Weekly Energy of the Day for November 4-10, 2013

This week, you will get a special REVELATION to remember for a long time to come. This could bring clarity and put you ahead of the game. The more you pin down what you are doing in every area of your life, the easier it is to flow with it and keep moving forward. Life can be a breeze. Just live it this way.

Monday, November 4, 2012: Inspiration
Get ready to catch a major inspiration today. Be sure not to close off your intuition since you need to use all your sensitivity and do what feels right and good, even if it is contrary to what you think you should do. When you feel elevated and uplifted, you will soar and fly through the day as if there is no tomorrow. Don’t forget to tell us all about it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013:
You are likely to be so happy and pleased with how this week began for you that your benevolence will be opened up and pouring out with the best you can give from yourself. Open a door, offer a smile or ask how you can help. There are endless ways you can contribute to your environment and boost someone else to get the good vibes you already have within. It is contagious to be nice and it will cause the world to respond in turn.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: System
Everything can be made to work if it is organized into a system which then carries it out. Putting it into place today is appropriate and although it may take longer, starting it on the right foot is a must. Put your stick in the ground and start charting out the blueprint for it to come to fruition. It will be easier than you first thought.

Thursday, November 7, 2013: Forceful
The major characterizing technique in Aikido is using the strength of your opponent to neutralize them. If anything in your day may attempt to be forceful toward you, do the same as in this martial art. Turn things around by softening the strike and letting it deal with the pressure that came from it to begin with. It is not yours, so don’t take it in. Just avoid it. Skipping over the harsh parts will leave you enjoying only the good ones and savoring each moment.

Friday, November 8, 2013: Contract
Every contract in life is voluntary and you have the right and freedom to choose what works for you and negotiate for it. Do not forget this when someone tries to steer you toward a result you are not interested in. Speak up, protect your end of the deal and make sure you are fair with yourself and others. This will always work out the best for you in the end.

Saturday, November 9, 2013: Contain
It is not always obvious what something can contain just from the looks of it. As they say, do not judge a book by its cover. Watch out today so you are not surprised when things take a different turn from what you first encountered. Definitely take a good second look and explore deeper so you get to the bottom of it and not go by misleading outside factors. You will get smarter as you go.

Sunday, November 10, 2013: Open Up

Open up your mind even more than usual today. Then, you will realize there is no limit in accomplishing your deepest desires and, in fact, they are more than possible – especially today. Dreaming big is permitted as you deserve it more-so-than-not even if you are coy in pursuing what you want. Just do not give up and you will gain more confidence as you go, all the way to getting what you intended in the first place.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With high inspiration and benevolence, you can create the best system without forceful measures or a contract which may contain negativity so you can simply open up your energy and just be.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Open up your mind and see how much it can contain with a contract to avoid any forceful system while employing benevolence and inspiration instead.

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Energy of the Week for November 4-10, 2013: Revelation

This week, you have a wonderful opportunity to come to a very important revelation you may need for yourself at this time. The clarity you have been searching for is nearer than you might expect. You can unveil it easier if you use your overall sensitivity to spend time on the key ingredients that are being cooked up for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

This week, you need to use your discernment wisely. You can choose the best solutions for yourself if you boil down the different available options to the bare facts: what, when, where and why. You cannot accomplish anything if you waste time fence-sitting by playing the mental gymnastics of ‘what if this…’ and ‘what if that…’ without avail. There is no one else who can do this for you nor can you blame others for not deciding what you would like to do. If you are feeling lost in any way, just find yourself. The energy map is giving you a big hand so you can find your spiritual coordinates and the exact direction you are headed. But you have to act now. Sit yourself down, get a piece of paper and write down the possible routes you could take. Write the “what” each one of them means to you. Then, pin down the timing of “when” you need to proceed with it. Next, figure out “where” it will take you in the big picture and finally specify “why” it is important for you. After you go through all of the above, it will become clear as a bell which is your best bet and you can finalize your revelation for the outcome that stands out the most. It is definitely easier to keep going if you know for a fact where you are headed.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Usually, business is cut and dried planning and execution without many big aha moments. However, you might even exclaim “eureka!” this time around when you get hit by the best idea you have had in a long while. To get there, you need to be choosy and decide the best route of how to get to your objectives in the most efficient way. Do not water down what you do. Cut some slack only to those who are really passionate to help you and give them a second chance. Do not get bogged down with things that are not productive. Remember, you cannot be in social when you are doing business, even with your close acquaintances and friends. Aim straight and clarify your target so you can stay focused at all times and know exactly what you are doing. If you respect the process it takes, you will have the stamina to get through any twists and turns you may encounter along the way. Your revelation will follow discovering how all of the above falls into place with what you do.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
No matter what, the social area of life can prove to be the most delicate for anyone to tackle even on the best of days. It is because you are sensitive and considerate of those you care about the most and want the best for them. Guess what? As enticing as you want to be to them and like them to always be around you so you can enjoy their attention, you need to let go and set them free. Having a true soul-to-soul communication where you respect everyone’s feelings and decisions is the ultimate approach to being in balance in all of your relationships, near or far. No one owes you anything. Expecting, assuming and demanding is the actual reason for the majority of broken bonds between friends and partners in life. Just because someone did not do what you thought they would, it doesn’t mean they are wrong. At the same time, almost everything can be fixed with proper communication, even after the fact. The least it will bring is the much needed clarification that can move the heavy clouds away so you both can see the sun shining bright again over your heads. Do not give up. Reach out with your genuine warmth and open the iron doors closed in front of you. It is not worth it to harbor resentment. Everyone does the best they know how. Help them improve. It will elevate you above any pettiness and fill your heart with the best of rewarding feelings you can possibly have. Let us know the revelation you take away from this week.

