Weekly Energy of the Day for February 5-11, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

To PREPARE for this whole week, utilize all of your best skills and talents. Organize a plan of action for everything important needed to do so you are totally prepared. After all, seeing it through is nothing more than being 50% prepared and 50% sticking with it.

Monday, February 5, 2018: Rest
This will be a different start of the week than usual. If you have pushed yourself a bit more over the weekend, you will have to reset your energy by getting some much needed rest. It could seem to be a slightly slower beginning, but this will allow you to get a clearer picture of your overall direction first before you start moving too fast. This will remind you of all the essential components of what needs to be done. Then, you can gear up to keep a much faster pace and allow you to arrive at your destination before you know it.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. respecting other’s time and experience
Getting locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. being flexible
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking necessary breaks to rest
Living in the past holding on to negative memories vs. releasing old habits and tendencies

Tuesday, February 6, 2018: Interpret
Today, use all of the ability you have to interpret the major events in your life in the best possible way. Even if something may appear to be a disaster, as long as you unravel it, you will find something that makes sense overall and helps to explain why it happened in the first place. So, do not discount anything without evaluating it carefully and looking into it deeper to discover what you really need to learn from it. This will make it all worthwhile after all.

Tending to procrastinate vs. keeping your mind on useful things and following through
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. not putting too much pressure on people
Being too heavily guarded vs. allowing others to be in your space when they earn it
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. looking out for others as well

Wednesday, February 7, 2018: Dynamic
A dynamic middle of the week will speed up your pace. Stay on a roll and enjoy yourself to the fullest moving ahead with everything you are doing. Whistle like a steam train when you are going around the corners so you can put everyone on notice. Do not shy away from being vocal about the things that matter and express your thoughts as they come – openly and freely. This always helps you keep your personal energy flowing.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. keeping things interesting and fun
Being too picky in your choices vs. using your inner sensitivity to make decisions
Having a difficult time opening up vs. allowing yourself the opportunity to share more
Making other people more important and being a do-gooder vs. being loyal to yourself first

Thursday, February 8, 2018: Crystal Clear
Today will mark a rare opportunity to see something much better than before. A crystal clear image of your own destiny will appear to you as the day goes by. It will be as if, once and for all, you will know exactly what, when, where, why and how everything is meant to happen. There will be very little room for confusion. Nothing will be able to get away from you as you re-establish faith in your own meaningful life purpose.

Having a tendency to lose things and miss exits vs. staying grounded and awake
Having a lot of pride and hiding your emotions vs. not putting so much pressure on yourself
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. giving them the benefit of the doubt unless betrayed
Giving people gifts to like you or be devoted to you vs. just being yourself and involved

Friday, February 9, 2018: Insinuate
As you go about it, you will be able to insinuate to others what you find to be the best way to go about things. Hopefully, your environment will catch onto it and be able to align with you so you can all be on the same page.

Being a home-body and not going out vs. finding interesting ways to get out and enjoy life
Having a tendency to become mean and call people names vs. having basic respect for others
Being a control freak vs. allowing others the opportunity to express their true feelings
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged by them vs. allowing others their opinions

Saturday, February 10, 2018: Retroactive
If you play your cards right today, it will have a retroactive effect so you can actually heal some of the things hanging from back in time in your own consciousness. Sometimes, it takes us a long time to really grasp a lesson that may have been around awhile. There is one thing for sure. It will feel victorious when you finally realize it and it makes your day!

Being gullible because you know anything is possible vs. sticking to the facts (wwww)
Expecting, assuming and demanding vs. having a respectful communication with everyone
Bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. respecting everyone’s boundaries
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball vs. making a commitment to follow through

Sunday, February 11, 2018: Wonderment
You may find yourself in awe at the witty way the energy gets around to telling you something important you really need to know. You should be able to figure it out eventually and be in pure wonderment about how every twist and turn in life has always custom crafted just where you need to be. Relax and be grateful at the end of the day and get very excited for the new week ahead.

