Energy of the Week for January 7-13, 2013: Leverage

Expand yourself spiritually and materially this week by stretching your skills to the limit. This will allow you to take full advantage of the energy when you leverage your own potential for the better. Find support for what you are doing by attracting others who share similar aspirations. Express yourself and your passions. You can make what you are really good at stand out even more by focusing on it 100% and advancing your unique way of doing things with more practice.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

There is tremendous gain to be had in realizing your own best qualities. Sometimes people do not use much of what they are good at because it is so natural to them. They do not even notice how invaluable it is. What has made you the most successful? What have you enjoyed doing the most? What have you heard others compliment you on? What have you made the most difference in? Once you remind yourself of these attributes, it will be easier to define your innermost winning talents. The idea is to bring them out into the spotlight and leverage even more what they can do for you. You will never learn anything in vain. If your main current interest is somewhat different than what you are most skilled at, do not drop the latter. Just apply it to your desired area and benefit even more from an innovative combination of a fresh approach and unique solution in making something work awesomely.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Everyone has had numerous past experiences they have learned from. Bringing them out and applying this wisdom makes any job work even better – more than you can imagine. Just think about how what you have gone through has made you more masterful in what you are doing for a living. Do not leave behind any unused expertise. Ask yourself how you can plug in these abilities to increase your performance and add that extra unique touch only you can bring to the table. If you are too shy or hide your dexterity, it can neither serve you nor use it to be of service to others. When you are capable of more, doing less is not justified. You can build the best momentum for yourself this week if you just go all out!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Simplifying what is going on with your loved ones could help you keep things under control in your social life this week. Doing less with more is particularly true if you just do the right thing and skip on the rest. Say fewer things, but mean them. If you need to take extra time to put other things in place, do not let it keep you from enjoying every moment with your family and friends. Look deeply into their eyes and see the soul part of each one of them. The leverage you have will come from creating the right atmosphere and keeping it for days on end by being extra careful and considerate. This way, you will achieve the stability you have been looking for in your most important relationships. Be upfront and honest. This is not the best time for surprises. Keep an open dialog and share what your plans are for the future. This will allow for a calm and peaceful flow. What more could you wish for?

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The Energy of the Month for January is ROBUST

This New Year starts with a strong robust beginning for you to be exuberant with health and high energy, both physically and spiritually. Take excellent care of yourself so you can be hardy and vigorous. By bringing out your courage and boldness, you will be prosperous in your adventures because invigorated spirits always win no matter what. Take chances, have fun and you will be able to build a great momentum for yourself and what you have come here to do.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You are always in charge and are able to direct your own energy. This is the best time for you to be sound and determined on the inside so you can follow the right inspiration in the right timing. Take out a piece of paper and make two columns: what has been working for you on the left side and what has not worked for you of the right. Then add the factors that are really helping you make things work under column one and in the second one those preventing you from being who you really are inside. Make notes at the bottom of the page what you can do to avoid anything stalling your progress. Then, make separate notes with the solutions to make everything work for you this year. Make it a priority to take one action every single day to help you get over the hump and neutralize everything undesirable so you can bypass it and are able to move on and focus on what really matters. This will allow you to enjoy an unlimited robust freedom in your capacity to build a better you and totally enjoy it.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Build a robust environment for yourself in your work space. You deserve an uplifting atmosphere so you can stay inspired and enthused at all times to pursue your business goals with passion. If you are choosing the people around you, make sure they have a real reason for being there and are driven to achieve what they are doing despite any challenges. If you are stuck with associates you would never personally choose to work with, you need to lay some ground rules for both yourself and them. Set a boundary so they do not distract you and buffer yourself from any negativity they may have. Use every opportunity to translate any downside which may occur on their account immediately into an empowering reason to perform even better. This way, you can be a shining example of how you can make things work again and again. Allow yourself frequent breaks for healing and to recharge. Remember, it is worth the effort to make a difference and you can put every moment to its best use.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Everyone desires unbreakable and robust relationships. The only way to achieve them is going through challenges with others together. This is when they show their true colors. There is an old European saying: Until you have eaten a whole bag of salt with someone, you do not really know them well enough. Only by going through many mutual experiences can you learn about the people who are around you so you really get to know them. There is a reason why you have attracted these people in your life. Be grateful they are there even in uneasy times. You are always stronger as a result. It is easier to share moments with people who truly care for you. Embrace your relationships and do not be afraid to dive into new experiences with people, but be aware of what they are offering you. Watch closely for who is with you. Before this month is over, you should know who your real friends are.

