Weekly Energy of the Day for February 4-10, 2013

This week, you can RESOLVE outstanding burdens wearing you down as long as you focus on discovering the source of the pressure. By clarifying the reasons why things may not be going as well as you wish, you can find a better solution while gaining both from the relief and the satisfaction of handling it in the best possible way.

Monday, February 4, 2012: Statute

Some people make the mistake of putting themselves in the back seat by being too patient or nicey-nicey with others. Today is a good time to stand up for yourself and make sure you are no longer leaving yourself behind. Being loyal to yourself can also mean to express to others what you need to do and take the initiative to make it happen. Draw an imaginary line between yourself and your environment and do not allow it to be crossed over by outside influences or energies. Make it your own statute to protect  your sacred personal space because no one else can do this for you.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013:
This is a great time to remind yourself of the big picture of everything you need to pursue in your life. Take a moment to step outside of the immediate situation you are in and reconnect with the bigger purpose behind what guides and drives you. This will reenergize and allow you to get re-inspired about your mission and the goals you have set for yourself along the way. Any time the going gets tougher, this will help you see it as a small bump on the road. Even the biggest of problems from the outlook of the big picture seem insignificant. There is so much good in everything that it is not justified to worry. Pause, change your perspective and carry on with your head lifted up higher.  

Wednesday, February 6, 2013: Resolute
Staying firm and putting forth an earnest effort will help you manage your day best. Being resolute is easy if you base it on your determination to succeed and clarify what it takes. If you have the inner desire, then you must have the guts to earn it. Believe in yourself and stand unwavering at anything trying to convince you otherwise. Go for it, do it and share with us your powerful experiences.

Thursday, February 7, 2013:
To be yourself is easier said than done. You may not like it when you cannot do things better. Perhaps, you are not where you can manage with ease exactly what you want for yourself. What matters is whether you are living for yourself or not. You are always moving ahead toward doing your best, but it is like a moving target. It will always get better and better as you go, although you will never reach perfection because there are always new heights to climb up to. If you just realize your constant growth is what you are seeking and is the only thing you can actually accomplish for yourself, then you can breathe much freer and go for it in peace.

Friday, February 8, 2013: Conscious

There may be a lot more you are conscious of in your awareness than you give yourself credit for. What matters is where you put your intent. It is like a laser beam penetrating deep, but only if you have pointed it in the right direction. If you really care about something, you will be able to grasp much more about it than if you are ignoring it. Every time you tell yourself you did not know about something, ask yourself if were you really focused on it or not. You may discover the reason it slipped your mind is because you were not on top of it. You rule your own consciousness. Pay attention to the things and people who matter to you even more by keeping them closer to your heart and mind. As a result, you will be many times more aware of them than you ever have before.

Saturday, February 9, 2013: Redirect

The lesson for today is there is always more than one way to do something. If what you are trying to do does not work in the way you are attempting to do it, you do not have to give it up altogether. Just keep going for it differently. If your intent is strong enough, be creative and try another avenue to get the results you are looking for. You can always redirect your energy and still achieve your goal. Take the necessary detours as a learning curve that makes you even better.

Sunday, February 10, 2013: Action

Take action today on what you need to do for yourself. By getting a good handle on the things you needed to resolve this whole week, you will do justice to the energy and simplify your life more. Do not go blindly into aimless efforts that are not well directed. As long as you see what needs to be done, you can craft a diplomatic way to do it while inspiring and involving others to help you with it. Even if the day appears to be long, there will be an end to it when you can rest. But it is always better when you are grateful for all you have done and pat yourself on the back for doing it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Turn inspiring principles into your statute to go by with a real purpose to stay resolute and be conscious to redirect your energy and apply a powerful action towards your desired goal.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Use an immediate action to redirect your aim of being conscious so you can be yourself  and resolute to strike your target with a purpose and make it your statute to always succeed.