Being a space cadet and being in la-la land vs. staying grounded and focused
Getting on a glory trip and being a guru vs. realizing everyone has their own answers
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. managing your time effectively
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. relaxing your energy and sharing more

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do not rest until you interpret the dynamic flow of your crystal clear picture clearly while you insinuate how to apply this new wisdom in a retroactive way to create a big wonderment in your whole life.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You will have lots of wonderment in your life when you see a retroactive perspective that will insinuate there is a crystal clear picture of all of your dynamic experiences so you can interpret all the rest in the best way possible.

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The Energy of the Week for February 5-11, 2018: Prepare

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

You will need to use a lot of consistency this week in order to prepare for setting up some of the more important plans you have for the rest of your life. Be methodical, duplicate what works well and leave nothing to chance. Just do your best to persist and watch it all deliver some awesome results.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
As you prepare to create a plan of action, keep in mind how you are going to implement it. What you are targeting to accomplish will become the pivot for everything you are doing. Spare no effort in determining your highest goals so you can organize pursuing them in a way that really works. What you will realize in this process is that nothing will pay off more than having everything under control and being fully in charge of every single move you make. Tap into your inner confidence by doing what is personally most important for you and stay on track no matter what is shaking the ground underneath you.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you can’t have it, you will destroy it.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T judge others based on their appearance.
DO vividly remember all the details that stand out to you.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO love challenges and like to be in charge of people and projects.
DON’T have a tendency to become a drama queen/king.
DO always share what you feel is the truth because you can’t tell a lie.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Create a three step plan to address the top key areas that need improvement at this point in what you do to be of service to people. Identify the priorities as to which ones are more necessary than the rest. Tap into your best inspiration so you can do everything better that makes the most sense. This will help you prepare to step up your game and manage your outcome. You are always more productive when you take the time to organize yourself to do what you do to the best of your ability before you start applying it in practice.

DON’T become a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO desire to improve things and easily imagine how to do them better.
DON’T cut off your creativity by being too practical and hold back.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from their troubles.
DO live in the present moment and do not relive the past.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
There are many more ways to prepare for having a great time with your family and friends than you may have thought about before. Especially if there are any special celebrations this week for all of you to really have a ball together. Put a twist in the scheduled plans and surprise everyone. A special and pleasant situation coming about from the unexpected can be a light and fun way to rejuvenate everyone even more. When you are in your true feelings, each person will be joyful along with you and show their genuine sincerity by sharing from the heart.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot
DO be a good executive and manager.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO be a natural leader who inspires others to follow you.
DON’T have a tendency to get into the hole or the mud with others by not being detached. DO realize the main fact you are always interested in is the “why” and your energy is warm.

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The Energy of the Month for February is CONSISTENCY

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Nothing can advance you more in time and bring you bigger results than a solid consistency in what you do, day in and day out. A healthy regimen, effective routines and continuous practice of everything that works really well can build a whole city over time. Just keep up with all the things that produce well and the outcome will triple and quadruple for you as long as you just double your effort. The more you go at it, it will multiply in a magic way. Read on how to persevere through and stick to it like glue.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
The energy will be inspiring you with how much you can really accomplish when you give everything you have toward what you are focusing on. Having consistency will pay off the most. Especially if there could be things that are trying to throw you off your beaten path. Do everything you can to avoid and ignore them. Show yourself and everyone else you know what you are doing, how you are doing it and, most of all, your reasons for doing it. Stay at it and you will master it like a pro. You will only get better and smoother, more confident and handy at everything you put your mind to. Congratulations on your continuous success!

DON’T have a tendency to make lots of piles and only you know where everything is.
DO ground yourself by eating or snacking regularly to keep your energy high.
DON’T think you are dumb sometimes because you can’t picture what others are saying.
DO be a good designer and match colors easily.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO have clear personal direction and easily direct others.
DON’T gossip about people when you feel wronged by them.
DO be very compassionate but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Consistency will become your magic wand at work. Use all you have to press on and do more of everything that has worked well for you. As you make a marathon of it, you will gear up speed and compact the energy until it becomes so stable, you can plough through anything. You will spew out great results one after the other. The best part of it, it will be your own brand and copy one after the other nonstop. How gratifying!

