Energy of the Day: Surpass

By following your own inner light, your life will surpass even your wildest expectations. Life takes us through all kinds of twists and turns, but one thing is consistent – our desire to do what we have come here to do. As long as you are loyal to yourself, you are going to get to the right place for you no matter what. You will discover how much your dream was better and brighter than anticipated. How do you get to this special place that transcends all of your desires?


If you do not like where you are now, remember it is only temporary. In order to get to a better place, you need to find it within yourself first. If you do not know what you are looking for, it will not be there. Take yourself to the exact place you want to be in your mind. What does it look like? How do you want to feel in it? What do you appreciate about it? Come up with all the nice things you want in this picture. What are you going to do there? How happy will you be? Custom design your complete vision.


It will be extremely uplifting when you are souring through this wonderful place in your mind and you will feel exhilarated. It will take you beyond your ordinary experience and the more you enjoy yourself in it, the more you will open the gateway to manifesting it. Use this resource to be strengthened so your patience will prevail. As you come closer to the realization of your dreams, there may be dark shadows moving around you that do not want you to move forward. Do not get distracted. Keep your focus steady. When the timing is right, everything will open up for you and what you will encounter may even surpass what you expected. This blissful reality that comes out of a well-seeded and taken-care-of-dream always turns out better. It will go beyond what you have prepared for, but it will be well worth it.

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Energy of the Day: Forgive

To forgive is a necessity if you want to improve yourself. In nature, everything has a second chance. When you forgive, you release the feeling of indebtedness. When you find it within to forgive yourself or others, it brings out your inner compassion. It deepens your understanding, humbles your spirit and you become even more human than you were before. What can help you forgive even when it is hard to?


Are you having a hard time excusing yourself or the behavior of others? If you are feeling pain, are you finding it impossible to forgive? It is time to clarify why you are doing this. No matter how much confusion there is, if you hold on to anger or resentment, it will simply eat you on the inside and you will have a burning sensation or feel as if you have to escape. Do not punish yourself for what someone else did – even if you did it to yourself. If you feel guilty or are trying to punish yourself or anyone else, you need to bring yourself back to reality. You do not need to teach you or anyone else a lesson. You just need to learn from it. Do not hold it inside. The only person you are hurting is yourself. You will end up punishing yourself by holding your own energy captive to such negative feelings. What would it take to grant a pardon and release yourself from all of this burden?  


Always think of yourself first. What will help you the most is to identify and absolve everything that is putting pressure on you. This will release the feeling of resentment you have been subjecting yourself to. You will be set free. You will be stronger and feel better. When you forgive someone else – even when you do it within – you are doing it for you. You do not need to face the person. You can forgive them in a tacit gesture. You can accept their free will to do as they wish. They are doing it to themselves first before they do it to you. The more positive you remain, the more you can help yourself and others clarify what is causing the trouble to begin with. Just forgive. This can only be for the good. You will have accelerated into the fast lane to improve and grow. The world will admire you for it and you will accept yourself even more.

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Energy of the Day: Pause

Sometimes, in order to move faster, you need to take a moment to pause first. There are certain things you cannot discern on the go. It is best to pause and catch your breath. Then, your decisions will be crisper. Your energy will be clearer when you are not rushed. You will actually be more settled and relaxed. When is the right time and how often do you need to pause?


Do you only stop to pause when you get bewildered? If you delay because you are unsure and hesitate, this is not a pause – it is a linger. You need to clarify what you want to do and how to move forward. After you have actively gathered information for awhile, sometimes things come to a natural halt. This is a perfect moment for you to pause, cleanse and regroup.

Tip: You can learn how to use our free techniquesPersonal Energy Cleansing and World Cleansing to renew and reset the energy within and around you.


Whenever you feel a need for it, pause and take an intermission. Even a brief rest can be refreshing and help you emphasize and focus on what is really important. Take a breather so you can be ready to go again. A great way to organize yourself is to work in compact units. You can pause to set your energy before – on what you want to accomplish and after – to regroup on how it went and what your experience was. You also want to pause whenever you need to make a decision. By creating a temporary suspension, you will be able to come up with the best way to proceed. This will not slow you down. Taking this extra moment to pause will make everything go smoother and even save you more time in the long run. In reality, it will speed things up by keeping you more efficient. After you pause, you will be able to keep going faster than the wind.

