The Energy of the Month for December is WRAP UP

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This is a great time to finalize some key business ideas and social endeavors while gaining more inner joy in the pursuit of excellence. As you wrap up this calendar year, you will store a lot of incredible memories into your spiritual bank account. To sort it all out really well, remind yourself of all the best of times you have had and how you managed to elevate yourself above any not-so-positive trivia trying to intervene in your twelve months of making things happen. Clarifying the facts of what you have experienced on a deeper level always opens a window to the world for you so you can see how every single interaction and connection shines a light on why you came to planet Earth to begin with.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
In order for you to work in compact units, always make sure you have finished the personal journey you started at the beginning of the year. You can draw a lot of inspiration and learn from what you have accomplished and the good deeds you have done. Then, you will be able to set fresh, brand new personal goals since you are better than you were just a short year ago in so many ways. Decide to compromise less and be even more diligent in getting things done. Finally, adopt the well-known rule of helping yourself first in order for the whole universe to support and back you in return. By the way, having control over your own destiny never felt so sweet. Exercise it fully and wrap up the entire year with true success by staying tuned in with high concern and a special caring about all things. This will link you naturally to your whole environment and the arena you are performing in. Make good on all you have accomplished and everything you plan for the future will fall into place automatically.

DON’T have more projects going on in your life than you can handle right now.
DO express everything you know from your own experience freely and openly.
DON’T be late for appointments because things take longer than you think.
DO have sunny personality and disposition to brighten up the whole room.
DON’T become overprotective of projects and people.
DO have a few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T have trouble setting boundaries or mix up in other people’s problems.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy all people and give everyone hugs!

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Stay organized so your business can wrap up smoothly at the end of the calendar year. Make sure every day gives you an opportunity to do something more to help alleviate any possible pressure coming from unmet deadlines or overly high anticipation. Allow for the natural flow of things to take all of your most important projects exactly where they need to be for the rest of the year. This will help you cross the threshold into the New Year with much more energy and readiness to make everything even more productive and you will achieve a lot more as long as you have an effective system to go by.

DON’T be a fence-sitter or have a hard time making decisions.
DO express everything you know from your own experience freely and openly.
DON’T be so competitive or need to win to be the best at all costs.
DO accept yourself and other people without playing a blame game.
DON’T push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO love challenges and enjoy being in charge of people and projects.
DON’T get overwhelmed and drop the ball or give up easily.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy all people and give everyone hugs!

How this energy affects you in your social life:
The key in your social life this whole month is to have no loose ends. If there are any left in your life, you need to clearly tie them up and clear the air from anything hanging or taking away from the beautiful holiday spirit going on all around you. Do not leave anything not clarified between you and those you really care about. Any extra effort you take will be well worth it. When you are emotionally invested in something outside of yourself, it literally makes a dent in your soul. You need to repair it. So many times you suffer from false impressions because you did not communicate and were silent, allowing the situation to create ghosts around the whole experience. It could be you thought everything was too complicated. But it never really is as long as you put both sides in a position to speak out and lay it all out what they have been experiencing on the inside. In the healing process of self-expression and outflow even the greatest difficulties can be made to become crystal clear and simple to handle. With a renewed connection with others, you will feel like you are a much stronger you.

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO bring it out in the open and communicate when something can be improved.
DON’T push your way through projects and situations without communicating.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T complain or play dumb to make others feel  guilty so they cater to you.
DO always share what you feel is the truth because you cannot tell a lie.

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Winter is the Clairvoyant Season for Higher Standards

Every three months, the energy changes again within the new spiritual year and coincides with each one of the spiritual gifts or color senses. By understanding this energy and how it affects our lives, we will be better off and be able to deal with life’s pressures and opportunities without an emotional reaction.

During the months of December through February, the Clairvoyant (Color Sense of Yellow) Gift takes over and the focus now is on having higher standards – no matter where this gift appears in your own personal order. Seeing this can help you upgrade yourself personally, in your work environment and socially. If you have been allowing other people to lower your own personal standards, you need to step back and re-examine what caused you to degrade what you need to do for yourself.

The key to having a happy life is to be loyal to yourself first in every aspect of your personal, business and social life. By upgrading your own standards, this will force others around you to raise theirs as well. The easy way to do this is by looking at everything in compact units. Define each unit and ask yourself what you need to do to refine what you are doing in each area. This way, you will not feel overwhelmed or confused as to where to start. Begin with your highest priority area. Then, hit the next one and so on.

