Energy of the Day: Fast

Driving 100 miles per hour gets you to your destination faster but does not let you fully experience what you drove through. How fast are you going through life? Are you just trying to quickly pass through and arrive safely?


If you are just passing the time but not learning from your experience, you will not gain much in the end. If you are racing through life, everything will be a blur. Do you go, go, go and push yourself exerting adrenalin? Or are you using artificial stimulants like coffee or energy drinks, etc., to keep yourself going even more? Either way, you are wearing yourself out which is cutting off your longevity. This is far from being balanced and moving with good energy at a harmonious pace. Recognizing the significance of your experiences is what counts. Slowing down to smell the roses makes all the difference. 


Your ambition sets the pace. The more motivated you are the more action you are ready for. You can go as fast as you want as long as you do not lose control. If things start to get out of control, hold the reins and slow down to a comfortable level so you can be aware of everything taking place. You are in charge. Make the going count and do not waste your time rushing and losing sight of what is important.

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The Energy of the Month for March 2011 is Purpose

Your purpose brings a meaning to everything you do. You have a powerful purpose that will increase your energy and keep everything in your life connected. How can you align your life with your purpose?

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Your purpose is your essence and what you have gravitated to through lifetimes. It is a spiritual message you have within. Once you clarify it, it becomes your total solution. It is what everyone is learning from you. Your purpose elevates your energy and inspires your spiritual protégés to reach their potential. By being closely connected to your true purpose, this will help you stay focused on making all of your dreams come true. When you encounter any difficulties in your life, remind yourself you have a purpose and you are important to everyone around you. This will always maintain your passion about what you want. Share your purpose or spiritual message with others and you will be a bright guiding light.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
You have a great purpose to be of service to others. You chose your job or profession not only to support yourself but to develop your greatest qualities. It is only an avenue to express your spiritual message. Your purpose uplifts you. You leave your mark in the world by being an example to those benefiting from your service. This month, the energy flowing through planet Earth helps you provide your greatest service with ease.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
What purpose do your relationships serve? There needs to be a mutual benefit on both sides. You are only responsible for you. Your purpose in your social life helps you be more loyal to yourself first. This way, you can inspire others to do the same without imposing on them to change. Be clear and openly communicate your spiritual message. This will back others to understand how to live their own purpose. This is a balanced fifty-fifty relationship.

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Energy of the Day: Delegate

How often do you delegate to others the opportunity to help you? Whether you need a specialized service, advice or just want to enjoy something being done for you, you can entrust others to do it. This way, you will free yourself to do what you want. Is there anything to watch out for when you delegate?  


Everyone follows their own standards. Are you trying to be a one-man show? Taking on all of the work yourself is not a solution. Have you ever been disappointed with something someone else has done for you? When you delegate to others, make sure you communicate the desired outcome. This way, they can perform up to par to your level. You can even negotiate up front an out in the event the final result does not meet your expectations. This will inspire the other party to do their absolute best. Save yourself later headaches by keeping an eye out and staying on top of things.


Keeping busy doing something someone else can adequately do is robbing you from the time you can be spending doing what you want. Be responsible with your time and find a replacement for anything that is not up your alley. The right people with the right specialty and tools will do a much better job than you in less time. Whatever it costs you, it will free you up to do what you love. This way, you can produce your best work in the same amount of time and give opportunities to others. By allowing others to be involved, both you and they are being enriched by creating new or improving present relationships. Delegating is clearly an efficient choice. Apply it.

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Energy of the Week for February 28-March 6, 2011: Elevate

This week is all about feeling exalted. The experiences you will go through will touch you deeply and elevate you in an extraordinary way. 

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Every memorable moment in your life has one thing in common. All of them are significant because they elevate you to a higher experience. This week, prepare yourself for many more. It is like hiking up on a mountain top. You put a lot of effort into it first but it pays off when you reach that breathtaking 360-degree view. With each experience, you are learning more about yourself and it puts you in a different position where you see things from a higher perspective. Enjoy the view.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Have you been wanting to do something beyond what you are already doing now? This is your week to do it. It is time to clarify how to upgrade your service to others. Even if it is only one single change, bring it on. Make it happen and let everyone know about it. Your clients or fellow employees will be impressed and appreciate you bringing it up a notch. They will be even more receptive and let others know. This will always pay you back in the end. 

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
If you have any older relationships that could use some polishing, strengthen them this week so you can elevate them to a new shiny state. Regroup with your inner guidance on the significance of each one of these relationships and communicate it. This will renew the connection and dust it off. As a result, you will be reenergized and feel good about the difference you are making by being more thoughtful and caring.

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Energy of the Day: Elastic

Today you will learn everything about overextending your personal energy.