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Energy of the Week for April 11-17, 2011: Begin

You have something that nobody else has – your own unique way that is innately yours. This week is all about digging deep within and finding out how you can bring it out and begin your own tradition. How do you find your spiritual thrust?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
What are you all about? What are you really good at or have your own way of doing that everybody admires? What are you drawn to? What matters to you the most? If you narrow this down, you will discover the something special that defines you in your core. This is your innate philosophy you came here to learn more about and refine in this lifetime. You are always sharing this message and passing it on to everybody who wants to clarify it for themselves. This is called your life purpose or spiritual message. Once you clarify it more for yourself, you can begin to live it fully and be in your own niche. This will allow you to thrive in your highest energy and experience the most success you have ever had.

Tip: If you want to define your spiritual message or life purpose with the help of your spiritual helpers, you can get our Intermediate Package with your complete Personal Life Plan and learn how to have a direct communication with your own angels/spiritual guidance.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you always do as you are told and follow what everybody else is doing, you may never bring out your unique service to others. No matter how great something has already been done, there is room for improvement and input. Set your energy to use your creativity to make things better. Begin by putting your own twist and adding your unique signature in the way only you can do it. Everybody will be interested in receiving the service in a different and refreshing way. With your unique approach, they will enjoy an unexpectedly good time and gladly reward your efforts back. When you begin to leave your unique footprint into what you do, you will have it made.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Begin having open and honest relationships with everyone. This will allow anything bothering you or that is unclear to come to the surface and get clarified. Be yourself and let others know who you really are. Even if they disagree with you, they will respect you being open and straightforward. Accommodate them by allowing them to be natural and share their opinion with you. They will appreciate it and feel free. You can have an opinion of their opinion. Do not hold it inside. Just express it in a nice way. This will increase the exchange and dialog and bring up the dynamics in all of your relationships. Both of you will learn so much more and feel closer than ever.

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Energy of the Day: Exact

To be exact is to be clear, accurate and precise. When you are exact about what you want and your energy is direct and smooth, it is easier for you to get it. How can you be exact without being rigid?


Are you so set in your ways that you are totally inflexible? You may be creating more limitations for yourself which will preclude many opportunities. If you are turning into a hard case by trying to prove you have the power to control or that you are special, your motives may be off. The precision comes in knowing what you want. Consider the reality and keep your options open to find the most creative ways to accomplish what you want without putting up extra personal barriers. The stiffer you are and the more stringent demands you put on yourself and others means you are locked into a picture and may miss the whole solution altogether. In other words, when you are so strict that you make things impossible, you may lose it all. You can be punctual and pliable at the same time.


Set in stone exactly what you want. The more exact details your vision has, the more real it will be and the closer you will be to obtaining it. Then, open yourself up as to how you are going to get it. Allow this part to be somewhat out of your domain. Let this be the business of your spiritual helpers/inner guidance. The how can come in any way, shape or form that is best for you. This is why you need to be as open as possible so you can allow them to put it in place for you without you being in their way. Let this reality play out without becoming impatient. This will be as good as it gets. However it turns out, consider it better even if it does not perfectly match the picture you originally envisioned. If the reality is exactly what we plan every time, there will be no surprises or lessons in our life – very boring! Therefore, take the exact plan you have and let it freely fly to its own unique unfoldment.

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Energy of the Day: Supersede

Every moment in time is the beginning of the rest of your life and it takes the place of everything in the past. Now is your chance to replace any experience you do not like with new and better ones you want. How do you seize this opportunity and allow your energy to supersede what you have gone through and bring yourself to a whole new dimension?


Do you feel stuck in ways you do not like? Everything can change and you can reinstate things the way you want. What follows depends on you. You need to make a decision how to move forward. You are the one who holds the cards and you just need to play them right. It is never too late to start over. You only get better and better with practice. Each time, you can refine and upgrade how you want things to go. It is an exciting journey. What can help you feel refreshed and inspired all the time?


