Energy of the Day: Lavish

It is time to have a lavish experience. Why is it so important to enjoy yourself and luxuriate abundantly?


If you suffer from a lack or limitation of any sort, you are definitely ready for what today has in store for you. Is it news you are not meant to live like this? You did not come here to deny yourself. On the contrary, you are here to bring out the best you have within so you can enjoy it and enrich yourself and the world with all you can create. You cannot do it if you cut yourself short of what you need or want. If you believe in poverty, ask yourself: who am I pleasing if I go by with less? If you are trying to save resources, is it because you believe there is not enough to go around? If you use more, will there be less for others? If so, you may be in for a shocking surprise. There are endless resources available to us. We all deserve to use them. Nature has given us the rays of the sun, plenty of air to breathe and vast sand and oceans. You have the same unlimited potential within. All you need is to be decisive and committed to put your creativity to work. Today gives you an option to end your poor mentality and walk through the door to an infinitely lavish life!


If you are really serious about what you want to accomplish in your life, you will always do your absolute best. There is one way to envision this in your mind. Ask yourself: what can I create with unlimited resources? Inspiration will flow into you and your eyes will open to endless possibilities. If you limit yourself to only what you see around you in your environment, you may be cutting yourself short. Lavish ideas attract lavish means. Allow yourself to produce them. What you do not have available to you today, you may have tomorrow if you believe and expect it. If you convince yourself it will not happen, you will not have it. Have you ever thought that these resources are seeking for an avenue to support? Or that they may go unused? This is why you are compelled to create ideas and utilize everything available to you. If you do not, the means will have no reason to find you. Give your best inspiration the light of day. Write it down, draw it or paint a picture. Share it with someone. There are no limitations to any ideas, so go for it and create them as big and lavish as you can. Then post a comment on this blog so we can all get inspired by you.

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Energy of the Day: Penetrate

The energy of penetrate today means to break through the thick walls of any confusion and live in your true feelings. How can you do this more easily?


If there were no problems, life on planet Earth would be a paradise. What creates problems is confusion. It comes from concepts passed on from generation to generation from the beginning of time. For you to be yourself without the added weight of twisted or heavy concepts, you need to clarify if it is working for you and if not, how you can change it. When you are yourself, nothing bothers you. You are free and happy to enjoy life to the fullest. Even when others encroach on your boundaries, recognize it is their limitations causing them to do this. Discern the situation by remaining calm and find a practical solution without getting upset or emotional. When there is something un-clarified, it will always feel like a heavy burden. This blockage, like a wall, stirs up emotions (feelings you have been taught to feel, such as anger, guilt or frustration, etc.). Emotions are not the answer. They will drag you down and make you think the situation is too much for you to handle. Thinking you cannot do something makes you unable to. How can you penetrate through this big thick wall?


Feel strong and be confident in yourself. If you free yourself from the burden of what is stopping you, you will have more power than you know what to do with. Release everything that does not work for you so there is no negativity around you. Know inside you can do it by directing your energy and focusing on what will work until you find it. Trust your true feelings and feeling good will energize and vitalize you into the real you who can do anything. Shine your light on what makes you happy and you will generate the best possible solution. You are holding the switch, turn it on. Depart from the darkness of your emotions. Let there be light!

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Energy of the Day: Overwhelm

Is it possible to keep a healthy balance so nothing can overwhelm you? You are about to find out how.


If you feel something is overwhelming to you, it means you are not in control anymore – it has taken you over. What causes this weakened state? If you dwell on anything for too long, you will be so wrapped up in it, you will be overpowered and lost. If you keep so busy you have no time for yourself, you will surely feel inundated. Even if too much of a good thing is able to overwhelm you, this could still make you feel unstable or volatile. This is because you may be influenced too easily or taken advantage of. Once your energy is flattened so much it is prostrated, you have literally given up your power. Is there a way out of it?  What can prevent you from getting this far down?


There is a way to overcome any adversity. You are fully capable of handling anything on your plate. Even if you find yourself in trouble, the moment you realize it and ask for help, backing will be there for you. This is because your guidance/angels are always there 24/7 watching out for your best interest. As long as you are open to listening, no trouble is insurmountable. Help them to help you by staying relaxed so you can pick up the inspirations coming from them. With this clarity, you can overthrow any worries, feel strong and watch yourself overpower any negativity before it has a chance to overwhelm you. It is never too late to get a grip on a situation even if it has already gone south. Stop and take a time-out to calm yourself down. Then redirect your energy by putting things in perspective. Remind yourself of the big picture. This will immediately scale down what overwhelms you and it will not look as gigantic to you anymore. Keep things in a priority order. Only what is really important matters. Simplify what is going on by separating the trivia from it. It is easy to clarify this using your intuition. Again, this is the reason you are not alone – put your guidance to work and everything will work for you.

