Energy of the Week for May 13-19, 2013: Amplify

Get ready to focus and intensify your own process so you can elaborate on the details and refine every and each element of what you have been involved with lately. This will amplify your total sphere of influence – spreading your energy farther beyond your wildest expectations.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You grow personally primarily by adding more wisdom from your own experience and gaining new awareness by being exposed to everyday life on planet Earth. But there is a big threshold you can reach where you can benefit the most. It is called a leap of faith. It determines whether you will go after the things you truly want or if you are holding yourself back. The answer does not depend on outside factors. All that matters is whether you allow things to stop you. When you are determined, you will find a way to get through it. But if you look outside of yourself for direction, you will leave yourself behind, even if you mean the best for those around you or they mean the best for you. In short, do not delegate to anyone else to drive your life, however skilled or well intended they may be. You can do this yourself and improve your own quality of life. You intuitively know if you are listening to another boss. If you are stubborn, you will learn it the hard way. Do not waste your time learning it over and over again. Amplify your time and resources so you can take a short cut to easy learning and enjoy each lesson.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
How can you amplify your service to others? Look at what your recipients are saying to you and also what you wish was different and better. Go down this list and choose something you feel is worthwhile to improve and find a better approach. If you simply want to increase the benefit of what you are offering, calculate if you can  afford to add anything extra. If nothing is coming together materially, do not forget that extra moral support and attention is always welcome. It shows true concern. Giving sincerely warms your heart more than anything else and, unfortunately, it is more and more rare nowadays. You cannot offer your kindness just once and then take it away. It continues to go on and on. Besides, once you do it, you will enjoy it so much, you will want to keep it up. What a difference you will make by just being caring.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
This week, you will be able to multiply your strongest positive feelings to your loved ones and amplify the effect on them by simply being thoughtful and organized. Choose a favorite quality you see in them they will appreciate being complimented on the most. Write it down on a small piece of paper and place it in an item your friends or family members will use throughout the day when you are not around. Since it costs you nothing, you can literally do this a few times over with anyone who really matters to you in order to uplift and brighten their day. After they find these little love treats unexpectedly throughout the week, you will win their hearts over and over again even when you are not around. This could be a great beginning to following it up with your own ideas about how your energy can transcend the ordinary and make yourself even more present in their lives in ways they will remember forever.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 6-12, 2013

Wherever you are, you can uplift and ELEVATE both yourself and your environment if you take the right perspective that nothing is bad, anything is possible and worth trying. When all is said and done, do not forget to let us know how it went – we always really enjoy hearing from you.

Monday, May 6, 2012: Perfect
Make today perfect by starting the day fresh with the winning attitude of opening a door for opportunities coming into your life. Nothing should come around you to drag you down from where you are as long as you move yourself toward where you prefer to be, although it may take some effort. When you know what you are doing it for, it is all well and good and easier to do.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013:
Be happy-go-lucky and cause the day to flow your way by ensuring you are going to enjoy yourself no matter what. You are the most charismatic when you are charged with enthusiasm. No one can resist someone who is shooting for the stars. You can turn a few heads if you follow your bold intuition. You will always be better off taking a chance than not. He who does nothing can do no wrong, but will never excel to where he needs to be. Figure yourself out and follow your gut. This is when the lucky stars will be on your side.  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013: Resound
You can truly thrust yourself into a big challenge today and have a great outcome. The energy will resound, shield and elevate you as long as you put it to good use. If you forge ahead, you will be a winner. But if you doubt yourself, you will lose it before you take your chance.

Thursday, May 9, 2013:
You can indeed perpetuate your enthusiasm if you base it on following your heart and giving it your all. What sustains your focus will guarantee you will achieve your purpose as long as it is sincere and not pretended. Live completely absorbed by your inner-most desires. Without them, your life will in fact be empty.

