Energy of the Week for May 9-15, 2011: Active

You will love having an active week: an energetic participation in life. Be involved and stay vigorous. Is there an easy way to being active?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
There is one thing for sure that is true about laziness – it is not fun. Who needs it? It does not get anything done and lowers the vibration even more. But how can you be more lively? There is a magic thing called incentive. It is what gets you up in the morning, keeps you going through the day and looking forward to accomplishing everything in your life. What is the right incentive that works every time? It would be doing what you really love. Then, you will be dynamic and you will love what you are doing so much, you cannot wait to get your hands on it. This will keep you active and bubbly, giving off flairs of energy around you and inspiring others to become enthusiastic, too. Be productive by being active.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you want to be more active in your business life and just need to know how to do it, here is an industrious example which may leave you speechless: a little spry dynamo country lady from New York, who started a very prolific artistic career when she was seventy – Grandma Moses. A self-taught widow, Anna Mary Robertson Moses soon had it going by exhibiting her paintings at the finest art galleries throughout the United States and Europe. She left a magnificent footprint with a few thousand pieces when she passed on at one-hundred-and-one years of age. Being active does not know age or limitations. You, too, can pursue whatever you like, make it enterprising and go for the gusto!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Do you know anyone who is attracted to slow and idle people? If you lack vigor, so will your relationships. This is why they say: show me your friends and I will know who you are. Be what you want to have around you in your life. Be animated and full of vigor, lighthearted and buoyant. You will turn into a real magnet and everyone will want to spend time with you. The more alert and elated you are, the more agile your social life will be buzzing all around you. Turn on your charisma. Do not just stand there watching your life go by. Get active.

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Energy of the Day: Pass

How will you pass your day? Are you going to enjoy a great day or not? What does it depend on?


Your day is not going to go in the way you want if you are in a bad mood. There is something that will certainly keep you from enjoying yourself if you indulge in it. If you pass judgment on others, you are allowing your energy to serve something outside of you. While you can have an opinion about what another person did, getting yourself frustrated over it simply because you do not like it, is working against you. It is as if you are punishing yourself for something others are doing. Instead, you can evaluate what is going on, how it affects you and what you need to do or change to protect yourself. In no way are you to let anything interfere with your own peace and balance inside. Stay together and in high spirits.

Hint: Remember, if you see something in others that bothers you, you must have it within yourself. Otherwise, you would not be able to see it. If it really bothers you, it means you have it bad. This is a sign for you to regroup and clarify it for yourself first. If it does not bother you, although you can recognize it, it most likely means you have already outgrown it. This is why it is so important to be patient and understanding with the people around you. In both instances, you have the opportunity to pass on what you have learned.


It is time to pass on all of your wisdom. Your experiences matter to both you and everyone else. You are the first one meant to learn from them and you do it by regrouping what you are going through. The wisdom you gain by doing this is invaluable. This is what you need to pass on to others. Realize there are so many other people facing similar situations who are wondering what they can do about it. If you have already found a solution through your own experience, it is only right for you to help others with it. This will make what you have gone through count twice. Today is in your hands so pass it in the way you decide. We trust you will choose the best way to pass your time by recognizing and sharing your unique wisdom – with all of us!

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Energy of the Day: Organize

What an opportunity you have today to coordinate and harmonize everything you have going on in your life to clarify and arrange all of your affairs. Yes, it is time to get organized. What is the best way to organize yourself?


It does not get any worse than living in a disarray. All that a disorder will do for you is bring in more confusion. But what creates this jumble? You could have picked up being disorganized, just like any other concept, from the environment you grew up in during your first seven years. Things get mingled up when you do not know where they belong. There are a couple of simple rules to follow so you can put an end to any mess and organize a brand new straightforward life. How would you like that?


Start from the big picture and work your way down to all of the details. Once you know your plan, you can make your schedules accordingly. Come from your own desires and not by what others may be expecting from you. Set the premise: discern your purpose, vision and goals. This will help you decide what you want to be doing, how you are going to achieve it and all the steps in between. All of this will conform to your master plan. Then you can put a to-do-list together. You can organize every step as being either essential, important or trivia based on how critical they are to be completed. This will help you form a system and establish a routine to handle it. Voila! You have it made.

