New Format for Energy of the Day Blog Posts

This week, we are starting a brand new format for the Energy of the Day blog posts.

As a reminder, every year, month and day, the energy changes on planet Earth. You will be ahead of the curve when you know what this is and are able to apply it in your personal life (being loyal to yourself first), business life (your service to others) and social life (your relationships with others).

Be aware of the energy you see around you so you can avoid the pitfalls when someone is putting pressure on you to do what they want – not what you want.

Always remember, you are the most important person to yourself. This is the key to graduating from planet Earth.

From now on, we will be posting a brief daily energy for every day all together in one post at the beginning of the week so you can plan ahead. Write these key words on your daily calendar.

We suggest you check with your own inner guidance how this energy affects you. You can come back and review the energy for the day as needed and share your comments so we can learn from you as well.

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Energy of the Week for June 20-26, 2011: Acceptance

Acceptance is when you are open to receive the inspiration and energy flowing your way. Everything you need will be made available to you as long as you allow it. How can you open yourself to full and complete acceptance?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
It all starts with acceptance of yourself, who you are through lifetimes of experiences and your infinite potential to become who you want to be. Any doubts you have start from the premise you are not good enough. These have been instilled in you from the same negative concept someone else had in your environment when you were growing up. Such limiting beliefs are totally false. They play on the fake assumption you are lesser than others. The truth is, you are the same all-powerful spirit as everyone else. You are unique and dynamic – no greater, no lesser. You are constantly growing, changing and refining yourself with everything you are going through. You have the same resources available to you as everyone else. Your ability to use them depends largely on your self-acceptance. The more you limit it, the more you foreclose your chances to put all of your options to good use. Open up your acceptance as wide as you possibly can. Every single experience in every moment is meant for you to take something powerful and meaningful away from it. Do not waste it. With total acceptance, you will live your best life yet.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Do you ever catch yourself looking at others wondering how they are managing to do their service successfully? This may not be because you are trying to find out how you can do it. It could be because you are wondering if you can do it at all. It boils down to your own acceptance of what you are truly capable of. If you think you cannot do something, how can you be empowered to do it? Take others as examples of what you can do as well. You do not have to copy or do it exactly the same as everyone else. This would be a very narrow way to go. It limits your creativity and will not bring you the best possible results. You can craft your own unique approach. Whatever you end up creating will be unmatched with anything else. Your patrons will be astounded and delighted to receive your service in a more interesting and refreshing way. As a result, your acceptance of yourself and your service will also play out great for everyone else.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
If it was feasible for you to only live by yourself, you would have no problems at all. You would think you were just fine and there would be nobody else to complicate anything for you. Lucky for you, this is not the case. It is in interacting with others, testing their boundaries, concepts and consciousness where you are forced to realize your own limits, beliefs and understanding. Needless to say, this is much better for you. At the end of the day, what you experience with your relationships is helping you know your own self better. This is the main reason why you want to be kind and grateful to others. Their being there serves you in an incredible way. You could not do it without them. Your acceptance of the great role others play for you in your life is the key to enjoying everything and making it count many times more than you have imagined. Embrace the fact that the best solutions for you and others will emerge when you both actively pursue them. Together, the energy utilized in the process with all of the backing available, along with the creativity to make it happen, will be multiplied tremendously. Grab the others by the hand. Help them achieve this clarity of acceptance for themselves by showing them how it is done.

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Energy of the Day: Ridicule

To ridicule is a putdown meant to indignify or condemn in order to make light of something that bothers you. How can you avoid any embarrassment from such foolish mockery?


When a person seeks to make fun of someone, most often they intend to cause humiliation or portray the other person as a disgrace. This irrational desire reveals some deep-rooted incongruity, searching to amuse in a sarcastic way. Even when the person who is perpetrating it may have noticed a discrepancy or a flaw with another person, showing disrespect is imbalanced and will only bring greater instability. It is a ludicrous parody trying to fix something by poking satire and wanting to roast it with witticism. If you are ever an object of ridicule, here is a spiritually sound way to look at it so you can feel more at ease.

Tip: The Energy of the Week is Enthusiasm


Ironically, the person initiating the ridicule has the same exact weakness they are pointing out in you. Otherwise, they would never have the sensitivity to be able to see it flawed in you. If they were balanced, they would not be publicly displaying their contempt, thinking this is funny. Their true concern would be to help you overcome it. Do not be mislead by the fact it is the other party taking things out of context. There must have been something to begin with to stir the pot. The best thing is to pinpoint what you need to address for yourself. There is no reason to feel down or depressed as this is an opportunity to refine who you really are. The other person has simply put it on the table for your review. Once you clarify how to make it better, you can share it with them since it is practically both of you who need to learn from it. The balanced response to ridicule is to agree and state what you are doing to handle it and improve yourself. You will stand solid in the dignity of being happy to use any opportunity to make yourself better. Your mature behavior will be inspiring and encouraging by supporting them to deal with it on their level.