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The Energy of the Month for November is BOUNTIFUL

Feel good embarking on a great month of high harvest, plenty of resources and bountiful energy, all around you. It is time to relish in the generous flow coming your way from the entire universe, which once again is backing you to the hilt to do your thing. Take full advantage with both hands and get on the right foot to go as far as your inspiration can take you.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Tune into your own infinite abundance within. There is nothing you need you do not have if you look in the right place for it. If you feel short of anything, all you need to do is keep looking for it. As long as you do not give up, you will find it. Whatever it is, you already have it supplied to you, one way or another. Most of the time, it is your own state of mind that prevents you from seeing how much you have right in front of you within your own reach. Strengthening your own self-acceptance is what can open up your total inflow of energy and provide you more than you need or can use. Reaffirm to yourself you are good enough to have all of what your heart desires. Regardless of whether you may feel limited in your past experiences or your present skills, if you just embrace the fact you can indeed do just about anything you put your heart and mind to with the grace of the energy helping, you will set yourself up for the most bountiful endeavors from beginning to end without any restrictions. Let us know how wonderful it all plays out for you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Who does not dream of bountiful business results? Being productive and prolific will come naturally to you if you release any tension or worries. All you can do is use everything you have and apply it with fervor and determination toward a cause you are passionate about. If something does not work as well as you had hoped, it can always be improved as you go. Your overall attitude can make or break almost any deal. Choose to be optimistic and driven so you can use the highest positive energy coming out of this motivation to strive and achieve your objectives. It will work as an extra propeller steering you higher than you thought, faster and in a more solid way. Others cannot resist recognizing when you are on a terrific path, chuffing and puffing tirelessly with flying colors. Be bold, give it your best and let us all see where it takes you.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Enjoy a most bountiful time with your social circle. Organize an outing and set up the stage for fun experiences together and free communication that will open a door for extra bonding and getting closer with each other. There is nothing you need to keep to yourself. Let others get to know you better by revealing your true essence. When you feel at ease sharing, you will predispose others to follow your example and, after a while, you will all experience a group healing from exchanging on a higher level. No matter who you are, you are not here to live alone. You need both the enrichment and interaction with others to keep you fully involved in life so you can showcase and refine who you really are. Let the fun begin. Send us notes or pictures of your best of times.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 28-November 3, 2013

Being PRACTICAL will be cool and interesting if you understand the great benefit it holds for you. Simplify by following useful steps in being loyal to yourself first, satisfying your needs and pursuing your own goals while keeping a great balance with your environment.

Monday, October 28, 2012: Design
Give this day your own design with exactly how you want it to go. Start by setting your agenda and seeing this blueprint through. Keep from being distracted by announcing your focus and stating you are determined to get there. Regroup after each experience to refresh the energy to keep things rolling. Seal the best memories by sharing your story.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013:
It is finally the time to make you your own designation. Nominate yourself as the driver of your own life and do not let anything else take over by being in charge. Pick the route, set the speed and go. For once in your life, you will feel very encouraged and in the right place.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013: Purpose
What is the exact purpose behind your main endeavor? If it is deeper than the sea and wider than the horizon, you are using the natural resistance of the challenge to take you on the trip of your life. If it is rather small or boring, you are limiting your own chances to step into something bigger and it could be what keeps you in low energy. Step it up to whatever will take you higher and higher and let us know all about it.