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The Energy of the Calendar Year for 2013 is ACTIVATE

This is your year to act on the highest inspiration from your inner guidance and get energized so you can accomplish at the top of all your ability. Activate everything within your power and take the world by a storm of free expression and dynamic communication. Motivate yourself by creating your ultimate dreams and you will be unstoppable in your example to empower many others to do the same.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
It is time to become more alert and awaken your inner courage so you can inspire yourself to activate what will take you straight toward what you truly desire this calendar year. If you may have had any notion the world was going to end last month, this is no longer an excuse. Use any means necessary to propel your energy to a stronger level where nothing can bring you down. Dismiss any factors working against you and decide not to yield to any challenges. This way, you can keep moving forward even where there is no path to follow. The most important key is to realize the universe has all the resources to help you match and surpass your inner potential, but you need to believe in yourself to initiate this process and activate the life you deserve for yourself. Only then can you unfold what your future over the next twelve months holds for you – starting now.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This year, business will be all about unlocking hidden opportunities. If you think you are maxed out on what you can do, you need to look more closely at what you have at your fingertips. No matter where you are in the chain of command with the services you are providing, the question is: What could your end consumer possibly desire above and beyond what you are already offering them? Every day we all wake up to new trends in technology and science, but the real values your customers are yearning for have been the same since the dawn of time. Helping them be loyal to themselves will win their loyalty back to you. Activate in a whole new way the same care and concern which prompted you to start what you are involved with. Treat them as the most important reason you are doing what you do and not only will new opportunities start presenting themselves, they will go farther than even your own imagination can take you on its best day. Be ready. Before you even know it, there will be more for you to do than you ever asked for.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Just when you thought you have seen it all, your life may get even more interesting than you could ever imagine. There are more dynamics you can activate with both your immediate and outside environments once you are open to other possibilities outside the box. First of all, it may be no secret what others want out of a relationship with you. It could be the same as what your desire is with them – to be the best you can be for yourself. From there, decide how you can achieve this by sharing what your inspiration and aspirations are. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself and your guidance you want to have the best day you have ever had and get ready to conquer the world. By the end of the day, you will feel you have given it your absolute best and this will take you to even greater heights every waking hour. Make the most from your mutual time with others. Share confidently from the heart about your own experiences, what moves you, makes you tick and keeps you going. Let others share who they are as well. Respect and inspire them to join you in streaming toward your dreams and make sure you help them to achieve theirs. This is what life is all about.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 31-January 6, 2012

Your whole life will work like a charm once you CLARIFY every area of your personal, business and social life going into the New Year. Be ready to put the effort into doing your homework and this will be more rewarding than you could ever imagine. You will enter 2013 with a breeze of real ease!

Monday, December 31, 2012: System
Even the simplest of chores could be organized into a stellar system so they are effortless and work like never before. Think about this today. Find the best way once and then follow it every time you need to perform the same thing. It will work and pay off enormously.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013:
What a day to turn everything into just the perfect experience! Do not expect it to go by the book. On the contrary, it is up to you to feel on top of the world this first new day of the entire New Year so you can rock it like a pro. Make it happen. Nothing can stop you. This will charge you with a lot of energy that will last you a long time.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013: Generous

There is nothing else anyone can gain more from than being generous. Today, your chance to show how true this is – is huge. Feel the natural warmth inside your heart, open it up big and give with handfuls of inner love and kindness to the whole world. You will get back more than you can possibly imagine. This may turn into your most abundantly energetic experience yet!

Thursday, January 3, 2013:
Not that you will run out of breath today, but if you are in a balanced mode, you will accomplish a great deal with lots of action. Be compact in your approach to everything you are doing and when you have the task at hand handled, just say: next! Keep your cool and your head will refrain from spinning. Before the day is over the things getting done could be more than you can count.

Friday, January 4, 2013: Proposal
This day may come to you as a proposal for you to be on top of your A game. If you are relaxed and tuned in to your personal sensitivity, you can multiply a few times over your success in everything you put your mind to. The only thing you need to watch out for is the pressure of others trying to slow you down or distract you. Stay in your own energy and inspired by the opportunity of how much you can do for yourself. What you do with your life is your business.