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Energy of the Week for February 4-10, 2013: Resolve

It is time to resolve any tension or issues you may be experiencing both inside and out. This week, the key is to realize no one is bad, just not able to perform up to par under pressure. Discern what is creating the pressure and where it is coming from. As long as you can nip it at the source, you will be able to help both you and them at the same time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Put your finger on what stands between you and total happiness. If you are blaming other people and circumstances, go a step further to find out why it is affecting you and resolve it. What can you do to be more loyal to yourself first? How you feel inside is totally up to you. If you want to change your environment, all you can really do is communicate and make suggestions, but always do what you know is best for you. After you have done this, even if nothing works, you do not need to feel bad about anything outside of yourself. If you need to improve yourself, address it with a clear attitude to change and move ahead in a much better way. Be merciless on your old paradigms or concepts that keep you from being loyal to yourself. You are stronger than them because they do not belong to you. You inherited them from your parents or whoever raised you. If you decide to clarify these habits and cut them off, they are done. Stand firm and by the week’s end, you will understand you do not have any real troubles – only what you have created in your mind.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
In today’s economy, many people, just like you, have adopted the attitude to work for a paycheck to pay bills. Most of the time this converts the job into an unwanted obligation you are bearing for lack of a better opportunity. Biting your tongue, grinding teeth and holding all sorts of negativity within can soon mount up and carry a lot of burden within. What can you do? Is there a way to resolve this conflict of interest between what you may be forcing on yourself to do versus what you would rather do if you could? Actually, there is. It is a brand new, fresh approach to your job. Take a look at it from a completely different perspective. If this was someone else’s dream job, what would attract a person who would love doing what you are doing? What would be rewarding and appealing to them? No matter what you are involved with, there must be a lot of upsides. You are always acquiring skills and gaining unique experience you can learn from. If you were to write a volume of an encyclopedia about your job, how many things could you share and comment on from your own perspective? There is never a reason to put down or feel depressed about your occupation. You can become an expert with an incredible specialty others will admire. The power is in you to take what you may consider a curse and turn it into your own unique masterpiece. Take what you are gaining from it and use it as a steppingstone to where you really want to be. Even if it is something you feel you have to do for the time being, it is you holding the job, not the other way around. Just show it who is boss.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Since nothing is ever absolutely perfect, there is always room to resolve imperfections between you and the people you care about. This week, choose your top three and focus on them separately. Just like pulling an elastic that will eventually break, applying pressure on someone will sooner or later make them snap at their own level. Identify who around you is under pressure and how this is affecting them directly and you indirectly. It would be helpful to find a way to alleviate what is creating the pressure to begin with. Simple and sincere conversation has always been known to help clarify and bring out into the open many important points, which if summed up, could reveal a possible solution. If you think there is nothing around you to clarify, check again. You do not need the little things to be ignored until they grow bigger and stronger. With the energy backing you this week, swiftly handle whatever you need to and let us know how it went.

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The Energy of the Month for February is ARTICULATE

This is the month to be articulate and verbalize to yourself and others exactly what you want. This will give you an advantage and accelerate your way to success. Many people have an idea in mind, but never bother to pin it down in words, let alone express or share it with the world around them. If you sit down and put on paper what your heart truly wants, you will be impelled to do justice to your own desires.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You cannot be effective in what you want to do if you do not make a solid plan. In order to simplify the steps you need to take, bring to the surface what inspires you inside and summarize it. This will internalize it in such a way that will allow you to be able to state what you want for yourself clearly. In short, this will help you pin yourself down. No more spaced out wishing and general well intended vagueness. Share with yourself what you really want and get empowered to go for it full speed ahead. Knowing where you are headed makes you solid. Articulate. This is the only way you will get there.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
In business, you need to be your own spokesperson. Whether you like to promote, coordinate or administrate, your personal strength needs to be applied in all the work you do. Being shy will not take you too far. Keeping your inner talents a secret will convince the world they do not exist. You need to decide if you are going to keep the door closed for yourself by staying in the shadows or whether you are going to articulate loud and clear how much you can really do to be of the best possible service to yourself and others. This month offer it with a bang, make some noise and put the fun in working from your heart. Spread the cheer. Everybody likes things to be light and easy. Just help them get it that way.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
You do not have to be a great writer or eloquent speaker to capture the hearts of your closest friends and family. What makes you smooth and lucid in your relationships is being sincere and straightforward. Saying the truth in the simplest way has a warm energy no words can match. It is time to articulate your true feelings and with a straight look in the eye and a genuine smile, you can show your kindness. This will go a long way. Finally, be comfortable in your own shoes. The way to nip your shyness in the bud is to share from your experience. No one can say you are wrong when you know what you have lived through. Enjoy giving of yourself and being involved in life to the fullest.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 28-February 3, 2013

