Energy of the Week for March 28-April 3, 2011: Bonus

Everybody loves to receive a bonus – especially an unexpected or well deserved one. This week, regardless of what is coming your way, you can reward yourself above and beyond what you might ordinarily expect – right within yourself. Get extra satisfaction from a spiritual bonus that is totally free.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
What would you do with extra cash, space, time, ideas or other resources? Have you decided what you want to do with it? If you really want something, you need to be prepared to handle it. It is important to clarify what you will do with anything extra you want before you get it. This brings you a step closer to having it because it sets your energy for it. It is a pleasure to take time to organize future plans. Once it is imbedded in your mind, your vision and your feelings, you know you will attain it much sooner. You are absolutely unlimited – create a big bonus for yourself this week!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Do you deserve a bonus for what you do in your business life? There is one guaranteed thing you can do before you receive it – imagine it! Why not start behaving now in the way you would after receiving the biggest bonus you can imagine? Become the person who deserves this most amazing incentive. Those overseeing your work will feel your higher vibration and enthusiasm. You will have stepped up your game. Your energy will show you have exceeded what you are earning now. This may inspire them to offer you more to keep up this more upbeat commitment. Guess what?  All of this started from nothing more than creative imagination. Way to go.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Surprise, surprise! How much do you like surprises? How much do you appreciate it when an unexpected reward falls into your lap? A lot, right? You already know what you do for others comes back to you. Think of a cool thing you would love to happen to you and do it for someone you might not even know. You could pay the toll for the car behind you. Or leave a bigger tip in the restaurant. You can even write a nice note to someone a few blocks away who has done an incredible job with their yard you have enjoyed every day as you drive by. Everything you do will turn into pure gold and increase your own energy. It will come back to you many times over. Enjoy rewarding yourself with as many bonuses as your heart desires.

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Energy of the Day: Glow

Your energy will glow when you feel very good and are really happy. How can you turn on your glow?


When you are unhappy and do not feel good about yourself, your powerful energy is reduced down to a little flicker. If you experience frustration, your vibration is so low it will affect everyone around you. They can feel something is off with you. When you communicate, you may end up being short or dry in your speech. Just like a gas stove needs to be on to ignite a flame, there is a little switch that brings out your glow. This is what happens when you are being loyal to yourself first. Some people call this being positive.


You are energy. When you are relaxed, your aura spreads up to six feet from your body in all directions. When you are happy, your presence feels good to everyone around you. Everyone will want to be close to you. You are an eternal spirit and have infinite opportunities to inspire others.

There was a family who had two small boys. One was a pessimist and the other was an optimist. The parents hired a psychologist to test both of them to understand why they were so different. They first put the pessimist child behind a one-way mirror in a room filled with very expensive toys. They watched to see what would happen. After a few minutes, the boy started throwing the toys around the room and trampled all over them in a screaming rage. He was very unhappy and complained that this was not what he wanted. Nothing could satisfy the pessimist. Everyone was stunned. Next, they filled the room with a foot of manure and brought in the optimist. After a couple of minutes, he started looking around the room excitedly. He had a big glow on his face as he was searching knee-deep in every corner. Finally, he could not contain himself and exclaimed: Wow, with all of this pile of poop, there has to be a pony here someplace!

What is your attitude? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? When you know what you want, nothing can stop you from getting it. You will emit a blissful glow that penetrates the deepest darkness. Make your energy glow and be radiant. The world will appreciate it and you will get your pony.

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Energy of the Day: Lose

Are you afraid to lose? Lose being afraid and you will find yourself having everything you have ever wanted.


Are you afraid to lose your health, job, career, money, house, relationships, opportunity, status or even your life? Whatever you are feeling, this fear will darken your day and cut off your energy. Fear is based on a lack of understanding. Once you understand something, you will not fear it. You are not a loser. The real things in your life – your spiritual energy and what you are really about are not losable. No one can take these away from you. They are eternal and are an integral part of you. The things you can lose are interchangeable and temporary anyway. The fear of loss is just a concept. Lose it.


You are limitless. All your experiences are helping you grow and be a better you. You cannot do anything wrong. Open up your wings and fly. Everything is good and can only get better. The world is your stage. Perform all you want. Be the best you can be. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You are on!

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Energy of the Day: Warmth

The sun spreads its warmth to everyone on our planet. Do you know how to generate your own inner warmth and simply glow?