DON’T like to sip drinks and eat snacks obsessively.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T be overly concerned with your appearance.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes.
DON’T get impatient with less-organized minds.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from people around you.
DO inspire others to be involved in life with your positive attitude.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Be reliable in your relationships. When you promise you will do something, just do it. If you give your word you will be there, keep it. If you show you can do something one time, create the consistency that you can do so every single time. If those around you know they can trust you, then you will have won their hearts over forever. This month watch so you do not say anything you do not really mean. Especially, do not create expectations you will not follow through with. If you stay on top of this dynamic energy, you will have a total blast!

DON’T have a tendency to ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO desire to improve things and easily imagine how to do them better.
DON’T get discouraged when you are overwhelmed by the negative thoughts in your head.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of small trinkets.
DO realize you can have an opinion of other’s opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 29-February 4, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

You will be putting more things into perspective altogether and figuring out how it all works in the  SUMMARY of all things rather than individual ones separately. Remind yourself of the big picture and let any tight moments pass you by without giving into them, knowing they just come and go but what stays and will last is what really matters.

Monday, January 29, 2018: Wisp
Stay alert all day long, because today the energy will be giving you an idea you would not want to miss. But it just might come in a form of a wisp of an inspiration and it will take vigilance to recognize it so stay tuned in to catch it. Make sure nothing gets you distorted and off kilter because you listen to your inspiration best when you feel light and good.

Being lazy, becoming a couch potato and watching TV a lot vs. staying directed and focused
Needing to look different in order to stand out vs. realizing everyone is special and unique
Tending to overpower others who are weaker than you vs. respecting everyone’s energy
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping a big picture of the overall project

Tuesday, January 30, 2018: Rhetoric
Today you can skip any rhetoric and move into sincere action. Just talk will not be able to impress anyone because what is really needed is to make things happen. Move some ground and show in action everything you know.

Coming up with great ideas and not putting them into action vs. acting on inspiration
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. managing your cash flow effectively
Becoming too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. being benevolent and concerned
Cluttering your space with a lot of trinkets vs. buying quality merchandise and enjoying it

Wednesday, January 31, 2018: Deny
Make this one whole day when you promise you will not deny yourself anything you need. You really have not come here to suffer and although over-indulging is not good for you either, finding that perfect middle ground where you can take care of the things you need so you can feel good and be in great shape will make your day.

Having a tendency to be possessive vs. allowing others the freedom to be themselves
Saying no three times before agreeing something will benefit you vs. using sensitivity first
Ordering others around by telling them what to do vs. letting others use their creativity
Indulging in food, etc. as a way of avoiding emotions vs. getting all the facts and acting

Thursday, February 1, 2018: Lavish
A rare opportunity to lavish and relish in the very experience of life will be available to you in a special way. You will come to appreciate what being alive has to offer all over again. There is so much you go through, and what you undergo you learn and grow from. It is unique to you and super precious. Enjoy it deeply and have fun all the way.

Being scattered in your thinking living in the future vs. being present and directed
Locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. being flexible and relaxed
Becoming an alcoholic or drug user to suppress your emotions vs. finding purpose
Getting impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying in your true feelings

Friday, February 2, 2018: Seat
You might think that since yesterday you especially recognized the value of your own life all over again that today you would not take extra time to just sit back and appreciate it from the bottom up, but you just might. Take a comfy seat by the window and sip on something refreshing to take it all in deeper and get to an even higher ground in your own feelings with a more heightened sensitivity than ever.

Wearing yourself too thin being a workaholic vs. taking much needed breaks as a routine
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. avoiding pressure by being organized
Tending to avoid crowds to be able to think vs. taking much needed time for yourself first
Becoming a hypochondriac vs. not being overly concerned about personal health

Saturday, February 3, 2018: Pearl
A pearl of an idea inside a shell is hiding inside of you and today the key would be to scuba dive in the deep waters within and really get to it. The more uplifted and elevated you feel, the closer you will be bringing it to the surface so your intuition can pick it up and you can make it happen. So stay inspired and look up to the sky.