Friday, May 10, 2013: Knock

You will be in luck today when opportunities knock as long as you listen to your sensitivity. But to make this happen, you need to start believing you are worthy of undertaking them even if it means you need to elevate yourself to be better than you have been in the past. Give yourself a green light so you can roll up your sleeves and get to work and make what you dream happen.

Saturday, May 11, 2013: Turn

You need to decide how to be more systematic so you can turn your destiny in the only direction it needs to go – your way. Find what gives you a good solid feeling and go for it. Account for your progress and make sure you know where you are on your journey. Use where you started as a trampoline and where you are headed as a generator of pure enthusiasm. Slowing down is not a problem in the long run as long as you continue to keep yourself moving.

Sunday, May 12, 2013: Direction

Check if you are moving in the right direction for yourself. If everything that happens to you is fantastic and thrilling, even when it may be hard, you are definitely on the right track. If you are unsure of yourself and there is a lingering doubt, ask yourself: would I be better off without being involved in what makes me happy? If the answer is no, then you may have caught yourself just in time to switch gears and change lanes. If you have a strong impression to continue doing what makes you feel fulfilled, then commit yourself to yourself again and restart your life with a new flare and zeal.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

You just need to be perfect in your own eyes to be truly happy and make decisions so they resound and perpetuate your positive energy and always knock on the door of the success you create for yourself as you turn toward the right direction that will take you there.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Choose your direction and make the right turn to knock on the door of the place you want to be and you can harness and perpetuate experiences that will resound of being happy to their perfect manifestation.

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Energy of the Week for May 6-12, 2013: Elevate

No matter where you are in life, you can use the uplifting energy this week to elevate yourself to a brand new state-of-consciousness. Change is easy when you make things simple. Concentrate on what really matters to you and adjust to what you know works for you. Do not just stand there and think about it. Nothing is as hard as it seems once you move ahead. At the same time, things will always happen differently along the way even with the most elaborate plan in place before you start. So, waiting for the ideal option to open up for you before you act may cost you. You can do a lot more than you know, especially if you are lead by inspired and benevolent ideas that will further you and enrich others. Remember, the universe has a very special way of rewarding us when we make the step to do what is right for ourselves first. Your wait is over – the time has come to jump up and reach for the stars!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Even if you feel your life is taking you on a roller coaster ride, you can always bring it back up to a high note. Sometimes, you just need a jolt to give you a bit more incentive to get back on your feet – even if you went down a bit lower than you expected. It helps to be ready to do just about anything after you have had it with how things have been. This is the week for you to see personally the light at the end of the tunnel. But just so you do not miss it, elevate yourself and look straight ahead into what your immediate future can hold for you by taking some steps outside of where you have been. Every place you find yourself is but a stepping stone to the next. So, sometimes it is well worth it to go through a narrow bridge if it takes you to your ultimate destination. Brace yourself for the best experience you may have had in a very long time. It will come your way if you step out and show yourself to the world!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Real inspiration can bring cheers and is very contagious as it brings people to stand up on their own feet to see greater possibilities than what they might already be used to. This week, you can harness this energy with an additional element of surprise to bring more joy to your work environment. Even if it is as simple as flavorful refreshments or little treats they would not expect, it will be greatly appreciated. Sometimes, things can get solved if something out of the ordinary can bring the people involved just a little closer together. You could inspire a small task to be creative and have everyone come up with a different part of the project. You can even offer two options so each person can choose which one is the more appealing to give everyone a sense of abundance. Do not sweat the small stuff so you can keep the flow going. Unite, not divide. This will definitely accelerate a team to climb to new heights as every participant will start moving faster and be more focused. Extend a hand and you will get another handed back to you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

This week, you may need to be a really good friend to someone special in your immediate environment. Be there to listen and show them that nothing is as bad as it might look. In fact, lighten up the atmosphere by bringing back some highlights from great memories you have had together to give them a better perspective. While you could offer a fresh suggestion to elevate them, do not overdo it by taking on what is theirs or doing it for them. This could be a lesson they need to learn so do not take it away from them. It will empower them if they manage to get back on their feet thanks to your solid encouragement.

