Energy of the Day: Advice

What is advice? If you receive advice from someone, how do you know if it is good for you or not?


Do you ever do something just because someone claims it is good for you? It is important to understand that the only thing someone can share with you is their opinion or expertise based on their experience. As much as you think this could be helpful, you know yourself better than they do. You need to discern how this applies to you. You need to check with your inner feelings if it is right to follow it. Do not leave yourself out of the decision process. Consider yourself your own best authority.


The days of the gurus are over. You are the only one who can decide if something works for you. When someone is advising you, take a look and see if they are following it themselves. Check with your inner sensitivity. Do not fall under any influence you do not feel good about even if it comes from your closest loved ones. You did not come here to live your life their way. It is your life. By the way, you can double-check everything with your own spiritual helpers. They always have your best interest at heart. They are better than your best friends – you chose them to help you in this lifetime.

Tip: To learn how to have a direct communication with your spiritual helpers, get our Inner Guidance Consultation Program today.

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Energy of the Day: Action

The energy today will prompt you to move straight into action. With simple clarification you can begin to organize things in the way they will work for you. This blog post will help you find out what kind of action will save your day.


If you ever feel as if there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you intend and it leaves you down and disappointed, put your best ideas into action. Life may feel very demanding to you. Does just doing the bare minimum to function normally take a huge toll? All you need to do is organize your priorities.


Divide your To Do list into three categories: essential, important and trivia. Then, focus your attention and best energy on the top essential priority and make sure you complete it no matter what. Next, plan to leave some space for the important things which also matter. Although they might not be as crucial as the essential ones, it will make sense to put time into accomplishing them. Finally, if there is time for the trivia, more power to you – do it! However, if not, just take it easy. No one remembers the trivia in life for too long. This way, you are bound to have an easy time with everything on your plate. Do not give undue attention to things not as important as others. No matter what, be at peace at the end of the day. There will always be a next day and more opportunities to accomplish your priorities. Cheers!

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Energy of the Day: Personal

Our lives begin with our personal, where we clarify our standards, goals, what we like and want. This creates the foundation for the rest of our experiences including our business and social. How do you set up your personal so you can benefit the most and live your best life?


You have come here to live and learn how to be loyal to yourself first. When you make others more important and lose your perspective, you are already missing the whole point. Before you even begin to deal with others, you need to clarify your personal. It is your sacred essence – only between you and yourself. Not even your guidance will interfere in your personal decisions. They will only guide you with inspiration. What you want is what you get. Without a solid foundation in place, you cannot build a first or second story. Everything you accomplish, founded on your impeccable personal, will sustain any tests of time.


Your life is based on your personal. Stay clear and flexible as things change, so you can adjust to new situations. Always address your personal first. If something is not working, change it. With the wisdom you have already learned, this can go as fast and easy as you want. You can even rebuild and have a brand new spiritual structure in place. If you feel as if you have been going in the wrong direction, all you need to do is get back to the main path and proceed in the right direction. The rest will fall into place. Make yourself a personal success today!

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Energy of the Day: Criteria

Did you know the way you feel about your life and evaluate yourself is based on what criteria you are using?


Anytime you do not feel good about yourself, you have bought into the criteria someone else has. For example, have you ever been told you were wrong, have made a mistake or failed at something? This happens when someone has set narrow criteria and is gauging things from their perspective. In reality, there is no such thing as a mistake – only a stepping stone to where you need to be. Therefore, when something has not produced a desired result, it is not bad. It is simply an experience of what can happen to prevent the desired outcome. As a result, you know what not to do in the future and how to come up with better solutions.


When you change your point-of-view, you get a different perspective. Ask yourself: how much of the time do I follow the outer criteria from my parents or the standards of society as a whole? How is this working for you? Remember, only you have the answer. No one else can tell you what to do. If you are using criteria you feel deep within is the real you, the results from applying it will ring true and will leave you satisfied. Be your own boss and choose your own criteria to go by. This will establish your vision of how you view yourself and your life. Be free and happy all the time – living by your own criteria!

