The Energy of the Month for March is ELATED

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Higher energy will be coming in plops over you over the next month to cheer you up into more adventures and help embolden you on your way to get absolutely elated in everything you do. Extra joyfulness will more than uplift you further into inspirations of great proportions unknown to you before. With this promising energy in place for you, there is nothing you cannot do if you embrace it and run with it fast to your destination ahead. Your motivation can carry you through anything standing in the way so nothing can slow you down. This will bring you terrific progress of a new dimension for you. Let’s zoom into each area of your life for more specific suggestions on how to make the best of it and help March be the best month for you this year yet.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
In your personal space you are set up to have a real blast and more than a total breakthrough. Extra zing will help you reach for the top in every possible way imaginable. Use this opening to maximize on your personal achievements, to raise the bar on own goals and further ahead your overall outlook on life as you know it. Push yourself to your biggest height ever reached so far. You can make a major difference altogether in how you view yourself with an elated look above your ordinary big picture you have for yourself. If you aim higher, you will get farther than you know it. Feel the excitement and let your imagination fill in the dream points much like adding shiny stars on a night sky map. They can light your way even when it is dark. You will never lose your direction with so many bright beams pointing you to it. Let your magic begin!

DON’T tend to interrupt or fragment others with unrelated comments.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO be inspired to achieve your personal best and give it your all.
DON’T tend to push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T get into the hole or the mud with others by not being detached.
DO easily open up and share warmly and sincerely from the heart.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Your inspiration will be simply enchanting to your work like a real charm that turns on the magic with everything you touch. You will get elated on a daily basis to do even the most mundane of chores, because this time you will be simply you the wizard doing them with a stroke of a genius wand making it happen miraculously and nothing short of it. To impersonate a magician, just be your positive jivy self who flows enthusiastically on an invisible energy carpet with the supernatural power to fly on the wings of your infinite intuition that can take you any place any time you want to go. Get all others on board who respond with the same lightness and high spirits as you. A tight teamwork will do the best giving the most in the process. Share with us a note of your great results worth remembering.

DON’T have a tendency to become a home-body and avoid going out.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO see how any system can be more efficient and love to organize it.
DON’T become too heavily guarded and not let anyone invade your space.
DO have very few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T get easily excited and jump into projects without thinking about the consequences.
DO be very compassionate, but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Entering a zone where all interactions count a lot. Even if only a few of your sharings will be super sincere and quality down to the core. Those you encounter an opportunity to exchange with will be experiencing the same uplifted and elated energy that will embrace you together in a tight hug which will allow for the most genuine mutual moments. All of this will promote a stronger meeting of the minds and closer relating in your hearts than usually plays out in reality. Unbelievably fantastic will be how everybody will be feeling who tunes in to partake from this highly charged up energy this whole month.

DON’T ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T take a tragic view of life and make everything into a big deal.
DO realize there are no mistakes in life, just steppingstones and opportunities to learn.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

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The (Color Sense) Red Season of Spring

Put your ultimate energy in the game to spring into action all season long. Being determined and dynamic will work wonders for you during these three months when all of nature is waking up for new life after the winter. All expectations are going to sprout high with fresh ideas of making them happen. Stand tall with confidence to match accomplishing them with the same vigor as the one inspiring them.

Sticking to the decisions you make will triple your chances to succeed in bringing their results to fruition as fast as the wind will blow the blossoms from the trees. Your inner strength will show off like the flock of birds returning back to fly in the blue skies right above you. Their joyful songs will invigorate your soul to keep pursuing your key goals for yourself, just as they will build a nest and start a new family cycle until next winter. With everything in nature rejuvenating quickly, so will your desire to achieve your purpose once again much like a rainbow suddenly appears on the wet horizon after rain. In fact, any pressure that may appear will move away just as fast as a passing cloud and since it will come and go, you do not need to worry about it.

Choose to move swiftly so the red power to be within you gets activated to fulfill your commitment to get where you are headed personally. Put your facts together to lay down a path for you to follow your own direction no matter what else is going on around you. This will establish your independence you need to be in charge of your own life. Stay tuned in for your own answers as no one else knows better what is best for you.

Finally, listen to yourself while you take a listen to anyone concerned enough to share. What you hear will make all the difference to discern the right way to go from there. Your clear understanding will win anytime over the confusion to seal the deal for you. Do not compromise and apply your highest standards to get really far ahead. Be yourself with authority and own your spring!

To learn more about your spiritual gifts and the four color senses, order Howard Wimer’s book called Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts (available for Kindle).

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 25-March 3, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Bring many things in your life to a natural CULMINATION when you stay proactive, effective and continue to follow your strong desires uncompromisingly. Stay excited as there are great times to be had and even better results to be happening for you all week long. Be on top of it and grateful all the way at your own unique fortune of so much happening to you so you can learn and grow from it.

