Weekly Energy of the Day for August 14-20, 2017

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple,
Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Your whole life will ACCELERATE MORE! as long as you are heading in the right direction and continue to confidently believe in yourself. Just remember to follow your inner sensitivity this whole week.

Monday, August 14, 2017: System
A successful system in place will solve most of any of your uneasy moments today and bring you so much relief as you try moving faster through the motions of the day. Taking the time to establish this will be very much worth it altogether.

Wearing yourself too thin being a workaholic vs. taking the much needed breaks to rest
Being too picky and then becoming disappointed vs. taking the time to discern what you want
Being a control freak vs. allowing others the opportunity to express themselves
Living in the past and holding on to negative experiences vs. letting go going with the flow

Tuesday, August 15, 2017: Backing
The backing you have will be doing everything possible to give you the best opportunity you have had for a while to be involved in your own purpose one hundred percent. Forget about any limiting concepts you have that may be holding you back. This is your time. Use it for your best interest here and now.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. staying on point with your communications
Expecting, assuming and demanding vs. developing a 50-50 relationship with everyone
Being too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. making sure you have give and take
Getting excited and jumping into projects too soon vs. getting all of the facts first

Wednesday, August 16, 2017: Excitement
There will be so much excitement building up in the air for you as you believe your dreams are possible and you boldly take the steps to manifest them. Take a deep breath and keep your cool as the whole world is watching you put your best foot forward in the name of your entire future.

Having jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it vs. staying flexible
Comparing yourself with others feeling greater or lesser vs. communicating soul to soul
Being short-tempered and confronting others in the process vs. being patient and cool-headed
Ignoring the facts of what, when, where and why vs. taking the time to be 100% factual

Thursday, August 17, 2017: Resource
All the invisible resources working for you will make a lot happen if you are truly working with them and not against them. To do so, you need to be clear on what is really good for you and what is not. Then, turn over a new page with the enthusiasm of knowing it is happening and leave anything that does not belong to you far and away.

Being a space cadet and ending up in la-la land vs. staying grounded and discerning
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. be discerning but enjoy quality
Building fortresses and empire to feel important vs. doing everything for the right reasons
Giving people gifts so they will like you or be devoted vs. just being yourself first

Friday, August 18, 2017: Passionate
A passionate approach has a million times more chances to succeed than a dull one. Try it and it will pay off for you very quickly. This is because once  you add pure inspiration to anything it now becomes magical and can make miracles happen on the spot.

Having a tendency to be possessive vs. allowing others the freedom to just be themselves
Covering up and pretending everything is okay vs. regrouping how you really feel and heal
Avoiding crowds just to hear yourself think vs. taking time for yourself before going out
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball vs. getting all the facts before moving forward

Saturday, August 19, 2017: Serious
The energy today is just right to give you a serious push forward, but you have to relax and be in neutral gear so you allow it to do so quickly and easily. Make no big deals out of anything today. Account only for the key things that truly matter and give them all of your attention so they grow under your focus like being in an incubator.

Complaining a lot with too many moral issues vs. keeping the big picture of right and wrong
Liking to show off and impress people vs. standing out by just being yourself
Compromising your own standards when you get under pressure vs. taking a big deep breath
Becoming too chummy with people vs. realizing you do not have to share about everything

Sunday, August 20, 2017: Exacting
Doodling on a note pad all your options today will be an eye-opener and you will feel wiser about what will make your inner and outer performance stronger and sharper. With an exacting touch, you can separate the essential from the trivia and organize what you need to do in the best way possible so it works like a charm.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. keeping your energy sharp as a tack
Hiding or being shy to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. being willing to face it openly
Pushing your way through projects without communicating vs. taking the time to share
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping your own big picture

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a great system in place, your overall backing will bring you much excitement and a great resource to employ your passionate efforts toward a serious attempt to make an exacting hit in all the key areas of your life.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be exacting and serious in your own passionate way to add a more practical resource of excitement to your backing into a reliable system that really works for you.