You may be amazed as to what you have been accepting in your life once you define what standards belong to you and which ones you may have picked up from your parents or whoever raised you. Your feelings actually tell you what to do. The only problem we run into is when our intellect takes over and starts to give ourselves excuses for what we do not need. Start looking at what pictures are playing out in your mind and what this is doing to you. Did they come from your mother or father or society in general? Or are these inner visions telling you what you can do to rise above what you have been taught and start a brand new outlook on life?

Not only will you be more fulfilled over the next few months, but this will set the stage for you to leap forward into the Spring months where the clairaudient gift (color sense of red) moves in to make you pay attention to the facts of what makes the whole system work – for you and for everyone else.

So now is your time to take hold of your own destiny and release any concepts of compromise in doing what you have come to do. Relax, do not judge yourself and go for the gusto!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 24-30, 2014

CONCENTRATE all of your loving energy on the key areas of your life and let your focus determine how much more will happen for you, your family and everyone else in your immediate environment.

Monday, November 24, 2014: Flexible
A flexible and sunny Monday morning with a hint of minty subtle dynamics followed by a spicy cinnamon development afternoon will lead to a quiet sweet gingery evening and create a very powerful infusion into your entire week to come. Give into the variety of it all!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014: Surround
This week, among other things, is definitely helping you to surround yourself with more genuine and sincere energy all around. When you discern what is really happening, remember that those who respond generally well and are positive toward you may not be as good as they make themselves out to be, while those who are perhaps more stern and not so disposed to you are likely better than the appearance they may have given you in the past. This will help you not get fooled by anyone and know how to better size them up rather quickly.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014: Perfect
Nothing is more welcome than a perfect middle of the week to keep you balanced, patient and strong until the weekend. To achieve this, you may need to see the consequences of your actions before you undertake them so you get solid in your personal strategy and not fall into any traps along the way.

Thursday, November 27, 2014: Take It Easy!
This Thursday feels like the weekend making you take it easy! and relax early and on into the evening. You deserve it. Draw an imaginary line between the early dynamics of the week and its short finish so you can end it with a very clear and determined energy. Target being in a great mode for everything to happen just right and manifest in a special way for you. Happy Thanksgiving, USA!

Friday, November 28, 2014: Bubble
If there was ever a bubble of bullet-proof quality and proportions you could be super safe and sound in today, you will feel it! Exquisite purity and clarity all around you will surely keep you in the best mood you have enjoyed for a long time. Allow the best of you to send us a quick and cheerful note. Ole!

Saturday, November 29, 2014: Resonate
When you carry on this positive attitude, you will resonate strongly with nature’s flow to restore, soothe and repair anything affected, even the worst of energetic damage you may have done to yourself. Renewed and soaring again, you will come up with more inspiring ways to accomplish your goals than ever before.

Sunday, November 30, 2014: Determined

Not that it will take you long to do, redo and repeat what you have done already, but today will bring this uncanny sense of never ending work or chores. You may want to stay really determined to complete your agenda for the day even if you delay retiring at the end of it. Allow yourself to experience a peaceful Personal Cleansing Technique. This will help you switch gears and get back on the right track with every twist and turn your life has decided to make. A much newer you will look back at you from the mirror before you go to bed. Just another minor miracle.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Flexible and tolerant, you can successfully surround yourself with a perfect take it easy! in a strong bubble you know will not burst but instead resonate with your own determined way to keep all things together.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be determined to resonate with the true energy locked in a bubble that helps you take it easy! in a perfect way to surround yourself with the best flexible circumstances you can have.

