Energy of the Week for September 19-25, 2011: Incredible

What a week you have in store for you! When something is not only great but so over the top it is hardly credible, then it is truly incredible. Gear up for a fantastic time and productive adventures. As long as you are true to yourself and tuned into your inner sensitivity – you may have the time of your life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
While most of the time you probably try to do things well, you could have an opportunity to go through extraordinary experiences this week. The first thing you need is to believe you are incredible. As a soul, there is no one else exactly like you. This is always going to be your greatest advantage and strength. Think of the personal footprint you bring to the table. The signature you leave behind signifies who you really are. No one else has your state of consciousness, experiences or skills. Make your uniqueness stand out and show who you are to the world around you. As you attract more attention and make new connections, you will be even more fulfilled. By the end of the week, there will be so much more happening for you, it will be hard to believe. Be yourself and the rest will follow.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The incredible energy this week is ready to give your service a boost. Are you ready for it? Be open to the opportunities that may show up and do not discard anything lightly. The right move is in the rationale to do unto others what you would like to be done unto you. It is easier to care when you envision yourself treated the same way. As long as you follow this, the people on the other side of your business offering will be delighted and their higher energy will reward you with more than you could ever expect. Your business success will be guaranteed if you stay balanced and true to a passionate customer service.   

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
What it takes to have an incredible social life is sincerity and proactive communication. While you cannot avoid sharing the truth, you can do it with true concern and understanding. We all have room for improvement and it helps to encourage those who are headed in the same direction. Remember, everything is evolving and change is always possible with the right amount of desire. Instead of closing doors, share what will help you get things to the next level. This way, you will shift the spotlight from the negative into more inspiring possibilities. If anything is going to work, this is the only way to make it happen. By staying on the bright side of life, it will feel fabulous and the rest will simply unfold in an unbelievable way – right in front of your very eyes. Enjoy it!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 12-18, 2011

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This week is your chance to align the MASSIVE energy you put out daily with what really works for you. Giving consideration to yourself first puts everything in your life in the right order. Making adjustments will be easier than ever if you follow your own inner sensitivity.

Monday, September 12, 2011: Amazing
You will have really nice experiences today if you realize that the most amazing thing of it all is you. Be confident and let your ability to do your best shine through. There is a solution for everything, even the hardest puzzle. All you need to do is find it. You are in the best position to do it when you know you can.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011: Worthy
Today you need to decide what is really worthy to spend your time on. You may notice you are doing things for others for reasons outside of yourself. If something does not concern you, it may be an opportunity for someone else. Do not take it away from them. Everyone is capable to do what they need to do for themselves. Instead of doing it for them, help them by making a suggestion or giving them an idea of how they can come to the plate on their own. This will be the most rewarding for all of you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011: Serious
Are you taking your life way too seriously? If you forget to enjoy what you are experiencing, you may be doing it wrong. Have fun. Make everything work for you by understanding what it really means underneath it all. Since you can learn and grow from everything you are going through, it all counts. When you keep things light and simple, it will be easier on you and it will be better than if you turn it into a big serious deal.

Thursday, September 15, 2011: Forgive
You know the expression forgive and forget. Today it will matter even more. By holding onto grudges or resentment against someone else, you are actually punishing yourself. However, when you release this burden, you will be clear from this heavy stagnating energy and free yourself. Let the other person process their end of things. If they have encroached on your boundaries, it must have been their confusion to begin with.

Friday, September 16, 2011: Action
Nothing gets done until you get into action. If you do not feel ready for it, simply ask yourself: is there anything I can do to further things ahead? Even if you do not feel you have enough time, what can you do anyway? You may find there is plenty to go for right now that can move things ahead.

Saturday, September 17, 2011: Relevant
Do you know what is relevant in your life and what is not based on what takes up most of your time? Sometimes you may end up involved in minor trivia which has no bearing on the things that really matter to you. It is time to account for the resources this takes up from you so you can make a decision not to waste your energy any longer. This will help you be more efficient and bring you massive success.

