Weekly Energy of the Day for May 14-20, 2012

This week, you can improve the ORGANIZATION of your energy and get it flowing in a positive way without any blockages in its path when you clarify what you want to stay focused on in every area of your life.

Monday, May 14, 2012: Straightforward

Watch out not to fall into any indecision today or get trapped into playing mental gymnastics with “what if this happens..?”, or “what if that happens..?” Make sure you stay on the straight and narrow and are straightforward and direct by keeping everything as simple as it can be.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012:
When the common sense is not there in what everyone else is doing, you do not have to fall into the trap of following the crowd and doing it just because everyone else is. Instead, use your own inner sensitivity and do only what feels right to you deep inside.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012: Blissful

Today, bring out that inner happiness and content you have within to live your life in a delightful way. Remember, you are the most important person to yourself. This will allow you to make yourself blissful all of the time despite of what may be going on in your environment.

Thursday, May 17, 2012: Advantageous
Boldly ignore the things that are holding you back by making an advantageous step forward when you discern which way you need to go today. Do not get disappointed by the sheer reality around you especially in uneasy times. The solution may be waiting for you right around the corner so you need to make sure you get yourself there.

Friday, May 18, 2012: Circumference
Get yourself relaxed and calm today because when you are being yourself, your energy spreads out reaching a circumference of over six feet around your physical body. The way you are and all of your actions directly affect not only you but your immediate environment and indirectly the rest of us. By finding your deepest peace within, you will increase the parameter of your influence, positively affect the whole world and make a big difference.

Saturday, May 19, 2012: Peaceful

When you are in your true feelings of love, joy and excitement, etc., your energy is peaceful and positive, making every passing moment beautiful and meaningful. When your emotions kick in, they rob your inner peace by bringing tension or pressure such as being sad, angry, frustrated or resentful, etc. In order to avoid becoming emotional, you need to understand this does not belong to your true nature but comes from the intellect. Emotions are taught from your early environment and only take away the joy you could have from all of your experiences. Make a decision to always go with your heart.

Sunday, May 20, 2012: Imagine

Today reminds you if you can imagine something, you can create it and enjoy it. To unleash this power you possess inside, first you need to believe it and embrace it. Then, you need to use it and remain persistent to see it through. Stomp out any doubts and spend more time putting a picture together with the visions from your inspirations. Share with us your results!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be straightforward and use your common sense to live a blissful and advantageous life by stretching your energy to the circumference of your boundaries in a peaceful way to imagine all the possibilities.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Imagine how much you can achieve when you are peaceful all the way to the circumference of advantageous and blissful experiences above the ordinary and common by staying straightforward and direct.

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Energy of the Week for May 14-20, 2012: Organization

This week is all about what everything in life starts and ends with: the organization of your own energy. The things you attract and what happens to you as a result are all based on this. Your energy does not flow randomly throughout your physical body – there is a direct pattern as well as a rhyme and a reason to it based on your state-of-consciousness and how you think. How can you organize your energy to achieve a perfect equilibrium?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
The more you accept and the better you view and treat yourself, you can improve the organization of your personal energy flow which determines how you feel, think and act. No one knows you better than you know yourself. If you do not accept yourself completely by buying into something someone else has said about you, you cut off your full inflow of energy and suppress all of the great inspiration coming your way. Next, if you are not clarifying what your wants and goals are, how can you ever begin to pursue or achieve them? Third, if you do not take care of your own needs, who else can do it for you? It is time to let go of the dysfunctional and start believing in yourself. Open up and let as much energy flow in as you can handle. Put in place all the things your heart desires and commit to fulfill them so your energy will be focused and directed. Do not forget to look after yourself so you can stay strong and vibrant and be able to weather any storm along the way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Have you ever heard the expression: this is not personal, it is business? Have you ever become emotional by being personally involved in an outcome? The best organization your business energy can have is when you discern the facts of any given situation (what, when, where and why) so you can remain detached from anything that is tough or unpleasant. Everything will be more successful when you are not dragged down with trivia, such as bills or insufficient resources, especially when you hold yourself together and come up with solutions to make things better. There is a special fuel your desire to be of service can use and it is called incentive. Does what you do excite you so much you cannot wait to get up every morning and do it? Does it get your creative juices going every day to make things work no matter what? There is your answer – two simple things you can do: (1) discern the facts so you can stay detached and (2) create a powerful incentive. Then you will be unstoppable and thriving in an energy that is organized to a tee.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The organization of your energy in your social life has to do with how you relate to others and carry on your relationships with them. Do you ever feel lesser than or greater than others? If you judge others, it shows you judge yourself. The idea is to understand that everyone is simply doing the best they know how and if they knew any better, they would be doing it. The next thing is to be open and give without an expectation to receive back. If you hold on to things or are stingy to share and cannot let go, you are closing off your natural outflow and causing the energy inside you to stagnate by not having any place to go. This acts like a dam and when nothing goes out, nothing can come in either. No wonder you experience low energy! Open up your soul-to-soul communication and accept everyone for exactly where and who they are. Also, uncap your outflow letting the energy flow freely so you can be involved in life to the fullest and never feel alone or bored.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 7-13, 2012

