Weekly Energy of the Day for May 23-29, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for May 23-29, 2016Start your own ELECTRIC energy wave with your own means and inspiration. Sharing inspiring things will have a powerful effect and attract many to help and be a part of it. Soon you will feel better for just letting others know how you feel. Have an awesome time and experience this whole week!   

Monday, May 23, 2016: Force
May you be the force this shining Monday and make all of the good luck be on your side! You are best off making your own luck come about by inviting it with doing what is right for you – over and over again. Never get tired of protecting your rights or speaking up about your needs to ensure they are met and you are not being taken advantage of.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to live their lives vs. suggesting with your wisdom
Cramming fifteen things in a ten thing space vs. spacing things out balanced and in harmony
Avoiding crowds or loud social events to hear yourself think vs. balancing personal and social
Wanting others to beg you or kiss your ring to do something for devotion vs. treating all right

Tuesday, May 24, 2016: Direction
A new clarity in your overall direction will make your whole week today. You may own where you are headed already, but a bit of an important refinement will show you a whole other host of the right reasons for it. Stay tuned in to your own inspiration and do not miss on the hints and hunches it will toss your way. Then, make sure you do something with it to make it all count.

Forgetting what you consider unimportant details vs. paying attention to everything that counts
Dwelling on past negativity and cannot release it vs. starting fresh every moment to be current
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being flexible while using clear principles
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism at all costs vs. being strong and handling it

Wednesday, May 25, 2016: Timing
Timing is the biggest single factor that can change dramatically the entire substance of what is meant to happen in your life. There is such a thing as a natural gestation for everything meant to happen with you which coincides impeccably with the exact moment when you are ready to receive what you have earned. Getting it too early or too late alters the result that was sought as it takes things out of balance and does not achieve what had to happen. If only we all could relax knowing this and trust things will peak and pay off when they are meant to. Then, we can live happily ever after as per the divine plan in the timing that works the best for us. Unfortunately, if our self-trust is weak, we do not feel secure following with this bigger picture of things and end up in the soup by pushing too hard to get those results to happen too soon. Alternatively, going at it with a lazy daisy attitude misses the momentum when we just let it pass by being too inactive. Today, make a straight attempt to keep your timing just right. Do not be too slow, nor be too fast. Do your absolute best in the way normal to you without trying to keep up with anyone else. This is the pace that allows you to feel good in each and every moment without undue pressure or a lack of incentive. This is how you can score big.

Coming up with great ideas, but not putting them into action vs. proactively pursuing all ideas
Liking to show off or making a dramatic entrance to impress vs. being your own unique self
Undermining others or putting them down vs. respecting others for wherever they are
Care-taking making others guilty instead of care-giving benevolently vs. sharing selflessly

Thursday, May 26, 2016: Sound
Listen to the sound of music within. You always have an inner rhythm and a tune that goes with it which give you the vibe you need to move just right and enjoy the whole process. When you are true to yourself, you are always following those to the T and it works great. Do it again and it will take you the furthermost it can.

Interrupting or fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. staying on point and relevant
Very competitive needing to win to the best at all costs vs. being happy doing your best
Fighting back fiercely out-of-control when you are backed against a wall vs. no hard feelings
Feeling sorry or sympathizing with others to save them vs. helping them to help themselves

Friday, May 27, 2016: Understanding
Gaining the understanding of the situations you are in and their meaning is very important to you gaining the most from them. You never go through anything in vain and you can always use it to your great advantage if you face up to it and do not fall down because you let it drag you into the mud. Keep your head way up and the day will go your way.

Having more projects than you can handle right now vs. staying methodically organized
Feeling very hurt and in turn blaming others vs. taking responsibility for your feelings
Becoming overprotective of projects or people vs. giving a helping hand in balance
Giving people gifts so they like you or are devoted to you vs. showing others who you truly are

Saturday, May 28, 2016: Avid
Today will make you be an avid learner because you will enjoy the developments so much you will be ready to take away what you need to for yourself and then some.

Being too gullible knowing anything is possible vs. separating reality from fiction
Missing opportunities because you do not want to impose on others vs. taking your chances
Insensitive not caring about others’ feelings vs. having bottom line concern for everyone
Going into an emotional rage if others do not understand you vs. staying composed

Sunday, May 29, 2016: Wonder
You are very close to having a real wonder materialize at this moment in your life. Your attitude and exposure to your environment determines if you get there or not. Feeling secure and great about what you are accomplishing for yourself is necessary for you to unleash those miracles life has in store for you. Do not resist them and do not persist at pursuing them in an unbalanced way. Embrace the timing and let yourself land on top of them as you flow freely and happily toward them.