Be in COMMAND and hold the reigns of your life with a firm grasp. Do not ever let go of what you know you have come here to do. Communicate, coordinate, share with others and ask for help, but do not give up control of making your own decisions by following your own gut. At the end of any day, it is you living your own life. So do not delegate this crucial role to anyone else. No one can do half as good as you. Believe in yourself and just do your thing. Because you have a natural edge – you – will always do better than anyone else at being yourself!

Monday, January 28, 2012: Tighten

If you have not discovered this yet, planet Earth is a very advanced school in this galaxy system of ours. You have come here to learn from living your life, just like everyone else. It is well known that practice makes perfect and this is why you are getting trained into bringing the best of you into this world. Since all training involves some sort of hard activity – lifting weights, running track, repeating moves over and over again, it all translates into sharpening your ability of doing more with less. From everything you have gained so far, the key is: If your life should tighten on you, you are not to tighten in return. Whatever situation you may find yourself in, you are ready for. Do not ever think it is otherwise. Own up to it. Keep your cool, loosen up your muscles, relax and lift up your energy to an all time high. This way, you will be able to look down at the troubling situation from up above, solve it swiftly and wave it good-bye.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013:
It is time to relieve yourself from your worst burden. Just release the concept that holds you hostage. Forgive and forget so you can move ahead with the renewed strength of a clean slate. To soften the blockage’s hold on you, ease up on yourself for not being able to handle this so far and feel victorious for going for it today. Decide it is no longer going to bother you because you are not going to give it the time of day any longer. After all, you have better things to do than being down and under anything that is beneath you to begin with. What a relief this is!     

Wednesday, January 30, 2013: Junction
You may find yourself at a junction once again, so life is asking you to revisit closely the available choices and discern which is the best way to go. Summarize a bullet list with the basic facts of the what, when, where and why of every viable option and choose the one you love the most overall. Don’t you wish everything else was this simple?

Thursday, January 31, 2013:
It is understandable, sometimes like today, Thursdays feel like the weekend. You may need a small breather with some downtime. Take this moment to attend to your needs without forgetting to take care of what is truly essential. Just strip your schedule down to the bare necessities and get organized enough to handle them and leave time to take charge and enjoy the rest of the day with yourself as a top priority. Seize the fun and share with all of us how you did it.

Friday, February 1, 2013: Accentuate

Something about today will stay with you forever. It will not be a something or someone else. The spotlight is on you to accentuate your life and your love for living it to the fullest in the way only you know how to do it for yourself. If you flow in the energy, it will be easy as a breeze to experience deeply even the most ordinary of instants. There may be something you would like to say that will be remembered. Life may be giving you the words, but you are the only one who can put stress on those of them you choose. Make a heartfelt choice and pass it along our way.

Saturday, February 2, 2013: Extend

As usual, in your efforts to achieve the best for yourself today, you may be tempted to extend yourself beyond your limits. Utilize your boldest move by stepping up to give the most you can, but do not over-extend or lose your balance. As long as you feel strong doing it, you have not crossed the line. If you begin to feel depleted, it is time to pause, recharge and when you are ready, if possible, stretch even more. Doing the maximum should feel good at all times. Overdoing it could weaken you where you may need more resources to get back to normal. Know your limit and you will not find yourself moving one step ahead and two steps back. This way, you will always move straight ahead.

