The Fall Is A New Beginning!

Full Action Live Launch – look the fall is here! Always full of excitement and surprises – never boring. Always fresh and curious – never the same old. All kinds of hunches and ideas all around you during this creative season that makes everything possible – even the dreamiest of dreams.

Let your impressions go into full bloom from the inside out to bring out your unlimited inner knowing into full blown reality manifesting no less than everything you truly desire. Make sure you do not deny yourself any little bit of anything you want taking comfort in the endless ways to get it all happening for you. Do not miss a beat of the rich action-packed months will offer you.

Explore every chance you like and confidently give them a try in unison with your multi-faceted ambition. You can do it all and then some just with the convenience of believing whatever has to take place will if you stay on top of it and do not give up.

Make it light and keep it fun – meet the intense moments with a giggle to shake away the tension and free your mighty spirit to soar high and reach your goals in a steady anticipation for all of what you expect to fall right in place for you as it was meant.

Delight your senses with a vigor that resembles delicious flavors to please and soothe yourself into nurturing your magnificent appetite for life and all of its wild adventures to full appreciation of everything that is available on your way.

You can tell you will have the greatest of times as you would take nothing less to get by with. From a giant lens the whole big picture always makes so much more undeniable sense than any smaller part of it on its own in any given moment in time. Trusting yourself is the magic to unfold your own destiny totally and completely.

Spice up your fall season with plenty of inspiration and it will be simply decadent!

To learn more about your spiritual gifts and the four color senses, order Howard Wimer’s book called Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts (also available for Kindle).

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The Energy of the New Spiritual Year for September 1, 2019-August 31, 2020 is ECHELON

This is a new beginning of a greater power you have experienced for a long time. The fresh energy of the New Spiritual Year is just bumping you up to the highest ECHELON you can perform at for the whole next twelve months starting today. Feel charged up with the super outstanding ability this extra special status goes with. Bring out every single hidden skill and talent you hold within – this is the time to make the best use of all of it to the fullest.

Take charge and originate the things that matter to you to be most present in your life. You should let no ideas pass you by, but rather add them all to your mighty arsenal to make best use of them on the spot as you go. Put everything to work for you and stay in control to see it come to fruition in the right timing.

There will be no good place for weaknesses at all as they are not ever real in the first place, as by your very nature you are made of the strongest material in existence among the star dust of it all – the everlasting soul! Remind yourself of this highest quality you have and that you indeed can elevate above all and conquer any misnomer of negativity showing in your way. In reality, every challenge is but an opportunity gateway to the higher place you belong to. Nothing more than just a pattern in the growth ladder of your life. Stick to knowing how incredibly special you are and how much endlessly more you are capable of with everything the whole of the universe has mindfully entrusted you with.

The difference you can make for yourself will defy the gravity of anything trying to take away from you as the more it disadvantages you, the more you will gain from rising above it. See, by the invaluable natural design of it all, it all fuels you up to move ahead and forward even when it namely seems to be pushing you back. Your invisible wings are always there and both good and bad give you reasons to fly to the next level.

Do not be surprised at toughening up a bit military style as orderly does it best to stay in line while in action. The divine plan will have a great balance for you of all work and total rest. Just get used to the swift changes between the two as they switch in a flash for you. The greatest times will come out of fulfillment and tremendous satisfaction of well done hard work to the fullest. You will be discovering all along the bigger perspective the top ECHELON launches for both your heart and mind this unforgettable year. Turn it all on and up for yourself!

If you want to regroup the previous spiritual year so you can move into this new energy with genuine resolve and enthusiasm, here are some questions you can ask yourself today:

  1. What did I accomplish for myself in the last spiritual year?
  2. How loyal was I to myself?
  3. What did I learn about myself?
  4. What could I have done differently?
  5. What were my highlights?
  6. How did what I learned prepare me for the new spiritual year?

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 26-September 1, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

A type of experiential week even the stars above can envy you for. Do your most with everything exciting the ELATION in the energy will be helping and prompting you to do for yourself. Believing will get you there paired with the right thing to do to get things off the ground. Driven is the key to make it happen the way you desire it to be for you.
There will most definitely be lots to share about and we cannot wait to hear all about it.

