Energy of the Week for March 30-April 5, 2015: Resolution

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This week, you could trigger a chain of events for yourself by coming up with a resolution for the some of the most major circumstances you have going on in your life. Even if it is already good, some things could surely be better when you tighten up a bit and refocus on how you would really like everything to play out for you, especially if you need to rework something which seems difficult to keep going further. You can really make this happen with a single decision and it will open up a door toward a whole new place for your entire future. This will finally put that dynamic spring energy to really work for you. Do not let others mess up with what you believe in your heart you should do for yourself.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Since you create your own life both spiritually and physically, this week you can start a whole new process by coming up with a brand new resolution – one you have been needing for a while to re-energize your entire existence. Make it exciting so it truly uplifts you and gets you out of bed even before the sunrise. Make a firm connection with what you find to be so meaningful to you that you feel it has to be passed on no matter what. By spreading this zesty energy you simply cannot hold inside of you anymore, you will set your environment on fire by inspiring everyone to be more proactive than they ever expected to be.

DON’T have more projects going on in your life than you can handle.
DO get a second wind after midnight and continue to be very productive.
DON’T be locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO love balance and harmony achieved by synchronizing and coordinating.
DON’T think there is only your way of doing something.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO have tremendous patience and concern for others.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
What would it take for you to become more motivated and willing to do just about anything to bring your desires to life in your service to others? Excuses disable your ability to do what you want. You may think it will take more than what you have at your disposal, but the opposite is true. You always have plenty of everything and especially enough of what you have locked deep inside of you. Actually, you already have a direct access to what the entire universe holds for you and your inner guidance/spiritual helpers are always ready and willing to come and help you fulfill a genuine request when you firmly trust it is meant to happen for you. If you doubt yourself, your guidance may not feel as if you are committed to your own case enough and are not convinced to back you so the energy otherwise meant for you may simply dissipate away. This should motivate you to set up your resolution in a way to put your life on a course of action so it flows in the right direction. When you give yourself the most you can create, you are in shape to become an example for the rest of the world and your work will be a true showcase of what is possible to achieve.

DON’T be a space cadet who can end up in la-la-land.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO be punctual and keep tabs on the timing of everything you are involved in.
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing the project out there too soon.
DO be a natural leader who inspires others to follow you.
DON’T feel insecure and become dependent on your loved ones.
DO trust what you feel first and get a thought for your feeling to make decisions.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Making a resolution together with the people you share your life with will be necessary for things to continue to develop in the right way for all of you. This will create a closer bond in order to help each other in key mutual areas and strengthen your energies together. Be prepared to become more understanding and compassionate so you can open up even more to inspire others to make a plan for their own life and listen to what you truly want for yourself as you will theirs. Do it together and it will be extremely rewarding.

DON’T trust in the potential of others so much you give them too much credit.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T over-do: over-prepare, over-present, over-decorate to prove yourself.
DO accept yourself and others just the way you are and not play a blame game.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO clearly discern between your own energy and what does not belong to you.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO feel vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 23-29, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Being LOVING should come naturally to you this whole week unless you are wrapped too much in some heaviness you have allowed to take over. Taking a look inside will help to check with your true inner radar how well you feel about everything and how you are making things happen for you despite whatever else others purport around you. Do it right and you will love feeling both stable and warm and fuzzy all the way.

Monday, March 23, 2015: Prepare   
Prepare diligently for a very successful day when you organize your agenda well from the moment you open your eyes in the morning and spend your time purposefully with vigor.

Being possessive vs. freely sharing from the riches of your heart
Being late as things take longer than expected vs. being punctual
Being a one-person operation vs. lead others by delegating
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. discerning clearly

Tuesday, March 24, 2015: Synthesize
Today, the goal is very simple – to synthesize your to-do list with your mission in life so you can integrate what drives you into what you do and keep it all together.

Being a lazy couch potato and watching TV vs. interesting engagements
Dwelling on negative experiences and cannot release  vs. living in the now
Being overbearing and aggressive with others vs. treating others fairly
Filling your space with small trinkets vs. balancing your environment

Wednesday, March 25, 2015: Practical
Is it practical to spread your energy around and visit different places while you are going through your schedule and after your business? You are about to find out because some opportunities might come up to visit unplanned locations and you will have to make a choice as to how to go about it. Whichever way you end up choosing, keep it simple and it will work.