Losing things, missing exits and forgetting where you parked the car vs. remembering better
Judging others based on their appearance vs. being an example of being more put together
Getting impatient with less organized minds vs. calmly doing what you know you have to do
Having trouble setting boundaries or getting mixed up in others’ problems vs. staying detached

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

The force of fire you have in your belly gives you the right direction and timing to follow the perfect sound of victory with an understanding of an avid thirst for making wonder happen as you go.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

No wonder your avid understanding of the way things sound gives you a better perspective of the right timing for your direction to open up and bring your inner force out to apply and enjoy.

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The Energy of the Week for May 23-29, 2016: Electric

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

ElectricJust remember one thing this whole week: if you are electrifying, you are going to have an electric time. You simply need to jump and jive with excitement. Bring out your inspiration and do not settle for anything you do not think is right. Instead, do what you know should be done – no matter what. This will make you a great example to everyone watching and help them turn up the heat and make things happen for themselves as well.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Anytime you do what is right for you, it has an electric effect sending a giant ripple across the whole lake to everyone else in it and around it. The deeper meaning of all this is you are especially able to inspire those who are in a similar situation as you. But, you have to do it for yourself first so it helps you and then, as an added benefit, all those around. There is a critical split-second time between making a decision to do it and then actually doing it. Believe it or not, it only seems hard in that very first moment. Because once it is on, you have turned on an energy that was not there just a second ago, a new action-oriented power of just doing it. This brings you a lot of adrenaline and vigor showing you are up for doing something great. It instantly charges you up and you no longer need to be scared or weak. So, all you need is a shot of bravery and off you go. Remind yourself this is your opportunity and you are not going to let it go. You cannot afford to. You need it to succeed. Besides, you want to make something happen and the only way is to take action. Do it and it will work. It always does!

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you can’t have it, you will destroy it.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T be overly frugal to the point of being cheap.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience and see them.
DON’T become an alcoholic or drug user if you want to suppress your emotions.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you don’t get your way.
DO feel vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
An electric business life sounds like an outstanding thing to have. Your business can become alive when you are open, above board and promoting outlandishly. It is very important to feel one with what you do and channel all of your inspiration into what you are doing as if there is no tomorrow. If offering your service to others is exciting to you, receiving it will be, too. By giving them what they want, be prepared for a spike and an exhilaration no one will expect. You can even make it more fun so everyone experiences a little jolt of happiness. It will become lighter and easier by automating some parts of it to save time. Then, this will add another smile on their face and for good reason.  You do not need to do too much. Just the right amount in the right timing will be great. Put on your thinking cap and get inspired about what you can do. As you share it, you will multiply this positive energy exponentially many times over.

DON’T wear yourself too thin and become a workaholic.
DO realize the main fact you are always interested in is the “what” and your energy is soft.
DON’T waste others’ time being long-winded and over explain by telling the whole story.
DO look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T become an alcoholic or drug user if you want to suppress your emotions.
DO not compromise your own inner standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T feel insecure and become dependent on others, especially your loved ones.
DO realize you are never alone because you are your own best friend and are always there for yourself.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
This week, you can create a whole movement around your own purpose and draw multitudes to share similar stories and join you to make something bigger and brighter happen for all of you. Pick the one thing that is the most important and peaking for you at this time. Does talking about it make you feel electric? If yes, then this is the right topic to spend your time on. Come up with a mechanism or avenue to outpour your position or opinion about it. With the social media possibilities being so readily available, you probably do not have to go too far. You can even do it as a response to this blog.  Who knows, your story may break the net turning viral. It happens every single day. There is only one way it will not inspire anyone and this is if you do not share it. So, go this route and not only will you feel lighter and refreshed, you are giving many people an opportunity to relate to and appreciate your honest sharing. This will stir up a tremendous following of responses and reactions. Very good indeed!

DON’T tend to procrastinate.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T take a tragic view of life and make everything into a big deal.
DO desire to improve things and easily imagine how to do them better.
DON’T sometimes bully others by pushing your decisions on them.
DO make sure to take quiet time to meditate so you can hear yourself think.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO follow your true feelings and not your emotions (intellectual feelings like anger, guilt, etc.).

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 16-22, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow,
Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for May 16-22, 2016CONSOLIDATE all of your efforts so you can have a bigger impact on everything you touch and do. Usually, you have far more wisdom inside of you than you let out and this week is asking you to reveal it in one powerful showcase of how much you can really do. Way to go!

Monday, May 16, 2016: Purpose
There is nothing better in life than having your inner purpose guide you along as soon as you get up today so you can get involved in a more dynamic venture than you might be used to up to now. Bring it on and turn up the heat because you really do have something special to do. This is called having an unbelievable super Monday all the way. Let us know what happens!

