The Energy of the Week for April 25-May 1, 2016: Partnership

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

PartnershipBe on your best side this week and be your own best friend so you are in a partnership with yourself to make things work for you. Those who really care for you will be on your side anyway, but you still have to personally put into action those important steps that affect your life from the inside out.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Be direct, determined and upfront with yourself. What would it take to make what you want happen? You can do it, but you have to realize how important it is to not give up or be afraid to claim it and go after it. You can have it your way. Your better self is always capable of finding solutions with inspiration and is unstoppable. Are you doing your best, being resourceful and looking out positively for your own best interest? If so, you will be charged up with excitement. You are not alone if you work with yourself and your inner guidance. Get these two into a partnership and together you can do anything. The universe will be looking out for you by sending you a great flow of energy. Make a note of your most memorable achievements and pass them this way for everyone to be inspired.

DON’T have a tendency to procrastinate.
DO be creative and innovative.
DON’T have a tendency to be a perfectionist.
DO have a clear perspective where everyone and everything fits in your life.
DON’T set your boundaries too strongly.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you don’t get your way.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
A great business partnership can triple your abilities above and beyond what two or more people can do individually. Which one is the right one for you? You need to align with those who have similar big picture goals and the means to accomplish them. The rest is work, work and more work to realize and manifest it. Choose wisely and be sincere in coordinating to make sure you are linking with like-minded and warm hearted individuals. Then go for it. There is a big wide opening for you this week to accomplish together big steps toward more success.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO express everything you know from your own experience freely and openly.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO see the big picture with all of the steps in between.
DON’T think there is only one way to do something – your way.
DO be a good judge of people and easily size them up on-the-spot.
DON’T feel left out or ignored when people do not listen to you.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Do not set yourself up to be alone in your social circle this week. Put your presence more outward and share it for all of those who want to receive it. As long as you are finding additional ways to express your highest values and standards, you will attract those who feel the same way as you do. This is a great way to communicate and come together in a partnership of friendship and mutual growth. It does not matter what you do as long as you bring together your thoughts and ideas to co-create moments that bond your energies into something new – totally surpassing separate ones not in harmony with the others.

DON’T make up things about yourself and others, exaggerate and then start believing it yourself.
DO take time for yourself and have a break when you feel the need.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO see the big picture with all of the steps in between.
DON’T set your boundaries too strongly.
DO make decisions easily and move quickly into action.
DON’T have a tendency to live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO take good care of your basic needs: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 18-24, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red  and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for April 18-24 2016COMMUNICATE your heart out as the whole universe is listening to you. Those who hear your message will become closer to you than you ever thought possible. As a result, anyone who catches the wave will help you realize your dreams simply by hearing the words coming out of your mouth – and help you put it into action. This is what teamwork is all about.

Monday, April 18, 2016: Reserved
Sometimes being reserved is the right way to be, but today is calling you to be as extraverted as it gets. Unless you orient outwardly, you may have to correct your approach and re-navigate it in the right direction. To save yourself time and effort, just make it a priority to express what you are experiencing on-the-spot so your point is crystal clear and no one has to have any doubts about it. Let us know how this is working for you.

Having jealous feelings to destroy it if you cannot have it vs. respecting the realistic results
Judging others based on their appearance vs. giving them a chance despite of their looks
Too heavily guarded not letting anyone invade your space vs. choosing quality friends
Giving others gifts so they like you or are devoted to you vs. winning people’s hearts naturally

Tuesday, April 19, 2016: Let go!
Let go! so you can live peacefully and make things happen. Tension is not your friend and avoiding it is only possible if you do not hold on to and are possessive of every single thing you do not approve of. Just let things be for one day and mind your own business. You are only responsible for your own actions. Let others face up to theirs.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. being excited with all opportunities
Being traditional even dogmatic vs. flowing with the times and new trends
Over thinking to the point you cannot express your true feelings vs. sharing your heart out
Playing dumb so others feel bad and cater to you vs. inspiring so others do not feel guilty

Wednesday, April 20, 2016: Arrangement
You will be finding out all day today it is your job to look after yourself first. No one else can do it and no one else will. You have to communicate what you need and why so you can help make an arrangement to get things up, running and working for you. Go ahead, you are in charge!

Interrupting or fragmenting with unrelated comments vs. being relevant, sticking to the point
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all cost vs. feeling good by doing your best
Pushing yourself going too long without eating vs. replenishing your needs regularly
Insecure becoming dependent on loved ones vs. self sufficient and able to take care of yourself

Thursday, April 21, 2016: Terrific
Terrific! What if you start your day this way and not let go so it keeps moving exactly the way you want it – no matter what? You can do it if you simply stay determined so nothing can shake your great mood and be allowed to spoil your excitement for being alive. You have the opportunity to do anything you want and are able to own it like only you can. Way to go!