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The Energy of the Week for August 14-20, 2017: Accelerate More!

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

When you are driven from within to pursue what you want in your heart, there is nothing that can stand in your way. All of your mighty inspiration helps you gear up-to-speed and accelerate more! to the degree you become unstoppable. This week is all about you being able to live and breathe your desires while thriving and making them happen – all at the same time.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Over the next few days, your energy will be rising so high, you will be feeling as tall as you can imagine and want to soar with the birds free up in the big blue sky as long as you believe in yourself and in what you are drawn to do at this point in your life. This is why, even if you may feel you are at the absolute bottom struggling to survive, you can still accelerate more! like you never have before. Spring yourself up so you can move far ahead in this adventure you have crafted for yourself in this lifetime.

DON’T have a tendency to be on a glory trip and become a guru.
DO know that anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO love balance and harmony and achieve it by synchronizing and coordinating.
DON’T fight back fiercely out-of-control when you are backed against a wall.
DO like to have your own territory and respect other people’s time, space and opinions.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you don’t get your way.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This week will give you an opportunity to take a powerful stand in your business to  build on what you truly believe in. Share openly from your inner most convictions so they become a clear part of what you do every day. When you are driven by pure motives, you can advance much further in building a great area of influence and fresh rapport with those you are being of service to. Nothing will be more rewarding than finding out how when you can accelerate more! with your plans the results are greater and sweeter than expected. By the end of the week, you will have something much more substantial taking place for you than when you first started. Savor this winning flavor so you can enjoy it many times over in all of your future endeavors!

DON’T have a tendency to make lots of piles and only you know where everything is.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T cram fifteen things in a ten-thing space.
DO like cleaning to keep things neat and tidy.
DON’T tend to order others around by telling them what to do.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your identity.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Accelerate more!
now in developing your most vital relationships with the people who really care about you. You can draw mutual inferences that will define all the ways you make your time together more efficient and count. Your thoughtfulness will always make the best out of every moment and opportunity because the energy this week is going to reveal a lot of new insights for you in your social environment. Only by staying alert will you be able to capture the key moments that prompt you to act upon what you true feelings are telling you.

DON’T tend to forget what you consider to be unimportant details or trivia.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T need to look different in order to stand out in a crowd.
DO be a good designer and match colors easily.
DON’T be a one-person operation because it is easier to just do the work yourself.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T have a tendency to be a drama queen or king.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 7-13, 2017

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

A big REVELATION will rule your week and guide you to the best path to follow for yourself inside and out.

Monday, August 7, 2017: Purist
Become a big purist in your mind and heart both physically and energetically.

Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. having a balanced meal and snack time
Feeling very hurt and, in turn, blaming others for your troubles vs. taking responsibility
Becoming a one-person operation vs. giving opportunity to others to express their creativity
Cluttering your space with a lot of trinkets vs. feeling secure with a quality environment

Tuesday, August 8, 2017: Dynamo
You can become a dynamo when you realize your experiences begin in your dreams and stay with you throughout your entire day even if all you are trying to do is rest. Making good decisions by using all of your sensitivity will help you stay on track and turn your highest expectations in a big time reality for you.

Interrupting and fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. staying on point
Needing to look different in order to stand out vs. blending in with ease
Avoiding crowds to hear yourself think vs. regrouping yourself before moving in
Getting impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying in your true feelings

Wednesday, August 9, 2017: Clarify
Suddenly, you will feel a great ability to clarify anything outstanding you have been pondering on for a while. It is called the value of a bright idea that will come upon you unexpectedly. You cannot argue with a great smooth decision once you get a revelation. Cherish it and more over deliver on your inspiration so you can make it serve you the most.

Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. following through on inspiration and making it work
Hiding or being shy to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. being open and flexible with others
Being overprotective of projects and people vs. allowing others the opportunity to express
Making old rules apply in the present situation vs. taking into account the current facts

Thursday, August 10, 2017: Reason
Today, there is no reason for a treason. You do not have to betray your own confidence, but instead follow your instincts and make hay while the sun shines really bright for you. Rejoice, so by the end of the day you should have the revelation your whole week is all about.

Becoming lazy, a couch potato with too much TV vs. balancing work and personal time
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. organizing your time better
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. respecting others for where they are
Getting overwhelmed and giving up easily vs. staying focused on what you want

Friday, August 11, 2017: Contribute
Being able to contribute from your own wisdom enriches you more than anything else. It is like planting seeds from your personal energy all across the board and spreading your area of influence throughout your environment. Besides, there will be so much gratitude coming back from all those who can benefit from your benevolent sharing, it will be countless how much positive effect this will have on the world.

Making lots of piles where only you know where everything is vs. sorting your business files
Being so competitive you have to win at all costs vs. doing your best in all situations
Over thinking where you cannot express your true feelings vs. keeping your mind clear
Living in the past holding on to negative experiences vs. living in the present and positive

Saturday, August 12, 2017: Formidable
In a formidable fashion, your alliance with those you are equal in energy to will be able to conquer just about anything that gets in your way. You can set up great success with active participation with all those around you today.

Being gullible because you know anything is possible vs. looking at all the facts
Cutting people off if you do not like them vs. giving everyone the benefit of the doubt
Being secretive and overboard with your privacy vs. realizing others want to share with you
Gossiping about people you feel wronged you vs. staying open with your communications

Sunday, August 13, 2017: Resign
Resign totally from your unfavorable concepts throwing off your timing and start with a clean slate to move forward in a better way that helps you stay strong and positive.

Wearing yourself too thin and being a workaholic vs. working in compact units with breaks
Showing off in order to impress people vs. having a balanced outlook on life
Sacrificing quality by rushing into projects vs. planning ahead and moving forward in time
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. seeing there are always solutions

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be a purist like a dynamo to clarify your reason to contribute in a formidable way as you resign from all undue negativity in your life.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Resign from your old inefficient ways to form a new formidable partnership to contribute your best reason to live and clarify how to be a dynamo with the energy you possess as a true purist.

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The Energy of the Week for August 7-13, 2017: Revelation

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Steady, set, go! Be ready for a reveal in larger proportions that will make all the difference for you in the coming months. Finally, a big queue from the universe is coming your way so you can experience the fullness of a new revelation of a lifetime like never before. Anything that has seemed cloudier or harder can all of a sudden be reduced to a simple easy thing to resolve. Just flow with the energy, take it easy and do not sweat anything. Because soon, yes, very soon, all things will become much better – for real!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Sometimes right before a really good thing comes true for you, there could be much resistance or a lag in the timing to shade the whole situation and give you the wrong impression that it is all going to fail. This usually brings pure rising pressure and then some. Watch out for all of this so you do not end up crumbling under the weight unwarrantedly right before your best moment occurs. Do not buy into any illusions making everything look worse than it really is. Even the most negatively perceived moment could have great value – such as putting you to the test about what your capacity is to respond in those types of situations. The biggest thing to remember is that all reality is only perceived and sometimes not the absolute real one. So, if you are allowing  yourself to get somewhat distraught from whatever that is, you are already more likely to take it far more negatively than it possibly could be. Instead, take care of yourself first and lighten up as much as possible. A little rest does help tremendously. By realizing nothing is an end in itself, but just means to an end, then you can be a solid person who holds your own and follows your inner revelation above any other outside manipulation.