Thursday, October 31, 2013: Constant
Nothing works better in the big picture than a persistent and constant effort applied tirelessly toward achieving your objective. As long as you persevere through, every moment will get you closer and closer to your destination.

Friday, November 1, 2013: Relief
No unwanted tension is there to stay. It is always temporary and you can speed up getting some expected relief from it by clarifying what caused it in the first place – as well as what feeds it. This understanding can help you stop any contributing factors and weaken the energy working against you so you can preclude it altogether.

Saturday, November 2, 2013: Knowledge
You can tap into all the knowledge there is by being curious, exploring all available resources and asking as many questions you can come up with to find out the most answers. Be encouraged by the advancement of all people since as long as anything is available to everyone, it is also easily available to you.

Sunday, November 3, 2013: Distinct

Make a distinct impression to yourself about what you are capable of. This will make your day. Find something that fascinates you and see yourself in the vision over and over again to get a true sense of what it means to live it. Soon, you will get recharged with even more inspiration about your own potential than you ever thought possible.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

It is time to design your own designation and deeper purpose to get a constant relief and gain knowledge in a distinct way that can help you achieve all of your goals easier.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Gain distinct knowledge from the relief of living in a constant way the real purpose that drives you toward your designation and helps you design and shape your future.

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Energy of the Week for October 28-November 3, 2013: Practical

As inventive and creative as you are, you need to keep things practical so they can be possible to apply in reality and make happen. How can you keep everything from getting out of hand or being too complicated? Here are the best ways to simplify, rationalize and go about whatever it is you have to do in an organized fashion sure to produce swift and solid results.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

What is most important for you personally at this time? Many forget that they are their own first priority in life no matter what else is taking place in their environment. The answer is to make sure all of your needs are met well enough so you can put yourself in the best state of being you can possibly be. Your main needs are: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression. Without being well taken care of and satisfied, you are not the most fit you can be. Spiritually, it is important to have a two-way communication by opening yourself to other people and sharing of yourself while receiving the same back. Closing off and keeping everything to yourself is neither going to expand you nor help your energy flow. If you feel it is unwarranted to take the time to do what you need for you by having enough rest, replenishing yourself and regrouping what you really would like to do with your life, you are denying yourself the opportunity to clarify your own priorities. As long as you are all set with your needs, then come your wants and goals. Now you can truly pursue what your heart desires with all of the strong bubbling energy you have made sure you have. Accept all of your inspiration and infinite potential to do anything you feel drawn by and attracted to. This is how you can be practical for yourself and save the trouble of cutting yourself short from what you both need and want.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
All business needs to be practical from beginning to end. When you are being of service to others, it has to be sound and organized. The real balance you are seeking to achieve is a 50-50 relationship. This means having your offering be 50% good for you and 50% good for your customers. If you are straining yourself to give more than your 50%, you will end up depleted and feeling like a do-gooder who is taking care of everybody else. But at the end of the day, you leave yourself behind. You could not sustain this if you tried and it will bring animosity toward what you are doing which will eventually be passed on to your recipients. Although you are giving them more than necessary, they will still not feel right about the whole thing. If you end up on the other extreme and set things up so you take advantage by giving less than your 50%, your customers will know you are being one-sided and are taking too much from them. This will amount to them not being happy and they will not last being loyal to you. So, think this through and take the reins of your business energy to bring about the best practical equilibrium it could ever have. Having a happy you and happy customers is all you can ask for.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Your social life is the easiest to get out of hand and become impractical for you. Either because you may feel sacrificial to your children or loved ones or because you do not voice well enough what you choose for yourself and go along with the crowd against your own wishes. The key to remember is that none of your family or friends have a great use for a squeezed out of energy and lifeless you. If you think they are better off when you do more for them than you should and not being loyal to yourself enough, think again. If you end up doing for them what they could do for themselves instead, you are going to be run down and doing nothing else but robbing them of their own opportunity. Give direction and suggestions wherever it fits and let others take on what belongs to them. After all, everyone needs to have their own experiences, which includes making their own decisions and going through the commotion as a result. At the same time, it is not in your benefit to make others take on and do what is meant for you to undertake. You may think they are helping you, but it is putting them in the same position we described above. If you draw a practical line and keep yours for you and theirs for them, you will all enjoy a long-lasting harmony and thrive entertaining the opportunities meant specifically for everyone. It will be like singing a nice song. Let us hear about it.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 21-27, 2013

MOTION is the magic word that can solve pretty much anything for you if you only put it to good use. Get into a moving zone in every area of your life and you will stir up the higher dynamics waiting to play out for you easier than ever.

