Weekly Energy of the Day for December 2-8, 2013

You have a week to check on how COMPATIBLE you are with whatever you are involved with in every area of your life. Do not forget you direct your own energy and it may need an adjustment where it is heading so you can continue to make tracks toward the right place for yourself.    

Monday, December 2, 2012: Organize
Anything you desire, you can have as long as you can organize it. Use your powerful motivation as the necessary incentive to employ every effort toward doing whatever it takes to put what you are doing in place. As you know, Rome was not built in one day. It will take more than just today to pursue the total structure you may need to put into place, but as long as you start it in the right spirit and remain determined, it will carry on to fruition in the right timing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013:
It may sound weird, but today is all about being able to refrain from losing your cool. It really does not have to mean the day is going to go all topsy-turvy on you, but your patience will get tested in more ways than one. Stay relaxed and peaceful. Most things are never as bad as they may seem – especially at first. You should be able to tackle anything that shows up in your face successfully as long as you remain true to yourself and keep in mind what is really important for you in the process.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013: Soar
It will be a real middle of the week delightful adventure when you let your spirit soar and are unrestricted and free. If you get inspiration to do something that pleases you, do not miss out on letting yourself get pampered and glad you are doing the right thing for yourself first. Do not undermine yourself. Your most important focus today is to actually feel good about yourself so do not allow anything or anyone to trample on this. Sometimes, when you manage to get yourself into a great mode of operation, a secret door of opportunities gets unlocked for you that would not have been there otherwise.

Thursday, December 5, 2013: Accommodate
Accommodate those you encounter to the best you can do without losing yourself in the process. Take a mediation stand between you and them and be gracious to try seeing things from their point-of-view so you can be just and fair for both sides. This will in no way take away from you. It will actually add to the benevolence you address the world around you with and increase the energy you get as it comes your way.

Friday, December 6, 2013: Elevate
Chose carefully what you put your energy into today and realize some of the things will actually elevate you to feeling better so you can get greater results. Others may try to keep you stuck in a mundane circle with no end if you let them. It will take making a decision first, so do not be afraid to state clearly what you would rather see yourself doing over the next few hours. If you are determined, the day will respond much like a genie making your pure wish come true.

Saturday, December 7, 2013: Celebrate
Give yourself a break and celebrate all of the great things in your life worth living for. As much as this is something to do on a daily basis, today the acknowledgment can do miracles for you to feel enriched and blessed so you can show the universe everything she has sent your way has been really appreciated. This will open the door for much more to come to you and you will be showered with it before you know it.

Sunday, December 8, 2013: Renew

By the end of this week, your total outlook on life will most likely renew and refresh based on all of the splendid ideas you now have going for you as a result of paying more attention to the details and being tuned into the compatible energy that will take you on the ride of your life. By far, you will have sensed at least how important it is to listen to your inner self and do what feels right inside.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Organize yourself to refrain from feeling down and soar instead so you can accommodate the inspiration that would elevate you to constantly celebrate and renew your energy.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Take it easy on yourself as you renew and celebrate the power you carry within to elevate and accommodate your energy to soar while you refrain from letting yourself get down so you can take charge to organize and live your best efforts.

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Energy of the Week for December 2-8, 2013: Compatible