DON’T have a tendency to be possessive.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T be overly concerned with your appearance.
DO look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T be too heavily guarded and not let anyone invade your space.
DO have a clear personal direction and easily direct others.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from people around you.
DO realize you can have an opinion of other’s opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Your own internal dynamics may give you a stir so you have to take a short time off to cautiously revisit the things that have caused confusion in your work. Re-solidify how you do them in a way that works better. This new revelation will apply across the board and take care of everything as long as you keep your head above the water and stay relaxed.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T think you are dumb sometimes because you cannot picture what others are saying.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and program.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from their troubles.
DO be very thorough and pay attention to all of the finest details.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Be cautious so you do not jump too fast into communications not yet well clarified. Cutting some slack with others in these moments also helps you not come to any wrong conclusions on the spot and regret them later on. By getting a much needed and brand new revelation in order to have a relaxed piece of mind and a positive outlook, everything will work out for the better.

DON’T become very cynical and make fun of others.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T become locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO communicate by painting pictures with your words.
DON’T be too heavily guarded and not let anyone invade your space.
DO like to have your own territory and respect other people’s time, space and opinions.
DON’T want and demand to be the center of attention.
DO follow your true feelings and not your emotions (intellectual feelings like anger, guilt, etc.).

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The Energy of the Month for August is ELEVATE

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life
Whether you feel good already or not, this month will show you yet another level of feeling greater than ever before. Your whole energy will elevate to being more airy, upbeat, proactive and decisive. In short, you will feel at ease to go for exactly what you want and make a determined effort toward pursuing your brightest ideas openly with unparalleled inner power.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Authority in what you do comes from your inner confidence. When you know very well inside who you are and where you are headed, you can pursue what you want despite any challenges regardless of the conditions in your environment. Since the real deal of all things in your life lies inside you, do not look further than your own self for all the answers you really need at this point. As long as your own sincere energy works in sync with your intuition, it will point you the right way to go. The only next factor is your motivation. If it is pure, it will always lead you straight ahead. However, if not, this may sway you astray where you could be spinning your wheels working against your own agenda and taking you away from you in the end – even if it may seem you are doing well at first. The key is to clarify the overall benevolent intent within all your main endeavors so you are moving along with a crystal clear plan of action. Elevate yourself and everything else in your life will follow.

DON’T have more projects going on in your life than you can handle right now.
DO realize life is meant to be fun and do not take life too seriously .
DON’T expect, assume or demand of yourself or others.
DO compare options to find the best solution and be satisfied with the final results.
DON’T tend to avoid crowds and loud social events just so you can hear yourself think.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of small trinkets.
DO inspire others to be involved in life with your positive example.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
You can do no wrong this month even if you take a leap of faith to explore new uncharted territory or veer off to explore some varieties of other ways of doing what you do. This adventurous spirit will lead you toward new horizons with a fresher start and brighter energy. Participate to the fullest and stay proactive on top of it while leaving no gaps in your schedule whatsoever. Giving it your all will elevate your profession once again to much greater levels than you have been able to achieve before and recharge you with a lot more excitement you can pour back into doing your best work.

DON’T have a tendency to ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T be such a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO when you see something that can be improved, bring it out in the open and communicate.
DON’T fight back fiercely out-of-control when you are backed against a wall.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T ignore the facts of what, when, where and why as you make the who the most important.
DO be very compassionate, but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Making a new best friend can elevate your whole immediate environment. As long as you come out of your shell, you will run into the people you need to meet and click with the mutual interests you have with them. Use your dynamic energy to captivate everyone with your vigor and share about what inspires you so they can witness your infectious desire all around.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T be overly frugal to the point of being cheap.
DO communicate by painting picture with your words.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO have a personal direction and easily direct others.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from people around you.
DO realize you can have an opinion of other’s opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 31-August 6, 2017

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

JUSTIFY your own time this week on the most important and key things in your life. Keep your energy organized with a clear mind and you will always thrust yourself tremendously forward.



Monday, July 31, 2017: Leverage
Optimize your schedule and leverage the flow this will create for you all day long.