Saturday, January 5, 2013: Contain
If this week has not already delivered more than you can personally contain within yourself, this could happen today. The more you buffer yourself from the concepts you inherited which make you loyal outside of yourself, the stronger you will be. As a result, you will be able to start this entire year in a much better position. There could be a lot in store for you in the first few days. Point your energy toward meaningful and long term endeavors and your time will be much more productive.    

Sunday, January 6, 2013: Reverse
If you have ever felt as if there was anything not working for you as well as you wished, this is your opportunity to reverse the trend. Just look at what created the pressure for you in this area and how you can get out from underneath it. Nothing is stronger than you in your own life. You are the only one who is creating what you want for yourself as you go. Do not give up. After each occasion that shows you how to do more, more will manifest in your life.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Improve the system to make it work for you in a perfect way with your own generous kindness and inspired action to win any proposal life throws your way and contain all your inner power to reverse any negativity and turn it around into a great gift to learn from.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Reverse the impossible when you contain your inner power and make a proposal to yourself to bring action with your most generous efforts to create a perfect system you can always make work for you.

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Energy of the Week for December 31-January 6, 2012: Clarify

Everything in life becomes extremely easy once you have a chance to clarify it. It only takes a few steps and components to make it happen. Your firm intent and desire to find out what is necessary to do rather than giving up or falling into despair is a must. Then, you need to ask yourself the right questions so you can pin down all of the facts: what, when, where and why. Take notes as needed to keep all of your information organized. Very little will remain hidden once you are at this point. Lastly, it is a matter of discerning the possible options and deciding which one is the best way for you to go.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

This is a week to clarify what is most important for yourself by following your own passion and dreams. You can spend your whole life spinning your wheels doing what others expect, assume and demand from you or what you think you should be doing. If you are not thriving by doing exactly what your heart desires, you will regret it one day and hit rock bottom. The question is not whether you can afford to do what you actually want, but can you really afford not to do it. Do not wait for life to give you a chance. The idea is to make it on your own. This is how and when you know you will be successful. No yielding or stepping back. You are you because of what you want to do for yourself. Doing anything other than this means you are trying to live as someone else and no matter how good you may be at it, you will never be as good as you are when you are just being yourself. A new Calendar Year begins now. Make 2013 your best one yet with a clear heart and mind!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Step into the New Year the right way with your best business foot forward after you clarify the business goals and aspirations you want to pursue over the next twelve months. Shooting for the stars in a practical way may be your biggest challenge. How do you make what seems hard easy? Simplify it. Break it down to steps so you can do it in compact units. This will keep you inspired and you will be able to ground your actions with an organized mind. Involve others. Teamwork is the best way to enhance any opportunity above and beyond where only you can take it. Charge yourself up by getting your creative juices going so your passion never runs out. Finally, decide not to give up. Do whatever it takes as long as it takes. If you come across uneasy situation, you can immediately dismiss it with a no-thank-you. The rest will be history. Just go for it and do it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Is there anything you wish to clarify with the people you love the most? Even if there may be the slightest of misunderstandings between you, this could be the best time to bring it out into the open. All it takes is sincere communication. Listen carefully to both points-of-view and find out what has actually happened and what the solution is. The way to encourage others to participate is to give them an opportunity to share from their experience. Everyone will learn even more about each other. Do not leave anything unclear so you can enjoy much better relationships.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 24-30, 2012

Applying your inner WISDOM is what this whole week is all about. Use your past experiences to get stronger and unfold yourself to an even greater degree than you have in the past. Even though you may run into bigger challenges, the lessons you take away from them will increase. Remind yourself of your own growth pattern so you add even more reasons to celebrate during this holiday season.

Monday, December 24, 2012: Purpose
Your purpose is your drive and incentive. The higher you aim, the farther you will need to go to accomplish what you have set your eyes on. This is what really motivates and inspires you to reach out for the stars. From here on, as they say, it is not the destination but the journey that counts.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012:
It is this time of the year. Do not forget to bring out and remind yourself of all of the many reasons you have to celebrate. No matter how many troubles you may have had in between your great experiences, the good always outweighs the bad. Give yourself a healing today by focusing on all of your blessings and forgive and forget the not-so-good things. You will feel uplifted and truly refreshed. You deserve to rejoice with a pure heart and show the universe that you are open and ready for all the more meaningful experiences coming your way.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012: Fun

It has been said, if you are not having fun, you are doing something wrong. This is especially true today. Be serious and diligent with your opportunities, but make sure you truly enjoy doing them so you can have the right attitude to get successful results. Spread holiday cheer in the process and smile big!