Giving people too much credit vs. not being gullible without checking the facts
Having too much pride and not wanting to look bad vs. just doing the best you know how
Getting overwhelmed when others put pressure on you vs. taking time to breathe and adjust
Feeling depressed when picking up negative feelings vs. staying buffered and detached

Sunday, February 4, 2018: Elevate
Stay on this positive path up, up and above to harvest the best moments there are and retain the most precious instances out of all your time. Being like this will elevate everyone you come in contact with. You can soar high and take advantage of the smooth ride this whole week has offered you to get on track and accelerate ahead to the next one.

Forgetting unimportant details or trivia vs. taking everything into perspective
Expecting, assuming and demanding of others vs. having a 50-50 relationship with others
Being overprotective of projects and people vs. allowing others their freedom of expression
Playing dumb in order to make others feel bad or guilty vs. being your true self

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a wisp of a golden nugget idea, you can surpass the rhetoric and deny anything unsubstantial so you can lavish and take a seat to relax like a precious pearl secure in a shell as you organize and elevate your entire existence.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Elevate your value like a pearl as you take a seat to discern how to lavish and not deny your life when you overcome the rhetoric and get a wisp of a tingle to go on.

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The Energy of the Week for January 29-February 4, 2018: Summary

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This week will sum up your whole life in a magnificent way to show you how really terrific all of your experiences have been for you. Expect unusual and exciting things to come your way. In the end, you will realize that despite any occasional downfalls, in summary, you do have it pretty fabulous and you deserve a round of applause for your enthusiasm to keep going strong.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Looking at your life from the big picture in summary will be more worthwhile than you realize and this will become very clear early on over the next few days. So many things have happened in your past that has taken you down the pathway you have gone on to where you are today. Get ready to feel grateful and oh so good about being right here today!

DON’T become a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO realize the main fact you are interested in is the “what” and your energy is soft.
DON’T be too picky in your choices then become disappointed with what you have chosen.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you never forget it.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO take total responsibility for your own life and be in full control.
DON’T have a tendency to get into the hold or the mud with others by not being detached.
DO stay detached by recognizing other people’s problem are not your own.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Account for the little things at work that may become pretty important this whole week. Listening to the voices around you and what they are saying is needed to make their experience better. Even if you do not have any idea how to change what they are asking for, take it all into consideration and see what impressions and inspirations come to you. Just caring to do this will make a difference by showing others they do count and matter to you. At the end of the week, the summary of all of the input you get will give you better ammunition to accomplish what you are offering others with even more zeal and determination than ever before.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T like to show off and impress people or make a dramatic entrance.
DO desire to improve things and easily imagine how to do them better.
DON’T cut off your creativity by being too practical or conservative in your thinking.
DO take only the most deserving people under your wing.
DON’T give people gifts just so they will like you or be devoted to you.
DO be very thorough and pay attention to all of the finest details.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
In life, there is no moment like the next sometimes and relationships are pretty uneasy to navigate through at times when it so happens the road gets a little bit rocky. It helps to be able to separate an isolated experience from all the rest when you are figuring out how to gauge where things are at with others. The summary of everything you have gone through many times will outweigh some minor misunderstanding or disagreement that just muddies the water. Give yourself a moment to get out of any unpleasant feeling and shake off what is razzing you. If the other person is worth it, you can cut them some slack and allow everything to ease out first so you can talk things over and clarify what brings about any pressure between you. In others words, never leave anything unattended that does not feel right one way or another, but let things cool off so you can talk it out reasonably and not get stuck with any animosity in the heat of the moment. Once your heads are clear, it is easier to get on the same page.

DON’T be a fence-sitter and have a hard time making decisions.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T be late for appointments because everything takes long than you expect.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes.
DON’T tend to push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO  seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T have a tendency to go into an emotional rage if you feel others do not understand you.
DO have a light and warm heart and stay positive under trying circumstances.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 22-28, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

A well organized SYSTEM will be important in all areas of your life this whole week. Think it through and put in place everything you need to do for yourself, your work and with your friends.

Monday, January 22, 2018: Organize
All of us get a lot of inspiration all day long. But, if we cannot organize it even if we are tuned in and listening, we cannot bring it to a reality and make it happen in real life. So, once your sensitivity picks up your true feelings, you need to get a thought for every feeling and discern what to do with it. Then, get to work and apply it. There is no such thing as a free lunch and no one else will do what you have to do for yourself. This is the only way to get it all done.

