Weekly Energy of the Day for June 11-17, 2012

Keep your eye on the TARGET this week and you will reap great success. Nothing will be able to stop you or divert you from where you are going as long as you follow your inner sensitivity in choosing what to pursue and staying true to it.

Monday, June 11, 2012: Develop

You have come here to planet Earth to add your input. If you do not like how something is already organized, the solution is to develop your own system to improve on what has already been created. Write down all of your inspirations about things that concern you and ask yourself: how can I make them better?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012: Aim

Aim for the stars today. This will bring your energy up and running in no time. Nothing is designated only for the chosen few. You have a birthright to any resource available and to enjoy it just like everyone else. Leave your shyness behind and claim what is yours with an open heart. You deserve the best!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012: Address
Address the people who are looking up to you with your ideas on how they can follow their own direction and achieve their goals. You already have their ear and not only will this re-energize you in terms of where you are headed but it will inspire them with an example of what they can do in turn.

Thursday, June 14, 2012: Regroup

Regroup yourself on the meaning of the experiences you have had today and what you are learning from them. Clear the air from anything confusing and feel good about how everything works at the end of the day.

Friday, June 15, 2012: Explain
You do not have to explain yourself to anyone about what you want to do with your life. If you believe in your gut it will happen, do not let anyone take this away from you. Once you achieve it, your approach will inspire everyone with your great enthusiasm.

Saturday, June 16, 2012: List

Make a list of how you are going to live up to your own personal and professional standards. Make sure everything you want is there without anything you may just think needs to be there. This will keep your direction sharp and clear so nothing stands in your way anymore.

Sunday, June 17, 2012: Wish

Do not just wish upon a star. Anything you can imagine, plan or dream of you can achieve if you stick to it and persevere. Make your desires practical by coming up with simple solutions to get what you want and go after them with all the strength you have.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Develop a plan to achieve what you aim for once you address all the reasons you have to accomplish it after you regroup yourself and explain your to do list along with the wish you have to make it all happen.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Make your wish come true with a list that can explain your deepest reasons why you want to do what you desire and regroup to address your driving aim to develop it further.

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Energy of the Week for June 11-17, 2012: Target

Life is a moving target. This week, it will be especially important to focus all of your energy on your direction. The key is to make sure you are going where you want to go and not where others are steering you. So how can you make following your own heart practical?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Do you feel free to pursue what you want? Your personal target determines where most of your time and efforts will go so you are able to achieve the results you want. How do you choose the right way to go and where do you begin? In order to determine deep inside what you wish for yourself, you need to be in your true feelings – the innate natural part of you that fuels your positive energy and inspiration straight from your own sensitivity. This is how it works when you are being yourself. If you are having trouble getting what you want and feeling as if you have to do what others want, you may be stuck in your intellect. This is the thinking part of you, which you are only supposed to use to discern your true feelings and not to escape from them if you do not trust yourself. Just clarify who is in control of your ultimate decisions and always follow the right boss – yourself!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
It is time to revisit your immediate goals and long term direction at work. Answer this question: why are you aiming at a particular target? Are you doing it for yourself with a deep satisfaction to do what you desire? Or are you trying to prove yourself to others or have been told to do it? If your answer is any one of the last two, you need to clarify where you inherited this mental block from? Was it from your mother, father or someone else in your environment growing up? If they were using this concept against themselves, chances are you may have picked up their habits. If this does not make you happy, change it. What you do for business or a profession is not only an avenue for you to live your life for yourself first but where you can share your spiritual message to grow spiritually. Where is this avenue taking you? Be sure you make the right choice for yourself and it feels good. This will put you in the best position you will ever be and everybody will win, including all of your customers and associates.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

You do not have to carry your loved ones on your back. Your social circle is where the real you can enjoy, express and thrive! If you escape from your feelings, you are likely to avoid others or be around them because of obligation. You may think you have to do it or you owe them something. In this situation, you will never be able to open your real side to them and they will never get to know you completely. This makes it impossible for them to truly connect with you. You cannot buy love. If you choose to hide by letting your intellect rule you, you will not be able to fix this. You do not need to be cold or formal in your closer relationships to buy their respect. Target to be in your true feelings and you cannot do anything wrong because everyone else will appreciate it.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 4-10, 2012

Are you in for a totally EXUBERANT time in your life? If you choose to spend most of your time wrapped up in negativity or trivia, you will not have it. Or you could do something really great for yourself if you stay in the big picture of where you have come from (the cosmos) and realize your spiritual guidance (angels/helpers) has your back while doing what you came to do this lifetime. Which way will you go?

