Weekly Energy of the Day for July 27-August 2, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

EXHIBIT your best and forget about the rest. Stay in top shape to focus on your continued success and upgrade your standards to improve even more on everything you are involved in.  

Monday, June 27, 2015: Prepare
Prepare yourself for an epic day when anything you touch with the right motives will turn into gold.

 Interrupting or fragmenting with unrelated comments vs. staying on topic
Needing to look different in order to stand out in a crowd vs. versatility
Becoming over protective of projects and people vs. giving them space
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. cleaning up with style

Tuesday, June 28, 2015: Decide
Take no time at all to decide you are going to continue with high energy and dedication toward your goals at hand. Keep distractions where they come from and do not settle for switching what you are pursuing to something else you are not as interested in. Sticking to exactly what you want will empower you a hundred fold.

 Forgetting what you consider to be unimportant trivia vs. attending to it all
Saying no three times before agreeing something will benefit you vs. realistic
Setting boundaries too strongly vs. showing your softer side as a strength
Losing your identity too much in relationships vs. being independent

Wednesday, July 29, 2015: Fair Point
Your whole day may circle around a fair point brought to your attention. The less you obsess over it, the less chance it has of controlling your time. Discern the affect it has on you, but move on as you would anyway.

 Being nosy and sticking your head in others’ business vs. being respectful
Being too picky, then disappointed with the choice made vs. being satisfied
Difficulty opening up and sharing about your personal life vs. loosening up
Bogged down in unimportant details vs. prioritizing better

Thursday, July 30, 2015: Stick To It!
This is a crucial day to have your consistency tested as to how much you love what you do so you stick to it! in good or not so good times. There are bound to be ups and downs with anything you are working toward as there is a learning curve you can gain so much from and grow from. It is not a straight line by any means!

 Forgetting what you consider unimportant trivia vs. paying closer attention
Being late for appointments as you take longer than expected vs. being on time
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. giving them a break or another chance
Giving people gifts so they like or are devoted to you vs. winning them over

Friday, July 31, 2015: Sunny
No matter what the weather is outside, it will be only sunny above your head when you are so genuinely happy and exhilarated. It will feel like a Hawaiian vacation as long as you are just doing your thing.

 Getting bored easily and not finishing projects you started vs. fruition
Cramming fifteen things in a ten thing space vs. pacing yourself
Pushing your way through projects by not communicating vs. consideration
Making old rules or experiences apply in the present vs. being current

Saturday, August 1, 2015: Facts
Before you leave your house today, make sure you get all of your facts straight. Just double check anything more crucial for your day as last minute changes may shift and throw you off kilter taking too much time to straighten out effectively.

 Fence-sitter having a hard time making decisions vs. pinning down the facts
Competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. using inner power
Compromising your own standards when you get under pressure vs. firmness
Too chummy sharing every single detail about your personal life vs. discrete

Sunday, August 2, 2015: Interesting
Take the worst part of this last day of your week and turn it into something very interesting. Put a spin on it to show how it is enriching and benefiting you in all sorts of ways. See through the ordinary and elevate your own sensitivity to extraordinary. Because everything happening with you is only doing so to help you get an angle of things that can increase your awareness and improve the way you handle them with care, show you can really do this like no one else.

 Making lots of piles and only you know where everything is vs. organized
Hiding and being shy to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. opening up
A one-person operation as it is easier to just do it yourself vs. being inclusive
Getting impatient when your emotions take over vs. being more laid-back

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Prepare to decide on a fair point as you stick to it! with a sunny personality about the facts which will make your life more interesting.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With interesting facts and a sunny outlook on life, you can stick to it! and make a fair point to decide how to prepare yourself for the near future.

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The Energy of the Week for July 27-August 2, 2015: Exhibit

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

As long as you exhibit your best qualities this week, you are most likely going to get everything you have ever wanted. After you were able to pinpoint your own path last week, now is a crucial time to follow it more closely and directly. No matter what, do not veer off or compromise your own standards. You are designing your own future success and every step counts. Make it work and move forward swiftly and with forethought.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Your own personal space is sacred and it is very important you keep it this way. Do not listen to anyone else – only to your own heart and inspiration.  In reality, they will take you the furthest you have ever dared dream of before. The energy is gearing up to speed things up for the last month before the end of this spiritual year and everything you were meant to expand in your life with it. This is why it is so important to follow your intuition to the utmost. Consciously exhibit only your highest qualities during the next seven days. Living to the ultimate standard for yourself will indeed raise your energy tremendously and help you reach the heights you deserve for all of your future plans. This will plant the right seeds in the right places in time for you to harvest a great deal in the near future toward the fruition of your own inner expansion and growth.

