The Energy of the Week for July 25-31, 2016: Sublime

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Sublime 1A sublime moment in time will take you far above the everyday trivia and well into the deep and extraordinary inspiration you can only pick up with pure motives and a positive attitude. You can become a bigger and better you – taller, smarter, brighter. Do not deny yourself this monumental experience. It will go down in your own personal history as an unmatched threshold to much better times and more meaningful endeavors to be involved with. It starts with you and it happens this week!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Remember, a sublime experience is a gentle, delicate and subtle one that can only be captured in the peacefulness of the calm and poised moments when you are truly yourself and tuning into your own intuition. So, if this week starts off stressful or too fast-paced, you might want to rethink your priorities and stop the train so you can come out of the rat race. Look around for the gentle signs of inspiration coming your way in order to apply it to solve any matters you need a solution for. Slow down, spend a quiet moment with yourself and pay attention to that inner voice whispering your direction within. This way, you will not miss out on such an important message.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO have a healthy curiosity for everything in life and enjoy variety.
DON’T be too picky in your choices and then become disappointed with what you have chosen.
DO love balance and harmony and achieve it by synchronizing and coordinating.
DON’T become a one-person operation because it’s easier to just do the work yourself.
DO always be interested in the main fact of “where” and keep your energy smooth.
DON’T get easily excited and jump into projects without thinking about the consequences.
DO make people the most important part of your life and need to be a part of theirs.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This is all about the intangible, sublime effect of your business on the world beyond the products or services it offers. During this week, you will understand how much more you are actually giving your patrons other than just the actual physical way you are reaching them. Your energy will spread through to them with everything you feel and contemplate within yourself. If you are well-wishing, concerned and caring, they will receive a wave of kindness and warmth by partaking from what you are offering – even if they never have direct contact with you. If your motives are unclear or driven by greed and you take advantage of them, they will innately know it and be left with a bitter taste in their mouth. Your influence will be reaching others even stronger than before to either exacerbate on the negativity you may be sending their way or expound on the generous benevolence you are spreading with good and positive feelings. Do not forget – everything you send out always comes back.

DON’T tend to interrupt or fragment others with unrelated comments.
DO always be interested in the main fact of “what” and keep your energy soft.
DON’T have a need to look different in order to stand out in a crowd.
DO realize when you see something can be improved, bring it out into the open and communicate.
DON’T become a one-person operation because it’s easier to just do the work yourself.
DO be persistent and once you make up your mind, don’t quit.
DON’T feel sorry for yourself and complain when you don’t get attention.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Show others how you can be sublime yourself by being understanding, compassionate and tender towards them while paying attention and just being there for them. The only way to manage it is to care for your own well-being and prosperity along with theirs without judgment or blame with genuineness and true concern. We learn from one another all the time. So everything you witness helps you learn what you need for yourself and vice versa. It is best to be sincere with ourselves in our human experiences along the way. If we can relate to it, we can understand it. If we can understand it, we can forgive it. If we can forgive it, we can live with it.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO have an inner knowing that everything is going to be okay.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO be able to look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T build fortresses and empires in order to feel important.
DO make sure to take quiet time to meditate so you can hear yourself think.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO always be interested in the main fact of “why” and keep your energy warm.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 18-24, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for July 18-24, 2016REPEAT your best every time and reap well deserved great results for yourself. At the same time, knowing what does not work, do not waste time and resources in vain doing it. Let your inner discipline follow the energy to put you successfully on top of the world.

Monday, July 18, 2016: Forthwith
Say what you think forthwith and express freely your inner essence. If you do not make some healthy noise for yourself – no one else will. Besides, no one else can do you the same justice as only you can do by stating what is on your mind and in your heart. Unleashing your whole energy marks your territory of influence and puts your presence on the map in an undeniable way.

Becoming a home-body avoiding going out vs. finding life outdoors interesting and exciting
Being locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. staying flexible with your options
Pushing yourself by going too long without eating vs. taking good care of yourself with breaks
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. shining your own unique light

Tuesday, July 19, 2016: Telltale
Telltale signs of your success will be ahead of you before you even get out of bed today. The most favorable energy is flowing your way to jilt you with a boost of enormous proportions so you can be charged up and be on your toes ready to go, go, and then go some more! If you are willing to share your experiences, we already know the rest is just history.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to life their lives vs. making helpful suggestions
Covering up pretending everything is alright with a smiley face vs. facing reality truthfully
Sacrificing quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon vs. keeping high standards
Making old rules/experiences apply to present situations vs. using wisdom in a new context

Wednesday, July 20, 2016: Examine
Examine all the possibilities of what you can do without blinking an eye. If you do not miss out on any, you can choose the best one and be well on your way – ahead of the game.

A lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. being inspired and proactive to do great things
Liking to show off to impress or make a dramatic entrance vs. standing out with uniqueness
Insensitive not caring about others feelings vs. being considerate/caring for your fellow man
A guilt instilling care-taker and not a benevolent care-giver vs. giving freely from your heart

Thursday, July 21, 2016: Elevate
You can elevate almost anything to another level with some vigorous inspiration and a jolly attitude of not giving up for anything in the world until things have turned out for the better. Persistency to fix what cannot be fixed is the kiss of death for things gone wrong under constant pressure to turn them around for the better. Avoid it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Becoming very cynical making fun of others vs. respecting others exactly for where they are
Needing to look different to stand out in a crowd vs. bringing out your own inner beauty
Building fortresses and empires in order to feel important vs. pursing bigger and exciting goals
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism at all costs vs. accepting others opinions   

Friday, July 22, 2016: Communicate
Come on board with your own inner purpose, contemplate how to get it done and communicate with as many people as possible to make it happen. Make your finest decision to be being loyal to yourself first and factor in all the essential elements you need that affect you directly as you move forward. Keep it simple so you can transform your challenges into solutions and any turmoil to pure joy from now on. The best way to accomplish is by seeing obligations as opportunities to learn and grow.

Being a know-it-all advising not suggesting vs. sharing wisdom without putting others down
Expecting, assuming, demanding of yourself or others vs. being the best example you can be
Compromising your standards under pressure vs. always making sure of the highest quality
Excited jumping into projects without thinking of all consequences vs. planning in advance

Saturday, July 23, 2016: Prepare
Prepare yourself so you can upgrade your present situation with a few new renovations you already possess inside. Be bold, solid and unwavering. Your results are awaiting.

Losing things and missing exists, forgetting where the car is parked vs. recalling key facts
Very competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being satisfied doing your best
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. giving a hand – not putting them down
Investing too much in relationships, losing your identity vs. being your own person at all times

Sunday, July 24, 2016: Action
Consider making one action that can change and modify your reality in a whole new way. When you do, nothing will ever be the same anymore. It will be better. Update your standards so everything works for yourself and others. This will change your game altogether.

Having more projects going on than you can handle right now vs. finishing tasks responsibly
Judging others based on their appearance vs. looking deeper into every person for their essence
Getting impatient with less organized minds vs. always giving people a second chance
Getting mixed up with others problems, having trouble setting boundaries vs. discerning yours

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be forthwith on the spot to discern all telltale signs as you examine the possibilities of how you can elevate the way you communicate and prepare yourself to be more in action.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Have an action packed plan to prepare and communicate in order to elevate and examine all telltale signs to be forthwith with a new attitude of great upcoming success.

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The Energy of the Week for July 18-24, 2016: Repeat

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

run in circlesThe meaning of the energy this week is two-fold. It is compelling you to employ a more serious effort not to repeat anymore any of your most recent mishaps. Remember, there are no so-called mistakes in life – just steppingstones to help you get where you need to be. This will also give you an opportunity to do your best to repeat your most recent successes over and over again by staying organized in the set of circumstances you create for yourself which will facilitate continuous triumph.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
This week, more than ever, you can be convinced how true it is that you can coin your own destiny with your own choices and decisions. You will become even more aware of how it is to elevate your own inner strength to perpetuate forward exactly what you wish for yourself – and nothing short of it. How you do it will be easy as long as you are clear about what you want, what you do not want and that you will steer your efforts to pursue the first and not the latter. Stating these two opposite desires in front of others will inspire you to be more accountable to yourself as you make a commitment to do what you say you want to do. Repeat this over and over again as you go through the week. Then, just walk your talk. It will take you exactly where you want to end up. Go for it!

DON’T complain a lot and get yourself involved in too many moral issues.
DO easily keep track of many different projects at the same time.
DON’T cram fifteen things in a ten thing space.
DO communicate by painting pictures with your words.
DON’T tend to avoid crowds or loud social events to hear yourself think.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T ignore the facts of what, when, where and why as you make the who the most important.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Do not just repeat your best results in your business up to now – shoot for more. You are always better off just giving it that little bit more than what is expected of you. Not only will this leave everyone pleased with your performance, but it will keep you stretched to your limits so you can expand as much as is possible for you – under all circumstances. Any temporary discomfort created by going outside the limits of your comfort zone will be well worth it and more productive than you could ever envision for yourself. 