Tip: There was a very wise teacher who wanted to demonstrate to the children how to prioritize things in life. One day she brought two big glass jars of the same size and set them on her desk in front of the class. She had two identical piles of big stones, small stones and sand next to the jars. Without explaining anything, she said: I will demonstrate something for you. She took the first jar and filled it up with a pile of sand. Then, she started putting the small stones in it. After wards, she tried to fit as many of the big stones from the pile as she could. But there was not enough room to put all of them in as the jar was already full.

Next, she took the second jar and started filling it up with the big stones from the second pile. She managed to fit all of them into the empty jar. Then she added the entire pile of small stones which rolled to the side of the big ones. They all fit into the jar. Surprisingly, the teacher managed to put all of the sand around the stones. It filled the entire jar and there was just enough room for all of it.

The class observed in awe. The children could not believe how the order in which their teacher added the content into the two jars made such a difference.

The teacher then explained: The jar represents your life. It is up to you to fill it up with what you want your life to have. The big stones represent the most important and meaningful things in it, such as your health, your mission, your passion, your family, etc. The middle stones are the different things you do to support them – your work, education, projects, home, etc. The sand is all of the everyday routine things – your chores, errands, bills and so forth.

See, she said, if you put your focus on the small things in life (the sand), you will keep busy and take your entire time with it. You may have some room for the other things (large and small stones), but by the time you get to anything really meaningful, you will run out of time. So, your life will not be full in the end. While you make it a priority to take the time for what is most essential, you can actually find room for all of it. Then, the rest will fall into place and you will enjoy a fulfilling and complete life.

Hint: Now that you have this secret recipe, you might as well go ahead and organize yourself and your entire life. Share your experience with us so we can pass it on and inspire everybody with your example.

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Energy of the Day: Lift

Today the energy is going to help you experience a natural lift. It is the kind of elation you feel inside when you observe the sun rising in the morning, or when you are hiking up a mountain or climbing a ladder. Your energy moves upward when you feel uplifted or bring yourself into a higher position. Is there a natural way to uplift yourself?


Have you ever felt a sudden drop in your energy? Felt depressed or disjointed? This is because you are looking for direction outside of yourself. Any weight you are experiencing, even if it feels to be inside, does not belong to you. It is not yours. The confusion you are feeling is due to a discouraging imposition from your environment. Anything that pulls you down can lower your vibration and weaken your energy. Do not get disheartened. Do not buy into it. Do not let anything dispirit you. Mobilize your own strength and stand up for yourself. Lift the barriers you have created inside and remove any outer restrictions. You will discover you are free. If you remain detached, you can easily rise above the trivia and avoid others who are trying to keep you down.


Lift yourself up and realize there is nothing ordinary about you. You are very special. No one has the wisdom you do. You have earned it from many lifetimes on planet Earth. You can offer your own unique contribution to the world if you do justice to what you have inside and manage to organize it and express it. Awaken your spirit and rise to greater heights. The deeper your understanding of yourself, the lighter you will feel and the easier your life will be. Aspire to your most powerful ambitions. Reconnect with your innermost drive and you will pull yourself up. Heighten your own personal standards. Ascend to an inspired path toward a purposeful future and place yourself where you want to be. Enjoy your journey.

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Energy of the Day: Passion

Your passion is the most compelling feeling and eager desire you have. It is your ability to stir up a hurricane-like power within you that swirls with intense zeal and excitement. You can do anything when you use its enormous energy. How can you utilize the extraordinary potential of your inner passion?


We all have an inner flame that burns and keeps our engines going and it all started from a spark. Your passion is this spark. When your energy becomes apathetic, you are suppressing your enthusiasm. This is only temporary regardless of how long it lasts. There is nothing that can possibly extinguish the everlasting spiritual energy you came from. You are eternal. You cannot disappear. Instead of worrying about where it has gone, you can do something to change your attitude. Today, if you have a secret eagerness or hidden passion, unlock your heart and let it come out into the open. Do not confuse your passion with false infatuation. If you are idolizing insignificant things that have temporary material expression but you will not take with you when you are gone, you are fooling yourself and are not using the great capacity you have within. You could be preventing it from unfolding its real deepest value.