Sunday, September 18, 2011: March
Today the energy calls on you to look around and clarify if you are doing things just because everybody else is without a solid reason for you to be a part of it. You do not need to follow the herd or march in a parade led by someone else. Seek what is beneficial for you and make your own determination for yourself. If it does not pass the test, even if others are insisting, you may need to learn to say no.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

You are amazing and totally worthy of a serious reward if you forgive the negative and focus on action that is positive and relevant so you can march ahead to a better future.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

March on with relevant action to forgive the bad and forget so you are not so serious and miss out on enjoying what is worthy and amazing.

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Energy of the Week for September 12-18, 2011: Massive

This week is all about finding out what you want to be focused on so you can put a massive amount of energy into it. The only thing that creates growth in your life is what you give energy to. As a result, the outcome and what you are left with at the end of the day comes out of where you have been directing and pointing the major part of what you have inside.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Look at your entire existence – everything you do, day after day determines what takes up most of your energy. Is it your family, your work, a house project or mission you are involved with? Is it friends, pets or a hobby? No matter what it is, when it is anything outside of you – be very careful to discern the reason you are doing it. The purpose of being on planet Earth is so you can learn, grow and advance yourself. This is where your massive energy should go. Everything you do needs to tie back into what it does for you. Be your only focus, just as everyone else needs to be for themselves. This is the only way for each one of us to have a balance and keep our energy where it belongs – at home – inside of us. Otherwise, you would not be loyal to yourself. This does not mean you are selfish. By properly taking care of everything you need and want, you can be the best for yourself and others.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The best time for business energy throughout the day is between 8am and 4pm. This is when it is the easiest to open up and perform your service and takes up the bulk of the day. There are still many occasions that may require you to be of service at other times. However, you will notice this takes up much more energy when you do it outside this usual time-frame. Regardless of how long it takes you to offer your service to others, this massive output of energy has to serve you first and foremost. Enjoy it, thrive from it and grow by utilizing your creative juices and power to make it happen. This is the real pay-back you gain from it. Do the right thing for the right reasons and you will love how much it gives you in return.       

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Does your social life have a massive impact on you? This week, you may want to regain control over how your relationships are going. Flow with the energy and develop sincere and balanced connections with others around you. You do not have to stand for anything you do not like. The main tool you have to use is communication. Instead of criticizing, inspire your environment with fresh suggestions. Share ideas with those who want to improve things on how to go about it. Be a great example of how to be genuine and considerate of yourself. Positive energy is so contagious and easy to follow because everyone wants to have it. With the powerful backing of the energy of the week, anything is possible. As usual, keep us in the loop with everything worth sharing.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 5-11, 2011

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This will be an unforgettable week, full of important and IMPERATIVE experiences that will be anything but boring. Take care of exactly what needs to be done and enjoy the prolific results this will bring you. There is no shortage of opportunities behind the door. Just open it. Going for it is a must. Keep us posted.

Monday, September 5, 2011: Creative
Making your own way as you go can be the most rewarding experience you can possibly have. Coming up with innovative solutions for the first time can make your day and save your year. Anything is possible today if you use your creative juices to make things happen.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011: Super
-duper Tuesday is in the cards and if you play them right, you will feel as if you have won the lottery – without even buying a ticket. It is all about you today and unleashing the mighty power you carry inside of yourself. Show everyone you meet your natural strength, physical or spiritual and what you are truly capable of. There are surely going to be bystanders who needed the example. Count us in and let us know how you enjoyed the outcome.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011: Respond
If life offers you a test today – is your answer going to be to respond or react? If you let your emotions slide you down a path you do not wish to go, you could find yourself reacting in a negative way. Just take a deep breath or two before you do anything. Then, discern what is really going on so you can respond adequately from your true feelings and not get involved in a drama. Do not let anything get to you – have a good day.

Thursday, September 8, 2011: Persevere
If anything uneasy happens today, it will pass. You can persevere through a whole a lot more when you remember you are not alone. Did you know your guidance/angels can bring extra helpers around when needed? You are more backed and supported than you know. So stay strong and firm. No wind can push over a genuinely solid brick.