Monday, June 4, 2012: Retrieve

Cleaning house is a great way to start this week by looking around, discovering and making a decision to retrieve your energy from anything that does not belong to you. Everything that bothers you, takes away and stops you dead in your tracks must go. Depart from it and set yourself free.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012: Remark

When you recognize something special in others today, realize you have it in yourself. By making a remark to yourself that what you see in others you have as well, you are learning to appreciate more what you have and what others are offering you. When you share of yourself, it comes back to you ten-fold even if it is on another day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012: Pass It On
Show gratitude for the highlights you experience today by turning around and sharing the wisdom they gave you. Every time you pass it on, you increase the positive effect this has on others. They can do the same in turn and this will grow exponentially creating a vast influence.

Thursday, June 7, 2012: Win

When people win a lot of money from a lottery, why is it revered so much? Mostly because of all of the things they feel enabled to do with it. Since you can do anything through the backing you have from your spiritual helpers, there is no need to wait for cash to open doors for you. You can feel like a winner every moment of the day by organizing yourself to go after whatever you want to accomplish. This way, not only will you have it in the end but you will enjoy it even more! 

Friday, June 8, 2012: Factual
Although sometimes you feel being factual may be a bit cut and dry, today it could save your life. Clarify the facts: what, when, where and why to determine the best route to take in your situation. Then, be sharp and clear by giving others a bullet list in order to get to the bottom line quickly so they can see your point and you can both reach the agreement you are looking for.

Saturday, June 9, 2012: Moving

Are there too many moving pieces in your life? Do you ever feel that as soon as something gets resolved another situation needs immediate attention? The solution is to coordinate the main priorities well and organize yourself to always take care of the essential things first, the important things second and trivia third. Since you can only do one thing at a time, plan ahead and distribute your energy in a rational way around all you have going on. Finally, evaluate whether all you are involved with is worth your time. Do yourself a favor and drop anything that is not. Carrying too many watermelons under one arm can never work for too long.

Sunday, June 10, 2012: Elevate

Today is about inspiring somebody and raising their spirits to feel empowered and incredible. If you help them elevate themselves, you will feel great and gratified as a result. All it will take is to give a little encouragement and share an experience when something good happened to you against all odds. Say it with emphasis and it will energize you, too. What a way to finish this exuberant week!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Retrieve yourself from the dark shadows you are hiding in when you remark on all the good things you have experienced and pass it on to win the hearts of others even if it takes being factual just to keep moving along so you can elevate both you and your audience.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Elevate your day by moving the factual pieces in your picture to their rightful places and win the hearts of others when you pass it on with an inspired remark on what it means to retrieve from the negativity and make positive steps forward.

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Energy of the Week for June 4-10, 2012: Exuberant

What does it take to bring out your most passionate and effervescent behavior? This is a time for exuberant experiences, super fun and joy. Gold dust is in the air. This week, remind yourself of where you have come from and belong. Feel what it is like to be one-with-all and realize you are a visitor with a mission to accomplish. Your life is an opportunity to be exalted by the power of the entire universe you represent as a tiny but important part of it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Your true home, the cosmos, will be calling on you this week. You may feel an extra boost of energy to uplift you and make you feel exuberant. This will allow you to be at peace with yourself and in tune with the order of everything that exists. When you fall asleep at night, an energy band called “the silver cord” at the back of your head stretches and you go back to the universe where you regroup with your spiritual guidance (angels or helpers) how it is going for you. If you go to sleep under pressure or in some awkward state, your time out there is not going to be very productive and you could wake up tired as a result. The key is to make sure you go to bed happy, grateful and fulfilled from all of the rich experiences the day has brought for you. If you have questions you need clarified, state your wish to your guidance so when you wake up, you will have your answers. Each and every time you wake up in the morning, you come back again to this planet to do your thing. Before you get up, take an extra moment and look at what the symbols of your dreams may mean for you specifically so you can interpret them for yourself. By harnessing your relationship with your guidance, they will always be there for you as long as you ask and want to use their advice. No one is closer to you than they are.