Define your passion before you express it. What brings out the consideration, affection and admiration you have for yourself and others? If you look back at the end of your life and you have not pursued this special thing, your life will be empty. Even if you have done everything else you wanted. They refer to it when they say: Do not go with your song still inside you. Only you can find out what this is. You will know it because it makes your heart jump even in the middle of the night. When you are involved in your passion you do not feel the time go by. You will not feel any effort because your energy is fueled by it. Make your passion number one. Do not wait until you have free time for it. Live it around the clock! This will turn your day into a magical experience and expand its twenty-four hours into a New-York-minute. We are looking forward to hearing all about the great fun you are having. Send us a comment about how you have brought out your inner passion today.

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Energy of the Day: Learn

What you will learn today is that learning is a lifelong endeavor and has no end. While you are going through your life, you become aware, get informed, acquire skills, ascertain the truth and discover new facts. If it were not for what you learn, it would be impossible for you to progress and grow or change and develop. How can you learn the most from everything you encounter?


Usually, the opportunity to learn is related to schools, colleges, universities or other educational systems. Most people believe it is something they have to do, is expected of them or they will be better off in society if they get some degree or certificate. There is a major difference between learning information and learning a lesson in life. Theoretical knowledge is only good if it ends up being applied. If you are searching intellectually, all you are going to look for are more and more books with information and facts. You may be building a big library in your room or inside your mind, but is any of it worth anything if you do not use it in your own life? If you become a philosopher who preaches all these learned materials but you never ever follow them based on your own experience, what good is it for you to gain this knowledge anyway? All you have accumulated is simply data, like a computer. Unless you live it, you do not learn it for real.


The people who learn from living life are referred to as having street smarts. This is real experience. It does not get better than this. The reason they know what they know is because they have actually lived it. They saw it, felt it, understood it, had to deal with it and went through it. There is no substitute for experience. It is very different from someone having only heard, read, memorized or become familiar with something indirectly. When you actually go through something for real, your entire energy becomes one with it. It leaves a footprint far deeper than any encounter you have only heard or seen second-hand. There is no doubt you learn much better from everything you personally go through. But what are you learning from it? You can add significant value to every experience if you regroup it afterwards. Ask yourself: what exactly happened and what am I really taking away from it? How could I have done it better? In short: your spiritual formula is: experiencelearntake away.

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Energy of the Day: Live

Today, live as you were meant to. Live fully and comfortably. Experience the best life has to offer. How can you do it?


Do you ever feel like nothing is clicking for you? Do you feel flat as if you are merely existing? Are you living beneath your capacity or in a mediocre way? If you are not having fun and what you are doing is not exciting to you, what is the point of doing it? It is time to live a little bigger and a lot better in the way you like. What could hold you back if your life is in your control? What can you do? Put yourself in charge.


Live it up. Make tough decisions and see them through. It is your life so live it on your terms. Voice your opinion and make it heard. Live well, feel alive and breathe deep. Follow a healthy path and take good care of yourself. Live with esteem. Be resourceful and find creative ways to make the things you desire come true. Live cool and make what you do count. Stand for something meaningful to you. Live real, your experiences matter. Understand, see, smell, feel and touch life in every moment. Live big your way. Do not let little fears spoil the incredible things you are capable of. Make your life honorable and memorable. It is your time. Live it your way. Viva La Vida. Long live you!

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Energy of the Day: Peace

Today, you will enjoy a gentle breeze of relaxed energy. There is nothing like experiencing peace. How can you stay in perfect accord with yourself and others and be in your right timing?