Trusting in the potential of others giving them too much credit vs. gauging their worth better
A neat freak imposing this on others vs. being an inspiring example without putting pressure
Difficulty opening up sharing about yourself vs. not holding back who you really are
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. being current and up-to-date

Tuesday, May 17, 2016: Forget
Do not forget this is a power week and nothing is too much to expect to happen from it. Are you getting more up to speed to continue your quest so nothing standing in your way can stand a chance? By now, you can bring your momentum up to a new all-time high and reap great energy from the uplift this will give to you. By having good motives, you will know exactly what you have to do. Let us know what comes from it and how it has benefited you.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to live their lives vs. simply sharing your wisdom
Having pride and hiding your emotions with a fake persona vs. showing your real side
Overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you vs. holding up your end well
Dropping the ball or giving up easily vs. showing stamina by staying in the game

Wednesday, May 18, 2016: Decisions
A vibrant morning, a strong middle of the day and a fruitful afternoon will precede a delightful evening and a beautiful night. They all depend on the spot-on decisions you will be making. If you find something could be going better, do not be afraid to take action and change it right then and there.

Making lots of piles where only you know anything is vs. being organized and neat
Over doing, over preparing, etc. to prove yourself vs. being the way you are and loving it
Becoming an alcoholic or drug user to suppress your emotions vs. expressing true feelings
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. keeping your environment in harmony

Thursday, May 19, 2016: Course
The only reasonable course of action for you today is to reiterate your own desires one more time to set them in stone and continue pursuing them firmly and fervently. Others may not be on the same page, but this is not a deterrent for you at all. As long as you are true to yourself, the rest will come together when the timing is right.

Becoming a home body avoiding going out vs. appreciating enjoying the outside world
Needing to look different to stand out in a crowd vs. standing out with your own uniqueness
Heavily guarded not letting anyone invade your space vs. allowing special friends to be close
Giving others gifts so they like you and are devoted to you vs. sharing your natural talents

Friday, May 20, 2016: Respect
Do not expect respect today – earn it. You might need to remind those you encounter you are an important component of their day. Everyone shows up in your life for a good reason and vice versa. Whether you had to hear something they said or the other way around, you are paired up just right. Discover deep meaning behind your experiences involving other people and you will grow tremendously by the end of the day.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to live their lives vs. sharing your wisdom freely
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being satisfied by doing your best
Bulling others by pushing your decisions on them vs. suggesting options without pressuring
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. acting appropriately

Saturday, May 21, 2016: Contain
What you contain inside is really a culmination of all of your feelings and the thoughts going through your mind. If you get too intellectual in an attempt to escape from your true feelings, you will start to overdo something repetitive in some fashion such as being a workaholic, golf-aholic or even an alcoholic, etc. If you predominantly use just your feelings, you might not figure out what they are trying to tell you and lose on important clarifications for yourself. Bring all this into balance by getting a feeling first, then a thought for every feeling to use your sensitivity fully and then discern it so you can have the right perspective – all the time.

A lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. being jumpy with inspiring energy and ideas
Looking different to stand out in a crowd vs. looking unique as yourself
Building fortresses or empires to feel important vs. being self confident the way you are
Becoming a hypochondriac overly concerned about your health vs. treating yourself well

Sunday, May 22, 2016: Pair
Like a good fitting pair of new jeans, today will have you feel great about yourself and a bit younger. You still have it, you just have to use it. The strong sense you have about being able to do anything is right inside you and if you pay a little bit more attention, you can have it working for you full time. You are now on a roll.

Losing initiative when you get too comfortable vs. always excited with new opportunities
Being late for appointments taking you longer than expected vs. timing yourself realistically
Overpowering those weaker than you vs. treating everybody as equals
Giving others gifts so they like you or are devoted to you vs. just treating everyone right

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Your purpose can help you forget any bad decisions so you can take a new course of action to gain your respect back and show what you contain inside with a pair of clear glasses.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With a pair of conscious choices, what you contain inside is the respect you have for yourself which leads you to the most important course of action you can take to reach the decisions you cannot forget based on your true purpose.

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The Energy of the Week for May 16-22, 2016: Consolidate

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

ConsolidateA simple lens compacts the light from the normal beams intensifying their power and making them so strong they can burn and start a fire. Likewise, this week you will be called upon to consolidate all of your signature efforts and power into one immense tool you are going to use to make something superb happen for yourself in your life and career. You will have a chance to apply yourself like never before with an image of you on steroids in the best positive sense of the word. Think well about what objectives you are going to tackle because you will definitely succeed in hitting it out of the ballpark!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You know how your heart beats faster and more intense right before a big performance or anything you present that is a big deal. Well, this is how you will wake up early on this Monday morning driven to get up and make a massive difference in one short day. You will have caught the energy fever in overdrive where you just go and go as if you have been pumped up and simply cannot stop. Your inspiration is what is doing the pumping and your inner vibes are responding to the point where your qualities and skills are being condensed into one massive capability that cannot be stopped for anything in the world. You can consolidate yourself into one big compact superhuman doing what usually takes two or more to accomplish. This week, you can do this all by yourself because you will be focused and punching it out with a new force bigger than what you normally possess. Stay with it and direct your power toward positive things for yourself and others and the magic will take place right at your fingertips.