DON’T trust in the potential of others so much you give them too much credit.
DO realize life is meant to be fun and do not take things too seriously.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO have cool energy and always be interested in the main fact of when.
DON’T get discouraged when you are overwhelmed by negative thoughts.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T get excited and jump into projects without thinking of the consequences.
DO have a bubbly and enthusiastic personality.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Turn your virtual or otherwise office into an exhibit worth showing. Whatever work space you use for whatever it is you do, it needs to have a sparkle and shine with you in it. Uncompromising sharpness and clarity will be essential for making good on all of your efforts. If you blink or snooze, you could lose your momentum. Being vigilant with all of your projects will pay back more than you could possibly imagine. Some things will be developing during the week and, as they become ready for you to tend to them, you need to be one-hundred percent there to handle it. As a result, do not generate pressure for yourself from what may seem to be more demanding of your business time. It will be less consuming than you may fear so if you just step up to the plate, you can do it in no time with flying colors. Save the effort from anything you do not know how to do and focus on activities you are best at. Delegate the rest and it will all be good!

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO be at ease with sharing things exactly how you experience and see them.
DON’T become too selfish (you-first, you-second and you-third).
DO make decisions easily and move quickly into action.
DON’T go into an emotional rage if you feel others do not understand you.
DO love others and respect their free will even if they do not agree with you.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
The only thing you are required to exhibit over the next few days is patience.  Mind you…it may be the hardest thing to do because sometimes trying to work together with those around you may present a challenge. Brace yourself with the understanding that it is always better to keep trying to make it happen than to give up and withdraw from what may turn out to be a great mutual experience. Also, keep the perspective it is a week when a new month is starting. New doors will open for all of you as you venture into a whole new adventure of sharing in the good spirits of having fun and laughing together.

DON’T sip drinks and eat snacks as an obsession rather than in a balanced way.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T say no three times before you agree something can benefit you.
DO include people and delegate to others when their motives are clear.
DON’T over think to the point where you cannot express your true feelings.
DO be persistent and once you make up your mind, do not quit.
DON’T want others to be devoted to you or kiss your ring so you do something.
DO make people most important in your life and need to be a part of theirs.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 20-26, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

When you PINPOINT the best way to move into action, you can leap forward! with confidence and carve out your own path to the top of your success.

Monday, June 20, 2015: Fun
All of your June-Gloom should be gone. Today, you are going to have fun and cannot help it! You might as well take the day off because you will be holding your stomach belly laughing and may not be too productive. The energy will be giving you a big break. So, take a rain-check and do yourself a favor. Enjoy it!

 Being a lazy couch potato watching a lot of TV vs. pursuing fun goals
Locked in to a picture of the way things should be vs. having flexibility
Sacrificing quality by rushing a project out there quickly vs. high standards
Gossiping about others when feeling wronged by them vs. staying factual

Tuesday, June 21, 2015: Reduce
Yesterday must have helped reduce any stress or undue pressure you have been subjected to recently. Is it not interesting how a little bit of a lighter time can make all the difference in the world? It is in the middle of the summer (except for Down Under), so the cheer is in full bloom all around. Let loose so you can move with the twists and turns of the season’s flow and heal yourself appropriately.

 Becoming a home-body avoiding going out vs. being fully involved in life
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. sharpening your focus
Over thinking where you cannot express your true feelings vs. relaxing
Complaining or playing dumb so others feel bad or cater to you vs. fairness

Wednesday, July 22, 2015: Loving
With a warm and beautiful heart, you can become a whole a lot more loving to yourself and everyone else around you today. All people really need is a fair way to express and unleash their special unique qualities with an opportunity to do them justice. Have you clicked with your niche yet? You always will if you are truly the real you as this serves as a magnet for all of the right things meant especially for you.

 Bored not finishing projects you have started vs. finding joy in completion
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. bold decisions
Insensitive not caring about others’ feelings vs. being considerate of all
Getting very impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying collected

Thursday, July 23, 2015: Win
It will not matter what and how much you win your point today, you will feel ecstatic no matter what. Feeling like a winner with having all of the endless opportunities life has to offer within your reach is priceless. You are incredibly and indescribably rich with the kind of wealth that not only does not get wasted, but goes on with you forever. Congratulations on your success!

 Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. replenishing self as needed
Being a neat freak and imposing it on others vs. being a great neat example
Being a control freak vs. respecting others’ freedom of choice
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. taking everything in with detachment

Friday, July 24, 2015: Fortitude
You will experience great fortune when your biggest personal trend is to have a stellar attitude. Whatever is in front of you to accomplish this week, you can take it by storm. By going through it with a lot of fortitude, you should pass with flying colors – coming out enriched and with the feeling of being a true professional. Just go for it!

