Wear a lot of BLUE this summer (for healing)

The color of healing is blue…and the energy for June, July and August is warm and feeling. The enthusiasm you may feel over the next three months is coming from an energy flowing through planet Earth to help you bring out your true nature and how you want everyone to be happy.

The only way to be truly in tune with yourself and enjoy this energy is to be loyal to yourself first. As we have shared before, this does not mean “me first, me second or me third.” Once you learn to take care of your own needs of food, health, love, shelter and self-expression, since it is summer time (North Hemisphere) you will feel as if you have it made in the shade!

Once you learn to take care of yourself first, your energy will multiply and you will feel bubbly and excited about everything you are involved with. Therefore, it is super-important to be doing what really inspires you – and avoid what does not. If you find yourself doing something for someone out of obligation, rather than true concern, you may feel empty inside. The way to avoid this emotion is to ask yourself this question: Is it really my opportunity to do this?

This way, you will avoid getting depressed or “blue” in the not-so-good sense of the word. Actually, a bright blue energy will be pervading every opportunity you will be involved with until the new spiritual year starts in September. This gives you an opening to heal yourself in so many ways. Take each basic need listed above (i.e. food) and find out how well you are taking care of yourself from this point-of-view. Do the same with the next one (i.e. health). If you need to make changes in your lifestyle, do it now. Do not procrastinate. Do not get hung up in what you have done in the past. Live in the present and you will be more flexible with upgrading your own personal standards.

Finally, in business, this is the best time to accomplish and finalize all of your projects to get ready for the next phase of your service. Take a big deep breath and realize you are over the hump. Let the energy flow through you instead of doubting what you need to do. Thank all the people around you who helped you make it happen over the last year.

Once you realize you are the most important person to yourself, your life will have more meaning and you will feel up to helping others achieve their success even more than you have before.

For more information on the four personality types and how to tune in to your own inner guidance, go to InnerExpansion.com.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 25-31, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Bring all of your most ADEPT moves to the table. Being crafty, steady, resourceful or handy – whatever your best is – invest it in what you do and let those seeds produce the most tasty fruits you are looking for.

Monday, May 25, 2015: Resound

Resound your one and only biggest goal and get yourself exhilarated on the top of the world and be sure to echo your own excitement for others so they can be uplifted along with you. It can turn into a super happy harmony indeed.

Having jealous feelings to destroy it if you cannot have it vs. being positive
Being late for appointments as it takes longer than expected vs. perfect timing
Ignoring the people who bother you vs. paying attention to all
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged by them vs. telling the truth

Tuesday, May 26, 2015: Likable
Do not take anything for granted today. Those less fortunate than you consider your life pretty likable and if you take it for what it seems like to them, you can be even more grateful and appreciative of everything you have going for you.

Being nosy and meddling in other’s business vs. respecting boundaries
Expecting, assuming and demanding of yourself and others vs. coordinating
Becoming too selfish (you-first, you-second and you-third) vs. being fair to all
Getting very impatient when emotions take over vs. always keeping your cool

Wednesday, May 27, 2015: Detect
Use your intuitive powers to detect an interesting trend you have not discovered before. This will make your day more engaging and delightful as you realize you can become a part of it.

Forgetting what you consider unimportant details or trivia vs. remembering
Becoming mean when angry and calling people names vs. no temper tantrums
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking regular breaks
Getting very impatient when emotions take over vs. staying collected

Thursday, May 28, 2015: Worthy  
Can you make a worthy decision that justifies all of your efforts and time moving forward so you do not have any regrets or disappointments later on? This will set your energy toward a point where everything else does not matter and allows you to keep your target even more compact and above any trivial pursuits.

Getting bored easily so not following through or finishing projects vs. fruition
Prideful and hiding emotional side with fake persona vs. revealing the truth
Having difficulty opening up or sharing about personal life vs. being confident
Making old rules and experiences apply to the present vs. living wisely now

Friday, May 29, 2015: Incredible  
Find out exactly what could be missing from your reality in order to have an incredible experience and make up for it with fresh inspiration, creativity and positive innovation. There is no excuse to feel separation between you and what you love to do as you know inside you deserve it all. Have it right now by virtue of claiming it for yourself and bridging the gap in your own way to what you truly desire.