Sunday, February 3, 2013: Now

If you may have been skipping ahead into the future making plans for the big picture, or the opposite by staying caught in the past resolving old experiences, it may be time to return to the present so you can pin down what you need to undertake right now. While it may be clear that all you have is the current moment to live in and make things happen, understand this quick instant in time bridges your before and after. You can seize the most power out of every experience as long as you acknowledge you renew with every passing moment and you can change yourself for the better with every breath you take. Let your now count the most by making your next always be better than your previous.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do not tighten yourself up, but release your power to be flexible and creative at any junction you encounter so you can make the understandable choice to accentuate on the most you can extend and make happen with everything you possess right now.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Leave a legacy with every breath and your now will extend and accentuate your most understandable idea to make the best choice at every junction so you can release the past of everything that can make you tighten up so you can live openly in a world of true happiness.

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Energy of the Week for January 28-February 3, 2013: Command

Take command and be in charge of your own energy so you can run your life in the way you want. Whether you believe it or not, even your own spiritual guidance/angels are not going to help you unless you focus clearly on what your heart desires. You also need to be in control by exercising your inner authority on any inspiration they give you since you are the one who must act on your own hunches. So, stand up for yourself and shape up because you are on over the next few days.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

How many more things would you pursue for yourself if you knew there was help that would never give up on you – as long as you did not give up on your own pursuits? This is the reality of how much spiritual backing you have when you follow what is truly beneficial to you and take the lead for yourself. It may look as though the whole world is against you, both with circumstances or with other people, but you need to know your own strength backed by your incredible and energetic support is greater. You can always overpower anything standing in your way. The key is sticking to it. Otherwise, you are not utilizing all of your resources, as if you have an arsenal but are not resorting to using it. Only you can initiate this. As long as you believe in yourself and you want what you desire enough, you will not be able to give it up and it is probably what you have come here to do. Make up your mind. You are your own commander-in-chief – so command yourself to success. We would love for you to tell us your most inspiring story.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
So many of us work our entire life without taking charge of what we are actually doing for a living. By definition, all business has to be clear, factual and directed or nothing can be accomplished in a practical way. But if you have been told what to do by the structure you have joined or plugged into, how can you take command over what you are holding and molding with your own hands? You need to own it. Since you have already committed your time and are using your energy and skills to do it, from this point on you can either hold back or give it your all. Are you doing your best? Are you being inspired and creative, leaving your unique signature and fingerprints all over it? If you feel fulfilled, satisfied and more energized at the end of the day, then you are. If not, perhaps you are getting caught up with some confusion or negativity around you which affects your own positive flow. Detach yourself from this immediately as you are cutting yourself off from being a true genius in everything you do even with the simplest of chores. If there is a need for something to be done, then there is room for it to be done even better. Organize yourself more and find smarter solutions. Get busy and show the world what you can do by grabbing your opportunity and riding with it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Your closest or distant relationships can be the bane of your existence if you do not know how to manage them. The most fair 50-50 balance is where everyone in the relationship carries their own weight. Doing your 100% best is pursued by many, but rarely reached by all. This is because the issue of control is misunderstood. You do not have to give up your own identity or succumb to the other person every time in order to keep the peace. How do you make things work better? Being totally in charge in a three-fold-way. You are in command of yourself 100%, they are in command of themselves 100%, and both of you are in command of what you have together 100%. This means taking responsibility for what is taking place for yourself and your friends or family at all times. Be open to communicate in the best of times or the worst of times. Being sincere and sharing the most you can to the fullest on a good day and on a bad day. Make yourself and your important relationships a priority. This is when you can gain the most from it all for yourself and build the greatest closest-knit connection with everyone you have attracted in your life. Tell us how you did it.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 21-27, 2013

A magnificent week full of GRANDIOSE experiences is what you will have for yourself if you decide this is what you want. Make the appropriate plans in every area of your life to make this happen. Take charge and treat yourself and others in a special way to be remembered for a long time to come. Turn on your innate creativity and do not forget to send your best ideas this way so you can inspire everyone.    