 Coming up with ideas but not putting them into action vs. acting on  ideas
Too competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. always satisfied
Avoiding crowds or loud social events to hear yourself think vs. participating
Making old rules or experiences apply in the present vs. living in the now

Saturday, July 25, 2015: Up
Up, up and away! Like a helium balloon, your dream will most likely ascend higher and higher above any earthly troubles you could be experiencing or anything else holding you back. How you could bypass such an uplifting day is beyond all reality, so hopefully you will never know. Instead, make the best of it so much you will let us all know about it.

 Getting on a glory trip and wanting to be a guru vs. humbly using wisdom
Judging others based on their appearance vs. accepting all the way they are
Getting impatient with less organized minds vs. cutting them some slack
Taking things personally avoiding criticism at all costs vs. improving self

Sunday, July 26, 2015: Forget
Even if you are still having a lot of fun since the week started on Monday and happen to forget some little chore you were meant to do today, consider it to be no big deal at all. It is much more important to continue with the excellent mood you have been in over the last few days. The rest can wait and happen for you even better once the timing falls into place for it. Often, many things are not as urgent as you make them out to be or as they first appear.

 Being nosy or meddling in others’ business vs. healthy curiosity
Cutting off those who you do not like vs. staying connected
Discouraged when overwhelmed by your negative thoughts vs. resourceful
Losing your identity investing in relationships vs. standing your own ground

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Have fun in order to reduce the pain with a loving touch and win with a fortitude to lift you up while helping you forget any sadness.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Do not forget to keep your head up with fortitude and win with a loving touch to reduce any loss and replace it with lots of fun.

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The Energy of the Week for July 20-26, 2015: Pinpoint

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This is it! The week has come when you can pinpoint the long sought after solution to your key goal.  No matter how big or complicated it may be, if you focus and utilize all of your ability, you will be able to get as far as you want while making a giant leap forward!  

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Just do it. The energy is right and ready to back you and you know very well inside what it is you need to do to get over the hump. Make a giant step toward energizing your plans and engage yourself on a higher level. Start wherever you are now. Do not let your intellectual concepts trick you into thinking it is too farfetched, too difficult, too unlikely or it only has a small chance. Have faith in your own wisdom and strength gathered up through lifetimes of experience after experience. You are ready now. You are not alone and your determined action is all you need to get it all done. Your readiness and feeling clear on the inside is your best starting point. Pinpoint how to begin that first step and start off on the right foot to get you moving into action with what you know how to do. Begin with something you have done over and over again which has worked for you every single time. Keep it simple and easy at first until you gain momentum and get charged up with inspiration about what else there is to do. Stay positive, excited and appreciate being able to follow through with what you desire. By making headway on your first hurtle, the rest will follow.

DON’T trust in the potential of others so much you give them too much credit.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO have a sunny personality and disposition.
DON’T push yourself or go too long without eating.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T get excited and jump into projects without thinking of the consequences.
DO make people the most important part of your life and be a part of theirs.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
If you have been feeling there is something missing in how you express and outflow your energy in what you do, this may be a great time to pinpoint how you can turn it around when it comes to providing an everyday service. Tap into what you are truly capable of. Realize how gifted you are and with the skills you have accumulated throughout your life, you can use them even more by putting them into action. They are crucial to achieving what you are looking for in your life right now. Remind yourself of these invaluable talents you carry within. What can you do to elevate them into becoming a unique product or service you can offer to the general public? There is no greater or lesser service than reaching out and touching others in order to extend to them something extremely useful they can benefit from. How you do it and what you can gain in the process is the rewarding part for you and will bring both of you satisfaction and the opportunity to learn so many new things to grow and prosper from.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO always look at the big picture rather than the smaller details.
DON’T show off and impress people or make a dramatic entrance.
DO be punctual and keep tabs on the timing of everything you are involved in.
DON’T become overprotective of projects and people.
DO have a keen sense of integrity and set fair boundaries.
DON’T have a tendency to live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Pay special attention this week to not interfere with the free will of those around you. They are living their own lives for themselves. So, as an outside observer, make suggestions but not commands. Do not do for them what they can do for themselves or try to save them from their troubles. They need to have their own experience. Your wisdom cannot overcome what they need to learn as you most likely gained it by doing the same thing in the past. Let them make their own choices and face whatever circumstances are happening for them. Just be there to encourage them as a personal example and empower them by reminding them of the inner qualities they possess. You can even pinpoint together what you can help each other with and invigorate yourselves with the bright perspective of mutual backing and support. Have a great time with people you admire and respect!