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch a lot of TV.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO love reading books, but do not become disappointed when the movie based on a book comes out.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO be very considerate of others and care deeply for their well being.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
the festivities and celebration of the true human spirit that touches and fulfills you on another level. Share those deep feeling moments with all those you have genuine concern for. Cheering yourself on with the inner power you have inside will show up in real life as you stay inspired and entice you to bring out your best and manifest your boldest ideas as of yet. If you do not spend this whole week on the edge of breaking and overcoming your inner and outer barriers and keeping steady toward your wildest dreams, you are wasting your time altogether, especially with the opportunities the energy is giving you. Once gone, they will not come back for awhile – days, months or even years. Stay alert and act on everything you know is yours to take advantage of. Do not let go and make it happen together with those who equally care as much as you for the same goals and aspirations.

DON’T get bored easily and not follow through or finish the projects you have started.
DO get a second wind even after midnight and continue to be very productive.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO be able to create what you imagine in your mind.
DON’T tend to order others around by telling them what to do.
DO make decisions easily and move quickly into action.
DON’T easily become a hypochondriac being overly concerned about your personal health.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 11-17, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for July 11-17, 2016IMAGINE the life you want to have manifest for yourself right away. Over the next week, tap into every possible dream you have always wanted, but have not acted upon them. Give it a go while making a realistic step-by-step plan to pursue it. No more delays, the energy is willing to help you right now. Be ready to accept the help and cooperate with it for your own highest good.

Monday, July 11, 2016: Flexible
Do not get stuck on where you will be starting this week’s journey so you can imagine everything you want to create for yourself. Being flexible leaves your options open because you do not know which open door the best solution will be coming from. Take what comes and work with it to achieve your plans. Do not be a perfectionist – rather be realistic. Today, you will be handed an answer. Do not close your eyes to it and use it to your full advantage.

Fragmenting or interrupting others with unrelated comments vs. staying on the current topic
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what others are saying vs. asking for clarification
Pushing your way through projects without communicating first vs. letting others know first
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. not making a big deal by thinking in solutions

Tuesday, July 12, 2016: Tuned In
No matter where you find yourself, inspiration is always as close to you as hovering right over your head. Only if you are tuned in can you pick it up and follow it by making it work for you. If you are feeling lowly or depressed, you put more space between yourself and your higher inspirations – making it more difficult to get the hunches you are looking for. Staying relaxed and restoring your positive attitude can always help you get back in your own energy and go with what you feel is right based on your own intuition. Make sure you do not doubt or even dismiss your impressions possibly thinking you cannot do something about them. You can do everything strong and positive for your own good that comes to you.

A space cadet who can end up in la-la-land vs. focusing on the subject matter at hand
Cramming fifteen things in a ten things space vs. pacing out your energy in the right timing
Insensitive – not caring about others feelings vs. having bottom line consideration for others
Going into an emotional rage if others don’t understand you vs. tolerating odd situations

Wednesday, July 13, 2016: Solve
Nothing is a big deal if you just know how to solve it to a great end. You can by turning any situation around for the better. Not that some things that happen are not unwanted and hard, but nothing happens in vain. So it is meant to be applied and realized as a big and worthy lesson all of us can learn and grow from. This is making it invaluable. Make it count and do not despair in what may appear as temporary losses. There is a bigger gain to be had out of the whole learning curve and motivational value that comes from it. Life-changing moments are costly but worth it when you make them be for the better. You always have a choice.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to live their lives vs. giving suggestions not pressure
Dwelling on past negative experiences and not releasing them vs. starting fresh in the present
Undermining people by putting them down vs. respecting others as you would yourself
Ignoring the facts what, when, where and why for the who vs. taking all in equal consideration

Thursday, July 14 2016: Total
Something has to give today and it could be your biggest fear as to whatever that is. Sometimes you jeopardize your own success by just being fearful since you have never experienced it as of yet. You are worthy of the best solution, but may not know how to put it into practice simply because you have not had the experience beforehand and it might seem strange or odd when you come up with it. Bust open these energies pulling you down to a total oblivion and make them disappear forever. You do not need to be hiding in any shadows, nor have any clouds hanging over your head. You will definitely want to feel light and free in your own delightful energy where everything is okay and seems possible.