Wearing yourself too thin and being a workaholic vs. driven but taking care
Becoming mean when angry and calling others names vs. cutting some slack
Ordering others around by telling them what to do vs. extending suggestions
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. prioritizing tasks

Saturday, May 30, 2015: Dynamic
True dynamic energy comes from uplifted spirits and having a decisive attitude. Moving on with power and gusto is easy when you are getting closer and closer to what you are attracted to and eager for. Make wise choices and let yourself fly with inspiration – wings wide open!!

Interrupting or fragmenting with unrelated comments vs. staying on point
Over doing, over-preparing or over-presenting to prove yourself vs. esteem
Bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. being level-headed
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. sharing nicely

Sunday, May 31, 2015: Allow

Do not complain to yourself or others when you do not create enough opportunities. Make sure life will allow you the chances you are looking for by doing your part in searching them out. Be as good as you need to be in order to fit in them like a glove.

Forgetting what you consider to be unimportant details vs. making notes
Being late for appointments as it takes longer than expected vs. good timing
Getting easily overwhelmed if others put pressure on you vs. taking it in stride
Investing too much in relationships and losing your identity vs. being yourself

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Resound loudly your most likable skills to detect and re-inspire the worthy with incredible causes and a dynamic energy to allow everything to happen 100%.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Allow for dynamic interaction in an incredible way with worthy ideas on how to detect the best likable path to resound and let the world know you exist.

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Energy of the Week for May 25-31, 2015: Adept

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This will be no ordinary week and you will not only need to bring your A game to show yourself how proficient you can be, but also measure up to your best inner and outer standards yet. Everything you do will make a mark with a unique blend of your energy and talent so you can lay a path to continue on with your main goals as a part of the end of this strong spring season focused on the clairaudient gift. Stay focused, be adept in everything you touch with the highest quality you are capable of and let the results surpass your wildest expectations.  

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You have most likely achieved everything you have always wanted up to this point in your life already. In other words, if you have wanted something bad enough, you would have surely done everything in your natural power to make it happen. Perhaps the things still missing from your life are not challenging you as much as is needed for you to act more adamantly on them. When you begin to pursue these particular desires for real, this will reinstate your whole energy into a more determined and directed battering ram that is untouchable and indestructible. As long as you do not waver or yield, you will not rest or forget what you are focused on to stay on target and keep building momentum toward achieving what you have set up to make happen. As long as you become ship-shape and adept in the process, you will not only not want to give up, but – without fail – you will gear up to speed more and more. The key is always about how much you want to do it despite anything else going on around you at the time.

DON’T ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO take time for yourself and have a break when you feel the need.
DON’T need to look different in order to stand out in a crowd.
DO have a clear perspective where everyone and everything fits in your life.
DON’T cut off your creativity by being too practical and conservative.
DO discern the difference between your own energy and what does not belong.
DON’T feel sorry for yourself and complain when you do not get attention.
DO have warm energy and always be interested in the main fact of why.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
You obviously cannot sufficiently do a very good job or run your business without being adept in what you do. But to stay sharp, you need to keep improving and refining everything you are about so you can stay calm, cool and collected and elevate yourself. Without a higher goal that drives you forward, you cannot reach out for the stars. Reaffirm your plans and set them to a level where you will even surpass yourself once you achieve them and surprise and amaze everyone around you along the way. In reality, what you want to accomplish is your state-of-consciousness so treat yourself as the person who has been there already. If you allow it, the people around you will help you get there that much faster. How exciting can life be!

DON’T be a space cadet who can end up in la-la-land.
DO express everything you know from your own experience freely and openly.
DON’T cover up and pretend everything is alright with a smiley face.
DO have cool energy and always be interested in the main fact of when.
DON’T have a difficult time opening up and sharing about your personal life.
DO love challenges and like to be in charge of people and projects.
DON’T feel sorry for others, want to sympathize or save them from troubles.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Adapt to an adept level of being a great companion to those you really care about this week. Help them by listening to them and be there to encourage and support them. Your wisdom is not just yours to keep, but by definition is there to be expressed, shared and passed on. This is all you have to give them in addition to your genuine care and concern. Take the time to brainstorm together on anything important you or they need to make a decision about so you can inspire each other on ideas of what could be possible in all of your sincere relationships. This is when having fun meets enjoying a meaningful and quality experience so a stable connection materializes for all of you. Go ahead. Flow with the energy and listen so you can be the best example you can be.