This week it is especially important for  you to be in the right place at the right time so you can be compatible with what is going on around you and utilize your energy in the best possible way. You always know when this is the case because you feel at ease and uplifted as if you can only do right and it works like a charm. What can you do to be in compliance with your environment and find yourself exactly where you need to be every single time?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Following your direction is a must for you to make sure you always find yourself on your own path. Remember, only you know what is right for you. So, take any advice or suggestion you may receive and sift it through your own inner sensitivity to see how it resonates with you and how you really feel about it. If it is in tune with who you are, it will elevate you and make you feel light and happy so you can apply it as much as it feels right for you. Anytime you go against your own innate nature and personal philosophy, it will feel hard and unnatural as if you are going against the wind. If taking a certain route requires you to push or exert yourself, it may not be what you are meant to do. Even when something requires a lot of effort, if it is right, it will feel freeing, energizing and as if it is the only thing you care to do no matter what. Your whole body will be pleased with you making the right choice and stepping toward the right direction filling up with endorphins getting you charged with joy and positive energy. It takes no time at all to explore within if you are compatible with the options you are facing and choosing the right one for you. Pursuing a target with the right attitude and motives to excel yourself and learn on the way will always be sure to take you exactly where you want to be.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Although business is business, the personal connections intertwined through it must be in harmony to allow for a smooth and uninterrupted flow. Even with the best use of technology, machines and programs, it is the energy of the people involved that drive every undertaking and lead the energy one way or another. So everyone, from those carrying out the major functions to others serving the smallest link taking place must be compatible with the whole idea in order to bring it to fruition. It is true that the entire team can only go as fast as the slowest person on board because they are all closely connected in everything being done and if one is not keeping up, someone else will have to cover their flanks one way or another. Make sure there is open communication where every concern is expressed and accounted for. This will ensure the body of people united in the task at hand are fused together and working as one so you all have the most productive and fun time doing what you enjoy doing the most.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Imagine if you were not compatible with the people you spend time with on a daily basis how very bumpy or disruptive this could be. There is a possibility you may all be wanting to aim toward the same thing, but are just doing it so differently that on the surface it looks as if you are not. It may take a good conversation or two to clarify what the situation really is. Share what is driving each one of you as there could be various incentives energizing you to want the same thing. Once it is clear where each person is coming from, then you can admire their desire and appreciate how important it is to them as yours is for you. Be careful, though. If you do not find any common ground, it may be hard to get everything to gel. It could end up being like the old Bulgarian fairytale about the eagle, crab and fish who wanted to team up and move an object away from the river bank. However, when each one of them started to pull in their own way – the eagle up high, the crab toward the land and the fish toward the water, all of their efforts could not result in moving the object even a little bit no matter how hard they tried. It is all because they were pulling in different directions – not seeing this was impossible to work. Check to see whether you are headed in the same direction with those who matter and it is right for each one of you. Then, all of your efforts will get combined together and multiply the entire result you are getting for the whole.

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The Energy of the Month for December is EDUCATE

You learn everyday of your life whether you realize it or not. However, this month there is a special energy to educate yourself about foundational values and truths that can shape and shift your entire life in a more refined direction toward a clearer personal growth and excellence.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
What you learn for yourself no one else can teach you. No matter how prepared, educated or balanced you are, your experiences will always move you one step ahead by taking you through new unchartered territory. They challenge you to respond and make new decisions you have never made before. The sole reason you are going through every twist and turn in your life is to take away something valuable to become one with your own energy which forever changes you for the better. There is no better way to expand your own self other than going through situations where you need to find immediate solutions. And how you do it matters. It is actually your inner guidance/spiritual helpers who work behind the scenes so you can continue on the original path you chose for yourself before coming into planet Earth. Of course, you will always have awkward moments that put you at a disadvantage or set you back. Most things are fixable depending on your motives. All you need to do is take your own personal energy, self-expression and inner and outer behavior seriously all the time. Every waking moment is there for you to prevail with your true nature. Let yourself shine and educate yourself to soar in ways where you can create and establish yourself as being the best you can be.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
If you are doing it right, all of your business ventures will be on a constant learning curve. If you rely only on learned skills and proficiency from the past and keep applying them in the same way over and over again, you will remain stagnant and unable to move. In fact, in a constantly expanding universe, if you are not moving forward, you are actually going backwards while everything else around you is flowing ahead. Do not put any restraints on yourself so you can perpetually advance and come up with new inspirations on how to upgrade your service to new horizons. Since you cannot give what you do not have, keep refreshing your outflow so you can educate and update yourself as you go.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
It is important to realize your family is one of the best arenas to educate yourself and gain the most – sometimes more than anything else you could ever do in your life. This begins in your first seven years when you soak up pretty much everything that takes place in your environment like a sponge during your early upbringing. You become the person you turn into thanks to what you observe and experience in this first cycle of life. You cannot help but get influenced by your closest surroundings – more than anything else that exists in the whole world. Take the time to discern traits you picked up from the people you were around in your early years. If you admire the concepts instilled in you and they are working great for you, make sure you pass them on so they can benefit those who come after you. However, if you have inherited any lingering dysfunction that has persisted from generation to generation, break free, interrupt the cycle and release both yourself and those you will affect from now on from having to deal with it. You can do it and tell us how you did it.