Monday, February 25, 2019: Sincere
Start the week light and bright on the right foot from the beginning. Open the energy in a sincere way so that you enjoy a most abundant flow from there. Nothing will hide from you if you treat it with much respect and appreciation. Using extra warmth will work to your advantage as it will predispose others positively towards you. Thinking good thoughts will somehow make others behave better toward you. It will all feel good all day long.

 Getting on a glory trip wanting to be a guru vs. sharing your wisdom readily and benevolently
Feeling dumb because you cannot picture what others are saying vs. clarifying your questions
Ordering others around by telling them what to do vs. inspiring them by your own example
Being a care-taker instilling guilt vs. care-giving benevolently so everyone feels good about it

Tuesday, February 26, 2019: Extract
Today may have a more demanding attitude toward you so you will need to tap in and extract from your deep rooted wisdom within to pull on the outside the helpful and useful solutions that will save the day for you. Patience will be the universal cure for anything that does not seem to line up right away. Finding a positive spin will keep a sound position for you to work out anything from. At the end of the day, all of your experiences have contributed to everything you have become and ultimately count toward all of what you do for yourself. Do not regret anything, rather get inspired to try improving whatever could be better.

● Losing things, missing exits, forgetting where the car is parked vs. readily paying attention
Being late for appointments because everything takes longer than you think vs. being timely
Sacrificing quality by putting a project out there too soon vs. ensuring the plan to finish strong
Insecure depending on others, especially loved ones vs. being self-confident and reliant

Wednesday, February 27, 2019: Superficial
We are all real people, but at times we could fall into a rather superficial mode when we are not driven by the best there is, nor do we show our true essence under more trying circumstances. The fact is our genuine nature is always there underneath it all and our hearts are always sincere deep within our core. However, on the surface, things can appear different under a confused state or temporary unclarified position that can render us inefficient or even disorganized all the way to downright crooked. This is why today may require some straightening out before we can fully be ourselves again. This is the part where it helps to understand that these our deficiencies always get disguised as some form of human concern in one way or another. This further has us thinking justified and fooled we are having to act out of fear, worry or need to defend ourselves. It is all irrational, not real and cannot be ever explained all the way in any good way. The simple truth is if you fall short from your up and up you are in a down and down. Even if many others could relate to being in the same boat with you, it is not how you are supposed to be at all. So, how to remain positive, light and organized even in the middle of an unpleasant adversity? First of all, do not see it as such. All hefty life situations can become an actual blessing in disguise if taken as an opportunity to overcome the dark negativity and bring the human spirit to a real triumph through the amazing power of inspiration. These are the examples we all admire and learn the most from. Now, uplift your soul and let us all know how you found it in you to create a miracle and turn around your situation for the better.

● A fence-sitter having trouble making decisions vs. pinning down the facts to make a decision
Locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. remaining flexible about the opportunity
Being a control freak vs. ruling over yourself, not others
A do-gooder making others more important than yourself vs. taking care of yourself first

Thursday, February 28, 2019: Involve
The energy of things you involve yourself with adds, mixes with and changes yours. Maybe for the better, but sometimes not so much. Watching this closely is like a chemical reaction and you can make a plain note of the interim and lasting effect this has on you over time. If you account for the actual results, it will simply explain in one second what you have gained or lost in the process. Today is encouraging you to watch out for this even more than the usual. Make some important inferences as you are paying close attention already. You will finish the day wiser and a bit taller than you started it.

● Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. replenishing as needed but not overly
Needing to look different in order to stand out vs. being your unique self at all times
Getting overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you vs. withstanding it in a solid way
Investing too much in relationships and losing your identity vs. staying true to who you are

Friday, March 1, 2019: Terrific
You cannot miss how terrific today will make your mood and overall sense about the way things are starting to shape up for you. Your overall prospects are working out and how this makes you feel is even better than expected. Being encouraged is gratifying and brings loads of more positive energy galore uplifting your path as you go. This is lighting up your direction ahead, so you can easily see clearly you are getting closer and get more excited about all of it moving forward. Since your results will measure up with your exhilaration, you know you will do really well.

● Interrupting or fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. staying focused and on point
Tending to be a perfectionist vs. doing your best with the highest standards and satisfied with it
Overpowering those you feel are weaker than you vs. giving people a chance
A hypochondriac overly concerned about your health vs. always living a healthy lifestyle

Saturday, March 2, 2019: Explain
Sometimes in life it is a good idea to explain where you are coming from in order for those around you to understand you better. Perhaps they may need to get inspired by your powerful motivation, or simply hear a useful idea they could also apply to their own situation. Your sharing helps you inasmuch as it helps them fulfilling your need for self-expression and outflowing your input into the world. This way, you can become a most powerful example of the inspiration that drives you on your journey through time. Open up and have a blast!

● Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. working a lot, but resting when needed
Cutting out those you do not like (out-of-sight, out-of mind) vs. respecting everyone
Having difficulty opening up and talking about your personal life vs. sharing openly and freely
Excited jumping into projects without thinking of the consequences vs. planning thoroughly

Sunday, March 3, 2019: Wonderful
Hopefully you feel most wonderful already on your own. However, knowing the energy is all about it can help you entertain it bigger and better for yourself with everything you have. Make a confident conscious decision to have a great time and especially to enjoy everything you have an opportunity to do to treat yourself right. Do not take this beautiful experience for granted.

● Wearing yourself too thin as a workaholic vs. taking breaks and balancing work and rest
A neat freak imposing it on others vs. being a shining example of being organized and neat
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. setting the record straight with each person
Getting into the mud with others by not being detached vs. discerning what is yours or theirs

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be sincere to extract the superficial and involve instead in a terrific experience to explain how wonderful life can really be.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

A wonderful way to explain the most terrific time to involve yourself in what is real not superficial and extract a truly sincere answer to your prayers.

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The Energy of the Week for February 25-March 3, 2019: Culmination

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Revealing the special culmination of your whole energy is what you will be experiencing all week long. You have had so much going on lately that a good part of it will be reaching a natural conclusion in its own resolve cycle between your efforts and the rest of the always developing circumstances. All of this will bring some major changes throughout the next few days. Even if you aren’t able to adjust quickly this time, you will simply have to. With a sound spirit, you will be able to make sense out of it all and enjoy the process wonderfully.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Perhaps the most significant difference in your entire life will be the greatest culmination of all of your efforts in your own mind. Something pretty major will finally get clarified on a deeper level within your energy that will not only bring you great relief, but it will accelerate you forward altogether with a better vision of where you are headed next. In your own experience, something over the next seven days will likely click in place where you no longer are bothered by disturbing things outside of yourself and instead may activate your desire on the inside to start directing the rest that is occurring on the outside. All for the better, you will be realizing your outstanding power over any twists and turns, no matter how annoying, all the way to the point of being able to divert them or managing to turn them around. This will be rebuilding your inner peace while spreading your strongest radiant positive vibes everywhere around you. By the week’s end, you will feel as if you are moving with the speed of light.        

DON’T have a tendency to make a lot of piles and only you know where everything is.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T be afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong.
DO realize that once you’ve seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T become too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third).
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of trinkets.
DO feel the vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This week will have you think deep and hard about what exactly what you do does for you and for those you are offering it to. In your effort to maximize all of your take-away results and outcomes, it is best to consider all the related facts and experiences in reality all of you are having on account of your work. In order to bring all of this to a true culmination, take extra chances with everything that is possible and deliver on more promises made already. You will notice an uplift for both you and them soon that will make all the difference across the board. Your level of fulfillment will be unimaginable.

DON’T get bored easily and not follow through or finish he projects that you start.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO be a good designer and match colors easily.
DON’T become a control freak.
DO make decision easily and move quickly into action.
DON’T have a tendency to become a drama queen (or king).
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Holy culmination! Your social life this week has all the right ingredients to be one huge party non-stop. Everyone you care about will be connecting with you in high spirits and all new acquaintances will be happy as clams they have run across you. In addition, due to the stars lining up just right, there will be plenty of opportunity and time to exchange and share all week long. Send some quick notes of your best and most fun stories yet.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO get a second wind and continue to be very productive.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO look at a person instantly and tell what mood they are in.
DON’T push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T gossip about people when you feel wronged by them.
DO always share what you feel the truth is because you cannot tell a lie.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 18-24, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Being ACCESSIBLE will have all different meanings across the board for you, so make yourself available for the energy to help you stay on top of it all. Your genuine understanding and sincere opening to share and participate is what will count altogether to bring all your areas of life to successful fruition with everything you will do.

Monday, February 18, 2019: Partake
A day full of opportunities to partake from the energy in most dramatic ways. An accessible vibe would be present throughout for you to make advances where you need them the most. In the end, some amazing realizations will turn more invaluable than even the good results you will be getting all along.

 Having a tendency to be possessive vs. allowing everyone an opportunity to be free
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. realize everyone has their own standards
Being insensitive and not caring about other’s feelings vs. listening to your heart and others
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. allowing others their opinions

Tuesday, February 19, 2019: Control
The more you give yourself a chance, the more inspired you will become and be able to stay in control of everything you do. Be bold, take any appealing chances staring you in the face, stay excited about all the great things that will be happening to you and keep believing the divine is always by your side. Doing so will double your chances, triple your outcomes and quadruple how much fun you are going to have today. Way to go!

● Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. staying focused and involved
Tending to be a perfectionist vs. looking at things from a more flexible point-of-view
Sometime bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. staying open to other’s ideas
Having a tendency to be a drama queen/king vs. staying grounded and working with facts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019: Perfect
After much commotion recently, you are in for a real treat – an almost perfect experience you will love to indulge all your senses with from top to bottom. You will know it from the start and, as a result, become unusually hyper and even giddy as you will simply not be able to contain yourself. You do not have to. Take it as a well-deserved reward and just a new beginning for so much more good that will be coming your way. Allow this to upgrade your expectations so you can step up as you are moving ahead.

● Wearing yourself too thin and becoming a workaholic vs. taking breaks when needed
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. not putting pressure on yourself with timing
Getting overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you vs. not accepting the pressure
Living in the past and holding onto negative experiences vs. releasing old concepts

Thursday, February 21, 2019: Great!
Today may leave you speechless altogether with only one thing to say – oh, great! This will be more than enough as it will beyond perfectly summarize exactly what is it you are going through. All this will show in your nice flow, awesome rhythm and your ability to inspire all your relations and interactions all day long. No more comment necessary.

● Being a know-it-all and giving advice vs. giving suggestions and not expect compliance
Being too picky in your choices and then becoming disappointed vs. thinking things through
Thinking there is only one way to do things – your way vs. staying open to other’s opinions
Getting overwhelmed and giving up easily vs. releasing your fear of success by staying relaxed

Friday, February 22, 2019: Relax
If you need permission to relax, you may have overdone it a little bit, but the idea is that you carve some time for yourself to recuperate and arrive fresh at the end of the week. This will help you feel good without exception across the board. This will make your mood simply magnificent to enter the weekend with and have a real blast!

● Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. managing your intake of food intelligently
Hiding or being shy to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. not being afraid to express yourself
Being impatient with less organized minds vs. realize everyone has come to do their work
Ignoring the facts of what, when, where and why vs. making a plan with all of the facts

Saturday, February 23, 2019: Done
Today will mark something significant for you as you will be done with a significantly difficult undertaking that has taken a rather significant toll on you already. Since it will feel like a big deal, it will be important to acknowledge it as well as be grateful to your inner core and experience a true joy about it throughout. This will let more of the same follow in an even better way and bring you more of the great outcomes that come with it. It will leave nothing more to be desired.

● Getting on a glory trip and wanting to be a guru vs. respecting everyone’s experience
Being late for appointments because everything takes longer than expected vs. being timely
Undermining people or putting them down vs. respecting everyone for where they are at
Feeling insecure and becoming dependent on others, especially loved ones vs. feeling secure

Sunday, February 24, 2019: Leverage
If you manage to duplicate and leverage what worked really well for you this whole week, you will have a sure winner strategy that can make things successful anytime from now on. Rather than waiting for things to line up for you better, you can take charge and organize everything you need to fall in place just the way you want it. This way, you are always enjoying the best results as you go while reaping the most satisfaction in the making.

● Having great ideas but not putting them into action vs. being proactive on all of your hunches
Hiding your emotional side behind a fake persona vs. revealing your feelings confidently
Having difficulty opening up and sharing your feelings vs. being more open and sincere
Gossiping about other people when you feel wronged by them vs. respecting their position

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Partake fully from the energy and be in control in a most perfect way to get great! results as you relax and get it all done to leverage your best outcomes.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Leverage yourself to get it all done then relax and feel great! and perfect in total control as you partake from the endless options ahead of you.

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The Energy of the Week for February 18-24, 2019: Accessible

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Are you accessible for the energy to work with you? This week, the concepts you inherited from your first seven years may be stacking up like a tall wall blocking you and preventing you from being able to receive the resources sent your way from the whole of the universe. This is also stopping your outflow from being released into the open to give you expression and influence throughout your whole world. Do not let this happen by closing off with fear. Open up your whole energy with all the inspiration you can find to relax and excite you. Make all the effort you have inside to work for you in the best way by focusing your innermost desire to work through it. You may not be sure which way things will go, but you must take courage in knowing your purely intended best is worth it and will for sure bring your best results in the end. You will have smooth sailing if you are true to yourself first.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Everything you will ever need is always available right around you somewhere. The key is to make it accessible to yourself so you can tap into it anytime you want to. You cut yourself short every time you allow any disbelief that you deserve it shadow your pursuit of what you really want. You shut the door in front of your own face when you start looking only on the surface and think you are too limited from everything you need to succeed in any given way. You practically squeeze your nose out of air when you start to trepidate in panic and fall short of breath into stress assuming that something is fighting you trying to make things work. This list goes on and on as we all find an endless number of ways to deny ourselves access at least in some part to what we truly want and most fully deserve to do, have and enjoy with our entire passion and infinite inspiration. This week, face up to all those wicked ways you use to work against yourself. Make a long list with everything that comes to your mind as you always know on the inside what the problem really is. Then, eliminate them one at a time by either thinking of a quick solution on the spot or simply deciding to avoid doing that again so you will be much better off. Put your very strong mind to this and see how much more good for you personally comes out of it.