You are at the end of your past and at the beginning of your future. Imagine yourself drawing a line where you are in your life right now and leave your past behind. Regroup with your inner guidance everything you have learned. Retain the wisdom you have earned. Cherish what you have gone through that brought it about and release the rest. Now see yourself at a threshold – entering the future of your life. Everything you want to do starts now! Open the door and open the energy for it. See it happening in front of your eyes. See your fairy tale dream playing out. Enjoy yourself being happy and healthy. You are on top of your game. You are holding what your future holds in your very hands. Make the right move – the one that feels good. You cannot do anything wrong. You will supersede what was and establish what is to be just the way you want it.

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Energy of the Day: Longing

Do you feel the longing you have inside is unattainable or a real aspiration you plan to live?


Have you been desiring certain things for a while? If you think your incessant yearnings are a distant impossibility, you are building a wall between yourself and them. No wonder it feels difficult to attain them. There may be a reason why you are getting persistent reminders from your inner guidance of the same thing – you are drawn to it. If it feels good, it means your energy clicks with it. You are meant to have it. Accepting this will open the path between you and the object of your longing so it becomes possible. Stop wishing. Make your dreams a reality.


Clarify your ambitions. Make them your priority. Schedule them in your life. This will propel your energy in the best direction to attain them. This will also increase your drive and create an opening for more initiative. You can do anything you put your heart and mind to. If you leave out the excuses, your focus will be clear and your longing will become a reality within your reach. You will enjoy the satisfaction of living your desire.

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Energy of the Day: Habitat

Today is all about the place where you belong – your natural habitat. How can you be in your own energy all the time?


If you are not enjoying your surroundings, this is taking energy away from you. You may feel depleted. If you do not have harmony in the place where you are, it is because your environment is neutralizing you. The first thing to understand is that you deserve to live in a habitat that is absolutely pleasing to you. You need to be in your own energy first before you can create the energy around you. You have control over both.


You are always spreading your energy wherever you are. You can create your own abode anywhere. Envision a wide protective buffer of bright light around yourself that will create a spiritual oasis even in the most challenging energy. Your energy can be free flowing when you are in an environment that uplifts and supports you to unfold your highest potential. Discover your own habitat and make sure it is in harmony with your personal energy and bring your own enchanting radiance to influence any environment wherever you are.

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Energy of the Day: Crucial

Out of all the important things in your life, today you will clarify what is the most imperative. This way, you can put your best into what is the most crucial for you.


Are you confused about what is really essential? Are you having trouble accomplishing everything you want to do and discerning what is most relevant in your life at this time? From all the good things in the world, there is only one that makes the most difference.


Being loyal to yourself first. This is the most crucial lesson you need to learn in your entire life. Everything else comes secondary to this simple rule. No other knowledge is complete unless you put it in the right perspective in accordance with your self-loyalty. If you misplace it, nothing else will make sense. When you take care of your own needs first and freely follow what you want, you are being a great example for everyone else. This is crucial for you and helpful to others who can in turn do the same for themselves.  Make the right move in every moment of your life – the one that is best for you.

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Energy of the Day: Phenomenon

Phenomena are rare and always remembered as exceptional examples of what happens in reality. The energy today is offering you great opportunities to have extraordinary experiences. How can you be your own phenomenon?


Do you have a favorite character, celebrity or any famous idol you look up to? Do you admire anyone outside of yourself and think highly of their distinguished qualities? Do you feel as if you do not have anything special enough to stand out and mesmerize the crowds? This is the time to clarify what you are made of so you can become your own phenomenon. Any remarkable occurrence that draws the attention of the masses comes out of the same energy you are made of except it is expanded in an impressive way. What makes this happen?   


You carry unmatched uniqueness within and are a one-of-a-kind individual. The people who are famous found a way to bring it out – through their feelings. If you are still keeping your uniqueness a secret, you are not utilizing your own potential completely. It is up to you to discover what you are really good at. Then you can become inspired and increase it to the Nth degree. You will grow immensely and turn into your own sensation – your own marvelous phenomenon.

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