Friday, September 9, 2011: Knowingness
The truth is you already know within everything you could possibly need to know through your prophetic* gift. You just need to get to it by tuning in and being introspective. Remember what you were reminded of yesterday – there could be as many helpers of your helpers made available to you as needed. Your guidance/angels can find out anything you require to know and pass it on to you through your own sensitivity. Believe in yourself and your inner knowingness.

*Find your own spiritual gift order of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and healing with our $37.50 Beginners Package today. Why delay, when you can know exactly how you are receiving your 80 to 90 hunches from your guidance every day? In addition, you will get your own copy of Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts book by Howard Wimer to learn more about how all of these gifts really work in your life.

Saturday, September 10, 2011: Retention
Today is not about retention of water or problems. You have a capacity and power to retain and remember positive experiences. Create an association with something meaningful to you and you will be able to recall anything you need to rise up to your highest potential.

Sunday, September 11, 2011: Launch
Today, the energy is a good starting point for all of your plans and goals. You can successfully launch an incredible new season as you line up your aspirations giving priority to the most essential things in your schedule. Apply discernment every step of the way. Do not yield to the challenges in front of you. Use them to inspire you to initiate the model of what you want to accomplish. Nothing can stop your decisiveness.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be creative with your super inner power to respond and persevere with knowingness and retention toward the launch of your future.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Launch your plans with retention and knowingness to persevere through difficulties and respond gently in a super-creative way to any challenges.

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Energy of the Week for September 5-11, 2011: Imperative

There are imperative things we must do that life requires so we can go on with it. Herein lies the category of all of our earthly needs: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression. It will not be the end of the world if we deny ourselves to some extent, but it will simply not serve us in the best possible way. When we realize how essential it is to properly attend to and take care of our needs, we can be content and ready to satisfy our wants in the best possible energy. What is imperative in every area of our lives?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Being loyal to yourself first is the most important necessity there is. Our physical well-being and energy requires food to fuel us with the boost we need to keep us going. Our health is what secures our ability to be in shape and able to do everything else. Love is our deepest of true feelings and shows the warmth, care, concern and desire to be in tune with our inner sensitivity and connected with all others around us. It is this true essence that drives us through our cosmic journey, defining our purposes and shaping our outlook and direction. We deserve a proper shelter to protect us from the elements and establish a safe haven for ourselves to rest, live in and enjoy. Finally, everything that we are is unique, dynamic, powerful and thriving. Therefore, your spirit cannot be kept a secret inside even if you tried. Through self-expression, we share our ideas and pass on the talents we have inside to bring out our creativity and put it to good use. If you squelch any of these five imperative essentials, you are creating limitations and will pay the price of diminishing your own abilities beneath what they could be. Watch out for yourself – no one else can do it for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you are not engaged in some activity to be of service to others, it is imperative you do so as soon as possible. This is not about what you can do for others. It is about what this does for you. You are not self-lived and could not even be completely identified without the interaction with others. Your uniqueness is precious and you are a one-of-a-kind. There certainly must be something you are good at that only you can do – your way – that no one else can. Robbing others from the service you can offer them through some unique benefit is only robbing you of the incomparable opportunity to open yourself up and give what you have inside. It is imperative you give of yourself so you make room for more energy to come back to you. This is the only way to keep the flow going. You are the only one who can shut out what is available to you from ever reaching its destination – you! Look within and bring out your inner treasure for the benefit of everyone. This will leave you enriched with more than what they will receive from you. Give and you will gain more than you can imagine.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
This week, it is imperative you move toward making things happen in your social circle. Any thoughts you may have entertained about improving or moving forward with any of your relationships – this is your time to do it. This is not about the options that have already existed. It is about what you absolutely feel needs to be done now. Be bold and ride the wave of the opportunity to clarify what you have not been able to face up to before. You will be better off. Waste no time. Determine what needs to be done and the straightforward way to go about it. Ask your spiritual guidance for their backing so you can feel the power behind you and go straight for it. We cannot wait to hear about your success. The light is always with you. Have fun and enjoy it!