Tip: Have you ever been curious what it would be like if you could have a straightforward conversation directly with your guidance? Learn how to communicate with them in sixty seconds or less with our Inner Guidance Consultation Program. They have always been there waiting to communicate with you even more. Order it now.

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Energy of the Day: Love

Today is a special day to remind you how it feels to really love yourself and others.


When your world turns upside down, what you are missing is love. The solution is simple. But it is not about waiting for someone else to love you. It is rather about you being gentle, warm and caring to yourself first. No one owes you more love than you do. Love is very contagious. Be an example and everyone will follow. You have a very deep space within you which empowers and inspires you to do incredible things. The more you love yourself, the more powerful and creative you become. You will radiate with a high vibration and attract more of the same back to you. Can you love under any circumstance? If you encounter someone who is going through a bad time, this shows they are lacking love for themselves. What can you do about it? Love yourself even more. You cannot give them what they do not have. You can, however, inspire them to love themselves.


There is a very significant quality love has – everyone responds to it. It turns everything around for the good. A cold night is no longer unpleasant under a warm blanket – with a cup of tea! Dangerous weather is not so threatening in a shelter that can keep you safe. A long trip is not so tiring when there is company to carry on an interesting conversation with. Whatever the circumstance – you name it – love can fix it. How can you love yourself more? Just ask yourself: what can help me? Is it understanding, caring or warmth? Is it confidence, reliance or support? You can help yourself by knowing what can help you. Then, give it to yourself. Take an extra moment to relax so you can clarify why you are not feeling good. Gift yourself with the joy of acknowledging how unique and invaluable you are. Embrace yourself and feel comforted. Treat yourself to something nice. The truth is, nothing else matters if you are unable to be kind to yourself first. The degree to which you love yourself is exactly how much you can love others. Love is a special thing and so are you. It is pure magic to love yourself.

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Energy of the Week for May 23-29, 2011: Graduate

You enroll in study courses or university for the reason of acquiring knowledge and earning a desired degree. This completes your purpose for being there. Likewise, you have come to planet Earth to learn everything there is to know about yourself. It may take you a few lifetimes. When you have finally mastered it, you will be ready to move on. At this point, you do not need to come back. The purpose of your mission has been accomplished. Here are some tips to focus on what can help you graduate with flying colors.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
In order to make your life worthwhile, you need to understand the real purpose of being on this planet. You certainly did not come here just to enjoy the scenery, go sightseeing, try out different adventures, be entertained, do chores and work or simply pass time because there is nothing more important for you to do. You came here to live a deep rooted spiritual message or life purpose*. This inner philosophy is unique for you and everyone else. For lifetimes, you continue to learn about and refine it even more. While all of this is taking place, there are two other facets of life everyone needs to organize for themselves before they can graduate. One is learning how to be loyal to yourself first. The other is to know how to respect all other souls exactly the way they are.

In order to have true self-loyalty, you need to clarify these seven major keys to living a free and abundant life before you can graduate:

  • Be open to receive everything the universe has to give you by accepting yourself. This opens up the inflow of your energy. The more you doubt and put yourself down, you are closing off the inspiration flowing into you. This is the major reason you may experience any lack or limitation.
  • Pursue your wants and goals to utilize your free will in the direction you want it to take you. This will be very inspiring and fulfilling to you. Otherwise, you are slaving to something outside of yourself and this is not allowing your energy to thrive.
  • Take care of your own needs at all times. If you deny yourself there is no one else who can do it for you. Together with this is the satisfaction of expressing your creativity. If you do not bring out what you have inside, you are simply not doing it justice and robbing the world from benefiting from it.
  • Discern what belongs to you and what does not. Clarify the facts: what, when, where and why in every situation. All of this will allow you to stay detached from other energies and keep yours clear and strong. Not doing this will cause you to worry about problems others are having in your environment.
  • Blossom your incentive. This is what drives you in life, gets you up in the morning and keeps you going throughout the day. It makes everything easy to do. Without it, life becomes burdensome. Move at your own pace and follow your own inner rhythm, without holding yourself back or trying to keep up with the Joneses.
  • Freely relate to others to have a soul-to-soul communication. Everybody is in the same boat – learning. If you start judging others, you will feel either lesser than or greater than. This practically means you are judging yourself and it will not feel good as it separates you from enjoying people and having beautiful relationships with them. Just accept people for where they are. If you care to help them, you can inspire them to do better by being a positive example. All of this helps you respect others even more. You cannot do this unless you respect yourself first, which is necessary for being able to graduate from planet Earth.
  • Give freely without expecting to receive so you can stay involved in life and share your wisdom. This way, you are doing it for you because the more you share and outflow even more comes back. You could never learn by yourself without the active participation of others. Be involved and care.    