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Energy of the Week for November 24-30, 2014: Concentrate

Any time you need a little push over the hump, you can help yourself by making your energy intensify, become dense and stronger while you concentrate all your efforts toward the goal you are pursuing. A clear focus could multiply your own power a few times over and with a bit more spiritual muscle behind it, you can surely get just the nudge you need to get over to the other side of any obstacle you may be facing.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Helping yourself is probably the most spiritually responsible thing you can do. First of all, you are the one who can instantly recognize when you need a little extra hand. Second of all, you know exactly what it is about since you live in your own skin and are ultimately familiar with what you are going through. What is left is to craft a tactic to give yourself what you need therefore eliminating the need to wait for someone else from the outside. Even though the latter option is possible, you may need to wait for it and it is not guaranteed to come exactly when you need or want it. Always being at the mercy of others could make you feel dependent and this is not the most secure feeling to have inside. You are better off not putting yourself in this position. Instead, decide you are going to pull more power from inside through inspiration from the whole universe and get help from the best there is – divine guidance. The best part about this approach is that it is always there for you, uniquely designed and personally molded to fit your particular situation every time. All you have to do is tap into it by tuning in so you can concentrate on precisely how to act in your very own best interest. You will know the solution when you pick it up because it will feel just right – light and easy. It will feel like a gentle breeze caused by directing the flow of your overall energy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:   
To concentrate successfully in your business this week, you need to separate the difference between everything that is happening around you with the things that are primarily based on their natural unfoldment and ultimate fruition. Define which projects can carve out the path you need to be following now which will lead the way for all the rest of your endeavors. Make them your first priority so you can focus the most attention on these key areas over the next few days. Do not be tempted to get distracted with anything else. The rest will fall into place and be fine as long as you are fueling the main driver to it all. Ask yourself what would create an extra spark in the areas you are focused on the most. You do not have to save your energy and efforts to do whatever is necessary and then some and you cannot give this too much attention. If you live and breathe it, then you will have given it your all and have made your energy become an inseparable part of it. With full concentration, you will intensify and boost your business savvy while achieving your best results at the same time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You need to find the magical touch it will take to concentrate on the positive qualities of everyone around you this week. You can put them in three categories: close, intermediate and far. Then, address each group with much more attention than you have in the past so you can give energy to all of your relationships. What you discover could be staggering: all of the details about these people you never distinguished before are hiding in plain sight. This will help you get to know everyone better and more closely than you ever thought possible. Some could become your true cronies as you come to appreciate who they really are by spending more time with them. You will find out there is more of you to go around than you ever imagined. This is because when you concentrate on your environment with the sole idea to accept people, you will extend your personal energy to a new height and breadth so that you can now reach up to a much higher standard for yourself and others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 17-23, 2014

It is important to CONNECT with the energies of others you are meant to cross paths with this whole week. This will happen as long as you are thoughtful and recognize how much you truly have in common with all human beings walking, breathing and living life on planet Earth. Apply your principles across the board to find a new and more fair inner standard to follow in your own life – for the better.

Monday, November 17, 2014: Passion
There is something about the theme of this week that will stimulate your passion as a fellow human being to be nice and compassionate to others. You might find yourself making a gesture you did not expect you were capable of. This is to show you that you are better than the best of yourself anytime you can leave your own skin and look at the whole world from a slightly different and detached point-of-view. You will find yourself in the greatest position to be in – with a bigger and better heart than ever.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014: Timing

The right timing with the right things to do for yourself and others will never cease to amaze you today. This is because it will happen all day long. One thing after another will gently touch your soul – helping you realize how much you really care even when you thought you did not. You will discover all over again how warm blooded a being you are and at the end of any day, your heart simply cannot remain cold toward anything forever. The ice will break and melt somewhere between your tearing up and smiling all at the same time by feeling whole hearted about something which truly moves you deeply inside. A warmer you is going to warm the whole world just a little more and make all the difference there is to be made. You will watch this happen for many others as a result.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014: Large  
You may be only one human being on a planet with seven and a half billion others, but today – more than ever – you will witness for yourself that the deeper you dig inside for deep-rooted inspiration, the more at large your entire influence will spread. It may cause you to want to reach far out to all others and just give of yourself and your endless wisdom you have been bottling up and maturing like an old wine inside. You may find out today, it is now ready to go and spread to the outside world to enrich anyone who is needing a bit of encouragement for any situation similar to those you have already been through yourself. Empty it all out to make room for more so it can fill up again – and your own flow will flourish immensely.

Thursday, November 20, 2014: Substantial
You will experience a more substantial non-tangible reward within when circumstances switch around for the better for you. Being grateful for what is coming your way is an undeniable part of bringing yourself up to a whole new level where you embrace your own experiences with open arms to learn faster and graduate sooner with flying colors.