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The Energy of the Month for May is REVEAL

The hardest thing on planet Earth is to reveal your own truth about yourself. Because it is the real you we are talking about, you are sensitive to it and it could be difficult for you to show others who you really are inside. This is called the fear of being found out. Believe it or not, it is not the real person inside you are afraid of showing. It is the “fake” one you created in your first seven year cycle of life you inherited from your parents or whoever raised you. Do not make it a hardship for you to come to terms with who you really are and meet your true self. Then, stand firm in your own personal energy and show your true face to everyone else. This month’s energy does not throw any punches. It will put you in a tight corner and leave you with no choice but to see yourself in the mirror like never before. Are you ready to meet the incredible you?

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
As long as we are still living a life on this planet, it means we are all working out concepts, confusion and complacency that goes back lifetimes into our own past. This is why some people say – nobody is perfect! While we are all still working out our little kinks and quirks, there is a general tendency to look outside of ourselves for what needs to be addressed and fixed. In reality, you do not need to be fixed. You are not broken. As a soul, you are perfect already. You just need to smooth out the wrinkles you inherited. This explains the phenomenon that what you see in others, you have in yourself. Moreover, if something about someone else bothers you a lot, then you have it bad. On the other hand, if you are still susceptible to what is going on with another person, but you can both understand and remain balanced about it, then you must have already gone through the lesson and learned it well. This is the time to see through the other person and see yourself. When you point your finger at someone else, just picture yourself standing in front of a mirror and ask yourself what gets you irked. Then, do whatever it takes you to find out why. You cannot escape from yourself. You and yourself are an inseparable team, so do yourself a favor and take seriously what comes up to show you who you truly are. The best part of all of this is you can instantly become who you want to be as fast as you decide to do so. This is because the soul moves by desire and you have an unlimited power to create what you want. So, there are no excuses this month if you want to be beautiful, free, successful and powerful. Once you get a handle on this, tell us all about it. If you share about your transformation, you will increase its energy by empowering and inspiring others who need to hear how you did it and realize it is possible to do the same for themselves.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Consider your business life – do you think of it as a curse or the real implementation of who you are? You have most likely been given strict limits in a 9 to 5 job, parameters in a job description or put in a box of sorts and told what you should do if you want to keep the position in order to get the paycheck. This is not very inspiring to most people. The question is: is there anything you can do other than resign yourself to the idea there is no other way? As a matter of fact – yes! You are you. Use all of your energy to apply your full potential in everything you do. Your creativity has no boundaries and cannot be put on a leash. Even though you may need to perform certain work within a certain framework, use it as a channel for what you can really do. Put a fresh, inspiring and unusual twist only you can add to your job. By being innovative, you can bring some color and brightness to it that no one else ever thought of before. What would a genius do if they were you? Reveal your own genius inside and take your occupation to a level it has never been before. Having fun and exciting energy will turn things around for you and your entire work environment.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
What would your social environment be like if others in fact knew you for who you truly are? Being upfront is a necessity if you want them to be aware of what you are really all about. You cannot impose on anyone to learn more about you, but you can certainly impress them by being an inspiring and unique example of great energy and being positive and strong. This only happens when you are in your own skin and exude confidence. Do your best to get your points across when you share. If you ever feel attacked, remember they are actually at war with themselves as well and you could both be in the same boat going through a similar situation. No matter what, continue to communicate sincerely and make a real effort to get to know them better. In fact, find more interesting ways to help yourself and others reveal each other’s inner essence while you are involved in something meaningful to all of you.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 29-May 5, 2013

Expand on your LOVING nature and reap countless huge successes created from being kind, positive and energetic at all times. Notice the greater power you possess to influence others when you are truly considerate and care deeply for their benefit. Show them how you are treating yourself in the best way as a key example to follow.