DON’T become a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T expect, assume and demand of yourself and others.
DO love reading books, but do not get disappointed when the movie comes out.
DON’T cut off your creativity by being too practical or conservative.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T want and demand to be the center of attention.
DO be very compassionate but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
There is one aspect of the energy in your business life and it is for you to be accessible for all those experiencing what you are offering them – namely your customers. It is called stellar customer service and it is in reality the highest good you can add to being of great service to them – and in all fairness should substantiate a basic right that you should be there for them to ensure the highest quality is delivered on your product or service to them. No one deserves to be given low quality and fooled with irresponsibility on top of it that doesn’t fix anything for them. At the same time, no one is perfect and it is hard to always deliver on the higher end of performance for the average business. At the same time, the energy is asking for at least a courtesy in doing your best with true sincerity. If you put that in place, it will pay off for everyone. You can make this happen with a little understanding and a bit more conscious effort in the right direction.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it.
DO take special interest in learning about other cultures and people around the world.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO desire to improve things and easily imagine how to do them better.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO set up a system of policies and procedures for others to follow.
DON’T have a tendency to get into the hold or mud with others by not being detached.
DO be aware that the fact you need is the “why” and that your energy is warm.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
To have any relationship or more involved social interactions, it will require for you to be accessible to communicate and share. You cannot expect for this to be possible if you shut down or close off. For this purpose, you may need to kiss good-bye any shyness or lower confidence, so you can come out of your shell and have a really good time with others around you. Just think about all the rich experiences you have had and so much more you can tell about how much you have been going through – as well as learning from all of it as you go. There is so much to gain from our genuine life situations and the sincere ways we have handled or responded to them. At the end of the day, everyone’s wisdom counts and you will have a real blast exchanging it.

DON’T become very cynical and make fun of others.
DO love your freedom and allow others to make their own choices.
DON’T be so competitive that you need to win at all costs.
DO be a good designer who matches colors easily.
DON’T avoid crowds and loud social events just so you can hear yourself think.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from their troubles.
DO stay detached by recognizing other people’s problems are not your own.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 11-17, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Take your own PROMISE to heart to enjoy getting fulfillment and make a lot of good things happen for both yourself and others around you. Your most serious effort will take you the longest distance ahead and deliver on your highest of expectations you have set out to accomplish. Keep it fun and make it happen.

Monday, February 11, 2019: Action
Start from A with a winning action that will gear you up to do the impossible by the week’s end. What that is for you will largely depend on the circumstances of what you have both going on and in mind to accomplish. Set out a high prerogative to excel ahead so more creative energy will be fueling your dynamics to get you through the uneasy moments you might encounter. Get your week off to a strong start. You will need the generated momentum later on.

 Being a lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. having fun being proactive
Feeling hurt and in turn blaming others for your troubles vs. taking responsibility
Overpowering those you feel are weaker than you vs. showing them a powerful example
Feeling sorry for others sympathizing and wanting to save them vs. empowering them

Tuesday, February 12, 2019: Relay
Today the challenge largely will be to manage to relay crucial information to those you need to do something about it in a way to get the point across. Although the energy will be backing you to succeed, whatever parts will depend on other people’s free will, will also be butting up against their limiting concepts of what they believe will be possible to happen. For extra encouragement, you need to look at the big picture and outside the box. Help them gently with promising solutions and do not get bogged down in anything that complicates things in any way. Finding a mutual path that works for all may be what will save the day for you all. No matter what, remember tomorrow is another day to try something new.

● Becoming very cynical and making fun of others vs. respecting everyone for who they are
Becoming mean when angry and calling people names vs. keeping cool in uneasy moments
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. being there for everything you care about
Complaining and playing dumb to make others feel guilty and cater to you vs. being sincere

Wednesday, February 13, 2019: Exception
Unless you make an exception to be flexible, today may not work very well for you at all. There is just too many other angles to consider besides your own so you would not be able to figure it all out without the necessary input from the outside. Stop to listen and make room for the most consideration you are able to give things outside yourself. Your temporary discomfort can be overcome by knowing the overall good is of higher value over any specific individual whims your personal convenience may be narrowly steering you into. Be bigger than the trivia in your way to see the whole forest and the best way out of any tight spot you might find yourself in. A successful resolution is only one step away as long as you gauge the right step to take to it.