Friday, November 21, 2014: Notice
By now, this week will be drawing you into its energy by helping you renew a stronger connect with everything happening presently in your life. You will notice the difference this is making because of how you make all of your decisions a little differently from what you would have done previously. Let us in on the biggest change this has already made for you.

Saturday, November 22, 2014: Insist  
The determination of someone when they simply insist on your responding to them will be overwhelming. Luckily you are already learning so much how to be in a harmonious connect with them as if they were another you, so it will be much easier to discern the right way to go and move forward.

Sunday, November 23, 2014: Germinate

When kids in school learn to germinate small insignificant seeds by putting them in the right moist condition with sunlight, they help activate the intricate inner power locked in. It is designed to unfold and unleash itself to grow into a mighty gigantic tree. Today, using this as an example, you can release from within the natural DNA you are gifted with as your birthright to expand your own energy to an incredible size surpassing your own imagination. As long as you provide the simple conditions you need for doing so – unconditional love for yourself and others and an everlasting desire to improve and grow bigger and better in every passing moment.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With passion and in the right timing, you can give a large and substantial notice to the whole world that you insist on finding a way to germinate and change into an improved you every single day for the rest of your life and then some.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Can you germinate an idea and then insist to make it work by putting the rest of the world on notice to make a substantial and large change for the better in the right timing infused with passion for everyone?

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Energy of the Week for November 17-23, 2014: Connect

By the virtue of being in your own community, you already connect to the entire energy of its environment and you are a part of the relationships in it – as well as everything else going on in the whole world. If you decide on a conscious level you do not care about what is taking place or how your behavior affects others, you will be shutting yourself out of a very significant sensitivity about people. How can you make yourself attuned to being in the right position for yourself and not take away by being overbearing on others? This is very important because if you are not in tune with what is going on around you, your own balance will be tipped – leaving you energetically hanging over a cliff. In this situation, you cannot establish an inner equilibrium and it leads to not feeling well spiritually. If you are experiencing this, do not be overly concerned. Just take charge and open your eyes and heart to being more aware of your role so you can have a more fair exchange.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

How you connect with others has to do with your inner platform and the standard of care you have established for yourself. You do not need to give to others anything they do not deserve. At the same time, it is not right to take more from anything not meant for you just because you may be in a position to do as you wish. This is about your side of the clear and straightforward 50-50 relationship you want to have with everyone you are connected with on some level or another. Since it is the one thing you are fully responsible for, it is up to you to take care of your end of the deal fairly and squarely. So, the question is: how much do you decide to give or demand and what does it depend on? The easiest and best way to imagine what the scale looks like is to picture yourself on both ends of it. See this connect between you (on your end) and again you (on their end) as if they were not there. Your own double is a part of this equation on the other end. Ask yourself: what would it take to keep you happy on your side and what would it take to be happy on the other side? The purpose of picturing yourself in both places is so you can  imagine yourself being someone else. Since you are the most sensitive to your own feelings and emotions, this simple and painless exercise will very quickly help you understand how to create the true solution to meet the needs and satisfy both parties. You will definitely be breathing easier once you have had success realizing this basic truth – treat others as you treat yourself. This is actually the key to graduating from planet Earth. Now you can feel comfortable and confident you know how to proceed and do it right one hundred percent. Be empowered by it being right for everyone else, too.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Have you noticed any business relationships you are a part of being more one-sided than not? You may notice this does not feel right. There is something about it that may be off. Have you ever felt a company was mishandling your account? Perhaps because they had an edge and a monopoly over providing you services and you had no better alternatives? When you cringed inside from how they performed, have you ever asked yourself how could they not know what they were doing to their patrons? They could if they were more tuned in! But apparently, they were not. Instead of a mutually beneficial connect with them, there is a lopsided disconnect while they take advantage of the situation you are in. Alternatively, have you ever been on the other side? Are there others who depend on you treating them more fairly? Has anyone really needed what you had and you took advantage of them by making a better deal for yourself as there was no better avenue for them to get the service they needed? If so, you must have surely thought you were yielding a lot more in the process. Not every material gain is a spiritual one. This is why, in the situations described above, whoever takes advantage of the other cannot bring it about to become a true benefit. This is why you could lose by just piling up more material things than you ever would from having a real connect with others by simply being more fair. This week, it is very important to do your part and speak up to those who need to hear it. Be proactive for yourself. Bring a bit more justice to every business connect you are a vital part of and you will be more spiritually and materially abundant than you ever thought possible.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Starting with the clarity derived from your personal life above, you can play just as much an active role in your social life this whole week. If you have ever looked around at the folks you see day in and day out in your own life and wondered who they really are, this time look at them as just another you needing and wishing for much of the same things you are. This is because people are no different than you. We all strive for the same good and righteous life we all want to live. We do the best we know how and are willing to improve and do better as long as we know how. If you see another you in the shoes of someone you care about, you will get a better idea of exactly what they may be going through. The you and the other you will all of a sudden have so much more in common and be able to rely on each other more than you did before. No matter what transpires, remember to use this mechanism to have a closer connect with everyone you encounter and you will not believe how powerful your experience will be. If you want to share with them how to do the same and you applied the same tactic at the same time, you will discover yet another level of bonding you did not know was possible before. Intertwine your energies to be more open and receptive to the fellow human being next to you – whatever their role may be in your life – and know you are vital to theirs just as much as they are to you. By the time you have enjoyed experimenting with it, you will see a whole planet inhabited by you and you and you and another you and so forth and so on to infinity. We hope this will make it a much better place. What can you learn from this?