Monday, August 26, 2019: Record
Innately you will be sensing the elation and it will make you smile for no reason at all to everyone you encounter. Harvest all productive connections this will bring about to make your day work for you. When you notate a great moment, just expand its impact further into the next, so you can continue to benefit from its high energy as you move along your schedule. Put some effort to record whatever nicer way you felt on account of something you already experienced and see how much more this will bring your way later on.

● Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. respecting other’s time and experience
Getting locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. being flexible
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking necessary breaks to rest
Living in the past holding on to negative memories vs. releasing old habits and tendencies

Tuesday, August 27, 2019: Blessing
Today is the day that reveals how your most torturous unpleasant issue turns around to reveal a giant blessing it has been disguising in and of itself for all this while. All of this may come across as pretty shocking, but you will nevertheless survive it just fine because it ends well. You may still need a breather to cope with what it all means as you are taking it all in as you can. Needless to say, this will bring about a huge difference for you in your entire life. You can rest assured and take it easy after this one.

● Tending to procrastinate vs. keeping your mind on useful things and following through
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. not putting too much pressure on people
Being too heavily guarded vs. allowing others to be in your space when they earn it
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. looking out for others as well

Wednesday, August 28, 2019: Cordial
As you feel cordial and so eager to go on with your life in a whole new way, it will be hard to wait. The best news is you don’t have to wait any longer – you can start doing it all in a better way that works right now! Come up with a fresh approach you like and are happy with to do – even with the worst you couldn’t handle before. This time, it will work as your elation demeanor will charm your actions with the golden dust of abilities and possibilities. Voila!

● Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. keeping things interesting and fun
Being too picky in your choices vs. using your inner sensitivity to make decisions
Having a difficult time opening up vs. allowing yourself the opportunity to share more
Making other people more important and being a do-gooder vs. being loyal to yourself first

Thursday, August 29, 2019: Business
When it comes back down to business, today will go as light and effervescent for you as a fresh sparkling drink. With your more upbeat attitude, you will be way more put together than before. What you will find out is how much more consideration you need to give your determination to succeed no matter the cost. If you bring forth your boldness, you will all of a sudden stand way taller than any marginalized annoying matter that stands in your way. Now you can get over it fast and easy and leave it in the dust. You can truly move ahead now.

● Having a tendency to lose things and miss exits vs. staying grounded and awake
Having a lot of pride and hiding your emotions vs. not putting so much pressure on yourself
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. giving them the benefit of the doubt unless betrayed
Giving people gifts to like you or be devoted to you vs. just being yourself and involved

Friday, August 30, 2019: Action
Spend your day in action and you can earn a rewarding and restful weekend. Just do it all from the top to the bottom without any stalling in between. You will find yourself in a great place in the end. With much fulfillment, you will sleep really well tonight. You might by chance get a dream that empowers you even more to go on.

● Being a home-body and not going out vs. finding interesting ways to get out and enjoy life
Having a tendency to become mean and call people names vs. having basic respect for others
Being a control freak vs. allowing others the opportunity to express their true feelings
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged by them vs. allowing others their opinions

Saturday, August 31, 2019: Decide
You will be able to decide free and clear today what and how to do what you need to do from now on in a solid irrevocable way. Finally, you can realize it is what you really want for yourself that drives your life ahead. Major lessons have fortunately produced an understanding of how this whole thing exactly works. This is why when you feel down about yourself, this sends you further back instead of forward. If you act confidently and believe how much more you can do, you project a path that always lays a foundation to make it work right for yourself. You are your own best friend!

● Being gullible because you know anything is possible vs. sticking to the facts (wwww)
Expecting, assuming and demanding vs. having a respectful communication with everyone
Bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. respecting everyone’s boundaries
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball vs. making a commitment to follow through

Sunday, September 1, 2019: Combine
It is time to merge reality with what your heart aspires after in a power fusion that will combine and marry the best of both worlds. Although your day will not be filled with only what you want, it is you who has to make it as a priority what you most strongly desire to become the main and most important pivot of it, or you will never be satisfied to the fullest. Make up your mind really well about all this and it will show awesome results right away. To end a week with a beginning of a month, a new season and even a New Spiritual Year is a pretty big deal. Happy September!