DON’T Indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T be late for appointments because it takes you longer than you think.
DO easily see how any system can be more efficient and love to organize it.
DON’T be a one-person operation because it is easier to just do the work yourself.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T get easily excited and jump into projects without thinking about the consequences.
DO be solid and feel good about yourself when you do not take the opinions of others personally.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
In business, many times energy gets spread around between inefficient processes that weaken whole outcomes by a few times over. It is time to streamline these procedures and let go of all those things that do not work for anyone. Look through your entire system so you can put it all into place. If it is not working well, change it or if any part of it is not absolutely essential or necessary, do away with it. This way, you can consolidate your set up into one simpler structure that works impeccably, uses less time and resources and brings greater results. This will allow you to have a proper flow so you never end up short of energy for no good reason.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch a lot of TV.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO not forget a face once you have seen it.
DON’T have a difficult time opening up and sharing about your personal life.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T want to make old rules and experiences apply to the present.
DO be very thorough and pay attention to all of the finest details.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Within your circle of friends and close relationships, it is important to consolidate your impact and the affect you have on them. You will need to compromise on something that does not take away from your own standards, but means a lot to someone special. This might take thinking about things they have already pointed out to you, but you may not have paid attention to as of yet. Can you just give them this one for the team? You can still be you, but come closer to understanding their key points in some way so they sense how much you care, even if it is a strong opinion. You do not have to change anything in yourself to please them, but you can still give some thought to the most important concerns they have. Find it in yourself to respect what they have to say a bit more and why it matters so much to them. This will make you even more human so you treat others with more care. Fine tune your sensitivity, especially when you are dealing with more sensitive things going on around you. This way, you are a true friend indeed.

DON’T be a fence-sitter having a hard time making decisions.
DO love your freedom and allow others to make their own choices.
DON’T waste others time being long-winded by over explaining the whole story.
DO look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T become an alcoholic or drug user to suppress your emotions.
DO give people an opportunity or a second chance until they prove you wrong.
DON’T have a tendency to become a drama queen or king.
DO have a light and warm heart and stay positive under most trying circumstances.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 9-15, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for May 9-15, 2016You will RESONATE strongly with your own heart when you get in tune with the flow of the energy this week. This way, you will have a great opportunity to make things happen and work for you over the next seven days and beyond.

Monday, May 9, 2016: Surge
A sudden surge in your energy will bring you a delightful surprise so you will be able to jump into the action with a lot more desire and vigor. Waking up on the right side of the bed with the right attitude to get it done will help you believe and trust in yourself even more. How exciting!

Coming up with great ideas, but not putting them into action vs. proactive with inspirations
Needing to look differently to stand out in a crowd vs. feeling secure just as you are
Secretive going overboard protecting privacy vs. being confident about yourself
Being a hypochondriac overly concerned about your health vs. concerned, but not worrying

Tuesday, May 10, 2016: Practical
The recipe for being practical is the simplest possible. Go by the main facts: what, when, were and why. By the time you have those squared away, it will become obvious what the best option is to move forward. It does not get any easier than that. Think quickly on your toes. You can do it!

Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. believing in your inner knowing all the way
Too picky with choices and disappointed with the choice made vs. happy with your decisions
Becoming an alcoholic or drug user to suppress emotions vs. expressing freely and openly
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball easily vs. sticking to your goals even if difficult

Wednesday, May 11, 2016: Beautify
Today, the energy will show how a good deed can beautify any situation and make it all meaningful and impactful for all of us. You do not have to sit back and just watch it happen. You can be an active part of it. You will know what can be done in any situation that needs it. Be a carrier of good news by simply making it happen. Go for it!

Forgetting what to you are unimportant details vs. taking anything relevant into consideration
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. measuring timing better by leaving extra time
Getting overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you vs. protecting yourself
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. creating harmony and peace around you

Thursday, May 12, 2016: Think
Today, it will matter even more what you think. So think twice about whatever is more important to you and make sure you do not miss on anything related to it. Your thoughtfulness will pay off and produce much better than you might expect.

Becoming a know-it-all giving advice, not suggestions vs. sharing your wisdom freely
Expecting, assuming and demanding of yourself and others vs. setting fair standards
Short-tempered by confronting others in the process vs. having a professional approach
Care-taking making others guilty, not care-giving with benevolence vs. caring from the heart

Friday, May 13, 2016: Rejuvenate
Can you rejuvenate a starved or dying idea you have left behind, but are just now realizing it should be revived? Just remind yourself of the inspiration you once had about it and what it meant to you at the time. You can quickly rekindle the spirit that brought it to you in the first place so you can continue from where you left it and help it go on – again.