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The Energy of the Month for September is REMEMBER

Lifetime after lifetime, everything you go through shapes you into who you are today. The experiences you remember consciously have a long-lasting impact. However, all of your experiences are important and leave a footprint in your energy one way or another.

In Chapter Three – Living True to Your Feelings, in the part You Are Not Your Parents in his book Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts, Howard Wimer takes us back to the first experience he remembers when he was only two years old – wrapped in a warm blanket – he was carried into his house by his grandfather and he told himself: “I am going to remember this moment for the rest of my life…”

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
What makes things so memorable that no matter how much time passes, you can go back again and again and experience it as if it was today? When you are in the middle of something that touches you deep within your core, it intertwines with your energy, becoming an inseparable part of you. These are the moments that count the most because they change you. You are never the same after having gone through these experiences as they have made you into a newer and better you. You cannot undo or forget what you are learning. You are growing from it and end up being a different person than you were before. Many times, difficulties force you to change and do it quickly. It could feel hard at the time but in retrospect, you realize you have gained so much from it that is invaluable. Resolve your past by taking the emotions out of everything you have been through. Cherish the opportunity your exposure to every experience has granted you and remember them with warmth and gratitude. After all, it has made you into you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Being of service is all about facts and discernment. If you want to do it better, you need to bring it up a notch from the way you did it before. This requires you to pay close attention, gather up data and analyze it constructively to make it work for you. You want to keep on target with what drives you because it gives you an incentive to keep going. Remember every significant occurrence when your customers were pleased and relished what you had to offer. This is the pattern of what to do more of. You want to make sure you resolve any unpleasant situation with dignity and respect taking the moral from the story to prevent it from occurring again in the future. One step at a time, one day at a time, this month can be exemplary for how to apply what you have learned to helping you succeed and create even more magnificent memories. What you decide, you can achieve.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Do dark memories of past encounters feel heavy and prevent you from sharing with others? Remember – just because something has been a certain way in the past does not necessarily mean it will play out exactly like that again. With time, your friends change and you change, too. Keep an open mind and give yourself a chance to inspire others and influence them positively. Communicate your standards clearly and what you are looking for in your relationships. The more you share, you are allowing others to get to know you better and act accordingly. You are not limited by the people you already know. There are more people in this world than you can ever possibly meet so you can never run out of new acquaintances if you put forth the effort. At the end of the day, remember the good, forget the bad and get ready to do it all over again the next day.

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The Energy of the New Spiritual Year for September 1, 2011-August 31, 2012 is MOBILIZE

What is a Spiritual Year?

Believe it or not, only the calendar New Year begins on January 1st. Each year, the new spiritual energy starts moving in on September 1st and lasts through August 31st of the following year.

This is when the new school year starts and summer holidays come to a close. Summertime is when the energy winds down and many people are out enjoying the warm weather or taking much-needed vacations. In Europe, most shops close for the entire month of August to regroup and come back refreshed.

This fresh energy is very motivating and most people set new goals and aspirations of what they want to accomplish throughout the new spiritual year. Just think about it – when do you start planning new projects and feel as if you have a new lease on life? Is it during December or January after the holidays? Or is it when you feel the autumn (or spring if you are down-under) when the energy is alive with activity?

As you may know from following the Inner Expansion emails or blog posts, the spiritual energy on planet Earth changes on a yearly, monthly, weekly and daily basis. You are ahead of the curve when you know how this energy affects your personal, business and social life.

Throughout the year, everyone on the globe is learning to understand this energy. This helps you avoid the pitfalls where you (or your friends and associates) work against yourself by indulging in not-so-positive concepts. With our blog, you can relax and ride with it – every step of the way.

The Inner Expansion program has spiritual helpers of helpers who are sharing these insights with us. We pass them on to you during the year in our newsletter. Everyone can learn how to communicate directly with their own spiritual helpers or angels – to get their own answers to life. We can show you a simple technique to ask them direct questions and get immediate responses. Just go to our web site for more information.