ESTABLISH yourself in your own life all over again and enjoy a new flow of energy that will make your life blossom this week in the way you really want it. You will have everything you need if you are ready for action and are not afraid to show the world what kind of a spirited soul you really are.

Monday, May 7, 2012: Non-restrictive

It will take a non-restrictive attitude to get you going on your true path. If you allow anything to stop you, you may not stand a chance. You really need to focus on your inner ambition and get motivated to a point where nothing can stand in your way. By then, you will be charged with so much energy, the ground underneath you will be already moving even before you are. Off to your success!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012:
Are you living life to the fullest? The idea is to have a total blast! If you are not there yet, there is something you can do. Identify what is encroaching on your energy and refuse to accept the pressure it is imposing on you. If you decide to smile, create and thrive in a positive energy, how could anything stand in your way?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012: Resume
Look back into your past today and see if you have left behind any regrets. Feeling bad about unfinished business will only drain you and steal your happiness away. If you still want it, you can continue and resume it if you flow into the energy it will take to bring it back to life. Welcome it and make something good happen. Now that you know better, hold on to it and do not let it go this time around.

Thursday, May 10, 2012:
It is time to recognize what makes your life beautiful. Take a look at which of your splendid qualities make you the person you are and how you can unfold them more. It is your clairvoyant gift that sees the beauty of life. The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to bring out your inner warmth and deep concern you carry within. Let us enjoy it all with you.

Friday, May 11, 2012: Purpose
Today, you can explore the desire behind your intended purpose. Have you ever said: I did not mean for this to happen? Well, it is a good idea to connect what you want with where you are going and the means you are using to get there so you avoid any surprises in the end. In retrospect, the moment you take to accomplish this will be time well spent.

Saturday, May 12, 2012: Sanction

This is another opportunity to endorse something important in your environment. Take a stand by giving your seal of approval to sanction what you can support and back with your energy. You have come here to be involved in life. So remember to be active and participate in the events you know you will enjoy the most.

Sunday, May 13, 2012: Study

The energy today of study means to not take anything for granted. Take a deeper look into what is happening around you so you can make an intelligent decision. Do not assume anything. Make sure you are getting every fact about every situation before you dive in without a plan. You will get all the help from your spiritual guidance once you decide what is really in your best interest. Do not hesitate but at the same time, do whatever is necessary to make sure you are not being naïve. Do not forget to have fun because this is the best way to learn as you go and make things happen.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Have a non-restrictive blast! with positive energy when you resume your beautiful passion to live on purpose and sanction what it takes to study life by learning its invaluable lessons.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Study yourself and sanction what works for you to achieve your purpose and enjoy a beautiful existence when you resume to a full blast! of non-restrictive dynamic flow of energy.

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Energy of the Week for May 7-13, 2012: Establish

You have a chance to establish a brand new life for yourself this week. You can decide exactly what you want based on everything you have already experienced. Give every area of your life the makeover it needs and orient yourself to be in the best place for the future.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Even if you have already made major decisions in your life such as family or career, this week calls you to establish yourself more in a personal way. What this means is to recognize who you are on a deeper level and accept your potential and the place you want to be for yourself. This may require you to revisit your past experiences and focus on the roles you have played up to now. Have you been the person you want to be? Are you admiring yourself and what you have had to do to get where you are? Do not be shy to admit there is always room for improvement. This is the best part of life – you can go to sleep a better person than when you woke up on the same day and continue to have the same chance on the next day. Acknowledge your hard earned achievements and make new commitments to be true to the characteristics and actions you know you can exhibit more as the special soul you already are.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
How can you establish what you want to do to be of service? By putting your ideas into action. Even the most grandiose of business achievements throughout history began with a simple idea. Do not undermine any inspiration that comes to you to bring about the dreams you have for yourself and others. This will be the strengthening factor that allows you to bring forth a plan of action you can be really be excited and enthused about. Believe it or not, if you manage to pin down your facts well and get a clear picture of how they will turn out, this is a solid head start. Persevering through will cause your goals to be realized especially when you base them on the foundation of everything you have already done and know you believe will work again. The whole universe wants you to succeed in your positive endeavors and much energy will flow your way when you undertake making your project a reality. Go ahead and start now.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

