Energy of the Day: Act

To act means to be in motion – doing and accomplishing. It keeps your energy moving. But how does the motivation behind your act influence your results? Are you trying to get away from the bad (escape) or get closer to the good (solutions)?


Do you ever act out of your emotions? This happens if you get upset or angry, depressed or resentful, etc. Since you are already in a negative state, you may be trying to run away from the pain. Emotions are nothing but negative feelings of the intellect you were taught to feel in your early years by your environment. They are all based on concepts and confusion and when you act under their influence, all this will do is get you deeper into the mess. If your act is motivated by trying to alleviate the hardship you are experiencing, it could be driven by desperation, sacrifice or other limitation. For example, if you are trying to teach someone a lesson, you are making them more important than yourself. This revenge-like motive could lead to a disaster. A positive outcome does not come out of a negative act. This will bring nothing good. You need to clean up your act or else you will continue to lose from what will follow.


Act out of a desire to move toward joy. Whether it is easy or difficult, if your incentive is to keep things positive and make them better, this is how it will turn out for you in the end. Once you point your energy in a stable, constructive path, it will always pay off. Any act without proper motivation is like shooting an arrow without targeting anything. It could land anywhere. If you are responsible for what you are doing, you will look closely at what causes you to act. Act out of your self-loyalty and with respect for others. One day, once you get this completely organized, it will help you graduate from planet Earth.

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Energy of the Day: Zoom!

Today, life will reveal to you a detail about something important you were not previously aware of. This will cause you to examine it much more closely. The process could make a huge difference. How can you zoom! in completely to locate what you need to find out?   


No matter how good your distance vision is, you know how blurry things can get when they are too far away. It is difficult to tell things apart and what they are about unless you are close enough to see them clearly. At the same time, even what is right in front of your face may be invisible unless you are specifically focused on it. So, what can help you see clearly what is important enough for you to look at? A close-up zoom!


When was the last time you found something you previously did not think was there until you finally paid enough attention to it? Things do not expose themselves readily if you are not looking. Whether you know it or not, this is why everything in your life happens exactly when you are ready for it. Designate a special time to pick something you may be experiencing some trouble with. Take a really good look at it, bring all your attention and focus your energy on it. Zoom! in as closely as you can and search for a new aspect about this important matter you never saw before. You will surely find out what was unknown to you until now. This will change everything. Now you know what you have been missing and you can act appropriately to bring things into balance. Zoom! in and win.

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Energy of the Week for May 16-22, 2011: Magnify

Sometimes, what you already have means even more to you than usual. This week, your world will expand and everything in it will multiply and intensify as you widen your perspective. How can you magnify your outlook on life?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
If your life is not as magical and delightful as you dream it to be, you could be discounting your true potential. You may have occurrences this week which will show you how priceless your reality really is. This will give you a chance to improve the way you view the world. Pay close attention to see details you have not noticed before. It will be as if you are looking through a magnifying glass, giving you a boost and helping you cherish your life even more with every breath you take. By growing beyond your normal state-of-consciousness, everything will somehow be amplified and become bigger and better for you. The truth is: everything was already this way. Your capacity to perceive it will finally get to the next level. It is exciting to know your world will be a much different place for you in the next seven days.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you could imagine the greatest service you could offer, what would it be like? If you had unlimited resources, how would you do it? If this is not clear, you will not be able to make it happen. However, if you have this clarified, brace yourself for the news: you have infinite backing. It comes not only from your own guidance/spiritual helpers but from the support they have, which is from their guidance who are also supported and so on throughout infinity. What is it you cannot do when you discover the whole universe is behind you and pulling for you? The help is always there for you. All you need to do is decide what you want to accomplish and you can magnify what you are doing beyond the normal limits.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Have you ever wondered why the people around you are there? Look at your family. First, you need to realize you chose and contracted with your parent(s) to bring you in. There must have been a pretty good reason for it. Second, it is common for you, as a soul, to reincarnate within the same group of souls as they evolve through planet Earth. There is usually a common purpose and level of spirituality with these other souls. Because you have had a relationship with these people in a past lifetime, they are very special to you. Even though you are consistently being challenged by the concepts of individual members of your family, this is how you learn the most. Where would you be without this opportunity? Do you ever wonder why people, other than your family, choose to share their time with you? There is something they need to learn from you. Otherwise, they would not have been attracted to you to begin with. It is the same reason why you admire and are attracted to certain people yourself. Once all of this is clear to you, go out there and appreciate all the souls you have around you. Dignify and magnify your relationships to the level they deserve spiritually. They are helping you while you are helping them to learn and grow – together.

