Energy of the Day: Happy

Are you satisfied and happy with your life?


What causes you to be unhappy? Are you blaming your troubles on everyone else? If you are waiting for someone else to make you happy, you are wasting your time. Everyone wants to live a good life and succeed in all their endeavors. You attract everything happening around you. Nothing is permanent. Everything is subject to change. All you need to do is adjust how you feel and realize you are the only one who can make you happy. This way you avoid any unpleasantness and attract all the great things that bring you happiness.


The recipe for happiness has always been in your hands. Do not wait for something to make you happy from the outside. Happiness comes from the inside first. If you want to be happy, start by making a simple decision to do something that makes you happy and follow it. Today is your chance to be a happier you.

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Energy of the Week for February 21-27, 2011: Joyous

How often do you jump with joy and your heart throbs? Where does this joy come from?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Do you ever feel sad? Usually, it is because you do not believe something you want could happen. You feel like a bird with cut wings and cannot fly. You get into a tight space where you feel limited and unable to be yourself. This is not joyous. You can reverse this by starting to use your inner power. Nothing can stop you or take it away from you. Only by being loyal to yourself first before getting involved in problems that do not belong to you can you feel the surge of your own full energy. This will transform everything around you. Have an enchanting and joyous week!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Is being of service a burden or a joy? When something is not working and people complain, do you let this bring you down? If you are doing this from your heart, do not give up. Brainstorm and find a solution to offering your service in a better way. Remember, feedback is priceless for you to succeed. In order to become efficient, you need to be considerate of your customers on the receiving end. Without them, you cannot do what you want to do. Make them feel like a million dollars. You make your best decisions when you feel joyous. This week, greet everyone with a big smile and assure them you are there to offer your best service.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Would your friends want you to be sad or joyous? Remember, the way you feel affects everyone else. The better you feel the more joy you bring to everyone around you. If you feel bad about something that is happening, ask yourself why you are going through this experience. What lesson are you learning? By sharing this with others, you can inspire them to improve their life. When you are joyous, sharing from your heart is easy. It is also contagious and will inspire them to further share with others. This is what brings everyone to the next level and why they will be attracted to your bright energy like bees on honey. Keep things light and fun!

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Energy of the Day: Punctual

To be punctual means having discipline with time. What is the secret to being on time?


There are no accidents. For every situation that happens in life, there is a lot taking place behind the scenes. Your spiritual helpers (guides/angels) keep very busy to set up every experience you are going through so that you can learn from it. Usually, what makes you procrastinate is confusion. When you are late or change your mind, you may miss an opportunity. Sometimes a lot needs to happen for you to have another chance at it. How are you going to stay on top of your timing?


Understanding what really happens spiritually helps you respect every moment. Have a clear plan for the day with priorities organized by essential, important and trivia. Clarify the facts: what, when, where and why in every situation. Make sure you are considerate of yourself first and then everybody else concerned so everything is coordinated. Live by the golden rule: do unto others as you would have done to yourself. If you do not like waiting for others, do not make them wait for you. Patience is a virtue. By remaining calm and composed, you can make your best decision on how to proceed and everything will always work out.

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Energy of the Day: Function

Have you ever felt like you were playing a role and you did not like the script? Are you created to function or malfunction?


How often do you feel as if the circumstances around you are overwhelming? Does life feel like a maze and you cannot find your way out? Before you decide to give up or get disappointed, here is something to consider. By design (the Energy of The Month), you have the ability to overcome any adversity and turn any situation to your favor. The only thing you need is to clearly understand the way you function as a spirit.


The very fact you are here shows you are functional. You have been able to get a physical body and made an arrangement with other souls to bring you into planet Earth. These are called your parents. The rest is easy. Life moves on. Your spiritual helpers (guides/angels) are steering you a little bit to the left or right with different experiences so you can get a sense of what it means to be in balance. Your role is to discern what you are learning. You will never be put in a position you cannot handle. By taking it easy, you can function under any circumstance and you have more support than you can imagine. Carry on throughout the day with a confident flair!

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Energy of the Day: Release

Today is all about releasing concepts. If you have felt weighted down, after today, you will feel light as a feather.


Look at what drags you down. Every fear is based on a lack of understanding. All of the fears you have take you away from great opportunities and make you feel as if you cannot do anything right. These fears do not belong to you. You have inherited them from your mother, father or whoever raised you in your first seven years. Are they serving you? These concepts will stall your progress and cut you off from your true inner freedom. Who needs this? Let go of them and release all of the pressure you are putting yourself under.


Today is your day. Make a list of all the things that are preventing you from where you want to be. These are unfounded fears based on concepts you got from someone else. You have no use for them. Release them. Decide to let go and free yourself. You have the power to do it. Why carry this heavy load? Cross each one off your list and give yourself permission to feel great. Nothing can stop you anymore. Once you are done, discard the list and take a really big deep breath. You will feel lighter as you unburden yourself. Your energy will be uplifted and free without the heavy weight you have been so attached to.

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Energy of the Day: Enthusiasm

How do you walk through life? Are you marching with enthusiasm or are you just limping along?


No matter which way you do it, you are still trotting on your own path. Before you came here to live this lifetime, you chose your life plan and what you wanted to refine, learn and accomplish. All your troubles start from deviating from this plan. If you are not using your energy for what it was meant, it will get scattered. When you are living against yourself, life will be dull and you will be bored to death. How can you fix this?