A fence-sitter having a hard time with decisions vs. simplifying with facts
Being too picky then being disappointed vs. sticking with the original idea  
Undermining people or putting them down vs. respecting others as yourself
Demanding to be the center of attention vs. playing an active role

Thursday, March 26, 2015: Wonderment   
Not too many things feel as if they are brand new, but today has the power to leave you in awe as it unfolds the wonderment of surprising you when you least expect it. Maybe the world will look fresh and different because you had changed yourself a bit and are now looking at it with a wiser set of eyes.

Being possessive vs. helping others stand their ground confidently and free
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. affording high quality
Having difficulty sharing about your personal life vs. expressing securely
Giving people gifts so they like you vs. winning others over genuinely

Friday, March 27, 2015: Exercise  
Any minor faux pas can be foregone much easier if you take it as an exercise in keeping yourself focused and sharp. Life has its own strange way to train you to get better and handle with ease its ups and downs so you can grow and become more laid back.

Indulging in sleep in order to escape vs. having fun making memories
Feeling dumb if cannot picture what others say vs. asking others intelligently
Getting discouraged when overwhelmed by negativity vs. staying determined
Throwing temper tantrums vs. sharing concerns immediately

Saturday, March 28, 2015: Indicate
Much like it is said you will know the day from its beginning, your attitude and mode when starting a project helps indicate your overall energy you will put into it as you go. When you are uplifted, upbeat and light-hearted you will direct the wholesome purpose of what you do in the best possible way exuding excitement and radiance. Make it work and do it great.

Rambling on with a captive audience vs. focusing on the topic at hand
Pretending all is alright with a smiley face vs. facing reality
Over thinking and not expressing your true feelings vs. sharing your heart
Becoming too chummy about your personal life vs. using discretion

Sunday, March 29, 2015: Elaborate

Can you elaborate on your plans without creating any additional pressure? Adding on one thing at a time to create a steady flow and be able to maintain your main direction is the way to go and not make unnecessary efforts. Let us know how it is going!

Making up things, exaggerating and believing them vs. basing truth on facts
Feeling either greater or lesser than vs. seeing everyone as equally unique
Compromising your standards when under pressure vs. having principles
Feeling insecure and depending on loved ones vs. taking full responsibility

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Prepare to synthesize your practical efforts with wonderment and exercise how to indicate any elaborate ideas that need to be compacted to pursue with ease.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

No elaborate plans can indicate how you exercise your sense of wonderment to remain practical as you synthesize your efforts to prepare and manifest your purpose.

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Energy of the Week for March 23-29, 2015: Loving

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

All the energy that flows through you is truly loving. When you give into negativity, you slow it down, stagnate it or even totally separate yourself from it. This causes you to experience discomfort and could even manifest temporary impairment on a physical level such as being misdirected or slowed down, undecided or even confused. It may be difficult to render a decision or feel as if you do not know what to do. This will easily throw a monkey wrench in your whole business. Let’s go through each area of your life and find some key ways to stay loving for yourself first so you can spread it through your environment and have a great time feeling very happy indeed.     

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Have you ever felt as if you were lacking something inside of yourself? If nothing comes to mind immediately, you may not have too many unresolved issues. But if you think of a couple of major things that really bother you, it may become necessary to find a better strategy to release yourself from the burden they are causing you. First of all, do not judge yourself too harshly as these concepts are not yours to begin with. They usually belong to your parents or whoever raised you that you inherited. Start keeping yourself to a higher standard and rise above the trivia you experienced growing up. You especially need to remain loving toward yourself and others when you are wanting to improve yourself so you are more strengthened. Think clearly and stand solid and tall on your own two feet. If  you ever come from a premise of disdain and insecurity, you are not only jeopardizing your own happiness, you are setting yourself up for a certain amount of anguish in the process. Sooner or later, this could cause you to boil over in anger. You may even resort to blaming others in your environment. It is important to create your own life and avoid putting yourself in the hot soup each and every time. Find the courage to face all of this in a loving way. Then, instead of getting worked up for something someone else did, you can stay on top and do your own thing in the right way for yourself. This is the only thing you are responsible for.

DON’T be possessive.
DO know that you know even if you do not know how you know.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and cannot release them.
DO have a photographic mind, easily memorize and reproduce what you see.
DON’T order others around by telling them what to do.
DO have very few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your identity.
DO give freely out of benevolence without expecting anything in return.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
Since all business needs to be practical, it is not always so easily realized how much the loving touch is needed in what you do. First of all, if you do not do what you do because you love it, your offerings will lack the magic touch it takes to win people over for good. Secondly, any true caring or concern can only come from the real kindness and genuine warmth you carry within yourself. As a result, you need to be in a very positive human mode when you wear your business hat in order to always connect with your customers or patrons. This way, you can create a lasting bond which you can build upon by offering an inspired and purposeful service for both you and them exceptionally well for years to come.