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Energy of the Day: Look!

To look! means to make everything clear and cut through the trivia. How can you bypass confusion and stare reality in the eye?


If you think something is over your head so much you try to avoid it, things will only get worse with time. Overlooking anything that is bothering you is a form of tolerating it and allowing it to grow and spread. The best option is to look! carefully into it and catch it at the first sign it is working against you. Your ability to remain attentive to the things that really matter to you will guarantee there is no way for them to get out of hand. Your desire to ensure everything is going smooth will create a peace of mind. Your sensitivity will alert you whenever you need to do something about it.


Instead of turning away when you do not know what to do, look! Your desire to resolve what is needed in the situation will allow you to find a solution. When you look! confidently and decisively, you can straighten out even the biggest puzzle. If you need to face up to the responsibility of what happened, do it. There is no bigger relief than coming clean with reality. Otherwise, it will only take away from you as you go. Shake off the confusion. Put an end to unclear things dragging on you every day. Take charge and look! at your life to see it for what it truly is. Even when you delegate by giving an opportunity to someone else, you always need to oversee it. You are in control only when you know exactly what is taking place. Keep your eyes wide open and always look! to have a clear idea of everything going on – inside and out.

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Energy of the Day: Wonderment

It is a wonderful world we live in and your life is full of wonders of which the biggest one is you. How can you allow yourself to delight and appreciate it even more?


Do you ever feel bewildered or find yourself playing coy in order to suffer? Something must be causing you to devalue the magical opportunity you have to enjoy a blissful life. It does not matter how hard the situation may seem to you. The opportunity to turn it around and get out from underneath any heavy weight or negativity is endless. The moment you decide to end this discounting of your precious self and your incredible life, it will soon be over. Every moment that goes by is a treasure and deserves to be appreciated thoroughly and endlessly. Many times you may not know what you have until you lose it. Do not wait until it is too late to honor and revere everything in your life that is capable of producing wonderment.


It is never all bad. The good things are always more than the not so good things, no matter how many there are. If you have put yourself in a tight space, spiritually or physically, it shows you have cut yourself off from the big picture. Remind yourself of all of the great things around you and the chance you have to enjoy them. All you need to do is cut through the negativity. Do this and all of a sudden, your world will present wonders all around you. Marvel at them with a full heart. Dream and imagine what you want to bring about. Create a sense of wonderment to keep yourself inspired and encourage everyone else around you to do the same. It is a wonderful life after all.

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Energy of the Day: Peace

You are experiencing peace when you are untroubled, tranquil and content. How can you have inner peace all the time?


When you are in distress and restless, your energy tightens and makes you unhappy. This is the opposite of your natural state and does not allow you to be who you really are inside.  It prevents you from bringing out your creativity and accomplishing your positive goals. What steals away your peace is fear. Every fear is based on a lack of understanding and boils down to either a fear of separation or the fear of death. Spiritually, you are infinite energy and cannot die. When you pass on, you regroup with your guidance/angels and if you decide to get another physical body, you can come back to live another lifetime until you graduate. So there is no point in the fear of dying. All other fears are created when you feel a separation from yourself and your true energy. Every one of them is caused by denying yourself and going against your own flow. Needless to say, this keeps you from being calm and peaceful. Some people get so heavy into it they can become deeply troubled and turn violent. In the worst cases, this triggers warfare on a personal or global scale. How can this be reversed?


Stillness, serenity and harmony can fine-tune your vibration to its full effervescent balance. You do not need to look for peace too far outside of you. You carry it within. The moment you begin to calm down, you start feeling its beneficial advantages. Your pulse will relax. Your heart-beat will even out. Your inner flow will get reestablished and smooth out any unevenness in your rhythm. You will be back home to yourself in your own sovereign energy.

Hint: Here is a proven way to help you compose and calibrate your energy in less than a minute. With our Personal Energy Cleansing technique, you can do this any time to relax quickly and effectively. You can even follow this up with the powerful World Cleansing technique to help you clear your environment and even help the whole world relax to turn it into a better place.

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Energy of the Day: Forthright

Can you be forthright and say it like it is?


Have you ever been obscure or vague in your communication? This comes from being unclear about what you are sharing. If others cannot understand you easily, they may think you are being deceitful or manipulative. It is very important to clarify how to keep your self-expression crystal clear and forthright.



