Energy of the Day: Sincere

To be sincere means to be your real self and share from your true feelings.
This is when you are simple, authentic and have genuine concern.


A person who is not sincere is unconsciously pretending to be someone else. They are either acting out as their parents or whoever else raised them, in their first seven years, who were not sincere with them. They may be covering something up or being manipulative to you. In their confusion, they have a hidden agenda to make you believe something that is not true. For their own personal convenience, they will try to make you behave in a way not good for you. How can you watch out for this? It is easy if you use your inner sincerity radar system. Being in your true feelings helps you be able to tell if the other person is in their true feelings or not. This is also called inner discernment.


When someone is sincere, they will not be uncomfortable. There is a lightness and openness about them. You can look them in the eye and see straight into their heart. If they look away, it will show you they are not able to withstand it. They will be nervous and tense trying to make you do something for them. If they are sincerely asking for help, they will not turn against you if you say no. However, if they are not sincere, they will blame you for not doing what they want. It is important to understand that a person who is not sincere with you is not sincere with themselves either. This is why it is impossible to please them. Even if you go ahead and do what they want, they will still expect, assume and demand while faulting you for what is not working for them. All you can do is communicate sincerely with the facts. You are only able to help them if they are being sincere with you in return.

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Energy of the Day: Reduce

Sometimes we need to reduce the speed we are moving and slow down to smell the roses.


Some days you may feel as if you can fly high and get everything done easily. Not today. If you try to push and stretch, you will set yourself up for disaster. If you obsess over finishing projects at any cost, double-check again what seems to be so urgent. Find out where the pressure is coming from and if it is creating a false alarm. Watch for anything making you hurry up and leaving you breathless. Today the energy is opposite to any of that.


Do you keep so busy that life just passes you by? You cannot go so fast you forget to live it. This is exactly why you want to reduce your flow today. Forget to worry about the things you need to do. Go gently and slowly. Today is about the quality of your experiences. Pause. Gaze longer into the eyes of your special someone, your child or pet, the blue sky above or the tree leaf under your feet. Take a quiet moment. Enjoy the silence. Give yourself some extra time right where you are. Discover something more beyond your normal comprehension you can take with you to eternity. Enjoy!

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Energy of the Day: Love

Love is everything. No matter how often we learn about love, it is never enough. Since love is infinite, we cannot max out on knowing all about it.


If you have ever felt someone was unworthy of your love, you need to clarify exactly what it was about them that made you feel that way. It is time to realize it was their behavior you were disappointed with. As a soul, they are always worth loving. They have infinite potential and energy, the same as everyone else. We are all simply a part of the whole. What made them behave so badly, you may wonder? The answer is very simple: confusion.


Let’s get real. There are many people around you who are simply hard to love. It is very easy to judge, compare or have an opinion about someone. We are all doing our thing. In fact, everyone is doing the best they know how. If someone has already learned a particular lesson, they would be applying it in their life. If they are not living it, then they are still due to learn it. Would you punish a first grader about a lesson from the sixth grade they do not know – when it is obvious they are just not there yet? No. Today, unwind from any tension holding you back from being able to love completely. Remember, we are all students in this big school of planet Earth. Can you love your classmates? They have come to learn and grow just like you.

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Energy of the Day: Key

What are the key solutions for the challenges in your life?  


If you are looking to find your key solutions outside of yourself, you will miss them. Your solutions hide within you. The key is to find how to bring them out. You are the only one who knows what you need and what you want to solve. Therefore, you hold the key answers right where the questions are – inside yourself.


To find your key solutions, check first where the pressure is coming from – inside or outside. If it is a concept you have inherited, as we mentioned in the Energy of the Week blog post, discern which parent used to have similar emotions in your first seven years – as you are experiencing today. Then, ask yourself: is this working for me? If not, stop indulging in it and learn how to relax (see Tip below) so you can avoid falling into this again. If the pressure is coming to you from the outside, it is important to identify who has the problem to begin with. Is it someone from your family, a friend, etc? Realize they have the problem – not you. Why do you have to feel guilty? Are they imposing on you to fix it for them? This is not your weight to carry. Why let yourself feel down and depressed about it? Detach yourself from it and stay cleansed (see Tip below). You deserve to feel good in your own energy.

Tip: Go to the Personal Energy Cleansing exercise and learn how to feel like a million bucks!

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Energy of the Week for January 24-30, 2011: Propel

Your energy propels your life with everything you are doing. Every single experience happening to you involves you because it starts with you and you propel it.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life:
Your decisions ignite and bring the energy for the experiences you will encounter. You propel your life. You have no limitations outside the ones within yourself. Now is the time to clarify any internal barriers so you are in control and realize it is simple to overcome them. Just take a look at the habits you inherited from your parents and see which ones work for you and which ones work against you. Then, you can propel and live any experience you want in the freedom of your infinite potential.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life:
You can propel your ideas forward and discern how you can be of service to others in the best way. Sharing your ideas and desires brings them out and opens the energy for them to come to fruition in the right timing. Go ahead! This week the energy is backing you to propel your service to the next level. It will make a difference for you and everyone else.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life:
Have you always wanted more love and understanding in your relationships with others? You can propel this easily this week. Positive energy is contagious because everyone innately is drawn to it. Bring forth your inner love and concern and share it openly with those around you. You will experience healing in your relationships and get a very warm response back. Propel your love, send it to others and know the world will be a better place as a result.

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Energy of the Day: Wistful

Are you wistful of your dreams and feeling as if they will never come true? Have you ever dwelled on a past experience and wished it had gone differently? Are you yearning for a lost love or that special someone but they are not there? It is time to resolve all of your wistful feelings.