● Being a space cadet and being in la-la land vs. staying grounded and focused
Getting on a glory trip and being a guru vs. realizing everyone has their own answers
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. managing your time effectively
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. relaxing your energy and sharing more

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Record a blessing in a cordial way for your business action when you decide to combine work and fun in your day.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Combine your ideas to decide in action how to pursue business goals with a cordial blessing to record your best results yet.

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The Energy of the Week for August 26-September 1, 2019: Elation

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

If you have been a little bumped and have felt somewhat stale lately – your time has come to experience plentiful happiness this whole week. With an uplifted spirit, you can bring much elation to your day everyone will be very glad to notice and be catching on to the hyper energy you will be exuding. What else can you desire and be duly believing will come about for you? You can almost play a game out of it with fervor to make a lot of great things happen your way. Be wishful, mesmerizing and ambitious – it will all pay off so well for you.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Your soul will soar while your body rejuvenates as you float with the strong energy of elation swirling everywhere around you in the air. You will understand how much visceral power you actually have over whatever it is fighting you on the inside and out. It will be a great winning battle for you as long as you act in a self-motivating fashion without any fear that whatever effort you exert toward your dreams will be wasted. Anything you do for the right reasons produces triple times the outcome as it falls right in line with everything the universe backs you to accomplish for yourself.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you can’t have it, you will destroy it.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T judge others based on their appearance.
DO vividly remember all the details that stand out to you.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO love challenges and like to be in charge of people and projects.
DON’T have a tendency to become a drama queen/king.
DO always share what you feel is the truth because you can’t tell a lie.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
No one knows better than you what gets your juices flowing like nothing else. It is your show and tell time about that. This week, the more you open up and share, the more results this will bring you in your work. In addition to setting you on fire, it will be inspiring endlessly those around you to join the elation and have a mere blast together with you. Those who oversee your work will be more than impressed and a promotion might be closer than ever. See what happens.

DON’T become a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO desire to improve things and easily imagine how to do them better.
DON’T cut off your creativity by being too practical and hold back.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from their troubles.
DO live in the present moment and do not relive the past.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Elation you and your friends will recall for a long time will be over you all when you engage in soul searching together, each in your very own way. The sensitive energy will be predisposing moments to bring much needed discussion for the next few days until any important matters needing clarifying finally are. Send this way the best we should rejoice with you about.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot
DO be a good executive and manager
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO be a natural leader who inspires others to follow you.
DON’T have a tendency to get into the hole or the mud with others by not being detached.
DO realize the main fact you are always interested in is the “why” and your energy is warm.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 19-25, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Think ACCOMPLISHMENT and aim to the highest of every chance and opportunity you can imagine that exists. You are bound under an agreement with all the energy backing you to get far this week and as long you are there to fulfill this, it will certainly happen for you.


Monday, August 19, 2019: Incredible
Be present and the super power this will generate for you will be massively incredible to a point you be thoroughly amazed by your own duly inspired actions. Invest everything you are gifted with into everything you do and nobody will believe just how very much you are able to produce on the spot.

● Coming up with great ideas, but not putting them into action vs. acting on your hunches
Being very traditional or even dogmatic vs. being flexible and not getting locked into a picture
Pushing yourself too long without eating vs. taking good care of yourself continuously
Throwing temper-tantrums when you do not get your way vs. taking your outcomes in stride   

Tuesday, August 20, 2019: Loving
to no end can melt a few more barriers away from the straight and narrow path you are on. For your best benefit, this will bring on more caring in response than you might be used to. Let your big heart do its thing without rationalizing it further. Your gain will be beyond tremendous when you pour out more warmth than any amount of coldness trying to take you down from your direction. Your best feelings will always persevere and win.

● Having jealous feelings to destroy it if you cannot have it vs. respecting all the results
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what others are saying vs. getting down to the facts
Having difficulty opening up sharing about your personal life vs. being sincere and transparent
Ignoring the what, when, where and why making the who more important vs. considering all

Wednesday, August 21, 2019: Wellness
How would your day go if your main concern was your wellbeing and wellness? From taking an extra short mental break for a moment to heal your overall sanity, to indulging in a healthy treat to eat, all the way to spending time for much needed relaxing at the pool or the spa – you need to get enough rest and take good care of yourself today. Go ahead to intentionally pamper yourself one way or another and if you can manage it, go all the way from head to toe. You needed and more than deserve it and the energy says a loud yes to you!