When you pull an elastic band one way, it always contracts back when you release it. Each time you overextend yourself, your energy gets thin. Then, you have to make up for it one way or another. You end up paying a bigger price just to get back to your normal self. In the end, you will realize stretching your energy is not worth it.


You have the ability to be elastic with your energy. This gives you the flexibility to overextend yourself. This is only necessary in an extreme need in order to bring a situation under control. When you are balanced, there is no need to overdo or stretch yourself. You are in your best flow when you are in a good solid energy. When you start to feel thin, this is your sign to stop. By taking the time to rest, you can refresh and regroup. You can move ahead energized and renewed. This guarantees you will be in your best energy and truly inspired to do your best work.

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Energy of the Day: Fervor

Fervor is a powerful passion that perseveres through anything. It makes sure things always work one hundred percent. It is the ultimate commitment to yourself.


If you are giving up on something you really want, what you are missing is fervor. A passion worth devoting your life to is always done with fervor. This is when you will succeed no matter what because you know that giving up is not an option. How can you bring more fervor into your life?


Once a great military leader led his soldiers across a bridge to meet the enemy. He directed them to burn the bridge behind them. This way, there was no option to retreat. He told them they were going to win. They did. When you put your undivided attention and power into what you enjoy the most, your success is imminent.

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Energy of the Day: Practice

Do you practice what you preach? Are you walking your talk?


They say the biggest gap is between what you know and what you do. If you feel unprepared for what you want to do and you wait instead of taking action, it will never happen. The ideal moment will never come. You can lose your chance by procrastinating. All your knowledge is there so you can apply it. It is worthless unless you use it. The only way to internalize the information you receive from the outside is to experience it. This way, you make it your own and it becomes your most powerful resource. From there, you can become even better through practicing.


You have your whole life to practice. Be patient and persistent. To prepare for the Olympic Games an Olympian repeats what he or she is competing in thousands of times. Every time you practice you improve and reach another level. It upgrades your energy and everyone will know it. Doc Severinsen, a famous jazz trumpet player and band leader for the Tonight Show on NBC Television in the US, once said: When I miss a day of practice, I know it. When I miss a second day of practice, the band knows it. But if I miss a third day of practice, the whole audience knows it. Spiritually, it is important to practice being loyal to yourself first! After awhile, it will be so effortless, it will become second nature and you will be able to do it in your sleep. It is worth it. Go practice.

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Energy of the Day: Wonder

Are you living an extraordinary and remarkable life?


Or are you just trying to have an ordinary life? Are you barely making ends meet? You have something within you that no one else does. You have a unique talent and ability you acquired through lifetimes of experience that is innately yours. The only problem is, it requires you to discover it. Do you consider yourself just another breathing being who is barely striving for survival?  Do you just want to live a normal life and make no difference? How can you bring out your wondrous thrust?


You are a natural wonder. Uncovering it is simple. By focusing on the things you love the most, you will live an inspired and exciting life. Give your best energy to doing what you know is right for you. This will give you the most fulfillment. You do not need to do what others do best or try to live up to their expectations. It does not work. Be yourself. You will have the most memorable life and everyone else will be enriched by it. Do not wait. Bring out your wonder today.

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Energy of the Day: Flavor

Have you ever been left with a bad taste in your mouth from situations you encounter on a daily basis?


Who is responsible for fixing your plate? Life is a rich buffet of choices. If you are stuck with a meal that is not delicious, do you have a way out? By making a decision, you can begin to release what you no longer want. Find the simplest and most practical way to free yourself so you can fill up your plate all over again. The best part is – you are so much wiser you can really improve your life with every new choice you make.


Before you can be really be sure you love a certain flavor, you absolutely need to try it out. Take seriously the decisions about what goes on your plate before committing to it. You can start with a small taste before you go for bigger portions. Through your own personal experience, make sure it works for you to avoid any surprises later. Being diligent provides you the perfect opportunity to live a full life with all the delectable flavors you enjoy.

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Energy of the Day: Desire

Are you living by your own heart’s desire? Is everything you desire possible? How can you have it all?


Thinking it is impossible is one sure way not to get what you desire. The other way is to believe you do not deserve it. If you kiss these two concepts good-bye, your chance of getting what you desire will go through the roof. And if you really want to make what you desire happen, decide not to go against it or you will jeopardize it and make it disappear.


What you desire in your heart is a sure sign you are meant to have it. Trusting this is an absolute necessity. Once you believe in it whole-heartedly, you have won half of the battle and achieving it is easy. Just persist by fueling this desire with your energy and apply your creative ideas to make it come to fruition. This way, you can enjoy everything you desire in your life.

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