Review the Last Spiritual Year

What was the energy flowing through planet Earth during the last spiritual year (September 2010 through August 2011)?


Here are some key regrouping questions you can ask yourself. By answering these questions, you will be ready for what is coming next:

  1. What did I accomplish for myself in the last spiritual year?
  2. How loyal was I to myself?
  3. What did I learn about myself?
  4. What could I have done differently?
  5. What were my highlights?
  6. How did what I learn prepare me for the new spiritual year?

Plan Your New Spiritual Year

Now, what is the spiritual energy flowing through the planet from September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012?


This energy is especially important because it will motivate you to accomplish what you have been planning over the last year. Because the energy of the last spiritual year was PREPARATION, you may have been going through a growth or transition period in your life.  It prepared you for what is coming up this year.

This year is all about moving into action and not looking back. You may have developed personal, business or social systems that worked for you in the past, but need refining or refreshing now. Do not doubt yourself because you will have an opportunity to totally upgrade every aspect of your life – from top to bottom!

Here are three questions you can ask yourself to get ready for what is coming up:

  1. What is my main personal (and/or spiritual) direction and goals for the new spiritual year?
  2. What is my main business direction and goals for the new spiritual year?
  3. What is my main social direction and goals for the new spiritual year?

Hint: Write down specifically what you want to accomplish and why.

Personal (or spiritual goals) are what you want to learn personally for yourself, business goals are how you want to be more of service to people and social goals will reflect how you want to communicate better with your loved ones, friends and others.

How the Spiritual Gifts follow the Seasons

Throughout the year, the spiritual calendar relates to the four spiritual gifts and can be divided into the four seasons.

The prophetic gift takes over in the fall and is the big picture when everyone starts new projects with lots of creativity, inner devotion and passion. This is where you begin to manage and set the energy for each one of your goals and objectives by looking at all of the possibilities available to you. You will have an inner knowing that anything is possible – and if you are having fun – you will always be on the right track. It is important to focus on one project at a time so you do not get scattered or disorganized. This is a softer energy where your creativity transcends any doubts or limitations you may have allowing your full potential to come alive.

The clairvoyant gift kicks in during the winter when you need to invest more time organizing the vision of what you are doing so it will be much more successful. Efficiency is the key to staying focused during the holidays so you do not get side-tracked or slowed down by trying to make everything perfect. The balance of your communication plays an important role by keeping empathy from turning into sympathy. It can be an emotional time if you indulge in too many concepts that do not belong to you. This is a very high and cool energy – especially when your timing is consistent.

In the spring, your clairaudient gift helps you delve more into getting all of the facts: what, when, where and why. As a result, you will overcome any challenges so everything you are endeavoring to accomplish can become a reality. If you allowed yourself to get disorganized in the winter, it will take you three months (January-March) to get back into your real true feelings. Keep things simple with this smooth and direct energy without becoming overly aggressive. Your power is to make swift and practical decisions. Once you set your mind to it, your fulfillment comes from making it happen.

Finally, in the summer, this is when you bring out your feeling or healing gift more. Let yourself heal from the previous nine months of activity by regrouping your experience. Wind down and take that much-needed vacation or spend more time with the family if possible. Do not try to push yourself during this period – as you will find that it is a little bit like paddling upstream. It is a warm and bubbly energy that inspires everyone to be involved. The healing gift gets down to all of the fine details and makes sure that everything is in place. This is a time to open up, enjoy life and belong to something greater than yourself. This way you can relax and be ready to plan and start the new spiritual year in September.

Hint: You can learn the order of your own personal spiritual gifts of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and healing by ordering the Beginners Package for $37.50 USD, which includes a copy of Howard Wimer’s book called Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts.

If you would like to find out how balanced you are spiritually in all of your spiritual gifts, take this free survey.

Write down your comments and what you are planning to do during the new spiritual year in the Comments Section below. We would love to hear about it!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 29-September 4, 2011

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This week, bringing matters to FRUITION will be more important than ever. How you take every step shapes the overall result. Being prepared, organized and clear will always help you do better. Stay determined and on track no matter what. This will pay off and it will be easy with the extra backing and support available to you with this energy.

