Your attitude positions you where you are. It directs the flow of everything happening to you in a pre-set orientation. Much is pre-decided by your attitude. What is yours?
If you are unhappy and feel as if life is unfair and you are blaming others for what is happening to you, it surely has to do with your attitude. You are the only one who is responsible for yourself. Make sure you are watching out for your own best interest. Others have to do the same for themselves. If you think about what you do not want, you may attract it even more. As you know, misery loves company. A negative attitude can set you up for a disaster. Nothing is bad, especially when you realize you can change it.
Create an attitude of gratitude! Even if you have only one thing to be grateful for, start there. If you cannot come up with one – here it is – you are breathing! There are some souls who are not even organized enough to get a physical body. Focus on what you appreciate. Your attitude is responsible for what happens to you. The good news is you are entirely in charge of your own attitude! Direct yourself where you want to go. Take control. Expect really nice things to be happening to you. Be prepared. The magic of having a great attitude always works. Abracadabra!