The Energy of the Month for May 2011 is Elevate

This month, you can finally spread your wings and fly to new heights. All you need to do is have your energy ready and be clear about your path and direction. Here is how you can prepare to elevate yourself.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:

You know that some topics of discussion just lift you up and make you feel invigorated. There is a reason for this. You resonate with them. Identify what raises your energy to a higher state and pay special attention to it. Remember, your best inspiration will come when you are exhilarated and this is what you will enjoy spending more time on. It could be a part of what you came here to do. Even if your physical environment does not uplift you, use the unlimited resources in your imagination and picture yourself in it so you feel it, know and understand it inside of you. Once you elevate yourself to a higher level, you will soar and connect to the better things you have envisioned and attract them to you. Elevate yourself to feel fantastic and you will have the best experience possible.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
What is your next step in being of service? What would it take to upgrade to the next level? If you are already clear on this, you will want to start finding ways to accomplish it. You are not alone in coming up with ideas to improve your service. All you need to do is communicate your plan and ask for help. Share with everybody involved in what you are doing. Get feedback from everyone who will be affected by the upgrades you seek to put in place. Describe the benefits. Let them experience the difference this will make. Keep your energy enthusiastic. You may be surprised at the following you will create. In May, your energy will elevate. All you need to do is allow your business life to follow it.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
your energy by doing what feels right. Everyone will notice. Not only will you get compliments, the people around you will be attracted to a more vibrant you in a new way. Your charisma will magnify and your social connections will thrive. Readily share your personal experiences and what you have learned from them as a result. This way, you will give an opportunity to others who are going through similar things to relate and feel more connected to you. Enjoy the invigorating energy and feel better than ever.

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Energy of the Day: Understand

How much you understand your own life affects how you interpret the world and everything in it.


Do you see the world as an absolute maze and find yourself stressed out trying to find your own personal direction? This is how you make things complicated. Do you really believe you came here to suffer? How can you understand your own ability so you can live your life exactly the way you want?


You need to understand that when you showed up to live life, you came prepared. The premise of your life is to be loyal to yourself first. Only then will you be able to interpret all of life and everything in it. The bottom line is you did not come here to deny yourself. The universe gives you access to everything you could possibly need through your intuition. It is available to you anytime. Feel free to use it. Your intuitive power is akin to the instincts of a wild animal who has to survive in the wilderness – it works! The only way it will not work is if you refuse to use it. As long as you are not going against your true nature and loyalty to self, you will have an enchanting journey as you advance through life. Understand where you are now and where you want to go. Realize your own power and find a way to live a great and meaningful life. Even when the world feels like a maze at times – just have fun with it!

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Energy of the Day: Regroup

Today is your special time to refresh, restore and regroup your entire energy. How can you do it?


Do you ever continue to do something that has not worked well for you? Have you ever not repeated something that has worked for you? Neither situation is beneficial. Going through life takes time and effort. This is so you can learn the lessons you need to learn. If you do not take a moment to figure out what you are getting out of it, you will miss the opportunity to reorganize and rearrange everything in a better way for yourself. In short, you need to regroup.


When you regroup, you reevaluate a situation and how it really happened. It is a chance for you to rejuvenate and clarify what works for you and what does not. This way, you can redirect your path, reassemble your energy and embark on your journey fully transformed. This is how you learn as you go and find better solutions. Rekindle a new episode in your life with a fresh start every time you regroup.

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Energy of the Day: Do it!

Make your to do it! list today. Get ready to get it done.


Have you ever given up just before the finish line? How about half-way? Or before you even begin? Well, not today. You can kiss good-bye all the things standing in your way or holding you back. Today is your day to just do it! Whatever it is you need or want to do – this is the right time to do it! Write down all of your excuses on a piece of paper. Rip it up, crush it into a ball and throw it into a waste paper basket. Great! Now you have no more excuses – you are clear. You can do it!


Act. Achieve. Accomplish. Let us roll. Whatever it is to be done – go for it. Rev up your ambition. Gather up your power and feel your pulse. Look tough. Aim high and straight. Jump up. Run fast. Do it right. Do it quickly. Get it done. Complete it. Finish strong. Look back – it is done. You did it!

