Energy of the Day: Relax

Today you are meant to relax, even out your vibration and smooth out your energy. How can you reduce all the tension and bring yourself into a more harmonious tone?


What makes you tense? You know when you feel good and you know when you do not. Make a list of everything that causes you to feel tight. It is important to realize how you feel comes from the inside and cannot be blamed on outside factors. It has to do with your own mindset and you are the one who sets your own mind. Nothing can make you tense unless you let it. How can you moderate outside stress and stay relaxed?


You are energy and are the only one who is in control of it. Therefore, you are responsible for what you are experiencing. You are the boss – it is within your power to stay relaxed no matter what. Give yourself relief from outside burdens. Even when there is tension, it does not have to get to you. Tell it to go fly a kite! Your energy is a sanctuary. You are the protector. It is up to you to keep it pure and clean. Feeling better on the inside, you can deal with everything from a gentle point-of-view. Although things on the outside may not totally disappear, you can choose to work with a softer version of them. You will be able to overcome anything swiftly and with ease. Relax and feel great. Take it easy – all day and every day.

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Energy of the Day: Upgrade

Today is the best time to upgrade yourself. It is not about buying a new computer, car or any equipment. You may want to take one thing about yourself that has not been working for you – turn it around, give it a complete make-over and end up upgrading yourself to a whole new level.


Are you tired of the way you are always doing something and wish you could do it better? Have you ever felt it would be really, really nice if you could improve this one thing about yourself? If you have already done everything in the best possible way, it would not feel as good if you had not struggled and found a way to make it better. Always find a solution to what bothers you. How can you do that? Have you ever received any criticism? Take it as a suggestion and start there. Regardless of whether whoever gave it to you was right or not, use this as an opportunity to look at yourself and explore anything you could possibly improve about yourself. It is now time for your upgrade.


If you could create a prototype of the best you, what would it be like? There are no limitations in this game you are playing with yourself. Use your ability to focus. Zoom in on any one thing you would love to upgrade. Remember, everything you have already gone through so far in your life has not been for nothing. You can make it all count, every single part of it, if you just put all of your invaluable experience to work! This is why you went through it in the first place. Once you imagine what would be so great to have better and how it will work for you – you can use this as a blueprint. Now you know what to do. It will be simple. Organize your boldness and turn your love up to a high level. You can do anything. Before you know it, you will be completely new and upgraded. What fun!

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Energy of the Day: Return

Sometimes in life we need to leap forward to explore options and take chances. Once you find a solution, you will see how this new paradigm fits in your life. Then it is time to go back and restore your normal life rhythm. How do you return to a better lifestyle after this new change?


Do you ever avoid changes because you do not feel your life will be the same afterwards? How can you improve if you do not change? Do not hold yourself back just because you have a fear of the unknown or you feel insecure about leaving your present situation. Even though things happen that may seem beyond your control, you will always have the wisdom of what you have built for yourself already. Accept what comes gracefully and use this change in your life to organize things in a much better way. This can be very beneficial and you can be much better off. This is your chance to upgrade, refresh and improve. Do not settle and go back. Return to a bigger and better you!


Any time you are making a change, have a simple plan in place of what you really want to accomplish. While in the process of switching your life around, make sure you are taking care of your five basic needs: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression. Next, focus on your wants and goals. Be open and honest and decide what you really want deep inside. Bring it to the surface to allow your guidance an opportunity to help you achieve it. Do not limit yourself by what seems reasonable or practical. Do not exclude what you may think is impossible – this is a sure way to keep yourself from it. Remain flexible and leave room for new things. Restore what works but bring everything to a new level – upgraded and refreshed. Keep it simple. After these much needed changes, you will be able to return to the top of your game – improved and better than ever.

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Energy of the Day: Climb

If you hit a brick wall today – climb over it! There is always a way.


When you hit a barrier in your life, how do you feel? Do you feel as if you are falling behind or descending into a place you do not want to be? Does it feel so impossible you do not know how to pass through it? Are you giving up before you start or before you have tried everything? It is time to realize not only can you overcome any adverse situation but you can come out victorious in the end. Once you are aware of the strength you have inside, it is simple to use it.


