Energy of the Week for December 19-25, 2011: Compassion

True compassion is one of the purest of concerns one can have toward a fellow human being. It means you care deeply and can relate to what another person is going through. You can understand what it is like to be in their shoes because you have had similar experiences and this helps you feel closer to them. How can you use your compassion in every area of your life this week?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
On a personal level, it is important to clarify: are you filled with compassion for yourself? You cannot direct any compassion toward anyone else unless you experience it within first. You are the one who knows the most about what you are going through in your life. Have you given enough thought as to why it is happening to you so you can understand yourself better? Deep care and concern starts with you. Are you giving enough to yourself? No one else can do this for you. If there are things you do not like about yourself, they are not yours to begin with. These are concepts or habits you inherited from your parents in your first seven-year cycle. No matter what you discover, you owe it to yourself to be filled with love and remain gentle even when you acknowledge you would like to improve yourself. This way, you will be working with your own inner support system and will make things happen better and easier for yourself all the time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Is there such a thing as compassion in the workplace since it is more of a feeling thing whereas business is more cut and dry with organized facts? Yes, there is! It is up to you to find the right way to use it. For one, it is important to realize whether you are doing your job out of a deep true passion or just to pay bills, etc.? This will show you if you are in touch with your true feelings in your work or not. If you are, you are likely to take all of your customers more seriously because you truly care to give them the best service you can offer. If you have compassion and understanding for them, you can use your personal touch to go the extra mile to make their experience the most rewarding and pleasant it can be. They will know you care and appreciate it many-fold. Without compassion, however well organized, your business will be too mechanical and lack that something special to keep everyone coming back for more. You know what to do: it is the holiday season and you can spread some extra cheer with your true care.   

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
If you love and care for people around you, you probably have lots of compassion for them. Stay detached from any emotions they may be going through while making yourself available to support them. Have healthy empathy rather than needless sympathy. If you are feeling sorry for them, you have lost your detachment. Watch out not to turn their problems into your own. The key is to show your compassion so they will open up and be more sensitive to you. Feeling close is a mutual process and it takes both sides to participate. Take this opportunity to share with each other what you are compassionate about. You will find even more common ground and inspire you to communicate further so you can unite your efforts. What a fun way to uplift your spirits and make more positive connections with your friends and family.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 12-18, 2011

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The formula this week is simple: BUILD what you want to have and it will be there for you to enjoy it. Doing it is not as hard as you might think. Using your inner resources and a little direction is all it will take.

Monday, December 12, 2011: Rise
The purpose today is to get up, rise and shine in the most powerful way you can. You can do it if you elevate yourself up above the trivia and not get involved in any negativity that could bring you down. You will be able to see your life from the perspective of a birds-eye-view and notice that it spreads much farther than you imagined.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011: Undertake
Make a decision today as to what you want to undertake. The choices in front of you may be easy or hard but consider them thoroughly so you can put complete faith in yourself. You are capable of doing whatever it takes to make things better for you. Do not compromise. No one has ever made history by taking the easy way out.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011: Penetrate
If you have ever thought you cannot get through to someone, today is your chance to reach them with your passion and inner power. Penetrate the mystery of why they have been tough or insensitive to you and help them understand what you are all about. Be yourself and give your utmost. It will work more than you can fathom.

Thursday, December 15, 2011: Similar
What is similar between you and a person you know who is very different? Today will be an eye-opener and a surprise when you discover how alike you are to someone you thought was much different. This is because what you see in others you have in yourself. If what you see really bothers you, you must have it bad. If you can see it, but it does not bother you, you have outgrown it. You will learn a lot from this.

Friday, December 16, 2011: Vector
Where are you pointed today? The direction you are following will take your energy to the targeted place like an arrow from a vector. Remember, the only things that grow are what you give energy to. It is simple to change where you are pointed and direct your energy to be in the right place at the right time.  

Saturday, December 17, 2011: Instigate
Before the week is over, you need to instigate moving into action. Doing something is better than doing nothing at all. The time is now. You are in charge of the outcome. Be dynamic and you will have a great experience. Let us know: how did it go?

Sunday, December 18, 2011: Favor
Do yourself a favor today. Show yourself some extra kindness and goodwill. You can remain nice even when you realize you are facing something tough. Everything will change when you put yourself in a better state with extra warmth and concern. Take good care of yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

When you rise up to undertake a challenge, your heart can penetrate anything with a power similar to a vector so you can instigate a true favor to yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Favor yourself first when you instigate an action directing it like a vector to make it similar in power to your highest inspiration so that it can penetrate anything you undertake as you rise to the challenge.