You have an opportunity to establish yourself in your environment this week. This is not about trying to cater to everybody nor do you have to reinvent your wheel. Your presence will become more noticeable when you bring out your inner charm and charisma. It is as simple as being yourself. With open communication you will always get the feedback and understanding from the people who mean the most to you in your life. This will help you form beautiful relationships on a consistent basis and make long-lasting connections.

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The Energy of the Month for May is BUILD

This month reminds you of a great truth: you are meant to have anything you want because you can build it for yourself. Discover all of the dimensions of what this really means to you and how you can put it to work right away.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
To build anything for yourself means to take charge and put it together without waiting for someone else from the outside to hand it to you. Look at yourself and be honest: is something missing you would really like to have? Are you blaming all kinds of factors outside of you for its lack? It is time to face reality. Everything is right with planet Earth. If you would like something more or different – guess what? It is your opportunity to create it. Otherwise, why do you crave it or it appeals to you so much? If you have thought of it or imagined it, you can indeed organize yourself and construct or establish whatever is necessary to bring it to life. The moment you believe it 100%, you will pass the point of no return so no one can convince you otherwise. You will get strengthened and attract the backing needed to accomplish it. Once you engage your energy in this process, you will be able to assemble anything it takes to complete your desire as long as you stick to it and remain true to yourself. Do it and show us what you have built!

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Have you ever complained that you do not like what you do for a living? The time has come to change it and build the desired scenario for yourself to do exactly what you love. It starts with knowing clearly what it is you are drawn to do and why. What would others benefit from it? What reward would this hold in return for you? How is it going to be spiritually fulfilling and energetically satisfying? What are you ready to do to make it happen? If there are any restrictions you are afraid of, this may not work. If you really want it, the only way to have it is to start with the facts by counting all of the positives about it. Bring them into the picture, brick by brick, one at a time until you build the entire structure you need in place. Make it work. Mold it with your own hands and your passion. This is all it takes when have it and you do not give up. Remember, everything good you create and build is there for everyone to follow as an inspiring example. It is worth it!

How this energy affects you in your social life:
your friendships, your family and your circle or network. Have it all. Finally, you can quit feeling as if no one likes you or not enough special people care for you. With a few billion of us on the planet, do not think it is impossible to meet someone who is a good partner, companion, friend, confidante, buddy or who wants to become your relative. Spiritually, we all come here with many contracts to share with others and this is why we have an affinity with these souls during our lifetime. If you have not met them, it is something you are not doing. Also, know they are waiting for you to show up in their life just as you are looking for them to appear in yours. So put yourself out there. Get busy and find who you are looking for.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 30-May 6, 2012

Your true MOTIVATION is the deep seated motive for everything you do that wakes you up in the morning and drives you into action every single day of your life. This week, explore and clarify your incentive to make it even stronger and sharper than ever.

Monday, April 30, 2012: Reinspire

Take a moment to recall the most significant experiences throughout your life that have moved you with their uplifting energy so you can reinspire yourself again. Create a routine to boost yourself up whenever you need it by finding the significance each one has for you. Let us know what you came up with.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012:
Move your personal dreams a step forward today by deciding it is time to live them. What would make you feel ready to move on? First, believe you are meant to have them. Then, realize you have access to any resources necessary to fulfill them as long as you focus in that direction. Next, use all of your boldness, enhanced by the favorable energy around planet Earth this week and the rest will be history. If any self-doubts try to jeopardize your plan, just realize it is caused by outside pressure working against you. Do not buy into it and remain steady with what you have to do. Once you begin, you will surely get over the hump and it will be smooth-going from there.    