● Interrupting or fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. getting to and staying on point
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what others are saying vs. clarifying a subject confidently
Pushing your way through projects without communicating first vs. coordinating with others
Taking things personally avoiding criticism at all costs vs. facing the circumstances head on

Thursday, August 22, 2019: Consideration
Take all things surrounding your current situation from the inside and out into a brand new consideration so you can gain a fresh perspective of your overall current picture. Try seeing more opportunities if you may have felt you have been in a pinch lately. Get even more encouragement if you have been doing alright already. Be re-inspired to go, get, do and try – whatever it takes to reach that accomplishment you have dearly been working toward. You always have more than you need to succeed big. You just need a go get it attitude to see it that way and get there.

● Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. timely following all of your inspiration
Being locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. allowing yourself to be flexible
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. supporting those who need it
Throwing temper-tantrums when you do not get your way vs. proving your point with dignity

Friday, August 23, 2019: Wings
Decide to put on your super human imaginary body armor outfit and you can grow yourself big wings to fly. How far you can go with unlimited power is infinite as driven only by your vast imagination. If it is not a secret, you can tell us where this took you today.

● Liking to eat snacks and sip drinks obsessively vs. partaking of healthy foods in balance
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being satisfied doing your best
Avoiding crowds or loud events to hear yourself think vs. enjoying alone and social time
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. living in the present in a fresh way

Saturday, August 24, 2019: Prepare
Life never ceases to amaze us and we can never prepare enough for all the surprises, twists and turns it takes us through on a daily basis. Today is no exception and the energy is simply giving us a heads up to expect the unexpected. What would this mean for each one of us? We’ll have to find out.

Wearing yourself too thin as a workaholic vs. having a stellar work ethic caring for yourself
Showing off and impressing others by making a dramatic entrance vs. being your unique self
Insensitive and not caring about others people’s feelings vs. having empathy and compassion
A care-taker instilling guilt (not a benevolent care-giver) vs. giving from the riches within

Sunday, August 25, 2019: Volumes
What has been happening this entire week speaks volumes about how your destiny is shaping up from here on. Take it in stride and to heart all the way to your bright near future. Strengthened with clarity, you can boldly step up and into the next last week of this spiritual year – sincere! How touching have the past twelve months been for you? How did being sincere help you advance yourself? Get a giant sense of relief as baring your inner essence is not the easiest of experiences.

Cynical and making fun of others vs. respecting others for exactly where they are
Becoming very traditional or even dogmatic vs. being flexible to change with the times
Too heavily guarded not letting anyone invade your space vs. letting others earn your grace
Wanting old rules and experiences to apply to the present vs. updating your approaches

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be incredible and loving in full wellness with complete consideration for your own wings as you prepare for entire volumes of luck and fun.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Create volumes when you prepare to earn your wings in deep consideration for your overall wellness with a loving and incredible touch everyone will admire.

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The Energy of the Week for August 19-25, 2019: Accomplishment

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This will be the week for a significant and major accomplishment you are about to pull together in your current reality and in your very own way everyone else could wholeheartedly envy you for. Get yourself put together and super motivated so everything you touch turns into gold for you. Even extending yourself a bit over and above the usual will work like a charm as the mighty energy will provide that little extra it will take for it all to fall right into place for you. It will be exuberant!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Your high energy will match item for item all dynamic desires which will drive you ahead like a rocket up above the normal realms over the next seven days. Nothing can measure up with your raw unlimited ability to try to reach to the highest accomplishment for yourself and manifest whatever it is you always wanted to conquer within. If you wonder how you might manage to push yourself to expand like this, you should remember that you can always count on just enough inspiration you need to flow in like an extra wind under your wings to help you not only fly, but soar. No matter what, you are too close to progressing so far ahead past the point of no return, so nothing can ever set you back again behind any previous unstable state you had been in ever before.