Becoming a lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. taking on proactive opportunities
Dwelling on past negative experiences and not releasing them vs. using wisdom in a new way
Avoiding crowds/loud social events to hear yourself think vs. balancing alone and social time
Wanting others to do something or kiss your ring for devotion vs. treating them with respect

Friday, July 15, 2016: Amazing
Wake up to an astonishing and uplifting experience that will bless your day with an amazing energy of gratitude and love. This will give you a reaffirmation that good always outweighs the bad and the positive always overpowers the negative. Keep moving on and spreading the good feelings you hold inside. Someone needs an uplift right now. You can give it to them if you look in their eyes with the light you carry within and make all the difference they need to get back on their feet.

Tending to procrastinate vs. getting inspired to implement your hunches right away
Saying no three times before you agree something will benefit you vs. thinking it through
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being fair and adequate in your treatment of others
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. keeping a harmonious environment

Saturday, July 16, 2016: Undo
You may not be able to undo something you are not proud of, but you can do everything in your power to make up for it and surpass the state you were in when it happened. You can use it as a reasoning to elevate yourself and your actions above any petty lowliness and remind yourself you are better than any of it. You can act better every time you think of that reminder to give you more strength to do the right thing for yourself – over and over again.

Over trusting in the potential of others giving them too much credit vs. rechecking on them
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. a good money manager with high standards
Too heavily guarded not letting anyone invade your space vs. having a close worthy circle
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. starting fresh with older wisdom

Sunday, July 17, 2016: Alleviate
Take any uneasy moment in perspective with the bigger picture. In life, since one day may be bad, but the next is good, you can never lose sight of the dynamics and meaning all of this holds for you. Alleviate the troubling factors by thinking of them in a longer period of time and how much, if any at all, will they impact your life from the distance of time and space.

Losing things, missing exits, forgetting where the car is vs. taking memory more seriously
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being satisfied doing your best
Thinking there is only your way of doing something vs. flexible, accepting other options
Getting very impatient when emotions take over vs. staying bubbly and on top of your game

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be flexible to stay tuned in and solve any problems in a total amazing way everything you are trying to undo and alleviate any pressure on yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Alleviate your own aches and pains to undo the effects of any troubles and redo them into an amazing and total way to solve any questions by staying tuned in and being flexible.

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The Energy of the Week for July 11-17, 2016: Imagine

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

ImagineImagine all of the possibilities as far and wide as your inspiration can take you. Do not go by what you presently do not have available or what you think you may not be able to accomplish as of right now. Things in life change on a dime and this week, it is just a matter of being able to position yourself to have the full extent of everything you want for yourself and not a tad less.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Feel good about yourself so you can open up on a large scale to all the inspiration coming your way. Receiving it is the biggest key to being able to imagine how much you can do and not indulge in disbelief. You are designing and creating your own present and future in a way only you can accept what is happening within yourself and around you. By having a clear goal, you can consistently steer your efforts toward it and work diligently to acquire it. This keeps your journey meaningful for yourself first so you are always on track with what you want to accomplish. There is no need to compromise anything. The universe has an endless supply of everything you can possibly need to make it all a reality. You just have to dare to dream it, work toward it and believe it is going to happen – so you never give up!

DON’T make lots of piles where only you know where everything is.
DO realize you don’t always know how you know, just know that you know.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hid your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO easily see how any system can be more efficient and love how to organize it.
DON’T fight back fiercely out-of-control when you are backed against a wall.
DO understand how to keep your personal, business and social life separate.
DON’T feel left out or ignored when people don’t listen to you.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
the biggest picture you can come up with in your business life. What opportunities do you want to pursue? When and where do you want it to take you – and, especially, why are you doing it? Come up with a practical plan so you can go through the steps and, at the same time, inspire whatever help you may need as you go through the process. Although you can never always guarantee what the final outcome will be, working toward it should inspire you. Everything you are working to achieve should lead you down a learning path so that, no matter what, you will not regret anything along the way. No matter what, you should end up in a whole different place than where you started. It will all add up to being in a place as a part of your life journey you were not only ready for, but definitely needing to go through.

DON’T sip drinks and eat snacks obsessively.
DO easily see the potential in yourself and others, but do not interfere with their free will.
DON’T be overly concerned with our appearance.
DO compare options to find the best solution, but be satisfied with the realistic results.
DON’T be insensitive and not care about other people’s feelings.
DO not compromise your own inner standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T feel insecure and become dependent on others, especially your loved ones.
DO easily open up and share warmly and sincerely from the heart.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
What else can you imagine to manifest in your social life that you do not already have? The only problem may involve other people’s free will, which you can never predict or have any control over. The best possible solution is to inspire whatever action you want to incur so it provides a compelling case for others to join in with you. However, do not get disappointed if someone else is not doing what you may think would be better for them or toward you. It is entirely up to others to decide what they need to do for themselves. The best solution is to influence them by doing what is right for yourself and then show appreciation when they do the same for themselves as well. If something good is meant to happen for all of you, doing the right things for all people involved will overlap and result in the same mutual experience you will all be seeking to have. Keep it light, have fun and enjoy the week. This is usually how much more gets accomplished – everyone having a much better time of it!