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 10-16, 2014

Bring your whole life to a better place when you FOCUS on one thing at a time and do not worry about keeping up with the rat race. Choose quality over quantity and make sure you are well taken care of. You are guaranteed to have much more success once you are better off altogether.

Monday, November 10, 2014: Normal
Adopt a new and improved normal for the way you treat yourself and share it with others so you feel accountable. Whatever it is, you can indeed change for the better as long as you focus on the good it is doing you. Whether it is getting more organized, being more disciplined, getting more well deserved rest, eating better or having more regular outflow and free self-expression, you will yield greater results this whole week for yourself to show you just how really important it is to be loyal to yourself first. Then, you will also find yourself being able to give back much more to the entire world.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014: Suppose

You do not suppose any of the experiences you have encountered already this week are random, do you? Sometimes, the most obvious things are the hardest to discern and notice. You may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Try changing a few things around and make good notes as to how this affects your whole situation for the better. Then you will realize there is a rhyme and a reason for exactly how everything happens.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014: Linger
You probably feel even more dedicated to continue the positive change you have already initiated over the last few days. The important thing is not to let yourself linger, but to keep up the pace so you can continue on with the momentum you have created and let the consistency propel you even more.

Thursday, November 13, 2014: Terrific!
It might even feel as if you are at the end of the week since this Thursday will be so smooth and terrific! This is just how it should be when everything goes as it was meant. Acknowledge exactly what has worked well and what has not. This will help you have a better bearing on the effect each action has and its impact on your life, so this way, you know exactly how to continue the successful trend in the future and avoid those things that are not productive.

Friday, November 14, 2014: Plan
Nothing works better than a well designed and thought-out plan. If you cannot envision yourself achieving the goals you have set ahead of you, perhaps there needs to be a modification in place to help you have a solid picture to work with and move toward.

Saturday, November 15, 2014: Sublime
A totally sublime day from beginning to end is naturally possible if you have already caught the wave of the energy this week and are working with your intuition as it was meant to be. Reach within for that uncanny and stable feeling of you being in control and this will buffer and protect you from any negative influences trying to take your inner peace away.

Sunday, November 16, 2014: Retroactive

Not only will all of the above insights lead you to a pleasant way to end this week, they will leave you with a much needed reprieve from any other previously pending pressures you had been trying to work out and now you find have become clarified and settled in a retroactive way. This comes to show you that you can indeed fix almost anything if you eventually get on the right track and follow your own inner direction.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make a positive effort toward finding your new normal and suppose you will flow and not linger on a terrific! path with an ingenious plan of sublime nature to restore in a retroactive way anything needing fixing.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Bring out the retroactive effect your current sublime action plan has to make everything in your life terrific! without having to linger and suppose that things would not be naturally normal.