Hint: If this week inspires you to take charge of everything happening to you, a great way to do it is by learning a quick and easy way to communicate directly with your spiritual guidance (angels or helpers) so you can get all the answers you need on the spot and never have to waste time again.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The time you take earning a living not only represents you and the company or cause you are working for but also the intelligent energy you are and the universe you are coming from as a whole. The work skills and talents you are using on a daily basis are not just mechanically coming from your two hands, heart and mind or what you learned at your school, college or university. You have been refining your strengths and inner abilities for lifetimes and are heavily influenced by all of the spiritual help you are getting from your spiritual guidance (angels or helpers) in everything you do. For example, every time you get involved in a project or endeavor you do not have enough experience in that requires a special capability, your helpers will call on extra help to give you the backing to accomplish anything you need. Never feel as if something is too difficult because you are not alone once you make a decision to do it. Stay open to receive and put your sensitivity and mind to their best use this week. Make your time here count and go for the gusto. You will become exuberant, uplifted and full of strength as soon as you go for something bigger, better and bolder than you already have. Good luck!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

What are you learning from every one of your relationships? Are you acknowledging enough the role others play in your life and vice versa the one you are playing in theirs? You may think these things are random and that smaller acquaintances do not matter as much but the opposite is true. Do you know that every single situation you are in is set up by your guidance to help you stay on the path you have chosen before you came in? They always try to steer you a little bit to the right or a little bit to the left so you are closer to what you decided to do originally. Any word or gesture, facial expression or even the smallest of interaction with anyone in your environment may be their way to get a message over to you. Do you recognize it? When you encounter someone who is confused or may try to encroach on your personal boundaries, this may be a challenge to see if you are ready or not for a bigger step in your spiritual growth. What are you going to do in a situation like this? Are you going to respond patiently in a balanced way or react with a short temper? By understanding where you are spiritually, you will always make the right choice and have an exuberant time learning, growing and making the best out of all your relationships.

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The Energy of the Month for June is MASSIVE

The energy this month is all about unfolding your greatest potential for massive inner and outer communication to attract the necessary backing for what you want to accomplish. How can you become even more balanced in all of your four spiritual gifts of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and healing?

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Knowing what you want in your life is crucial for achieving it. This comes from your prophetic gift of inner knowing. It is as if you know that you know that you know but you do not know how you know it. When you are balanced, you trust it and are readily following the inspiration it is giving you with confidence. If you doubt yourself, you may be questioning the inner communication you are receiving from your guidance (your spiritual helpers) and miss on what are likely to be the solutions you are looking for and your best answers. When you are communicating your inner knowing to others, it is important not to let anyone squelch it. Remember, it is you who is receiving it so they would not recognize it like you do. Through the inner vision of your clairvoyant gift, your inspiration is coming to you in pictures and images. When you can see something in your mind, you are able to create it. If you are not getting a clear picture, you may feel blind and not know how to proceed. When sharing the visual inspirations coming to you, do not assume everyone else can easily see the same picture. Pay special attention and make a note of all of the inner knowings and inner visions you are getting this month. They will keep you on the straight and narrow to achieve massive results on a personal level.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
No matter where in your spiritual gift order your clairaudient gift comes, it is very important to make the best use of it in your professional life this month. This inner voice gives you inspiration through constant thoughts and ideas running through your mind. You are better off listening to it as it will keep you directed and focused on the task at hand. If you are tuned in, it will help you pin down all of your facts of what, when, where and why so you can discern your present circumstances and be able to make pending decisions easily. Be very careful not to become too aggressive or overbearing when you communicate or instruct others with your ideas. Be considerate and patient. Your way is really not the only way. This will create for you a massive response from the customers you are reaching who may want to follow your lead.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Opening your gift of inner feeling will be all the more natural the more relaxed you stay this month. Being bubbly and one-with-all will help you partake in all of the action around you as long as you are being your true loving and caring self and do not become overly emotional. Stay clear from the negativity you may be sensing in your environment and do not fall into the trap of turning things into bigger deals than they really are by keeping yourself joyful. Sometimes the best things in life and friends will come to you if you just let them be who they are and do not blame anything or anyone for the way you feel. You can really inspire many with your warm soft communication and desire to help. Just do not end up doing it for them. They are fully capable of doing it for themselves,  although you can offer friendly suggestions. Not only will you feel good but will end up having a massive impact all around.