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The Energy of the Month for February 2011 is Design

Do you design your own life? Or do you feel as if everything is just predestined and you cannot change it?

How many things in life are already pre-set for us? We come here in a physical body designed by the genes of our parents. Nature and our environment, which includes the concepts and attitude of our family, already existed before we showed up.

What is left for us to design?

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
We incarnate into a set environment we have chosen before we come in. This includes the geographic area, culture and even the soul(s) we contracted with to be our parent – a great starting point for all of us. While we cannot change their existing attitudes, we are certainly in total control of our own. Once we clarify what we really want to create for ourselves, we do not have to be limited by what was there before us. We can design our life the way we want. This way, we become an example for others to follow. We can practically achieve anything. Each one of us has spiritual guidance (guardian angels). We brought them to help us live the life we have chosen. Only by accepting what we are given freely can we use all of the resources available and live by our own design.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Are you following in the footsteps of someone else who trained you in the service you are offering to others?  This month, the energy is all about helping you design your own way of doing it. Put your own unique signature and leave your own footprint on the way you are designing your service. Give your best input and skills so everyone can benefit more. Your highest fulfillment comes from leaving your own custom mark in the world. Begin your own tradition. Do not forget to let us know how you did it.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
This month, consider whether you are using your parents as a model for your relationships or you are following your own design. You are influenced by the way your parents treated each other, especially in your first seven years. If it has not been working for you, design how you want your relationships to be. Communicate it. Then you can begin to enjoy the positive impact this has on everyone around you.

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Energy of the Day: Uplift

What a great energy to start off the week: uplift! Usually, it is not easy for many of us to get back on track with the business energy on Monday after a relaxing weekend. However, today you may feel naturally light and excited when you get back to your duties.


If you are not excited to begin this new week, this is a red flag to check your incentive. Do you ever exclaim: Oh no, it is Monday! as if you can barely stand it? Today, take a close look at what drives you in life; what gets you up in the morning and keeps you going. If you do not set goals that uplift you and enjoy the things you love to do, who is to blame? Typically, when someone is unhappy, they point the finger and fault someone else. In reality, no one can make you either happy or unhappy. How you feel depends on you. It is not something that can be given or taken away from you. It depends entirely on your own mindset. The one who sets your mind is you.


Every single day is the beginning of the rest of your life! You can make it the best one ever. It is never too late. One simple decision can uplift you. Like a power switch, it can turn things around from darkness to light. You are not a puppet on a string that someone else is pulling. You are in control. Just relax and regain your inner strength. Allow the energy of today to uplift you. Light and easy like a balloon, you will be on top of your game in no time. We want to hear all about it. Do not keep us waiting.

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Energy of the Week for January 31-February 6, 2011: Passion

The greatest achievements in history are done with the utmost of passion. Passion defies time and leaves long-lasting memories touching all of us forever.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life:
Do you have an inner passion for your life? If you say no, what would it take to bring out your passion? Each one of us has a tender spot that touches us deeply and makes us extra happy when we give it special attention. This week, your passion will pay back many times over. Make an extra effort to re-connect with your passion all over again and strengthen it. At the end of your life, the things you pursued with passion will make it all worthwhile. If you are to do one thing out of passion or one-hundred other things, choose the one you can do with passion. The rest you will forget by the next day. Everything you do with passion will be well-remembered long after you are gone. Make passion the main ingredient in the recipe in your life plan. Then, you will be inspired with the taste of every bite.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life:
Are you being of service to others for the purpose of paying your bills or because you love it? If it is not for the money would you continue to do it? When you are being of service from your inner passion, it shows. Out of two vendors offering the same service on the same street, it is the one who does it with passion who will attract the most customers and be really successful. Passion elevates your energy and uplifts the people who are benefiting from your service. They will enjoy it more and you will increase your business. As a result, you will be exalted and even more fulfilled and energized at the end of the day than before you started it. It pays to be passionate. Turn it on!