Wearing yourself too thin and becoming a workaholic vs. organizing time in compact units
Being too picky in your choices vs. flexibility in making decisions that affect you and others
Over thinking to the point where you can’t express your true feelings vs. sharing how you feel
Having a tendency to be a drama queen/king vs. not embellishing your emotional state   

Tuesday, August 1, 2017: Record
It is likely you will record something of significance to you today that you can come back to many times over to recheck where you are in your personal, business and social life. It could be a new aspiration or a memorable inspiration you want to revisit to get motivated over and over again. Whatever it is, share it with everyone so you can spread it around the world and magnify it bigger and bigger.

Trusting in the potential of others too much vs. not being gullible and taken advantage of
Needing to look different in order to stand out in a crowd vs. blending in with others
Becoming an alcoholic or drug user suppressing your emotions vs. staying clear in your mind
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. releasing old concepts and habits

Wednesday, August 2, 2017: Beautiful
Something beautiful you may have not noticed before will be right in front of you today all day long. Do it justice by partaking from it so you can enjoy the privilege of having so much beauty all around you.

Having jealous feelings vs. releasing the feeling if you cannot have it, you will destroy it
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. managing your money effectively
Overpowering others who you feel are weaker than you vs. allowing others opportunity
Being too chummy with people vs. not needing to share every detail about your personal life

Thursday, August 3, 2017: Leisure
Spend time with something you enjoy at your leisure and notice how it uplifts and elevates you in many different ways.

Having a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches vs. trusting your first impressions
Tending to overdo and over-prepare vs. pacing yourself naturally and in good timing
Getting overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you vs. not accepting stress
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. feeling secure with simple things

Friday, August 4, 2017: Orient
Create a simple map to orient yourself among all of the current tasks and projects you are working on all at the same time. Keeping tabs is easy if you stay organized and it will save you time in the long run as you will have everything at a glance to reference to.

Being a space cadet and ending up in la-la land vs. staying grounded and directed
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. realizing you have only so much time
Becoming overprotective of people and projects vs. allowing others to do their own thing
Becoming a hypochondriac over-concerned about health vs. being intelligent and healthy

Saturday, August 5, 2017: Integrity
Integrity comes from within and touches everyone you meet along the way. It is the fair inner sense that is right for everyone across the board. To gauge it best, always put yourself in other people’s shoes and figure out how much and in what way what you do affects them overall.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. staying grounded and interested
Feeling dumb because you can’t picture what others are saying vs. asking and verifying
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. letting go and allowing others to come in
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping a bigger picture

Sunday, August 6, 2017: Design
Design what you need to have hope and be optimistic today as you enter the new week with a lot of enthusiasm. Start on a high note so you can rise to new heights in order to conquer the challenges ahead and emerge like a beacon of light to shine your brightest.

Being a fence-sitter and having a hard time making decisions vs. following your inner knowing
Saying no three times before agreeing it will benefit you vs. staying flexible and open to ideas
Fighting back fiercely out-of-control when backed against a wall vs. getting out of the way
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. allowing others to share their opinions

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Leverage your own personal record by having a beautiful touch to overcome too much leisure and orient yourself toward having great integrity by your very own design.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Design what you need for your own success with integrity so you can orient yourself and not have too much leisure in order to partake in the beautiful ways to set a new record based on your own leverage.

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The Energy of the Week for July 31-August 6, 2017: Justify

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

All of your invaluable lifelong learning experiences will always justify any of the temporary inconveniences you have been put through in the name of life. As you know, learning does not come cheap and the hefty price you pay for it is always measurable with the results you are getting from it. This week, continue to dive into uncharted territory and allow your own pure heart to immerse yourself in all the wonders of life – to the fullest!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
There are no limits, so do not create anything artificial in your mind to put any restrictions on your own potential and power within. There is so much more to yourself than what you may acknowledge. The real depth of who you are is only measurable through the means of your infinite sensitivity. It is true that the more relaxed and tuned you are, especially in what you are doing in every moment, the better outcomes you will have every single day. So leave any crankiness and confusion behind you. It is of no use to you on a practical level. Look into the brightness of your own future because it is closer than you think and is as great as you truly desire it. All of the results coming your way will – without a doubt – justify every effort you put into it to make it all happen.