Monday, April 29, 2012: Sincere
Even the toughest of times can crumble under a tremendous loving approach that simply disables all negativity and focuses on the sincere warmth in all of us instead. We all chose planet Earth to live in this time around and need to take care of ourselves first. We are united in our core nature and are bound to experience the best of life and the not-so-good in a similar way. Open up your deepest empathy from your heart to help you understand those you will encounter today so you can connect with them in a lasting manner.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013:
Your inspiration to dream and desire to accomplish is an undeniable reason to initiate going all the way. Show yourself you are worthy by persevering and squaring away how you can make it work for yourself as you prepare diligently. Your willingness will drive you ahead, but you need to dig deep and utilize all of the resources you have inside to make this your greatest accomplishment yet.     

Wednesday, May 1, 2013: Act
Something always triggers you to act, but despite your intention to achieve the best for yourself, if your underlying motivation does not come from the right place to be loyal to yourself first, it may look on the surface as if it works for you, but you could be left empty and unfulfilled inside. Do not forget to attend to yourself before you dive into the day and make it a habit to watch out for your own energy throughout to keep your act together. This way, everything you do will count for the best.

Thursday, May 2, 2013:
Your inner glow and behavior will announce to the world how well you are doing for yourself. Your inner strength will flow into everything you reach out to and touch. Be a part of the whole and bring your impeccable signature into it all. Leave a meaningful trail of footprints of your own energy behind. Do everything today with real love and passion.

Friday, May 3, 2013: Respect

Respect yourself enough to listen to the slightest of hunches and inspirations you receive from your own sensitivity and do them justice by making them count. If they is coming to you, embrace them with faith and confidence and put forth the effort to make it happen. Take yourself more seriously by paying close attention to what you are really meant to do today and with your whole life.

Saturday, May 4, 2013: Tune In

The best way to flow with the energy of the day for yourself and with others in your environment is to tune in to your highest aspirations and are compatible with the same direction of those who are joining you in what you do. Pursue your ultimate goal together and forget the misunderstandings or little mishaps along the way. After all, if you stay true to the mighty purpose that drives you, the insignificant trivia you experience will not be worthy of your time and attention.

Sunday, May 5, 2013: Responsible

The important thing today is to be responsible for your own actions and realize they have a lot to do with what is happening with you and around you. Your equilibrium inside is what attracts where you need to be so you can learn more about yourself. So, before you express some discord with something you do not like, look deep within and determine the reason you attracted this experience to you in the first place. This may even help you get to know yourself a lot better before the week’s end. Let us know what you find out!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be ready to be sincere and prepare for what life brings your way when you act out of your heart and announce with respect your intent to tune in and carry your mission out with a responsible hand.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Responsible actions can help you tune in and respect what you need to announce to yourself and others who will act on the mutual plan you will prepare to follow in a sincere way.

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Energy of the Week for April 29-May 5, 2013: Loving