DON’T be a space cadet who can end up in la-la-land.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T have too much pride and not want to look bad.
DO be always inspired to achieve your personal best and give it your all.
DON’T cut off your creativity by being too practical or conservative.
DO easily help people with the simple facts of what, when, where and why of their options.
DON’T gossip about people when you feel wronged by them.
DO stay detached by recognizing other people’s problems are not your own.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Build an enormous accomplishment that has been close to your heart and on top of your mind at all times. A big part of that deal would be to go for the gusto without slowing down your momentum or allowing anything to weaken your entire presence you have been establishing relentlessly. Going faster can get you much farther ahead in less time that will leave you so much more to spare on what counts the most – unwavering diligence. Forget about anything you cannot afford to ponder on. Be clear headed with your eyes on your target and the rest, as they say, will be history. It will give you so much to talk about.

DON’T have a tendency to get on a glory trip and want to be a guru.
DO take time for yourself and have a break when you feel the need.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO like cleaning to keep things neat and tidy.
DON’T be very secretive and go overboard in protecting your privacy.
DO feel secure in expressing your true feelings.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from the people around you.
DO easily open up and share warmly and sincerely from the heart.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Never in a million years would you believe the rare chances you will have available at your fingertips within your social environment this week! If you do not quite catch on to those unbelievable opportunities you will have, there is no one else to keep accountable for it other than yourself alone. Mobilize and activate just about everything you have in and around you and watch an expansive accomplishment happen like it is totally meant to come about and be.

DON’T tend to interrupt or fragment others with unrelated comments.
DO ground yourself by eating or snacking regularly to keep your energy high.
DON’T be very competitive and need to win to be the best at all costs.
DO bring it out in the open and communicate when you see something can be improved.
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon.
DO have a clear personal direction and easily direct others.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO stay detached by recognizing other people’s problems are not your own.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 12-18, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

You can MAGNIFY higher your entire existence with some more direct actions that will hit your game out of the ballpark and earn you a better position to find yourself in over just a few short magnificent days. Be a go-getter of your own greater chances if you tune in, listen and follow your incredible intuition over any other reasoning or advice no matter where those are coming from.

Monday, August 12, 2019: Orient
Is something new starting for you today? The energy is giving you a big helping hand to orient yourself and have a super nice time doing so. You can float on it much like on a flying carpet as long as you continue to cherish and magnify every more significant experience you will have from morning to evening. You will own this.

Making lots of piles where only you know where everything is vs. being organized & compact
Wasting others time by being long-winded vs. keeping to the key points within the whole story
Avoiding crowds and loud social events vs. taking the time to regroup and hear yourself think
Wanting to be the center of attention vs. making sure everyone realizes they are important

Tuesday, August 13, 2019: Creative
Your agenda better have a lot of opportunities for you to be creative in it as you will be getting so much incredible inspiration you will be best off having where to apply it in your day. Make sure to share any excess of it with others who may be also able to join you in your early week adventure. Nothing will make you happier than to finish excited and fulfilled.

● Liking to sip drinks and eat snacks obsessively vs. having balanced meals and snacks
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. choosing your priorities so you are not late
Overpowering others who you feel are weaker vs. respecting everyone and their opportunity
Wanting old rules to apply in the present vs. realizing that any new situation is different

Wednesday, August 14, 2019: Design
Put your wizard hat on so you are able to craft and design your own custom day as you are staying in the timeframe of both what is required and desired. Use your broad knowledge to make every moment and task count the best possible way to the maximum. You have a way about you which can make the biggest difference when you plug it in and press on to the end.

● Having a tendency to be gullible vs. checking all of the facts (what, when, where and why)
Cutting people off if you do not like them vs. making sure you know where everyone fits
Getting overwhelmed with negative thoughts vs. seeing the positive challenge in everything
Cluttering your space with a lot of trinkets vs. not getting involved in impulse buying

Thursday, August 15, 2019: Fruition
A long term goal, long overdue from a long time ago might come to fruition today as needed and expected before you even know how exactly this came about to finally work out. When the shock wears off, you will soon realize it is your efforts and due diligence that are paying off just as they should. It is not that surprising after all that it is all working by plan. Oh, happy day!