DON’T get bored easily and not follow through or finish the projects that you start.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO realize you can look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T push your way through projects and situations without communicating first.
DO have a keen sense of integrity and set fair boundaries.
DON’T get impatient when your emotions take over.
DO be very compassionate, but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Does the end justify the means? If you are over-extending yourself to push through to the finish line on a project, is that okay? Well, it depends. Like a pendulum when you get too much toward one side, then naturally, things balance themselves out and you have to get caught up with more rest and replenish. If it is really important, it could be worth it, but you have to realize you will pay for it. Is it okay to take advantage of customers to earn more profits? Not really. This is about the energy of what you do and how you do it. Once it is warped with motives that are off, it does not just get back to being okay. Even the money earned with that kind of twisted energy will not serve a good purpose. It will take some straightening out to reinstate the original good intent. Watch out for it and be careful to keep your business on the straight and narrow and only then you can enjoy your results – all the way.

DON’T have a tendency to get on a glory trip and want to be a guru.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T be so competitive that you need to win to be the best at all costs.
DO when you see something can be improved, bring it out into the open and communicate.
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T get very impatient when your emotions take over.
DO be very considerate of others and care deeply for their well-being.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Be ready to always justify the efforts your friends exert to be around you when you need them. Be prepared to be there for them in return by giving back some of your time to have a balance in your relationships with them. Staying cool and level-headed will be helpful in many situations so they do not get out of hand. Remember, giving help and getting help in your social life is all about team work in one way or another. You can obviously learn so much more about yourself from doing things with others.

DON’T complain a lot and get yourself involved in too many moral issues.
DO get a second wind after midnight and continue to be very productive.
DON’T be late for appointments because everything takes longer than you expect.
DO be very punctual and keep tabs on the timing of everything you are involved in.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO feel secure in expressing your own true feelings.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO feel solid and good about yourself when you don’t take opinions of others personally.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 24-30, 2017

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

A more significant ACCOMPLISHMENT always starts from the inside and flows out causing everyone to cheer you on and support your major cause. Be big and bold in planning how you can utilize all the best opportunities coming your way determining your own personal destiny.

Monday, July 24, 2017: Creative
A creative mode will open a realm of amazing opportunities that have not existed before. Be proud of the adventurous spirit you have that has taken you to brand new places. Soar to new horizons and float on the wings of this powerful energy taking care of everything you may need to succeed for yourself first.

Tending to forget what you consider to be unimportant details vs. keeping tabs on everything
Being too picky in your choices and then becoming disappointed vs. making rational decisions
Becoming too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. allowing others opportunity as well
Investing too much in relationships and losing your identity vs. always being loyal to yourself

Tuesday, July 25, 2017: Redirect
Redirect your attention to create more manageable tasks so you can remain productive even if a fog tries to cast a shadow on your original plan to move forward. An accomplishment of a bigger magnitude will happen today making it worth your while and be well-deserved for all your efforts.

Coming up with great ideas but not putting them into action vs. moving forward practically
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. putting your priorities into focus and acting
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. respecting others boundaries 100%
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged by them vs. communicating openly

Wednesday, July 26, 2017: Happy
Make a special effort to be happy and be on top of a perfect flow today. A solid sense of accomplishment will always bring many good vibes for you to run on all day long.

Giving people too much credit before discerning vs. not being too gullible at the outset
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. managing your resources more efficiently
Bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. letting others express themselves
Playing dumb in order to make others feel guilty vs. making sure you have all the facts

Thursday, July 27, 2017: Judgment
Your major accomplishment this week will withstand the critical judgment of even your worst detractors as they will finally understand you are too serious to be discounted and too dedicated to be distracted.