Thursday, December 27, 2012:
This is a great day to relax and unwind from all the excitement you have experienced early in the week. Make time to rest well and renew your strength so you can organize your plans. Prepare for the New Year recharged and look forward to all it will bring you.

Friday, December 28, 2012: Determination
Stay focused and in high spirits at the threshold of the coming year. Lay out your plan and resolutions alongside what you truly desire and set your energy to create it for yourself. Nobody can take away from you what you do not give up. Treat yourself right. Believe and go full steam ahead pursuing your dream with determination.

Saturday, December 29, 2012: Socialize
This is a perfect day to socialize and connect with others in the festive spirit of the approaching Calendar Year. Remember your friends and make new ones. Have a great time sharing with them what you are truly all about. This will remind you of how invaluable being involved is and how much you learn for yourself from your exchanges with others.

Sunday, December 30, 2012: Increase

Today, the energy is set to increase all of the good moments and all of the incredible occasions life is offering you. Just stay positive and organized so you can flow with the opportunities that will appear in front of you. It could be the best end-of-the-week you have ever had. Tell us all about it!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be true to your purpose when you celebrate your life and have fun and relax so your determination to socialize and be involved will increase and bring you the best time ever.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Increase your success when you socialize and share your determination to relax and have fun so you can celebrate together with others your utmost purpose.

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Energy of the Week for December 24-30, 2012: Wisdom

There is wisdom gained every day of your life. The key is to use it right away the next time around to make all your experiences easier and better. This week, dedicate a special place and time for your own growth. Sharpen your discernment and evaluate your own insights. Use your intuition to maximize your ability to understand situations in your life so you can clarify the best way to go for yourself first.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You are your own wisest resource. All of the unique experiences you have been through have taught you a lot. The real question is: how well have you learned it? If you recall a pattern of similar things happening over and over again throughout your life you are not pleased with, it is imperative you stop going around in circles. But what can you really do? Make the wisdom you carry within count. Any blood, sweat and tears you have ever endured should not go for waste. What invaluable lessons did you take away from them and how did you change your life based on these experiences? If you continue to do the same thing the same way and expect a different result – you are mistaken. You are fully capable to put an end to it once and for all and get out of this unwanted groove. Do something good and meaningful for yourself. You can break the worst and most unproductive habit you have been carrying around for ages over the next few days. Decide what would be the exact opposite of what you are utterly not satisfied with and focus on performing it this whole week. Although it usually takes applying new patterns of behavior for more than 30 days, you can speed up the process during this unbelievably powerful week charged with positive and festive energy. If you can convert into the best for yourself – what would it be like? Just do it intently and swiftly and it will work better than you can imagine, adding an extra spark to your holidays!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
They say wisdom comes with experience and practice makes it even better. For any of you wondering how you can start doing something you would really like to do, but are not sure you are good enough – the wait is over. Use your best teacher – yourself – and dive into the reality of doing what you have been dreaming of. Do it not because you are best at it already, but because you know you will get much better in the process. Be bold. In its last few days, this could very well make your year. Use all you have just before the finish line and you will score the most out of the whole year’s worth of a business marathon. Be victorious and uplifted. You know your own worth and only with this attitude can you pass it on to your targeted customer audience. Speaking of which, they are in their best mood they will ever be because of this season of giving and receiving. Utilize this energy by rewarding them generously with kindness and appreciation. No one will turn down an act of caring this time of the year. Do your service with a big heart and you will attract the hearts of many. Cheers for your win-win!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Look around and consider the wisdom everyone at all ages carries within. It is time to acknowledge and celebrate it. You do not take with you any material possessions, intellectual knowledge or titles earned in this lifetime. However, everything invaluable you learn through all of your experiences becomes a part of your own energy as it shapes you into who you constantly become for yourself and others. Cherish all of your relationships since they are your only platform to actively share and exchange, get inspired and inspire in turn. In short, be really involved in life. You could not exist without the buzzing world around you no matter how lonely you may be. And if you are, put forth the effort to reach out and connect with someone. Magic will certainly happen, but you need to shake the magic wand you are holding in your heart. Love, hug and smile and you will truly have the happiest times yet.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 17-23, 2012

This is the best week to REGROUP this past year so you can relax, truly enjoy the festivities and get ready for 2013. Highlight what have been the most important events for you and take away the best you have learned from them. Map out the areas you still need to focus on and improve. There is nothing better than a good old deep house cleaning inside and out so you can be sparkling clean and organized moving forward. You can definitely do it.