In the greatest sense, being forthright means going forth and being right. Your true nature is to be expressive. This is the wonderful tool you have to share your experiences and bring forth your creativity. You have unique wisdom which is innately yours. Others can learn so much from you. Be open to pass it on. Be straightforward with your own true experiences. Nobody can tell you they are not real. Your confidence comes from knowing how it was because you were there. You feel free when you are sincere and it will be easy to articulate it. You will become more eloquent and everyone will enjoy being on the receiving end of everything you have to say. Be gracious and post your forthright comments today.

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Energy of the Day: Tender

What a day to focus on your tender side, which is the real you. Your true power is gentle and your confidence is soft when you do not fear anything and have nothing to prove. Just be yourself – kind, considerate and sensitive. What can help you reveal the tender part of you even more?


If you have ever been around someone who was being hard-hearted, you know how insensitive this is. It shows how disconnected a person may be with the true energy they have. If you find yourself being cold, it is likely a direct result of someone treating you this way. If you feel indifferent, it means your compassion is turned off. Perhaps someone in your environment has affected you negatively. It is important to understand you need to be more tender toward them so they have an opportunity to heal. Be understanding, detached and fair but always display your concern and care. Also do not become overly-sensitive as you may be vulnerable and could be taken advantage of. 


You do not need to try showing your tender side. It will naturally shine through when you are relaxed and respectful. Be well-intended and thoughtful. When you mean well, this allows your benevolence to come out and be appreciated. Doing a good deed is rewarding in itself, even when the recipient is rejecting it. A kind word can open a heavy door. A friendly gesture can make a friend forever. Look straight in the eye of the other person and send your tender energy toward them. They will feel it and you will be allowing your genuine self to spread the love you have inside.

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Energy of the Day: Light

The energy today helps you shine your light on any darkness in your life so you can see clearly how beautiful it is. What can help you live in the light and avoid negativity?


Are you in the dark about what you really need to do? Do you feel afraid, closed off or oppressed? Is this because your direction is unknown to you and you feel heaviness? What can help your perception stay focused on the bright side of everything no matter how it looks on the surface? First, it is through your inner knowing that you realize even though you may be in the deepest darkness or thickest cloud, the other side is full of light with love and warmth. Second, it is your choice to stay connected with this light and not allow yourself to be negative about anything. In addition, here are a few more compelling points to consider.


You are a being full of light. All of the beautiful and powerful positive energy you have inside is you. Any heaviness or darkness you experience is false and does not belong to you. Picture a bright object and its shadow. While they both appear there and the shadow looks as present as the object is, in reality, only the object exists. The shadow is but a dark reflection created from the casting of the light on the object. It is the same with you. Your light, warmth and love are real and dynamic. They help you grow, develop and progress. As an innate part of you, you can never separate from them. The rest is not yours to begin with. These are concepts or limiting beliefs you have acquired from your environment at a young age and carry in your energy. It is important to unburden yourself, shake off anything that is not light, positive and easy. What will open up is the real you, radiant and sparkling, clear, delighted and smiling. To the real light in you!

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Energy of the Week for June 13-19, 2011: Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is excited and inspired energy. It is a high vibration which actively manifests your desires to come true. It helps everything go smoother and faster while feeling really great along the way. Where does it come from and how can you generate more of it?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
What brings enthusiasm to you personally is doing what excites you and what you love the most. If you feel free and unrestricted to go after what your heart desires, you will be boiling over with unceasing enthusiasm. This is very contagious to everyone around you because they will feel and witness how well things are going for you and will want to follow your example. This week, the energy encourages you to follow your gut and pursue what you want with the utmost passion and enthusiasm you have. Bring it on and have a blast!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you ever get tired, this is an indicator you are missing enthusiasm for what you are doing. You may need to modify things in such a way so it is closer to what you really want to do to be of service. Then, you will have so much extra energy you will be flying high and easily accomplishing more. You cannot get bored or tired when you are burning with enthusiasm. The people receiving your service will be amazed and uplifted from your beautiful inspired energy. They will prefer it over any alternative and come back for more. Do something exciting and you will attract many more loyal customers who will enjoy your positive and fun approach. Love what you do – it will pay off.   

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Everyone can get enthusiastic. When you are, it helps others around you be this way, too. Here is something special you can do this week. From your closest circle of friends, pick the person with the least enthusiasm who could use the most help. Then, work with your sensitivity to come up with what can help them get excited even if it may seem impossible. Imagine providing this person with what will bring them the most enthusiasm without any limitation. In your mind, enjoy living the excitement and joy you are bringing them and how they will accept it. Feel charged from this experience. Now you know the difference enthusiasm brings to you and them. Come up with what is possible for you to do to help this person be more enthusiastic. Then, share with them what you imagined previously so they can also feel the excitement you had earlier. This will bond you and make both of you stronger. It may help you consider how you can make the impossible possible together so both of you have the true enthusiasm this brings you. Enjoy it!

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