How often do you give someone a cold shoulder or feel as if you do not care? If you are put into a situation to encounter someone, there must be a reason for it. The reason is not to cut them off. They may act out, be rude, attack you or do whatever demeaning thing they can, but this is their confusion, not yours. If you choose to be short or criticize them back, it will not make them any better. You do not have to match their insensitivity. Every time you put anyone down, you are putting yourself down. Your warmth turns into thick ice. How would you like to be able to stay positive, keep yourself warm and break the ice on the other side?


There is an ancient fairy tale about the sun and the wind. The wind argued with the sun that its power was stronger. One day, they saw a lonely man dressed in a long coat walking down a field. The wind challenged the sun to a contest over who could take off the coat from the stranger faster. The wind immediately started blowing furiously. The harder it blew, the more the man wrapped the coat around himself and held it tight. The wind changed direction and swirled violently, but in the end, it had to give up. The sun was next to show its power. It started to shine its soothing rays downwards. The man felt its warmth and coziness, smiled and happily took his coat off right away. The moral of this story is: all it takes is a kind word and a gentle touch to bring out your inner feelings and allow your warmth to mellow out any negativity. It is time to show how much you care.

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Energy of the Day: In Tune

Are you in tune with yourself and the times we are living in? Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the boom of virtual technology and the internet has created many new trends. How can you be aligned with your true self and be on top of the current wave?


Are you feeling you have to catch up with the new technology? Do you find it difficult to become familiar with every new advancement on the market? This may mean you are holding on to the past and find it difficult to change. Or do you rush to buy every new gadget you hear about and try every new thing just for the experience? This could mean you want to go by everyone else’s solutions and not your own. The truth is, neither of these two extremes are good for your natural flow and your personal energy. Here is an easy solution that may save the day.


Everyone wants to find themselves in a win-win situation. But let’s take it a step further. How about if you do something really good for you? Win-win-win. When there is true harmony, everything is interconnected. It has to be good for (1) you, for (2) others and for (3) everyone as a whole. As long as you are in tune with yourself and your own personal needs, it will always work for you, others and the entire planet. Remember, everything you act on is felt by everyone around you and can affect millions of people down the line. As a result, there is no need to try out everything under the sun just because somebody said so or everybody does it. At the same time, if you rebel and are afraid of change, you are going to cut yourself out of the main stream of energy. Ask yourself: what is beneficial to me in every aspect? This way, there are no downsides, no unwanted side effects, nobody loses and you are going with the natural flow. Consider solutions that are one-hundred percent positive for you and in the big picture. This way, you will stay in tune with your own timing and add to society as a whole.

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Energy of the Day: Massive

You have substantial power to make a monumental difference that can cause a massive impact on the whole planet. Find out the best way for you to utilize it.


Have you ever thought that you did not matter or told yourself: I am only one person, what can I do? Have you ever felt so small you could not make a real difference? You may have a few mental concepts you inherited from your parents that have diminished this all-powerful spirit. How surprised will you be to discover you can actually move mountains causing a tremendous shift in the lives of millions?


Everything great ever accomplished on this planet was once started from an idea one man or woman had. These ideas were so contagious, they attracted strong supporters and eventually spread to the masses. Things usually take their natural course. Most people recognize the positive energy behind a beneficial intention because they can feel the substantial difference it will bring them.

Once in Washington, D.C., Howard Wimer hailed the same cab driver twice in a row in the same day and found out it was his last day after driving people for 30 years. The cab driver was very upbeat and had a great attitude which created a nice atmosphere for all of his passengers. On the second ride, during the conversation, Howard calculated that the cab driver had reached almost a quarter of a million people with his positive message, simply by doing his humble work day-to-day. This shows you do not need to be a Nobel Prize winner to turn your infinite potential from passive into massive.

Tip: Read the above real story and “How to Maximize Your Intuition and Inspirations to Become More Creative, Successful and Fulfilled” in the book Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts by Howard Wimer.

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Energy of the Day: Sustain

Today you will learn how to sustain your own energy and keep it high no matter what.


Have you ever felt as if you are carrying too much weight in your life and you can hardly bear it? Usually, this happens because you have overburdened yourself and taken on more than you can handle. You know you cannot sustain this pressure or persevere unless you change something. There are a couple of easy steps to bring things back into a balance so you are able to handle anything that comes your way.