DON’T be scattered in your thinking and live in the future.
DO realize life must be fun and do not take things too seriously.
DON’T be late for appointments as everything takes longer than expected.
DO love balance and harmony and achieve it by synchronizing or coordinating.
DON’T be an alcoholic or drug user if you want to suppress your emotions.
DO get inspiration as a running conversation of thoughts or ideas in your mind.
DON’T have trouble setting boundaries and get mixed up in other’s problems.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 18-24, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

The opportunity you get to ACT on every single chance to make a difference is tremendous. Making a decision as to what to do for yourself and others opens the doors to your success and holds the key to your own future.

Monday, May 18, 2015: Love 
You can give and get love by the loads today as long as you open your heart to the experiences the day will bring your way and fly carefree with your own personal inspiration.

Wearing yourself too thin as a workaholic vs. pacing yourself just right
Being very traditional and even dogmatic vs. being open and flexible
Overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you vs. taking it in stride
Giving people gifts so they like you or be devoted to you vs. being natural

Tuesday, May 19, 2015: Pick
Pick your own luck to have today by seriously attending to all of the tasks at hand and do not let anything happen that was not meant to happen in the first place.

Having more projects than you can handle right now vs. pacing yourself
Being very competitive needing to win at all costs vs. doing your best
Overpowering others who are weaker than you vs. respecting all people
Feeling sorry for others and wanting to save them vs. trusting in human power

Wednesday, May 20, 2015: Understand
Nothing will be worth your time more today than to understand why some of your well-thought-out plans have not taken off as of yet. Instead of feeling regretful, you can reverse the whole flow to your benefit and make things happen as you wish despite anything trying to disrupt you or throw you off.

Rambling on with a captive audience vs. speaking in relevant key points
Being a perfectionist vs. striving to make it better but satisfied with results
Undermining people or putting them down vs. appreciating everyone’s spirit
Feeling ignored if others do not listen to you vs. being strong on your own

Thursday, May 21, 2015: Create  
Today, you will be able to create your own happiness out of the wisdom you have gathered through the years and the way you can use the circumstances surrounding you to lean in your favor. Remember, you have control over everything that takes place in your life and when you exercise it right, you always win.

Having great ideas but not putting them to action vs. acting on all inspiration
Expecting, assuming and demanding vs. coordinating clearly and openly
Compromising your own standards vs. holding on to your values
Becoming chummy giving every personal detail vs. being professional

Friday, May 22, 2015: Exact   
Instead of hoping for an exact result from all of your efforts, you may be able to yield an even better outcome for yourself if you predetermine how you can take what is happening around you and benefit from it. Even what may seem to be the worst that can happen can ship-shape you into being a better human being. You could even begin to get involved in life in a whole new way after getting re-inspired by realizing there is a tremendous meaning in everything, some good and some not-so-good.

Having jealous feelings if you cannot have it you will destroy it vs. letting it be
Feeling dumb if not picturing what others are saying vs. checking again
Being discouraged when overwhelmed by negative thoughts vs. positive view
Losing identity by investing too much in relationships vs. loyal to yourself

Saturday, May 23, 2015: Elevate
If you can elevate yourself into a state of gratitude, you will be able to see your immediate environment in a much better way. This will always serve you and never work against you in the bigger picture, but occasionally it could feel otherwise. As a result, you could step out of this smaller picture and take a second look from a detached point-of-view.

Being a space cadet who can end up in la-la-land vs. grounding in reality
Dwelling on past negativity unable to release it vs. being current
Over thinking so you cannot express your true feelings vs. opening up
Making old rules and experiences apply in present vs. being present and alert

Sunday, May 24, 2015: Sincere

Can you remain sincere about something you have done even though it is not showing your best side? Can you own up and take responsibility about what you could have done better, but failed to do so? If you are not able to discern or gauge your own actions fairly or objectively from a 20-20 perspective, it will be difficult to improve yourself and become a better person. Although, once you do it, the relief you feel will be enormous since it reinstates an equilibrium inside you of equity and inner balance.

