Energy of the Day: A Situation Will Come Up That Will Make You Very, Very Happy

Every once in awhile, life simply drops something completely unexpected your way to brighten up and refresh the energy for you. What would be a situation to bring you special happiness today?


Have you ever thought nice things only happen to others and in the movies? Hmm…today you may discover you are born under your own lucky star.


Expect something great to come from everything you will be involved with today. Sometimes, this is the way to attract a happy situation. If you prepare for a celebration, something to celebrate will surely come about. Set yourself up this way and you will find yourself inundated with situations that will make you very, very happy. You will be surprised how many things are working for you after all. At the very least, your life deserves to be celebrated! What an opportunity you have just by being here. You are unique and irreplaceable and what you can do is unmatched with anything else. So, be happy you are very happy and make yourself even happier. Send your comments this way and we will all celebrate with you.

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Energy of the Day: Review

It is said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things the same way and expect different results. Here is an important prerequisite to being in a position to change and improve things – a much needed diligent review. What do you need to review and how often do you need to do it?


Do you ever feel like looking back is a waste of time? Or that – things will simply adjust themselves as you go and you do not need to take a moment to review and regroup what has already happened? When you review something, you have an invaluable hindsight perspective unavailable to you in the moment things are occurring. To review what has already taken place is the only way to clarify and consolidate the lesson from it.


You can get the best results by working in compact units. This means to plan before and review what was accomplished at the end of each project every day/week/month and year. By planning, you clarify all the facts and open the energy for it. By reviewing, you regroup to discern all the lessons learned and close off the energy. This will secure easy, dynamic and productive results in everything you do.

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Energy of the Day: Revere

Who do you revere? Is there someone you respect so deeply and admire that you look up to them and use them as a role model? Today you will understand who deserves your highest honors.


Have you ever done anything just to be like someone else? Do you turn this person into an idol you want to dress/talk/sing/live like? By doing so, you are putting them above yourself. This is an easy way to lose your own identity. Instead, there is only one right person to revere in your entire life. It is you!


Realize – what you are really wanting to follow about others is their enthusiasm, inspiration and passion. You carry your own innate talents, abilities and skills within yourself. These are no lesser than what anyone else has. All you need to do is connect with them. Open them up. Boost them up with the right spark of high voltage energy. You do not deserve to be a copy of someone else. You are in your own right a truly unique original. Be it. Live it. Show it. Take the center stage today and on – revere yourself.

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Energy of the Day: Reveal

Reveal your true essence to make yourself known today. Others will recognize your real value. This way, you will display what you stand for without compromise.


Do not worry about what people will think if you proclaim what you believe in. Do you often refrain from disclosing your heart of hearts because you fear you will become vulnerable? Holding back from revealing your true feelings may cost you finding your true love – in personal, business and social. If you are overly protective of yourself and never share your deepest yearnings, you will never do justice to your life thrust – the most precious thing you have. From the depth of the sea, the biggest pearls are found. From your deepest inner core, your rarest talents are revealed.


Open up and reveal your natural authentic self. This is what makes you – you! It is your birthright to be powerful and confident. Allow others to have their opinions. If anyone is judging or attacking you – it is usually their confusion – not yours. When you are in your own energy, nothing will bother you. By bracing yourself and being solid in your real essence, you will always be light and joyful. Be bright. Others will feel your pure power and they will reveal their own true essence in return.

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Energy of the Day: Understand

Do you understand yourself well, who you are and the meaning of your life? How can you understand yourself even more?


Are you having a little trouble understanding yourself, others and life in general? If you are looking outside of yourself, this will prevent you from finding the reality underneath the surface. You may not understand the depth of what you are all about. It is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. It is not too late. You are reading this for a reason. It is time you perceive and understand the real spiritual side of yourself and life.


It is invaluable to understand more about yourself because it becomes an inseparable part of your energy. This is what goes with you when you pass on. You only lose your physical body – you cannot die. You are energy and so is everyone else. Einstein found out a long time ago that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It only changes its shape and form. What you transform to at all times is entirely up to you. When your energy is fluid and smooth, you can do anything you want. It was your desire to come to this planet to learn. Planet Earth is an incredible school because it exposes you to a full spectrum of everything good to everything not so good. This allows you to learn faster. Now that you understand this, you can relax and not take life so seriously. There is nothing to worry about or be afraid of. Live a beautiful life and understand more each day. This helps you stay peaceful and free.

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Energy of the Day: Act

To act means to move into motion and do something or turn a theory into practice. This puts your ideas to work so they can become reality. When you act, you bring the power of your energy to life. How can you never miss on an opportunity to act?


Do you ever regret that you did not act on something you felt was important? What prevented you from doing what you felt was right in the right timing? Were you prepared? Did you have a plan in place? Did you communicate what you wanted to do? Did you need support but failed to coordinate? Not to worry. There is a simple success formula you can apply to act on time that will always work.