Remember, you have plenty of energy to sustain everything you need and want to do. But there is none available to waste. Select what is really important from everything you are dealing with on a daily basis. Organize the minimum that needs to be sustained and continue in a way that works for you. Leave plenty of time to take care of your own needs: food, health, love, shelter and sex. Sex is only communication, be it physical or spiritual, allowing you to express yourself and share your own creativity. When you provide yourself a clean, neat schedule, free from unnecessary activities and distractions, your energy will be renewed and soaring. If you are not having fun, you are doing something wrong!

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Energy of the Day: Love

Love is the most tender and intense endearment that renders the world still. Most major events in human history have happened because of love. Wars have been started. Battles have been won. Theories have been discovered. Inventions have been made. Art masterpieces have been inspired. Musical classics have been created. What should your first object of love be?


In society, we are all taught to love, respect and help our parents, teachers, neighbors and all others before we love ourselves. This misplaces your self-loyalty and you leave yourself behind. Have you ever felt as if you love everyone else but you are not loved back? Or you have helped everyone else but you cannot help yourself? All of these positive feelings have to be applied and addressed to yourself first.


To truly love anyone else, you must love yourself first. Otherwise, how would you know what love is? It is important to clarify what it means to love yourself. When you respect, adore and cherish all of the terrific things about yourself, you can bring them out. Make a list of all of your greatest qualities. See if you can come up with at least ten or twenty of them. Since you know yourself best, you can apply these qualities and your immense potential in your own growth and everyone around you will benefit. The more you love yourself, the more everyone else will love you. Love is in the air. Have a magical day!

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Energy of the Week for March 21-27, 2011: Create

To create means to put in place or make something new happen that has never existed before. Whatever you create becomes an inspiration and an example for everyone to follow. You can create anything you desire. Use your talent and skill to begin an initiative.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Your ability to create is unlimited. It all starts with your own innate sensitivity. Your true feelings will always tell you what you want to create. Bring to life the fruits of your own ideas. Make a difference, every time. Do not let anything take you away from sharing with the world your magnificent creations.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
How much do you create in your main line of work and how much do you simply follow directions? If you are not creative in what you do, you might as well be replaced by a computer or a robot. This week, get inspired to bring out your creative element. Ask yourself: what can I create to help people live easier and better lives? Share with us what you create so it can be passed on with enthusiasm to others along the way.

Tip: There was a disabled young man who helped to pack groceries at a check-out line. He really loved inspirational quotes which were very uplifting to him. He cut little pieces of paper and put his favorite quotes inside the bags of the customers waiting in his line. Soon afterwards, the word-of-mouth spread and almost everyone in the store insisted on getting checked out in his line so they could get his inspiring quotes with their groceries. It does not matter where you are and what you do – you can create endlessly. Begin your own tradition and inspire everybody.  

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
There is no limit to what you can do to create better relationships with the people around you. Once there was a poor man who dearly loved his wife. He did not have the means to buy her anything fancy. He really wanted to express his special feelings for her. One day, he found a way. The next morning, she went to turn on the hot water for tea. To her great surprise, behind the hot water pitcher, she saw a little handwritten note that said “I love you.” Her heart flipped and she hurried to set the table. When she opened the drawer for the silverware, there was another sweet little handwritten note. Then she found another one behind the toaster, in the bread box, inside the fridge, between the napkins, in the glass cupboard. She opened every cabinet in the kitchen, just to find more and more love notes. With joyful tears in her eyes, she collected them in a pile and felt how much she was loved and cherished. As you can see, money cannot buy what you can create. Bring out your creativity in your communication with others, especially your loved ones. This is more powerful than anything material. You can never create enough.

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Energy of the Day: Relaxed

To be relaxed means to be peaceful and calm – flowing freely in your own positive energy. How can you be relaxed all the time?


You are not relaxed when you get stressed, worried or under pressure. All of these emotions drop your energy and interrupt your natural flow. Then, everything feels hard and takes extra effort. Relax. There is a simple way to get relaxed in less than a minute.


There is a constant flow of energy through your physical body. Since you are energy, every time you think about someone, something or someplace, you are spreading your energy. As a result, you end up becoming depleted or mixed up with energies that are not yours. Follow this simple Personal Energy Cleansing Technique to replenish your personal energy back to one-hundred percent anytime. Let us know how this is working for you.

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