Becoming a lazy couch potato and watching a lot of TV vs. being motivated
Dwelling on past negative experiences and cannot release them vs. letting go
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. having genuine concern
Feeling insecure and depend on loved ones vs. self confident and appreciative

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Love yourself and pick the best way to understand how to create an exact system to elevate your own inspiration above any circumstances and remain sincere.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With sincere energy you can elevate the exact way to create success and understand how to pick and choose who to truly love.

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Energy of the Week for May 18-24, 2015: Act

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Needless to say, possibilities are always there and opportunities always knock on our door. But this week, it is especially important to act on all of those presenting themselves to you. Your ability to comprehend, gauge and appreciate what life is inviting you to participate in will also predetermine how much more will be coming your way.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You are in a constant flow of energy. But you may not retain most of it inside yourself unless and until you start to accept and receive the inspiration coming from the universe. If you find yourself in a somewhat distorted state, you can easily miss on your hunches and let your intuition scatter instead of allowing or letting it come clearly and strongly so you know exactly what you can do for yourself. The way you are in any given moment presets the outcomes you may be prone to. So, do not cut yourself short. There is so much more you can obtain. Act on your most subtle instincts so you do not doubt or question them. As long as something feels good and right within, you can take genuine and consistent steps toward it. In short, do not miss out on life because of any disruptive concepts or fears you may be experiencing. Sometimes these show up out of nowhere and separate you from your natural choices to be discerning and clear about any situation at hand. They serve no purpose other than to limit you from what you otherwise deserve to have. Be loyal to your true nature and exercise your birthright to have a beautiful array of great choices to pick and choose from – all deeply inspiring and positively uplifting to you at any point in time.  

DON’T be possessive.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T be late for appointments as it takes longer than expected.
DO see the big picture with all of the steps in between.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO have smooth energy and be always interested in the main fact of where.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you do not get your way.
DO inspire others to be involved in life with your positive example.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
Being in business is always associated with being in action most of the time, but this week will call on you to do something even more special to show others how you are able to act with conviction and determination. You will have an opportunity to apply everything you have got to accomplish your goals in the best possible way. Take the time to survey all of your resources and check it 2-3 times to make sure it is 100% accurate. You will need this information so you can put your arsenal to great use. Anything you have but do not use, you could lose. The energy will strengthen what you are utilizing even more, so do not hold back or undermine your momentum in any way. Just ACT!

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO have a healthy curiosity for everything in life and enjoy variety.
DON’T need to look different in order to stand out in the crowd.
DO be a stronger optimist who can always visualize a successful outcome.
DON’T be a one-person operation as it is easier to just do it yourself.
DO have a keen sense of integrity and set fair boundaries.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you do not get your way.
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
An act of love and kindness is yours for the taking. What is it you can do to deeply move those you care about the most? They may need to be reminded of just how much you care and the reason you appreciate them so much and vice versa. If they are also tuned in to the energy, they will open up to you with a similar act of concern and love. Share your heart with true affection and you will reach and touch them in a whole new way, even better and more special. For everyone you remind of your existence and your relationship with them, you should gain a real friend for life. This will make you that much richer and that much happier. It is almost as if you will feel the energy wrapped around you like a warm and fuzzy blanket.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this to others.
DO vividly remember all of the details that stand out to you.
DON’T order others around by telling them what to do.
DO have very few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T make others more important than yourself as a do-gooder.
DO always share what you feel is the truth as you cannot tell a lie.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 11-17, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Being FACTUAL will be the most practical opportunity for you this whole week. Just go by the facts and, no matter what, do not skip them because there will simply be no way to get anywhere without them. The what, when, where and why of each situation will guide you to make your best decisions quickly so you can keep moving on toward your most desired goals.

Monday, May 11, 2015: Discernment 
It is your discernment that will keep you sane today. Especially when it comes to clarifying what belongs to you and what does not. Keep the natural barrier you have between you and the rest of the world clear and do not get mixed up in anyone else’s confusion, emotions or negativity. Whatever it is they are selling – do not buy it. This way, you will remain light and easy on yourself while being able to help those around you the most.