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Summer is the healing (or feeling) season

Action is in the air. Involvement is what we are all seeking during the summer in June, July and August. During these warm months (at least in the northern hemisphere), you will start to feel as if you want to complete what you have been working on during the Spiritual Year 2011-2012 (MOBILIZE).

Each of the seasonal three-month periods coincides with the universal order of the four spiritual gifts. September through November is a prophetic energy of creativity and fun, December through February is a clairvoyant energy of organization and high standards while March through May is the clairaudient energy of direction and accomplishment.  As we embark on the healing (or feeling) energy of June through August, we are now gearing up to put the final touches on the inspiration received at the beginning of September – and, oh, how great it is!

This bubbly energy will help you forge new relationships, both with the people you are enjoying now and the ones you will attract during this new season. This is not a time to hold back. For the next three months, you will see all of the details of your initial plan fall into place like bees on honey. Use this opportunity to focus on exploring and discovering new ways of using your inner guidance. If it feels good, just do it.

From now until the end of the summer, the best approach to life is to relax and let it flow. The fear of success only happens when you push yourself over the finish line rather than simply letting go and allowing the momentum to carry you over the threshold. Do not look back as you may lose a little of your timing.

As long as you have planned, communicated and acted well during this spiritual year, you will achieve everything you have set out to do. The reward will be the fulfillment you get if you regroup what you have experienced, what you have learned and what you would have done differently during the last twelve months. C’est si bon (It’s so good)!

If you want to learn more about the spiritual gifts and the personality traits of each one, order Howard Wimer’s book called Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts on Amazon.com available as a paperback or eBook.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 28-June 3, 2012

This week, achieve a MAGNIFICENT life balance and feel great by just clarifying your feelings and emotions and not let the latter rule your day.

Monday, May 28, 2012: Satisfy

Today is all about you. Take good care to satisfy all of your needs by discerning your innermost desires. Keep your energy high by staying focused and directed so you can move on and further your highest wants and goals.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012:
What you need to learn today is how much you are actually capable of handling unusual circumstances. Expect the unexpected and brace yourself with patience even when what is going on around you is unclear at first. The reason behind every situation always reveals itself eventually.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012: Unique
When nothing else works today, you may need to resort to a unique way of handling matters at hand. If you decide to persevere and never give up, your solution will appear as long as you are clear it is always near.

Thursday, May 31, 2012:
You cannot fix others when they are passive. It is not your thing to do it for them. However, you can certainly be upbeat and light on your feet to inspire them to become active. Your example is all the more contagious when you are in charge of your own life and are doing things right for yourself first.

Friday, June 1, 2012: Wonderful
Make this day exceptional by overcoming the limitations that are preventing you from following your boldest dream. A wonderful experience awaits you when you make a decision to go after exactly what you want in your heart of hearts.

Saturday, June 2, 2012: Existence

What will you have? Mere existence or thriving and breathing fire into your own life? This is the question today and the answer lies solely in your hands. Step up to the plate, be spontaneous and make something good happen. Instead of sitting around vegetating, turn this day into a benchmark you will always remember.