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Energy of the Day: Relief

Today the energy will help you experience release and lightness. If you flow with it, you will be delivered from stress and feel burden-free. How can you allow this relief to bring you into a natural solace?


Your energy tightens up when you feel oppressed or get under pressure for any reason. As a result, you may not fully enjoy what you are experiencing even though it is pleasant. You need to go back to what cut you off from feeling at ease and find out why you allowed this to happen. It could be a disturbance from your environment you took too seriously and let it throw off your equilibrium. It means you are not standing up for your own self-loyalty and are not remaining in your own vibration in spite of what is going on around you. You may need to learn how to be more detached.


Focus on loving yourself and how comforting this is. Nobody around you can understand you as well as you can. If it turns out they do not, nothing will bother you if you did not expect it. You will not hold it against them and will remain at ease no matter what they are doing or telling you. The true remedy is to be loyal to yourself so you can stay established in your own energy no matter what. When you are detached, you can even be helpful to your environment as you continue to stay peaceful and positive. This way, you can make calm and rational decisions under any circumstances. Everybody wins. It starts with you. Soothing energy is what creates the relief that fills you up. Today is a day to enjoy it.

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Energy of the Day: Design

What makes up the design of your life? Can you create your own brand of what you would like to experience?


You have already pre-designed the path you want to take before you came in. It is just a matter of following it. You will be mastering a specific spiritual concept in each seven years of your life. There is a natural pattern to what you will be learning in each of these life cycles. As you go through them, you will simply determine how you are going to do it and choose the avenue that will allow for it. If you ever wonder why you feel confused, it is largely due to looking outside of yourself for direction. Study closely the meaning of each cycle and it will help you tune into the unique lesson you have already set up for yourself to accomplish. Your own answers lie within – by design.


Your first seven years are the most important time in your life. During the zero to seven year cycle, your personality unfolds. You are like a sponge and pick up all the good and not-so-good things from your environment, including any parental concepts. Most of what you will learn during this time, you will carry with you for the rest of your life and in your consciousness.

In your seven to fourteen year cycle, your intellect unfolds. You become your own person and choose how you would like to be through social contact. This is when you first learn how to communicate with the outside world.

During the fourteen to twenty-one year cycle, your identity unfolds. At this time, you become aware you are not your parents and often seek out a group to belong to in your search to find your own true identify. Whether you are told what to do or not, you may rebel or just do your own thing as a teenager.

Next is the twenty-one to twenty-eight year cycle of maturity. It is designed for you to become aware of the path you want your life to follow by the decisions you need to make. This inner responsibility helps you become more mature.

After this is the twenty-eight to thirty-five year cycle of deeper commitments.  It is when you may find yourself buying a house, getting married, pursuing a carrier or deciding to have children, etc. For some people, this is when they decide what they really want to do for the rest of their life.

In the next thirty-five to forty-two year cycle, the focus is on spiritual abundance. At this point, you may be more prone to sharing your wisdom with others and take special care to pass on what you have already learned for yourself. It is important not to hold anything in.

This is followed by the forty-two to forty-nine year cycle of material abundance. If your life has been organized so far, it will start paying off materially even more. However, if you have not been consistent, you will become more concerned and need to make positive changes.

Next is the second most important time in your life – the forty-nine to fifty-six year cycle of evaluation. If you have been loyal to yourself up to now, you can expand on what you have been doing already and have an incredible time. However, if you have been trying to serve everyone and everything outside of yourself, you will experience the so-called mid-life-crisis. Relationships and careers are evaluated. This is when some men end up with a motorcycle or the red sports car. All you need to do is regroup and clarify how you can be more true to yourself.

In the next fifty-six to sixty-three year cycle, it is time to make the decision whether to stay on planet Earth or not. This is why many souls make their transition during this time, although this choice may not be made on a conscious level.