Losing initiative when you get too comfortable vs. always being thrilled at new endeavors
Being late for appointments as it takes you longer than you expected vs. being punctual
Insensitive not caring about others people’s feelings vs. putting yourself in others’ shoes
Getting impatient when emotions take over vs. staying cool and collected at all times

Friday, April 22, 2016: Delegate
If something is not working for you today, delegate it to someone else. Are you really responsible for it? Probably not. So do not take it upon yourself to suffer for things that are dysfunctional and not working. Communicate to whoever needs to fix it simply and clearly so they get the message. Stay on top of them so it can get done, but do not get aggravated. It will work out for the better as long as you check and recheck along the way.

Forgetting what you consider unimportant details or trivia vs. remembering all relevant things
Cutting those you do not like out-of-sight out-of-mind vs. giving people due consideration
Having difficulty opening up and sharing about your personal life vs. confident with self
Giving others gifts so they like or are devoted to you vs. earning others’ trust and friendship

Saturday, April 23, 2016: Uncover
Sometimes you might find yourself in the shadows just because you need to uncover the sunshine within and without so it can shine brightly on you. It could be literal by having to put up the blinds so you can allow the outside light to come in, or allegorically by removing obstacles that create darkness and steal your inner joy. This way, you can enjoy a much better and healthier setting and have experiences that lighten up your day. Tell us about what you find out about yourself.

Being gullible since you know anything is possible vs. discerning the facts seriously
Covering up and pretending it is alright with a smiley face vs. expressing your true feelings
Compromising your own standards when under pressure vs. keeping high standards in place
Easily excited jumping into projects without thinking of the consequences vs. having a plan

Sunday, April 24, 2016: Wonderful
It is wonderful to be able to communicate in your own way and get understood by those who really care about you and what you want to build for yourself and others around you. Try it! If someone does not get it, it may be a sign that they are not necessarily aligned with you and have a different motivation. All you can do is be your true self. You will soon find out who is who in your inner and outer circle of friends and acquaintances.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to live vs. making suggestions without pressure
Being traditional or even dogmatic vs. updating yourself and your views to be current
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. working with others at their level
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. considering everything relevant

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do not be reserved so you can let go! and make the best arrangement you can to have a terrific time as you delegate to others and uncover how wonderful this can be.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Have a wonderful day as you uncover the best ways to delegate a terrific arrangement to build your biggest dreams as you let go! without any need to stay stagnant or reserved.

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The Energy of the Week for April 18-24, 2016: Communicate

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

CommunicateTalk out loud and get noticed. This week is all about sharing your thoughts and speaking your mind. In case it is not easy for you to communicate openly and freely, it is likely you need to simplify the message you want to pass on. Become clear about what you are experiencing and let those in who care about you so you can share about what you are really going through. Keeping things inside is going to prove counterproductive and build unnecessary pressure. Let go and let it all out.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
This week, you should be more in tune with your environment. In order to align with it, you will need to bare your soul to those you are closer to. Being open and sharing about your personal life can be very healthy when you are sincere and confident about the feelings you are having so you do not need to pretend to be someone you are not. Find your own unique way to communicate within yourself and others. Being direct can also be very useful so you are not overly apprehensive about how what you are sharing will be received. Just do your thing and do not be concerned about anything else and especially, do not get in your head. Always share from the heart. How you feel inside is your own human experience and no one can argue with it.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T have too much pride for fear you will look bad.
DO easily see how any system can be more efficient and love to organize it.
DON’T tend to order others around by telling them what to do.
DO realize the main fact you are always interested in is the “where” and keep your energy smooth.
DON’T be a care-taker by making others feel guilty, but rather a care-giver being benevolent and caring.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Sending a mass message to everyone involved or concerned with your business will be the right way to communicate updates and news of what is going on and coming up for you and your service to mankind. Generating excitement brings huge increases in interest and could spike a lot of activity toward what you do amongst all of your loyal customers and newcomers. Being positive with true optimism with a solid promise of quality for the product or service you are offering will cause you to stand firmly behind it with every assurance and support you can possibly give.     

DON’T make up things about yourself and others, exaggerate and then starting believing it yourself.
DO get a second wind and continue to be very productive.
DON’T take a tragic view of life and make everything into a big deal.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes.
DON’T become too selfish (me-first, me-second and me-third).
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO have a light and warm heart and stay positive under trying circumstances.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Be ready to tell the truth as only you know it. Nothing else will work this week. Your communications will be very transparent to everyone listening as they will be evaluating what you are saying through their inner sensitivity – which is always right. Say it as it is and communicate in real terms so that your message reaches and touches those around you in a more profoundly deep and effective way. By sharing your most interesting experiences, you will receive very positive responses to how you have made it all work and how this has created your complete life story.