Monday, January 21, 2013: Direction
Not following your own direction is like driving into a dead end street. You will have to make a change eventually. Today is a great day to do exactly that. Clarify where you are headed and where you will end up at the end of the year. If this brings satisfaction, pat yourself on the back and go for it. If you need to make an adjustment to what you have been doing up to now, do not wait. Do whatever is necessary. Take a detour or even make a U-turn. Aim for the best and be ready to redirect your energy as necessary along the way.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013: Beautiful
Today is about seeing what is beautiful in everything that happens. Make an effort to point it out and appreciate it. This will balance things for the better no matter what. Soon, the rest will become invisible and unimportant since only the positive really counts at the end of the day. This is what creates and sustains you. Tell us about your most beautiful experience!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013: Recharge

Pay close attention to when you need a brief respite in order to recharge. The time you take for a restful break always pays back. When you return, you are always better and stronger after reviving your personal energy. In fact, working in compact units with stops in between projects is the best way to ensure you stay upbeat all the way to the last working hour before you wrap things up for the day.

Hint: Nothing helps more than being able to relax in the midst of it all. Just take a minute and give yourself a quick energy boost with our Personal Energy Cleansing Technique. Share it with all of your friends and make it a habit to do it together with others, so the whole environment around you can be calm and positive at all times. Yes, it is that easy if you do it consistently.

Thursday, January 24, 2013:
Today, you will not have time to beat around the bush when communicating. Be direct and unreserved because only frank expression will get things done. Back it up with valid points so others understand you better. However, even after being extremely clear, bypass any misunderstandings by simply stating the facts (what, when, where and why). Everything will turn out right as long as it is brought out in the open in a sincere and compact way.

Friday, January 25, 2013: Sincere

Today may challenge you to be sincere about what you are going through even though you may prefer to be quiet about it. Holding something important inside may make you struggle or even cause you to be passive/aggressive from the stress it is creating. Do not let one bothersome thing turn into a giant emotional turmoil inside because you are harboring it for no good reason. It will be to no avail to deny yourself. Free your soul and express yourself openly by laying it all out in a concerned and tactful way. You are the only one who knows your side of the story so share it to set any record straight. Allow the same standard of freedom to anyone else involved in the situation with you. This will make things more transparent and allow for an obvious solution that will leave everyone much happier than before.

Saturday, January 26, 2013: Honest
If there may be anything still left covered up this week, it would be best to find the strength to reveal it today. Say it like it is and be honest. You owe it to yourself to stay pure inside so you can remain sane. The key is to understand if there is anything you are not so proud of, it may be due to an influence by negative energy in your environment you have allowed to steer you away from your best direction. In any case, none of it is you, since as a spirit you are already perfect. This is why there is nothing to ever feel bad about. Take all the experiences you are going through as a learning curve and make sure you are really gaining from their lessons so you do not need to fall into the same trap again. You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. You are whole and 100% positive and directed when you are in your own energy. To keep it this way, it is your responsibility to stay buffered and protected by being detached from undesirable environments which may influence you away from doing what is in your own best interest.

Sunday, January 27, 2013: Collaborate
Even if you are great at many, many different things, you have not come to planet Earth to be a Jack-Of-All-Trades. You know what your best qualities are and how you would like to be the most proficient. From now on, you may need to get some help or delegate projects that are not your opportunity to begin with. Do not turn into a one-man-operation by thinking only you can do it better than anyone else. Give a chance to others and collaborate by getting them involved. You will be enriched by having multiple energies empowering what you are doing so your projects will produce the best results. Have fun and tell us your story!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Follow the right inner direction for yourself and the best beautiful results will come out when you can recharge with a frank attitude and sincere energy in the most honest way to collaborate with others.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Your ability to collaborate in an open and honest way with others by being sincere and frank in all of your communications can recharge your energy with a beautiful attitude and speed you up in your own positive direction.