● Living in the future with scattered thinking vs. being present in the now
Needing to look different in order to stand out in a crowd vs. showing your natural talents
Getting discouraged with negativity in your head vs. overcoming obstacles and adversity
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. paying a tribute to everything important

Thursday, February 14, 2019: Dedicate
Dedicate today to having the most relaxed day so far this week. Settle down on going through a middle ground to arrive where you are headed. Part compromise that will keep everything moving is way better than a stilted stall that is a no go. Clarify your own perspective to see better where you are going. Get a breather so you can keep moving along past distractions and distortions around you. Shake off the insecure feelings with ideas to make it all work despite all odds and against the controversies surrounding your situation. Soon there will be an opening to jump over the hump to your desired outcome. Breathe easy to get to it.

● Forgetting what you consider unimportant details vs. paying closer attention to everything
Comparing with others and feeling either greater or lesser than vs. feeling equally unique
A one-person operation as it is just easier to do it yourself vs. delegating and coordinating
Feeling depressed picking up negativity from those around you vs. staying detached

Friday, February 15, 2019: Relevant
To make a relevant choice that helps everything that is going on with you work much better all of a sudden is easy if you use the clear criteria about how to overcome the blocks which are taking away from you. If you just put checkmarks on what would leave you better off, it will become super clear right away which way to go. Make it easier by taking a chance with a great outlook even if there is no guarantee it will produce as expected. A leap of faith still lifts you off the ground and gets you moving toward your desired goal. Giving this a try will be super   rewarding.

● A fence-sitter having a hard time making decisions vs. getting down to the bottom line
Saying no three times before you agree something will benefit you vs. considering it right now
Sacrificing quality by rushing to get a project out there too soon vs. keeping a high standard
Insecure and dependent on loved ones vs. standing your own ground being solid and stable

Saturday, February 16, 2019: Utmost
The utmost desire you have is making you jittery beyond belief. This is so almost by design since the energy is raising the bar to let you bring your highest of wants to the surface to get a big gulp of air and get revived. You, too, need to fill up your lungs to the top to refresh yourself and get ready to dive right into it head first. It could be like a brand new beginning that spears you ahead into a different more exciting journey in what could be the next chapter for you. You will be dreaming even bigger than before.

● Getting easily bored and not finishing started projects vs. finishing through with what you start
Prideful hiding emotions with a fake persona vs. revealing your true self confidently
Becoming overprotective of people and projects vs. supporting what is important to you
Feeling left out and ignored if others do not listen to you vs. having solid self-esteem

Sunday, February 17, 2019: Contain
Being able to contain your passion shows you are capable of holding its energy to pursue it with everything you have. It takes you higher with the sheer excitement it creates for you accelerating the dynamics you engage with in what you do. Today, activate your own pace of moving ahead confidently based on your inner knowing that you got this handled in the best way possible. This will set up in place a great beginning for the new week ahead when your results will start showing.

● Having a hard time making decisions as a fence-sitter vs. pinning down the facts and deciding
Having too much pride and not wanting to look bad vs. being strong to face the truth
Pushing your way through projects without communicating first vs. coordinating everything
Feeling left out and ignored if others do not listen to you vs. staying involved doing your part

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use all action to relay without exception and dedicate all relevant and utmost important information your own path will contain for all the days ahead.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Show what will contain the utmost relevant news to dedicate without exception the way to relay in action.

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The Energy of the Week for February 11-17, 2019: Promise

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Are you going to make a great big promise to yourself for all of the important things you deserve to have going in every area of your life? The energy is demanding you treat yourself right here and now to clarify to the best of your ability what that is for you. Then you will have to do the next main thing which is to take full responsibility and become accountable to yourself to both pursue it and see it through till the end. Take it as seriously as you can to get the most fulfillment in the process. Do as expected and a few short days will have a whole a lot more happening for you.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
To promise is absolutely needed when it comes down to making a certain commitment you know you will follow through no matter what. Making such a step shows your solid dedication and steady determination to pursue what you have decided in an unwavering way to total completion. It is like reaching a clarity that will not go away and will shine a light along the way. When you abide by your own word consistently, you create a greater thicker energy in your environment that transcends the influence of your own – farther and beyond the usual assuring others you always mean what you say. Besides, keeping a promise is perhaps one of the most fulfilling experiences you could possibly have. It shows you are fully capable of sticking to your plan into making it a reality.