Everyone has a perception about what a positive and nice meaning loving has. When everything is good and uplifted, it is very easy to be warm, kind and supportive. The key to experiencing this more is when things turn harder and there is not enough of what you need to go around in the way you wish, it is important to find out what defines the very nature of staying loving under any circumstance in every area of your life – personal, business and social.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The real magic to being loving is to remain so under the most trying of circumstances. To be able to do this effectively, see through the unpleasant situation you may be in so you have a bigger picture of a realistic and long-term way you would like things to be for yourself and others. As long as you make this a permanent decision and criteria, it will be as easy as counting to 1,2 and 3 to instantly separate yourself with every count a little more outside of any heaviness and pressure. This way, you will be able to observe what is taking place peacefully from a solid place of inner solace. You will discover you can continue to be yourself and fit comfortably in your own cozy skin by being genuinely positive. The power you possess when you remain stable, in full control and centered in your unshakeable balance is immeasurable. If you experience this at least once by managing to stay in tune and not fold under whatever may be going on outside of you, it will be so encouraging, you will look forward to doing it over and over again – every chance you get.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The only way to be totally loving in your line of business is to be fully vested in what it is you are contributing to others and society as a whole with what you do. Envision how beneficial and incredible it is for the overall good and the positive energy it creates. This will attract everyone. How can they resist feeling great and being helped with what they need? You can really make a difference for others if you can see what it is like to be in their shoes and consider their perspective while giving them the best solution. They will also feel understood if you allow them to voice any feedback and you find creative ways to address their suggestions or concerns. Handle or improve what they have pointed out. Spread this love and you can reach out and touch the lives of many people who avail themselves of your service.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Chances are, you are already as loving as you can be with the people in your own environment. Even so, you still may need to handle harder moments between you and them. But what can you do when it is so challenging to relax or keep it together while continuing to be sensitive and supportive of them if you feel off yourself? Take a much needed time out. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, you may get outside of yourself and react negatively which will keep you from being positive and patient. But, if you stop right then and there and take a few deep breaths in and let a few long breaths out, you will be much more collected and settled so you get can get back to what is really going on. This way, you can find a way to work things out and feel empowered. It is no secret that it is impossible to handle anything in a loving way unless you remain soft and assured within and project it to others. Love yourself first so you can bring out your inner kindness to enrich the world.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 22-28, 2013

BOOST yourself and go for the gusto! Keep your energy positive and focus on what is the most uplifting to you so you can channel the best you are capable of. Ride the wave of this week’s energy to the fullest.

Monday, April 22, 2012: Loving
Take everything you know about being loving and apply it fully to yourself first and then toward everyone else. With caring and kindred energy, you can achieve the most from the opportunities you will be facing today and be able to warm and soften many hearts.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013:
If you feel out of place today, do not have a rushed reaction. Just say you need more time to get your balance back so you can really put yourself in a nice place and continue from there. When you take your time to respond from the depths of your heart to whatever you will be facing, you will indeed be able to turn around every situation for the best.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013: Energize
Potentially, there is unlimited energy that can flow through you and you can utilize it as long as what you are focusing on is positive and directed. If you are looking for natural ways to energize yourself and experience high, long-lasting inspiration and true excitement, the easiest option is to ask yourself what you are called to do in this lifetime. This is because, if you miss your mark, you can never get to be what you are meant to be. But if you flow with exactly what you came here to do, you can skyrocket yourself up to your highest energy.

Thursday, April 25, 2013:
Wherever you are in the world today, you can exude your sunny personality and shine through with your smile and brightest energy when you showcase your drive and motivation to reach for the stars. This is not the time to be shy or save yourself from the trouble. Rather, pursue your opportunities to share fervently and more than you could ever expect will be in store for you before the day is over.

Friday, April 26, 2013: Expand

You may need to put on your bold shoes today if you dare expand your horizons. Be proactive and take a step ahead to meet the energy half-way and, chances are, it will go your way. Fill yourself with confidence and present yourself well. While you are constantly growing and expanding, your best work is yet to be done. Always look forward and stay ahead.

Saturday, April 27, 2013: Repeat

Recall the highlights of what you have learned in your life so far. You may find yourself in a situation which will require you to repeat what you know so you come out of it successfully. When you practice good behavior, it becomes a pattern you can always follow and rely on to work for you when you need it the most.

Sunday, April 28, 2013: Fabulous

Not only can this day be good and great, it can be truly fabulous. You must be feeling really good about yourself up to this point this week as you reap the fruits of your labor by getting great news about developments that exceed your highest expectations which will propel you up beyond your wildest dreams. Make it a habit to boost yourself and continue down this pathway of accelerated energy forever.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Being loving toward yourself and your environment helps you respond from your heart and energize your drive toward a strong sunny disposition where you can expand and repeat your success in a fabulous way.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Always start from a fabulous perspective to repeat your best moves and expand your sunny horizons to energize yourself and respond to your environment in a most loving way.