Rambling on with a captive audience vs. respecting time and to-the-point
Cramming fifteen things in a ten thing space vs. balancing time and tasks
Becoming overprotective of projects and people vs. helping in a detached way
Complaining and playing dumb to make others feel bad vs. treating them fairly

Tuesday, May 12, 2015: Relay
You would probably need to be understood by someone today and since this will be very important, you will have to employ efforts toward giving them the basic facts about yourself and what you are going through. Once you are able to relay what is going on in a factual way, it will be far easier to reach an agreement, have a meeting of minds or get them to work with you productively on what has to be accomplished together.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. exciting life opportunities
Getting locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. having flexibility
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. trying to understand their points
Care-taking not care-giving to make others feel guilty vs. helping with heart

Wednesday, May 13, 2015: Facts
If you skip on any of the key facts, it will come back to haunt you. The what gives you the big picture of what is going on. The when gives you the time perspective of exactly when you need to take care of things. The where is your practical point if it will be possible and realistic to do it there. The why explains the reasons for things to happen the way they are. Only then can you resort to the who has to make it happen, which will most likely be you. Gather the facts, use them and you can achieve just about anything you want.

Getting on a glory trip by wanting to be a guru vs. appreciating feeling equal
Feeling dumb if not understanding what others say vs. asking confidently
Being short-tempered or confrontational vs. giving others opportunity
Feeling insecure and dependent on loved ones vs. being independent and solid

Thursday, May 14, 2015: Direction   
It will not be too hard to keep following your own direction if you remain very clear to the essence of everything going on with you and what is happening around you.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. being factual and precise
Being long-winded over explaining the whole story vs. being factual
Not expressing your true feelings vs. letting your true nature just be
Feeling sorry for yourself if not getting attention vs. having self-esteem

Friday, May 15, 2015: Purpose  
An extra deep-seated purpose to it all will emerge from the depths of everything taking place today. It will never cease to amaze you how profoundly life works in order to get you to the right place and provide opportunities for you. Do not waste them, but be grateful so you can harvest the full possibilities from everything crossing your way.

Losing things, missing exits or forgetting where the car is vs. keeping track
Being late for appointments because everything takes longer vs. punctuality
Ignoring others if they bother you vs. always finding ways to be of help
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism at all costs vs. being shielded

Saturday, May 16, 2015: Determine
What would it take for you to determine a steady course of action that you can stick to for better or for worse? Consistency pays off in the end, but you have to persevere. Brace yourself for the sweetness of your final achievement and know that, with every step, you are moving closer to it – as long as you do not veer off your path.

A know-it-all giving advice and not suggestions vs. suggesting not pressuring
Cutting people off out-of-sight and out-of-mind vs. respecting everyone
Undermining people or putting them down vs. respecting others as yourself
Being too chummy by sharing every personal detail vs. keeping to yourself

Sunday, May 17, 2015: Frank

To be frank, today should be the kind of day you most certainly can call the best day of your life. How come you may wonder. All because it will be nothing short of amazing. You well deserve it after a strong week of strictness and factual accuracy. Like an opening in dark clouds, the sun will shine its brightest on you and yours so you can warm your heart and enjoy your life with every breath you take.

Interrupting or fragmenting with unrelated comments vs. being to-the-point
Being a perfectionist vs. appreciating how reality turns out
Building empires in order to feel important vs. having your natural value shine
Going into an emotional rage if misunderstood vs. having patience

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use stellar discernment to relay the facts and shape your direction with a purpose to determine your most frank and dear way to go on.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be frank to determine your purpose and direction along with the facts so you can relay how your discernment can be used for the better.

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Energy of the Week for May 11-17, 2015: Factual

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Prepare for a week when you are going to be tested in each and every way. Life can be simple, but it will certainly not be easy if you fall into your emotions (feelings you have been taught to feel) and complicate it. Instead, keep yourself focused and factual by stripping off everything you are doing down to the truly necessary and avoid any trivia or drama.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
The truth is that life never brings your way more than you can handle. If it seems as if a nearly impossible adversity is facing you, this honestly means you are fully capable of overcoming it – whatever it takes. The key is to stay detached so when something happens, you can catch yourself before you fall into it. Keep your cool, just like a Sherlock Holmes detective, so you can indeed discern the solution to avoid any trouble. As a result, you will not only come out clean and dry, but you can reverse this whole scenario to benefit you on a much grander scale. Take a stand so you do not become dysfunctional. This will only slow you down and, although you learn from everything you do, you certainly do not need to put yourself into any unfavorable circumstances to learn something you could perhaps perceive just as well if not better through personal observation. There is no reason to fear anything. You can indeed be flattered that life is trusting you to do the right thing and help both yourself and others by staying factual, that is, to collect the key facts of what, when, where and why. It is important to render swift decisions to keep yourself moving forward and go beyond anything not deserving your attention.  Keep it simple. Make it easy. You can do it!