There can be only one reason why you are coming up against this brick wall. It is your time to overcome it. You can do it. Otherwise, it would not be in front of you. It could be because you are at the point when you are ready for the next level in your life. Now is your chance! Your spiritual helpers will never put you in a situation you cannot handle. Everything you are facing is for your benefit. Scaling this brick wall can be a joyous opportunity. If you see it this way, you can have one of the greatest times of your life. All you need to do is believe it. You are prepared. Make it a sensational experience. Utilize all you have and go for it. You are meant to do it. The whole world will greet you on the other side.

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Energy of the Day: Forward

Time moves non-stop and everything moves along with it. Are you advancing forward or is your reluctance keeping you behind? Today is all about finding out what drives you in your life.


If you have ever felt sluggish or awkward, it may be because something has made you hesitate. This will prevent you from moving forward and your energy will be at a standstill. You need to find out what you are unclear about since this will hold you back from progressing. You may need to do some fact-finding so you are fully aware of the situation you have put yourself in. Make a decision to change things for the better. Remember, you only have control over yourself and not anyone else. You can give suggestions and ideas to others but you need to respect that what they do is ultimately up to their free will. At the same time, you have your own free will to associate only with the people you resonate with who are helping you move forward in a positive direction.





As soon as you are clear about what you really want and have made your decision, you will start moving ahead. You will keep going forward as long as you stay in control. You can still adjust anything as you go. It takes a lot more energy to get moving from being stagnant than it is to switch gears or direction while already in motion. Get a sense for the step ahead of your next step to be prepared with a simple plan of action. This way, you will already know what to do if things speed up. If you experience a slow down, take an extra moment to regroup what you are learning as you go. This will give you ideas on how to keep everything moving forward uninterruptedly. Charge ahead and roll forward.

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Energy of the Week for April 18-24, 2011: Backing

If you know you have the backing you need to do all the things you want that are beneficial to you, would you go for them? How can you use the infinite backing and support you brought with you this lifetime?  

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
When you chose your reason for coming into this lifetime, you also brought a team of spiritual guidance/angels who are here to help you in every aspect of your life. You are not alone – you have never been and never will be. Your helpers are souls, just like you, who have lived on planet Earth and have already graduated. They have learned how to be loyal to themselves first and respect other souls for where they are. Your guidance is so spiritually organized – they do not need to come back and live any more lifetimes. Your rapport with these spiritual helpers goes back many lifetimes. They know you better than you know yourself. Since they have already accomplished something similar to what you have come to do, they are better than your best friends and are there for you no matter what. They communicate with you through your sensitivity or intuition and may give you chills or goose-bumps when they are really close around you. The more relaxed and positive you are, the more you are true to yourself and tuned in with your guidance.

Tip: If you wish to bring your relationship with your guidance to its highest level, you can learn how to have an instant and direct two-way communication with them. Our Inner Guidance Consultation Program can show you how to get your own answers to all of your questions for the rest of your life. To help you get started on your way to finding out this big picture for yourself, download a free copy of The Universal Laws of Life Practical eBook & Study Guide now.    

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If what you are doing to be of service is outside of your niche or not aligned with what you came here to do, you may be experiencing an uneasy time. At the least, you will not be thrilled or excited about doing it. This will prevent you from being the best service you can be to yourself and others. When you are doing what you really came here to do, your soul will be soaring like a bird inside of you. You will feel light, free, inspired and uplifted. You will not even feel the time go by when you are sharing of yourself and what you are learning. Your most powerful service is being a living testimonial to everything you have come to know. Your guidance is backing you to do what is right for you. Share from the heart your own experience and you will be a powerhouse of energy. You will be thrilled and empowered to stand in front of the whole world with your spiritual message. You get the most out of life by offering encouragement to others.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Everything in this world is built on communication and relationships. It is all about inner and outer connections. You are not self-lived. You came here to be involved and live a dynamic life full of interaction and growth. You cannot do this without others. Everyone you come in contact with becomes a part of your life and plays a vital role in it. They all help you learn more and more about yourself. With the backing of your guidance, you are able to have all of your relationships in the way you desire through your innate ability to influence others. Use your inspiration and be an example. Be compassionate and supportive. Be open and communicate sincerely. This will come back to you and help you enjoy affluent and thriving relationships.

