it strongly and then make a firm decision. You can utilize the power of your inner sunrise to create a visual of what your new life will be like. Look within yourself and check with your own sensitivity what you want to improve. Then, imagine how everything is going to be when it does. Envision all of the different areas it will affect and how to clairvoyantly associate the morning sky colors with them: yellow, silver, pink, orange, gold, shades of blue, pale purple, etc. Color-code it by coming up with as many nuances as needed to clarify your new vision but make it real by getting all of the facts (what, when, where and why) of what you want to refine. You are your own masterpiece and the light emanating from it will compel you to wake up your consciousness to a brand new dawn just waiting for you to experience it.

How the energy of this month affects you in your business life:
Do you need to use a brand new approach in the way you go about your business? Plan a big makeover to change things around as needed so they work even better for you. Since you are constantly growing spiritually, your ability to be of service can never remain the same – even when it may not be so obvious to you how much you are learning and progressing. Check if you are fully applying all of your strongest skills and utilizing those of the people you are working with. Are you employing your highest aspirations? This will allow you to open up a brand new page in what you have to offer. This month lets you turn the sunrise of every day into an inevitable trigger to bring out the new energy, fresh colors and great power you have inside and influence everyone you touch.     

How the energy of this month affects you in your social life:
Imagine waking up to having dream relationships with everyone in your environment. How would this be different from the ones you presently have? Use your creative powers to convert the current status into what you would really want with each person. Also, what would it take to build new connections and form new relationships with the standards you just pictured above? Start answering these questions and put it all into action. In each and every one of your most important relationships, you can wake up to a new sunrise of fresh beginnings and opportunities to restore and upgrade them. Remember, the more experiences with others you encounter throughout the day, you become a different person from the one who woke up in the morning.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 26-April 1, 2012

Having it EASY has never been easier while the energy is geared for you to have a great time this whole week. Drop any tension and skip the stress by calming yourself down with our simple Personal Energy Cleansing technique. Once you feel relaxed, nothing can keep you from enjoying everything your life has to offer.

Monday, March 26, 2012: Working
Have a total blast and see what is truly working for you today. Do what you love with an inspired energy and you will transform your day. See it as an opportunity to apply your talents and share them with the world. After all, what you do gives you a stage to show who you are. Keep your service uncomplicated and everything you do will run smoothly.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012: Fundamental

Allow your fundamental principles to rule today. Bring to the table all of the essentials that really matter. The challenge will be to showcase how you are living them by walking your own talk. Being an example of what you believe in will feel empowering and make your day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012: Saturate
One dose of happiness is not enough today. Saturate your day with many fun experiences and adventures. Come up with new ideas and set it all up in the best possible way that works for you. Include everyone you care for and share these memorable moments. You will be filled with joy when you have nothing else left to wish for.

Thursday, March 29, 2012: Access
Today is all about giving others access to your heart. If you are a shy or closed person, this is your time to open up and trust that by communicating with others, you are really benefiting yourself. Allowing another person to go inside your world and entering theirs is the basics of opening up your creativity and self-expression. Make it count.

Friday, March 30, 2012: Depart

If you are in a place you do not like – it is time to depart from it. Choose your best destination and direct your energy toward it. It is not worth being where you do not belong as you will never make your presence appreciated in the right way. By heading toward the place you need to be, everything will start happening right for you and you will know it. Do yourself a big favor and get on the move now.

Saturday, March 31, 2012: Sun

Take the sun as an example of how your energy spreads everywhere and directly or indirectly affects everyone. If you did not exist, everything would change and whenever you make a little shift, it brings a whole a lot of difference to the entire world. Treat yourself as the precious miracle you are and do not limit the unlimited potential you have to shine on everything and everyone.

Sunday, April 1, 2012: Special

Make this an extraordinary day by reminding yourself that anything can be special when you see it as being unique and different. Certain things always happen that never quite repeat in the same way. This creates an individual lesson within every experience that shapes us into who we are which brings out our own distinguished purpose in this world. Choose something to appreciate today and celebrate it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

What is working in life is a fundamental truth that you can saturate your energy by giving it an access to depart from darkness to the brightness of the sun in order to make every experience very special.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Use the special example of the sun as a way to depart from the darkness and access the light so you can saturate your life with positive expectations and fundamental truths that will always be working in your favor.

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Energy of the Week for March 26-April 1, 2012: Easy

What does the word easy mean to you? Is it when someone is helping you? Or when things just happen on their own? Is it when you have more resources than you think it will take to accomplish a project? However you look at it, life will go easier for you this whole week. The key is to understand there is more energy and backing in store for you than you could ever use. When you flow with it, everything will always happen with a magic touch.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Take it easy on yourself! All of the ambitious planning and motivation you possess will have to yield to a much more important task – how to follow your inner balance and flow with a gentle pace in everything you do. If you are straining too much, this is a hint you are trying too hard and paddling upstream. The idea is to surrender to the energy at hand. When you are doing the right thing at the right time, everything will simply fall into place for you in a powerful yet straightforward way. Tune into who you really are and find effortless solutions that will make you feel like you are riding on top of a wave. Be clear and direct with your energy so you can focus on the bull’s eye of your target. Save the rest. If it does not go easy, you might as well forget it. Recalibrate, start over and allow it to come about on its own.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Is there such a thing as going about your business in an easy way? Many people become strained and drained from the work they perform on a daily basis. What is it that makes it so hard? It is not about being lazy. This week, keep the main focus on your service and allow your most important goals to unfold in a simple and natural way. Do not complicate anything. Cut the unnecessary steps that take your time away and waste your energy. The trick is to be organized and do everything in a joyful and unrestricted mode. What is meant to happen, will. Enjoy all of it free of pressure and agitation. Remember, you set the tone. So keep your inner melody smooth and easy so you can listen to everyone around you having the best experience enjoying what you are sharing with them.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
A calm, tranquil and comfortable time is in store for you and your closest friends if you decide to put your social life on auto-pilot and simply glide through everything that will happen. Meet any worry with a crisp discernment and reinstate a peaceful care-free environment with your kindness and lenient approach. Keep things easy-going and you cannot go wrong. A conflict will not last without you participating. Stay in balance by clarifying that everyone simply does the best they know how. If they knew a better way of doing it, they would. Clear the air by bringing your inner warmth and understanding toward everyone. You will have a much happier time.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 19-25, 2012