DON’T have a tendency to ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO be interested in many things so you can become a jack-of-all-trades.
DON’T show off and impress people by making a dramatic entrance.
DO be a very cost-conscious money manager and an excellent bargain-hunter.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T have a tendency to live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO stay detached by recognizing other people’s problems are not your own.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 11-17, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for April 11-17, 2016An UPLIFT that gets you a step up above where you are already will give you a new perspective to what your whole life is all about. The secret to accomplishing it is to lift yourself up by planning and executing something great that excites and inspires you and those around you. Make your very own luck every single day.

Monday, April 11, 2016: Crucial
Right at the week’s start, you will arrive at a crucial point at an intersection where you are prompted to make a decision which way to go. One way takes you down a beaten path you are more familiar with and another into unknown territory that thrills and scares you all at the same time. Depending on how adventurous you are ready to be, the choice will be pretty clear. But, as you know, your boldness to expand into the new is usually better rewarded as long as you do not take unwise chances and use your sensitivity to navigate yourself to move straight ahead.

A fence-sitter having a hard time making decisions vs. swiftly considering your best scenarios
Cutting people you do not like off (out-of-sight and out-of-mind) vs. giving second chances
Getting discouraged when overwhelmed by negative thoughts in your head vs. being optimistic
Gossiping about others when you feel wronged by them vs. stating the two-sided truth

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: Design
It always takes an original idea to design something new and today you may be having a bee hive full of them buzzing in your head. If you are not used to it, this might feel annoying at first, but if you really think of it for a second, it is a truly neat thing to open up a brand new energy of something creative and fresh. Use the opportunity for all it is worth and give it a run to get everything you are truly expecting from it. This pay off could be huge. Harvest it while the sun is shining.

A mama or papa goose telling others how to live their lives vs. being there for others, no stress
Expecting, assuming and demanding of yourself and others vs. being an inspiring example
Avoiding crowds, loud social events to hear yourself think vs. balancing alone and social time
Ignoring the what, when, where and why by making who more important vs. factoring the total

Wednesday, April 13, 2016: Factual
The facts may be skimpy and unclear today. This could really end up being a show stopper so take diligent measures to be as factual as possible and consider all the pieces involved in your equation so you do not miss on something important to account for as you are drawing your essential conclusions for the big picture ahead of you.

Becoming a home-body avoiding going out vs. staying excited by being fully involved in life
Overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. always maintaining the highest possible standards
Becoming too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. considering yourself and others, too
Jumping into projects excitedly without thinking of the circumstances vs. thinking it through

Thursday, April 14, 2016: Enthusiasm
Having the right incentive for what you do will bring the enthusiasm you need to stay upbeat and happy with the way things are going all day. It is pretty contagious and it could attract many others to try doing the same thing, especially if you do not keep your secret recipe only for yourself. More people will win from taking away from your example and the bigger your win will feel to you with the added satisfaction and wow factor of how much influence you really have at the end of a great day like this.

Being possessive vs. proactively supporting someone without any strings attached
Being competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. feeling great doing your best
Overpowering others who you feel are weaker than you vs. encouraging and inspiring them
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. getting over what you lived through

Friday, April 15, 2016: Propose
Initiating the energy of making a proposal will take guts, but will bring lots of glory your way today. It will come to you naturally and will make you want to do it so you will already be under the spell of making it all happen whatever it is concerning. If you give of yourself with a more serious flow of energy, the same energy will back you to get there. So flow with it and enjoy witnessing the developments as they come, then let us know all about it.

Getting bored not finishing projects vs. bringing to conclusion every endeavor you start
Being prideful hiding with a fake persona vs. being secure sharing things the way they are
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking good care of yourself
Ignoring the what, when, where and why by making who more important vs. factoring the total

Saturday, April 16, 2016: Restrict
The strict part of restrict and refrain will be the hard part for you today. There will be many distracting and misdirecting things that will try to steer you away from your straight and narrow agenda. Will you give in or stick to your designed routine? You may find out the hard way, but try not to lose your momentum so you can have it work much better for you.

A lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. finding inspiration in proactive projects
Having too much pride not wanting to look bad vs. being secure just doing your best
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. supporting them in a detached way
Becoming a drama king/queen vs. not making big deals figuring out the best solutions instead

Sunday, April 17, 2016: Happy
You can really be a yappy and happy person in the real sense of the word if you give into the vibe of letting things unfold on their own without pressure or tension. Sometimes just letting things fall into place is the most natural approach that does not impose any extra stress. This shows your strength of not needing to micromanage or control how your surroundings are shaping up because you can stay cool regardless of what is happening around you.

A fence-sitter having a hard time making decisions vs. discerning facts for a conclusion
Cutting those you do not like off (out-of-sight and out-of mind) vs. not avoiding people
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. engaging people on their level
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. individuality standing out naturally

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

The crucial design in factual terms of your biggest enthusiasm can propose a direct way to restrict any blockages and afford your joy of always being happy.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

A happy place is where you can restrict the terms you propose with enthusiasm in a factual design that will bring crucial decisions and results.

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The Energy of the Week for April 11-17, 2016: Uplift

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Kite flyingThis week, reach out and lift your head up above the water as you uplift yourself even higher than you have ever been before. It really does not matter where you are now and how much of a climb it could prove to be. Be ready for a steep and rough ride, although it will be easier than just sitting around chilling as long as you are up for it. Remember, the energy has your back.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Where is the up you need a lift to? Have you ever thought about it? To get to higher ground, you need to have a target in mind so your efforts are totally legitimate. The clearer you are about where you are headed and what you need in order to get there, the bigger chance you have of making it. You may go even further if you play your cards right. Having a calm resolve inside will seal the deal as to what your outcome will be by putting every effort toward the right actions and do not lose any steam along the way. Make sure you realize you are your own uplift, so work on yourself and do yourself a great favor – love your own journey by taking on the right opportunities. The next thing you know – you will be there.  Do not forget the inner joy of being able to do something totally different and much better for yourself – every single time. This is the icing on the cake so you realize you can both have it and eat it, too. Enjoy!

DON’T be gullible because you know anything is possible.
DO easily see the potential in yourself and others but do not interfere with their free will.
DON’T become mean when angry and call people names.
DO bring it out in the open and communicate when you see something can be improved.
DON’T have difficult time opening up and sharing about your personal life.
DO be a good organizer of people material and programs.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from their troubles.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Make a move to up the ante in your business. The only right way to get more from it is to give more to it. So, how can you make others want more of what you are giving them? Make it a sweeter deal by offering them something absolutely irresistible – what they will likely not run into again. If they are aware of it, they will take advantage of it – no problem. Only you know what this needs to be, but it definitely has to have great added value so they find it exciting and they are sold on the spot. If they feel they want to grab on to it with both hands, you have it right and it will translate into the uplift your venture can expect from this kind of an acceleration to your service. It should be smooth going from here on out. Do not compromise on your inner and outer standards along the way.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T take a tragic view of life and make everything into a big deal.
DO be concerned to present a positive image with your personal appearance.
DON’T cut off your creativity by being too practical and conservative.
DO not compromise your own inner standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T have trouble setting boundaries and getting mixed up easily in other people’s problems.
DO feel vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Doing something exciting and fun will make for a really cool experience for you and others this coming week. Just let a mutual feeling take over to decide what to do together and benefit from the great time you all want to have. Your spirit does not need a lot to get in gear for an amazing uplift. It all happens on its own with sincere gestures and genuine hearts. It is easy if you keep it simple – and real!

DON’T lose things, miss exits or forget where the car is parked.
DO be a natural comedian and like to entertain others.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO have great analytical skills, a keen sense of organization and love to color code.
DON’T become overprotective of projects and people.
DO have clear personal direction and easily direct others.
DON’T go into an emotional rage if you feel others do not understand you.
DO live in the present and do not relive the past.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 4-10, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Energy of the Day for April 4-10, 2016CREATE what you want right here and right now this whole week. Just be bold to get it started and light in your heart to bypass any negativity that may seem to be opposing you to do it. Your results will surprise you and make you elated along with us as long as you share them so we can be joyful and inspired together with you.

Monday, April 4, 2016: Intuition
Nothing takes the place of pure intuition. It is free and is there all the time, right in your own gut. It talks to you in a way only you can sense and pick up on the hunches and impressions you get. Why you would not trust it or rely on it is beyond explanation. It is in your nature to resort to it for everything – all the time – and is there for good reason to guide you along and give you the best answers you are constantly looking for. It is all yours. Use it to win in every moment.