Wearing yourself too thin as a workaholic vs. keeping work in balance with your life
Imposing on others vs. being respectful of people and their time
Sacrificing quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon vs. keeping high standards
Making old rules apply in present situations vs. using old wisdom in a fresh way

Saturday, May 14, 2016: Circumference
If you imagine yourself embracing whatever you want to keep under your wing and care for, how far would your arms have to extend around it? In other words, if you really discern the entire circumference of your circle of loved ones, this may be a big challenge for you to care for. You cannot overextend too much and still be there for all of those you want to be able to count with. Make the right choices and create the priorities that will always keep you there for those who need it and still give you an opportunity to stay connected with the rest who you need to inspire and share other moments with.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to live vs. not meddling in others’ lives
Dwelling on past negativity and not release it vs. starting every time
Too heavily guarded not letting anyone invade your space vs. allowing closer ones around you
Ignoring the what, when, where and why making who more important vs. factoring in all facts

Sunday, May 15, 2016: Realize
At the end of the day, everything you learn makes you realize what really counts from the difficulty or the inconveniences you had to go through. The more lessons you take away the more you do not miss out on growing from what has happened to you. This is why sometimes you can really turn around what has been the worst and make it the best so you come out victorious especially from some of the most challenging of experiences.

A fence-sitter having a hard time making decisions vs. discerning facts and reaching decisions
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. balancing the time it takes for all of your tasks
Over thinking to the point you cannot express your true feelings vs. being open and free
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping tabs on all things that matter

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Surge in a practical way for yourself to beautify what you possess inside as you think about how to rejuvenate everything you hold in the circumference of your big embrace so you realize your whole true potential.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Realize you have absolutely everything you need within the circumference of your reach to rejuvenate the way you think and beautify in a practical manner the surge of confidence this will give you.

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The Energy of the Week for May 9-15, 2016: Resonate

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

ResonateThe entire energy flowing through planet Earth is always working with you – and so is your inner guidance. Only if you resonate and flow with the energy every second of the day and listen to the inspiration coming from your spiritual helpers will you always have a great time and accomplish exactly what you are set out to do. This week, take this to heart so you have an easier time and achieve more than you ever have before over the course of the next seven days.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Just ask yourself: if you were to be positive, light and on track so you are in the exact right timing for yourself, what would you be doing and what would this be like for you? The clarity you will get is your answer to what you came here to do. All that is left is for you to do it! You will be instantly empowered when you are headed in the right direction because this is when the energy is by your side and guiding you. Your guidance will be more than happy to open doors and maneuver situations to get you where you are going, but only if you are persistent and moving ahead steadily and firmly. You are never forgotten. The only time you may find yourself in a tight space is when you put yourself there. You are also the only one to get you out as well. Act very smart. Your life is in your hands. Resonate with your own personal direction and your results will show you where you are truly meant to be.

DON’T get on a glory trip and want to be a guru.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO be interested in the main fact of when and realize your energy is “cool.”
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T get easily excited and jump into projects without thinking about the consequences.
DO realize you are never alone because you are your own best friend and are always there for yourself.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Being of service in your environment with what you have to offer has to click precisely with what people are needing at this time. By establishing a harmony between the demand and what you have to share so they both resonate with each other will make things happen for everyone across the board. Then, everyone wins and balances the need to both give and receive to create a perfect pair. By being a great match for your customers and clients, they will look for you and find you even if they have to cross the highest mountain to get to what you are making available for them.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience and see them.
DON’T over think to the point where you cannot express your true feelings.
DO take total responsibility for your own life and be in full control.
DON’T end up making other people more important than yourself and become a do-gooder.
DO be very compassionate, but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Who would you like to resonate with in your social circle? You obviously share the most with the people closest to you and if you can find the magic language that it takes to understand each other even more, it will give you true standards to live by. The simplest and more sincere your dialog is with these special people, the better for all. Sharing from your heart is the key to good communication as it builds strong bonds you can rely on more as you go along. Say it with words, gestures or kindness – whichever way you feel is better, but do not hold back. The energy is inviting you to take active steps in a forward direction. You may experience relief and a release from opening up and be able to appreciate the new insights you learn from those around you. Life is better with real friends.

DON’T have a tendency to be possessive.
DO ground yourself by eating or snacking regularly to keep your energy high.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO be a strong optimist because you can always visualize a successful outcome.
DON’T be so secretive that you go overboard in protecting your privacy.
DO understand how to keep your personal, business and social life separate.
DON’T become too chummy with people and share every detail about your personal life.
DO always trust what you feel first and get a thought for every feeling to make clear decisions.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 2-8, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for May 2-8, 2016Let yourself get ready, set and then go forward to MANIFEST your desires with all of the exciting energy helping and backing you to do the most you can this week. Boldly make the first step and firmly stick to it until you see it completely through.