Monday, December 17, 2012: Harmony
You have obviously been seeking the best balance and harmony in everything you have touched this year. Today, it is not too late to bring it out even more. Make the right call to make good on anything that has been broken so you can make it whole again. Bring out your ability to correct things and be grateful. Everyone is just doing the best they know how. Help them and you will help yourself in the process.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012:
It is the right day to make powerful and positive decisions. Be bold. Everything you want to achieve with a pure heart you already have. You just need to follow it to fruition. Give it all your love, attention and patience and only good will come from it. Then, share it with us so we can also be inspired along with you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012: Relate

Every coin has two sides. While you know yours intimately, you may have trouble connecting with what someone close to you is going through. Pick three situations happening in your immediate environment you have not been able to relate to. Write down the points of consideration for each one of them and picture yourself in the other person’s shoes. This will allow you to move a step closer to understanding them better and find more you can connect with from their perspective. Respect their position and offer a suggestion with warmth, care and concern.

Thursday, December 20, 2012:
Today will go by your own design if you plan, execute and delegate wherever possible to the people around you so they can have an opportunity to be involved in your project. Stay flexible and welcome any spontaneous inspiration which may occur unexpectedly. The best solutions sometimes fall right out of the sky if you are in a good energy and allow your inner guidance to help you. Remember, everything real in the universe is indeed well intended.

Friday, December 21, 2012: Understanding
If it has not become clear until now, everything works the best through stellar communication. This allows for the understanding of where another person is coming from and what could help them out the most. Because sometimes it may be hard for the other person to initiate the communication, this may be your chance to open the door. Simply reach out and ask some inviting questions to set the tone. Soon you will know more than you did before and you will be able to see what may be really going on. You know to do the right thing. If you or another person are having trouble due to experiencing fear, before turning it into a big deal look closely at where it started and what it will take to disburse it. All fear is unfounded because it is based on a lack of understanding and stems from a concept that something may go wrong. Because in reality there is no right or wrong, we need to realize all experiences are there for us to learn. This is all that really counts. Brighten up, embrace your life and look forward to growing from everything that happens today.

Saturday, December 22, 2012: Ancient
This is a day to put the right perspective into reading the signs left from ancient times. Every generation, let alone cultures existing throughout deep history, has had their own signature and defining energy behind their major accomplishments and deeds. Let us not forget many of them are actually us experiencing our past lifetimes. We are all connected with lessons we have been learning from then and now. It is neither different nor complicated to try to reach far back or out into the future to send messages, define a greater direction or leave a legacy behind which will be interpreted for years to come. There is no unknown secret haunting us – the present inhabitants of our little blue planet – just trying to accomplish for ourselves what we always have and reaching out to new heights while creating freely beyond the bountiful infinity. Today is just another day, just like tomorrow will be, and as long as the soul moves by desire it will always be in the right place and time to learn the next unique lesson. There is no greater or lesser in the entire universe. Smile, it is engaging you at all times!

Sunday, December 23, 2012: Restructure

The energy in the air is all about shifting gears to be aligned with the true direction you are pursuing. This will require you to restructure some part of what you are involved with for yourself and your work or family. You will feel secure taking your next step as long as you leave the comfort of the place you were previously. By applying the wisdom you have been acquiring throughout your life, you will always be in a better place with every passing moment. Take the time to be relaxed so you are not chaotic. Change is always good when it is clear and directed and you are balanced.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Live in harmony with every strong decision you make to relate to your environment and achieve your own design through thorough understanding of your drive from ancient times to pursue your positive passion and restructure as necessary on the way to achieving it.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

If you need to restructure, do it so you can update your ongoing ancient pursuit and understanding about the special design you are applying to be able to relate to your decision to live in harmony with the world.

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Energy of the Week for December 17-23, 2012: Regroup

This time of the year – the week before the last – is the best opportunity you will ever have to review and regroup everything you have already experienced over the last 50 weeks.