Sunday, June 3, 2012: Ready

Ready or not, here it comes! What today brings will be great if you are open to making things happen and taking your time to see them through. If others try to make you feel inadequate and not ready to do what you really want to do, let them face their own flaws and prove them wrong by simply carrying on.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Satisfy your thirst for life in an unusual or unique way but do not stay passive facing the wonderful opportunities to surpass ordinary existence by being ready for anything.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be ready to go beyond mere existence with wonderful experiences when you overcome your passive behavior and become open to unique and unusual ways to satisfy your needs so you can pursue your desires.

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Energy of the Week for May 28-June 3, 2012: Magnificent

This week is about having a magnificent experience by bringing your personal energy into a sublime state of balance and achieving your most impressive spiritual results yet.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

In order for you to flow in your own magnificent energy, you need to bring out your inner feelings first and then discern them so you end up having a feeling for every thought and a thought for every feeling. This way you can always be your true self by coming from a genuine inner state of being positive, loving, happy, content, confident, directed and so forth. Your thinking nature helps you bring the immense power and energy these feelings have for you to realization. If you skip them or undermine yourself because of negative concepts you inherited from your environment when you were growing up, you will end up in your intellect spinning your wheels. This escapism can cause you to fall into emotions like anger, depression, being down or weak, having fears or resentment, etc. which you have been taught to feel. As a result, you may become an alcoholic, work-a-holic, golf-a-holic or other form of over-doing something just to keep yourself from facing your feeling nature. Clarify the difference between your feelings and emotions by checking whether what you are experiencing is light, positive and uplifting or heavy, negative and burdening. This will allow you to transcend into a true life balance.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
A magnificent balance in your work means neither over-doing something nor under-doing it. But when do you get to the point of doing it just right? If you leave yourself out by not innately being driven to do your job or are doing it just to pay your bills, you will rob yourself from the passion and burning desire you could have toward your clients and not be fulfilled at the end of the day. On the other hand, if you are wrapped up only in what tickles your fancy but are not considerate of what your customers need, they will never end up being satisfied on their end. Your 50% is to satisfy yourself first while benefitting others 50% through your service to achieve a perfectly balanced 100% on both sides.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The 50-50 rule applies here as well. If you experience positive feelings toward the closest people in your environment as well as casual acquaintances, this is great! However, have you ever fallen into the trap of being a do-gooder? This is when you feel as if you need to take care of everyone else but at the end of the day, you feel as if you are unable to take care of yourself. When this happens, you are going way beyond your 50%. In order to achieve balance, you need your loved ones to meet you halfway. Just relax and do your part without trying to make everyone else happy. They are the only ones who can make themselves happy. This way, no one needs to take care of anyone else but themselves. Is this not magnificent?

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 21-27, 2012

You can experience a bountiful increase of joy and energy this week by being free, clarifying any confusion and avoiding all complacency. This will allow you to make the most out of what you have while enjoying yourself thoroughly in the process.

Monday, May 21, 2012: Past

Face up to any ghosts from your past. If anything troubles you and robs your inner freedom, bring it out in the open and put it on the table so you can figure it out once and for all. Everything you have been going through has happened to you for a reason and to learn from. Resolve these lessons and you will be freed from their shadows. Learning more about yourself increases your energy. You will always experience a boost and feel better in the end.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012:
Magnify your own power by zooming in on what is really important to you and get energized by its positive influence. Look deeper into what is inspiring you to get an understanding of what meaning it has for you. Then, turn around and spread this enthusiasm to create an increase of energy for many others.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012: Step Up
Be determined to step up your game by realizing you did not come here to live a small life. If you begin to pursue something larger than ordinary daily goals, you will get uplifted and increase the passion you experience with all of your senses. This is not about proving yourself but rather living your life to the fullest by applying yourself and making the best use of everything you have.