DON’T be a fence sitter and give yourself a hard time making decisions.
DO work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T be a perfectionist.
DO see the big picture with all the steps in between.
DON’T become too selfish (you-first, you-second and you-third).
DO understand how to keep your personal, business and social separate.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you do not get your way.
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
Being factual in your business is just as vital as air is to life. You could not possibly carry out any business successfully if you do not account well for the key facts of what, when, where and why. The who always comes last. Not only will you sharpen your skills when you manage your job or business this way, but it will help you be so much more clear each and every time you need to render any decision. With all of the above facts lined up, you can more easily see the best outcome while you are implementing any project. Keep away from undue pressure. If there is anything that does not absolutely need to be taken care of this week, let it go for the time being. Any time you find yourself in a tight space, even if you are in the middle of it, you can always step away first with one foot and then the other. Here is another obvious truth. You are never more than two steps away from great solutions. The first step is to always shake it off and stay as calm and relaxed as humanly possible. The cooler you stay, the better the decision. The next step is to save yourself from distress, whatever it takes, by eating and resting or something else. Choose your key decisions wisely and you will smarten up and grow spiritually and materially by leaps and bounds.

DON’T be a space cadet who can end up in la-la-land.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T waste others time by being long-winded or over explain the story.
DO be a good designer who can match colors easily.
DON’T set your boundaries too strongly.
DO easily help with the simple facts (what, when, where and why) of the options.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO have a light and warm heart and stay positive under trying circumstances.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
How many times do we forget to be factual with our loved ones when their emotions take over? Let’s do them a favor and stay detached. Their suffering is not yours. You can be of the most help to them by being strong and by being the best example so you can inspire them to bring out their inner power. Not easy, you may say. To the contrary, just knowing this is how you can help them the most. It is easier than you may think. As a matter of fact, think in facts in any given situation: what, when, where and why – four key things that can help you clarify anything and transport you in a totally practical way to wherever you want to go. Staying directed and determined will definitely keep your head above the water and your mind progressing in the right direction. Do not forget to hold your emotions at bay so you can stay relaxed and not over burden yourself by any means. Although this special energy is just for a week, you will soon get the hang of it and have it in your consciousness forever. You will be rewarded with a lot of wisdom you gather up along the way. Just a smooth reminder from the spring season that the clairaudiant energy keeps you down to earth. Cut to the chase and be in a no nonsense kind of mode.

DON’T procrastinate.
DO know that you know even if you do not know how you know.
DON’T judge others based on their appearance.
DO accept yourself and others the way you are and do not play a blame game.
DON’T push your way through projects without communicating first.
DO not compromise your own inner standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T take things personally and avoid criticism at all costs.
DO live in the present moment and do not relive the past.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 4-10, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Bring out your RESPECT for yourself and others to a completely new level by visualizing yourself being in scenarios you can only dream about or imagine. Once you see yourself in a whole different light, your appreciation of the whole world will be enhanced and people will be inspired to respond to you differently as well. 

Monday, May 4, 2015: Examine   
By dealing with it once and for all and then getting over it, today will give you an opportunity to examine all of the downsides of your lack of respect for yourself and others so you can continue this week with a strong energy without any doubt as to how much you can benefit from making the best out of everything you have.

Interrupting or fragmenting with unrelated comments vs. getting to the point
Too picky choosing and disappointed with choices made vs. being satisfied
Having difficult time opening up and sharing about personal life vs. secure
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. taking things easy

Tuesday, May 5, 2015: Passive
Leave no room for your passive side to take you over by booking your schedule today with so many fun things that you simply cannot run out of great things to do.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. being excited about life
Hiding or being shy to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. facing reality
A one-person operation as it is easier to do it yourself vs. including others
Feeling ignored when people do not listen to you vs. feeling self-assured

Wednesday, May 6, 2015: Release
It is a cleansing kind of a day worthy to take time off from your regular duties to let go of any self-doubt, denial or insecurity left over from anything you have experienced in the past. You do not have any use for these concepts, so once you release them, you will feel brand new and free again.