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life:
Are you a passionate parent? Spouse? Child? Friend? Colleague? You came here to be involved in life and enjoy many relationships. You are growing in the process. If you are not pleased with something and wish it was better, there is something you can do. Increase the energy on your side by turning up your passion. If it is possible for you to help others improve themselves in any way, it would be by inspiring them and being a living example. This week you have a great opportunity. In fact, start with the most difficult relationship. Just come up with one simple passionate thing you can do with this person, then go ahead and watch what happens. A little more passion goes a long way. Keep us posted. As always, we love hearing your success stories.

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Energy of the Day: Cruise

Do you ever take time for yourself? Is your life a pleasure?


If you just said no, what is standing in your way? Do you feel as if there is an insurmountable distance between where you are and where you want to be? Are you too busy with chores and other routine things to make time for yourself? This is a common trap you may fall into: forgetting to live your life for yourself. If you make everything else more important than you, you are not being loyal to yourself first. You may lose control over what is happening in your life and feel as if you have to run away from discomfort. Until you decide to have a pleasant life, you will never get to experience it fully.


Fun. Laughter. Free time. Entertainment. Are you enjoying these pleasures? Raise your vibration and easily accomplish everything you desire. This will work like a charm! You do not need to worry about how you will do it. First, decide what you want. This decision will open the magical door to make it all happen. Your guidance (guardian angels) will help you put everything in place. Do this cheerfully. Let us know how you are treating yourself right. Make your life a blessed journey as you cruise through the day.

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Energy of the Day: Levitate

When was the last time you were so uplifted, you felt as if you were floating above the ground? If you are sizzled with inspiration, it makes your soul levitate. Although you are in a physical body, it feels light and beautiful.


You know when you do not feel good. It is heavy and unpleasant. It is the opposite of feeling nice and light. What makes you get that way? When you are not clear about something, you could end up feeling confused. If things are not completely straight they get twisted and the energy does not flow freely. Instead it bogs you down and stagnates. This will prevent you from having an uplifting experience of life. The idea is to realize your natural state is to levitate. Clarify what is keeping you from feeling great.


You are pure light. You deserve to feel free and enjoy every moment in your earthly experience. Day-to-day life gets mundane and dull if you do not rise up above the trivia. You need to be involved in an exhilarating endeavor and have a deep purpose to levitate to your highest potential. Focus on what brings meaning to your life and have the peace of mind to always keep it in sight. This will help you persevere through any uneasy times with a big smile as you go through a life of true happiness.

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Energy of the Day: Wind

Have you ever wondered what role the wind plays in nature? When everything is quiet and peaceful, there is no wind. At the most, there is a pleasant, light breeze gently moving through the air. So what brings about wind? This blog post will give you a heads up as to what to expect and how to be prepared for it spiritually.


If you have ever been outside in windy weather, you have felt the power of the wind moving the airflow. When it is really strong, you can feel it pushing you and you need to resist it. Heavy pressure gets generated from the clashing of opposite currents with different temperatures causing a whirl over the immediate area. We call this wind. The wind sweeps roads and fields clean and moves around light objects in its way. Sometimes the wind can turn into a storm or cause damage in its pathway. As energy, you need to be aware of any potential current coming your way. Be cautious to keep safe when you are facing it. Spiritually, there are influences of energies under pressure that can move around you like a draft. You need to watch out for them so you do not get swept away in their confusion.


Today, you will want to be extra cautious with your environment. Watch out for signs of pressure and seek quick resolutions. If someone is trying to put you under pressure, patiently brace yourself to ensure your safety from the attack. Energetically, this could be very subtle, so remain stable and do not buy into it. If you have a clear mind and stand solid, nothing can push you out of your place. You can endure any power as long as you stay positive. Once everything has calmed down and is back to normal, you can enjoy what you have learned from the experience. There is one thing for sure: whatever the source of the wind, it sure clears the air when it is all over. Be grateful. By the end of today, you will most certainly learn and grow from it.

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