Everything that cheers you up and brightens up your life is what you have come here to do. This is when you have your highest energy. You will be excited and have so much enthusiasm you will be bouncing around. It will feel as if you can lift up the whole world with your pinky finger and play ball with it. Your smile will be so big all your teeth will be showing. So, how do you get to be like this every time? It is simple – ask yourself: what makes me feel enthused and happy? Then, do it. Drop the excuses. This is where you will feel the most backing and get your best results. Enjoy all the enthusiasm you can handle. Just be your true self and do what you came here to do.

Tip: Find your Personal Life Plan with our Inner Guidance Consultation Program today. As a bonus, you will also learn how to have a direct communication with your spiritual helpers (angels) so you can find your own answers for the rest of your life.

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Energy of the Day: Incredible

How often do you exclaim: This is incredible!? Is your life unbelievable, marvelous and astonishing? Can it be like this every minute?


Is your everyday life a rat race? Does it go the same way over and over again? Are you bored and sick of it? Do you feel you lack the resources to make it different? Do you deserve an incredible life? There is only one thing at the center of your life and that is you. Your potential to make what you want happen in your life is the most incredible thing there is. It will take you to believe it, know you deserve it and then you can have it. How can you do this?


It takes an incredible feeling to raise you up above any ordinary experience so it becomes an enchanting adventure. Where does this come from? You. You are incredible! You are all powerful and mightier than you realize. You are capable of changing everything with your desire, passion and inspiration. All it takes is a decision. Your energy has created, attracted and manifested all the incredible things you have already experienced. Just go ahead and do more of it. If you focus on setting a goal to have an incredible time on this planet, you are going to have it.

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Energy of the Day: Relax

Do you feel relaxed? Doing something when you are not relaxed does not feel good and lowers your results. How can you stay relaxed all the time?


How often do you get tense? When you tighten your energy, you interrupt its flow. Then, everything becomes hard and it takes effort to do. It is like running on only one engine and your system shuts off. This happens when you take on weight from your environment that does not belong to you and you allow yourself to get under pressure. Is there a secret to staying light and relaxed?


You, like everyone else, have the gift of prophecy. It gives you the inner knowing of the big picture. This is deeply comforting. Somewhere inside, you know everything is going to be alright. You are energy. According to Einstein, energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change its shape or form. You are an infinite spirit and cannot die – you can only lose your physical body. You are free to get a new one and come back to live another lifetime. There is no reason to be afraid or worry. Everything is just a learning experience to grow from. It furthers you ahead on your spiritual path. So, relax and enjoy every minute of your life. Simply make the most of it. Flow freely with ease. Be peaceful and calm. You have a never ending opportunity and an infinite potential to use it. By being relaxed, you will get the most satisfaction out of it.

Tip: Use our Personal Cleansing Technique to replenish your energy one hundred percent and feel the most peaceful and relaxed all the time.

Hint: Do you want to know more about your prophetic gift? Get Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts book by Howard Wimer and find your complete gift order – all included with our $37.50 Beginner’s Package today.

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Energy of the Day: Concern

What are you concerned about today? How can you find solutions for the things you have concern about?


Do you feel heavy with concerns? Do you know that having a concern for something also means you have a solution for it? When you are bothered with what is happening around you, it troubles you. This shows you care for it. Something touches you within, deep enough for you to want to straighten it out and have a desire to make it better. You resonate with it. It matters to you. Once you realize this, you can skip past the trivia of being disturbed. Go straight to finding the solution to the situation. You now know you are meant to.


Every situation you experience is helping you find solutions for some need you have inside. Everything around you is a mirror of what is happening within. Every time you are helping someone else you are also helping yourself. This is why when you have a concern, you are usually the best one to solve it. Use your creativity and give your input. In the process, you will grow and clarify even more for yourself. You will find out how being involved in solving what you had a concern about gives you more peace and wisdom. Bring your concerns to solutions and it will naturally raise your energy.

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Energy of the Week for February 14-20, 2011: Zeal

Zeal is the most incredible fervor and earnest passion you can have when you are truly inspired. It makes you fly – not walk – and helps you achieve everything with amazing ease. What creates zeal and how can you have more of it?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
This week, unleash your deepest passion. Do what you have always wanted to do but never gave it the time of day. It you do not do it, your life will never be complete. How can your life be meaningful if you do not do what you are zealous about? Make a decision to do it, have it and be it. Nothing can stop you. Only then can you enjoy it. Gift the world your best energy with astonishing zeal!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Who is your favorite business person? Are they savvy, caring, creative and zealous? What would it take for you to be like this? When your business of being of service comes straight from your true feelings, you will enjoy it so much, your zeal will shine through and everyone will respect it. Do what you love and you will be the best you can be. You will attract more people and touch them deeply. What you are offering them is priceless and they cannot get it anywhere else.

How t
he energy of this week affects you in your social life:
How much zeal do you have in your relationships? Do you really enjoy them? Do you inspire people? Do you empower them? Do you appreciate how much you learn and grow from knowing them? If you said yes, your rewards can be endless. The only way to make a difference in the lives of others is by being in a high vibration of energy yourself. Witnessing your example helps them follow it. Delight in helping others through your real inspiration.

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