DON’T get bored easily and not follow through or finish the projects you start.
DO express everything you know from your own experience freely and openly.
DON’T be overly frugal to the point of being cheap.
DO easily see how any system can be more efficient and love to organize it.
DON’T get discouraged when overwhelmed by negative thoughts in your head.
DO have a few trustworthy friends and lots of acquaintances.
DON’T have a tendency to become a drama queen or king.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 13-19, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

REALIZE your dreams and then some even if you have a ways to go before you accomplish them as this week will be very favorable for you just to go for it and make it all happen.

Monday, July 13, 2015: Happy
How about (being) purposeful, polished (and) young-at-heart? Wouldn’t that make you happy? Be the person you want to be today so you can live the vision you have for yourself and reflect on the possibilities of utilizing all of your potential better in the process.

 Wearing yourself too thin being a workaholic vs. having a steady regime
Covering up pretending all is okay with a smiley face vs. being truthful
Difficulty opening up about your personal life vs. confidently sharing of self
Being insecure and dependent on your loved ones vs. taking charge of self

Tuesday, July 14, 2015: Appealing
Consider what is the most appealing for you to do and how you can share this with others and get them on board. Take the most meaningful ideas to you in order to make a difference in the world and why you are attracted to them while using your momentum today to accomplish more than what you originally planned.

 Being possessive vs. allowing those under your wing to be independent
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. deciding boldly
Becoming an alcoholic or drug user suppressing emotions vs. open feelings
Feeling sorry or sympathizing and saving others from troubles vs. supportive

Wednesday, July 15, 2015: Live
Your light inside (can be) viewed energetically when you live life to the fullest. By bringing out your true self, you will open the way to achieve great results and award yourself with more fulfillment and satisfaction along the way.

Coming up with great ideas but not putting them to action vs. using hunches
Dwelling on past negativity by not releasing it vs. enjoying letting the past go
Insensitive not caring about others’ feelings vs. considering others as yourself
Raging emotionally if others misunderstand you vs. making points patiently

Thursday, July 16, 2015: Purpose
Make sure you are on the right track with your inner purpose by how well it feels to realize your weekly goals before the weekend. Make a concerted effort to continue on with high positive energy so you can build up an even stronger momentum for yourself and keep it up into the next week.

 Forgetting unimportant details considered trivia vs. noticing the all important
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. thrifty to a reasonable point
Short-tempered and confronting others vs. staying calm, cool and collected
Throwing temper tantrums if not getting your way vs. respectfully disagreeing

Friday, July 17, 2015: Upgrade
You can always upgrade yourself as long as you do not downgrade your own ideas. Make sure you achieve the agenda you have set for yourself and more. Anything extra you might want to accomplish is possible and closer to fruition than you realize. Just reach out and grab it!

 Over trusting in others’ potential giving too much credit vs. balanced approach
Too picky, then disappointed with the choice made vs. realistic decisions
Easily overwhelmed when others put pressure on you vs. having boundaries
Reliving the past through negative memories vs. releasing old pressure

Saturday, July 18, 2015: Restriction
Since the biggest restriction you have in your way is you and you create your own limitations, it is important to shake them off so you can really advance today and leap forward! like you are always meant to do.

 Scattered in thinking and living in the future vs. grounded in reality
Being overly concerned with your appearance vs. neat looking self esteem
Overpowering others you feel are weaker than you vs. generous attitude
Making old rules apply in present situations vs. using wisdom currently

Sunday, July 19, 2015: Exude
So far this week, you should have been able to exude your own inner happiness and joy while following your own personal direction in life. This will allow you to see for yourself how much potential can come from it as a result of you being you.

 Losing things, missing exits or forgetting where the car is parked vs. focused
Late for appointments as everything takes longer than expected vs. timely
A one-person operation as it is easy to just do-it-yourself vs. delegating
Wanting to make old experiences apply to the present vs. updating yourself

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Being happy is very appealing when you live with a true purpose to upgrade yourself without restriction so you can exude your real personality and talent.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Exude no restriction when you upgrade your purpose to live an appealing life as a happy you.