Monday, October 21, 2012: Sanction
Sanction yourself from the top two life-ruining occurrences you have allowed to take place recently. Whatever they are, identify them, cut them off and throw them far away. You have too many better things to do than to be wasting time on what is obviously dysfunctional. This will instantly renew your flow and you will feel lighter than a feather.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013:
Not in a blind way, but you must already believe how promising this week can be. Let yourself experience the natural flow that is already there by joining in with it. The last thing you want to do is sit around. Move your body to get your mind thinking and all of your juices going. The vibration will be inevitable and only positive will come out of it no matter what.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013: Excitement
By now, you are likely enjoying the excitement from having a great and fruitful time. Do not slow down, but speed up to become even more productive with everything you have achieved along the way. The inertia will already take you hovering over the tasks at hand. Just concentrate on quality to make the most happen.

Thursday, October 24, 2013: Congruous
Today, it is important to be consistent and remain compatible with the stronger dynamics your everyday life has had over the last few days. Take it easy on yourself by picking and choosing your battles so you can use all of your energy for the better. This way, you can stay congruous, following the harmony in your environment to continue the beautiful saga unfolding for you this entire week.

Friday, October 25, 2013: Uplift
If there is something unpleasant you are experiencing or what you are not particularly fond of because it brings you down, the way to respond to it is by putting your efforts to uplift it instead. The best part about having low energy is it can be raised to being high and positive again. Do not be discouraged. Attempt to do whatever you can to change it and you may be surprised it is easier than you thought to turn things around for the better.

Saturday, October 26, 2013: Prepare
Prepare to embrace many new possibilities by taking seriously the situations unfolding before your very eyes today. Sometimes just a small hunch could hold the key to solving a dilemma, but it takes being tuned in and listening to your inner knowing, inner sight, inner voice and inner feelings. Do not discount your inspirations and have an optimistic outlook so you can end up on the best side of the day.

Sunday, October 27, 2013: Direct

Today is a reminder that no opportunity is ever lost since you can always direct the energy where you would like it to go with a more diplomatic and wise touch. Remember, everyone is doing the best they know how and are striving to achieve the best they see is possible for themselves as well. Help clarify what is needed for them to do just that. Encourage and inspire everyone, including yourself, to attempt to make happen whatever their heart desires.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Sanction and dismiss the negative so you can believe with excitement how to stay congruous, uplift and prepare to direct your energy in the best possible way.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With a direct touch, prepare to uplift yourself to be congruous with excitement and believe you can focus on the good and sanction anything not-so-good.

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Energy of the Week for October 21-27, 2013: Motion

Get ready for a week when everything starts to move and shake in creative motion. It is one of those times when the energy goes through an “earth-quake” in order to toss things up in the air and then put them back into their rightful place. Do not fear anything for this is the best thing that could happen to all of us. Whatever still needs to fall into place for you has a very strong chance to do so now.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
You can actively be involved in helping this week work for you even better. Begin by making a thorough list of all of the things you wish you could change in your life. Do not miss anything. This is not a wish list. It is practically an order form. If you desire to end some of the existing not-so-great factors affecting your life, then make the necessary steps to do so. It starts with clarification and a decision within. If you are unshakeable, you will draw help from the entire universe to give you a hand in what you need to get into motion. This is the best timing to do it and procrastinating is not an option. Simplify and be practical. Map out a three-step plan for each item you want to target to change for the better. Do not over-think it. Whatever inspiration you happen to get will work to get you going. You can always clarify it further once you are on the way. The idea is to take the opportunity the energy is offering you and make the best of it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Usually a typical business dynamic is running an extra promotional campaign or reorganizing your administration on the back end. However, this time around, your challenge is to put into motion all of the services you can generate. It is like standing your venture on its toes. You have ultra-favorable backing to support you all the way with your entire plan. This way, you can bring it to another level. Therefore, mobilize yourself so you can pick yourself up and boost everything toward the direction you are going. You will experience a powerful jilt of energy. Just be in tune with yourself and what you have come to do and focus on the important milestones you need to accomplish. Call on your associates, gather up the forces and have a great meeting of minds on what all of you see fit to do over the next few days to harvest the most out of this generous situation. Again, you do not need excessive preparation. As long as you keep your eye on the target, you will not let this big moment pass you by. Let us know what exciting developments come your way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Get your family, friends and acquaintances to be on the move. There is something about having everyone in motion that brings unusual joy, dynamics and a closer bonding for all of you just by being involved in it together. If nothing else, go for a walk while you are meeting together or do anything that will get you out of your comfort zone and on your feet. You can even toss a small ball to keep the energy rolling between yourselves. Have the first person who catches the ball say FEEL! When the next person catches the ball, they say DISCERN! When the third person catches it, they say ACT! This is the exact flow the energy needs to take to make things happen and will crack the ice, remove any accumulated cobwebs and open up the energy for having a positive exchange and have fun at the same time. It is that simple to get back the warmth and kindred spirit you already share. Not only this, but once you are all on the move, this will generate more interesting new ideas about how to spend quality time together and grow the relationships you have. Do not forget to brief us on the best of what takes place this week.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 14-20, 2013