DON’T be a space cadet who ends up in la-la-land.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T be locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO bring it out in the open when you see something can be improved.
DON’T over think to the point you cannot express your true feelings.
DO be a natural leader who inspires others to follow you.
DON’T ignore the facts of what, when where and why by making who the most important.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This week is a great reminder that the biggest promise in your business is to be of the best service to others as you can be. This is the very intent of the offering you are giving them. May this be your focus when you are creating it for them over the next few days. The more genuinely you give out all the more naturally, it all comes back your way. Committing all the way rewards you back to the fullest. Making purposeful efforts has them count times more. Your pure intent elevates your results higher for both you and them. Put forth your sincere work to achieve splendid results.      

DON’T tend to interrupt or fragment others with unrelated comments.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T say no three times before you agree something will benefit you.
DO love reading books but do not be disappointed when the movie based on it comes out.
DON’T cut off your own creativity by being too practical and conservative.
DO be introspective and thoughtful.
DON’T complain or play dumb to make others feel guilty or cater to you.
DO not feel alone because you are your own best friend and are always there for yourself.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Find a special way to treat your loved ones as if it is Valentine’s day all week long. In your heart you have made a promise to care about them and treat them right, so all you have to do is show it on the outside. Use extra concern toward their challenges and they will feel even more backing coming from you to overcome them. Be extra kind and your warmth will melt even more barriers that are in their way of having a really good time. Respect your differences a bit more than usual and even more doors will open for better understanding between yourselves. There will already be extra magical fairy dust the energy has spread in the air and all you have to do is sparkle it up with your charm and inspiration. Light up your whole week.          

DON’T have a tendency to lose things, miss exits and forget where your car is parked.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T cover up and pretend everything is alright with a smiley face.
DO love reading books but may be disappointed when the movie based on it comes out
DON’T have a tendency to compromise your own standards when you get under pressure.
DO take total responsibility for your own life and be in full control.
DON’T ignore the facts what, when where and why making who the most important.
DO give freely out of benevolence without expecting anything in return.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 4-10, 2019

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

To expedite your existence this whole week, bypass your intellectual fuss that will have you hurry up confused and submit to your inner knowing for a straight shot with inspiration that will spear you ahead creatively the fastest way possible. This will have you settle soon anything more hectic from early in the week to some almost ideal solutions toward the weekend. All in all, a different and truly memorable experience altogether.

Monday, February 4, 2019: Personable
Reality has a way of becoming heavier at times unexpectedly almost as pulling the carpet from underneath you by leaving you with the horrid feeling that not much if anything at all is going to work well for you. While the majority of this is due to circumstance appearance causing negative imagination, the best way to counteract it is by being your normal warm personable and friendly individual who continues to remain nice, work from the heart and do their best regardless of the not so great immediate outlook of things. The universe loves this kind of dedication and as you will soon find out, rewards it highly.

● Wearing yourself too think and becoming a workaholic vs. setting your energy to take breaks
Tending to be a perfectionist vs. allowing yourself to be flexible especially with timing
Cutting off your creativity by being too practical vs. staying in your true feelings and acting
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. allowing others to express

Tuesday, February 5, 2019: Continue
Waking up to another day full of similar challenges will have you continue to work steady to the best that you can without letting yourself fall short in disappointment over the unwanted disadvantages you are having to put up with. This perseverance in the making will also be paying off well quickly. Good intentions make the harder road possible to conquer by extra strengthening you with just the solid motivation it takes to keep going.

● Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. staying focused on priorities and goals
Being too picky in your choices vs. realizing flexibility is the spice of life
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking care of your own needs first
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. staying focused on the big picture

Wednesday, February 6, 2019: Perfect
The promise for perfect will almost not seem so on the outside but will turn out later to be just so with the way you are handling everything on the inside. Although the challenge saga goes on the solutions may just be in the eye of the beholder even more so than not. You may not even think you are seeing it yet, however you will be discovering that you are sooner rather than later. This will be a game changer that will most definitely turn your whole week around for the better.

● Being a fence-sitter and having a hard time making decisions vs. just doing it!
Cutting people off if you do not like them vs. giving everyone the benefit of the doubt
Being a control freak vs. giving others an opportunity to express their talents and creativity
Becoming impatient when your emotions take over vs. always staying in your true feelings

Thursday, February 7, 2019: Liberate
As soon as things start to unwind from not being so great earlier in the week, a new hope will appear and liberate you from any lack of belief that things always work out no matter what. Some more lightness will definitely help loosen up any tightness piled up overtime to give you due relief so you can start getting the break you can use quite well just about now. It will become easier to keep going with some more faith that everything will be just as meant after all.

● Having jealous feelings and wanting to destroy what you cannot have vs. feeling free to be
Feeling hurt and blaming others for your troubles vs. taking more responsibility for yourself
Being short-tempered and confronting others vs. allowing to say what they want
Investing too much in relationships and losing your identity vs. loving yourself 100% first

Friday, February 8, 2019: Sincere
Your sincere spirit will prevail and win the day once again to show you that things always restore back to normal in time. With the gladness from this, you can lift mountains and blaze new trails when there are not any. Today will have you grateful after all is said and done. With new inspiration it will be much easier to be uplifted and full of energy for the weekend.

