Energy of the Day: Bask

Today is about relaxing and taking in the warmth of positive energy. How can you sit back and bask without indulging?


If you are not doing anything at all and think there is nothing worth doing, you may be turning rest into what it is not. Rest is real when it is in between passionate and inspired activity in pursuit of purpose and high goals. There is a huge difference between meaningful leisure and vegetative laziness. In the first example, you are taking time to enjoy so you can recoup and revive your energy and get it stronger to go full speed back into putting your talents to good use. In the other, you are oblivious to doing anything worthy or useful and have deactivated all your power.


Realize rest is there to support you, prepare you and get you back in shape to do your best. Having a peaceful and quiet time before and after a meaningful activity is rewarding and will reinstate the fullness of your energy. This is when you can have pure and harmonious relaxation in tune with the natural vibration of everything around you. Slow down and enjoy the natural flow of the day. Bask in this energy and restore yourself completely so you can move forward in an even more powerful way than before.

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Energy of the Week for April 4-10, 2011: Leap

Every moment in life is meant to leap from one point to the next so we can learn more about ourselves and everything around us. It is supposed to be fun and easy! Although we are not immune to stalling or falling, this is not as important as how fast we get up, dust off and get going again. Do not allow past experiences to add weight, but use them as a springing board to help you leap ahead to a much better place. How do you leap forward with ease?    

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Remember, anything you may be experiencing now will not last forever. You can always change it. The moment you realize you are in total control of your energy, you can choose where you want to be. No one else has authority over you unless you give it to them. You can overcome any trouble, issue or unpleasantness by being loyal to yourself first. Take a giant leap within yourself to clarify what you want and life outside will follow.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
There was once a man who really enjoyed trading things. He worked very hard and was able to open a small retail shop. He cared for people and always tried to offer the best deals he could to his customers. He could not afford to hire help and spent long hours behind the counter himself. At the end of the day, he would happily open the cashier drawer and count the profits he earned. One day he fell sick and had to stay in bed for a few weeks. There was nobody else to help him out and the store had to stay closed. When he got better, he eagerly returned to work. But with the profits from everything he had sold, he had to pay the rent. As a result, he had no money to buy more goods to resell. His shelves were empty. He looked in the drawer and remembered all the times he had seen it full of money. He felt very uplifted. He loved working in the store and all he wanted was do it again. He said to the empty drawer: where there has been money, will be again! He called up all of his regular customers and offered to give them a special discount if they would give him an advance to supply the goods for them again. Having missed the convenience, they welcomed the opportunity. Many ordered more at the better price. Not only did the man restore his business, but it doubled. He continued to offer the service for his customers to order in advance and arranged free delivery of the purchases to their door. He was also able to hire help and was free to grow his business even more by leaps and bounds.

You also have what this man had: determination. Put this to work and you will always be in the place you want to be. Leap forward!   

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Imagine yourself having better communication with others and you will be able to leap to a new level in your relationships. You represent half of every relationship you are in. Your power to influence everyone in your environment in a positive way is incredible. Use it. Reach out and communicate all the great things you desire. You will be a magnetizing example. They will feel your inspiration and be uplifted. As long as you stay positive, you will be able to attract the right people with the same high energy to share with and enjoy beautiful relationships.

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Energy of the Day: Culminate

Today, it is very important to conclude matters at hand as they are nearing their highest point. The things you are involved in are progressing and developing and eventually they reach a natural peak. They culminate and you need to discern your lessons and what it all means to you at this final stage.


Do you miss the culmination of a process because you are so wrapped up in it you let the inertia drag out your energy forever? After a certain period of time has passed and there is enough that has happened and information accumulated, things simply require to be finalized. This is the point where if you just continue on, you will overdo it. The best thing is to pause, revisit everything and draw an overall conclusion. If you skip this moment, you will miss on the substance of everything that is happening.


Stay balanced and detached from everything you are a part of so you can observe how it is developing and be independently aware of where things are. This way, you will be able to sense matters are reaching their peak. You can take a moment to step aside and look at the big picture. It will be obvious how things culminate. You will gain a lot of wisdom so you can apply it in what you are doing next. Get your head above the water to reassess where you are. This will only improve your moving forward.