Show how POWERFUL you are to the world around you. Jump out of the box and take on some more challenging and adventurous endeavors that will put you on the map in a more noticeable way. We will meet you on the other side by telling us how it went.

Monday, October 14, 2012: Forgone
There is a lot of power to be harvested in everything you have gone through. It is a forgone conclusion the experiences from your own past is what you have taken away and learned from and they will stay with you forever. Account for the wisdom you have acquired so far and have your entire life count more by making it as useful as it can be.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013:
As long as you are lively and communicate with others around you, anything you are on your way to do will happen. If you feel too tired to express yourself, you may have allowed pressure to get you. Remember, nothing can take your spark away. It is like an ever burning fire inside. All you need to do is rekindle it and let its warm energy charge you up again with your own unique blend of you and your precious and hearty qualities.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013: Appear
In the world, nothing is exactly as it may appear on the surface. Reality has a funny way of disguising itself and it takes looking a bit deeper beneath the obvious to catch it. Spend an extra moment to clarify what is what. It will be more than worth it in the end.

Thursday, October 17, 2013: Concentrate
Today, call on your power to concentrate on your ability to achieve the exact goal you are pursuing now. Focusing multiplies your energy as compared to when it is scattered all over the place. Take care of yourself first and this will help you keep it all together.

Friday, October 18, 2013: Understand
Can you understand the key components to what is going on in your own life? If you are fully in charge, it is easy to keep tabs on how everything is turning out for you in every department. If you have delegated the control over what is taking place to other conditions or people, you are taking a back seat to your own destiny. Clarify whatever you need in order to be on top of your own game so you can have it go your way.

Saturday, October 19, 2013: Sensational
This day can be nothing short of sensational if you mobilize your inner sensitivity and bring to the surface the best you have ever done. Fly high and you can surpass the usual and reach new horizons on your way to your destination.

Sunday, October 20, 2013: Action-Oriented

Nothing happens from just sitting around because it does not stir up any energy nor generate any movement. The key is a jam packed action-oriented schedule that keeps you on your toes, developing and evolving. No matter what your activity is, it will always be more successful when you avoid being inactive and stagnate. Gear up and get a move on.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

It is a forgone conclusion that if you communicate, everything will appear in front of your eyes as long as you concentrate on the positive and understand how a sensational and action-oriented plan can be successful.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With an action-oriented plan, your achievements can be sensational and you will understand that if you concentrate and do your best, success will naturally appear as long as you communicate with the forgone conclusion nothing will keep you from it.

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Energy of the Week for October 14-20, 2013: Powerful

This is a week to relive and explore further how powerful you really are. You are probably far stronger inside than you realize. The main reason you may not have tapped into your full potential is because of fear, which is simply a lack of understanding. When you possess a lot of energy that remains unleashed, it may feel intimidating – even to you. If you simply put your foot down and pull out everything you have inside, you will be able to live your inner power to the fullest.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Have you ever asked yourself what makes you powerful? It is being inspired. The more enthused you are with something truly meaningful to you, the more you are willing to go the extra mile, stand up and do anything in your power to help further it. You cannot fake inspiration, it is always genuine and real. What you find inspiring defines your very nature within going back lifetimes – all the way to your origin on planet Earth. Since this is very special for you, it will bring out your absolute best every time. You become your most motivated and driven when you are under the unrivalled influence of your own magical inspiration that never wears off. This is why it is so crucial to recognize it when it comes to you and keep it at the center of everything you do.