● Having a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches vs. trusting what comes to you
Having a tendency to overdo to prove yourself vs. being loyal to yourself first and foremost
Sacrificing quality by rushing to get the project out too soon vs. setting the best timing
Living in the past holding on to negative memories vs. being in the present with solutions

Friday, August 16, 2019: Unbelievable
It is pretty unbelievable this super week is almost coming to an end. As it lets you magnify your whole life through, you can excel further on your progressive path onward. Now you can see the clear way for everything you are aiming to do. With high spirits, the unfoldment of your greatest ideas of all times is even more possible than ever.

● Tending to forget what you consider to be unimportant trivia vs. paying attention to detail
Being late for appointments because takes longer than expected vs. having good timing
Cutting off your creativity by being too practical vs. letting your inspiration soar
Becoming very impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying in your true feelings

Saturday, August 17, 2019: Willing
Being willing takes precedent over being able or even over something being possible at all. When you are keen and enthusiastic, you can blaze your own trail where there isn’t one and, as a result, even open doors that did not exist before. The miracle of desiring strongly and not giving up to a point of being ready to do anything it takes no matter what it is and then some is how you can get what you want at any cost. Find out how all this works for you today.

● Trusting in others too much and giving them too much credit vs. discerning who is who
Feeling very hurt and blaming others vs. realizing others are doing the best they know how
Being insensitive and not caring about others feelings vs. having empathy and understanding
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. being flexible and relaxed

Sunday, August 18, 2019: Terrific
You can call it terrific time and a great day to make some new revelations that could last you a lifetime. Everything you are learning so much from lately is contributing vast wisdom increasing your energy by much more than you will ever know. It all counts for a lot in the overall big picture of how everything is eventually supposed to work out for you one day. You might have at least one more piece of the big puzzle of life revealed by now. Way to go!

● Becoming too lazy and a couch potato vs. focusing on what is important and doing it
Being very competitive needing to win at all costs vs. doing your best no matter what
Building fortresses and empires in order to feel important vs. setting clear boundaries
Making other people more important than yourself vs. having self-respect and confidence

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Orient yourself with creative solutions and design to full fruition of your unbelievable outcomes as you remain willing to do terrific things ahead.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be terrific and willing for unbelievable adventures so you can bring to fruition your design with creative ways to orient yourself forward.

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The Energy of the Week for August 12-18, 2019: Magnify

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

The energy is trying to help you magnify your life in many ways this whole week as you expand yourself into new experiences and increase your expectations toward all the things you want to do. All the ways you need to take special care of everything that matters to you will be at least somewhat enhanced by some unusual circumstances that will appear from nowhere when you least expect it. If you remain open to be flexible with whatever you are facing, you can boost your days with more and more great excitement from everything your life puts in your way. Be adventurous and you                                                                                      will have amazing fun!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
By the natural order of things, your inner sensitivity always gives you inspiration on the spot about everything you need to do that gets picked up then and discerned by your thinking part or your brain. When you are balanced, this all plays out wonderfully in sync directing you to be and do exactly as it should work out for you. While your soul instincts are a pure representation of your infinite potential which fires up your intuition with all the answers to solve everything you have to for yourself, your intellect reasons it all out based on all the input it has including your inspirations altogether with all info it is exposed to in your entire environment. The latter includes literally every single concept anyone around you has presently or from before, so it becomes real easy for this entire mixture to be tainted with limitations and negativity – all of it flooding your mind with everything that might not work or could go wrong. This more often than not results in people doubting themselves and ultimately falling short of following their own direction per their own sensitivity. This week, you can act confidently and magnify dramatically your outcomes if you put more weight on what you feel is right by letting your inspiration guide you ahead and not allowing your mind to hold you back from what you know so well inside is the right thing to do. Try it and you will have the best time ever – bringing you the most results you could possibly have.

DON’T trust in the potential of others so much that you give them too much credit.
DO create a comfortable and convenient environment for yourself and others.
DON’T expect, assume and demand of yourself and others.
DO communicate by painting pictures with your words.
DON’T have a tendency to undermine people or put them down.
DO give people an opportunity or a second chance until they prove you wrong.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO share what you feel is the truth because you cannot tell a lie.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
If you follow your intuition, it will feed you the greatest inspirations to magnify your work with much excitement, super incredible ideas and uplifting ways to have lots of fun doing what you are. You can be a ball of light using a magic touch to elevate everything that you do to new heights by giving your most amazing energy to the fullest and achieving above and beyond the natural expectations of everyone who works with you. Indirectly, with each positive success, you will be overcoming any barriers imposed by over-thinking or stressing which could otherwise slow you down. Show how much you really can!