Monday, May 2, 2016: Prepare
In order to make things happen, you need to prepare for them and be ready to undertake whatever it takes – no pun intended. Your psyche must be on board first. Your inner sensitivity is the driver. If you want it on the inside, you will be able to work toward it on the outside. You can have it all.

Becoming a home-body avoiding going out vs. finding life on the outside interesting
Overdoing: over-preparing, over-presenting, etc. to prove yourself vs. being happy as you are
Overwhelmed when you are under pressure vs. taking everything in stride and standing it
Care-taking causing guilt not care-giving benevolently vs. giving without expecting a return

Tuesday, May 3, 2016: Circle
If you are deeply thoughtful and introspective, something significant will come full circle for you today. Whatever you started, be it a month ago, a year ago, or longer time frame will be fully realized in an instant. Somehow the lesson you were meant to learn will be sure to surface and whatever you were pursuing, you will feel as if you have found and accomplished it. This will restart the rest of your life for the future. Big triumph!

Being possessive vs. allowing people to be independent from you
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. deciding confidently the best you can
Difficulty sharing about your personal life vs. being genuine about what you experience
Becoming impatient when emotions take over vs. always taking a deep breath before acting

Wednesday, May 4, 2016: Dynamic
A fast-flowing day is in store for you as long as you keep moving at a steady pace with a clear mind on your schedule and activities. You can be dynamic and get it all done without distractions and setbacks only if you are determined to stay focused and keep your eye on the main goal you have in your sight.

Sipping drinks, eating snacks obsessively vs. balancing your needs and intake
Being locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. remaining flexible
A one-person operation as it is easier to just do it yourself vs. giving opportunity to others
Complaining and playing dumb to instill guilt vs. staying true to reality and the way things are

Thursday, May 5, 2016: Return
Return the favor someone extended to you recently. If someone has been generous unexpectedly and let you feel special by taking their time and resources with you, you can own up to doing something great in return back for them. Give a thought to what they will appreciate and make a kind gesture with a warm heart and the joy of being able to extend your care and concern as well.

Interrupting or fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. staying on point
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being overjoyed doing your best
Insensitive not caring about others’ feelings vs. being considerate all the time
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. being rationale and not turning anything into a big deal

Friday, May 6, 2016: Wish
Make a wish come true. This could be a crucial gift for someone who really needs it. If you take it to heart, you can figure out if you are the one who needs it or someone next to you. Surprise yourself or them with something extra you would not normally do and get a boost of excitement for being able to uplift yourself and/or others in a heartbeat.

Complaining getting involved in moral issues vs. expressing opinions in an unbiased way
Liking to show off by making dramatic entrances to impress vs. standing out naturally
Fighting back fiercely out-of-control when backed against a wall vs. protecting with decency
Having trouble setting boundaries by getting mixed up in others’ problems vs. being detached

Saturday, May 7, 2016: Determined
Here is how to know if you are determined or not. If someone pestered you about what you are doing and it is enough to make you give up, this will indicate you are not into it with every fiber of your body. If nothing can happen to steer you off the path you are on, then you will persevere through any storms and will only become stronger as a result. Stay that way as it pays off well.

Nosy, meddling or sticking your head in others’ business vs. being curious in a healthy way
Cutting off those you do not like (out-of-sight out-of-mind) vs. never cancelling out anyone
Discouraged when overwhelmed by negativity in your head vs. steadily coping with negativity
Taking things personally avoiding criticism at all costs vs. owning up to your own flaws

Sunday, May 8, 2016: Relax
Taking a breather requires you to feel you have done a good job first. Only then you can really relax and have a well deserved respite from everything going on around you. Let your energy get back in balance and recharge with more fresh inspiration so you can keep moving ahead tomorrow, the day after and so on.

Forgetting what you consider unimportant details vs. taking relevant things into consideration
Needing to look different to stand out in a crowd vs. being different by just being yourself
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. protecting freely without being burdened
Feeling sorry for yourself complaining when you do not get attention vs. earning respect

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Prepare to come full circle for a dynamic return to your strongest energy as you wish for a determined way of how to relax.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Stay peaceful to relax your mind and be determined to wish for a return to a dynamic circle of friends who can prepare themselves to help you along the way.