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Winter is Clairvoyant Energy

Now is the time to get more organized. And this is a challenge through the holidays. Usually, because the energy turns social during the month of December, you will need to stay more focused and aware when everything slows down.

But at the beginning of January, everything will start to speed up again. This is how the energy works during the clairvoyant season. Take the things that did not work for you during 2013 and organize yourself to upgrade what you have been doing all year. This is a fresh start for you – in your personal, business and social life.

By tuning into the energy of each year, month, week and day on the Inner Expansion Blog, you will be able to stay ahead of the curve and avoid any pressure that is presenting itself in your environment. This is what everyone is learning on planet Earth during these times. This will put you up above the clouds so you can keep what you are accomplishing in perspective and not get bogged down in unimportant details.

The clairvoyant energy is efficient, empathetic and loves peace and harmony. If you tune into this over the next three months,  you will feel as if you have it made. See the end goal of what you are wanting to achieve and it will be fulfilled. When you do not have a target, there is nothing to reach. Each goal has steps in between. When you get to one, go to the next and so on. Never get discouraged because you can always break them down into smaller steps. Make it easy and simple for yourself. By the end of 2014, you will feel as if you have accomplished everything you wanted to do and more.

The main area to watch out for during this season is timing, perfectionism and realism. Trying to make a project too perfect may bog you down and you will feel as if you are dragging your feet. But do not give up. All you need to do is come up with a realistic plan to make it all work – to your benefit.

Finally, the clairvoyant season is one of visualizing what will make the impossible possible. As long as you can dream it, you can have it – one way or another. You may not be able to see exactly how to get there immediately, but as you go, your inner guidance or spiritual helpers will make sure you meet the right people, get to the right places and find the best solutions. Do not discount your sensitivity or you will have to regroup and get back on track.

Happy holidays and make 2014 the best year ever!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 25-December 1, 2013

Let your ENERGY rule the day. This will help you make the right decisions for yourself from the right mindset and depth of heart. Showcase what you have openly and freely and let the dynamics of what will happen just be. Be ready for many surprises and enjoy the process.  

Monday, November 25, 2012: Support
Today, do not be shy to offer or ask for support. You are not here to do everything alone and others may need the opportunity to join you by giving you their backing. If someone asks you for help, take a look at how you can offer any suggestions their way. There is always a reason why people get in the same place at the same time, so respond to the energy which attracted you both together to begin with.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013:
things do not have to be hard or complicated. The simplest ordinary gestures offered with lots of love in a kindred way are going to be charming, heart-warming and unforgettable. It is not only what you do but how you do it that counts a lot today.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013: Exercise
This is the right day to exercise your talents and put into practice the skills that make you – you. If you feel unsure about what this is, ask those who know you what striking qualities they have noticed in you. Your best features will naturally fascinate others and make them value even more what you mean to them.

Thursday, November 28, 2013: Introspective
Since it is all about your energy this week, you have to dig within yourself and become introspective so any underutilized strengths can unfold more fully. Once you bring them out more, you can put them to use right away and start benefiting from their fresh presence in your daily life.

Friday, November 29, 2013: Amazing
It is nothing short of amazing to discover how you can have more energy and keep going longer doing the things you naturally love and are fond of accomplishing for yourself and others. Use our Personal Energy Cleansing technique to gather up your own energy and bring it back to being one-hundred percent positive. Then pace yourself, take short breaks to keep yourself refreshed and you will accomplish a whole a lot more than usual.

Saturday, November 30, 2013: Leverage
Keep in mind the things that work for you so you can duplicate them today and leverage the high productivity they generate for you. Keep close tabs on how it is going so you can redirect anything not working by staying engaged to maximize your outcome.

Sunday, December 1, 2013: Communication

You are sure to have learned and gained a lot over the past few days. Now you can convert it into new habits to help you with your inner and outer communication skills. You can increase your own circle of influence by suggesting how others can benefit from the example you are setting.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Rally support for your incredible plans to exercise your introspective talents in an amazing way to leverage your inner and outer communication.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Use clear communication to leverage your amazing wisdom and introspective power to exercise your ability to attract incredible support as you go along.