DON’T tend to forget what you consider to be unimportant details.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T be overly frugal to the point of being cheap.
DO see how something can be improved and easily imagine how to do them better.
DON’T undermine people or put them down.
DO help people with the simple facts (what, when, where, why) of their options.
DON’T give people gifts so they like you or are devoted to you.
DO make people the most important part of your life and need to be a part of theirs.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 4-10, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for july 4-10, 2016Making PROGRESS in every area of your life will be just one step away from where you are now. All you need to do is stay inspired so you can make the right moves and everything will swiftly manifest for the good you are hoping for.

Monday, July 4, 2016: Determined
Be determined to have a lot more progress in your entire life so your energy is ready and set for it from the start. It may take working a little harder, but it should pay back very quickly and you will be able to smell the sweet scent of victory early on. Do not forget to be grateful at the end of the day. Give due respect where it is deserved.

Losing things, missing exits or forgetting where the car is parked vs. making good notes
Being too traditional or even dogmatic vs. remaining flexible in the way you view life
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. helping out, but not obsessing
Getting very impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying relaxed and collected

Tuesday, July 5, 2016: Relax
The first thing to do this morning is to relax so you can get in the right mode to proceed from here. A long to do list does not have to mean working yourself harder, but rather doing it in a smarter way. Simplify everything that is possible and you will end up with a lean and easy to achieve down-to-the-point list that you can finish early on. Make a note of everything that has worked really well to apply it again and again for the future.

Becoming a couch potato watching too much TV vs. getting excited with all the possibilities
Becoming mean when angry and calling others names vs. acting professionally even in crisis
Over thinking to the point you cannot express true feelings vs. always sharing from your heart
Feeling sorry for yourself complaining you are not getting attention vs. tending to yourself

Wednesday, July 6, 2016: Exhibit
Remind yourself today to not set up your environment like a stilted exhibit. Make it more comfortable for you so it is far more productive and natural for your own benefit and ends up helping you out by not taking away from who you really are inside. When you have everything too polished, it becomes stilted. Figuratively speaking, today dust is in and it will be way more believable on a practical level so everyone feels included.

Complaining and getting involved in moral issues vs. realizing what is right or wrong for you
Taking a tragic view of life by making big deals vs. knowing it is always going to be okay
Setting boundaries too strongly vs. allowing a few worthy people to be closer to you
Investing too much in relationships and losing your own identity vs. remaining yourself

Thursday, July 7 2016: Normal
Today may turn upside down any idea you have had in the past of what is normal. Take everything that comes to you one by one and one step at a time. Although it may not make sense while it is taking place, by the end of the day, it will all make brand new sense and have a new outlook on life you may not have ever thought of before.

Wearing yourself too thin becoming a workaholic vs. facing and balancing your work load
Tending to be a perfectionist vs. using high standards, but satisfied with the realistic results
Insensitive not caring about others feelings vs. being considerate of others’ situations
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. not turning everything into a big deal

Friday, July 8, 2016: Go For It!
If this is the day you decide to go for it!, you will have to go all the way with it. No mediocre or half-way anything will work for you at all. Going all in is the recipe for success and nothing short of it will work.

A lazy couch potato watching too much TV vs. being super-active with more interesting things
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what others are saying vs. always asking for clarity
A one-person operation as it is easier to just do it yourself vs. being inclusive of others
Giving people gifts so they will like you or be devoted to you vs. winning over their hearts

Saturday, July 9, 2016: Enthusiastic
Being enthusiastic comes from the high hope you harbor inside about the adventurous journey you are on or just about to embark upon. It is never too late to still go anywhere you want even if the train you were planning to take may have already left the station. There is always an alternative that becomes possible as long as you have not given up. Even if you may have given up earlier, you can always change your mind to get back on track and sink your teeth into it all over again.