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Energy of the Day: Loving

How much are you being loving to yourself and others?  What are the benefits of being more warm and affectionate?


Does loving others feel extremely difficult at times? How can you love anyone else if you do not love yourself first? If you think that being loving is too soft or tender and it will take away from the serious image you have of yourself if you show it, you may be doing yourself a big disservice. In fact, you will be respected more if you truly care enough to want to help. Be upfront and sincere with the people around you. Being loving brings out everything positive about yourself. Are you afraid someone else may take advantage of your lovingness? When loving others, you are doing it for yourself. You are being who you really are. How others will respond is subject to their own consciousness. It is not your concern what they do when you act lovingly toward them.


You were brought into this world through an act of love. You were pure feeling. Later on in life, you learned how to express emotions rather than feelings. These are the concepts we picked up from our parents or whoever raised us. This keeps you from sharing of yourself in a very loving way. Your true feelings come from the depths of your center. They are real and profound. Everyone can feel them. Not only are you not losing anything by displaying how loving you really are but you are increasing your own radiance as your energy shines warmer and brighter. You will attract those who will appreciate it and respond back in a loving way. Do not stop loving! Open up your tenderness and compassion today.

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Energy of the Day: Engage

Today is a perfect day to utilize your energy in a way that makes even better use of yourself. How can you engage yourself to the maximum so it is the most beneficial to you and everyone else?


If you are not pursuing a higher goal, what are you doing to uplift or elevate your energy? If you are engaged in an endeavor beneath your ability, you may lack the responsibility, commitment or incentive to accomplish at your highest level. You need something to provoke you to grow. You need to be fully involved which will raise your own standards, expectations and productivity. You may need more of a challenge. This comes when you assume an obligation. If you think taking on responsibilities is a heavy burden, you may overstretch yourself in areas that do not serve you. Turn all of your obligations into opportunities to learn, grow and expand yourself. You need to find the right balance.


Engage yourself with meaningful priorities worth your time and energy: things you are proud to pledge yourself to and find commendable. If all of your energy and attention is focused on opportunities that allow you to apply the best of your abilities, you will be delighted to look after these obligations. It will be an honor. You will not be able to wait to fulfill these commitments and enjoy doing them. Do some spring cleaning. Engage in things that matter. Be loyal to yourself first by making the right choices and commit to them one hundred percent. Live, love and engage.

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

Purpose is what drives you through your life. It gives direction to everything you do. How can you live your purpose every single day?


Without a purpose, you may feel as if your life is being tossed around without any navigation. If you do not know where you want to go, you will never get there. Your purpose defines what your life is all about. It is what you have come here to do. It is not your profession or occupation. You can have many jobs or projects in your life – but they are only avenues to living your life purpose. How can you identify your sole (soul)  purpose?


There is something special you have come here to do and no matter what, you cannot help but do it. It is exactly what inspires you the most. It is your core essence that comes from within. You feel and know your purpose deep inside and you influence everyone around you with it. Your life purpose is also called your spiritual message because you are sharing it with others all along the way. Bring out your inner purpose to elevate yourself. When you are in tune with yourself and living your purpose, you feel light and experience an extraordinary boost of energy. Live your purpose and you will shine with your brightest light.

Tip: To find your life purpose or spiritual message, get our Intermediate Package today.

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Energy of the Day: Plan

Do you have a plan? A plan helps you organize what you need and want to do in a timely way. How do you plan effectively?


Do you ever find yourself not knowing where to begin or what to do? What you need is a plan. A good plan will simplify any situation and boil it down into a step-by-step layout. With your plan in hand, you will know exactly what to do and it is easy to just go for it. Once this gets you moving into action, your results will be right around the corner. How can you design a great plan?


Take your personal situation and discern the clear facts: what, when, where and why about what you want to accomplish. Now you can easily make decisions based on this complete transparent set of facts. This will give you a direction – from here to there. See the exact steps along this path and write down each one. The checklist for your plan is ready. This is all you need to get going. Along the way, if something unexpected happens, be flexible and take it into consideration. You do not have to lose your spontaneity. Stay organized. Clarify any adjustments that need to be made, then update your plan. This way, you will stay current and on top of the energy in every moment. Plan ahead and enjoy applying it successfully.

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