Monday, August 29, 2011: Benefit
Everything you face is ultimately for your benefit. Do not underestimate this – especially today. How much you learn from your experience is up to you based on how open you are to growing spiritually. You can turn around everything in your favor when you are clear, determined, remain positive and willing. Luck is always on your side.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011: Certain
Your feeling certain comes from how clear and complete you are on the inside. Relying on other factors or people outside of you could never give you that. There are no guarantees for anything in life other than who you are deep within and your own purpose and direction. The rest just happens.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011: Elite
An elite experience will uplift and delight you if you treat yourself right today. By observation, you will realize you too can enjoy the finest life has to offer. Start from feeling solid and peaceful inside and apply the highest standards you have to everything you do today. This will create top-notch results and you will live some incredible moments.

Thursday, September 1, 2011: Now
If you ever get too concerned about what took place before and what still needs to be done today and tomorrow, you may forget to experience the fullness of the moment you are in right NOW! While the past is gone and the future has not happened yet, all you really have is the present moment. Today, you need to live it to the fullest. Although you can learn a great deal from everything that already was, you can have a plan and look forward to what will be. The only way to maximize on what you experience is to be fully present and engaged in exactly what is going on now.

Friday, September 2, 2011: Present
Today is all about realizing the reason you are in the place or position you are in. If it is because of anything other than what you truly want or care for, you are not likely to be fully present in what is happening. However, if you are really into it with all your heart and energy, it will become much stronger giving you true fulfillment and contentment.    

Saturday, September 3, 2011: Stand
What do you stand for? If you do not stand for yourself first, you are being a hypocrite. Today is a great time to clarify what you pledge your allegiance to. Everything of more significance to your whole community directly concerns you. In order to support yourself, find a cause you are partial to that will help you as much as everyone else. Make sure this does not become an emotional attachment or moral issue of right and wrong. It needs to be supported by your true inner feelings. On the other hand, if you feel indifferent about what needs to be done, ask yourself how the final outcome would affect you. Make a difference. Take a stand.  

Sunday, September 4, 2011: Learn
You learn all of the time whether you realize it or not. The more you know about yourself, the more you realize how much you still do not know. You are never maxed out. What can help you gain more from every experience is your willingness to realize how much comes out of everything you are going through. All of this makes you even more knowledgeable, articulate and skillful.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Benefit yourself with feeling certain inside because you are elite now and present with a stand to learn more every moment.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Learn by having a stand and be present now as the elite that you are, feeling certain inside in order to benefit even more out of life.

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Energy of the Week for August 29-September 4, 2011: Fruition

In every endeavor, the moment of fruition is what everyone is waiting for. All of your efforts and time are entirely oriented toward the point when it all pays off. What can bring the expected result and fulfillment from the process leading up to it no matter what?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
How many things would you not even start if you did not believe they would come to fruition? Would it be worth dealing with if you do not reap the desired result? Most likely not. More often than not, reality plays out quite differently from your original plan. What causes this and how do you deal with it? Although you can plan diligently, consider all of the facts and possibilities. Remain flexible – leave breathing room for unexpected changes. Have alternative plans to handle surprises so you are not neutralized. Be ready to try something else. Remember, regardless of what happens, your experience always counts and is invaluable. Stay positively focused on your purpose and clear on the motives that drive you. You can always find a way to do it and turn around anything for the better. Finally, you are never left alone as your guidance is right with you. All you need to do is pick yourself up and keep going to help them continue to help you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
This is the area where most of your results depend on the participation of others. Have you done well if you have not attracted enough customers? Are they aware of the intended benefit from your service? It all boils down to organization and communication. You cannot bring things to the desired fruition without either of these. If your business matters are not well organized, your service will have flaws and even if there is a demand for it, you cannot reach satisfying results. If you have done well with the organization but have not promoted what you are offering, keeping it a secret will not spread the word to attract potential clients. While you are juggling the two, do not forget it is your genuine energy that wins others over at the end of the day. Be open and sincere. Consider all feedback as an important part of your equation. Only when your customers win, you win with them.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Contrary to what you may think, having a fruitful social life does not depend in the least on others. Why? Because there are all kinds of people on this planet and finding the right ones for you is your job. Connecting with them is not only possible, it is a must. You cannot build your dream relationships with the wrong people, nor can you change them to be right. Spiritually, you choose your parent(s) to bring you in. This serves more than one purpose. You learn from them and they learn from you. Although you cannot change them, you can still be an inspiring example and vice-versa. Still, it is your choice to surround yourself with people who understand, appreciate and care for you. Believe it or not, the right partner, friends and loved ones do exist. Discern what you would like them to be like and make a reasonable attempt to go out and meet people. Do not compromise or you will be disappointed. There is always a good reason for the timing of everything. Life is an adventure. Make it as meaningful as it can be.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 22-28, 2011