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The Energy of the Week for July 13-19, 2015: Realize

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

What good are your dreams if you are not able to realize them? You could say they uplift you and challenge you on the way as you work toward them. Still, without being able to see them to completion, it sounds like a great fairy tale with no good end. This is your week to bring some of those deeply desired results to fruition you have been sweating over for awhile. These are the ones embedded in your energy and you have been going after with a lot of perseverance. Focus on the finish line. Even if it sounds premature, this could be the time it can all fall in place for you. But you need to both initiate it and fight for its realization. Let’s do it!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Can you be real, energetic, active, lively, instant, zealous and efficient? This spells out realize. Try it. It will work for you this whole week. Put on your bold and bright side and simply go for it. When you have such a strong invitation from the spiritual energy backing you and wanting you to succeed just as much as you desire it yourself, you have powerful friends who are your guidance helping you out. Use this situation to the fullest. Do not resort to excuses as they will not work for you. Forget about them and put your efforts toward where they actually belong – on the straight and narrow path directly to your one and only goal. Anytime to hit the bull’s eye, all you have to do is aim straight ahead and hit it dead center! And if you do not do your best, you can only blame yourself. Use this as a little encouragement and do not think twice. Let us know how well you are advancing and how what you wanted has become a reality.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la-land.
DO easily see the potential of others, but do not interfere with their free will.
DON’T compare yourself with others or feel either greater or lesser than.
DO compare options for the best solution, but be satisfied with realistic results.
DON’T be too heavily guarded by not letting anyone invade your personal space.
DO be interested in the main fact of the where and have smooth energy.
DON’T get overwhelmed and drop the ball easily or give up.
DO inspire others to be involved in life with your positive example.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
If you do well with your personal life, you will probably be super-charged and inspired to blast off in your business. Ask yourself: what can you do in one week that can change things around for you? Do something extra for the first customers who come to you early in the week. They will spread the word naturally. You cannot pay for genuine word-of-mouth promotion. You can only inspire it. If you help them realize you are for real, they will really appreciate it and not be shy of showing it. Sometimes, one simple step takes you onto an entire special journey of one thing leading to the next. Share your story – we would love to pass it on.

DON’T lose your initiative when you get too comfortable.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO see the big picture with all of the steps in between.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T feel left out or ignored when people do not listen to you.
DO have an opinion of others’ opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
an experience you have been wanting to have together with a loved one or another close to you. Ask them what they would like to do and combine it with what you want to do to mix up all the fun with action and variety. Keep it light and interesting in the name of simply having a good time. Over the next few days, this needs to take precedence over getting too serious or looking into anything imperfect that might be pulling your chain. What you learn about each other in a positively created situation also helps in getting to know each other even better.

DON’T get bored easily and not follow through or finish your started projects .
DO have an inner knowing that everything is going to be okay.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO be at ease sharing about things exactly as you see and experience them.
DON’T undermine people or put them down.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T give people gifts so they like you or are devoted to you.
DO be very compassionate but do not cater to others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 6-12, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Have your greatest week yet in CARING just a bit more for the things you care about already. Get a lot more satisfaction in return when the energy rewards you a few times over for tuning in and bringing out your best warmth and kindness.

Monday, June 6, 2015: Subtle
A sudden influx of energy will help you pick up even more of the subtle details in your environment that could inspire you further to act better and achieve more. You could influence others with your unique touch to improve on something that will impact everyone. This increased sensitivity will help you be more caring and outflow your positive energy further than you have ever experienced before.

 A mama or papa goose telling others how to live their life vs. suggesting
A neat freak and imposing this on others vs. being a neat inspiring example
A one-person operation as it is simple to just do it yourself vs. delegating
Overly concerned with personal health vs. balanced and healthy outlook

Tuesday, June 7, 2015: Forward
In order to be straightforward and move forward today, you will need to say the truth as you know it even if it may be somewhat uncomfortable for you or others. This is so you are able to handle the facts and figure out your way of getting through them despite how not so easy it may be for you.

 Complaining a lot getting involved in moral issues vs. sticking to the facts
Feeling very hurt then blaming others vs. taking responsibility and in control
Insensitive not caring for others feelings vs. being considerate and sensitive
Making old rules apply to current situations vs. living in the now

Wednesday, July 8, 2015: Idea
If you catch yourself germinating an idea today, you may need to explore it more fully as it could turn out to be a real gem. The energy will be generating hunches like pouring rain and those people with their inner sensitivity open will have a lot of material to work with to get inspired. It is important for you to pick something really interesting to help you out with anything you want to accomplish.

 Jealous feelings to destroy it if you cannot have it vs. tolerating loss and gain
Dwelling on past experiences and cannot release vs. leaving the past behind
Sacrificing quality by rushing the project vs. making it top-notch and timely
Being chummy and sharing personal details vs. discerning what to share

Thursday, July 9, 2015: Luck
Do not rely on good luck. Create your own. You can put together a set of circumstances to advance yourself toward your chosen goals and let them unfold as they should on their own. When you do your part in a thoughtful way, you are allowing your spiritual helpers or guidance to click the rest in place and bring it to fruition.