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Energy of the Week for November 10-16, 2014: Focus

Show the world your undivided ability to focus on one important task at a time and you will get a huge pay off this whole week. Life may become a juggling act between various things most of the time, but it will be really important not to bring any pressure from one into the rest. You can still give your full attention to one thing at a time and make it work well despite other things not panning out all at the same time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The key is to understand you will still be advancing as long as you are making progress with any of the multiple things you want to keep moving ahead. Instead of looking at the one thing which might not be going as great as you had hoped and letting it stall your entire flow, do exactly the opposite. Focus on the thing that is working as great as you want it to be and see how far you can help it thrust you forward. Then, move to the next great thing you are enjoying the most and do the same. Before you know it, the original frustrating thing which you were displeased with will not even matter anymore. Once you get yourself involved in the energy of whatever is going smoothly and right for you, you can easily get recharged and stabilized feeling good about your whole life. You can now stand much stronger in addressing whatever else may need more work to get you where you want to be. It is a simple trick that works every time and you do not have to stop applying it any time you need it to get you out of the shadows and back into the full light of thriving and soaring with your whole energy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
The primary focus of your business is to reshuffle the deck of cards you have been handed in the best way that works for you. You well know how incredibly important the position of every card is to get the results you want – no matter what. Once you pin down a direction you are going, you will most certainly lose sight of what is not working for you as you move forward. Although, putting blinders on in favor of what you have chosen to be your target and the beacon of light you want to pursue could be either good or bad depending on what your goal really is. For example, if you are thinking only about yourself and how much you can get for your services, you are compromising your sensitivity with those things absolutely crucial for having a more complete success. Alternatively, if you are too generous and give somewhat more than you receive, you will exhaust all of your resources little by little. You will slowly feel as if you have been robbed by those you have done business with. To set things up more adequately for yourself and others, you need to ask yourself what is truly good for you and what is good for those you are reaching with your service. If your pure intent is to have this invaluable balance which keeps both sides satisfied and happy, all your resources will start falling right into place. Do not underestimate the power of your motivation. If it is clear, it will take you very far. If it is cloudy, you may have an illusion it is taking you farther ahead. But, once the dust settles, you will probably realize you have been stomping in one place and are slowing down any real advancement for yourself. When you pause, re-focus and improve on your overall direction by being clear you have chosen to have a fair and mutually beneficial distribution across the board, everyone wins!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Focus on the things that are really key for the well-being of you and those around you in your environment. You would be surprised at how often some really important things are just not given enough space or adequate attention. Mostly because, in the race against time, convenience has taken over the true quality of living. This week, quantity does not matter as much. It is crucial to restore the refinements of life which make all the difference. Examine how you and those around you take good care of your most essential needs: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression. For example, you could consider slowing down for a change and deviating from fast food to give yourself a real homemade meal cooked from scratch with the freshest healthy ingredients you can find. It does not matter how much you can cook. You can certainly read and follow a recipe. It could be simple, but the idea is to enjoy the whole process to the fullest and experience a higher sense of care as well as an understanding of what you and yours deserve for the better. What we all consume should be nurturing and literally provide the crucial nutrients we need to replenish and renew our natural vigor. Do not let yours slip away. How you feel is a direct result of what you are doing for yourself. Do something different if you need an improvement in this department. Do not forget about those around you. It is always easier to give each other a hand by getting together and having everyone share the healthiest meal they have made from scratch. This will inspire all of you to revisit your entire needs list and make some much needed adjustments for the better. A more pampered you will not only work and feel better, but you will also enjoy life much, much more.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 3-9, 2014

Let your fondness and love define and bring out your inner COMPASSIONATE nature with everything you do this week. Make brand new connections with everyone you already know by extending extra caring and concern for their well-being and pursuits. Let your heart soar free and discover those super subtle and finer intimate moments where the time stops and you feel your true feelings blossom and flourish. 

Monday, November 3, 2014: Striking
A special week like this can begin as nothing less but striking where something somehow moves you deeply to your core just to remind you once again how incredibly sensitive you are. It does not matter how tough of a face you are projecting, you may become teary eyed just by being touched and moved deeply inside by something truly special, so important and irresistibly dear to you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014: Action
You will be ready for action before sunrise, all pumped up with those magical juices yesterday stirred up inside of you. You will want to tackle the whole wide world and acknowledge everyone you run into with a big smile and, if possible, an embrace. You might realize, for the first time in this very way, just how much all people around you really matter and have helped shape your life to exactly what it is now.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014: Extreme
There is nothing greater or more extreme than the powerful energy of your decision to make things right at any cost both for yourself and others. When you are determined to be fair, you will never compromise anything because you know this will come at a cost you are not willing to pay. The best part is, you can be as firm as it takes to get the job done if only you decide to show your compassionate side and apply it all along as you go.