Thursday, May 24, 2012:
Every once and a while you need to pull out your sketch book and redesign the pathway where life is taking you. If you have surrendered to the opinion of others in your environment or feel obliged to go in a certain way you do not prefer due to outside circumstances, you need to realize the only one who can decide where you are going is you. Switch gears and head where you really want to go. Your personal increase will be inevitable.

Friday, May 25, 2012: Act Upon
Last week you went through a time of organization and now, when you get an inspiration, you need to act upon it so you can put it into place. Nothing gets done on its own or with a wave of a magic wand. But you can certainly use your imagination and both of your hands to make anything happen through belief and action.

Saturday, May 26, 2012: Redeem

If you have ever felt as if you have failed, it is time to redeem yourself in your own eyes. There is nothing you cannot fix when you clarify what does not work and replace it with what does. It is your call. Just do it!

Sunday, May 27, 2012: Heavenly

Take a long moment to simply have a heavenly time. This is what today is all about. Treat yourself right. Take a rest, have fun and be loyal to yourself first by letting go off the reins and just enjoy being pampered and rewarded for what you have accomplished this week. Life works.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your past experiences to magnify the meaning of your life and step up your game to redesign your plan and act upon your purpose to redeem yourself and have only a heavenly time from now on.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Having a heavenly experience is easy when you redeem yourself from the negative and act upon what it takes to redesign your future as you step up your entire life and magnify the best of what you have been through in the past.

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Energy of the Week for May 21-27, 2012: Increase

Increase all of the resources you are already using by opening yourself up to more possibilities which in turn will multiply your energy and enhance your results. This is the week to say good-bye to any lack or limitation you may have been experiencing. It is time to have more, live more and enjoy the natural expansion in your life to the fullest.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
The next seven days are about strengthening yourself. What factors make you feel secure and solid? Knowing who you are inside and being directed to achieve your purpose is all it takes to keep your energy free and streamlined. Do you get angry at times or harbor resentment? Do you ever feel down or get depressed? Examine closely if there may be confusion in your way by identifying what puts you off and causes your energy to turn negative. Another state-of-consciousness you may fall into is complacency: be it indecision or passiveness. This includes believing you know-it-all so others become devoted to you and you want to tell them what to do. The idea is to snap out of both of these mindsets immediately by realizing as long as you are living life, there is still more to learn in each moment. Furthermore, much of the negativity you feel comes from outside pressures. You do not have to buy into any of it. Stay cleansed and relaxed to increase your flow of energy to become a part of the infinite plane of freedom where everything you want becomes possible while working closely with your inner guidance. You are never alone.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
To increase your productivity this week, you may want to revisit what could be wasting your time and resources in your line of work. Do you get bogged down with trivia or have to deal with disorganized energy that steals your day? Make sure you know exactly what you want to do because this is your compass. If you are facing too many options, do not just sit on the fence and wonder which way is better to go without ever making a decision. Clarify your facts (what, when, where and why) so the route that is better to choose becomes obvious. Moving swiftly keeps the dynamics of everything clicking and ticking. Nothing is the end of the world. Do not let anyone turn anything into a bigger deal than it really is. Look for solutions and you will find them. Simplify your work by prioritizing what really matters so you can skip to it right away. Finally, do not let the disappointment of others get to you. You are learning from everything for yourself first so it is very important for you to be satisfied and fulfilled at the end of the day.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The energy this week calls for you to increase your own stamina and to like yourself more. Have you ever tried to make someone else happy? Or wished others in your environment liked you more? Trying to please others could be a sure dead end street. If you realize that in all of your relationships all you can do is give your 50%, you will feel great no matter what critique is coming your way. If anyone is trying to encroach on your boundaries, understand it is usually their confusion to begin with. Do not feel responsible or allow it to bring you down so you hurt yourself. Keep it cool. There is no need to bend to anyone else’s will. Make a positive statement by expressing yourself freely. Make only suggestions (and not commands) for anything you see could be helpful to others. This way, you can feel free to communicate with anyone at any time about anything without being bothered or pressured by any outside circumstances.

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