Wednesday, May 2, 2012: Contemplate
Is your life headed in the direction you want it to go? Take the time today to contemplate this serious question by regrouping your past experiences and how they have brought you where you find yourself now. Have no regrets and appreciate everything you have gone through since this is what has shaped you into who you really are. Do you feel good with what you have found out about yourself? If not, clarify how you need to redirect your energy and find the simplest solution to do it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012: Redemption
This is the time for a redemption from any negative energy you have been allowing to hang around you that have been taking away from your everyday life. Focus on what has been taking you out of your comfort zone lately. Once something gets you out of whack, your energy feels oppressed and you are not in control of it any longer. Only you can stop yourself from falling into the abyss. It is easy. All it takes is to catch yourself when you first begin to feel irritated. Stop right there no matter what you are in the middle of doing. Cleanse yourself and reinstate your energy to 100% positive. This will naturally disconnect you from the lower not-so-positive vibration that has been coming around you. Catch your breath and regain control to a full recovery mode.

Friday, May 4, 2012: Excitement

What are some of the ways you can express how happy with excitement you can be today? You have much to acknowledge about your life and now is the time to do it. Count your blessings (and all of your friends) as well as the infinite number of opportunities still in front of you. What is it you cannot do…really? When you put your mind to it, you can apply all of your power and use the tremendous backing available to you from your spiritual helpers – there is virtually nothing impossible with their assistance. Get re-energized, sizzle up your MOTIVATION and carry on with new light and regained strength.

Saturday, May 5, 2012: Trust

Do you trust your instincts or your gut? When you get a hunch about something, do you follow it or not? Today reveals why you need to have the right confidence and surety that your inner sensitivity always serves your best interest. Answer the question: where is it all coming from? Your inner guidance is communicating with you through your intuition and they are the right source for finding your best answers. Relax and open up to them 100%.

Hint: Are you interested in being able to directly communicate with your own guidance since they are better than your best friends? Have a one-hour consultation to learn a simple technique to ask them questions and get direct answers back that takes less than 60 seconds and you can use it for the rest of your life.

Sunday, May 6, 2012: Relax

This is a reminder you cannot achieve anything great or mobilize all of your efforts unless you are truly able to relax. In order to release all of the pressure and get relief from any area of tension, identify where the source is coming from in your environment. Are you going to buy into it or not? Deep in your inner core you are peaceful and solid, balanced and content. You innately know nothing is a big deal and things are always going to work out one way or another. Nothing is ever lost. You will always get another chance whether it is this week, this month, during your entire life or even in your next lifetime in order to learn the lessons you are mastering.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Reinspire everyone around when you make a step forward and contemplate redemption from all negativity as a way to create new excitement and trust so you can really relax and carry on.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Always relax with a deep trust and excitement so you can get redemption from any loss and contemplate the best way to move forward and reinspire yourself first followed by everyone else.

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Energy of the Week for April 30-May 6, 2012: Motivation

This is the week to explore and examine your motives and why you are going down the path you have chosen. If you have given the proper consideration to exactly what influences you to do certain things over others, you can see a whole deeper level of how you are setting yourself up for everything you are experiencing. How can you gain a better understanding of your own inner motivation?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Ask yourself what determines your major decisions about where your time goes. Take a look to see if it comes from external factors such as how others view you or what is expected of you. Do you feel as if you cannot do what you want because you are dedicating your time to trivia or other mundane tasks such as paying your bills, handling crises or self-imposed hardships? Or is your motivation based on something coming from totally inside of you – like what you are passionate about or enjoy because it gives you a good solid feeling? There is a big difference between the concept of obligation and opportunity. When you understand the reasons why are involved in an opportunity, it ceases to become a burden and you will soon discover that motivation driven by the outside world is less inspiring than one coming from deep within your soul. Set a goal to devote your time primarily to things you feel strongly about as this is what counts at the end of the day. Follow your pure inner sensitivity and the hunches your inner guidance gives you throughout the day. This way, you will always act in your own best interest and be loyal to yourself first.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Every time you are being your true self, something incredible happens. You are sharing your inner philosophy with other souls who have expressed an interest in learning it from you. In fact, you have made a spiritual contract with them before you came into planet Earth. As your spiritual protégés, they cannot have enough of hanging around you and absorbing everything you have to say. This is also why you have a special affinity and want to help them. Believe it or not, this is exactly what your spiritual business or purpose is all about. It is why you use your profession, occupation or job as an avenue to share this unique message. The most important motivation you have is to be yourself and pass on your wisdom. Your energy will thrive when you are accomplishing what you have come here to do. If you deny others the opportunity to hear your spiritual message, you are taking away from yourself the highest possible achievement that lasts forever. Start off this week with making sure you are always in tune with your true self, especially when you are around the people you have a natural concern and desire to help. Keep this straight and you will get organized to sew the seed of spreading your spiritual message and reaping the benefits for yourself first – then from others. Go out and get your spiritual work done!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