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Energy of the Week for November 25-December 1, 2013: Energy

Activate yourself by getting ready for great things in store for you. A proper ending for the month of November is in place this week with high energy and jolly spirits.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You will be super-charged and extra excited to move ahead at a powerful and joyful pace this week. This is largely due to promising prospects and great unfoldments that will appear on their own without you even trying to make them happen. But if you want to help the energy to help you, your results could be through the roof. It all begins with deciding to focus and remain determined to make the best use of every opportunity crossing your path. Feeling deserving will cause you to be graced with the best. Be steady and trustworthy to follow through and everything will work out great for you. If anything tries to rattle your sense of self-acceptance, you can put it right by confirming within yourself there is really nothing you are unworthy of. The mere fact you picked it up and were open enough to receive the inspiration makes it clear you are capable of pursuing it and seeing it through one-hundred percent. So do not leave room for doubts or show-stoppers. Go for what you feel in your gut and keep us posted on how well it turns out.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Put your own energy into what you do for a living. Even if you are doing something for someone else on their terms, it is still you doing it. This makes it your opportunity to apply yourself and put your own signature on it. What is your own unique footprint and what can you leave behind to be recognized by all who will come in touch with it? There has to be something only you can do in a certain way because of your unique experience and personality. Show the world around you how invaluable you are. Holding back will underutilize what you have inside. Live to the fullest and give your gifts with an open heart. Everyone you reach will be amazed and mesmerized by your generosity and a genuine desire to be involved with your entire energy in everything you do. You will get a rewarding fulfillment in return that will make it all worth it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
How does your own energy fit with your immediate environment? Surrounding yourself with people who appreciate you is only possible after they have had a chance to get to know you even more and what you have within. Being open, sharing, caring and sincere can win over those who really care for you. If it seems you are not understood or supported, perhaps you can extend another effort to let them find out who you are inside. If this is not working as smoothly as you would wish, perhaps you need to open up your circle of friends and reach people you fit with better. There is no need to hold anything against anyone. We all do the best we know how. Do not compare your new friends with anything that has not worked with others. Do not judge anyone unnecessarily. Everyone deserves a chance to not be evaluated based on any past discrepancies you may have had with others and are not related to them. Becoming wiser is the best take-away you can have from all of your experiences with people you associate with on a daily basis.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 18-24, 2013

It is now time to EVALUATE consciously how the most important things in your life are going for you so you can take the necessary measures and make it better for yourself and others. 

Monday, November 18, 2012: Dynamic
Start the week with high energy at a dynamic pace. Get up early and full of charge, ready to embark on what is going to unfold for you throughout the day. Embrace any special occurrences as they come your way and make lots of mental and physical notes so you do not miss on anything happening fast and swiftly around you.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013:
Today will show you that the best you can be is exactly the way you are and there is no need to be pretentious by trying to be like someone else. It is said the stone is grounded in its place and when you are standing on your own two feet, you are the strongest and most energetic.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013: Palatable
Sometimes a new experience coming in your direction is so close you can taste it – even before it begins. Now you can make it palatable in its own delicious way by enhancing its meaning and value and putting your passion and commitment to making what you want happen no matter what.

Thursday, November 21, 2013: Resounding
This day can be heard very loud and will be resounding far and away. Exhibit your drive and incentive for everyone by moving full-speed ahead. It is infectious to witness a strongly determined spirit giving it all you have got. Keep your memories and experiences available to share with us in order to make them long-lasting.

Friday, November 22, 2013: Consider
Consider having a deeper self-introspection that will reveal something about you that has remained hidden all this time. Spend a few minutes with yourself and ask a few important questions. What can help you be even happier than you already are? Are you holding yourself back in any way? Are you closing yourself off from opportunities because of doubt or fear? Nothing else can slow you down more than you can, because what you can do to yourself no one else can do. With this in mind, see if you can discover a little grain of clarity that can help you change the way you treat yourself for the better. When you have faith in yourself, the whole universe does it with you.