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Energy of the Week for December 12-18, 2011: Build

This whole week is about realizing that you create and build your own life from the bottom up. As much as it looks as if the circumstances are in the way most of the time, you are the deciding factor moving things along and actively making them happen. In view of the end of the calendar year coming, it is time to clarify what you want to construct, assemble and put in place for yourself in the coming year.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Take into account how many things you have already built for yourself. You build your own character, attitude, presence, influence, stamina, habits, routines, schedule, plans, dreams, inspirations and set up your own parameters in your environment and relationships. So, at the end of the day, it is you who designs where you spend your time and what you get out of it. All of the incredible unique inner qualities you possess are like building materials ready to be used to put in place the most magnificent structure you can produce. They are virtually inexhaustible – there is always more where they came from. Do not forget to start with the architectural blueprint. Consider the purpose all of this has for you and how far you can take it. Diligence pays off. Take your time designing and when ready, start implementing it step by step to achieve your own masterpiece. Although you are never done, enjoy the process completely. Stand back every once in a while and appreciate what you have built so far.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
It takes a lot of preparation to build your own business project. Whatever it is you do to be of service, no matter how limited an opportunity it gives you, it always has room for an extra creative touch and expansion. Make it your own! Build a piece of yourself into it. Since you are doing it, you are in the best position to gauge what it will take to improve it. Envision it. Map out the steps in between. Share it with others who are involved in your line of work and get them inspired to help you. If you are concerned it will take too much time and effort, just remind yourself how much it will be worth once you get the results and the difference it will bring. Rome was not built in one day. Do not hesitate. The energy is offering you a building space this week. What do you want to create on it?

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Is your life built around your relationships? Or are you building your relationships around your own life? Do not forget you are the most important person to yourself and you cannot serve anyone else when you do not help yourself first. Make sure everything you are involved with works for you and is not set up in a way where you are enslaved to do the job of someone else around you just because you care for them. Discern which opportunities are yours and which are theirs and do not steal it from them or let them do too much for you. Being there with a suggestion and encouragement gives more support to your loved ones than doing it for them and taking their experience away. This way, you can build a balanced 50-50 relationship with everyone in your environment and enjoy a very rewarding time without feeling you are going uphill with weight on your shoulders that does not belong to you.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 5-11, 2011

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True EDUCATION comes from living and learning from the inside out and will be all the more important this week. You will have a great time focusing on it and making it count even more when you give it the proper time and appreciation it deserves. You will enjoy tremendously all of the wisdom it brings you if you just give it a better chance.

Monday, December 5, 2011: Spiritual
Your spiritual part will thrive and blossom today. As an infinite spirit, you come back lifetime after lifetime to improve and refine what you are learning about yourself and how to respect others for exactly where they are. You will ultimately become spiritually organized to graduate from this planet and move on. Sit back and tune into yourself. There is always more to you than you may realize. Spend more time on yourself now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011: Enamor
You can only enamor the whole world if you enamor yourself first. If you ever feel low, put yourself down or criticize the way you are, this keeps you from opening up and feeling better about yourself. It is time to drop the negativity, fall deeply in love and become totally charmed and captivated with your unique fascinating self.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011: Facts
It is about clarifying and discerning all of your facts today. The what needs to be done comes first and helps you with the big picture. Then follows the when it is happening so you can organize your matters in the right timing and make them work. Afterwards, the where it is all taking place follows so you can understand how executing your plans can be practical. Last but not least comes the why, which is your reason for doing it. This fact-finding process makes the consideration of any situation complete, efficient and bullet-proof.

Thursday, December 8, 2011: Instill
Sooner or later, you will realize you are a combination of everything your environment helped to instill in you during your first seven years of life and all of the wisdom you gained on your own from all of your experiences since then. The time has come to evaluate what concepts passed onto you are working for you so you can part once and for all with the ones that are not. Do it today – the energy is just right.

Friday, December 9, 2011: Conclusion
Drawing the right conclusion about your current direction depends on you today. After all you have gone through this week, it should be clear what you need to do to keep on track with your own purpose. Sit down, put everything you are faced with on the table with all of your findings and bring matters to a natural decision point. Getting there has never been easier.  

Saturday, December 10, 2011: Issue
Any matter in dispute may seem like a potential issue and could be turned into a problem or taken as a great opportunity to address it more closely and change things for the better. You can always find a positive solution through your desire to improve. Today is your day.