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO  have prophetic dreams that come true.
DON’T think you are dumb if you cannot picture what others are saying.
DO have cool energy and always be interested in the when.
DON’T be insensitive and not care about other people feelings.
DO receive inspiration as a running conversation in your mind.
DON’T complain or play dumb to make others feel guilty to cater to you.
DO realize you can have an opinion of others opinions to not feel bad.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Do you ever feel that simply being loving is not enough to have a smooth relationship with your loved ones? The key is to be persistently and consistently loving – all the way. Have the clarity that all they need is to be set free and not imposed upon. You cannot make anyone do what you want and they do not need to be doing it only for you to begin with. It is important for them to be loyal to themselves first. Inverted motives or insincere gestures will only go so far. Even if they display some incidental schitzy behavior on occasion, once the dust settles, go by who the person really is inside and what they are truly about. The key word is patience. If you can be a good example and remain relaxed, you should be able to think much more clearly. When everyone does what is best for them based on freedom and mutual respect, this will naturally create a common space that should work for the both of you. This will also create a true and long lasting connection to enhance your experience in all of your personal, business and social relationships.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience them.
DON’T over think to the point where you cannot express your true feelings.
DO be a good judge of people who can easily size them up on-the-spot.
DON’T indulge in food, etc. as a way of avoiding your emotions.
DO easily open up and share warmly and sincerely from the heart.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 16-22, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

A marvelous and MAGNIFICENT time is awaiting so you can be more true to yourself and make the right choices in order to keep you directed and simplify everything you need to do. Do not waste any energy whatsoever this week. Enjoy fewer things, but with more quality and extra time to appreciate how great your life really is (Hint: March, April & May are the Clairaudient/Red Sense of Hearing months).

Monday, March 16, 2015: Action 
Since you will be in an action mode right from the get-go this morning, you will be able to accomplish many times over what you normally think possible today.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. getting to the bottom line
Feeling dumb if cannot picture what others say vs. working with total facts
Becoming an alcoholic to suppress emotions vs. freely expressing feelings
Feeling sorry for others to save them vs. encouraging others to be strong

Tuesday, March 17, 2015: Propose
Propose fresh ideas for the opportunities at hand and free up well-deserved time to enjoy yourself and nature. Employ all of your ongoing inspiration to not miss out on the fun and joy you are going to have as the day unfolds.

Getting bored easily and not finishing projects vs. completing the job 100%
Being a perfectionist vs. striving for the best and enjoying the beauty of reality
Being a one-person operation as it is easier vs. delegating to other people
Having no boundaries vs. realizing others problems are not yours

Wednesday, March 18, 2015: Fancy
Take a fancy to how you stand up for yourself and show your special side to the surprised few who are around you. There is a certain rare quality you possess which will shine much brighter when you are relaxed and comfortable in your own skin. Be a great example of standing your ground for the better in a dignified way.

Rambling on with a captive audience vs. being dynamic and to the point
Feeling very hurt and blaming others vs. healthily guarded to stay detached
Compromising standards when under pressure vs. stellar personal principles
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. focusing on key things

Thursday, March 19, 2015: Decide   
Whichever way you decide to go today will still remind you of the magnificent time ahead of you. It is all possible despite any not so desirable development which could take away from the joy you are setting yourself up for today. Just do not let anything interfere to ensure you are unwavering to any challenges and living with a full heart.

Fragmenting with unrelated comments vs. listening and focusing
Over-doing and over-preparing vs. matching input and output
Undermining or putting people down  vs. offering a constructive critique
Getting in the mud by not being detached vs. keeping clear with the facts

Friday, March 20, 2015: House   
Your own energy can easily be spread around you in a range approximately as thick and as dense as if you were in your own house – completely buffered and protected. This personal neutral space can remain totally pristine as long as you keep it cleansed and boosted from confusion and past acquired concepts. May your inner house be your castle from which to rule your own destiny and stay solid and secure within.

Indulging in sleep in order to escape vs. staying awake to have fun
Needing to look different to stand out vs. always being your own unique self
Overpowering others you feel are weaker vs. inspiring them to help out
Indulging in food to avoid emotions vs. being strong to face reality

Saturday, March 21, 2015: Lesson
Choose the path of least resistance by looking for the lesson in every step of your way so as soon as you clarify it you can move on free and uplifted in your own growth and perseverance.