Coming up with great ideas, but no action vs. applying hunches to the fullest
Comparing yourself with others feeling greater or lesser vs. feeling equal
There is only one way to do something – your way vs. accepting suggestions
Feeling sorry for yourself if you do not get attention vs. communicating

Thursday, May 7, 2015: Forward   
You will feel as if there is nothing standing in your way today so charge ahead as if there is no tomorrow. This will help you move forward to build your future and the crucial areas this depends on will become much closer to being solved.

Making up things, exaggerating or believing them vs. being truthfully realistic
Being competitive having to win at all costs vs. using a natural edge
A one-person operation as it is easier to do it yourself vs. delegating more
Living in the past by holding on to negative emotions vs. being in the present

Friday, May 8, 2015: Fun   
There is nothing like having a very fun Friday as the icing on your cake today where somehow all your ordeals will be over and great news will be pouring in from everywhere. Do not take this happiness and excitement lightly and indulge in it as much as you can so it will make you last in a good mode for a good while.

Having jealous feelings to destroy it if you cannot have it vs. letting go and be
Having too much pride and hiding with a fake persona vs. solid inner respect
Overbearing and aggressive in your approach to others vs. being patient
Getting very impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying calm

Saturday, May 9, 2015: Action
You will be more than ready to move into action from all of the high energy you have been running on all week long. Pick your favorite activities to dive into as a part of the weekend. You deserve to do something good for yourself. Spending quality time with those you love can make this even better. Do not finish the day too early as there will be an opening to catch up on rest later on.

Becoming cynical and making fun of others vs. respecting all people
Cutting those you do not like out-of-sight and out-of-mind vs. communicating
Overpowering others who are weaker than you vs. treating everyone equally
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism at all costs vs. being realistic

Sunday, May 10, 2015: Beautiful

Your fairy tale can become a reality when you realize everything in life is beautiful and that planet Earth is simply a school where each person is learning at their own pace. Today you may experience delightful and even graceful moments in your environment. Since real beauty comes from within, all you need to do is bring it out into the open. This will go a long way and make it a most memorable day.

Interrupting or fragmenting with unrelated comments vs. being precise
Over-doing, over-preparing, over-presenting, to prove yourself vs. normal
Becoming too selfish (you-first, you-second and you-third) vs. considerate
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. keeping it balanced

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Examine your passive behavior to release what does not belong to you and move forward with fun and take action in a beautiful way.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

See yourself as being beautiful by taking action to have fun moving forward and release the passive hang-ups you have as you examine yourself inside and out.

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Energy of the Week for May 4-10, 2015: Respect

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

R-e-s-p-e-c-t. This famous song directs you and others to honor each other. But this week, it is important to see another aspect of your respect to the level of what it could be if you were to fulfill every dream you ever had. Start now and take a look at yourself from the highest point you could ever see yourself from. You are meant to be there. Otherwise, you would not even be able to entertain being in this most advantageous position – every time and all the time. How can you manifest this perspective in every area of your personal, business and social life?

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
How can you start from the top of your game and respect yourself more than you ever have before? Can you picture yourself being where you want to go before you get there? If what you are experiencing in your life right now was happening to you once you reach your pinnacle sometime in the near future, would you respond to it differently? Is it possible to apply this new state-of-consciousness and perspective right away? If so, you will be able to elevate yourself to the top and see so much more and so much farther than you perhaps can from wherever you are right now. By putting yourself ahead of the curve, you will get to your destination in no time as you align your energy with how it would feel and how you can get there from here. Your life will flow a lot easier and faster and it will feel like home to you. Respect yourself more so you can transcend to a much better place and bring with you of all the things you want to share (Energy of the Month) in a whole new way.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO easily keep track of many different projects at one time.
DON’T be late for appointments as everything takes longer than you expect.
DO have a clear perspective where everyone and everything fits in your life.
DON’T become overprotective of projects and people.
DO set up a system of policies and procedures for others to follow.
DON’T ignore what, when, where and why by making the who more important.
DO love life to the fullest by enjoying people and giving hugs.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
You will have security in your business as much as the respect you earn from your patrons. Do real things for real people to help them live a better life and do it at a fair price. Do not try to grow too fast unless you are a fly-by-night operation. Build steadily in a lasting way without worrying about what it takes for you to do it today. Everything you give to it now will bring you years of return and uncountable results as you move ahead. Being able to remain solid within yourself is priceless and you can only do it if you know the significance you are offering others and the difference it makes for both you and them. Cherish your opportunity and make the best of it – every single day!