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Energy of the Week for January 21-27, 2013: Grandiose

Make an entrance into this week with your own unique, strong and grandiose approach to life. You will be unstoppable if you really believe in yourself wholeheartedly and are unwavering in following your own direction. Everyone who truly cares about you will be better off around a happier you. How can you open up the biggest door possible for yourself and walk through it masterfully?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

By recalling moments from the past where you felt absolute inner power, you will see how magnificent your energy can be. When you are in the right place at the right time for yourself, you can accomplish anything your heart desires. But what puts you in this state of mind? The answer is simple. Make a decision to keep yourself organized and do not let go of pursuing your innermost goals. An ancient Indian fairy tale talks about three expert archers shooting at a wild hawk. The first focused so much he saw the bird, but not its surroundings. The second man was only able to see the bird’s head and nothing else. The third one, however, looked straight into the bird’s eye – and he won. The more you direct your energy toward the task at hand, the tighter grasp you will have to make it happen. If something is not going easy for you over the next few days, refocus on what you want to accomplish until you see its very eye. Utilize the best energy for what is truly important for yourself first in a grandiose way and you will make an amazing difference for yourself and others. Everyone will surely notice and see you as a stellar example.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Since all business throughout history is about being of service, the most successful examples are always those executed with true care for their customers and unrivaled consideration to make things right no matter what the cost. If someone is pretentious in what they do by putting on a show in front of others, they are indeed lying to themselves. Doing a job without getting inspiration is like pouring water into a bottomless pit. It only goes so far and does not reach anyone. You are just spinning your wheels. The most grandiose result you can achieve is by having satisfied customers who came inspired and left enriched from the heartwarming experience you offered them. Why invest your time in anything less than a terrific work ethic? This will allow you to channel the most energy into a worthwhile effort. You will know you are giving something meaningful to the whole world on a daily basis and it will be greatly appreciated by everyone in return.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

This week could be a perfect time for you to do something special for your loved ones or closest friends to give them a grandiose experience and warm their hearts forever. It is not just about being with them and appreciating them for what they do. Show your deep concern with a very special touch. It is up to you to make sure you are not alone in this big world. Grab these special people by the hand and keep them from being alone. There is so much to share on every level, you can get much closer to your family and friends as long as you take the necessary time. Minute sentimental moments could touch and move others deeply as long as they come straight from your heart. Tell them how much they mean to you. With someone special or you feel comfortable with, find the time to give yourself and them a break by soaking your feet together in hot water with a little blended piece of raw ginger root. What a healing! It will be relaxing and invigorating at the same time. Share with each other what you are both aiming for and unite your passions through sharing it. Savor the love and respect, decide to reward your relationships with this something extra and bring out your mutual feelings even more often.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 14-20, 2013

It is time for your energy to come to a full BLOSSOM. Just like a flower, you need to nurture yourself to grow. If you do not take good care of yourself, your blooms will not be as rich and delightful as they could be. There are many things you can do to regain your self-loyalty. It is also important to never give up. As they say, it is better late than never.  
Monday, January 14, 2013: Bright

Make today a bright and sunshiny day with your own enthusiasm and smile. A very strong light can even make the thickest cloud transparent and glowing. So, can your positive energy transform your whole environment into a pristine background for great experiences and accomplishments? Sure. But only if you radiate this energy from your heart and touch everyone with your wisdom and insights.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013: Opening
When there is an opening in the energy, it is a unique chance offered for you to act on opportunities and have an easier time undertaking them. It is like merging into traffic where there is a slow down and you flow into a driving lane in the right timing. Forget about being passive today. This will definitely not work for you. Doing anything is better than stagnating your energy by not moving into an action mode. Once you are in gear and on the move, you can always discern the best route and then switch to it gently.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013: Create

Your power to create will become even more significant than usual if you give it everything you have. Do not question yourself or how good you are. Just pick yourself up and go for the gusto. Your inspiration will bring you all the tools you need: impressions, pictures, thoughts, ideas and feelings you can follow so you can respond to any situation demanding new solutions. Show yourself and the world today what you can do.