Being possessive vs. not treating other things or people as if you own them
Being late for appointments as it takes you longer than expected vs. being on time from respect
Being aggressive in your approach with others vs. communicating calmly with everyone
A care-taker instilling guilt and not a care-giver doing it benevolently vs. giving in balance

Tuesday, April 5, 2016: Decide
What you decide is magical and opens doors which otherwise would not exist. To decide is to settle on your own desire once and for all, making it clear to the whole universe what it is you really want. Today it should be fairly easy to get there and finalize how you use your own will unless you get entangled into what if this happens or what if that happens complacency and get stuck sitting on the fence instead of clarifying the facts quickly and reaching the obvious conclusion. Help yourself and make some great decisions!

Tending to procrastinate vs. acting promptly to your inspiration
Being a perfectionist vs. striving to do your best without stress or pressure
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking breaks and good care of yourself
Playing dumb to make others feel guilty and cater to you vs. being fair and honest

Wednesday, April 6, 2016: Share
Social media may come in handy today or with the use of any older means of communication, you should have some news to share with everyone concerned. Open up and do not be shy. Your happiness will also be shared with your friends as long as you let them in on the excitement.

Losing things, missing exits, forgetting where the car is parked vs. making a note of the facts
Needing to look different in order to stand out in a crowd vs. showing your natural talents
Thinking there is only one way to do something – your way vs. being flexible and discerning
A do-gooder making others more important than yourself vs. taking care of yourself first

Thursday, April 7, 2016: Resolve
No situation is hard if you figure out a great way to resolve it and come up victorious on the top. What it takes is to create a path that will take you where you want to get despite surrounding circumstances which may be steering you away from your original direction. Working smart is one half of it, being positive is the other. Combining those two will get you over the hump anytime and especially today unravel whatever it is that is in the way so you can move on smoothly and dignified.

Forgetting what you consider unimportant details vs. taking into consideration pertinent things
Liking to show off or make a dramatic entrance to impress vs. standing out with uniqueness
Having difficulty opening up about your personal life vs. feeling secure about yourself
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. not making anything into a big deal

Friday, April 8, 2016: Relate
You should be attracted to what you can relate to and feel close to today. If something feels foreign and you do not understand it, it may repel you so you do not get mixed up with it. What you want to be a part of today will be an eye opener so you can feel close to it and believe in it. Cozy right up to it and express your allegiance. Everyone needs to belong to something important and you will reaffirm your commitment today.

Becoming a home-body avoiding going out vs. being interested in a full life outdoors
Thinking you are dumb because you cannot picture what others say vs. finding out by asking
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. helping out without putting pressure
Feeling left out or ignored if not listened to vs. not depending on others’ attention

Saturday, April 9, 2016: Rest
R&R will have an even stronger meaning for you today. You simply cannot do without proper and timely rest and recreation as needed as you go. Eighty percent of all the repair work done in your physical body happens while you sleep and so without it, you cannot last too long without breaking down in some fashion. Relaxing your mind to recuperate is much needed. It is like rebooting your computer to reorganize all the information loaded into it. Getting yourself in better shape pays off instantly by keeping your energy high, your head clear, your heart light and your inspiration coming smoothly and consistently.

A lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. being energized, proactive and involved in life
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being the best you can be for yourself
Sacrificing quality by getting the project out there too soon vs. finishing with high standards
Wanting others to kiss your ring to do something vs. respecting people not putting them down

Sunday, April 10, 2016: Amazing
A bigger change than you thought possible will come about both from the inside in your own psyche and somehow from the energy around you backing you to thrust ahead farther and bigger than it has ever been possible before. This will result in an amazing day full of revelations and aspirations about your entire future and how they will unfold in a most splendid way from now on.

Coming up with great ideas but not putting them into action vs. applying your inspiration soon
Comparing others feeling either greater or lesser than vs. being unique and feeling adequate
A one-person operation as it is easier to just do it all yourself vs. delegating including others
Making old rules or experiences apply to the present vs. using old wisdom in current ways

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your intuition to decide how to share the best way to resolve unfavorable circumstances and relate to the rest in an amazing fashion.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

It is amazing to get the rest you deserve and relate to better ways to resolve any pending questions so you can share what you decide with your intuition being clear and open.

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The Energy of the Week for April 4-10, 2016: Create

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

CreateHas it ever occurred to you that whatever it is you do not have, you can create? Most of the time what happens is you just do not initiate it. It may seem too farfetched from the perspective of what it looks like in your mind. However, the universe rewards the bold actions of anyone who puts what they desire forward with a sincere heart. This always, always results in great outcomes – especially this week.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
First, clarify what you really, really want. How could you ever get it if you do not even know what it is – let alone have anyone help you? Once you imagine having it, you establish yourself in its energy and you begin to act differently. Then, you will be this much closer to being able to create it. Contrary to what you may have been led to think, things are rarely given to you. You earn them! Your own conscious wants and desires will take you on a trip to your destination as a part of setting your goals. It may look as if things from the outside sway which way you will go, but the biggest factor in determining all your outcomes is your innermost yearning. It is the highest order of everything you let happen to you. This is why you can make all the difference as far as where you end up no matter what else is happening around you. This week calls on you to take charge of your own direction like never before as long as you have a clear head and warm heart. Create it and you can have it!