A space cadet who can end up in la-la-land vs. grounding yourself by eating regularly
Being prideful hiding your emotional side with a fake persona vs. being comfortable as you are
Overbearing and aggressive in your approach with others vs. lightening up and taking it easier
Cluttering up your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. living in a harmonious atmosphere

Sunday, July 10, 2016: Love
Love is light, open, velvety and electric. You cannot heavy-hand it. You cannot stay closed and still receive it. You cannot express it without soft kindness. Finally you cannot substitute the magic it creates with absolutely anything else. Experience it fully from the inside out. Love yourself first and you can spread that same feeling you are experiencing all across the board.

Becoming very cynical making fun of others vs. respecting everyone where they are at
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what is said vs. asking others confidently until it is clear
Compromising your own standards when you get under pressure vs. always sticking to quality
Ignoring the facts of what, when, where, and why for the who vs. considering all equally

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be determined to relax so you can exhibit the best normal attitude to go for it! in a most enthusiastic way to love yourself and others.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Love your own enthusiastic self to go for it! with the true normal and genuine power you exhibit  as you relax and stay determined to succeed all the way.

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The Energy of the Week for July 4-10, 2016: Progress

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

ProgressAlthough it is the summer season, much like on a report card, this week calls for you to acknowledge the progress you have made in your life and up your game so you can continue on the straight and narrow path forward without detours of any sort.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Do not make it complicated, but revisit your achievements to make a proper note of benchmarks in your life and gain a renewed clarity about the steps you need to follow along with any more special landmarks you are projecting in the near future. There is nothing like knowing where you are and what progress you have made so far so you can gauge properly how fast you are moving and be able to make any adjustments to streamline how everything is going in the best way possible. Become more punctual and organized, sort out your facts and discern your priorities in an orderly fashion. Before you know it, you will have it all.

DON’T become a mama or papa goose telling others how to live their lives.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T cram fifteen things in a ten thing space.
DO be at ease expressing things just as you use and experience them.
DON’T over think to the point you cannot express your true feelings.
DO be persistent and once you make up your mind, do not quit.
DON’T want others to beg you to do something or kiss your ring for devotion.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Making progress in your business will be as easy as one, two, three. Ensure the right people are doing the right things at the right time and everything will work seamlessly from beginning to end. Start by delegating the tasks to the people who are both experienced and willing to do them. Next comes the coordinating of responsibilities and who can fall back on whom if necessary. Last is the timing for the whole thing to come together and, as in every well-planned project, it always does by the virtue of the entire gravity and inertia of everything involved taking off and stirring up the energy all around it.

DON’T tend to forge what you consider unimportant details.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T compare yourself with others and feel either greater than or lesser than.
DO vividly remember all the details that stand out to you.
DON’T tend to push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO be a good organizer of people materials and programs.
DON’T indulge in food, etc. as a way of avoiding your emotions.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
To make more progress with the people in your immediate environment, it will take organizing something for the overall good that will uplift and inspire all of you. Check around for more ideas and be aware of any areas you want to improve that may be of interest to everyone. Spread the opportunities so everyone feels important and gets involved in the mutual experience with true inspiration and wanting to contribute to the whole.   

DON’T tend to interrupt or fragment others with unrelated comments.
DO easily keep track of many different projects at the same time.
DON’T judge others based on their appearance.
DO be able to create what you can envision in your mind.
DON’T undermine people or put them down.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T become too chummy with people and share every detail about your personal life.
DO always share what you feel is the truth because you cannot tell a lie.

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The Energy of the Month for July is COMMAND

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

CommandCommand yourself inside in the best possible way to be the person you really want to be. You become who you are in every moment of every day with the decisions you make and the actions you take. This month, how you behave and act will be crucial to the outcomes you get – even more so than usual. The idea is to be in charge of your own energy, stay composed and on track with the things on your agenda. The outside world may come to disrupt or sway you away from what you need to do, but you have to stand your ground and not waver from what you know is your purpose for being here.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Get a good grip and a stronghold on yourself over the next coming weeks so you can still command your own energy toward the path you are pursuing for yourself. Do not allow anything to interfere with who you really are and what you have created for yourself inside. Do not let any circumstances get the best of you or situations take over with other agendas than what you are personally working on. Respond to challenges with the wisdom you have from all the experiences you have been through. Bring out your best and do what you know is right at any given time. Although keeping your cool may not be as easy to do as it is to say, doing so will have a huge payback in the confidence you exude to the whole world, especially when you remain centered in your own energy and do not get off kilter from something coming out of nowhere. As long as you stay in balance, you will conquer whatever difficulties may show up and rise up above any negativity like a mighty phoenix flying high and free in the clear blue skies above.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you can’t have it, you will destroy it.
DO love your freedom and allow others to make their own choices.
DON’T be too competitive and need to win to be the best at all costs.
DO be a very cost-conscious money manager and an excellent bargain-hunter.
DON’T set your boundaries too strongly.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T have a tendency to get into a hole or the mud with others by not being detached.
DO love others and respect their free will even if they do not agree with you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Be the lead-in-command of your own team or entity by setting a stunning example for anyone to follow with how vigorous, inspiring, meaningful and engaged you are with everything you touch and do. This is the month to do more and go the extra mile. Literally finish on a high note setting up a clear precedent of how much more can be done and accomplished with pure motives and sincere heart. You are it. Astound the world!