Dig deep inside and pull out everything you might possibly be desiring even if you are feeling it could never become a reality for you. Today the energy helps you come to terms with these saddened feelings. First, understand the reasons you feel that way. Did your parents manage to live their dreams? Do you fear the same will happen to you? Hmm. Consider this: there is only one reason why your desires are there in the first place. They are there to come true. Since they are your desires, they are there to come true for you first. As a result, they are happening for everyone else as well and all of us will benefit.


Many of us do not dare to admit we have certain dreams, let alone have the guts to follow them. How often what we are wistful for seems crazy and outlandish? What if the Wright brothers had given up their dream to fly? Would that have made a difference for us today? Pretty big, huh. If you do not live your dreams, who will? Crazy as it may be to pursue what your heart desires, it is even crazier to give it up without even trying just to fade and become wistful instead. What would it take for you to follow your dreams and gift the world with all the difference this would make? Today, do yourself a favor and do justice to your dreams: go after them with all you have. All of us will be grateful to you for it. Thanks!

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Energy of the Day: Redirect

Sometimes you need to redirect your energy to keep it on track. Today the energy of your environment may require you to steer in a different direction in order to stay on top of things.


You are the captain of your own life ship. Make sure your ship is headed where you want it to go. Even one degree of deference from the targeted direction can take you far away from your desired destination over time. You cannot set your direction once and just forget about it. You need to hold on tight to the helm and keep redirecting your ship towards the goals you have. Stay on guard and redirect your energy any time you need to. No matter how many forceful winds or undercurrents come your way, you will manage to stay on track and get where you want to go.


Take charge of your life, captain! Everything around you is at your disposal waiting to take your orders. Remember, your crew of spiritual helpers is there watching out for your best interest and to help you achieve your spiritual endeavors. If you want to learn how to communicate with them directly, you can do that today with our Inner Guidance Consultation Program.

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Energy of the Day: Enthusiasm

When was the last time you were really enthusiastic? Have you ever met people who thought you were not serious because you got too excited, thrilled or enthused with what you were doing?


Enthusiasm is the extra oomph we feel when we do what we really enjoy. Where does it come from? How can we experience it more often? When you are following your inspirations, you will feel incredible enthusiasm every time. Are you truly inspired and cannot wait to do what you enjoy or is it a tiring and mundane chore for you? Do you complain you are busy with busy work or are you living your life to the fullest doing what you really want? The answer will determine your enthusiasm.


Want more enthusiasm? Do what you love and you will have it.

It is not what we do but how we do it. Enthusiasm turns everything ordinary into magical. It helps the scientist find the solution so many others are seeking and win the Nobel Prize. It gets the sportsman over the finish line first before all others who have trained just as long. Learn how to follow the inspirations from your guidance and feel the enthusiasm in everything you do.

Tip: Find the order of your spiritual gifts, how you are receiving inspirations from your guidance and how that affects your inner and outer communication with our Spiritual Gift Communication Program today for only $37.50. Includes Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts book by Howard Wimer.

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Energy of the Day: Round

You may have heard these famous lyrics in a well-known song: the wheel goes round and round and round. What goes round is the energy flow of everything there is. The little drop from the sea leaves and evaporates up, gets carried into the cloud only to be rained onto a mountain top and then makes its way back down to the sea where it started. Water seeks its own level. We all go through life sending out the vibration of our own energy, get transformed through our experiences only to receive back in a different form exactly what we have put out to begin with.


Avoid the rat race. Anytime you feel as if you are doing the same thing you did yesterday and the day before, you may want to identify the lesson you are stuck on so you can make headway on what you are learning from it. The reason you are going through experiences is to learn from them. There is nothing to complain about. If the same challenges keep happening to you, it is very clear there is something else to learn from what is taking place. Otherwise, these experiences are sure to repeat themselves. After you have mastered one lesson, you can move on to the next one. This is exactly what your spiritual helpers have done to graduate from planet Earth.


Everything you put out comes back to you. Do not fool yourself. In this big round of energy flow, there are no mistakes or accidents. Take responsibility for everything that comes your way. Welcome it, examine it and explore exactly how you attracted it. By the time you have gotten to the bottom of it and discerned it all, you may even feel a few inches taller. This is only right because you will be standing on top of some valuable lessons you have just learned. Congratulations! Learn as you go and your life will be a fun adventure.

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Energy of the Day: Beautiful

Making everything beautiful is our birthright. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What we find beautiful around us shows exactly how beautiful we are inside.


How easy is it to see things as being rough or unpolished on the surface? Extremely! Most of us can take a quick look around and find many things that are unfit for the description of beautiful. How really beautiful things are inside depends on how deep within them we look to see. What is deceiving at first glance could be a diamond in the rough. Never judge a book by its cover.

So what can enable us to look inside and find the true essence of things? Our very own outlook on life and everything in it. Do we need to look through pink colored glasses in order to see the world as beautiful? Hardly. We want to look at everything through the broad perspective of time – not only through the narrow snapshot of a moment – so we can truly see it for what it really is.


Our whole world is only as beautiful as we see ourselves to be. What if we could treat everyone from the perspective of how infinitely beautiful they are deep inside and bypass how unfit they appear to be in the present moment? Would that help them? Even though the song says: you are nobody until somebody loves you, is it not more true: you are not beautiful until someone sees the beauty inside you?

Tip: Do you want to help bring out the beauty in everyone? It is simple: start seeing the beautiful potential everybody has inside and inspire them to bring it out. How beautiful would that be.

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