Sipping drinks and eating obsessively vs. eating intelligently and in a balanced way
Cutting people off if you do not like them vs. giving everyone the benefit of the doubt
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being more flexible and open with your feelings
Indulging in food, etc. as a way of avoiding emotions vs. staying relaxed and in control

Friday, July 28, 2017: Opening
Coordinate on how you can create an opening to reach the people you have been wanting to inspire the most. Show them what you can do from head to toe and let them be dazzled by your sheer genius. This is something you can exhibit over and over again!

Complaining a lot and getting involved in moral issues vs. keeping the bigger picture
Wasting others time being long-winded vs. just sticking to the facts and being compact
Having a difficult time opening up and sharing vs. always staying in your true feelings
Becoming a drama queen/king vs. not getting too involved in emotional temper tantrums

Saturday, July 29, 2017: Disperse
In an effort to disperse any forces undermining and working against you, remind everyone of the tenacity that got you where you are. Show them that not only are you not going to give up, but you will actually double down to protect your ideas with powerful actions leaving everyone in awe.

Becoming a space cadet and ending up in la-la land vs. staying grounded
Judging others based on their appearance vs. looking deeper into a person’s soul
Avoiding crowds so you can hear yourself think vs. taking time for yourself first
Becoming too chummy with people vs. staying more detached with boundaries

Sunday, July 30, 2017: Act
An act of pure innocence will save the day showing the whole of the universe is ready to back anyone with a clear mind and a solid intent to lift up mountains.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. sticking to the point and the facts overall
Expecting, assuming and demanding of others vs. keeping a 50-50 relationship with everyone
Ordering others around by telling them what to do vs. involving yourself more in teamwork
Getting impatient when your emotions take over vs. taking a big deep breath when pressured   

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Creative actions will redirect you in a happy way to avoid judgment over an opening to disperse the clouds involving a simple act that wins the day.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Act fast to disperse whatever there is in an opening to avoid judgment in order to create a happy new start to redirect yourself so all of your creative juices flow better.


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The Energy of the Week for July 24-30, 2017: Accomplishment

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This week, the energy flowing through planet Earth is handing you some big cards to deal with. You can easily put your focus on accomplishment by starting out with a clean slate so you are totally on top of your game. You have it made. Everything you need is right at your fingertips. You just have to be extra savvy and play it smart.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Plan ahead as far as you can see. All the best of luck will be right by your side as long as you are sincere about all of your goals. You will feel empowered by everything finally coming together for you. Getting it to happen will be easy – something you have rarely enjoyed before. This sense of accomplishment will propel you forward and give you a tremendous amount of clarity making everything even more possible than you ever thought before. Take the time to acknowledge what has worked for you in the past so you can extend gratitude toward everything that has been helpful to you all along the way.

DON’T have a tendency to get on a glory trip and become a guru.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T be so competitive that you need to win to be the best at all costs.
DO look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T become a control freak.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from their troubles.
DO realize you are never alone because you are your own best friend and are always there for yourself.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Pursue a new level of accomplishment like never before highlighting who you really are in what you are wanting to do more than anything else you have ever tried in the past. You can really stand out when you put your signature on and create your own brand becoming widely recognized and well-known throughout the world. Do the things only you can do and not like anyone else. By being your own unique self, you can rise up above all of the same old criteria you have become bored with and actually monetize on the footprint you are making for the better of everything you really care about on a larger scale.

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO be very flexible to take suggestions since there are many ways of doing the same thing.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T feel sorry for yourself and complain when you don’t get attention.
DO consider everyone is important because we are all a part of the whole.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
One major accomplishment can awaken a crowd and inspire a wave of recognition creating a whole new following for what you are involved with. With a positive purpose in mind, you can make something highly significant happen for those around you and bring so much support your way, you will have plenty to last you for a long while.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO love your freedom and allow others to make their own choices.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO have a photographic mind and easily memorize and reproduce what you have seen.
DON’T think there is only one way to do something – your way.
DO make decisions easily and move quickly into action.
DON’T give people gifts so they will like you or be devoted to you.
DO be very considerate of others and care deeply for their well-being.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 17-23, 2017

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and
Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

FOCUS on your top priorities and key goals so you can step up your game. Be a mover and a shaker in your own life like never before.