Wearing yourself too thin being a workaholic vs. taking breaks when needed
Being too picky in your choices vs. staying flexible in order to make a decision
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. respecting other’s boundaries
Feeling sorry for others and wanting to save them vs. staying detached and concerned

Tuesday, January 23, 2018: Refresh
If you started strong on Monday, today will give you an incredible sense that you are ahead in everything you are trying to do. This will refresh your whole being and give you a flash of being a superpower to keep you going strong all week long.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. sticking to the point and the bottom line
Expecting, assuming and demanding of yourself and others vs. having 50-50 relationships
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. helping everyone be involved with your energy
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. staying relaxed and focused

Wednesday, January 24, 2018: Love
Smothered by endearing examples all around you, today you will love to love everything and everyone. Someone will have to be absurdly disconnected to not act in accordance with this zen of affectionate feelings and go against the grain of all the energy which today is bringing warmth and kindness everywhere you go.

Being gullible because you know anything is possible vs. sticking to the facts of the matter
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. planning your day appropriately
Being short-tempered and confronting others vs. not letting the pressure get to you
Giving people gifts so they like you vs. not getting involved in wanting devotion 

Thursday, January 25, 2018: Relish
Relish in the bright sun, in the light air, in the blue sky, in the genuine human presence and the sincere concern that goes along with it. Today will remind you that everything in the universe is so closely connected, every one thing affects the whole in a big way.

Having great ideas but not putting them into action vs. planning, communicating and acting
Judging others based on their appearance vs. looking deeper into a person’s real self
Trying to do something only one way – your way vs. giving others opportunity to express
Feeling depressed when you pick up negative energy vs. understanding boundaries, etc. 

Friday, January 26, 2018: Support
Give support, get support – you will be busy all day long being there or letting others do the same for you and this will be paramount to anything being able to work for anyone all day long.

Being cynical and making fun of others vs. realizing everyone is doing the best they can
Say no three times before making a decision vs. using your sensitivity the first time around
Bullying others and pushing your decisions on them vs. staying open and receptive
Indulging in food as a way of avoiding your emotions vs. clarifying your own true feelings

Saturday, January 27, 2018: Around
Stop the madness so you are not taken for a ride around the block by things that do not belong in your day to begin with. Face any such circumstances head on and straighten them out first before you pour any effort into anything crooked. Stop, think, re-adjust and go directly toward the right direction for yourself.

Making lots of piles and only you know where everything is vs. organizing in compact units
Making everything into a big deal vs. getting the facts and discerning quick solutions
Compromising on your own standards when under pressure vs. staying cool and relaxed
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism at all costs vs. respecting your own energy

Sunday, January 28, 2018: Advantage
Add a new vantage point to take advantage of the positive positioning for all of your endeavors and gear yourself to use the best system in place to get it all done and accomplished.

Giving advice rather than suggestions vs. not wanting to be a guru or know-it-all
Calling people names when angry vs. realizing there is more than one side to a story
Building fortresses and empires to feel important vs. building for your own sake
Being a care-taker and making others feel guilty vs. being a care-giver with benevolence

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Organize and refresh your love to relish in all the lovely vibes all around to take full advantage of all the fantastic backing you always have.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Your advantage is not to go around but to forge straight ahead which will help you relish in love as you refresh the way you organize your whole new life.

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The Energy of the Week for January 22-28, 2018: System

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

A good system in place provides a backbone that holds everything together. Thoughtfully invest your time to create the best system you can think of this whole week. It will pay back many times over!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Building a system is as simple as mapping out what you want it to do for you and then coming up with the preferred ways to get there. Do not limit yourself with what you think is possible. Come up with exactly what you want and if you chart it out in black and white, it will become possible. You can tune into the order of the whole universe to help you manifest it in this particularly organized way. If you worry or fear it might not happen, then you may chase the opportunity away. Rather, stay confident in the divine intervention it takes to get it done and be ready to experience it to the max!