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Energy of the Day: Persist

Have you ever heard the expression: persistence pays off? If you want something so much you devote your life to it, you will put all your focus on it and persist so strongly that nothing can make you give up. You are going to have it. What is it that makes you persist?


You may desire something passionately but unless you do something about it, all you are going to have is a dream. When you move into an action to pursue your goals, you are always going to encounter unexpected difficulties and hard times. If you let them overpower you, you may bend under their weight and tumble. Just trying is not enough. What can make you endure, persevere and keep going? If you are insistent, you will prevail and you can go on.


Determination. There is something about making a firm decision. Be bold and clear. Engrave this decision in your energy so it becomes a part of you as an immovable commitment. Live it and breathe it. The excitement you will gain from it is so powerful you will feel it in your veins. You cannot drop it – if it goes, you go. This will escalate your energy so much that the world will yield to you and the inner mission you have turned your passion into. The more you persist, it will show everyone how important it is and you will become much stronger with this increasing energy. Your inner super-strength can only be brought out when you persist. Bring it on!

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Energy of the Day: Realize

What you need to realize today is the meaning of your life.


If you go through life and never realize what it is all about, you may leave this world empty. You are your own number one priority, but what is your true identity? Are you the type of person who always does as they are told? Or do you compete and try to prove you are greater than everyone else? Either way, you misunderstand yourself and so will others. It is time to recognize who you really are and the true meaning of your life.


You are a unique individual soul who has chosen to come and live on this planet in order to learn about yourself.  How many people focus their entire lives on trying to succeed materially and acquiring wealth? Many others look up to authority and want to acquire positions of power. By pursuing degrees or status, they establish themselves in society but do they have a grasp on how things in life really are?

To comprehend life fully, it is important to clearly understand what happens before and after it. When we come in, we bring all of the wisdom from our previous incarnations. Our level of consciousness is created from the realization of everything we have experienced. When we leave, we do not take any of the material possessions, degrees, intellectual information or knowledge we have acquired. As we go through life, the only thing that truly matters is how much we realize we have learned from everything we have gone through. The spiritual formula is: experience + realize + learn = making life count. Do not forget to have fun!

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Energy of the Day: Facts

Are you dealing with reality in every situation? Facts show you what actually exists and are the basis for your discernment and decision-making ability. How can you clearly define the facts for your own benefit?


Have you ever felt uncertainty or that you do not have a clue? There is nothing more frustrating than being lost or stuck without a solution. Having all of the facts is the only way you can adequately figure out how you can solve any situation for yourself. Once you know how to do it, you will never find yourself in a difficult position ever again. Today is your day to find out all of the facts. You can do this any time. Fact-finding is simple if you know what you are looking for.


There are four major facts to identify. The what gives you an inner knowing about the situation at hand you are dealing with. This is the primary information you need to start putting together everything. It is the most essential piece. Without it, you will be missing the big picture and nothing else will make sense. Next is the when, which describes the timing of what is happening. Unless you consider the timing, the rest may become obsolete. Once you see the timing, you can fit it into the plans easily or create a system to work with it. Then, you will want to find out where everything is taking place. This is a practical need giving you direction to help you focus your efforts. It allows you to keep things simple and smooth. At this point, you are now ready to clarify why you are going to engage with the above occurrence. You need to reveal the what, when and where first before you can get a feeling for the why of it. If it feels good, it is a go. You are done. At last, once you have all of the facts, the fifth who now comes into play. Only then will you know what you will gain from the experience. How very easy. Facts rule!