Thursday, January 17, 2013:
is all-powerful when you use it to support and strengthen yourself and others you care about. They say plants grow bigger and better when specifically sent loving energy and talked to kindly. Water even changes its structure under a microscope in beautiful shapes when addressed or labeled with positive messages. All nature responds to the warmth and high vibration of sincere affection. Today is all yours to show what you have within. This will magnetize you in a very long-lasting way. Be soft with a velvet touch toward everything and everyone you come in contact with.

Friday, January 18, 2013: Solve

Even the biggest mystery, once you solve it, becomes simple and not a big deal at all. Nothing is as complicated as it may seem at first. The key is to embrace yourself with patience today and be methodical while discerning the facts. Be ready to do so when it becomes clear and obvious which way you need to go from all of the options laid in front of you. Once you get over the hump, you will have another good story under your belt. Good for you!

Saturday, January 19, 2013: Undeniable
Your birthright to make all of your own decisions is undeniable. As wise as others around you may seem, they can only offer you a suggestion as to what has worked for them. You are the only one who has your own answers and will always be the most happy and stable when you rely on your own inner gut. You cannot please others. If you do not do what you truly want in your own life, you may regret it if you are always doing what others tell you is right. Stand firm on your own two feet and live for yourself. This will cause you to live at your best and give the most to the entire world.     

Sunday, January 20, 2013: Ecstatic
This is the strongest of all the positive feelings you could ever have – being ecstatic! It is a mixture of an extraordinary surprise mixed with a high amount of appreciation for the unbelievable gift of life. Live it to the fullest with handfuls of joy and an upbeat attitude. Nothing can stop your energy from soaring. Only in this state can you get extra inspiration to rock your world and keep you incredibly inspired from now on.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Your time can be bright if you decide to use the natural opening in the energy to create and sustain the love for yourself so you are able to  solve and surpass with undeniable strength any situation by remaining ecstatic.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be ecstatic and enthused to show your undeniable power to solve any situation with love and create many opportunities to have an opening to bring a bright approach to life.

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Energy of the Week for January 14-20, 2013: Blossom

This week promises an opportunity for you to really blossom in your life and work. It could prove to be an ultimate pay-back for all of your efforts and time. What you have put into all of the seeds you have planted, watered and taken care of will show you the fruits of your labor. If you have been organized, persistent and focused in your direction, you will be rewarded with magnificent results so beautiful and fragrant, you would swear you had never seen anything like it. On the other hand, if you have fallen into lows without picking yourself up and have been inconsistent, do not be surprised if you have not produced to the highest of your own expectations. Is there anything you can do over the next few days to increase the energetic harvest in your spiritual garden? Read on to find out.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

