Energy of the Day: Direction

Your direction is the orientation of your energy and where it is pointed. Without a solid direction, you are scattered. What is your best overall direction?


Have you ever felt lost? The reason for this is a lack of direction. If you know where you are headed, you will certainly get there. Even when you are on a journey of a few thousand miles, you are only headed toward the closest mid-point in that direction. If you are driving, it is only necessary to see a few hundred feet in front of you to complete the entire journey. All you really need is the very next step. When you arrive, you can see the next one and so on until you reach your final destination.


Stay persistent and on track. Even if an experience seems to be diverting you away from your initial direction, it could be a stepping stone getting you closer to where you want to be. Once you are headed in the right direction, you will feel empowered and you would not want to give up. Nothing in life will make sense without it. You will be unstoppable and an inspiration to others to follow the direction right for them.

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Energy of the Day: Concise

Being concise means to express yourself in a brief, clear and succinct way. Once a man wrote a very long letter and apologized at the end of it stating he did not have enough time to make it shorter. What does it take to be concise and efficient?


If you have a little trouble keeping things short and sweet, it could be because you are not clear about what you are sharing. Have you ever tried to explain the joke or repeat a point over and over again? Using more words does not make your statement stronger. To the contrary, you can even lose the attention of the other party if you just keep going around in circles without making your key point. This is especially true if you have a captive audience. To be concise and get to the point quickly is a craft. It saves time, effort and confusion.


When you communicate, have all of your facts clear: what, when, where and why. This will keep your energy smooth and allow you to get directly to the point. Everyone will appreciate what you are doing and that you mean it. This way, they can easily assist you when needed and the situation will be solved faster. Simplify your life by being concise so that you can move along with ease.

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

Today you will solidify more that you came here to live intentionally and you have designed your own purpose.


Have you ever felt that your profession or occupation does not capture everything you are about? There is so much more to life than what you do for a living. This is because you did not come here to be a doctor, a lawyer or a teacher, a shop-keeper or a street-sweeper, etc. You may have a number of jobs or projects throughout your lifetime. These are just avenues for you to live your one and only life purpose.  How can you clarify your real purpose and live it fully in everything you do?


You have a very unique purpose. This is your own innate philosophy that you carry deep within and have been learning and refining through lifetimes. You are mastering it even more in this lifetime. We call this your spiritual message. You have to live it for yourself first. When things are not going your way, you are going against your own inner philosophy. We also call these your inner standards. When you are being loyal outside of yourself and trying to take care of everyone else’s needs, you are living against yourself. The more you learn about yourself, the more you can share with others and inspire them to do what they came here to do – live their unique spiritual message. This is the most powerful thing you can do. This is what you have always been about whether you realize it or not. Living your life purpose or spiritual message brings the most meaning into your life.

Tip: Learn more about your spiritual message or life purpose through our Inner Guidance Consultation Program, together with your entire Personal Life Plan chart and a direct two-way communication technique to contact your angels/guides and get your own answers.

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Energy of the Day: Sincere

When you are genuine and heartfelt, you are being yourself. Everyone can feel you are being sincere and will trust you. What makes you insincere?


Have you ever felt sharing sincerely will not work or create more trouble? Has it made you invert the truth? When you are false or deceitful, people will feel it. This will not leave you in a better position with them. The best thing is to always share from your heart. Simply state how you are feeling in any situation. If you want to be understood completely, remain true to yourself.


Your most powerful energy is when you are sincere with yourself and others. It will melt down any negativity. Do not worry what others think today. Pour out your truth from a very sincere standpoint. This should be natural to you. It is simple and easy to be yourself. When you are being sincere with yourself, it forces others to be sincere as well. Otherwise, they cannot be around you. Have a great time today and enjoy being sincere.

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Energy of the Week for March 7-13, 2011: Pleasure

Pleasure means getting fulfillment and satisfaction out of every experience. If something does not give you pleasure, why do it?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Watch out for yourself and do not try to please others. By being true to yourself and doing what pleases you first, you will get your highest fulfillment. When you are the most satisfied, your energy will be very high and you will feel as if you can move mountains. To live your greatest life, make sure you have pure pleasure in everything you do. Focus on the positive side of things and how they benefit you. Look for the best results and what they mean to you and others. This will uplift and excite you. Then you can feel the pleasure of all of your actions and how everything is beautiful and easy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Is it your pleasure to bring your best service to others? Applying your talent and skills by putting your abilities to use allows you to grow and expand. This is the way you learn and develop. Everything will flourish and you will get great results from helping many others benefit. This is an incredible pleasure you cannot compare to anything else. Find a way to do it that works best for you. Everyone will be pleased when they feel your positive energy. Be sure to make yourself useful this week and it will bring you enormous pleasure.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Do you enjoy people? To get total pleasure from communicating and sharing with them, you need to accept everyone for where they are. Not feeling greater or lesser than and not judging them is the only way you can communicate soul to soul with everybody. Remind yourself, they have their own free will. They are learning from everything they are going through, just like you are. To be helpful, stay detached. All you can do is be gently involved by making a suggestion to them with other options you see. At the end of the day, what they decide to do is their business. Your pleasure is to stay focused on your own experiences. Carry on your relationships with pleasure.