Saturday, November 23, 2013: Practical
Now is the time to be practical so you can put to the best use all of the revelations you have been getting so far over the last few days. Whatever key things you were able to evaluate and the inferences you made, don’t wait – apply them today! Timing is of the essence so to maximize on your overall results, start doing everything you know how to do better right away.

Sunday, November 24, 2013: Sincere
Being sincere with yourself and others is inevitable at the end of this powerful week. You will be prompted to open up and talk even if you are a shy and closed off person. Unless you express what you have in your heart, the energy flow cannot help you get to your desired outcome. Lay it all out and watch your outflow take on a life of its own. Others need to hear what you have to say. It could be the best weekend ever.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a dynamic direction, you can bypass any pretentious effort to take away the palatable experience waiting to take you on a resounding journey when you consider what it means to be practical and sincere.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

For a sincere and practical approach, you need to consider a resounding undertaking with a palatable and desirable inner strength to maintain an un-pretentious dynamic that will take you all the way to your destination.

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Energy of the Week for November 18-24, 2013: Evaluate

In order to improve your whole situation this week, you need to evaluate your overall direction and specific goals along with the needed and available resources. It may sound like a little bit of a clerical or intellectual exercise, but actually it will take all of your sensitivity to feel your way through it and get oriented so you know how to proceed.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Many do not find the time or reason to evaluate themselves. But this is the only way to really know if you are on track with what you have decided to pursue for yourself. Just focus your attention on where you are compared to where you want to be and clarify if you feel solid about getting there. Remember, if you do not believe you can do something, you are most likely cutting yourself off from the possibility of it ever happening to you. If you dearly want it, you are meant to have it. Otherwise, you would not be feeling so strongly about it. In addition, you know you have what it takes to make it happen, because you would not be drawn to it in the first place. Now that you are clear about being able to have what you want, the rest is history. All you need to do is to tackle the objective at hand with everything you have – giving an opportunity to the universe to help you out. After all, it is in the universe’s best interest to back you in every and each way it can since you are an integral part of it – its component and she expands through you when you grow yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Like any organized endeavor, every business needs to have a solid structure to build on. Part of it is a required quarterly review to compare the current results to your projections. This week will prompt you to regroup deeper on how your service is reaching its audience and achieving the demand it is fulfilling. You can best evaluate this by tuning into the feedback from your clientele. Have you reached and met their needs? Were there any gaps in your offering they pointed out? Have you surpassed their expectations? It may seem as if you are doing this for them and not for yourself, but the contrary is true. All of this is clarifying for you how well directed, fit and viable what you do is for whoever it is intended. Knowing this can ensure the longevity and trendiness of your service as you are not in it for just one day, but for the long haul.      

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Enjoy being able to evaluate your relationships with your social circle by sharing and examining how they work for everyone. Sometimes, it boils down to a simple question: how is this working for you?  This can open up a door for great discussion so everyone can express any concerns or suggestions. Without straightforward communication, all that is left is wondering or guessing, which can often be confusing and take away from the fullness of what you can give or take from each other. Create situations which will allow you to talk about this and you will be surprised at just how much putting things out in the open can help you understand yourself and others better.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 11-17, 2013

The idea this week is to be happy as a clam and EXCLAIM to others how many joyful experiences you are having in your life. Get set to have fun and create a lovely atmosphere for everyone around you to enjoy and savor every moment.

Monday, November 11, 2012: Remember
Remember to have fun as you go today. Find something interesting to get excited about and what it could mean in your own big picture. Everything is far more meaningful when you put it in the right perspective and see the real reasons why it is working for you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013:
Sometimes you just need to pick through and separate all of the pieces of what is taking place in your life so you can explore them separately and give more attention to those that matter the most. Be prepared to zoom in and extract only what is essential to you and focus completely so you can bypass the trivia and the unimportant.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013: Assurance
Although you never have to prove yourself, today is a great time to give assurance to those in your environment who are still getting to know you and need to get a solid feeling for how you are a straight shooter and have an open mind. Do not keep yourself from expressing more about who you truly are and let others find out more about the real you.

Thursday, November 14, 2013: Behave
Today may require you to behave bravely and be quick on your toes to respond to any situation that may develop. Do not miss on the hints and hunches from your intuition to give you a heads up on how you can act at your best and not be surprised. Stay flexible. There is nothing to worry about as everything taking place is here to learn from. Just embrace and work with it – not against it.