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Energy of the Day: Ridicule

Today the energy is all about considering how important everything in your life really is. How do you keep your energy high and clear even when others ridicule what you are doing or what you are about?


Do you feel down or get turned off when someone is humiliating or making fun of you? Take a look at what your confidence is really built on. Are you are waiting for others to appreciate you? If you do not feel solid, you may be misplacing your loyalty to yourself. You could be making them more important than you. There is a way to stay detached.


Realize anyone who begins to ridicule someone else is already confused. Do not hold it against them. The real appraisal of your own value has to come from within yourself. It is not possible for anyone other than you to know who you really are inside. Since you are constantly learning from everything you are going through, even the toughest of experiences become the best lessons. You will always come out better and stronger. Even though someone may ridicule you, it is important to be grateful for their opinion. You can have an opinion of their opinion. Instead of letting this put you down, let it raise you up. Turn ridicule into praise – thank them! You will feel uplifted and enriched.

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Energy of the Day: Expand

The entire Universe and everything in it expands at all times. We are all a part of and subject to this process. In every passing moment, we expand and increase our wisdom with every single experience. How can you expand naturally in your own rhythm?


If you think you have accomplished everything you need to do and are maxed out or do not wish to change, there is something you need to clarify or understand. It is impossible to stay the same. Since everything is expanding at all times, if you stay in the same place, you will actually be going backwards. In reality, you cannot go backwards because, as a part of the whole, you can only move forward. Therefore, you cannot stop growing. At most, you can become complacent and slow yourself down. You are expanding one way or another. The real question is – how fast?


The idea is to follow your own inner rhythm. Move at your own speed. There was once a person who decided to help a cocoon turn into a butterfly. They did not want to wait and took the cocoon in their hands. They blew warm air on it to cause it to transform faster. As soon as it turned into a butterfly and opened its wings, it tried to fly but was too weak. It fell off and died. There is a gestation period for everything. You cannot bypass the time a natural process takes. If you move too fast and try to keep up with everyone else, you will disrupt your flow. This will create pressure and you will exert yourself too much. If you try holding back in order to slow yourself down, you will only cause your energy to work against you. You may feel neutralized and your energy will stagnate. You need to let it flow. Relax and allow yourself to expand freely and naturally.

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The Energy of the Month for April 2011 is Extend

This month is all about enlarging the scope of what you are all about. When you expand on the inside, you extend your view of the outside. This may happen when you leap from one experience to the next. How much do you stretch your potential to broaden your own world?

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Do you catch yourself doing the same old things, living in the same old place, talking to the same old friends year after year? If not much is changing within or around you, you may be missing out on something. Your life is not extending to the degree it could. This can be boring or suffocating to say the least, not to mention you are not doing justice to your real infinite potential. Do you have dreams? Ask yourself what is holding you back from living them? Decide that nothing will stop you. Extend freely. You will reach farther and spread your energy broader. You will live a greater life and enjoy so much more as time goes by.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
You have an opportunity this month to extend your service to others. Put yourself in the shoes of the people on the receiving end of your service. What else would be beneficial for you to offer them? If you need help with ideas, ask them for suggestions and get feedback. They will be delighted to share how you can help them even more and will appreciate everything you are doing to improve and extend your service. This will make you their preferred choice among many other alternatives. You will feel uplifted and become even more creative to find ways to refine everything you do. Extend your caring and your rewards will also extend.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Do you ever feel extended in any of your relationships with others? This may happen when you are trying to help everyone else but, at the end of the day, you feel as if you cannot help yourself. You have become a do-gooder. You need to reevaluate if what you are doing for others is your opportunity or not. The question is: are you doing for them what they can do for themselves? If this is the case, you may be taking away their opportunity to learn. This not only makes you feel extended but does not benefit anyone.  If someone has requested your help and you discern that this is their opportunity to grow and not yours, just give them a suggestion about what they can do. This way, they will be empowered and do what they need to do for themselves first. As a result, you will extend your understanding that others are no lesser than you and are fully capable of taking care of themselves.