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO be very diplomatic and get along with just about everyone.
DON’T cut people off if you don’t like them so they are out-of-sight and out-of-mind.
DO be concerned to present a positive image with your personal appearance.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO have a few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T be a care-taker (making others feel guilty) vs. being a care-giver (benevolent).
DO realize you can have an opinion of other’s opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Release the personal command of your environment by setting everyone free and see if they will come back to hang around or not. Sometimes, people stick around from obligation, for reasons of feeling bad or even because they simply want to take advantage of you. To find out how true and concerned they are, you may want to let go of the reins and let them all be whoever they truly want to be throughout the month of July. Is your presence going to inspire them and solidify what they have already been doing for themselves and with you? How are you going to help those who fall by the wayside? No matter what, do not change your own dynamics because of others and this will be the best help you can offer them to see what they can do for themselves, too.

DON’T have a tendency to ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO realize you don’t know how you know, you just know that you know.
DON’T have a tendency, when angry, to become mean and call people names.
DO like cleaning to keep things neat and tidy.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO like to set up a system of policies and procedures for others to follow.
DON’T get impatient when your emotions take over.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 27-July 3, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for June 27-July 3, 2016The opportunity to COORDINATE will be very powerful and in demand this whole week. Do your best by putting a fair and balanced approach to everything you are doing and for everyone involved.

Monday, June 27, 2016: Communication
The key to a successful week is how you start it by setting the tone and direction to follow over the next few days. Use the straightest and most direct way to communicate which reaches your audience the fastest as there is no time to be wasted today at all. Be clear, concise and relevant to what is going on in the present moment. Spotlight something everyone is concerned about to ensure you are presenting an equal agenda for all.

Forgetting what you consider unimportant details vs. paying attention at everything relevant
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. deciding swiftly with all the facts
Overbearing and aggressive in your approach with others vs. respecting others’ freedom
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. not taking things personally so you can be detached

Tuesday, June 28, 2016: Rebirth
Today marks the rebirth of that innocent child you once were when you came in this lifetime. If you have departed from this over time in any way, it is the right moment to bring it back. You need the real sincere spirit you hold deep within to take charge of your whole life once again. This proves it is never too late for a fresh beginning and to get back to the true essence of who you really are inside and out. Be yourself. It pays off by having real experiences you can always benefit from the most.

Being nosy meddling in others’ business vs. having true concern without interfering
Cutting people you do not like out-of-sight and out-of mind vs. giving them a second chance
Pushing yourself going too long without eating vs. taking care of yourself continuously
Feeling left out or ignored when others do not listen to you vs. being more self-confident

Wednesday, June 29, 2016: Timing
Whatever you want for yourself could be based on the timing it takes for it to become a part of your reality. If you absolutely knew that every single thing you pursue you will get, how much more confident will you be to actually go for them? Do not fool yourself and wish to have everything sooner than it is really meant. It will not do you any good if it comes before its rightful timing. The wisdom to know what is in your future and the patience to wait for it is even more important than the very thing you desire.

Becoming a home-body, avoiding going out vs. finding interesting adventures outdoors
Expecting, assuming or demanding of yourself and others vs. setting a great example
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking proper breaks to replenish
Feeling depressed picking up negativity from around you vs. staying detached and positive

Thursday, June 30, 2016: Loving
Touch the world with your energy today in a way only you can. You have a way of doing this no one else has. Use it to give something special to your surroundings and the entire world will respond to your gentle and loving kindness. You will not believe what will happen, although it is bound to be fantastic!

Being possessive vs. letting be and letting go, allowing everything to be free flowing
Locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. gauging the options in a flexible way
Secretive going overboard protecting your privacy vs. feeling confident about who you are
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism at all costs vs. having your own opinion

Friday, July 1, 2016: Interesting
It should make an interesting story to tell what yesterday brought your way. Just when you thought today could not surpass that – it just might. The energy is ready to uplift you straight up in the air as long as you do not work against yourself to jeopardize it. You most likely will end up on a higher plane than where you started from.