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You will have an opportunity to enjoy a wonderful week of increased growth and expansion. Tremendous experiences may EXALT and inspire you as long as you are true to yourself and follow your passion with inner self-esteem.

Monday, August 22, 2011: Peace
Today is the day to settle any disputes and smooth out your energy in everything you are doing. If you have been moving too fast, too slow or in an uneven rhythm because of pressure or interruptions, calm down to level out your vibration and establish the much needed peace all around you. Seek out the inner harmony that will bring out your best flow.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011: Determine
your immediate position so you can reset your direction. It is time to check and recalibrate your coordinates so you can revisit and adjust. Do not kid yourself. Face up to the real facts as to where you are heading. You can fix anything as long as you know what is going on in your environment so you can retain control of your self-loyalty. It will be easy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011: Loving
Softness, warmth and kindness will visit you today. Even if it comes from a sentimental movie, you will surely be touched and moved to your core. By the end of the day, you may be left smitten and loving every minute of your life. As a soul with a physical body, not a physical body with a soul, you will thrive.

Thursday, August 25, 2011: Pineal
If you have ever experienced a headache or heaviness in the back of your head, it is time to clarify what your pineal gland located there stands for. This is the point of inflow of energy into your physical body. As such, it requires openness and acceptance of yourself first. Any inspiration coming your way is meant for you to learn from. If you deny yourself or resist it, you are closing off the inflow and subjecting yourself to running on less than what is available to you. Over time, with low self-acceptance, elderly people will physically stoop and bend down. Free yourself by opening, accepting and appreciating everything. Remember –  every experience is for your ultimate benefit. Always stand straight and keep your head up.

Friday, August 26, 2011: Ensure
There are no certainties or guarantees in life. Be aware of the difference between real facts and perceived facts. All you really need to ensure you are living to the fullest is to be clear about your life purpose*, which is what you have truly come here to do. If you do not follow your own spiritual message – the inner philosophy you carry through lifetimes as you learn from and share with others – you will miss the point of it all.

*To help clarify your life purpose or spiritual message straight from your guidance/angels, get your complete Personal Life Plan and learn how to communicate with them directly with our Intermediate Package today.

Saturday, August 27, 2011: Ecstatic
If you are a vibrant person, you will probably get excited more often than others. Even if you are not, nothing will take the place of being completely ecstatic over what today has in store for you. Prepared for it or not, it is likely you will be left with your jaw dropped down and wowed. Today will be fun for you. Let us know with a quick note or comment so we can share in your joy.

Sunday, August 28, 2011: Willingness
Today, you may find out that nothing special can happen if there is not enough willingness for it. It is the driving force behind your inner desire and confidence. If you are not clear or sure what you want, let alone not believe in it, how is it supposed to happen? Your willingness is an invitation that works like magic. It opens the door to attract what you desire like a magnet. How much of it do you have?

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Only in peace can you determine the loving energy you receive through your pineal acceptance to ensure your ecstatic willingness to live to the fullest.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Your willingness can bring ecstatic experiences to ensure you accept in your pineal the loving guidance you are given as you determine to live in the peace and harmony you deserve.

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