Sunday, December 11, 2011: Background
There is a famous expression by Harold Macmillan: Too many people live too much in the past. The past must be a springboard, not a sofa. Looking at your own background, you may find things you do not like. Instead of resting on your laurels by using them as an excuse not to grow, turn them around and use them for your benefit. Jump off the couch and decide to make things better. You can do it!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Open your heart to the spiritual enamor of yourself and use the facts of what others helped instill in you to draw the right conclusion and turn around any issue from your background to your own benefit.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Turn any background issue around so you can come up with the right conclusion and instill in yourself facts so you can enamor yourself and enjoy your spiritual side.

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Energy of the Week for December 5-11, 2011: Education

What is your concept of education? Is it literacy, knowledge or comprehension? The real question is: what are you learning the most from in your life? It is time to distinguish between the book smart one gets from high school, college or university versus the street smart one gets from real life experiences, practice and living it. What is the most important education you really need?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
No other knowledge you can acquire throughout your life can substitute or surpass learning about yourself, who you are and what are you here to do. This is the very substance of your entire existence and your whole life circles around it. Everything you clarify, refine and grow from will stay with you forever as it will become a part of the energy you take with you when you pass on. This is why looking within, spending more time with yourself, giving your own sensitivity a chance and paying attention to how it works gives you simple and practical ways to utilize it better. You owe it to yourself to dig in deeper and do it. You chose and brought your own guidance/angels to help you with everything you need so you can achieve anything you desire. Use their help, work with them and help them to help you even more. Learn how to communicate directly with them and get all your answers immediately*. It is the best present you can gift yourself for the holidays.

*Learn the simple Inner Guidance Communication Technique with our Intermediate Package and you will be able to use it for the rest of your life. You can do it today and have all of your answers within your fingertips forever. What are you waiting for?

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
All of the extra skills and expertise it takes to run your business life, where do they come from? Is it from books and schooling? Only partially. The biggest success you will ever have in offering your best service to others is based on two conditions. One is by getting inspired from the real life examples of some of the greatest achievements of all times. If you can aspire to the best results of famous business people, you know there are no limits to what you can do. The second one is by bringing out your own unique personal touch and creativity and implementing them in your own way. You can get any theoretical knowledge from degrees and books, but only by getting inspired can you use your unique inner talents. True education makes it all practical and is what works in the best possible way for you and others. Bring it on!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Is there education in social life? Yes, there is, but not from books or colleges. It is a two-way street: it is invaluable to learn about yourself from your own experiences with others and vice versa. Nothing about who you are and what you have to offer truly counts until you express it and share with your environment. This brings it to life. Practical experience and gaining the wisdom from it makes all the difference. By exchanging with your loved ones on a daily basis what you are learning from them will encourage them to regroup on the same about you. This will deepen all of your relationships – making them more meaningful than ever. It will enable you to find the best 50-50 balance together that works the best for all of you. Let us know how it goes.

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Winter is the season for Clairvoyants

As we mentioned in September with the new spiritual year blog post, each one of the four spiritual gifts (prophecy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and healing) share a special energy with one particular season.

Today begins the season for clairvoyance. The energy is one of organization, efficiency and focus. After the prophetic gift does its thing during the fall months with its creativity and coming up with the big picture of what needs to be done, it is now time to start looking at how it will be accomplished, so you will need to clarify all of the fine details. Do not be tempted to do it to perfection. Let the reality play out somewhat differently than the way you envisioned it. This is the beauty of – live on and you will see.

Remember the Energy of the New Spiritual Year, MOBILIZE, when you sit down and revisit all of your personal, business and social goals for the spiritual year. Keep relaxed by doing the Personal Energy Cleansing technique and meditate on how you are going to accomplish each one in the most efficient way possible. If you can see a picture in your mind of how this will work for you, you have it made.

Never try to do anything yourself without involving other people around you, wherever possible, so they can benefit from what you are envisioning. When the air is crisp (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) you will need to be more organized to move forward with a solid picture. Remain bright and enthusiastic inside even if the weather is stormy. Winter can be beautiful and sunny as well. You do not need to compare the good days with the not so good ones. Enjoying every moment will bring you light and peace.

Remember, this is the season of sharing and giving. Just make sure you are doing it for yourself first, know exactly what you are gaining from it and why you are doing it.

Lastly, the clairvoyant gift is all about timing. Do not get distracted with trivia or projects that take you away from your true self. Follow your inner sensitivity and it will always lead you in the right direction.

Enjoy the season of clairvoyance!