*Hint: Find your Personal Life Plan, a part of our Inner Guidance Consultation Program, and it will reveal to you the foundation you created for yourself before you came in. It will also pinpoint your own unique and inspiring spiritual message you live by in everything you do.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
The most powerful business people of all time have been driven to create and achieve something extraordinary and significant for the masses and mankind. So what motivates you on a daily basis? Is it simply to keep up a job so you can pay your bills? Or is it to make a bigger difference that affects more people in a lasting way? The smaller the scope of what you set yourself up to do, the less you will unleash your inner power. You need to aim big so you can open yourself up to more energy. Have you ever wondered how some people do things that are really amazing? They did it with a zest and energy that spearheaded them through hardships and up to undeniable heights. You can increase the size of your own opportunity and create a bigger and better footprint on this planet. Let us know how this inspires you to go further and set a higher bar for yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Usually your social circle is a place to relax, be yourself and have a good time with family and friends. But, however simple, ordinary or everyday this may sound, be aware you are a powerful example for others with every step you take. Who you are and how you live life affects those who are around you the most. They watch you and are touched by the way you carry yourself, the choices you make, how you respond to situations, etc. You interact with this immediate audience all the time and you either uplift them or do not contribute very much with what they are experiencing. What you do in the eyes of others causes you to be a stronger and better person where you grow exponentially day in day out. Take seriously the role you play both for yourself first and then for those you have attracted to be in your closest circle. Make better decisions and go for more powerful actions from the smallest of things on up. Let us know how this changes your life.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 7-13, 2013

Put yourself at a LEVEL you would like to be by pursuing what you want and being practical as to how to get there. Apply this in every area of your life to feel accomplished all around. Send us your best stories worth sharing.

Monday, October 7, 2012: Panacea
Start off the week royally! Live the panacea for all of your troubles right from the get-go. Settle down and be clear on your own priorities so you can clean your slate from the clutter and petty demands. Find time to enjoy the moment and immerse yourself into brand new experiences. Do not let anything take away from the good times you are having. If there is a problem, there is surely a solution for it just around the corner. Figuring things out is much easier with a light and flexible attitude.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013:
Today is all about go-get-what-you-long-for. You name it, you can have it if you are not afraid to ask for what you want and have the stamina to go after it. The universe always yields to an unwavering determination to get to your desired result. When you are helping yourself first, you are also helping everything else to help you. No one can resist an enthusiastic and charged up action when you do it with faith and a spark. Go for it, go all out and get it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013: Real
Have you ever asked yourself: is this for real? If you are totally absorbed into the dreams you have your heart set on, you may start experiencing them right away as if they really existed. This puts you directly into the state of being it will take to accomplish what you are looking for. Make a serious effort to visualize what you want and how you want to create it as detailed and fully as possible. Keep envisioning and reliving it until it happens.

Thursday, October 10, 2013: Love
Today you need more tender love and care than usual. Not because something bad may happen, but rather for the sake of pampering yourself so you can feel your best. Treat yourself right and spend a day living in a virtual heaven. The pay off will surpass your expectations as feeling good matters many times over. You will be able to make some unusually crafty solutions take place and a lot is depending on them. Enjoy yourself and be generous with everyone around you. Share with us your experiences!

Friday, October 11, 2013: Celebratory
This is a day the whole world will feel like being in a celebratory mode. Whether it is for a special occasion or for no reason at all, set your energy to remind yourself of everything amazing you have in your life. Realize there is so much more to be had as long as you go for it with all of your might. You will surely feel inspired and so will everyone else around you. Create memories and share about it.

Saturday, October 12, 2013: Conscious
How much being conscious matters will become more than evident today. You will be living the exception of the old saying – ignorance is bliss. This is because if you are not tuned in to what is taking place around you, you will most likely miss out on the real fun. Keep your eyes open and your ears sharp to catch the gist of everything that will unfold for you all day long.

Sunday, October 13, 2013: Expand

Although this may sound cliché, today could be your best bet to expand your horizons, provided you participate in the favorable circumstances that help you with everything you want to accomplish and share with others. Do not avoid the experiences you have in store for you. Live your day to the fullest and utilize the energy down to the last drop. This will maximize on what you will take away and benefit from in the end. Tell us what you learned from your week so far.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a panacea attitude, you can have a long success and real love will be available for you in a celebratory occasion with a conscious effort to expand and grow.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Let yourself expand with conscious means and celebratory love for what you do to achieve a real long lasting panacea in your immediate future.

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