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Energy of the Day: Aware

To be aware means to be alert and conscious. You are in control. How can you be more aware?


When you are oblivious of something, you cannot manage it. This may be obvious to everyone else but you. How can you take precautions to protect yourself or prevent a possible loss if you do not know about it? Take notice of what is happening around you and how it affects you. Begin with anything that feels or looks funny. Do not gloss over it. Find out more about it. Get to the bottom of it. This will help you figure it all out.


Having a full awareness means to grasp things not only on the surface but to look inside underneath it all. You need to know where you are coming from, what you are here to do and where you are going. This completes your big picture. Being loyal to yourself first, respecting others as no greater or lesser souls than yourself helps you become spiritually organized. Having the drive to learn as you go gets you closer to graduating from planet Earth. Awareness happens when you are ready. With the energy of today – you are!

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Energy of the Day: Melody

Today you will realize you have been given an amazing power to write the musical notes and create the melody of your life. How can you compose your personal masterpiece?


If you do not like the music playing on the radio, what are you going to do? You simply change the station you are listening to. Why become disheartened when there is disharmony in the theme or rhythm of your life? Do you break down? If you do not like the melody you are living, you can simply change it. It is very easy.


The key is to live your life by your own notes. When you are who you really are inside – a free spirit – you do what you love and create what you want. You are composing the melody of your own life. This is the natural order if you so decide. Take a look at the cause of what makes you deviate from being, doing and creating an authentic harmony for yourself. When someone or something tries to make you get out of your own tune, are you going to let them? Follow your inner guidance and your life will always be playing your favorite melody. This will leave you satisfied and make you genuinely happy.

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Energy of the Day: Factual

Being factual can become your major strength. It is your ability to grasp reality by being objective. How can you always be factual?


You are not being factual when you become emotional. Emotions are feelings of the intellect such as frustration, anger, resentment, etc. Not only do they not feel good but they actually work against you. They weaken you and cause you to become subjective. This prevents you from being fair to yourself and others. You need to discern the situation and stay detached from it. This way, you will not get bogged down in negative feelings and you can see things for what they truly are – the real facts.


To become factual is easy. A simple technique you can use is to imagine it is not you but a character in a movie you are watching who is going through the experience. Observe their inner and outer world. Describe the situation to yourself as if you are a reporter who is sharing the facts exactly as they are happening in reality. Since you are only a messenger, you can be more detached and have a much clearer perspective. This will help you become balanced. Once you get back to being in your true feelings, you will be able to be factual about what you are going through. This is a powerful way to be. Everyone will admire you for it.

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Energy of the Day: Understand

Do you understand yourself? If you misunderstand what is going on within or around you, how can you come up with an adequate solution to the situation? What can help you understand better?


When you do not understand something, you do not know what to do about it and feel disarmed. You may feel confused or lost. Simply identify the facts first: what, when, where and why and then picture yourself in the place of the people involved so you can get a sense of their perspective. This will give you the full picture of everything you need to be aware of. Once you understand clearly what is really happening, you can find a way to solve it because you can see what is needed.


Use both your sensitivity and common sense to realize what caused the situation to begin with. This will give you a more confident outlook on what you want to do about it. Realizing you can understand anything opens your heart like a door to comprehending and grasping things easily. Being willing prepares you to understand yourself and others better than ever.

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Energy of the Day: Undergo

Today you will learn about your ability to undergo anything.


Have you ever given up an opportunity because you thought the possible challenges were too much to endure? Imagining the worst and going through the reality are two different things. You did not come here to suffer. You do not need to set yourself up to undergo unpleasant experiences. Your spiritual helpers (guides/angels) will never put you in a situation you cannot handle. They will only guide you to go through what you chose to learn in this lifetime and will benefit from. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel overwhelmed – ASK FOR HELP! There is really nothing to worry about.


You have all the backing you need for everything you may undergo. Every situation will affect your energy. You can align with, endure it or use your power to stay in balance. If you stay relaxed, you have the capability to go through anything you will ever face. Simply cut out the drama, enjoy the action and live a full life where every experience has a guaranteed good ending.

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