 Losing initiative when too comfortable vs. appreciating comfort and thrill
Afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. deciding by facts
Cutting creativity by being too practical vs. taking time as needed
Living in the past and holding on to negativity vs. shaking it off

Friday, July 10, 2015: Sanction
It is important to have accountability and clarify the factors which may have been in your way to slow you down lately. This initiates the process of making things better and even being able to sanction whatever you need to in order to not let things get in your way again.

 Avoiding going out as a home-body vs. involving in interesting initiatives
Overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. gauging finances very well
Too selfish (me-first, me-second and me-third) vs. considerate and fair
Throwing temper-tantrums when not getting your way vs. taking it in stride

Saturday, July 11, 2015: Pierce
Should there be something trying to muddy your water, you need to put up your best resistance. Wear a double shield of energy around yourself today to protect you from anything that could try to pierce and harm your enthusiasm. Remind yourself that anything you are already too sensitive about could be used against you. There is no need to worry, because by staying solid and stable, you can offset any attacks. The best way to secure your balance is to stay rooted by making your own decisions to pursue your personal direction and keep going through rain or storm no matter what.

 Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. swiftly making your point
Feeling dumb by not understanding what others say vs. asking for clarity
Compromising standards when put under pressure vs. on the up and up
Living in the past with negative memories vs. getting over them

Sunday, July 12, 2015: Extreme
Step to the side and take a big deep breath so you can get a fresher perspective of the situation you are in before making an extreme decision that will significantly influence your future.

 Complaining a lot by getting involved in moral issues vs. stating the facts
Making everything into a big deal vs. keeping a perspective
Setting boundaries too strongly vs. having flexibility
Feeling sorry for and wanting to save others vs. treating people fairly

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a subtle move forward, any new idea will give you a lot of luck without having any sanction on what can be accomplished as you pierce through any barriers that take things to the extreme.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

An extreme position will allow you to pierce through any situation and sanction anything holding you back from enjoying your luck with a new idea so you can still move forward in a subtle and steady way.

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The Energy of the Week for July 6-12, 2015: Caring

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This week will give you a chance to understand the real meaning of the word caring. When you are living it, you will inspire yourself to find out what is really important enough to focus your attention on and invest your time in. You will become a spiritual shepherd who is diligent to take care of what matters to both you and others where everyone will get a lot of fulfillment in return. In directing your energy outwardly like this, you can experience more warmth, concern and kindness – including healing the negativity which is preventing you from sharing more of your true self. When you help and care, you solidify and establish a pristine environment for yourself. So much so, you will always get back a lot from being caring consistently than you have ever been able to give of yourself.  In other words, you always receive ten times more than you give out.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Caring through sharing is the most noble of all outlets you can have for your energy to be involved. It all flows directly from you. The mere fact you do care is what makes you human. This means you are concerned enough to understand and discern how much you are useful to someone else with what you carry within. Needless to say, you cannot share what you do not have, so it is very important to realize you are doing it from the inner riches you have gained from your own wisdom and concern you have collected for yourself through lifetimes. This is the one and only resource which never ends – and no matter how much you share it, you always have a full cup – filled to the brim. It all comes from the un-severable connection you have with the light from the universe and everything else that exists. The biggest key is that the more you send it out, the more it will generate for you in return. This is why when you remain loving, you have it made no matter what you do throughout in your life. Your inner caring is the universal solution to any trouble, hardship, uneasiness or confusion you may experience. Just realize the force is with you and the whole universe is backing you to do your thing.  You will come out of it bigger and better, wiser and more blessed than you were before. Carry on!

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO easily keep track of many different projects at the same time.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO be a very cost-conscious money manager and an excellent bargain hunter.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO be persistent and once you make up your mind, do not quit.
DON’T get impatient when your emotions take over.
DO easily open up and share warmly and sincerely from the heart.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Expand the scope of how much you are caring for others in your profession or occupation this week. If your only focus is to care about what you are doing in your day-to-day business administration instead of your customers, you are lessening the field of opportunity in which you are spreading your energy by being of service. In other words, if you look at it from the bigger picture of caring for everybody you can potentially reach with what you do, then you are heightening your own business energy into a whole different spectrum far bigger and wider than you have experienced before. From an energy perspective, you are throwing a larger net and it is guaranteed to bring back to you a more substantial return than you could possibly ever envision. Spread your energy even broader through a true sincere concern for your customers and the entire world. This whole process will help all people perceive your product or service to the highest it has ever been – whether they need it or not.