Getting bored easily and not finishing started projects vs. following through 100%
Dwelling on past negative experiences and not releasing them vs. starting with fresh wisdom
Over-thinking to the point where you cannot express your true feelings vs. being truly sincere
Taking things personally avoiding criticism at all costs vs. acting professionally with dignity

Saturday, July 2, 2016: Wow!
Something wild will wow! you today like you have never experienced before. It will be an example of what you can do if you put your mind and strength to work for you and disregard any unfavorable circumstances to determine your outcomes.

Losing things, missing exits, forgetting where the car is parked vs. remembering all key things
Hiding or being shy to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. facing your circumstances right on
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. keeping a clear space, but also getting close to others
Ignoring the facts what, when, where and why for the who vs. working with all the facts

Sunday, July 3, 2016: Help
You will finally get the help you have been needing for a while. Sometimes, you do not find the best you are looking for right away so you can experience what it is to be without it – which makes you appreciate it that much more later on. Take full advantage of having what you need and do not take it for granted.

Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. always trusting every inner knowing you get
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. making your best decisions confidently
Overbearing or aggressive in your approach to others vs. being considerate of others
Feeling left out or ignored if others do not listen to you vs. making a powerful and strong point

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Your effective communication will give rebirth to the right timing of your loving touch creating an interesting endeavor that will wow! the whole world and help those you inspire even more.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Help yourself to wow! yourself and others with interesting changes to their lives along with the loving timing of a rebirth in an inspired communication which will leave everyone speechless.

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The Energy of the Week for June 27-July 3, 2016: Coordinate

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

CoordinateThere is a saying that you can go only as fast as the slowest person in the group. This week, by default, you will need to be in a coherent team with your environment and the only way to achieve the unity it will take to function greatly and effectively is to coordinate every step of the way so you know everyone is on the same page and following the same common direction.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
The skill to coordinate comes from the ability to work in compact units combined with the agility to delegate and participate in any tasks at hand while making sure everyone is on the same page. You did not come here to live an isolated life, be a loner or a one-person operation. On a personal level, you need to be able to mingle and get involved with others at every capacity and fashion. If you have strong self-esteem and feel solid inside of yourself by learning from your own experience, you will have no trouble being who you are and revealing it as needed in its full bloom and glory. However, if you are insecure or unstable by not regrouping what you are learning, you might find it hard to share of yourself and feel good about it. Clarify where you may lack self-confidence and how you could ground yourself better so nothing can throw you off, neither from the inside nor from the outside. This will prepare you to become a part of your own circle of influence and not miss a beat when it comes to interacting and sharing your time with others on your team.    

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T take a tragic view of life and make everything into a big deal.
DO be a strong optimist because you can always visualize a successful outcome.
DON’T be too heavily guarded and not let anyone invade your space.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO take good care of your basic needs: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
No business is possible without the facility to coordinate, put specific tasks in subordinate order of importance and timing as well as have the ability to alternate plans as they become necessary. If Plan A does not work, having a proper back-up plan is essential so everything is harmonized for a smooth operational flow when offering any service or product. This week, the internal communication within your business or organization has to be impeccable so that the external fluency is achieved from the inside out and in a proper way – directed from the top down. Remember, it is impossible to over-communicate whenever there is a new fact in the exchange as long as it is relevant and prudent to your developing situation. Sometimes, it is important to make your clients a part of the process by letting them give their feedback on what is better for them so you can put a priority on their preferences at all times.    

DON’T have more projects going on in your life than you can handle right now.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience and see them.
DON’T be very secretive and go overboard in protecting your privacy.
DO not compromise on your own inner standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T give people gifts so they like you or be devoted to you.
DO be very thorough and pay attention to all of the finest details.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
One of the best ways to coordinate with others around you is to suggest options with good and practical reasons for what would work best for everyone and why.  As long as you mean well for the whole, the response should be positive and a middle ground far more reachable on a continuous basis than not. All you can do is communicate, but communicating the right way is bound to produce good results at least nine out of ten times – guaranteed. Keep us posted how it all works out.

DON’T tend to forget what you consider to be unimportant details or trivia.
DO love your freedom and allow others to make their own choices.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO be a very cost-conscious money manager and an excellent bargain-hunter.
DON’T have a tendency to compromise your own standards when you get under pressure.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T be a care-taker (making others feel guilty) vs. a care-giver (benevolent, but not demanding)
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

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