Forgetting what you consider unimportant details vs. mind what is pointed out
Judging others based on appearance vs. checking them inside and out
One-person operation just doing it yourself vs. balance sharing responsibility
Living in the past or holding on to negativity vs. clearing the slate to start fresh

Sunday, March 22, 2015: Highlight

Take extra time to regroup on the highlight of your week because the deep-seated meaning of what took place over the last few days is just the beginning of something even more magnificent for you.

Being a mama or papa goose vs. directing your own inspiration by example
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what others say vs. asking for clarity
Difficulty opening up and sharing personally vs. being clear who you are
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. dignified humbleness in all cases

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Take action to propose a fancy deal to yourself when you decide it is time to build your inner house from every lesson you have learned as a highlight to your personal growth and development.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Highlight the lesson you chose for your inner house as you decide that a fancy way to propose positive action is to come up with a major solution for everything in your life.

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Energy of the Week for March 16-22, 2015: Magnificent

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life  

You are about to enter a cycle over the next few days which is going to be as magnificent as you would like it to be making a natural entry into the new spring. With a fresher energy, you can be thankful more than ever. Like clockwork, everything will fall into its rightful place and work meticulously for you as long as you are ready, willing and organized to take care of business in each and every way. Do not slouch around! Start focusing on the facts to keep things simplified and down to earth so your life will work even better than you ever imagined.  

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
What would a magnificent personal space and time be like for you? Stay cool, enjoy life and watch closely since you are about to find out. Can you shake off all of your troubles for a week? Can you let all the pressure you have been putting yourself under leave you for a while? You might think this is sweeping things under the carpet, but in reality it will show you there is seriously nothing to worry about because most of it will just fizzle out if left by the wayside. Sometimes over thinking and stressing disables your ability to get through things in a fresh and easy way. This week, know you can find great and simple solutions so you do not need to sweat the small stuff. Rather, make a bold plan for how to pursue what you want and do not limit yourself as to how far you can truly go. By staying upbeat and willing, you can embrace the new opportunities you create by making the right choices with dignity and personal satisfaction. When you please your soul by letting it soar free and embrace the high energy of your own actions, you will always have a great time and feel very happy indeed.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it you will destroy it.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T waste others time being long-winded and over explain the whole story.
DO realize there are no mistakes in life just stepping stones and opportunities.
DON’T over think to the point where you cannot express your true feelings.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T gossip about people when you feel wronged by them.
DO be solid and feel good about yourself so you do not take opinions personally.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
Your progress in what you do for a living can become a magnificent story this whole week if you justify your choices by making it easier for those you are being of service to. Is there a shortcut in the service you are offering? An expeditious version of sorts which can get them in and out of your door faster? The spring energy is fresh, new and moving very dynamically. So you can conform with it best if you craft a speedy and simple option which is easy on the budget everyone would love to go for. This will allow you to increase your volume and productivity to an all time high. With this approach, it will become customary for those working with you to be appreciated and fulfilled all at the same time. Plant good seeds and let the results sprout, stretch and grow on their own. Be swift and savvy in your dealings with everything that needs addressed and remember doing it fairly keeps both customers and entrepreneurs happy as they should be all the time.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T tend to miss opportunities by thinking you are imposing on others.
DO have great analytical skills and a keen sense to organize and color code.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO take only the most deserving people under your wing.
DON’T get impatient when your emotions take over.
DO be very considerate of others and care deeply for their well-being.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Write a magnificent story about yourself and your communication with others in a chapter of this book you are living in. Put in place something exemplary for everyone around you while keeping your busy life in check so you do not overdo anything. Have fewer things on your social schedule, but make sure you are taking quality time and make it interesting for all involved. Leave more time to relax and your will release any accumulated tension. For once in your life, experience a nicer and more solid bonding with those you care about based on making things simple such as taking in the wonderful moments this more positive atmosphere presents to you. Fullness in life comes from having a fullness in your heart. Feeling complete bliss in the tremendous beauty of realizing you have endless options puts everything at your fingertips so you can make your choices magnificent.

DON’T be a fence-sitter and have a hard time making a decision.
DO have a healthy curiosity for everything in life and enjoy variety.
DON’T need to look different in order to stand out in a crowd.
DO have a clear perspective where everyone and everything fits in your life.
DON’T get overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you.
DO have your own territory and respect others time, space and opinions.
DON’T want and demand to be the center of attention.
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 9-15, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

ACCELERATE yourself and your life naturally with ease and do not ever look back. You can move mountains when you focus your endless energy and power toward the goals at hand and make a difference as the whole world watches you in action.

Monday, March 9, 2015: Action 
Just think about all of the dynamic moments you are setting yourself up for with the heavy action packed schedule you are planning for yourself today. Wipe your forehead and go on. There are more places to see, people to greet, mountains to move and discoveries to make. Good for you!