As a soul, if you decide to stay on for the sixty-three and beyond cycle, you will have an opportunity to do your best work. This is when you have been there and done it all and can offer your absolute best if you just choose to stay involved with people and share your wisdom.

The complete design of your life is truly exciting. If you follow it, you can live it to the fullest and learn with a lot of joy as you go.

Tip: Your own targeted concepts for each of the ten cycles of life open a deeper level of understanding you can unfold with our Advanced Chart and Consultation* on The Law of The Life Cycles. It will even help you find out if you have been able to master the concepts from the life cycles you have already gone through.

*The pre-requisite to take this 90-minute guided journey through your life is to know how to communicate with your spiritual helpers through our Intermediate Package.

Hint: To help you get started, download your complimentary copy of The Universal Laws of Life Practical eBook and Study Guide (.pdf)

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Energy of the Day: Revelation

Get ready today to find out something new that will be disclosed or revealed to you in a surprising way. This will change your perception of reality. What could bring about such a revelation?


Regardless of your age or status in life, you are used to things being a certain way. Whether you are searching or not for deeper truth, life will be uncovering an unexpected insight that concerns you. A revelation is not just learning something new. Even if you have been looking for it, this revelation will be a discovery with an essential meaning designed just for you. Although you cannot prepare for it, this will bring you extreme clarity and will only appear if you are ready for it.


Stay tuned in to experience an Aha moment. Your intuitive perception will lead you to an explanation above and beyond your normal reality. This is something you cannot plan for or sense the timing of and will certainly catch you by surprise. It could also change you and the way you see the world, because of this new realization. This may be a big step up in your spiritual growth – very distinct and memorable. Make it one of the highlights of your life worthy of sharing with others. Expect it to happen at any moment, especially today.

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Energy of the Day: Concentrate

Your power to concentrate is like intensified sunlight shining through a magnifying glass that starts a spark. You can utilize more of your abilities and dramatically increase your outcome if you put your efforts and attention on one thing at a time. What helps you concentrate more?


No matter how much potential you have, if you spread yourself too thin and disperse your energy in different directions, you may end up achieving far beneath what you are truly capable of.  Even though you have enormous energy, if it dissipates you will be weakened and unable to use it fully. While life today requires you to multi-task just to make it, you can accomplish the most if you focus your energy in compact units and concentrate on one thing at a time.


When you give your undivided attention to a task at hand, this strengthens your effort. You are able to integrate your skills to work for you in a stronger and better way. If you stay clear from distractions, your energy will be more focused and you will be able to easily consolidate the different components of your project. For the sake of accomplishing what you are doing more efficiently, all you need to do is consciously decide you are going to forget about everything else – at least for the time being. In fact, not only will you do a better job faster, you will feel more refreshed once you complete it. Then, you will be able to go back to other projects with a clearer state of mind. Concentrate on what is really important to improve and multiply your results.

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

All of life happens accidentally on purpose. You are here by intentional design that you created when you set up your own plan to come in. How can you follow it in the best possible way?


Have you ever wondered what your whole life is really all about? You did not come here to do everyday chores or get into needless trouble. It was not because there was simply nothing better to do. Have you ever thought to yourself there must be a deeper reason or a bigger intent behind all of this? Do you know what this is for you? There is a saying: it is not what you do, it is how you do it. You can go through life doing the same things, but if there is nothing to bring greater meaning to all of it, something will surely be missing. If you have still not found your true life purpose, you will be wandering around life as if you are driving a car without a destination, just to see where the drift is going to take you. How would you know if you are arriving at the right place if you do not know where you are going, even if you are the greatest driver in the world? The important thing is to determine if your life serves the purpose you meant in your decision to come.


You knew what you wanted to do when you set up your own objectives prior to incarnating. This is why you chose your guidance/angels to help you carry them out. Each one came to assist you in specific areas. Because of this you are prepared for it. All the help you brought centers around this original purpose, which is in harmony with your entire existence from all previous incarnations. You have been refining it for many lifetimes. You will have a deep profound connection with this spiritual philosophy. It has become your core essence – who you really are inside. But what is it? You will know it when you are in your own energy as this is your most powerful and peaceful state-of-mind. If you are living your life purpose, everything works. You can even hear a pin drop while you are sharing your spiritual message with others. Find it within you. Everything you do will be that much more powerful when you are connected to where you came from, where you are going and why you incarnated this lifetime.