Thursday, November 6, 2014: Leverage
Everything you are learning this week will manifest instantly with your desire to leverage your energy by achieving the more sizable results you have been awaiting and counting on for a long while now. There should be an opening you have been hoping for forever and it will finally be here – arriving unannounced to find your real compassionate you, whole hearted and in awe.

Friday, November 7, 2014: Concur
Do not be surprised if you are in this strange mode of wanting to concur with almost everything everyone shares with you today. It could be because, by now, you have let yourself become so open and mellow that your naturally agreeable nature has taken over and you somehow have found a way to see the point everyone is making as being totally possible.

Saturday, November 8, 2014: Wisdom  
It could feel as if you have gained more wisdom over the past few days than over the past few years. Sound like too much? Then, just try to count how many things you have come to realize within yourself recently and after awhile, you will start seeing what we mean. Let us know how this is working for you!

Sunday, November 9, 2014: Peace

This is promising to be a great day for peace across the globe today, not that absolutely no conflicts will take place. But they will certainly be much more subdued than usual. Enjoy the moment and be assured that anything is possible as long as everyone is touched deeply and moving in the right direction. A soothed soul knows no harm.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a striking action, you can achieve extreme leverage while you concur with the wisdom of those around you to create a lasting peace within yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Peace begins with bringing out all of our wisdom so we can concur with others to create leverage and extreme results from the sincere action of everyone’s striking heartfelt depth of concern.

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Energy of the Week for November 3-9, 2014: Compassionate

In order to bring out your benevolence during the month of November, the energy is compelling you to be more compassionate with yourself first and be the same way with everyone else. Extending your warmth and kind words may not be enough. It will take stepping up and acting with a true gesture of total understanding relating to your own situation as well as with other human beings on a deeper level.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You will need to bare your feelings and unguard your heart from any walls you may have put up to protect yourself. In order to feel one with all things and be able to pick up the sensitive and subtle energy within and around yourself, it is important to be tuned into your own experiences one hundred percent by using your intuition as a guiding light. You already know how this helps you use your inner senses to get an impression of the unknown, to see the invisible, to hear the unsaid and to feel what is not physically felt. Let all of them open you up like a sensitivity gauge to tell you exactly what is going on around you and especially how to go about what you need to do for yourself this week. It creates an inner map to help you navigate with the ability to arrive at the right place at the right time – even surprising yourself. You will always feel strong and secure inside because as you easily discern what does not belong to you, you will not get mixed up with other people’s business. By being well aware of all that is taking place in and outside of you by being more present and alert, you will be even more connected and aligned with all life on planet Earth.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Try to create a mutually compassionate and harmonious energy at work. You may want to instigate a special regrouping hour where everyone can express what they are experiencing and if they need any extra help and understanding so they have an easier time based on their questions and concerns. This will create a practical opportunity to help each other and be much more productive and enthusiastic – knowing you all have each other’s back and are tuned into what is going on. It may yield such great results and increase productivity and communication, it could become a custom to repeat over and over again week in and week out. Here are some topics you could discuss:
* What project(s) am I working on?
* What am I learning from it and the highlights of my experience?
* When do I plan to complete it (each stage)?
* Where do I need help?
* Why do I feel my part is important in the big picture?
* Who can help me the most at this time?
* Express any other concerns you may have to help everyone work together more effectively

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Over the next seven days, it is all about love and being loved. Open the love fest inside of yourself first to cherish, appreciate and pamper yourself and be even more affectionate and loving to all those you care about dearly in your environment. How far can you spread your love? Can you be tender and gentle in the way you communicate to everyone you meet? Can you show them fondness and appeal to their human nature, however faulty they may be at the moment? Start off by realizing we are all the same by wanting to know who we are and where we are going in life and have the same desire to bring out our kindred nature of being sensitive and compassionate. This will put you in a universal vibe no one can resist. Everyone cares about something. Can we find closeness in any of those things to help us all relate better and see the whole world from the new perspective of what it is like to be in each other’s shoes? Maybe we can learn a lot from playing out in our minds just what it would be like if we were in their place and they were in ours. This could bring us all a bit closer together on more common ground to exchange with each other in a more bonded fashion. You might end up being bigger and better friends with everyone else around you.

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