● Getting bored easily and not following through vs. choosing interesting projects to begin with
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. discerning your timing better
Being secretive and protecting your privacy vs. allowing others to see the real you
Wanting devotion and others to beg you to do something vs. being realistic and forthcoming

Saturday, February 9, 2019: Loving
Going to believe in miracles again by the end of today. A brand new day with a super great loving energy that will have you feel pampered from head to toe and back. This will let you catch up on anything delayed or outstanding and unfinished from the whole week left behind. You will feel absolutely amazing and spread even more love than usual.

● Coming up with great ideas but not putting them into action vs. getting a solid plan together
Being late for appointments when everything takes longer than expected vs. being organized
Being too heavily guarded vs. realizing not everyone will take advantage of you
Indulging in food as a way of avoiding emotions vs. realizing nothing is a big deal

Sunday, February 10, 2019: Return
A return to normal pace that feels so good, it will mean a lot to you. You will feel fulfilled and inspired beyond measure and have even more ideas about the new week coming up. After you regroup the past week, this will bring new invaluable insights that you never realized before. Now you can step up your game and do so much better for yourself moving forward. Follow a great inspired path ahead.

Having more projects going on than you can handle vs. choosing what is priority and essential
Having too much pride and not wanting to look bad vs. realizing you are doing your best
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being flexible and open to new ideas
Wanting old rules to apply in the present vs. taking a look at what is reality now

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

By being personable you can continue on a perfect path to liberate yourself in a sincere and loving way to return to and follow who you are.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Return to your loving and sincere roots to liberate yourself in a perfect way and continue to be personable and kind.

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The Energy of the Week for February 4-10, 2019: Expedite

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

What a different week we are all having! First of all, the energy worked very hard at not letting us give you heads up about the key weekly theme of expedite no matter how much we tried. We almost worried, until we realized this is the only way to avoid your brain intellectualizing this information by making it work against you. It could have made you hurry up in vain to then have to wait anyway for the natural gestation of things. You were simply best off left to your inner knowing to guide you along when you did not get any direction to influence you from the outside. If you may have experienced a more hectic start, it is most likely getting all settled down by now as it has come time to clarify and start regrouping your experiences. Now, you can really relax and look back at what indeed happened to expedite each area of your life below.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
This week had a most important task to ween you off from the useless habit to fuss around for nothing much at all. If your brain had tried to expedite in your personal there would have been a lot of that aimless rush that only spins your wheels in one place, lets out smoke but doesn’t get you moving anywhere. If you were a racing sports car, this would at least add a great visual effect, but you are not. You do this under pressure of being behind, but the key is to work smart – not fast – or you will end up stressed and extended which will make you tired, but doesn’t accomplish anything. The best way to advance is to contemplate a cool move that jumps you over the hoops and loops ahead in style. This is exactly how to get cracking without sweating and arrive where you are going fresh and excited. End this weekend on a high note for yourself in great spirits and a ton of fun.

DON’T have a tendency to be possessive.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T become too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third).
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from people around you.
DO love others and respect their free will even if they do not agree with you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Speed in your work happens when you line up the stars for yourself in what you do. Begin right by being excited about showing everybody what you can do. Use a lot inspiration to be creative every step of the way and lastly, dive in it with all your energy to spark the project on fire. These winning ingredients stir up the best results every time in a fashion to expedite things before you know it. Your added appreciation at the opportunity will spice it up as irresistibly delicious as it can be. Enjoy spreading these tasty vibes all around every day and you will have the attention of many attracted swiftly by what you have cooking and going for you. Keep it up!

DON’T become a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO realize life is meant to be fun and do not take things too seriously.
DON’T compare yourself with others and feel greater or lesser than.
DO be concerned to present a positive image with your personal appearance.
DON’T avoid crowds and loud social events just so you can hear yourself think.
DO take total responsibility for your own life and be in full control.
DON’T have a tendency to be a drama queen/king.
DO always trust what you feel first and get a thought for every feeling to make clear decisions.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
The more sincere you are at what you share with others, the more you will expedite your relationships with them to the next level, especially if it rubs on them and they get inspired to do the same. Talking about your own experiences is always genuine as they are for real and is the sure way for others to believe you and be won over by the wisdom that goes along with it. Open up to communicate even with those you are not the most attracted by. There is much to learn from everyone and you will be pleasantly delighted by all of it. A terrific time for all.

DON’T sip drinks or eat snacks obsessively.
DO easily see the potential in yourself and others, but do not interfere with their free will.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes .
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of small trinkets.
DO love to work with your hands and enjoy details.

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