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV too much.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T hid or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO realize that once you’ve seen a face, you never forget it.
DON’T be insensitive and not care about other people’s feelings.
DO realize the main fact you are interested in is the “where” and your energy is smooth.
DON’T be impatient when your emotions take over.
DO give freely out of benevolence without expecting anything in return.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Having an organized system with what you do can literally make or break your business. If it is inefficient and not well organized, it will hold you back and take away from your efforts – every single time. You will be working for nothing unless you take dramatic measures to make it better. Improving what you have in place will smooth things over and multiply your results every time. Therefore, make a note of all the components that you know are not working as well as they could. Then, come up with another solution, the best one that comes to you. Lastly, try out and test your newly revised system and always know you can continue to adjust it as needed.

DON’T have a tendency to be possessive.
DO take a special interest in learning about other cultures and people around the world.
DON’T cut people off if you don’t like them so they are out-of-sight and out-of-mind.
DO be a strong optimist because you can always visualize a successful outcome.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of small trinkets.
DO consider everyone important because we are all a part of the whole.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
You might think a system is something too business-like or intellectual to apply to your social relationships, but in reality, every connection flows along a directed line of  some sort anyway. For example, how you split all proactive duties such as who does what during mutual activities could become a pattern for a system.  In fact, the more you think about it, some of the key things you do together are best discussed and coordinated specifically. Especially if they are recurring, so there is no misunderstanding as to how far they go and you are all on the same page. Talking about it and coming to an agreement is practically laying a system down in place where the only thing left is to follow it. You are only responsible for your side of this deal. Speak up if something is not working well for you, so you can set it up better for all of you. This way, no one has to be left displeased. A happy system will keep you all satisfied where important things are left predictable and handled well. This is the best way to leave a lot of room for spontaneity to come into play on top of your established system. Keep things fresh and delightful in very organized relationships that will not disappear any time soon.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO be very diplomatic and get along with just about anyone.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO see how things can be improved, bring it out in the open and communicate
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T ignore the facts of what, when, where and why as you make the who the most important.
DO easily open up and share warmly and sincerely from the heart.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 15-21, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

DEFINE your own plan of action and then execute it accurately with vigor so you get lots of satisfaction in just a few short days. Realize how much what you do counts and matters in the big picture and the huge difference it makes for both you and others. You could be surprised when some of it is simply immeasurable.

Monday, January 15, 2018: Reasoning
Apply good steady reasoning in what you have to pursue for yourself today and it will go better than not right away.

Having a tendency to be gullible when you know anything is possible vs. getting all the facts
Being afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. making a commitment right away
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being more flexible and sharing from the heart
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. buying quality merchandise for yourself

Tuesday, January 16, 2018: Relax
Get ready to relax and revive yourself after you accomplish what you needed to do for today. If you have done it in a way that feels right to you, it will take a huge weight off your shoulders. Now you can enjoy a great evening celebrating quietly in appreciation.

Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. having a genuinely healthy diet
Cutting people off if you don’t like them vs. seeing where everyone fits in your life
Tending to push yourself and go too long without eating vs. taking care of your own needs first
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. being of service to everyone

Wednesday, January 17, 2018: Foregone
It will be a foregone conclusion that when you know exactly how everything will go, you can always change things for the better when you put your heart and soul into it. Inspiration never ceases. There will always be more and more of it, so do not be afraid to seek or tap into it anytime you need a better answer about what the right thing to do is.

Having a tendency to be a guru on a glory trip vs. realizing everyone has their own answers
Having too much pride and not wanting to look bad vs. just being yourself with self-respect
Overpowering others weaker than you vs. respecting everyone’s opinion and energy
Becoming impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying relaxed

Thursday, January 18, 2018: Perpetrate
Sometimes, you are not even aware you may perpetrate the wrong thing until you see the outcome. Before you get disappointed and let yourself down, it is not the end of the world as we know it. If you just think calmly and give yourself some assurance, you will realize it is all fixable. It is in times like this when things get out of place that you give yourself a brand new chance to put everything back where it belongs once and for all.

Coming up with great ideas, but not putting them into action vs. giving yourself direction
Saying no three times before deciding something will benefit you vs. feeling first
Being a control freak vs. allowing others opportunity and an avenue to express themselves
Jumping into projects without thinking vs. getting the what, when, where and why first

Friday, January 19, 2018: Increase
Experience the increase in the energy today available for those who rely on themselves to tackle all the tasks for the day. Remember, everything is within your reach and ability. Just go for it and it will all feel great!

Fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. listening first, then commenting on the topic
Comparing yourself with others and feeling lesser or greater than vs. feeling equal and relaxed
Compromising your own standards when under pressure vs. always standing your ground
Throwing temper tantrums when you don’t get your way vs. keeping a bigger picture

Saturday, January 20, 2018: Above
Is there possibly something up above looking out for you? You might get a very strong sense about it today. Nothing can take away your experience when you feel the divine presence you know is there for you when you need it. This will remind you how you are never alone and always cared for.

Giving advice rather than suggestions vs. letting others choose their own direction
Feeling hurt and blaming others for your troubles vs. taking responsibility for your actions
Getting overwhelmed easily under pressure vs. taking a big deep breath and relaxing
Ignoring the facts (what, when, where and why) vs. not making the “who” more important

Sunday, January 21, 2018: Satisfy
No matter what you are doing or how it is all playing out, you can always satisfy the urge to accomplish a great deal of what you enjoy the most. You will always get a huge influx of energy and get a lot more done than in any other way.

Becoming lazy and a couch potato vs. finding the right avenue for your inspiration
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. inspire them as an example
Getting discouraged with negative thoughts vs. being discerning and positive
Investing too much in relationships and losing your identity vs. staying detached

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

A better reasoning can relax you and help you come to a foregone conclusion not to perpetrate anything negative but to increase your achievements above all expectations and satisfy even the most picky of demands.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Satisfy your desire for self-expression above and beyond a natural increase in your communication as you perpetrate no more dark deeds and have foregone all negative past history so you can relax and plan for your future with a fresh new reasoning.

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The Energy of the Week for January 15-21, 2018: Define

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

It takes guts to define a big, bold idea and then roll up your sleeves to go after it and pursue it. This week is so much about surpassing your ordinary inspiration and coming up with an advanced one that will surprise you and your own wildest of expectations.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Sometimes it takes the same amount of time and effort to fail or be an average performer as it does to outdo yourself. As you know, time never comes back. If you are going to do something anyway and employ the effort, it is totally up to you how well you do it. Just realize there is more in you to give than you would ever dream of in reality. Tap more fully into all of this and open the gateway to how much more can be generated and delivered outwardly than you ever thought possible. No matter what, define your biggest and best goals – because a small picture will simply not cut it. You will not get much backing to do the ordinary. Go big, bigger, biggest and bold, bolder and boldest so much outside the box you will lose sight of it altogether. It will create a different life but could also be unsettling at first as everything new always is. But very soon, you will really get to like it so much you will be thinking more extraordinarily from now on.

DON’T have a tendency to make lots of piles and only you know where everything is.
DO ground yourself by eating or snacking regularly to keep your energy high.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO easily see how any system can be more efficient and love to organize it.
DON’T tend to order others around by telling them what to do.
DO make sure to take quiet time to meditate so you can hear yourself think.
DON’T end up making other people more important than yourself and become a do-gooder.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
After all is said and done, this week will inspire you to define all over again what you do and why you do it – in a whole new way. All at once, this will become more important again because it holds the key to what matters to you the most on a daily basis. This is what gives you incentive to get up and get moving in the morning and keeps you together and going strong throughout the day. Take a moment to rethink your concepts and how much you care about what you do. This will make a huge difference and take you exactly where you need to be energy-wise so things go much more smoothly.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T cram fifteen things in a ten thing space.
DO when you see you see something can be improved, you bring it out into the open and communicate.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO choose the most practical approach to anything needing a solution.
DON’T have a tendency to get into the hole or the mud with others by not being detached.
DO give freely out of benevolence without expecting anything in return.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Your social life is an invaluable part of everyday life as you seek interaction with others outside of business relationships, although it could also be with people you know from work. Pinning down exactly where you are at with them will become a key to having a great companionship. Define early on what everyone around you is looking for and what they want to achieve through social interactions. If you do this, it will feel good right away and hopefully, everyone will find what they are looking for. If you are outspoken and open-minded, you will find everything you want from being with others.