Plan. Communicate. Act. Doing these three steps in this order will bring you success in everything you do. When you plan, you make your own decisions about what you want based on a clear set of facts. This way, you are not asking anyone for permission nor letting anyone squelch your desire by allowing them to interfere. Then, let everyone know and simply communicate what you have decided so you can get the help you need. Now you are perfectly prepared to act. By having the plan and communicating it, you become clear, directed, strong and unstoppable. It will be easy to act on it. Whatever you have decided to do will happen in your own way. It is like playing your own role on your own terms. It is great fun to act!

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Energy of the Week for March 14-20, 2011: Enlighten

To enlighten yourself means to understand yourself more and live free from concepts that keep you from following your own spiritual path. You need to accept you cannot change anyone around you. They have to change and enlighten themselves. The only way to help them is by being an example of how to make things better. This week, bring out your own light so you can give warmth to everyone else. How do you enlighten yourself every step of the way?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
You come here to be enlightened from every experience. When your life is a challenge, this is a wake-up call for you to bring out your best and apply it. This is an ongoing process to realize everything in life is an opportunity to expand even more. It will never be complete because you will never stop growing. Every experience helps you be more discerning so your life becomes smooth and easy. For example, once you burn yourself, you do not need to do it again to know what else is hot. Everything you become enlightened about now always pays off for you in the future.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Are you stuck in a job just to exist and pay your bills? If you choose to enlighten others through your service, you will feel thrilled to offer it in the most creative, efficient and innovative way that inspires them and makes all the difference. This will raise your level of experience because it comes straight from your radiant inner spirit. Everyone will delight in this shining energy and prefer your service to any other choice they may have. This is a real win-win for you and them. The energy this week is backing you to do this one-hundred percent.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
If there is anything heavy in any of your relationships, clarifying it will enlighten you. As a photo negative needs a bright light to shine through it in order to turn it into a beautiful color image, you can transform what is not working in your relationships into something dazzling. Even though it takes two to tango, you can take your initiative to ask the other side to dance with you. If you do it well, no one will turn down a pleasant and sincere invitation to have a really great time.

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Energy of the Day: Discern

Being able to discern is the ability to perceive clearly and distinguish the reality of what is yours and what is not. If you do not discern your own energy from your environment, you may end up being drained by problems from other people.


Are you affected negatively by your environment? Have you ever been criticized, put down or controlled by others? If those around you have heavy concepts that are weighing them down, can you discern they are not yours? If you can, then you are able to stay detached and your own energy will remain intact. When something feels unpleasant and makes you uptight or worried, it could be a concept that keeps you confused. Ask yourself: where did I pick up this habit? Did it come from one or more of my parents? If it does not serve you – release this blockage and let go.


You can easily discern any situation with a clear set of facts: what, when, where and why. This helps you make clear decisions. You may have different options. Use the ones of benefit to you and skip the others. This will help you stay detached and maintain your positive energy even in the most negative situations. Simplify what you need to discern using the above set of facts and you will always be able to find the best solution.

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Energy of the Day: Open Up

Today, open up your spirit so you can receive the inspiration and opportunities available to you. This blissful energy will flow in and energize you to experience extra lightness and power.


If you close off this inspiration and energy, it will be impossible to use them for your benefit. Did you know you have the ability to tap into everything there is? This is how it works: you brought your own angels/guidance to help you with anything you need this lifetime. They have their helpers who are helping them to help you and so on and so on.


When you are positive and clear about what you want, it is easier for your guidance to arrange whatever is necessary for you to have it. They can even bring in more helpers of helpers to help them help you get what you desire. Through your angels you have access to all the resources there are. However, there is only one way for you to receive all of this: open up and accept it. When you feel exhilarated, it means you are open to a greater source of energy flowing into you. Relax and loosen up so you can open up even more.

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Energy of the Day: Conclusion

To reach a conclusion requires making a decision and bringing a matter to a final outcome. Anything that is not concluded properly remains open causing a seepage of energy. How can you easily get to a desired conclusion?


Do you have a good handle on things? Or do you get overwhelmed and become emotional? When it is hard to continue, do you give up? What about the time, energy and effort you have already put into it? All of these will dissipate if you do not bring everything to a proper conclusion. Perhaps you are trying too hard or going too fast. You may need to pause, relax and re-adjust the pace. By following your own rhythm, you will remain in control and allow things to come to a conclusion which will make it all worthwhile in the end.


Realize you play an important role in everything that involves you. By staying on board, you can make a difference. Bringing things to a conclusion makes your contribution count. Running the race is not enough. You need to cross the finish line. This strengthens you. Use your resources wisely so you have them available for the final lap. This will allow you to complete what you have started. Today, draw everything to a great conclusion by feeling energized and empowered.

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