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The Energy of the Week for May 2-8, 2016: Manifest

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Manifest 1This week you can utilize a simple 3-step process to manifest what you want in a focused and timely manner for yourself. Just like a magician who follows a step-by-step routine to make his art work every single time and always get there to make the magic happen exactly when he wants to – you can, too. You need to plan first, communicate next and then act. Then, your own magic will work for you – guaranteed.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Figure out what you want to do and how you want to do it. This is your first step and is also called having a plan. It is your navigation system for the days ahead which helps you know exactly what you will be doing so you can go straight for it without wandering around. The clearer your plan and more detailed it is, the easier it will be on you once you start accomplishing it. Your second step is to communicate. This is to announce what you are planning to do so you let everyone else know about it putting them on notice. It also gives an incentive to those who care to come on board and help you out if they can so you can coordinate with them effectively. Then, you are ready to move to your third step. You can now act boldly and be assured you are going to put your all into it and not hold back until you make it happen. This simple process ensures you will be able to do all of your thinking and planning ahead, express it and lay it out in the open. You will be so ready just to start working on it as soon as possible at this point that your hands will start getting itchy. This is how you can manifest anything you want. You are all set to go!

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T waste others time being long-winded and over-explain by telling the whole story.
DO be concerned to present a positive image with your personal appearance.
DON’T get discouraged when you are overwhelmed by the negative thoughts in your head.
DO be introspective and thoughtful.
DON’T get easily excited and jump into projects without thinking about the consequences.
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
If you truly want something, you will sure enough get an inspiration or two about how to get it. If you have done that in your personal life and energy, you will be boiling over to get ready and go for it. Inspiration is very catchy and contagious and the stronger it is, the harder it is for others not to notice and get affected by it. This is the best route for you to take in order to influence people and get them interested in what you have to offer by being of service. Being upfront with your own exciting ideas will get everyone excited about the process so you can manifest desired outcomes for both you and them at the same time. Be confident. Inspiration always works for the betterment of everyone involved.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T get overly concerned with your appearance.
DO be a good designer and match colors easily.
DON’T be a one-person operation because it’s easier to just do the work yourself.
DO like to set up a system of policies and procedures for others to follow.
DON’T have a tendency to live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO realize you can have an opinion of others’ opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Go full steam ahead and become an active part of your own social life.  So many people expect someone else to start an initiative to do something. You do not have to wait if you make the first step. Get an idea of what you might enjoy doing together and ask them to share it with you. Invite others to do it with you as well and be flexible enough to reshape your whole experience so everyone has input. This way, it becomes mutual instead of something you are simply doing on your own. The key is for everyone to be involved in their own way by using the full capacity of their own inspiration and manifest what they truly want. This always turns out better than if anyone planned it just by themselves. By allowing your influence to grow and expand, you will soon enjoy an amazing brand new social life.

DON’T become very cynical and make fun of others.
DO always look at the big picture rather than the smaller details.
DON’T cram sixteen things in a ten-thing space.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes.
DON’T have a difficult time opening up and sharing about your personal life.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T have a tendency to get into the hole or mud with others by not being detached.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

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The Energy of the Month for May is MAXIMIZE

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

MaximizeWhat if you had twice or three times the strength and skill to do what you desire? You would get way more results and feel so much better about tackling everything you already are. This is closer to happening than you may think if you just use the energy to maximize on everything you have inside and get more organized using it. You can get much further ahead with a better strategy and smart choices with your life’s dream.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Take what you are doing and double it up by sharpening how you navigate the talent and skills you have at your disposal. If you are already handy, take away what has been preventing you from using it more and you will all of a sudden be even handier than before. If you are already willing, remove the things that have been discouraging you and all of a sudden you will be even more ready and eager to pursue and do what you want. So, start with your best efforts. Find the things that are in your way, get rid of them and improve yourself instantly. Most of the time, all of these challenges are just little things that always get under your skin before you have realized it. But they sometimes end up being the little stone that turns over the big cart. Therefore, maximize yourself today. It is time.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T tend to avoid crowds and loud social events so you can hear yourself think.
DO have a few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you don’t get your way.
DO feel vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Maximize your understanding about what works better for your customers and clients. It is important to get their take on this at whatever the cost since they are the ones that know best. This can help you improve your service and hone your approach to make everything you are offering more productive and efficient. This will save you time from doing things that waste your resources and do not produce. Ask as many people as possible to find out what they think and then apply it to streamline your own work.

DON’T have a tendency to be nosy, meddle or stick your head in other people’s business.
DO be a natural comedian and like to entertain others.
DON’T tend to overdo: over-prepare, over-present, over-decorate, etc. to prove yourself.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience and see them.
DON’T have a difficult time opening and sharing about your personal life.
DO be a natural leader who inspires others to follow you.
DON’T have a tendency to get into the hole or the mud with others by not being detached.
DO be solid and feel good about yourself when you don’t take opinions of others personally.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Doing more in your own social circle can actually spread your sphere of influence and give you more dynamic connections to interact and express with. You can start with the people you already know and maximize on the depth of the relationship you have with them. As they say, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. These special people are already attracted to your energy for a reason and it is all about bonding even more in the coming days. Pick topics important to each one of you as this is sure to get you inspired to dive into interesting conversations about them. Somewhere down the line, you will find out exactly why you were meant to exchange with them a whole lot more this month. Don’t forget to share your fun moments with us.