It is never too late to do the right thing by being loyal to yourself inside and out. Historically, society has applied pressure on everyone to help others by putting them first. In addition to the fact this is neither possible nor practical, it goes against our very nature. We need to nourish and provide for ourselves first before we can, in any efficient way, extend this to others. An example of this is when airlines tell you to put an oxygen mask on yourself before your child. If you do not, you may not have the capacity to help it. You need to help yourself before you can help others. Being an example is the best you can offer. Doing for others what they can do for themselves demeans them as it causes them to become weak and incapable of doing it on their own. If you have been leaving yourself out in any way, this is an excellent time to put this disloyal habit behind you. Catch up on what you have been missing in the past by facing yourself in the mirror and realizing no one else can take care of you. You must do it. Blossom you!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Although business energy is typically very organized to be practical in order to work, the most results you will ever get is when you allow yourself and others to blossom while doing what you and they absolutely love. If a person does not unleash their potential or unfold in their occupation or profession, they are both being robbed and robbing their environment from benefiting from the better man or woman they could have been. You are not a novice on planet Earth and have been perfecting your skills, passions and drive through lifetimes. If you turn your back on them, you are extinguishing the natural fire in your energy. Make sure you and your team have the freedom to express the innermost feelings and passion you need to offer your service in a colorful and creative way. Exhibit your talents and keep them polished. Only then will you know you are not wasting your time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
It goes without saying you do not need a bouquet of flowers to blossom your relationships. The most natural environment to really connect with another person is one with peaceful exchanges, understanding and gratitude. The worst enemy to this is the paradigm of expecting, assuming and demanding. Do not fall into the trap of getting a set picture in your mind without communicating and then criticizing your friends or family for doing something different from your vision. They are not you and most certainly cannot read your mind. If you say a word, for example, “white” to a room full of people, they will all have a different association. Some will connect it with snow, a piece of paper, purity, a cloud, cotton, a dove, or you name it. You need to make an extra effort to get into enough details when communicating to really make sure you are all on the same page. The best way to have a 50-50 balance in all of your relationships is when both sides give their full 100% with true commitment and an inextinguishable concern to be a part of the whole. Make something bigger than yourself by bringing about unity with other people.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 7-13, 2013

There is an opening in the energy for you to LEVERAGE everything you have already learned from all of your lifetimes so far. Pick what has worked a million times and use it to your advantage. Maximize on your inner talents and skills so you will enjoy a few terrific days.   

Monday, January 7, 2013: Intellect
Today is the perfect day to have a true balance between your feelings and your intellect. Do not over think that you think that you think and skip on your feeling nature. If you do, you may try to hide it by becoming a workaholic, alcoholic or anything else-aholic just so you do not have to face your own feeling side. Rather, once you have allowed your sensitivity to come out, use your intellect to discern it so you can be complete.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013:
Have you taken on a responsibility that does not suit you very well? If so, today is your day to revise it. Turn any obligation into an opportunity to learn about yourself and others. Be up front and come clean by sharing openly what does not work for you. This will help you find a better solution while respecting any other parties involved.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013: Thoughtful

It will become obvious today what things are important to keep in mind. If you are considerate and thoughtful about something, it really matters to you. When someone has good intent doing something for you, this would be a great time to recognize and be grateful for it. This will remind you to go the extra mile wherever needed and how you can make a real difference in the lives of others as well.

Thursday, January 10, 2013:
You can naturally be forcible if you are driven by your powerful passion and are ready to openly inspire others along the way. Since you cannot make anyone else do what you want them to do, just be a great example and help enthuse them with what is motivating you. You can do this tirelessly if you are in balance and harmony with yourself. 

Friday, January 11, 2013: Brightness
Just as when you need the sun even more on a cloudy day, today your brightness will be necessary for you to keep your head and cheer others up. Remember, everything happens for a reason and it is always a good one when you are open and ready to learn from it. Act from your inner warmth and you will gain even more in the process.

Saturday, January 12, 2013: Judge
Today you may be tempted to judge yourself or someone else and you need to remember that everyone is just doing the best they know how. After all, planet Earth is a school where everyone has come to experience and learn from it. In short, you cannot let yourself be disappointed when a second-grader has not become aware of the lessons taught in fifth grade. Just have extra patience and be gentle in your dealings with people and this could turn into a great day for you to remember.     

Sunday, January 13, 2013: Return
You cannot complete this week properly until you determine whether there is a need for you to return a favor or good deed. If it was done with the right motive of not expecting anything in return, you can reciprocate their gesture of kindness and consideration. Do this with the same motivation of giving without expecting. This will allow you to be involved in life by keeping your outflow open. Be generous. You will be enriched by it all.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do not yield to your intellect when you revise back to your natural feelings and are thoughtful of yourself and others so you can be forcible and directed from your inner brightness and sensitivity and do not judge in return.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Return the nice gestures but do not judge the not-so-nice ones when you view the world with brightness and are forcible only when you decide to be positive and thoughtful so you can revise back to your true feelings and keep them in balance with your intellect.

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