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Energy of the Week for April 22-28, 2013: Boost

This is your time to fully engage yourself into what you came here to do and raise your energy to 100%. The key to experiencing this boost is to avoid looking for permission from your environment so you can tune in and connect with your own positive sensitivity. Do yourself a big favor. Increase your outlook on life and feel encouraged to experience tremendous growth and expansion from the inside out.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

No matter what is really going on in your life, you can instantly improve it by taking time for yourself to make sure you are in your own relaxed energy. To help you calm down and pull yourself together, you can do an instant Personal Energy Cleansing technique, which takes less than a minute to experience. Give yourself an uplifting boost often. This is the least you can do for yourself to always be at your best. In order to ward off pressure in your environment, you will need to get the what, when, where and why of what is affecting you. If other people or circumstances cause you trouble, you need to examine how you are allowing them to have such a tight grip on you. No matter how close to you everything else is, you can still stay detached. If you have set yourself up where your well-being depends on someone else, consider what you can set in place so you can stand on your own two legs and establish a mechanism to stay away from undue stress. This is the only way for you to have stability and feel solid – no matter what happens. This way, you can give the most of yourself to yourself and everyone else around you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Giving your service a make-over is what could bring a natural boost to its growth and expansion. You already know what could be better and have an idea how this could be made to work. Now you need to do something about it. The most common excuse for not improving a business is the lack of resources to do it with. Here is a little clarification. Money is an expression of the value of energy you have provided and depends on how well it is organized to do what you want efficiently. When you receive an energy exchange for what you are offering others, the backing you get is greater than the exact dollar amounts you have accumulated in the process. By not looking narrowly at money as the only means to make things happen, you can maximize on all of these resources by sharing to rally support. Word-of-mouth about how well you are performing your job is more valuable than the monetary compensation you may be presently collecting for it. Your true success is the inspiring influence you have over those attracted to your work and the substance it brings to them by enriching their lives in a quantifiable way. Spiritually, all your business life boils down to is spreading your unique creative energy through a practical product or service which becomes your way of touching others and having a solid impact. Show your bright light and the positive charge you carry within to unleash your gifts to the world.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Once you cleanse yourself personally and unleash your super powers to be of service to others, you can also give a great boost to everyone else and the environment you live in. Each person you encounter on a daily basis can always use an extra spark to brighten up and be inspired to do better for themselves. One thing that can help you for sure is to feel uplifted by entertaining all of the great possibilities you may have in the future. Get together with others and share about your highest dreams and aspirations that motivate you to keep moving and find more key areas to connect and bond even more.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 15-21, 2013

This week, put into ACTION all you have been building for yourself through lifetimes. Decide your next move so your life will take you where you want to go. Stay in your center and you will always unfold and spotlight all of the wisdom you have already gained.   

Monday, April 15, 2012: Encounter
An unexpected encounter may not be obvious to you today. Life will bring the solution you have urgently been looking for. In order to recognize it, you will need to keep your eyes wide open. You will know what it is because its presence will strengthen you as long as you take it seriously.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013:
Write your own recipe for success today. You know the ingredients: stay committed to doing what you love no matter what. Take yourself more seriously by seeing all the opportunities you are facing in a new light. You may feel a giant thrust forward as you accelerate toward greater heights and pursue bigger goals for yourself. Share everything that has worked for you with as many people as you can. Pass on what you are learning so you can multiply the energy of what you are advancing toward by inspiring many others in turn.      

Wednesday, April 17, 2013: Forward
Your life could move forward at greater speed today. If you remain in your own pristine energy, you will stay true to yourself and be at peace with the rest of the world. However, if you get involved in heavy pressure caused by old concepts or fear, it can take a big toll on spearheading toward what you want to achieve. Do not waste your time. Just stand on your own two feet so you do not slow down unnecessarily. Shake off any unpleasantness and do not allow any disturbances to get to you. Smile big and you will feel stronger and be able to conquer anything.