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Energy of the Day: Feel Free

Feel free to be yourself. Always live your life the way you want to – not the way others want you to. Today is all about being unrestricted in your own unique way. How do you remove all of your self-imposed constraints so you can follow your instinctive inspiration spontaneously?


What is inhibiting your inner freedom? Do you think it is people, rules, conditions or circumstances? Nothing from the outside can limit you. The only limitations we have are the ones we impose on ourselves from within. These include limiting beliefs or concepts that do not belong to you. You inherited them in your first seven years of life from your parents, your environment or whoever raised you as a child. Understanding they do not belong to you is the key. They do not serve you so let go of everything not in your benefit or in your best interest. By cleansing these concepts from your consciousness, you will feel light and free.


As a soul, you are everlasting and have no boundaries. You have the free will to choose what to be, do and have. You can use your infinite potential to achieve anything you want. If you are not feeling free, here is an instant cure. Stand in front of a mirror. Look straight into your eyes. See your beautiful soul inside your eyes. Feel the freedom you have within yourself. Sense how relaxed, peaceful and calm you can be. Breathe in and out and refresh your energy. Feel free.

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Energy of the Day: Redeem

To redeem yourself not only means to recover from an experience but to come back even stronger. How can you leave behind everything unpleasant and reinstate yourself to a whole new level?


Do you ever have trouble making a come-back after you have fallen down? If you believe it is difficult, it will be. Change your attitude and you will surprise yourself. Shedding light on what is really happening will uplift your energy and allow you to open up to more creative ideas. This will help things go faster and easier. In hindsight, you will realize you have gained more from the not-so-positive experience than if you never went through it. Be very grateful you did.


Nothing is an end in itself. Everything is a means to an end. What you experience is always for your benefit. You can make the best of it and enjoy prolific growth. After you discern what you are learning, just imagine how many other people are going through the same or similar situations and how helpful you can be to them as a resource. You can reach and touch your spiritual protégés by invigorating and inspiring them through your influence. Just pass on your own experience. This will redeem you in every situation. You will be the silver lining in a dark cloud. Liberate yourself and you liberate others.

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Energy of the Day: Easy

You can do anything. Nothing is difficult. You can make anything easy if you want. How can you make what seems hard really easy and make it work for you?


Clarify what causes you to go through a hard time. Life is not meant to be difficult. If you are doing everything with a lot of effort, do not blame it on circumstances around you. Look at what brought it on to begin with. When you trace things back to where they started, you will find that you initiated the whole situation. There may be confusion because things became tangled up and complicated and you will feel uneasy. Take a deep breath. There is an easy solution to everything when you are open to it.


Take full responsibility for everything happening around you. You chose to come to planet Earth and the exact location to be born. Remind yourself you must have chosen this challenge for a reason. You even chose your parent(s) and contracted with these soul(s) to bring you in. Sometimes it is for you to learn from them and at other times, it is for them to learn from you. So remember, it was your choice after all. Moreover, you did not come here to merely exist, but to learn and grow. Once you understand this, you can put yourself at ease. It will become easy to spot the lesson, grasp the situation and go for it. You can simplify anything and boil it down to a real practical solution. You can do this in as many steps as you need in this lifetime or as many more as it takes. It does not get any easier than that. Carry on and have an effortless flow today.

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Energy of the Day: Charge Ahead

You have an incredible opportunity to charge ahead and advance to the next step in what you want to accomplish. Today, the energy around planet Earth is urging you to move forward and go the extra mile.


When you are gauging your options and trying to make plans, if cannot make a decision, you may be sabotaging what you want to bring to fruition. If you do not take the initiative, you are over-thinking it. This is called mental gymnastics: what if this happens or what if that happens? This is what creates doubt. Endless analyzing and dissecting is a trap that has no out. You can waste hours or even days without any progress toward your final goal. What can you do? Just pin down the facts: what, when, where and why. Then, your decisions will come easily and swiftly. Charge ahead!


Every project has its own energy and timing. Take whatever reasonable time is necessary to clarify it, but do not stall as you will lose your momentum. If you are waiting for the ideal moment, it will never come. When you feel ready, charge ahead. You can continue to improve everything once you are in action. Keep us in the loop with updates on your successes.

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