DON’T get on a glory trip and want to be a guru.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T need to look different in order to stand out in a crowd.
DO create what you imagine in your mind.
DON’T become overprotective of projects and people.
DO get inspiration as a running conversation of thoughts or ideas in your mind.
DON’T get in the hole or the mud with others by not being detached.
DO realize you are most important to yourself and be loyal to yourself first.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
This may be an area of your life you probably thought you had handled as far as caring for the people who are near and dear to your heart. But since this week is especially dedicated to this kind of outflow, it is all about refining it even further than you have ever done before. This is a chance to take it up a notch. For the ones you are caring about the most, you could look into their eyes a bit longer, hold their hand a little stronger, spend much more time together, read to them more, and/or add an extra tasty treat to their meals. Give them a special surprise by sharing something with them you never have before. So, have fun and find still another creative approach and warm their hearts even more so yours is elated together with theirs.

DON’T like to sip drinks and eat snacks obsessively.
DO express everything you know from your own experience freely and openly.
DON’T have too much pride and not want to look bad.
DO be open and share when you see something needing to be improved.
DON’T become too selfish (me-first, me-second and me-third).
DO not compromise your own standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T gossip about people when you feel wronged by them.
DO always share what you feel is the truth as you cannot tell a lie.

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The Energy of the Month for July is LEAP FORWARD!

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Call it a leap of faith or whatever, this month will lift you up into the air and move you ahead like never before. Let yourself go and let it all just be so you can soar with such an incredible energy, it will allow you to accelerate yourself toward your objectives and goals and leap forward! Hold on tight, flow on the wings of your own inspiration and may your dreams really come true.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
The only way you can succeed in holding yourself back is if you think of yourself as being unworthy and have shaky self-confidence. When life gives you a hand – take it! If you were not good enough, you would have not come across it. Forget about chastising yourself and dooming your own chances. Most people deserve more than they give themselves credit for. Take a chance to do so much more with what you have to show you can leap forward! and leave behind any past challenges. Keep your eyes open to look for things that may pop up in your everyday life which are slightly different than usual. Explore any new opportunities to make bold steps toward what you have been hoping to achieve for a long time. Embrace them fully and start working with them right away so they do not drift away. They are like ripe bananas and may not last long. If you are open to receive them, you will instantly recognize when something is worthy enough for your attention. Accept everything as you do yourself. Appreciate the gifts sent your way as you receive the inspiration to make it all happen while having an awesome month!

DON’T ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO keep track of many different projects at the same time.
DON’T expect, assume and demand of yourself and others.
DO compare options to find the best solution, but be satisfied with the results.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO have few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T give people gifts so they will like you or be devoted to you.
DO feel good about yourself by not taking opinions of others personally.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Having a steady and prosperous business is no less important than its advancement into new territory. Sometimes, even though things have been going well for you, you can still rely on great results over time if you continue a healthy trend toward building a solid momentum for the future. This month, however, the future is now. The energy is open to move ahead with ease and make a huge leap forward! You can make this leap in customer service, public relations, in earning extra profit, alleviating expenses or winning new loyal customers. Use your talents wisely and you will win the game. Then, take your earnings to further worthy causes and this will open up doors for more and more to come your way again and again.

DON’T come up with great ideas and not put them into action.
DO get a second wind and continue to be productive.
DON’T waste others time by being long-winded and over explain the story.
DO have a sunny personality and disposition.
DON’T over think to the point where you cannot express your true feelings.
DO have a clear personal direction and be able to direct others easily.
DON’T become a drama queen or king.
DO always share what you feel is the truth because you cannot tell a lie.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Is it not time for your social life to take off and leap forward!? In a world with seven and a half billion people, you can never get to know enough people who you can relate to and become close. Expand your horizons. Go out and talk with others. Meet someone new and shake hands. Give people a hand and greet them with a smile while making eye contact. Do not be shy so you can open up a door. It will work for you. You might even get bothered by someone who is so eager to talk with you to the point where they seem to be following you around just to get the chance. Even though this may be an exaggeration, do not throw these opportunities away. There are many others in the world who would appreciate very much to hear your inner wisdom and get in the golden sphere of your energy. Remember, when you remain calm and peaceful, you will thrive in your own element. Your energy goes out as much as six feet or more and others around you will experience it as a gentle tingling sensation even if they are simply passing by. You are alive and you matter! If you know you can do more than what you are doing already, do not settle for less. Go for more. You have come to live life with a full cup and with so much to partake from, you cannot afford to let yourself down by carrying an empty – or even one that is half-full. Fill up your own cup, drink from the energy of life and fuel your passions to live it like it is genuinely meant to be. Cheers!!!