Being a lazy couch potato who watches TV a lot vs. fully thriving in life
Too picky and disappointed with the choice made vs. confident simple choices
Pushing your way through without communicating first vs. being fair with tact
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism vs. taking responsibility

Tuesday, March 10, 2015: Sincere
You will either win or lose depending on whether you are truly sincere today and nothing can substitute for the truth about any situation. Facing it or not will most definitely help you out or work against you. Choose wisely and put yourself in the right position to accelerate yourself forward.

Scattered in your thinking and living in the future vs. focused and present
Locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. letting things be natural
Avoiding crowds and social events to hear yourself think vs. communicate
Ignoring the facts of what, when, where and why for the who vs. engaging

Wednesday, March 11, 2015: Creative
Smell and taste will help your deep inner knowing bring your creative spirit into play even more today. Go for anything you notice needs a better solution and let the inspiration show you just how a simple hunch can turn around any situation for the better.

Being a mama or papa goose telling others how to live vs. inspire by example
Cutting off people you do not like vs. communicating and coordinating
Fighting back fiercely when backed against a wall vs. show dignified strength
Indulging in food, etc. to avoid your emotions vs. expressing freely

Thursday, March 12, 2015: Solutions   
Take the things you are not too thrilled about and figure out better solutions for them so they do not have to bother you anymore. The principle do-it-yourself applies and you are the best person for the job because you picked up it is not as good as it could be. Go for it and let anything unfavorable turn into a pure miracle.

Being possessive vs. setting others free and letting them just be
Thinking you are dumb if cannot see what is said vs. have patience
Getting overwhelmed when others put pressure on you vs. feeling secure
Ignoring the facts of what, when, where and why for the who vs. detachment

Friday, March 13, 2015: Mark  
Mark your calendar. It is time to do something special for yourself by patting yourself on the back so you can be uplifted and fly straight up to your highest of desires.

Having jealous feelings if cannot have it will destroy it vs. learn to collaborate
Becoming mean when angry and calling others names vs. being sophisticated
Over thinking and not expressing your true feelings vs. inner security
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. coordinating overall

Saturday, March 14, 2015: Compassion
Experience compassion throughout the day  and awaken your own to come closer to the surface and become more sensitive to the calls for help from all directions. Encourage and inspire those in need to step up and dust themselves off so they can shake off anything that does not belong to them while moving on to a better life.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. facing the consequences
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. thrifty in a balanced way
Ordering others around by telling them what to do vs. leading by example
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. getting over it

Sunday, March 15, 2015: Desire

Realize your strongest desire in a heartbeat. Be your own wizard and pull a rabbit out of a hat so you can consciously release anything heavy that has had a grip on you and draw a line so it will always be detached from you. Make the impossible possible and carry on to harvest your momentum and allow it to carry you over to the next week ahead.

Getting bored easily and not finishing projects vs. see everything through
Feeling dumb if you cannot picture what others say vs. ask them to explain
Cutting off creativity by being too practical vs. inspiring solutions
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. staying cool

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Have fun in action with sincere and creative solutions to mark your compassion with a desire to build a great life for yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Desire more compassion and mark new solutions for creative and sincere action.

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Energy of the Week for March 9-15, 2015: Accelerate

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life  

Let the week accelerate the energy you were already able to propel in your favor last week while you continue to stay focused and determined to complete the key outstanding projects on your to do list. Have no quams about it and do not take no for an answer. You must finish what you have started in time for the upcoming spring, which is almost here knocking on your very door.  

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Use your natural excitement to multiply your inner power to plough through projects and errands like there is no tomorrow. Get it done! All of it. Without unnecessary doubts or uncertainty. You have as much backing as you need or ask for and you are not lacking in anything necessary for you to do what you have to do for yourself and accomplishing all of your goals. This will give you an opportunity to get over any concepts you may have from your first seven years that stimulate lower self-esteem or insecurity. Set your targets high and hit them with tremendous strength. Accelerate your energy and go after them hot and heavy so they are getting done in no time at all. Keep your momentum up-to-speed by fueling your entire agenda with inspiration so you have a sense of accomplishment in whatever outstanding areas of your life really need it. Your inner power can truly explode when you are in action and flow like a wild animal charging through their natural habitat. You will feel right at home since you are meant to live and thrive in high energy and great spirits. Have a blast!