This week, acknowledge the people who matter the most to you and how they play a significant role in your life. This can be the most important motivation that defines your entire social arena as long as you are acknowledging yourself first. Are you just trying to be the best you can be for them? You can only do what is best for them as long as you are doing the best for you as well. This is the genuine and true incentive that fuels you to go the extra mile. Realize you need to live it for yourself first because this is the only way to become a true example to impress and inspire all of your loved ones, friends and others. Make a checklist of the values you have within and express them to everyone in your environment so you can connect in a long-lasting way by finding out more of what everyone appreciates about you.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 23-29, 2012

It is in your hands to BEAUTIFY your life this week as a do-it-yourself kind of thing. Get a sense inside of how you would like to do it – and go for it. Nothing will make you happier than seeing how the smallest of gestures turns everything around for you for the better.

Monday, April 23, 2012: Amplify

Do you want to enhance your experiences today, turning them into something special to remember? You can amplify feeling all the more powerful when you focus on the positive and inspiring side of life. Connect yourself closely with the lessons life has to offer so you can learn and make them count for you. Do this and the energy from your spiritual helpers will back you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012: Send

Think about what you send out to the world today. The energy you outflow affects you the most. When you are nice, it is radiant and shining and when you are not, it could be dark and negative. Send out your best energy and a positive wave will be spread around your immediate environment and there will be a chain reaction throughout the whole planet. It will all come back your way.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012: Love
Do you love yourself? You need to like what you are all about, have a deep self-respect and appreciation for yourself and what you are pursuing in your life. If you do not, how could anyone else? Be one with the deepest feeling you have inside about your spirit and beingness and make sure you do not follow anything destructive that makes you go against your own self.

Thursday, April 26, 2012: Purport
Today, look at how truthfully you present yourself to your environment and the intent you have about it. If you deliberately purport yourself as not being who you are and think this is better, think again. If you are trying to be someone else, where have you left the real you? This could be very negative to your true substance which will have no expression and outlet to just be.

Friday, April 27, 2012: Upgrade

Today is all about discerning what can be better for you. Identify what holds you back from improving. It is never too late to upgrade to exactly what you want. Be clear how you would like it to be and be bold in making this important transition. It will be easier than you may have anticipated and the payoff will be better than you think.

Saturday, April 28, 2012: Retention

How much retention do you have of the experiences you have had throughout your life that have been the most meaningful to you and what have you learned from them? By regrouping what you are putting together for yourself in the morning, at noon and at the end of the day, you will be able to move forward with a smooth and confident energy. Do not forget the times in your life when you have had to overcome major challenges and the decisions you made. This is your wisdom and it is priceless.

Sunday, April 29, 2012: Passive

Do not be indifferent or passive today. Get involved and participate in the events happening around you. Do not feel you will save more energy for yourself if you do not spread it around in activities life offers you. Make sure you do not lose out on an opportunity and go for it when it crosses your path. The right one will always energize you and make you feel how really important you are.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Amplify and send your love to purport the right intent when you upgrade your energy by stepping up to the plate and do not hold a retention of anything negative or passive.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Staying passive and allowing retention of negative thoughts will prevent you from being able to upgrade your life and purport the love you can send around to amplify your relationships.