* See Energy of the Day for May 11, 2011 is Purpose

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
You cannot go through life without doing something to be of service to others. Whether it is your profession, an occupation you have chosen, a project you are involved in or a mission you are carrying out, these are avenues to offer your service for the benefit of everyone. All of this keeps you active and open to communicate with others so you can be learning all of the lessons in your personal life above. Even if you are taking care of a house or being a parent, it is the business energy that puts everything through the perspective of the facts and makes things organized for you every single day. Your service to your family, like any other, needs to be appreciated and evaluated for what it is. For this purpose, you need to receive back loyalty and appreciation for what you do. Remember, there has to be a clear energy exchange within the business aspect of any relationship. This will keep things smooth and straight. Otherwise, the situation may create devotion from the side who has not exchanged anything in return for the service they have received. This will not feel good as it puts them in a position where they cannot give back and may eventually lead them to denying using your service again.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
The golden fifty-fifty balance is to be mastered in the give and take with everyone in order to graduate. There are two sides to every relationship. You are only responsible for your half. The other side needs to do their part as well to keep things in balance. If you go out of your way by doing over your fifty-percent, you are doing things for others they can do for themselves. This is not good for them or you because it robs them of the opportunity you are taking away. Since everyone needs to learn from their own experience, it is not fair when you decide to save them the effort. This is why you could be doing a disservice even though you believe you are helping someone while going above and beyond your part of the balance. There may be exceptions where your help is necessary to bring the other side back to being able to do their part. However, this is to be done very carefully for a limited time with perfect clarity of why you are doing it. Once the other side is willing and able to do their fifty percent, all you need to do is go back to your fifty. Otherwise, if you prolong going beyond half-way, this will stretch your energy too thin and the relationship cannot sustain itself. This is not spiritually sound for either side. Be considerate of this in your social life to keep your relations afloat and reach perfect balance.

Learning how to be spiritually organized is going to be super important for you this week. It will give you peace-of-mind as you move toward your ultimate outcome. This way, you will graduate in the right time for you.

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Energy of the Day: Exact

You are blessed with the same exact opportunities, possibilities and abundance as anyone else on this planet. Find out how you can make them work for you in the best way.


Have you ever felt as if others have it easier than you do? This kind of thinking brought forth the expression: the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. This is how you set yourself up to feel lesser than and it is very disempowering. The point is: you are not less fortunate, less lucky, less deserving, less supported, less provided for or less likely to have as much as your heart desires than anyone else you can possibly think of. Today, the energy is giving you a perfect chance to clarify and understand that you have the same exact amount of everything there is under the same sun as all others do. If you happen to think someone else is better off than you are, there is a simple test to show you the true reality.


Take a moment to answer these simple test questions: Do I have the same time in a day  – the exact twenty-four hours as everyone else? Do I use the same exact calendar with the same exact number of weekdays and weekends as everyone else? Do I have the same sun shining as bright over me as it does over everyone else? If you answered yes to all of the above questions, you can rely on as much support from your guidance as everyone else can get from theirs. Our individual spiritual helpers/angels are there for each one of us 24/7 and are ready to help us with absolutely everything we need. We are all tapping into the same exact source available to all of us through the backing they are giving us. It is up to you how you use these same exact resources.

Tip: There are twenty-four hours in a day. Every day has three eight-hour segments with a special energy that is best for either (1) personal, (2) business or (3) social. Between 8am and 4pm, the energy is better for business. After 4pm, the energy flowing through your environment turns social and if you continue to do your service during this time, you will need to be more organized as it is a slower energy. The energy between midnight and 8am is decidedly personal and this is the optimal time for you to regroup and get the rest you need.

If you go to bed tired, you will get up tired or groggy. If you regroup what you have learned during the day before you go to bed (see the blog post for Friday, May 20th 2011), you will naturally feel energized going into the next day. Try it!

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Energy of the Day: Apply

Today is all about how to apply the wisdom you have gained from every experience in your life so far and benefit from it even more.