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO take time for yourself and have a break when you feel the need.
DON’T expect, assume and demand of yourself and others.
DO be concerned to present a positive image with your personal appearance.
DON’T become too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third).
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T want to make old rules or experiences apply in the present situation.
DO feel solid and good about yourself when you don’t take opinions of others personally.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 8-14, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

ADVANCE knowledge, ADVANCE action, ADVANCE preparation. All will be important and matter even more than usual this whole week. Give it a go. Work sincerely and let it all happen!


Monday, January 8, 2018: Forward
Everything you are for will seem to be moving forward and really make you pleased about it. The energy is in gear to keep moving along and as long as you are not working against yourself, you will be able to hop on the band wagon and make your rounds like it is no big deal all day long.

Don’t be lazy and become a couch potato vs. focusing on makes you inspired and proactive
Being too picky in your choices vs. using your sensitivity to make the right decisions
Being a control freak vs. allowing others to choose what they want
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping the big picture

Tuesday, January 9, 2018: Excitement
A natural excitement will fill the air and generate a lot of great moments you will be grateful for as you chuff through the day. Do not let yourself down if something feels a bit harder than expected. It will still be all good in the big picture so keep up the positive attitude!

Being scattered in your thinking and living in the future vs. focusing on the now
Getting locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. being flexible and open
Being a one-person operation vs. giving opportunity to others and respecting their opinions
Giving people gifts to get them to like you or devotion vs. just being yourself and sharing

Wednesday, January 10, 2018: Relax
A quick surging tide wave will pass in the morning and a nice peaceful calm will relax you to no end for the rest of the day.

Having a tendency to be possessive vs. letting others go free and respecting their energy
Becoming mean and calling people names when angry vs. putting everything into perspective
Being short-tempered and confronting others vs. allowing others to express what they feel
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. being organized and enjoying quality

Thursday, January 11, 2018: Loving
A rare loving and kind energy will embrace you much like a big hug from the whole of the universe and you will want to stay in its warm touch forever. Tune into it to love yourself even more for all of the efforts you are employing in everything you do and just how much you deserve to have a good time and really enjoy your day to the fullest. Simply awesome!

Wearing yourself too thin and becoming a workaholic vs. taking breaks where needed
Expecting, assuming and demanding of others vs. having 50-50 relationships
Becoming too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. allowing others to share in your time
Throwing temper tantrums when you don’t get your way vs. realizing there are other opinions

Friday, January 12, 2018: Amazing
Clarify once and for all what is bothering you and taking away your peace. Do not settle for anything else than feeling absolutely fabulously super happy and having an amazing time. No matter what you do when you are exhilarated like this, it will all be just jolly and joyful all the way.

Tending to procrastinate vs. finding things that excite you and put your energy into
Missing opportunities by not wanting to impose on others vs. being inclusive
Over thinking to the point where you cannot express feelings vs. being relaxed and open
Having trouble setting boundaries vs. staying detached and not taking on problems

Saturday, January 13, 2018: Win
Put the willingness to win and get a great outcome as you charge up with much desire to go through the day so you are heavily equipped with everything it takes to get through it successfully and achieve all the results you are looking for.

Making a lot of piles and only you know where everything is vs. working in compact units
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. manage your finances intelligently
Tending to overpower others weaker than you vs. respect other’s identity and energy
Investing too much in relationships and losing your identity vs. being loyal to yourself first

Sunday, January 14, 2018: Destiny
Supersede your own destiny when you get what you want to happen underway and feel just as excited about it in advance as if it has already manifested for you. Way to go and keep it up with much lightness and gratefulness in your heart.

Eating snacks and sipping drinks obsessively vs. having a healthy diet plan
Being very competitive and needing to win at all costs vs. doing your best no matter what
Protecting your privacy by being very secretive vs. allowing others access to your feelings
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. focusing on being of service

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Look forward with excitement to relax in a loving and amazing way as you win your own destiny over for an undeniable success.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Change your destiny for the better when you win in an amazing and loving way as you relax from the excitement and keep moving forward with lots of joy and an upbeat attitude.

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