Friday, November 15, 2013: Phenomenal
It is going to be phenomenal when you advance ahead toward your main endeavor and have a very productive time while getting more accomplished than you ever expected. If you have prioritized well over the past couple of days, it will pay off for you in a big way. In other words, don’t give up. It is not too late to catch up so you can up your game as you go. Harbor the high energy around you and stay dynamic and flexible.

Saturday, November 16, 2013: Structure
The structure you organize everything in is the backbone that holds things together. Without one, what you are doing can easily fall apart and is not likely to last. A solid one can withstand the shakes and rattles it may get subjected to and still keep going. Put in the effort to take care of it in a timely fashion and it will soon pay off in a big way.

Sunday, November 17, 2013: Prepare

Since the soul moves by desire, whatever you prepare for ultimately comes your way. The same applies for getting ready for a rainy day. But remember to not put all of your concentration on what could go wrong down the line. This might indeed attract it to happen eventually. Without spreading yourself too thin, engage all of your attention and expectations around the ultimate outcome you want to envision for yourself. Plan it, map it, design it, imagine it coming to fruition and pour all of your inner and outer strength into it. This will likely manifest what you absolutely desire.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Remember to extract the most positive assurance when you behave with phenomenal strength and create a structure to prepare yourself for the best yet to come.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can prepare with a solid structure for phenomenal experiences as you behave with assurance and extract what you need to remember.

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Energy of the Week for November 11-17, 2013: Exclaim

You will enjoy a beautiful week of profound deep feelings full of incredible and special experiences. Just stay active so you do not cut yourself off from any opportunities at hand. Even if you are laid back or reserved, you will probably sigh and exclaim with joy  how very fulfilling this is for you. Let us know how it goes!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Get in touch with your true innermost feelings and let them bloom with a special inner fragrance this week. You are capable of bringing to the surface the real genuine you when you are in your natural feelings (not your emotions which are learned feelings) – light on your feet and coming from your heart. Shed any constraints that restrict your spirit so you can let it sore and be free. Put the burdens away. Now is not the time to ponder on anything negative nor fall for any criticism or put downs. Accept yourself unconditionally recognizing the best qualities you possess elevating you to do your best even in the worst of times. Prove once again you have undeniable resilience and tenacity. Take a huge break and live like the person you really are. What a respite and breath of fresh air this will be for you. Exclaim with gratitude your precious presence on planet Earth. This will strengthen and reaffirm your infinite potential to become better and dramatically improve your personal energy. Tell us all about how this self-healing is working for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Bring all of your strong positive feelings to the workplace. Many think presenting yourself in a business-like way means to be stilted or unemotional. Actually, if you are passionate about what you do, it is your true motivation and the dynamics that come with it which define your total outlook. Would you prefer having someone with a cut and dried straight face working with you who is just going through the mechanics of their service? Or would you rather have a genuinely excited individual who has a kind approach and cannot have enough of being of real help to you and everyone else in the process? Wouldn’t the latter make you exclaim to yourself about the smoothness and pleasant energy this creates? It is not hard to be real and invest your heart in what you do day-in and day-out. This will not only provide  your customers with the highest quality product or service, but it will touch them in a special way and enrich them with your personal warmth. It is one thing to work with people, but it is another to leave a piece of yourself with each and every one of them – and completely show them you are there for them in every which way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Make this a happy week for everyone you are connected with and are communicating to. Have a great attitude and help others change theirs if they need it. After all, nothing beats enjoying life to the fullest, no matter what. Any intermittent trials or tribulations are meant for all of us to learn from along the way. We did not come here to suffer nor deny ourselves. Come up with great ideas to unite your spirit with those around you who want to share fun and uplifting moments. Stir up lively conversations to lighten up everyone’s energy and get them in the right mood to exclaim how great it is to just laugh at ourselves. Be a genuine friend with those who resonate with you so you can help each other overcome any uneasy moments and feel all the backing coming from the universe and from your spiritual guidance. Nothing can brighten your day more than sharing adventures with those you truly care about. Take lots of pictures and post them to this blog.

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