The purpose of every experience you go through is to gain something out of it that will stay with you for eternity. If you go through an experience and you do not take anything away from it, you may need to go through something similar again. It is the same as when you repeat a grade at school because you failed to learn the lessons from it. As a spiritual being, the first step is to be awakened. After this, you become a protégé of another spiritual leader – who leads by example – rather than through devotion. Once you feel secure with what you know, you will become a spiritual tutor for people who came to learn from your spiritual message or personal life purpose. As you train others who came to planet Earth to follow in your footsteps, you will upgrade yourself to an energy of benevolence – knowing that you know that you know that you know – never having to prove your self-worth. These are the Four Steps To Spiritual Unfoldment. The optimum path is to always advance to the next step so you never have to stay at the same level again. There is only one way to keep moving forward. It is to apply what you have already learned from the past in your future.


Make sure you realize what you are learning from everything that happens to you. This will give you peace of mind. Here is how you can regroup what you have accomplished:

  • What have I accomplished?
  • What have I learned?
  • What could I do better next time?

This way, you are capturing the wisdom as it unfolds while your experience is still fresh and you have the advantage of hindsight. This allows you put it into practice right away. You will reap incredible results and appreciate knowing that it will last way after the experience is over. Apply it and enjoy!

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Energy of the Day: Liaison

A Liaison is a person who communicates on behalf of an individual or a group and helps people connect. They present information and answer questions. How can you be your own liaison and pass on the great inspiration you receive from your own inner guidance for the benefit of yourself and everyone else?


If the liaison is not communicating clearly, they will not be helping those interested to find out more about the great role the people they represent play. How does this relate to you? What makes you who you are is your intuition. You receive at least eighty to ninety hunches every single day with different kinds of impressions, pictures, thought or ideas and feelings. All of this is to support you in finding your best solutions so you keep your direction on track. Your intuition shows up in everything you do. As your own liaison, you play a very important role to share your divine inspiration with the world.


Although it comes to you first, this inspiration is not only for you. When you follow it, you become a living example of how powerful and magnificent it is. It always works. Once you make it a reality, everyone else gets re-inspired by you. If you do not follow it, you not only cut yourself off from your own inspiration but the entire world indirectly. Everything you are learning deserves to be passed on. Your contribution matters. Create a bridge between what the universe is giving you with what you are sharing with others. Be an inspiring liaison: freely receive – freely give!

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Energy of the Day: Bubble

Today you have an opportunity to clarify for yourself the spiritual meaning of a bubble – and especially what it is not.


Have you ever felt as if someone wanted to burst your bubble? There may be two reasons for you not being loyal to yourself and allowing this to happen. First, are you taking your dreams seriously enough to know they are not just a flimsy bubble that anyone can burst? Secondly, are you allowing the opinion of others to overpower your own belief in yourself to the extent their insecurities win over your desires? You are the one who originates your dreams. The reason they are coming to you is because they are meant for you to live. Therefore, they may mean the world to you while others might not be able to ever completely understand them. While this is okay, you are still the only one who can stand up for your dreams and make them come true.


There is only one thing better than dreaming your dreams. It is living them. When you share your dreams, others may discount them as a bubble full of air waiting to burst. In reality, they could be the most significant fruit of your inner desires and inspiration. Be open and keep your dreams transparent to proudly display their blissful essence. Just ask yourself: how could anyone else relate to it, if it has come to me and not them? Unless you become one with your dreams and believe in them one-hundred percent, how can you convince others of their importance? They have no way of appreciating your dreams without understanding the role you play in their success. When you trust yourself, your energy will strengthen this bubble and make it indestructible. It will radiate like a shield around you and your dreams. Not only will this buffer your energy, it will generate enthusiasm all around you. This will reenergize everyone to offer their support and even help you fulfill your dream-come-true.

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Energy of the Day: Sincere

Being sincere means being true to yourself. This is when you are your feelings. View yourself and the world in the most genuine and natural way possible. What is the benefit of seeing everything in this light? What prevents you from being totally sincere and honest with yourself and others at all times?


Any fear can keep you from being sincere. If you doubt yourself, you may not admit how you really feel inside – let alone express or share it with others. This will close you off and make you feel uncomfortable. Have you ever become nervous or unsettled as if you have done something wrong? You do not need to put yourself down or judge what you are experiencing. No matter what, if you relax and allow yourself to be calm and peaceful, everything will soon revert back to being nice and pleasant. Take it easy and your sincere side will open up and shine through.


If you were a TV show, you could call it Sincere 360. By being honest with yourself, you are able to tune in and capture everything you are experiencing and feel connected instantly. Your true feelings are always warm and positive. When you are strong, you will feel as if you are riding a big wave of powerful energy. Everything will work for you because you are clear. You will not be afraid to state your mind and say it like it is – as you feel it. Enjoy being light and happy today – and always be sincere.

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