Thursday, April 18, 2013:
Trust in yourself and use your abilities as a magic wand today to create the outcomes you want. By taking into consideration the big picture and how every action you take will affect you in the long run, you will make wiser choices. You are not just here for one day and altogether, through your journey, you will build a massive undertaking for yourself lasting for lifetimes to come – even if you graduate this time around!

Friday, April 19, 2013: Zoom!

You will not be able to accomplish what you are looking for today unless you take into account some small, but important, details. Slow down and pay attention at how what you are doing is unfolding. When you get down to the nitty-gritty, examine the choices you have and do not spare any efforts to zoom! Write down everything worth remembering.

Saturday, April 20, 2013: Ecstatic
You will become ecstatic and astonish your environment with your finest work as long as you stay balanced and focused. You can surpass your own expectations and beat your own records by making this a day to remember. It does not have to be difficult. On the contrary, it will be easy. Just keep yourself in the right place at the right time.

Sunday, April 21, 2013: Undertake

Whatever you decide to undertake today is going to take you down a new and different path. This will bring you to a place you have never been before. You learn from everything you put yourself into, but there are certainly detours you can save yourself from. Stay clear in your choices and you will see more happen in one day than you ever have before.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Expect an encounter that can play a major role in completing your recipe for success and move forward as you create a close-up zoom! of the most ecstatic pathway you are yet to undertake.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be ready to undertake an ecstatic journey when you zoom! in closely and create a system to move forward with a new recipe to encounter more of yourself.

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Energy of the Week for April 15-21, 2013: Action

This whole week will provide you a stage to produce and direct your own life experience. Like in a movie, say to yourself: lights, camera, action! You will be lead by your inner guidance to realize more than ever you are indeed creating your own story and can decide which way you want to make it turn at any time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The first thing you need to start with is what you really want to do with your life. This will turn into the core of your own life script and set the tone for every twist and turn that will follow from it. If you feel as if you really do not know what you are destined to do, it could be because you had given the control panel to someone else, or even worse, to outside circumstances telling you what you should do with yourself. You can reverse this immediately by making a solid decision coming from your own intuition about what you truly desire. Discern what inspires you the most and makes you the happiest person you can be. It is the one thing you cannot concur with anyone else other than your own self. This is the only way you can follow your inner direction – which is what you have come here to do. If you align yourself with yourself, you will indeed craft your own destiny in a fashion that suits you the best. Every action that comes out from all of this will establish what happens to you from now on. It will always feel natural and exciting when it is the right thing to do. You will never want to slow down. The more you are into it, the more it causes your energy to thrive and keep moving. Although this is the energy for this week, you will discover how important it is to do this – all the time. Let us know what you take away from the next few days to help you as you move (energy of the month) forward.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Nothing will ever get done or happen in your business without action. This week is about getting it well organized and thought out so it will produce the most desired results. Reconnect with the real reason for doing what you do. It has to be two-fold: the first part is about what it gives to you followed by what it provides for others. This double-benefit is the driver that keeps you in action because it is worth it to both you and everyone else. It also distinguishes your service from doing something mechanical simply for the money. Bring yourself up to the enchanting magic of being a part of an inspired action with a heart that enriches your service and everything around you. Watching yours and your customer’s satisfaction grow will always feel truly fulfilling.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Take the initiative this week to gather with the people who mean the most to you and enjoy some mutual experiences together. By bonding even more than you ever have before, you will feel energetic. Also, take turns doing what both of you like to do. There will always be something to stimulate the conversation and an exchange of feelings and ideas. Make note of what interests everyone so you have an even better plan for the next time. Share about topics that are exciting and have your time together count by taking action to regroup what you have learned from each other.

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