This process will insure you have all of your ducks in a row and you are prepared to meet the year end to begin the new calendar year as organized and ready as you possibly can.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The biggest area to regroup on personally for yourself is how your energy has been and what you have been able to create during 2012. This is when it will show whether you are satisfied with the true dreams and meaningful endeavors you have pursued as well as how far ahead you have come. If you have been neutralized by seeming roadblocks, you need to look at what you have been able to do under these circumstances to further the process regardless of what has kept you from achieving your goals. Recall what you have learned from it. Realize the hardest and most expensive lessons are the ones you can attribute to your highest personal growth. Summarize the highlights of the year and measure your own spiritual unfoldment. How much more stable and balanced have you become compared to where you were last year? Draw a line in the present, release the past and end it on a good note – no matter what. Your lessons are invaluable for the future. The maturity you have gained is undeniable. The sky is the limit when it comes to where 2013 will take you as you are your own navigation system!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
It is time to regroup the structure you have been using to offer your business services during the past year. Since it provides the backbone of everything you do – you need to carefully inspect what has really worked for you and what has not with the people you have been of service to. Dividing everything into these two columns will make it pretty obvious what you can reliably apply again and again. Focus on improving and finding better solutions. Do not forget to acknowledge others who have contributed. Without them, your business could not exist. No matter how much you may think you work by yourself, there is always teamwork involved. Take a deep breath to rejuvenate yourself and bring your best insights into 2013. All is well that ends well and only you can make it happen. Have fun doing it!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Go back and revisit the dynamics of your closest relationships during every one of the past twelve months. Regroup whether there is more you would like to gain for yourself and offer others. Get together and share in a sincere and open way to encourage your counterparts. As they say, what does not kill you makes you stronger. The hardest of times could bond you the most if your real commitment to each other is solid and does not falter when confronted with challenges. Make it all count by creating a beautiful memory of the most important mutual experiences together and you will realize nothing goes to waste with love and heartfelt consideration of the people who matter to you the most. Loving yourself and them unconditionally is the best you can do at the end of any given day and no less at the end of the year. Open your heart and look forward to even more opportunities to share your wisdom with others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 10-16, 2012

It is time for a balanced feel-good opportunity to have more PERFECTION in your life. Making things work the best for you means to be realistic and not overly demanding. Be content with what the reality turns out to be. You can always improve the next time, but feel satisfied with the way things are going so you can thrive in positive energy. There is always another day and another chance to make it even better. Be happy no matter what – you are perfect just the way you are.

Monday, December 10, 2012: Undertake
Not feeling fit to undertake a new opportunity is not great. If you have already pictured something in your mind, you are always good enough to go for it. This is the day to do exactly that. Pursue what is appealing to you in your heart. Do not leave yourself behind or hungry for more. Nothing can feed your enthusiasm and spunk as much as going for what you really care deeply about.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012:
Is where you are in life requiring a revision today? Sometimes, when you revisit how far you have come and how much you have been able to achieve, it is a real eye-opener. You need to get a grasp of what this is for you. If you have gone as far as you have expected – good for you! If there is a lot more to do, get re-inspired and increase your ambition. You owe it to yourself to build the life you desire. The effort it takes is a real blessing as it shapes you up in the process.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012: Uncanny

Unleash your uncanny ability to save the day by thinking in solutions and finding the best way to proceed no matter what. Your decisiveness could make you so much stronger and you will be surprised at just how much more you will be able to make happen. Way to go!

Thursday, December 13, 2012:
If you have steered away from your plan, it is time to resume the original direction and get something accomplished. Naturally, there may be a slow down, but you need to be in control of how much of that you are going to let it push you back. After you regain your balance today, you can get the momentum back on track.

Friday, December 14, 2012: Practical

All of your priceless dreams could be but a fairy tale unless you make them practical so they can become a reality. How can you do this? Pin down your facts – what when, where and why. This will help you clarify a plan of action and use your rationale to easily move forward.

Saturday, December 15, 2012: Revisit
Occasionally there may be more details left behind than you are willing to admit. In more complex endeavors, the last 2% may be the hardest to persevere through. To strengthen your stamina to do it, you may need to revisit the big picture and reestablish your goals all over again. Do not make anything into a big deal. There is only one way to go for it – just do it.

Sunday, December 16, 2012: Dynamo

Today, you need to believe in what you see in your mind. This will sizzle up your enthusiasm and like a dynamo, you can feel charged and ready to accomplish. Go with the first impression, picture, thought or feeling that comes to you and do not question what it would be like if you just go for it. The only way to know for sure is if you make it happen – and you most certainly can. Let us know how it goes.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Undertake  a steady action in the revision of your greatest goals with your uncanny ability to resume the game where you left off while making it practical to revisit what turns you in to a passionate dynamo.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Remind yourself you are a real dynamo as you revisit your purpose and make it  practical for yourself so you can resume your pursuit with uncanny means to make a revision on any situation and undertake whatever is necessary to make it all work for the best.

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