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Energy of the Week for April 25-May 1, 2011: Abundance

You and everything else is made up of unlimited abundance. Everything you would ever need or want exists in an overly sufficient surplus within your reach as long as you are positive and open to receiving it. This week, align yourself with the plentiful source of inspiration you are a part of and experience the flow of energy available to you at all times.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
This week, you may feel as if you do not have enough. Nothing could be further from the truth. You may also feel as if your physical surroundings do not provide you with what you need. This could include a nice house, plenty of food, clothes, transportation, and other finite physical objects. If you are ready for the finer things in life, they will appear to you. All you need to do is decide what you want. They are not scarce resources. They are available to everyone. Any appearance of a lack of abundance around you represents limiting concepts and restrictive beliefs that confine you to less than what you are entitled to and free to own. If you have a desire for more, allow this to unleash the wealth of your dream world within. This will give you clear direction and your guidance will help you create and manifest what will serve you the best. Prepare. Expect it. Your fortune, whether spiritual or physical, will appear when you are ready to handle it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The same abundance available to you is also in the service you offer to others. You can never max out. It has no end. As long as you are on track and heading in the right direction, you will continue improving. What you have to offer needs to work for the recipients of your service. They will tell you what they want and this is what you want to focus on. You will get optimal results when you design what you do around helping them achieve what they want with a service that is one-hundred-percent oriented to its customer. Remember, even if you are an employee, you are only renting your time to the people or business you are of service to. You are really in business for yourself. Make them the center of your attention. The simpler and easier you make it for them, the more affluent outcome will be there for you.   

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You can have a rich and abundant social life. Make yourself visible. This will not drain you if you are set up to share freely and are open to doing it. Nowadays you can easily organize yourself to keep in touch through the handy means of new technology and social media. Let the world know who you are. Boldly express your desires and ambitions to attract like-minded friends who will support your endeavors. Your voice deserves to be heard. It can inspire and brighten others and this will bring an explosion of warmth and backing your way. You will always receive back more than what you give out. Get involved and give more of yourself. The world wants to meet you. Take a lead, stand out in the crowd and make yourself known.

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Energy of the Day: Perpetrate

Today, to perpetrate means to make sure you are always doing something good.


Every deed you perform in your life can be either beneficial or not. When you commit an act that is not serving you, the time and effort involved are not going to be productive either for yourself or anyone else. You may miss out on achieving something better and so will everyone else with you. Not only is this going to decrease your energy, but it will diminish in multiple ways the unlimited possibilities you have given up. No moment ever repeats itself in exactly the same way. For every one thing that has not taken place, there are uncountable other things that will never see the light of day. There is so much involved in every single occurrence. No matter how miniscule it may be, it always has an exponential consequential effect which is practically immeasurable. Stay alert. Be driven to do what is right every time!


If you stand idly by or refrain from taking on opportunities or if you indulge in negative energy, you are likely to slow down the progress of the entire universe. What would it take for you to be more loyal to yourself? By sharing your passion, you will feel good about yourself and everyone will win. To perpetrate your positive intentions, you will need very clear discernment of how to implement them. You also need to check how it is going at every point. Your combined experience from past lifetimes is extraordinary. Apply it in a plausible way. Make your life worth living. Take a chance and enact your dreams the best way you can.

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Energy of the Day: Resist

Today the energy is backing* you to discover your infinite strength and ability to resist anything holding you back from being who you really are.

* see the energy of the week


Do you yield to challenges or do you make challenges yield to you? In other words, are you the master or is something else a master of you?  Your energy is resilient so it can persevere through anything. In fact, it is infinite and goes on forever. After you lose your physical body, you are free to regroup with your guidance (provided you have followed them) and organize yourself to get another physical body. You can come back to live another lifetime within as little as forty-eight hours. Blink your eyes once. This is how long your life is on planet Earth compared to eternity. Nothing is a big deal. You have an endless opportunity to come back, learn and grow until you graduate so you can move on to what is next.


Every challenge tests how balanced you are. When you are open to it, you will see it as an opportunity. You will grow spiritually as a result. If you have heavy concepts weighing you down, you will have a hard time and an uneasy experience. You can naturally withstand anything that gets stirred up in your environment when you are positive and flowing. If you are not clear about what you are going through or refuse to accept the lessons you are learning, it will feel like an uphill battle. Have you noticed how things just come and go? Do not resist. Let go. Give yourself a break and regroup what really happened in between each experience. If you are handling everything properly and with a deep desire to benefit from it, you will live a wonderful life.

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