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you can’t have it, you will destroy it.
DO be a good executive and manager.
DON’T be overly concerned with your appearance.
DO realize there are no mistakes, just stepping stones and opportunities.
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T want to make old rules or experiences apply in the present situation.
DO have an opinion of others’ opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 29-July 5, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Experience a giant BOUNCE in your own personal energy that could very well take you up to Cloud Nine. If you allow yourself to be light and free, it will happen for sure. Do not forget you can release any heaviness you may be feeling as it does not belong to you to begin with. Watch a special video to show you how to experience the Personal Energy Cleansing Technique.

Monday, June 29, 2015: Act

Hopefully you are not going to act like a kid today if there appears to be competition for the toy you are wanting to play with. Discern other people’s intentions and stay safe and sound through any altercations that could arise. Being factual is the only thing you can do to keep the momentum going and your schedule on track.

 Coming up with great ideas but not putting them to action vs. being proactive
Too competitive and needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being secure
Cutting off creativity by being too practical vs. making room for innovation
A do-gooder making others more important than yourself vs. self loyalty first

Tuesday, June 30, 2015: Sublime
A sublime intervention may come your way today if you are being loyal to yourself first and not throwing your own energy around in circles. Discontinue any habits not beneficial and lose the temper hiding in the shadows trying to sneak up on you if you are not on the alert.

 Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. consuming balanced food
Dwelling on past negativity by not releasing it vs. keeping a fresh perspective
Pushing yourself by going too long without eating vs. replenishing as needed
Making old rules or experiences apply to the present vs. starting fresh

Wednesday, July 1, 2015: Rest
If you have already done your job really well, you can rest assured everything will be unfolding really great for you for the rest of the week. You still have an opportunity to catch up on anything you have been struggling with so you can straighten it out in case it has been a bit of a challenge for you. Be sure to keep your head clear and organized so your resources are put to good use and not scattered. No matter what, tomorrow is another day. You can always relax, regroup and begin fresh from the start so you can dive head first into any desired projects.

 Being gullible because you know anything is possible vs. discerning better
Cramming fifteen things in a ten thing space vs. gauging timing better
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. healthy relationships
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. sticking to main priorities

Thursday, July 2, 2015: Preliminary
As your summer is starting to gain momentum, this will be great time to project what you anticipate and desire to manifest for the rest of it. As a special note, you can map out the top preliminary initiatives you are dedicated to. Do not forget to take the time to have a well deserved holiday and recharge with a fresh energy for the fall. Keeping this in mind from now on will assure you are following your own plan of action while enjoying the results it is producing.

 Wearing yourself too thin as a workaholic vs. pacing work with enough rest
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what others say vs. rechecking the facts
Getting discouraged by overwhelming negative thoughts vs. staying positive
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. enjoying the present

Friday, July 3, 2015: Look!
Look! There may be a surprise coming your way. You might want to rub your eyes once or twice. This is how unexpected this could be for you. It could be a long forgotten, but previously very exciting idea returning from the past. Can you possibly rekindle it and make it manifest long after it originally occurred to you? Or are you going to let it go and not sweat it anymore? Let us know how this turns out and how you experienced it today.

 Having jealous feelings to destroy it if you cannot have it vs. respecting reality
Cutting people off you do not like vs. giving them a second chance
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. talking to people straightforwardly
Overly concerned about personal health vs. taking care of yourself reasonably

Saturday, July 4, 2015: Understanding
By gaining an active understanding about your environment and how your community deals with the top issues of the day, you can participate and make a difference by offering your own input with much needed solutions.

 Fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. being respectful of timing
Covering up and pretending with a smiley face vs. being strong to face reality
Fighting back fiercely when backed against a wall vs. powerful self-control
Demanding to be the center of attention vs. showing your natural talents

Sunday, July 5, 2015: Effective
Creating an effective campaign for a personal cause you may have will take a lot more creativity than you are utilizing at present. Take this challenge to heart and let it elevate you to a higher ground where your intuition brings the boldest and strongest inspirations your way. Choose something simple that appeals to you so you can be focused on it and uplifted by it in a great and fantastic way.

 Being possessive vs. exercising a positive and balanced attachment
Becoming mean when angry by calling others names vs. remaining respectful
Being a control freak vs. making helpful suggestions for others to use freely
Playing dumb so others feel guilty or cater to you vs. sharing your wisdom

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Act with sublime inspiration to put a rest to your preliminary ideas and look! forward in the future to coin your destiny with a new understanding for an effective flow ahead.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Take an effective approach to understanding yourself as you look! closely at the preliminary points and rest before you make a sublime leap to act on your hunches.

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