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Energy of the Week for April 23-29, 2012: Beautify

What can you beautify in your life this week? You can enhance the value of everything you have and bring out the inner grace and beauty you possess by implementing this energy into your own experiences.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

It is time to upgrade yourself and dress up. This has nothing to do with putting on fancier clothing. If you are faced with a situation in your life that is testing you to see how far things can go before you break down, take a second look at why things are the way they are. Discern the difference between your true feelings and your emotions. Emotions are the feelings you have been taught to feel like anger, resentment and frustration. True feelings are the real you. No one has been taught to be loyal to themselves first. This is your biggest challenge and it will not be handed to you on a silver platter. You have to earn it by changing you attitude. Take care of your own needs first. Then you have all of energy in the world to help others. Compliment yourself this week and this will enhance your environment. A kind word opens an iron door, they say, and it is important to start with yourself. Fill your heart and mind with more loving thoughts and feelings and you will feel inside as if you have drunk a soothing elixir. Observe how this extra positive vibe will beautify and change your reality. Keep it up all week!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Add a sparkle to your business life and you will enrich everyone you are reaching. This will bring you a lot of joy and fulfillment. How can you do it? Sometimes we fall into a routine and get complacent. This is deadly when it comes to creating excitement and enthusiasm for what you have to offer. Show a lot more genuine concern for the people you are being of service to. Put your personal touch to it. In today’s fast-paced environment, a little warmth goes a long way. This keeps things from becoming mechanical. Making someone smile this week will bring a lot of energy back to you. Everything you do will be even more attractive to others when you beautify your own approach to it all.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
As much as you have been putting effort to create harmony in your most important relationships, sometimes the communication you have with others can become stale. In other words, you may have a tendency to say the same things over and over again. This week you can bring it up a notch and beautify your approach even more. What will it take? An extra pat on the back of the people you care for the most, laying a warm hand on theirs or a strong hug? You decide what works the best by letting your imagination run wild. Just do something and take an extra moment to enjoy the loving response you get back and those delightful times you will spend together.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 16-22, 2012

This week, you can find the EXTRAORDINARY in the ordinary by stepping boldly outside of your own box and revealing your true inner passion. Discover how easy it really is to be yourself and make everything around you very special.

Monday, April 16, 2012: Relax

Can you relax enough today to be tuned into your own inner sensitivity and not miss on the invaluable inspiration from your inner guidance? If you are calm, balanced and feel satisfied with what is going on in your life and find that everything is right with the world then, yes it is! If this is not the case, make it a first priority to take a moment and get yourself composed and back in harmony with your own energy and in equilibrium with your surroundings.

Note: If you need some extra help, use our quick and easy Personal Energy Cleansing and World Cleansing techniques to relax yourself and your environment 100 % in less than a minute.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012: Utopian

Utopian energy today is not about being idealistic or impossible. It is about being realistic and accepting yourself and your life for what they are. Realize everything is actually perfect just the way it is. If anything bothers you, you have the power to change it by changing yourself. The only thing you have control over is you. By learning as much as you can as you go, your life will become a fairy-tale.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012: Spearhead
Today helps you understand that everything in your life originates with you. No one else can make you happy or make something happen to you unless you allow it. It is best to take your initiative and motivate yourself to get the things you want. Spearhead your energy in the direction you need to go and watch everything flow. We cannot wait to hear how much you have accomplished.

Thursday, April 19, 2012: Outreach
Go out of your way and reach out to another person who needs the backing and support of you being there for them today. Remember, you are not doing this for them – you are opening your outflow by getting involved and deciding to give without expecting to receive. You will learn a lot from this outreach and recognize what goes around definitely comes back.

Friday, April 20, 2012: Wonder

Do you ever wonder what to do? When in doubt, the best way to go about something is just to go for the best and keep your energy moving. Adjust as needed on the way but do not stay inactive or stagnant while debating with yourself: what would happen if I did this or what would happen if I did that? Such fence-sitting is of no use. Clarify your facts and move on!

Saturday, April 21, 2012: Insinuate

Pay close attention to anything subtle or indirect in your life someone in your environment may insinuate today. You may find out how some things are not clearly visible to you and you need to take extra effort to detect what is really going on. This will make you appreciate the value of straightforwardness. Make sure you ask questions when you need to find out more. This will help you clarify your direction better.

Sunday, April 22, 2012: Promote

Many people think they are not good at sales because they are not cut out for it. Do you realize you naturally do this all the time? When you share how comfortable your new shoes are or why you did not enjoy the movie you just saw, this is how you promote what you like or do not like and influence others to be for or against whatever it is you experienced. Use this to your maximum advantage by communicating openly and responsibly so it inspires trust in others.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Relax in the utopian version of your own life while you spearhead an outreach to others without a need to wonder what it will insinuate or how to promote what is right.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Promote yourself genuinely and insinuate gently so you do not make others wonder if you are ready to offer an outreach to spearhead a utopian way to relax and feel good.

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