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The Energy of the Month for December is CAPTIVATE

This is a great month and the best way to finalize the whole calendar year. The energy is steering you to captivate your audience, charm them and intrigue them with all you have to offer. It is a time to shed any shyness or being closed off so you can showcase what you are about, stand out in the crowd and let yourself shine brightly. This will allow you to acknowledge and celebrate yourself before anything else during this holiday season so you can come energized and stronger into the New Year.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Do you feel attractive and enchanting? Are you fascinating to yourself? If you say no, here is something to consider. First of all, you need to come alive and refine your own unique innate spiritual message before you share it with others. Since there are a great number of people who have contracted with you to learn it from you this lifetime, it is important to clarify this for yourself first. Your spiritual protégés will listen to what you have to tell them before anyone else on the planet. Everyone has them and so do you. Because everyone has different people they came to reach, you are not in any way in competition with anyone else. As long as you open your mouth, you will have their ear. You have no good reason to be timid or apprehensive. These are concepts you inherited in your first seven year cycle of life. You cannot help but attract your spiritual protégés to yourself. Does it make sense to deny yourself and them the wisdom you have gathered through lifetimes? If you think you have nothing to say, think again. No one has your unique life experience, nor can someone else share your spiritual message – only you can! Open up and make yourself useful. Captivate. If it serves you, it will serve them.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Who do you admire in your area of business? Is it because they have a special quality? Guess what? If you can see it, you must have it, too. What is special about you? Have others acknowledged something pleasing and delightful about you? If you do not know, you need to recognize what it is in yourself first. If you keep it a secret, you cannot be disheartened when others do not see it. Bring out that unique something you have within. You grow the most when you gift the world with it. It will skyrocket your service to the best it has ever been. Captivate your customers and fellow business associates with the magic of your true sincerity. They will always come back for more. Moreover, you have extra help this month to do all of this. So, where are you going to start?

How this energy affects you in your social life:
If you have already captured the heart of your significant other and even tied the knot, you may think you are done in this department. This may not be the case. When you captivate others, you entice them with your energy by creating invisible magnetic ties to hold them close to you. They cannot help but gravitate toward you because your positive attraction is irresistible. This does not happen just once. Every moment is a new opportunity to do it over and over again and do it even better. You are never done and you can never max out in appealing to others in a balanced way. Go for it – let the beautiful presence of your naturally gallant self spark others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 28-December 4, 2011

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This week, your entire energy will SOAR. All it takes is a little clarity and not buying into anything negative that will try to bring you down. You can easily handle all of your matters successfully when you get inspired to do so.  

Monday, November 28, 2011: Propel
Be in the here and now: face up to what you need to do better. This introspection can propel you to having the enthusiasm to make it happen, especially when you realize you do have it within you and just need to bring it out more.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011: Refraction
Today is all about realizing how much you matter to everyone and everything around you. You are tuned into the energy of the entire world and depending on how you handle it, the refraction of it spreads to your environment and back to the whole planet. This is why the way you are affects the way everything else is. Make a bigger difference. It really does count.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011: Colorful
When it really comes down to it today, if you want something to be more colorful in your life, you need to make it that way. You can bring extra color, vibration, joy and inspired energy into the picture no matter how grey and blunt it is instead of complaining about it. Pick the colors you enjoy the most, bring them out to color your day as fun as you want it to be.

Thursday, December 1, 2011: Wonderful
By now, your week should be simply wonderful. If you are not enjoying yourself enough, look into the mirror for an answer as to why. Soon you will find out you are the boss when you take your own responsibility of how your life is going. Since it depends entirely on you, ask yourself: how can I make it even more wonderful? Let us know how you did it.

Friday, December 2, 2011: Instigate
What will you find to instigate today? Will you start a quarrel or bring about an inspired action? If you think it depends on what others do – think again. It always takes two to argue and if your energy is not there, it will not happen. As an alternative, come up with a positive suggestion and turn around any negative so everything flows better. By using your inner power, the day will always go your way.

Saturday, December 3, 2011: Beautiful
What does it take to live one beautiful day after another? A beautiful mind? A beautiful heart? A beautiful desire? All it takes is for you to be beautiful on the inside and see the whole world through your own soul. Can you do it? There is something nice in everything and it takes a fine touch to discover and appreciate it. Start today. Do this every day until it becomes second nature by turning it into a habit.

Sunday, December 4, 2011: Wonder
Today, you will not believe this week is almost over and wonder how so much could have happened in seven short days. How much you have learned and grown is nothing short of amazing. Recognize it. Take it in. Appreciate yourself and your life with everything in it. Know you can always change and make it even better. Tomorrow is another day.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Propel yourself to be a positive refraction of colorful and wonderful energy when you instigate the power of the beautiful wonder of nature that you are.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be a wonder of beautiful high energy when you instigate the wonderful colorful refraction of your inner light to propel everything you do.

