Energy of the Day: Attitude

Your attitude positions you where you are. It directs the flow of everything happening to you in a pre-set orientation. Much is pre-decided by your attitude. What is yours?


If you are unhappy and feel as if life is unfair and you are blaming others for what is happening to you, it surely has to do with your attitude. You are the only one who is responsible for yourself. Make sure you are watching out for your own best interest. Others have to do the same for themselves. If you think about what you do not want, you may attract it even more. As you know, misery loves company. A negative attitude can set you up for a disaster. Nothing is bad, especially when you realize you can change it.


Create an attitude of gratitude! Even if you have only one thing to be grateful for, start there. If you cannot come up with one – here it is – you are breathing! There are some souls who are not even organized enough to get a physical body. Focus on what you appreciate. Your attitude is responsible for what happens to you. The good news is you are entirely in charge of your own attitude! Direct yourself where you want to go. Take control. Expect really nice things to be happening to you. Be prepared. The magic of having a great attitude always works. Abracadabra!

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Energy of the Day: Repeat

History repeats itself. Things happen over and over again. Although many situations look alike, no two moments are ever the same. What do you repeat in your life?


Do  you keep doing the same things in the same way while expecting a different result? Take a closer look.  If you think you are doing the same thing in two different moments, think again. That was then, this is now. You have changed and the time is different. So are the results really the same? They could be similar at best. Each result is bound to be different because everything expands and changes as life goes on. If you get similar results, it means you have changed very little. Resisting change is a common denominator. Do you fall into this category? As everything changes and expands with time, if you think you can remain in the same spot you were before, you are actually going backwards. Does that really work for you?


There is one thing for sure about life. Everything is different from one moment to the next. Every day, by the time you go to bed, you have become a different person from the one you were in the morning. Even if it is only slightly noticeable, the change is there. You have experienced another day and learned and grown from it. The idea is to go with the flow and improve. Always try to achieve a better result. If something you are doing does not work, simply fix it and advance. The more you change, the more rewarding your life is. Use every opportunity to expand yourself and regroup what you are learning.

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Energy of the Day: Focus

The only thing that grows is what you are giving your power to. You can only be focused on one thing at a time. How can you keep a steady focus on exactly what you want so you always get it?


How easily do you get distracted? When you make a plan and try to follow it, what gets in your way and interrupts your flow? You can find out easily if you discern your direction. If what drives you is a purpose so important it captivates all your attention, nothing can get in your way. Otherwise, anything can swing you in a different direction. Is this working for you?


The power of your focus is like a round glass under the sun, reflecting and magnifying the heat so intense it can start a fire. Your focus multiplies your efforts many-fold. It clears the energy around your target and keeps it streamlined. As a result, you have an easier time accomplishing exactly what you are aiming for with the least amount of effort. How do you do it? Go for what you want and give it all you have got. Do one thing at a time, keep your focus and do a great job. Watch an increase in your results as they go through the roof. When you are focused, you are you squared.

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Energy of the Day: Sustain

The true and authentic things in life are long-lasting.


Today, clarify what brings long-term solutions. What do people mean when they say: I am not rich enough to buy cheap things? How often are quick fixes only good for the moment but do not last? Do you buy into the fiction that life is too short and you have to live it fast? Why race through the day at any cost? The solution is to invest in quality time and ensure what you have will sustain for the long run.


Loving yourself will overcome any trying situation. Being loyal to yourself and making sure your needs are properly taken care of will help you sustain being balanced, positive and sincere – which creates everlasting success. Make a long-term plan so you will be prepared for today, tomorrow, the day after and beyond. When you pass on, you do not bring your possessions, degrees or knowledge – just your experience. This is your true essence and goes on even when your life ends. Keep your focus on what lasts and it will be there for years to come. Live well!

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Energy of the Day: Great

What does it mean to feel great? What does it take to feel great? Do you have an ordinary life or a great life? If you become complacent, your existence will be like a monotone shadow.


How often do you feel great? How many things in your life are great? Everyone has the same number of hours in a day as everybody else. The sun shines just as bright over you as it does with others. So what is the difference between feeling ordinary and feeling and doing great things? We naturally express our unique inspiration in everything we do – which is nothing short of great.


Ask yourself, what is it I have that is unique and what am I really good at? If you gift the world with your creative expression – which only you can do – you will do your greatest deeds and have the best time doing it. You will be the most rewarded and fulfilled while you are touching everyone in a way that will remain unforgettable. You are special in your own way. By applying yourself, you will always be great. Make it a way of life. Let every moment be great. Start today.

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Energy of the Day: Require

Today life may require an extra effort from you to stay in balance. In turn, you may require from others to be more attentive and respect your space. How can you see this as an opportunity and not an obligation?


Do not feel surprised when people around you impose their demands. There is a big difference between true feelings and emotions. You respond with true feelings and you react with your emotions. Some of these emotions may not be to your liking. Surprisingly, a close person may reveal their true nature and require you to put up your guard. How can you handle this? The best way is to remain positive. Otherwise you may get caught up in the duel.