DON’T ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO express everything you know from your own experience freely and openly.
DON’T overdo: over-prepare, over-present, over-decorate to prove yourself.
DO be a strong optimist as you can always visualize a successful outcome.
DON’T think there is only one way to do something – your way.
DO be fair and honest in your dealings with others.
DON’T indulge in food, etc. as a way of avoiding your emotions.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
The only real and true relationship you can possibly have with anyone is fundamentally based on mutual admiration and respect. Clarify even more what do you appreciate about the other person and vice versa. This is how both of you can learn and are enriched from each other without one-sidedness or limitation. Perhaps the more you realize all of this on a conscious level, together you will be able to acknowledge and enjoy the presence you have in the life of the other. In order to create invaluable and formidable bonds, share with each other every day, every week or as often as possible what have you learned about the other person and what have you learned from them. You can do this in a circle group with family or friends and go around the circle toward the left giving everyone an opportunity to share. You will be surprised as to how much they are learning from you. This will quickly remind you of the incredible influence we all have with all of those around us.

DON’T have more projects going on in your life than you can handle right now.
DO have a healthy curiosity for everything in life and enjoy variety.
DON’T cover up and pretend everything is alright with a smiley face.
DO be a very cost-conscious money manager and an excellent bargain hunter.
DON’T push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO have tremendous patience and concern for others.

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The Energy of the Month for May is SHARE

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Share. Express. Outflow. This month is charged up with opportunities for you to be heard and noticed. What would you like to tell the world? Something you are carrying within wants to come out and be announced so you can show who you are and what is important to you.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Say it in a loud voice even if you are all by yourself. The universe is carefully listening to you. Share it so you can verbalize it and hear yourself talk about it. This is like giving birth to your own thoughts and ideas, your principles, values, your goals and aspirations. They drive you and shape the route you are following for yourself. When you are quiet about them, you do not bring out their power to uplift and excite you. Have yourself released from shyness or insecurity. Stand tall and be on top of the world while shouting at the top of your lungs about the things that matter to you. It will be energizing and exhilarating. This will increase your own energy and get you re-inspired all over again to follow your dreams on a short road to reality.

DON’T forget what you consider to be unimportant details.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T tend when angry to become mean and call people names.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes.
DON’T set your boundaries too strongly.
DO not compromise your own inner standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T have a tendency to become a drama queen or king.
DO be solid and feel good when you do not take others’ opinions personally.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This month calls for a big gesture in your business. It is to share your progress and prosperity with those who can use a little more to feel a bit more comfortable and to not have to go without. Watch the world’s causes thriving as people open up to give more as it will turn around and come back to them many fold before this same month of community nobleness and benevolence coming together is over with. It will be in the air and around the corners everywhere. There will be something in the hearts of people touching their kindness and allowing it to spread to their fellow beings. How you will join this outreach through what you do will be yours to decide, but if you respond to this massive wave, it will return a whole a lot more back your way than you ever felt willing to spare before.

DON’T trust in the potential of others too much or give them too much credit.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO love balance and harmony and achieve it by synchronizing or coordinating.
DON’T build fortresses and empires in order to feel important.
DO make sure to take quiet time to meditate so you can hear yourself think.
DON’T give people gifts so they will like you or be devoted to you.
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Even though you may be doing this already with your closest peers, you can now take it up a notch. Share something special with them to create a moment you will all remember. Do it consciously and also put a plan in place to bring you and everyone together and intentionally get involved in it with a passion. You have a whole month to contemplate everything, but during the next few days, it will start to kick in so solidly, you can begin to implement it as soon as possible. May can become a very happy month, especially with those around you helping to refresh the entire energy of your relationships to keep them smooth and directed.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T be overly frugal to the point of being cheap.
DO have cool energy and always be interested in the main fact of when.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO choose the most practical approach to anything needing a solution.
DON’T want and demand to be the center of attention.
DO feel vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

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