DON’T have a tendency to ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T feel hurt and, in turn, blame others for your troubles.
DO vividly remember all of the details that stand out for you.
DON’T have a tendency to compromise your own standards when you get under pressure.
DO make decision easily and move quickly into action.
DON’T give people gifts so they will like you or be devoted to you.
DO make people the most important part of your life and you need to be a part of theirs.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Take a relationship that matters to you, but has also been bothersome, too, as it has not worked as well as you could wish for. This week, you can both elevate and magnify how you are connecting with them through some extra actions you can initiate to make something else worthwhile happening for all of you. Everything can change on a dime with even a slight shift of the energy for the better. Own your hope for improvement and you can direct your destiny ahead to align with it really soon. You can move things by desire when you are most proactive and really want to. The power is on your side as you always carry it within you.

DON’T be a fence-sitter and have a hard time making decisions.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T have a tendency, when angry, to become mean and call people names.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T tend to order others around by telling them what to do.
DO like to set up a system of policies and procedures for others to follow.
DON’T indulge in wanting devotion wanting others to beg you to do something or kiss your ring.
DO be very compassionate, but do not cater to others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 5-11, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Make an IMPACT for all to remember here and now. The energy is backing you to put forth any effort you are capable of and will see that it leads you somewhere. The key is not to stay idle, but to act on your ideas and inspiration with much vigor all the way to their fruition.

Monday, August 5, 2019: Flavor
Be forewarned that life could bring you a bit of a new different flavor today you might not particularly like at first. Anything you are not too familiar with, you might need to develop a taste for before you warm up to it more. Get patient to embrace the unexpected change knowing well that it will eventually grow on you if you just give it a proper chance. Be more tolerant and diplomatic and the rest will fall right in place for you.

 Being possessive vs. letting go and letting others be free
Being overly concerned with your appearance vs. just being neat
Undermining people or putting them down vs. appreciating the qualities of all
Raging emotionally if feeling you are not understood vs. standing your ground

Tuesday, August 6, 2019: Return
to your roots and your inner reasons for doing what you are doing so you can conform your own cause for your actions to guide you along the way. Let it be your directional light even when it is dark and rainy, so you know where you are headed at all times. A strong memory can keep you motivated even when the rest is confusing or brings you down. You will do great!

● Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. being factual and punctual
Being overly competitive to win at all costs vs. having balanced incentive
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. measured work regime
Feeling insecure and depending on your loved ones vs. believing in yourself

Wednesday, August 7, 2019: Emotion
If you feel any raw emotion about to burst from the inside, do let it pour out so you can empty yourself from its heavy energy and lighten up as a result. You need to express what is going on with you whether good or bad, so you do not end up captive to it. This outflowing gives you quite the unique experience of witnessing how it comes about to the outside world. It gives you the additional gauge of how it would get preserved. You can use this as an extra help to discern how to overcome it and get back to being solid for yourself. You are always stronger for coming to terms with all of it.

● Being scattered in your thinking living in the future vs. being solidly grounded
Dwelling on past negative experiences vs. living in the now
Being insensitive by not caring about other’s feelings vs. having true concern
Loosing identity by investing too much in relationships vs. being independent

Thursday, August 8, 2019: Prepare
When you are able to prepare for what is coming on your agenda, it keeps you in line with your own plans of action in case any outside sources try hard to intervene with what you desire to do. Ask yourself what you need to accomplish and how to go about it. This clarity will bring along invaluable inspiration to tap in for what you have to do. Together with all your afterthoughts, you should have all it takes to succeed.