Monday, July 17, 2017: Detached
Being detached from your own problems may have seemed impossible until today. Taking a new look at what is really going on from the inside out will help you realize none of it is really as bad as it looks at first glance. There is a solution to most things if you just keep your cool enough to see them. A new day can bring new perspectives, new options and make other resources available, so have the strength to look forward and not give up too early before you see it all through.

Being lazy becoming a couch potato and watch TV a lot vs. getting involved in life 100%
Having too much pride and not wanting to look bad vs. realizing everyone has their niche
Bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. having clear boundaries and respect
Feeling sorry for others and wanting to sympathize vs. being empathetic and detached

Tuesday, July 18, 2017: Prepare
You prepare best when you clarify the most all the crucial factors surrounding any situation.

Being a space cadet and ending up in la-la land vs. staying grounded and practical
Liking to show off and impress people by making a dramatic entrance vs. blending in
Sacrificing quality by rushing into a project vs. planning ahead with all the 4 w’s
Investing too much in relationship and losing your identity vs. making yourself more important

Wednesday, July 19, 2017: Loving
Seeking loving energy will pay off for you today. Your kindness will attract other kindness and your affection will inspire other affection. So turn your heart on and open it up to give and receive freely.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. respecting other people’s time and space
Being too traditional or even dogmatic vs. keeping an open mind with your own experience
Being short-tempered confronting others vs. taking a big deep breath before acting
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. always keeping the big picture in mind

Thursday, July 20, 2017: Clear
The clear indication that everything will unfold for you today will only come after you dig down to the bottom of your whole beingness and pull out your innermost inspiration that comes to you genuinely for the betterment of everything.

Having a tendency to be possessive vs. letting others have their freedom of choice
Being late when everything takes longer than you expected vs. planning your time effectively
Avoiding crowds so you can hear yourself think vs. taking time for yourself, too
Feeling sorry for yourself and complaining vs. not wanting to be the center of attention

Friday, July 21, 2017: Action
Experience more from the law of attraction when the action you take from the inside manifests itself immediately on the outside. The more beautiful thoughts you create, the more beautiful experiences will come forth into your life before your very eyes. Keep the magic going by staying positive and envisioning the greatest of the great over and over again in your mind until it becomes your reality.

Being a fence-sitter not making decisions vs. putting everything into priority order
Feeling dumb when you can’t picture what others are saying vs. asking questions when needed
Compromising your own standards when under pressure vs. keeping your boundaries clear
Ignoring the facts and making the “who” more important vs. keeping everything in perspective

Saturday, July 22, 2017: Discern
It is not too late to discern the exact things you need to focus on in order to put everything in place for the better. Make every effort to understand the drive behind what you really want to achieve as your own pure motives can make all the difference.

Trusting in the potential of others too much vs. not being too gullible when it comes to people
Cramming fifteen things and a ten-thing space vs. realizing what is essential/important/trivia
Ignoring people who bother you vs. giving people the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong
Being very impatient when your emotions take over vs. looking at things from a different light

Sunday, July 23, 2017: Incredible
Doing something incredible is not unusual and not at all hard to do at this time in your life. Open yourself up to the needs around you that you resonate most closely with and do something about it.

Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. always trusting what you get from inner guidance
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. managing your resources effectively
Being secretive and going overboard protecting your privacy vs. allowing others in when right
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged vs. being open and respectful with everyone

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

From a detached point of view, you can prepare your loving energy for a clear start with new action to discern all the incredible opportunities in front of you.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

An incredible new way to discern how you take action can help you be clear where your loving touch can prepare you to stay detached.

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