Remember, everything that happens to you is for your own benefit: the bigger the challenge the greater the opportunity to learn from it and grow spiritually. Make an extra effort to help the other side do it right. Start from a peaceful premise and describe your desire for a productive outcome. This will likely bring a resolution that will benefit both sides. Regardless of the final result, stay composed and relaxed and empower yourself by keeping your head up.

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Energy of the Day: Fun

What do you do for fun?


Life is not fun when you are swimming upstream with your own energy. If you are not having fun, you are not doing it right. Being yourself and doing what you came here to do is the only way you can be in your best energy and achieve your highest results. When something is not going right, you will feel it. The key is to realize you can always clarify and turn around every situation for your own benefit. This way, you can have the most fun.


You did not come here to suffer. You have no lack or limitations. You have infinite potential. Your spiritual helpers are there to watch out for your best interest and to back you. Life can be a fun and easy experience if you look for the lesson in everything. Just enjoy how much you can continuously grow and expand from it. When you are in a storm with a cloud over your head and a lemon in your hand, smile big and have fun. Picture this: you sipping on yummy lemonade under a rainbow lit by a silver lining.

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Energy of the Week for February 7-13, 2011: Relate

Have you ever wondered why you so easily relate to some things but have a hard time relating to others? Being able to relate is based on your understanding of a situation which largely depends on whether you have had any similar past experiences. If you have never been exposed to something or you are not familiar with it, you will probably not relate to it if it is different from what you imagined. Why does this matter?

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life:
You identify with things you relate to. This is based on your preference, such as things you belong to or want to be a part of, like or want. When you cannot relate to something, it is usually because you feel as if you are far from it and could never be in a like situation yourself. What you relate to and do not relate to comprises who you are. When you change, the things you relate to change and vice-versa. As you gain more experience, you will be able to relate to more things and understand more about people. Then, you can even inspire them to find solutions. This will be very rewarding for you. The more you relate the more you understand yourself and others.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life:
Everyone can relate to a good service and would want to belong to and support whoever is offering it. This could be you. Do you relate to bad service? They say nobody cares what you do until they know how much you care. Once you show your patrons how much they mean to you they will go out of their way to benefit from what you have to offer. Provide the best service you can. Do it your way.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life:
It is important to relate to everyone in your environment. You would most likely not continue to be in a place where you are not understood. The closer your relationship the more you need to relate. This is what creates a strong bond. It is said: show me your friends and I will tell you who you are. Communicate openly this week and you will establish more closeness with those who really matter to you.

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Energy of the Day: Uniform

Your physical body is nothing but a uniform you take off when you leave this life. Are you so bonded with your space suit, you forget the content is more important?


How concerned are you with your physical body? How many times have you felt physically unfit? If the UPS driver calls and tells you he cannot deliver your package because he has a big stain on his uniform or his pants are ripped, what are you going to say? What kinds of excuses do you give to yourself? Are you too short, too tall, too old, too young, too crinkled, too fat, too weak, too disabled, too tired or anything of that sort? Is there a difference?


You are a soul in a physical body, not a physical body with a soul. The truth is, you came here to live a spiritual message – which is your true life purpose. You just got dressed up for the role. Would you let a wardrobe malfunction stop you from playing your role? Not if you are a good actor. It will actually enhance your performance because everybody will know you are doing it your way. Our space suits require uniform care. We need to take care of them by feeding, cleaning and keeping them warm or else we will have an uneasy time focusing on our performance. It is true your body is the temple for your soul. The healthier your body, the more you show the character you came here to be in full splendor. Unmistakably, your costume is not what makes your character. You can outperform yourself even in an unfit outfit and still do your thing! Take the best care you can of your uniform. You can still play your role regardless of what shape it is in. You are on.

Tip: Here is a great example of a person who does not let his uniform keep him from living life to the fullest (Sean Stephenson).

Please share with us your comments!

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Energy of the Day: Unusual

When was the last time something unusual happened to you? It is when unexpected things come your way. It could be today. Are you ready?


If you feel unprepared for what life brings your way and you think you do not know what to do about it, there is a surprising lesson waiting for you to learn. Usually, this is called being caught with your pants down. It is when you least expect it something can hit your head so hard, you do not even know where it is coming from. You may find yourself scared and not know what to do. The best news is there is a solution. In fact, the most unusual situation has the simplest solution. Read on…


An unusual situation is nothing more than a new experience you are not familiar with. Since every experience helps you grow and expand, the same happens when you are going through something rather unusual. The only difference is – you are surprised! Duh! So what are you going to do? It is simple. Take a deep breath and relax. Do the Personal Energy Cleansing Technique to gather up your energy and get it back 100%. Now, see what is happening for what it really is: life is throwing you a surprise party and is giving you a big gift. Yes, life is funny this way. Except you might still be in shock and need to come back to your senses to recognize it. You have a big shiny present in your own hands; the thing is – it is wrapped so well, it will take you a moment to unwrap it. Until you manage to find out what is inside, you may be wondering what is going on. Hey, just stay confident and keep unwrapping. To your surprise – you will find your biggest blessing in the best disguise. What entertainment!

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