● Forgetting what you consider unimportant details vs. paying close attention
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. carefully saving
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. being level headed
Giving others gifts so they like or are devoted to you vs. being naturally nice

Friday, August 9, 2019: Solutions
If you get your solutions you need, you will have a real blast applying them to get everything working really well for yourself. The true answers are always within your reach and in a way possible to do. Focus in a razor-sharp fashion and do not lose sight of what you have to do. Let your faith in knowing it is all going to work out for you one way or another bring all your unresolved matters to a calm and peaceful fruition just in time for the weekend.

● Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. being professionally precise
Being too picky in choices but disappointed with choices made vs. satisfied
Pushing your way through projects vs. coordinating with others effectively
Care-taking by making others feel guilty and not care-giving with benevolence
vs. giving out of good-will without expectations and caring with real concern

Saturday, August 10, 2019: Discern
This whole week will help you really discern the absolute best way to continue on your hopes and aspirations for your immediate future. With these new insights, you can for sure line up what is coming up ahead for you in an organized and smooth way. You can count on being on top of everything and in charge of whatever is going on for you.

● Making piles and only you know where everything is vs. being organized
Over-doing and over-preparing to prove yourself vs. doing the right amount
Sacrificing quality by rushing projects out there too soon vs. high standards
Sharing chummily every detail about your personal life vs. being discrete

Sunday, August 11, 2019: Inject
The most exciting day of the week as your whole impact you have made already will inject new energy into all your plans, wishes and desires. Enjoy and celebrate your achievements and be really proud of yourself. Make new bolder ideas a part of your continuing path. You can leverage the most these past few days by being grateful from the bottom of your heart. Well done!

● Being scattered in your thinking and living in the future vs. being present now
Cutting people off so they are out-of-sight and out-of-mind vs. second chance
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. supportive not obsessive
Feeling insecure and depending on your loved ones vs. having stability

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use a strong flavor to return away from all emotion and prepare the powerful solutions you can discern to inject your life with joy.  

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Inject your inspirations to discern your best solutions as you prepare without emotion to return to life’s rich flavor.

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The Energy of the Week for August 5-11, 2019: Impact

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s and DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

You are about to make a large front and center impact on your entire life at some point this week. Go about it like you know how much it will matter and, among other things, this will create the difference you are looking for. Get determined and start to act as the month of August directs you so you do not miss the mark on anything meant to happen in your favor.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Nothing else can have a greater impact on your life than you can cause for yourself. This week, you can turn it toward the most positive angle it could have for you if you go about everything you want as decisively as you can no matter what the circumstances. In other words – do the opposite of giving up and keep ploughing through to your desired goal despite what life might throw at you. If you are ready for any weather, you would not quite mind or get that disappointed if it just starts to rain on your parade some. Usually, because you are way stronger than you know, destiny just has its unexpected twisted turns to show you that. These are the times that although they begin so disappointing at first, they end on a most exhilarated note at last. Just wait for it.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it.
DO have prophetic dreams that come true.
DON’T be over frugal to the point of being cheap.
DO see the big picture with all of the steps in between.
DON’T get easily overwhelmed when others put pressure on you.
DO help people with the facts of what, when, where and why of their options.
DON’T take things personally and avoid criticism at all costs.
DO stay detached by recognizing other people’s problems are not your own.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This is a week for a big impact through what you do which will happen almost spontaneously while you are inspired pouring your heart out in every single thing you touch. Showing and sharing your spirit will work miracles, but working mechanically like a robot will result in a total and utter disaster leading nowhere. This litmus test alone will determine whether you end up on the top or the bottom by the end of the week. How you do it matters dramatically and it is all in your own hands.

DON’T procrastinate.
DO have soft energy and be always interested in the main fact what.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO have cool energy and be always interested in the main fact when.
DON’T push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO be a good judge of people and easily size them up on the spot.
DON’T live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO have warm energy and be always interested in the main fact why.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
What is the most impact you know you can generate – much like a far- spreading ripple effect among your family and friends? Being nice and kind, or loud and persistent – what would it take to do it? Whatever effort you will employ will be doubled by the energy to give you the stronger effect you are looking for. Make it big and your story will affect others far and wide all around you. Let’s find out how much difference this will make for everybody.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO always look at the big picture rather than the smaller details.
DON’T waste others time being long-winded or over explaining the whole story.
DO be able to create what you imagine in your mind.
DON’T over think to the point where you cannot express your true feelings.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from troubles.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

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