Tip: If you can use help identifying your own life purpose, order our Inner Guidance Consultation Program and we will show you how to contact your angels in sixty seconds or less so you can continue to communicate directly with them for the rest of your life.

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Energy of the Day: Clarify

It is essential to clarify everything in your life in order to simplify things and make them easy to understand. What can help you clarify easier?


If there is ambiguity, you will be confused and have a hard time figuring out what to do. How can you clarify it? If there is an issue, you need to break it down, clarify what is what so you can sort things out. When you are clear and positive, it is easy. It will be obvious how to resolve it. All problems start when you are emotional. It could even make it hard to analyze the facts, let alone explain the situation and weigh any possibilities for solving it. What can you do to get free from this confusion?  


Emotions are the feelings of the intellect. They are the heavy unpleasant feelings you are taught to feel in your first seven years of life such as anger, resentment or frustration. The real you could never get upset, feel down, be depressed or confused. When you are under such heaviness, you do not feel like yourself and your own judgment and clarity are clouded. You need to break through this thick layer of agitation and complication to liberate yourself from the confusion. Understanding this will help you a lot. Your attempt to clarify will magnify any situation as if it was under a microscope. This will help you zoom in and see things more closely for what they really are. The solution will become obvious. Everything is easy when you take the time to clarify.

Tip: In order to clarify the difference between feelings and emotions even more, order the Inner Expansion Beginners Package to get the Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts book by founder Howard Wimer together with your complete personal spiritual gift order (only $37.50).

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Energy of the Day: Purge

It is time for a super-cleanse. Every once in awhile you need to purge your energy, both physically and spiritually, from anything that may be sluggish or unclean. Here are a few simple clarifications to help you feel completely squeaky clean.


There is a reason why we need to throw the trash, vacuum, wipe, dust, mop, wash clothes, take a shower, etc. every day. There are impurities accumulating from the mere existence of everything around us which require a regular upkeep. This gives us an opportunity to revisit everything and get rid of anything undesirable. Most people think this process is an unnecessary and mundane chore. Consider the importance it has. You know how filthy it gets when something is dirty and in contrast you know how beautiful and nice it feels when it is cleaned and renewed. Whenever you do cleaning on the outside it helps you cleanse something on the inside. Each time, you have a chance to do it better and take it to another level. Today, you need to do a deeper than regular cleaning (i.e. once a week, month or season) – a true uprooting purge. It is about getting to the deepest corners (behind the furniture, underneath the couch or inside the vents, etc.) and hitting all the spots you do not normally get to in your everyday maintenance. This will allow you to get a whole new feeling of being unburdened.


While any ordinary cleaning helps uplift you, a deeper purge could skyrocket your energy and make you feel brand new. Although you can organize to delegate the outside cleaning to others, your inside cleansing is up to you to handle. The energy today will make it easier than ever. Start with a quick introspection. Since you are doing it alone, be completely honest. Go through the things you do, the way you are, how you handle situations and treat others. Look at your highs and lows. What makes you be that way? What would you change if you could? Something will emerge that will stand out for you. It could be a habit or a tendency in your behavior. It is obviously not working for you. This is usually due to a concept you picked up from your parents or environment somewhere down the line. It is not yours and you do not need to keep it. Once you identify it, this will help you stay detached and change the habit it created. Your energy, previously encroached by it, will become relieved for the first time. This will leave you completely free and sparkling with your true inner radiance.

Tip: Here is a way to stay completely relaxed and positive. Do the Personal Energy Cleansing technique. This will take you less than a minute. Next, you can energize your environment and bring it into balance by doing a World Cleansing technique. It will help buffer you and make you feel better wherever you are.

Hint: You do not need to dwell on your previous tendency or behavior anymore. It is best to let it go and focus in a positive way. You can come up with a new version of how you would like to be acting and replace the old habit. Everything will change for you. Was this not easy? Your determination and clarity with your inner desire to improve has paid off. How does the brand new you feel? Let us know.

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