DON’T indulge in too much sleep in order to escape.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T compare yourself with others and feel either greater or lesser than.
DO be a very cost-conscious money manager and an excellent bargain hunter.
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon.
DO be always interested in the main fact of “where” and have smooth energy.
DON’T want others to beg you to do something or kiss your ring for devotion.
DO be very compassionate but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
The key is to accelerate and move steadily ahead based on lasting principles in your business. Advancing too quickly may reap results temporarily, but will be short-lived and fizzle out fast – leaving you worse off than you were before. You are building for years to come, so think about the things time will not take away from what you have already put in place based on your own inner values and the criteria you have set up in everything you do. Keep the main thing the main thing, which is the pursuit of the ultimate satisfaction of your customers. Be real and keep it real with what you provide them. They will not come back if they know something is not quite right. Stay true to your own heart and portray it with all of your actions. Each result will be absolutely outstanding and worthwhile.

DON’T forget what you consider to be unimportant details or trivia.
DO have an inner knowing that everything is going to be okay.
DON’T be very competitive and need to win to be the best at all costs.
DO have great analytical skill, a keen sense to organize and love to color code.
DON’T be very secretive and go overboard protecting your privacy.
DO love challenges and like to be in charge of people and projects.
DON’T become too chummy and share every detail about your personal life.
DO easily open up and share warmly and sincerely from the heart.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Get together with those you appreciate the most in your environment and accelerate the relationship you have with them to a higher level. One of the biggest keys is to just have fun being together while doing something enjoyable and doing it with fuller hearts and a lighter energy. Boost up these relationships with some extra spice and allow them to continue to unfold naturally with ease. Jive with the joyous energy and dance in the rhythm of all of the happy experiences you are going to have. This will solidify your communication and help you open up to a greater depth and understanding with each other. Enjoy yourself and delight in this faster energy!

DON’T be scattered in your thinking and live in the future.
DO take time for yourself and take a break when you feel the need.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences you cannot release.
DO see the big picture with all of the steps in between.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO like your own territory and respect other people’s time, space and opinions.
DON’T throw temper tantrums if you do not get your way.
DO be very thorough and pay attention to all of the finest details.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 2-8, 2015

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

PROPEL your whole life in a new way when you activate your energy to be solid and vital all over again with re-inspired motives and a clarified action plan to move ahead steadily.

Monday, March 2, 2015: Listen    
Listen to yourself, to each other with those in your environment and to what is going on around planet Earth today. Take in some much needed clarification which you may have been missing on to improve how you have been approaching certain key areas in your everyday life. Come up with simple solutions and rejuvenate yourself by trying them out and witness how successfully they work for you.

Being a couch potato and watching TV a lot vs. doing interesting activities
Being late as everything takes longer than expected vs. being timely
Secretive and going overboard in protecting privacy vs. being secure inside
Sympathizing and wanting to save others vs. backing them to be strong

Tuesday, March 3, 2015: Resource
One thing leads to another. You can start this chain of events by using a key resource of your own, however limited you might think it may be and tapping into other resources available to you as well. The answer is to know that everything you need is always available somewhere and you can get to it easier and sooner if you work in your own favor and with positive intent toward the rest.

Meddling or sticking your head in others business vs. a healthy curiosity
Thinking you are dumb if cannot picture what others say vs. ask confidently
Being a control freak vs. show inner security and let others stand and shine
Investing too much in relationships and losing identity vs. be your own person

Wednesday, March 4, 2015: Match
You will be no match for the energy today unless you are springy, jumpy, light on your toes and swift in your moves. You need to just go, go, go and flow, flow, flow. Let anything negative slide to the side so you can focus on accomplishing your main objectives simply and productively. Relax with a well deserved rest after the tension is over and regroup the main wisdom you have learned out of the whole day.

Being scattered or living in the future vs. use hunches now to sense the future
Being too picky and disappointed with choices made vs. enjoy your choice
Too  guarded and not letting anyone in your space vs. 50-50 relationship
Wanting others to kiss your ring for devotion vs. be a genuine friend

Thursday, March 5, 2015: Anxious   
If you were not up to speed yesterday, you could become anxious as you may feel you are behind today. No worries as there is more than enough time to make things happen. Let the heaviness pass you by and clarify your real priorities to concentrate on. Knowing where you are and where you are headed will never let you feel lost.

Interrupting others with unrelated comments vs. listen carefully
Comparing with others and feeling greater or lesser than vs. feeling unique
Building fortresses or empires in order to feel important vs. having integrity
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. use past wisdom

Friday, March 6, 2015: Amazing   
Start the day from the beginning with something amazing which will leave you feeling happy and excited throughout – from A to Z – and keep it up every hour of the day to remind yourself of the real reason you are doing what you are doing.