DON’T be a mama or papa goose telling others how to live their lives.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T take a tragic view of life and make everything into a big deal.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes.
DON’T set your boundaries too strongly.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T end up making other people more important than yourself and become a do-gooder.
DO take good care of your basic needs: food, health, love, shelter, and self-expression.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
All business starts with somebody’s idea to create something which will be useful to others in society.  To do a good job of it, always picture yourself on the other end receiving what you are offering. Would you be happy and satisfied with what you are getting? If not, make the changes it will take and adjust things to achieve the good results you would appreciate if you were your own customer. Never settle for having to tell anyone this is just how it is and you cannot do anything to make it better, because you can – especially this week. Something else may need to be created and this is the right time for you to do so. Everything can be improved as long as the will is there. Everyone you are being of service to needs you to have this will, too. In this case, even a little goes a long way. Those who have the desire can lift mountains. Let us know how much you were able to make this happen.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO realize you don’t know how you know, you just know that you know.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO be concerned to present a positive image with your personal appearance.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO take total responsibility for your own life and be in full control.
DON’T indulge in food, etc., as a way of avoiding your emotions.
DO have warm energy and always be interested in the main fact of why.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
If only we could create the perfect relationships we all want. But it still takes two to do it. You play half the role in this and as long as you do your part as perfectly as you can, this is bound to inspire the other side to do their part, too. So, do not save your efforts – utilize all of them. It will not go for naught. It will produce well for you and leave you grateful you led by example. Share your stories as soon as you can by being proactive to help encourage others to achieve their dream environment.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T expect, assume and demand of yourself and others.
DO always be inspired to achieve your personal best and give it your all.
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon.
DO be a good judge of people and easily size them up right on-the-spot.
DON’T gossip about people when you feel wronged by them.
DO make people the most important part of your life and need to be a part of theirs.

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The Energy of the Month for April is EXPAND

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

ExpandThere is a big difference between having a simple focus and having a razor-sharp focus and this could be significant. This energy this month will call on you to expand your clarity about your entire life so you are on your toes and put together. This way, you can continue to be sharp with a strong oomph. Asking yourself a lot of questions and doing a lot of fact finding will be required to help you arrive at your obvious choices in a timely manner.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You already have a lot of resources both within and without, but how can you make them work better for you? It may simply come down to making a list and checking it twice. You cannot afford to have anything in your arsenal you are not utilizing to the max. Make sure there is nothing you have dismissed or forgotten that can serve you well. If so, bring it back into your life. Every single thing you clarify better up to now can and will expand your ability to have even greater results than you have ever had before. Stay true to your own reality and work with the qualities you possess so they can bring about your all of your inner desires very soon.

DON’T have a tendency to be scattered in your thinking or live in the future
DO keep track of many different projects easily at one time.
DON’T be so competitive that you need to win to be the best at all costs.
DO compare options to find the best solutions while being satisfied with the realistic results.
DON’T have a tendency to undermine people or put them down.
DO make decisions easily and move quickly into action.
DON’T want and demand to be the center of attention.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
To expand the outreach of your business, you need to make what you offer even more appealing and affordable. Lowering prices will do it or you can give out additional incentives with extra perks. Either way, this should appeal to absolutely everyone. Bringing about new offerings or repackaging existing ones can accomplish the goal, but you really have to be ready to both handle and sustain the wider scope of what you will be instigating now. You may be better off growing slowly but steady in a very solid way rather than skipping ahead and having to deal with the pressure created from the steep jump in sales. No matter what, your endeavors will be rewarded as all of the stars will be lined up for it. With smart conscious choices, you can use all of this to your biggest and best advantage – for yourself and your clients.

DON’T have a tendency to be scattered in your thinking and live in the future.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO be a good designer and match colors easily.
DON’T be too heavily guarded, but do not let anyone invade your space.
DO have a few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T have trouble setting boundaries and get mixed up easily in other people’s problems.
DO follow your true feelings and not your emotions (i.e. anger, guilt, etc.).