DON’T tend to interrupt or fragment others with unrelated comments.
DO encourage others with all the possibilities of a project.
DON’T think you are dumb because sometimes you could not picture what others are saying.
DO vividly remember all the details that stand out to you.
DON’T become too selfish: you-first, you-second and you-third.
DO let to have your own territory and respect others time, space and opinions.
DON’T become a hypochondriac and be overly concerned about your personal health.
DO be very compassionate but do not cater to others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 25-May 1, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for April 25-May 1, 2016A natural PARTNERSHIP in every area of your life will become the norm this whole week as you connect deeper within yourself first and then with others – both at work and in your social circle. Setting meaningful goals, having fun and making great things happen is on the agenda, so own up to it!

Monday, April 25, 2016: Share
Share your best life experiences with everyone you can all day long. Just give, give and give from your own personal wisdom and joy and you will inspire others along the way. Join the trend of sharing it forward and watch the far-reaching ripple effect go viral.

Having more projects going on than you can handle right now vs. keeping a simple steady path
Being too picky and then disappointed with what you chose vs. making up your mind once
Ordering others around telling them what to do vs. giving friendly suggestions – not pressure
Taking things personally avoiding criticism vs. feeling self-secure and not making big deals

Tuesday, April 26, 2016: Create
Create your desires with the partnership you have been putting in place this week. Getting to work is going to propel the energy of your project and jump start it with exhilaration and vigor. When you are excited, everything goes better and smoother. Once you are on top of it, accomplishing the goal is underway and in the making – so all that is left is to keep it up. This way, you can advance. If you just keep moving ahead with it every single day, you will surely create it.

Having jealous feelings to destroy it if you cannot have it vs. respecting your outcomes
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. feeling great about doing your best
Short-tempered confronting others in the process vs. keeping your temperament at bay
Easily jumping into projects without thinking vs. considering the possible consequences

Wednesday, April 27, 2016: Resume
If you have ever left a thought or idea behind, resume your inspiration today since there is always something there that you are better off pursuing than not. Just think about what may have slipped through the cracks that has been in the back of your mind, but you have not made time or room for it as of yet. Today is the day. There is no better time than the present. Just do it!

Becoming a lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. having your own full life going on
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. having esteem to pin your choice down
Undermining others or putting them down vs. accepting people for who and where they are
Indulging in food as a way of avoiding emotions vs. taking your life as it comes a day at a time

Thursday, April 28, 2016: Undertake
Once you undertake a project, it is on! The energy gets activated from your actions and it is germinating to be sprouting to be growing to be flourishing to fruition. As a result, your initiative will become magical as it starts a process that can make a lot happen. Use your power and beget something new.

Making lots of piles where only you know anything is vs. staying organized in a neat way
Expecting, assuming and demanding of yourself and others vs. setting reasonable expectations
Short-tempered confronting others in the process vs. keeping up a professional attitude
Cluttering space with a lot of small trinkets vs. creating a harmonious environment

Friday, April 29, 2016: Leverage
Your desire gives you the inspiration, energy and ideas to move ahead and accomplish. With this inner strength, you can use your leverage over anything that has become stagnant and slow – and beat everyone to the punch. Use these resources you hold within as they are your sure ticket to success.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. being proactive and exhilarated
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. deciding boldly with an inner desire
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. always giving people a second chance
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism vs. staying detached and discerning

Saturday, April 30, 2016: Consider
Consider the influence your actions have on your environment. Everything you do is bound to impact others in one way or another. You can stir up excitement and inspire them or give them hardship or an unpleasant time. If your energy is elevated and happy, you will pass this on. If you feel down, this may make others sad. Every good thing you do and experience can spread wider and bigger. Pursue what is right for you and it will also do something good for others.

Getting a reputation for being a know-it-all vs. sharing your wisdom freely without intervening
Having too much pride not wanting to look bad vs. being solid sharing your real experiences
Being very secretive protecting your privacy vs. being open and sharing of yourself
Ignoring the what, when, where and why for the who vs. considering all of the facts equally

Sunday, May 1, 2016: Rest
Rest, unwind, recharge and recuperate. After you have done your job, find time to reset your battery and recharge with more energy so you can keep going strong into the new week ahead. Reminisce on your recent accomplishments and how you can continue down a path moving forward toward a higher level of achievement.

Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. going with your first impression as it is always right
Being late for appointments because everything takes longer vs. being punctual and timely
Being too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. considering yours and others’ needs
Getting excited and jumping into projects without thinking vs. being thoughtful from the start

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Share what you want to create so you can resume a project you have a desire to undertake and leverage your ability to consider what will be the best avenue to move forward after you get some much needed rest.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Rest assured you will have the opportunity to consider how to leverage what you have wanted to undertake and resume what you desire to create and share with the world.

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