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Energy of the Week for November 28-December 4, 2011: Soar

The main question for you this week is: are you going to crawl or soar? You can fly to great heights if you are being loyal to yourself first and are clear about your purpose and direction. You can overcome any confusion by staying strong and focused.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Any little voices inside or out may try to jeopardize what you are accomplishing this week. They may remind you of all of your lows, deficiencies, imperfections and lack of resources you need to get where you want to go. It will be a lost battle if you let them overwhelm you. Here is the truth: if you could not do something about it, there would be no need to tell you this. The mere fact there is opposition using energy to coerce you into not believing in yourself shows you are fully capable of proving them wrong. This is why they are trying to bring you down. The solution is very simple. Do not listen to any of it. Take it as a compliment and boost yourself up high so your energy is free. This will show everyone how incredible and powerful you are. Take this opportunity to soar!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
This is the time to make that business mission you are on as successful as it can be. Whatever has not worked in the past always has an alternative solution. When there is a will, there is a way. You deserve to find ways to make things work better for yourself. Do not try doing it all alone. A business venture is not just for self-fulfillment. It connects many people and benefits them all. Find the right people who believe in what you do and inspire them to unite around your goal. Achieving the plan will be for the ultimate satisfaction of everyone. While the energy will soar this week, making it all happen will be easier than you know. Go for it and keep us posted on how it works out.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
What does it mean to you to soar in your social life? Is it to communicate easily with people you do not know? Is it to have more friends? A better friendship with your chosen few? A deeper commitment with your significant other? Whatever it is, you can make great progress when you first make it clear to yourself what you are pursuing. Come up with some simple actions to engage the others in a sincere and open way. If they are going to participate, it will only happen if they enjoy it, too. You can make this possible by revealing how it will benefit them as well. Just take a little time to discern and organize what it will take to win the hearts of everyone so you can put all this into action.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 21-27, 2011

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Your own guiding PRINCIPLE is what rules your life and you apply every single day. It shapes your experiences into what they are and helps you stay aligned and true to yourself. Take the time to focus on it this week and clarify even more what it means for you so you are strengthened by its energy and inspired by its light.

Monday, November 21, 2011: React
There are two major ways you address everything you encounter in your life: you can either respond from your true feelings and remain genuine and positive or you can react in a low negative way by falling into an emotion that takes away your peace and controls you. Today, you will want to watch out so you do not fall into the trap of anything that takes you away from the real you and brings you down in any way. Make sure to take a moment to respond and not to react to what today may bring you and remain warm and loving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011: Wisdom
All of the situations today will predispose you to bring out your inner wisdom and apply it to find good practical solutions to what needs to be done. If your intellect tells you that you do not know what to do, do not buy into it. You have so much experience and have learned enough to make a decision about how to approach anything that comes your way.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011: Proactive
This will not be a slow day and, if anything, it will require you to show how robust you can get and how much energy you have to give. Get ready to be proactive. You will certainly need it. With the backing you have available to you, it will be uplifting and rejuvenating. You will not believe how much you will get done. Let us know about it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011: Relax
It is time to calm down and take it easy on yourself. You hopefully did what you needed to do yesterday. Now, let it settle in so you can process and regroup. Let today go by gently by keeping yourself peaceful. Relax with a cup of tea by observing through the window how nature always accomplishes it all and how easy it is.

Friday, November 25, 2011: Pin it down!
Has there been anything up in the air lately that has remained unclarified and is weighing you down? Perhaps you have been postponing it or even worse escaping it. If so, today is the time to pin it down! No more dragging it around or hiding in its shadow. Bring it to the table and clarify all of the facts. Look for the most straightforward way to resolve it and be determined that you can. This is the best time to solve it. Do not waste it.

Saturday, November 26, 2011: Regroup
Although this is something you need to do on a regular basis, today is the right time to do it even more. You will want to review and analyze anything you may need to reconsider or reorganize. Regroup on what your results are so far and if it is what you have wanted. This is the shortest way you can learn the most out of everything you are doing. Re-adjust whatever is needed and refresh with renewed strength and zeal.

Sunday, November 27, 2011: Notice
Today will test how well you observe and perceive. You may be prone to notice some of the smaller details you have been missing. Pay closer attention and examine how things are going so you can discover the finer aspects of your life.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do not react but apply your wisdom to be proactive and be able to relax after you pin it down! and regroup on what you notice by making it all count.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Notice that when you regroup, you can easily pin it down! and relax before getting proactive again by using your wisdom and not letting yourself react to stress but responding positively and going on.

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