When you are in conflict or struggle your energy becomes agitated. Nobody likes going through turbulent times, feeling harsh or being indisposed. This interrupts the natural flow we are meant to have. It is parental concepts and confusion that keep us feeling uneasy and disjointed. When you feel this way, stop everything you are doing and take a moment to clear your head. Clarify the cause of the disturbance within yourself. This will at least help you avoid making things worse if you just keep going. Compose and pull yourself back together by cleansing, relaxing and re-energizing with our easy Personal Energy Cleansing technique. Once you reestablish your tranquility, you can spread positive energy throughout your environment and bring it into balance with the poised quiet serenity it needs to be in by doing a simple World Cleansing technique. Anything good that is long lasting can only be built on a solid foundation of peace and harmony inside and out. Without this energy, nothing has stability to sustain itself and carry on.


Being quiescent is your most natural state. It is easy to achieve. Take a look at your environment. Do you ever feel frustrated? This only happens when you make others more important than yourself. Who is in control – you or them? The more loyal you are to yourself, you will experience extra strength and a togetherness with your loved ones and the community. There has to be a balance between yourself and your environment. Do not stretch your energy thin and keep it streamlined so you can embrace the peace you are searching for. Enjoy the blissfulness of inner peace and allow yourself to float weightless and feel free.

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Energy of the Week for May 2-8, 2011: Orchestrate

This week, the energy that is open for the entire year* has a distinct opportunity for you. Bring out your inner talents. Set your own stage. Orchestrate your own symphony. The performance is yours. How can you show the world what you have?

* See The Energy of the Year 2011 is Launch

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
It is time you compose the music you want your life to play. It is time you choose the rhythm your days will have. It is time for you to harmonize your entire life. Would you rather not have it all synchronized? It starts with you and how you make your choices. It is up to you how you set your priorities. It is only you who can make it all happen. So, why not you arrange it in the way you love? Contemplate, coordinate and write the manuscript the way you want. Incorporate it all in your schedule and watch it roll. You are there to conduct how the performance goes. Adjust the volume as needed to keep it in a natural flow. You will be playing your own tune and be very happy. Just orchestrate it so you are in control of where things are always heading.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Integrate all of this into your business. Nobody likes a boring, stagnant service. Put some extra charm into what you do. This way they will always come back to you. Greet them with a smile. Offer a kind word all the while. They will open up their hearts and give you their compliments. Choreograph the atmosphere in your work place and enjoy your accomplishments. This way, you will always achieve your inner desires. Spend an extra minute and pay attention to all of your hires. It will be worth it. When they discover how much you care, they will care more about it. Let this be an adventure. Surprise them and yourself. When you finally orchestrate your service so it soars, the musical will go your way and you will perform many encores.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You are in the middle of your social life. This is very clear. Guess what happens when you close yourself off? It could all disappear. Send your love to everybody along the way. They will appreciate all of the energy you send and feel okay. Your high vibration is bound to be contagious. So be prepared to be showered with all kinds of attention. Do not dwell on any tension. Pretend it is invisible and it will go away. When there is nothing for it to feed on, it will dissipate. If they need it, give some of them time for an intermission. When they return, they will be fresh and much more prone to listen. Invite them back into your heart when they are ready. They will stay around as long as they enjoy the melody. Who knew you could orchestrate your own personal rhapsody?

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Energy of the Day: Start

Today you can start fresh – a new beginning of the rest of your life. Take the first step by activating your inner power to bring out your absolute best yet. What is the art to start again?


Is there anything you really wish you had but it is not happening for you? There is no reason to be disappointed. All you need is a trigger to bring it to life. Turn on your creativity and use your own ability to initiate it. There is a way to originate what you wish but you need to trust it will happen. It starts with positive energy. If you do not believe you can do it, this will push it away, so how can you receive it? You can attract what you want by both accepting and expecting it will happen.


If you want it – you start it! Pioneer the process that will bring about what you desire. Being sure of yourself is critical. Once you help yourself first, everything else will be helping you. Establish your own precedent and get others involved to help you by inspiring them as an example. What excites you will surely excite others. What you cannot do alone, you can do together with the people who will unite around your cause. Initiate a movement to use the energy of multitudes who will stand by you in the process. Start the day faster by taking advantage of the dynamics of the energy to convert your decisiveness into results. You will boost your energy and your goodwill can be beneficial to the whole world.

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