How this energy affects you in your social life:
If you look around, you will find out which one of your relationships you may need to develop and unfold even more over the next few weeks. Getting more bonded with another person can always expand your world even more than you may have previously thought possible. You will learn more about yourself by discovering how well you work with others, especially outside your actual work. This is because you are more relaxed and down to earth with your friends since you do not need to act professional and you can let your guard down a bit more. Being yourself is so important. This is your place and time to rise and shine just as you are.

DON’T trust in the potential of others so much that you give them too much credit.
DO get a second wind and continue to be very productive.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO be a very cost-conscious money manager and an excellent bargain-hunter.
DON’T build fortresses and empires in order to feel important.
DO take only the most deserving people under your wing.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or save them from their troubles.
DO live in the present moment and do not relive the past.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 28-April 3, 2016

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

I can do it

I can do it

If you have OPTIMISM, it could make up for almost everything else you may not be using with what you have. You get it from your very own drive and incentive. This comes right from your heart and you hold it in your chest area to keep you motivated to keep going no matter what. Bring yours out and soar this whole week.

Monday, March 28, 2016: Recycle
You will be putting your physical body to the test by manifesting your bold ideas and having the optimism to do it. Driving yourself too hard may scuff you up a little bit, but you always find this out the hard way. What you pay for doing this is, afterwards, you feel like your own body needs to recycle and get replaced with a new one. You can indeed do this, too, if you have replenished yourself with healthy choices and more optimism to go along with them. No need to hold yourself back. Way to go!

Indulging in too much sleep vs. staying active in good timing
Comparing yourself with others and feeling greater or lesser than vs. respecting yourself
Being a one-person operation because it is easier to do the work yourself vs. delegating
Cluttering your space with a lot of trinkets vs. organizing your environment in compact units

Tuesday, March 29, 2016: Demand
You will be in demand all day. Utilize your best abilities to handle the multiple needs commanding your attention as you may have to use all of your energy down to the last drop. Prepare by resting well in advance and by taking good care of yourself. You will build a lot of momentum and, as a result, it will pay off well.

Having jealous feelings if you can’t have it, you will destroy it vs. feeling secure inside
Tending to miss opportunities because you do not want to impose vs. a feeling of belonging
Being overbearing and aggressive in your approach vs. knowing where the boundaries are
Feeling depressed by picking up negative energy vs. being discerning of what is you and not

Wednesday, March 30, 2016: Circulate
What is your great news today and how are you going to circulate it in your environment to let those who matter to you be privy to it? There is something of an essence you are ready to release outwardly for the first time as you have grown enough to come to terms with it. Lay it all out simply and share it wholeheartedly with those you feel at ease communicating with. Then, go on and spread the news to the rest of the people it concerns in some fashion or another. Opening up has much of a healing effect. Let go of the unnecessary burden of unsettling stress. Finally, you can settle in your own skin for real.

Coming up with great ideas but do not put them into action vs. making everything happen
Covering up and pretending everything is alright with a smiley face vs. being open and honest
Tending to order others around vs. letting those around you make their own decisions
Being too chummy and sharing details about your personal life vs. setting your boundaries

Thursday, March 31, 2016: Prepare
There is no real way to prepare for the unexpected unless you just always stay open to developing circumstances and fast-paced changing situations where anything can happen. For good or not-so-good, it may happen today and it is up to you to derive the greatest lesson you can find right in the middle of it to make it count for what it is all worth.

Having a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches vs. trusting your inner sensitivity
Taking a tragic view of life and making everything into a big deal vs. being detached
Avoiding large crowds so you can hear yourself think vs. moving in and out as needed
Living in the past holding on to negative memories vs. learning from the past in the present

Friday, April 1, 2016: Loving
Something special and invisible will pull you quite ahead of yourself today in a loving way where you will experience true caring and be pampered from head to toe. It will come from the outside, but you will sense it with your own gut and relax to it in your own way. You deserve feeling the concern pointed your way and it will swaddle you like a cozy blanket to relax in and enjoy the unbeatable comfort.

Being gullible because you know anything is possible vs. discerning what is right for you
Dwelling on past negative experiences and not release them vs. keeping things in perspective
Compromising on your own standards if under pressure vs. staying calm and relaxed
Feeling left out when people don’t listen to you vs. including yourself in every conversation

Saturday, April 2, 2016: Destination
Every single idea brings you to a certain destination that can take you on the ride of your life. If you cannot fulfill it one-hundred percent, there is no point in crying over spilt milk. Modify the way you are going about it and you will discover it could be even better than your first choice.

Getting bored easily and not finishing projects vs. always getting to the finish line
Thinking you are dumb when you cannot picture what others are saying vs. asking questions
Having a difficult time sharing about your personal life vs. being open about experiences
Being a drama queen or king vs. being sincere and honest without becoming emotional

Sunday, April 3, 2016: Recap
By the time all of the details of this passed week settle in, it may be worth it to recap the highlights and make some greater inferences about your big picture and the steps in between all of the endeavors you are undertaking.