This is the best time to get all you want out of life and SATISFY what you are thirsty for. By being active and with a little clarity, you can go a long way to fulfilling what you are looking for this week. Charge yourself with the new and powerful spring energy in the air and create something exciting.

Monday, March 19, 2012: Retrain

This is a very important day because it gives you the chance to retrain yourself from energy you are carrying from your past that is not working for you. Since you were young, you picked up negative concepts from your environment and to some extent, allowed them to unconsciously rule your world presently. Put an end to this by realizing everything that keeps you off your game does not need to be in your way ever again. This is all it takes – and if you do it right – you will win big for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012:
Just like driving a car, when you are moving a bit too fast, you only have time to skim the surface and ignore the details as you go. Today is about finding the underlying truth deep within yourself and what you are really experiencing. Glazing over the top of things will not do. Put your glasses on and take a second look at what is going on in your life. You may need to resort to a magnifying glass so you do not miss this opportunity. What you discover can change your world.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012: Stretch
When giving birth, the body will miraculously stretch to accommodate this special moment of new life coming through it. Today, the energy is available to give you whatever it takes to make things happen. Have faith and use this tremendous opportunity to take what you hold within your grasp to expand what you are capable of doing. The results will be worth it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012: Comfort
Do you know how to create comfort for yourself and really enjoy it? Take charge of your environment and just make it happen the way you want it to be. Having fun starts from within. Nothing can stop you even if you have to declare to the world you deserve to pamper your soul today.

Friday, March 23, 2012: Accessible

All of your personal energy flows into your physical body through your pineal gland on the back of your head. This is the center of your self-acceptance. If you deny yourself or think you are not good enough, your total energy will not be accessible to you. If you cut off your source, do not wonder why you are running on low steam. Fully accept the person you meet in the mirror every day and you will be stronger than ever.

Saturday, March 24, 2012: Win-win

Take your worst enemy or the person who has the least understanding for you and come up with the best win-win solution for both of you. Today, the energy is good to find a way to utilize the good will and benevolence you have to benefit even those you do not like. See this as a big gift and how you and others will gain from it.

Sunday, March 25, 2012: Understanding

What can you do today to gain the understanding of people in your environment? If you manage to do this, they may forgive and support you in everything you do which could be very helpful. Get down to earth by baring your soul and find the most sincere way to communicate the details of what is really happening with you right now. Even if what you say goes over their head, they will still feel the warm energy you are projecting and will want to do anything they can to be there for you. Mission accomplished!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Retrain yourself to always find the underlying truth so you do not stretch your comfort zone and all of your energy is accessible for a win-win solution along with the understanding of what your life is all about.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Understanding the win-win solutions that bring all of your energy to be accessible with comfort without the need to stretch is an underlying necessity to being able to retrain yourself to live a balanced life.

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Energy of the Week for March 19-25, 2012: Satisfy

This is the week to amply and sufficiently satisfy all of your desires. While you should already be taking care of your needs, this is about the extras you have been craving and have perhaps not allowed it the time of day. With just a little attention and preparation, you can finally reach the complete fulfillment you truly deserve.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Think about what makes you content. Meeting your basic needs: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression is a must at all times. If you leave yourself out, you will be in a not-so-great state and cut down on a much better flow of energy you could be enjoying. Once you cover these basics, you can move on to your wants. What does your heart of hearts hunger for? This is exactly what you are making room for this whole week. Focus on how you are getting contentment out of everything you do. Anything you need to prepare or organize will be easier and pure joy. All you need is to initiate it and stay determined to see it through.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
What do you need to satisfy in your business? Is there a special desired outcome you are craving? You need to discern how to make this practical. If you need others to get involved and help you, be honest and direct. Make sure you clarify the facts for yourself first so you can render the right decisions for the people you are being of service to. If you respond to this inner call, the energy will give you the stability and firmness to keep going after what you want so you can be fair and remain balanced in your approach. This way, you can make all this a reality.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Social relationships are where you can let your energy thrive the most by sharing of yourself and expressing who you are on a regular basis. You can set yourself up for a grand experience when you communicate what your inner wishes are and how you would like to satisfy them together with the people you love. Do not expect everything you want to just fall on a platter in front of you. Take an active role toward what you are aiming for and with all of the spiritual backing available this week, it will not be difficult. As usual, take charge of your own life with a big smile and you will see a lot happen for yourself and everyone around you.

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