Getting on a glory trip and being a guru vs. giving everyone opportunity
Being shy to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. facing the circumstances
Getting impatient with less organized minds vs. helping others by example
Indulging in food as a way of avoiding emotions vs. being strong with the facts

Saturday, March 7, 2015: A Situation Will Happen That Will Make You Very, Very Happy
Treat this day in a special way since it will bring you the feeling everything is going to be just right with all the important things in your life. Most of all, a situation will happen that will make you very, very happy and you can harbor this incredible energy to last you a very, very long while. Make a note or create a picture so you can memorize how easy it is to get uplifted to Cloud Nine.

Being possessive vs. encouraging and inspiring others to have a free choice
Feeling very hurt and in turn blaming others vs. face your own circumstances
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. help direct them and lead by example
Wanting old rules or experiences to apply in the present vs. enjoy life now

Sunday, March 8, 2015: Act

If you act in good faith, you will get rewarded abundantly before the sun sets for the day. This is why you may get lazy and be tempted to veer off and do something off-kilter instead, but it will not favor you. Think twice and be wise with anything you choose and decide to pursue.

Having jealous feelings if cannot have it will destroy it vs. living with integrity
Missing opportunities so not to impose on others vs. speak up for your desires
Only one way to do something – your way vs. freely suggest but not push
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. discern your top priorities

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Listen to your best resource inside to match the strength you attract on the outside and avoid being anxious so you can remain totally amazing knowing a situation will happen that will make you very, very happy and help you act super powerfully.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Act with passion when a situation will happen that will make you very, very happy so you can have an amazing time without an anxious experience, but match a great resource coming your way to always listen to the inspiration within.

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Energy of the Week for March 2-8, 2015: Propel

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Much like little seeds need to germinate before they open up for sprouting and growth in the coming spring, it is time for you to activate your energy in order to propel it forward and upward as you move ahead with zeal and inspiration. Remind yourself of all the things worth living and breathing for and let your incentive bring out the best of your own excitement under your wing to carry you through the next few days. Just like in an enchanted fairy-tale story, you can live happily ever after as you manage to embrace your life to the fullest with all of its ups and downs.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
With your own positive wizard-like powers, you can self-propel the best of the best to happen for you from the inside out. Yes, you can create the necessary conditions for things to open up and fall in their rightful places starting with how you need and appreciate, desire and invite them to come to you with natural ease. The universe is looking out for you and its opportunity is to serve you even more with everything it has in its vast possession. But you have to be ready to take it. All you need to do is feel deserving of your utmost dreams to manifest your boldest of ideas. There is nothing impossible when you activate the chain of events where things actually propel each other from one thing to the next and back. As long as you are solid and dependable, this will assure you will be able to take on whatever you have to do to further your personal cause. Then, it is only a matter of staying tuned in to not miss all of the opportunities and inspiration coming to you. Have a blast!

DON’T be a space cadet who can end up in la-la-land.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO be punctual and keep tabs on the timing of everything you are involved in.
DON’T be insensitive and not care about other people’s feelings.
DO understand how to keep your personal, business and social separate.
DON’T be sorry for others, sympathize and want to save them from troubles.
DO realize you can have an opinion of others opinion so you do not feel bad.

How this energy affects you in your business life:  
Who would not want to propel their business venture with fresh backing in a more productive way? How can you make this happen for you? Rallying some extra support will be key and redirecting your general operations more toward fulfilling customer requests, rather than achieving your quota numbers and projections. Something has to give first before you get what you wish and expect as long as you have diligence and an overall genuine concern. Because it is all about service, it is about them and making them happy with what they are getting from you. Let your business be a customer-is-always-right organization and you will notice how the entire flow shifts to those you are offering your service and products to and making them front and center. They are the ones driving all sales and the energy which comes from them to you. This newly solidified loyalty will back you to the hilt and any time you have any expansion plans, they know they will be the first to benefit even more in the process. So you can feel comfortable in announcing all of your goals and count on them to rally again and again to help you achieve them.

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it you will destroy it.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO be always inspired to achieve your personal best and give it your all.
DON’T be an alcoholic or drug user if you want to suppress your emotions.
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T feel insecure and become dependent on your loved ones.
DO feel vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Imagine yourself in a paddle boat in the water with a friend by your side. In order to move it, you both need to pedal to propel the boat forward. If only one of you does it, it will be very straining. When both of you do it at the same time, especially in synchronicity, then it is much easier. The same goes with anything you do with anyone in life – from the smallest to the biggest. If you really think about it, there is no social life without teamwork, because there is always at least two in any relationship and each one has to own up to doing their part for the whole in order for it to advance. You may want to talk about it openly to make sure you are on the same page and coordinate on what each person will contribute. Enjoy this newly re-established 50-50 balance, just right for everyone involved. What a happy social life this will be!