Coming up with great ideas but not putting them into action vs. acting on every inspiration
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. being a clean and organized example
Fighting back fiercely when your back is against the wall vs. calmly setting your boundaries
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. buying quality not quantity

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Recycle feeling empty and demand to circulate a great way to prepare for being loving on a destination trip to recap your own destiny.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

If you recap your destination with loving ways to prepare, you can also circulate a demand to recycle your great sensitivity to progress even further.

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The Energy of the Week for March 28-April 3, 2016: Optimism

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

OptimismWhat has brought you to come and live life on planet Earth is your desire and hope to achieve the plan you have set out for yourself. You always arrive with great optimism, charged with lots of energy and a bright outlook for the days to come for you in the future. Since living is everything but an easy adventure, sometimes, sooner or later, this may wear off a bit leaving you hanging on for dear life for a better experience or a nicer gesture to reinstate your trust in the human soul and the deep seated meaning of it all you have been giving all your efforts toward. This week, you can have it either easy or not depending on the way you portray your own experiences and what they hold for you.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
When you have optimism you are excited, light and energized to go for whatever it is you are so highly hopeful for. You cannot wait to give it your all and despite stumbling into obstacles, you manage to get over them and continue on the rocky path forward.  It is not quite the same when you lack faith in the reason for what you are doing or where it is taking you. In this case, it is as if you were left high to dry without options or much of a chance. How you feel in any given moment depends on the surrounding circumstances, but the truth is that your own experience is contemplated only by you and nothing external outside of you. Here is where your drive determines the outcome for you. If it is weak or wobbly, it will not be enough to carry you through and keep you going against the wind. It becomes easier to get confused, drop the ball and forget about what you want to do altogether. However, when you are truly driven, you cannot help but to keep running ahead and it does not matter how much beaten up you get in the process, something inside keeps you in the race all the way to the end. You can share which way you discover this is for you, but pretty early on it will become very clear which one it is.

DON’T tend to procrastinate.
DO be a good executive and manager.
DON’T show off and impress people or make a dramatic entrance.
DO compare options to find the best solution and be satisfied with the most realistic results.
DON’T have a tendency to undermine people or put them down.
DO have your own territory and respect other people’s time, space and opinions
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Business optimism comes from having a higher goal you are oriented toward with everything you do on a daily basis. When you know the universe has a bigger plan for you than the simple service you are offering, you can make that same good old service magnificent and magical with an extra touch of soulful inspiration and outflow only you can give to it. You will run into paths with so many attracted to what you do so it is important to realize these are the opportunities you have to make something incredible happen for both you and them. What are you going to give them beyond the business that brought them your way? It is your own invaluable personal wisdom delivered with your own signature of true concern and professional care to enrich them with the unique gifts you hold inside. They could never receive those from anyone else in the entire world and if they get touched by them and find them meaningful, they will come back to drink from the source over and over again. The bottom line is, no matter what your job is, it serves other people in one way or another and for this reason alone, you cannot afford to do it mechanically. Although going by the book has its place, it should always be paralleled with having a sense of what the spirit of the rule really is. Otherwise, you could be replaced by a robot which will do the same thing no matter what the circumstance is. Just be a living, breathing, thriving individual who connects with others in that same way and you will do both yourself and them a great favor by honoring every single opportunity you are being given. They are all, each and every one, golden. But you always have to treat it that way.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato or watch TV a lot.
DO be a natural comedian and like to entertain others.
DON’T be too picky in your choices and then become disappointed in what you have chosen.
DO have a sunny personality and disposition.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO be interested in the main fact “where” and keep your energy smooth.
DON’T ignore the facts of what, when, where and why by making the who most important.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
How much of a difference do you make when you are filled with optimism? Let’s see. You help uplift someone else, you inspire another, you give a hand to a third to get their head above the water or you make a remark to a fourth who will be remembering what you have said many times over. How long can you count? The result of all this is, once you have it, you cannot help but to share it with more people. This way, you are giving it to others so they can pass it on, too, in their own fashion. Then, it spreads from there. Soon, like ripples in the water, everything you do reaches the whole. You give something from yourself to all of the billions of people on this planet all the time. What are you giving to all of us? Share your thoughts.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO get a second wind and continue to be very productive.
DON’T cover up and pretend everything is alright with a smiley face.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in others’ shoes.
DON’T get discouraged when you are overwhelmed by the negative thoughts in your head.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T have a tendency to live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

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