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot.
DO know that you know that you know even if you do not know how you know.
DON’T be overly concerned with your appearance.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience and see them.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO help people with the key facts (what, when where and why) of their options.
DON’T live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO love to work with your hands and be detail-oriented.

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The Energy of the Month for March is CONSOLIDATE

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Take all of your plans, ideas and goals and over the next month consolidate them into a power-punch master drill you are going to execute and use to secure and put in place all of the things you need in order to make a giant leap forward. The only condition for you to succeed is to be sincere and work from an attitude of good will. If you have a warped motive to take advantage of people, you will not only be stopped dead in your tracks, but you will actually be set back in time. This is because the energy is very clear and solid and, by necessity, it will weed out anything destructive that does not belong which takes away from the overall flow moving through planet Earth.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Come clean within yourself. The energy will be perfect for looking inside of yourself with a big magnifying glass. If you are being driven by some impure desire, such as greed or malice, it will be revealed and brought out into the open. This is an energy of spring cleaning and if there is anything not clear, your inner intentions will end up being clarified and set straight. This will give you a second chance to remedy what you can as long as you are not set in staying unclear about what you are doing to yourself and others. Think about the good this will do for you. You can resume your life in an entirely new way and consolidate your energy into a compact and magnified power once you drop the inefficient and unwarranted flaws you may have learned in your first cycle of life – 0-7. It is more than okay to own up to anything you may have done you are not proud of. This is one of the biggest signs of personal growth and expansion. Further, you can do something extra nice to repair the damage and restore as much as possible whatever negativity your actions may have created. This whole process will most likely unfold in the following steps throughout the month. One, you will warm up to the idea of revisiting what you may have done from before which was not entirely on the up and up. Two, you will not feel put off by doing so. It will actually give you wings to continue cleansing the energy by reaching out and sharing about it openly. Third and finally, you will eagerly entertain how you can reinstate your own inner integrity and exude once again the missing trustworthiness you most deservedly possess. All of your actions should be taken more seriously now – so feel, think and act to bring yourself to the highest place you have ever been for yourself so far in this lifetime!

DON’T lose your initiative when you get too comfortable.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T take a tragic view of life and make everything into a big deal.
DO have a photographic mind and easily memorize and reproduce what you see.
DON’T be insensitive and not care about other people’s feelings.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T go into an emotional rage if you feel others do not understand you.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you if they need a healing.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
The energy of how we are being of service will be revealed or exposed and brought out more in the open over the next four weeks. In the business sense, this may affect how even the largest and strongest companies perform. You may want to watch how the general public will demand clarity in all areas and there may even be boycotting of certain products or services in order to influence the business owners to discontinue taking advantage or putting consumers in an unfavorable position. In other words, ways will be found to make people with important positions face their own actions and be strongly urged to make bigger changes. As a result, you will become even more aware so you produce your own products and services and consolidate in a genuine and helpful way to accommodate the demand without attracting any unhappy responses or dissatisfaction. In short, if you are on the up and up, everything will work for you. Make a diligent effort and you will reap the benefits by spreading your own benevolence worldwide.

DON’T wear yourself too thin and become a workaholic.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T be locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience and see them.
DON’T over think to the point where you cannot express your true feelings.
DO be a natural leader who inspires others to follow you.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of small trinkets.
DO stay detached by recognizing other people’s problems are not your own.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
It is important to continue to detach from any hardships those in your environment may have been experiencing lately. This does not mean for you to not to be sympathetic or be of help to them. Just do not pile up their burdens on yourself. You can be the most efficient by being supportive and offering suggestions while staying on the outside of any unpleasant mess someone else has gotten themselves into. Create safeguards for yourself and take preventive measures for things to not get out of hand. In addition to turning you into an invaluable example, this will also compact and consolidate the energy all of you are experiencing by keeping it flowing where it needs to go as opposed to it scattering around the edges and skipping around. Once you are in the right frame of mind, letting things go in their right direction will be easier than you ever thought. Share with us the times you have inspired others with your real magnificent power to influence and encourage them.

DON’T get on a glory trip or want to be a guru.
DO have a healthy curiosity for everything in life and enjoy variety.
DON’T be very traditional or even dogmatic.
DO love reading books because it is like a movie going on in your mind.
DON’T think there is only one way to do something – your way.
DO take only the most deserving people under your wing.
DON’T feel insecure and become dependent on your loved ones.
DO realize you can have an opinion of other’s opinions so you do not feel bad.

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