Energy of the Day: Purpose

A really great purpose in life is a like a very deep root that is grounded and connected to the deepest levels of your own true feelings.


Thinking that life just goes on whether you have a purpose or not will make you miss out on the true reality of who you really are. All great successes in history were rooted from a great purpose. If you are afraid to spend too much of your valuable time in search of your own purpose, think again. Realizing your purpose is your most important priority. Then, everything you do will align with it and be more meaningful and beneficial to you and everyone else.


Do your due diligence and find your purpose. As a soul you go on. What you have come back here to do is live an inner philosophy of life and share a unique spiritual message. Once you recognize this, you are united and connected with the real reason you are here. If you need help identifying your exact spiritual message or life purpose, you can find it today with our Inner Guidance Consultation Program.

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Energy of the Day: Reorganize

Every day we shower, eat and dress just to have to do it all over again the next day. Similarly, we periodically need to keep reorganizing everything in our life to update it and keep it current with the new energy flowing through.


Things constantly change in life. We always need to reorganize everything in a new setting. The old way things were organized could be outdated and not fit the present or serve us well: that was then, this is now. We need to be current to use the energy at its peak.


Stop living in the past and realize your life is happening NOW. Reorganize your entire existence to fit your present purpose, goals and situation. This will keep your energy refreshed and current. It will help your flow thrive and flourish in real time.

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Energy of the Week for January 17-23, 2011: Peace

When you have inner peace, you have all the calm you need to use the positive energy you are. Otherwise, you waste energy by trying to fight off the negativity, neutralize it or ignore it. Only in peace can you be as directed and creative as you want.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life:
starts from within. After all, you are the source of your own energy. If you focus on maintaining and enjoying the peace inside, you will always have this on the outside. Your highest achievements and best results come about from the bliss you have in your own spirit. But how do you achieve it? Only by choosing yourself first can you ensure that your inner priorities are met.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life:
in the workplace provides for the quiet harmony needed to offer the best service to others. It also enhances their experience with what they are gaining. Only if you have a solid peace in your business environment can you create a real and lasting success. Immediately handle any disturbance. Once peace is restored, you can continue on to provide the best service with good energy.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life:
In every relationship, you are only responsible for your side. If you maintain the peace on your end, this brings 50% of the positive energy needed to be present for the communication to be 100% successful. Since there are two sides to any argument or fight, you will never have to be a part of one as long as you keep the peace on your end. This week, stay in peace and enjoy interacting with everyone around you.

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Energy of the Day: Love

We all know anything is possible. The way to achieve everything is with love. It goes without saying: all we need is love. And if that is not enough, what will work is even more love.


Today, it is important to understand you cannot give to others what you do not have. Therefore, if you do not love yourself first and foremost, it is impossible to love anyone else. Nothing created without love is sustainable nor can it be beneficial to you or others. This is why you need to find the love within and carry on from there.


Love yourself and you will be able to spread this magical love around you. To be loyal to yourself means above all to love yourself. Feeling and carrying the love within will radiate all around you – touching everyone and increasing their vibration. In return, this will fuel love back into your own energy making you even more blissful than you already are. Your focus today is to love and live.

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Energy of the Day: Action

When you are in action everything becomes alive and vibrant. Your ideas in action bring you results.


With action you can make anything happen. Naturally, there is a resistance that occurs when you move into action because that moves and changes the energy around you. If you let the resistance slow you down or stop your action, you will be missing out on getting your results. You can decide to stay in action despite what you are facing.


Your decision to be in action strengthens you and helps you stay clear from the distractions that interfere with what you are doing. Contrary to the obvious, it is the resistance of the air which allows an airplane to lift up and fly. Knowing this helps you realize: not only can you remain in action when opposite forces are against you, but it will bring even more powerful results your way. Brace your actions today and enjoy!

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Energy of the Day: Design

You chose to come back here and incarnate to live yet another lifetime because you enjoy the design of the creation on planet Earth.


What exists – already is. If there is something in place you do not necessarily care for or are not fully enjoying, do not get disappointed. The original design of creation here serves as a foundation and a starting point to put your own signature on it and leave your own footprint. Anything is possible to change once you realize your infinite potential.


You can create your life and design it in the way you want. You can start with yourself: by being the change you want to see in the world. You are in control. From there, you can achieve the dreams you have. Today, the energy on planet Earth is backing you to do exactly that. Go for it!

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

Your purpose is the main reason behind everything you do. All your present wants and goals are oriented around the long term purpose you have in life. Spiritually, you have a unique innate philosophy – your spiritual message, which is your real life purpose. You are both refining it this lifetime as well as sharing it with your spiritual protégés who have come to learn from you. This is what you came here to do.


Anytime you are tired and unhappy with your life or having hard times, it is because you are going against your own self and the true energy you are. This is when you are living the opposite of your spiritual message or life purpose and the sole reason you may feel as if you have problems. In reality, there is no such thing as a problem. The answer is simply to get back to your spiritual message and live your life purpose. As long as you clarify the facts of a situation, you automatically have a solution.


Living your spiritual message or life purpose is when you have your best energy. It is when you are experiencing your highest flow and everything is going smooth, easy and effortless. You are growing and expanding the most when you are fulfilling your life purpose. Identifying your spiritual message is like getting born again as it re-connects you within with who you really are.

Tip: Want to find your spiritual message and clarify your complete Personal Life Plan? Get our Inner Guidance Consultation Program and you will discover what you came here to do and fully live your life purpose.

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Energy of the Day: Direction

Today is all about keeping your energy going in the right direction for you. Knowing where you are headed points your energy and gets you one step closer to it.


Although it only takes a moment to get confused, it takes just a moment to clarify your confusion. Just like a little stone can turn around a big cart, even the smallest of things can veer you from your direction if you are not stable or careful enough. The good news is – as soon as you can catch this is happening, you can get right back on track.


Wherever you want to go, make sure you clarify the facts about it: what, when, where and why. Doing so will focus your energy in the direction you need to follow. This will keep you steady and moving easily toward your target. Even if you detour under some negative influence, having the clarity of facts about your direction will get you back to it sooner. Realize that as you grow and learn, you will always be changing your direction.

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Energy of the Day: Behave

Sometimes in life you just have to do what you have to do. You need to behave in accordance with the situation you find yourself in.


When you are going through a turmoil or a challenging time, it makes you wonder how to respond to it. The way you behave in trying circumstances reveals exactly what you are about. How can you manage to hold your end and keep it together? Is there a way to behave well regardless of what is going on around you and come out dry from the water? If you allow the negativity around you to get to you, as a result, you will become emotional. In that state you will react to it and do what was done to you, which is what you resented to begin with. The only way out is to respond – not to react.


To behave yourself is to keep your cool. Remain composed, calm and balanced. Only when you stay in your true feelings can you consider the lesson you are learning out of what is happening around you. Then, you can respond peacefully and gracefully in the positive energy you have maintained. Not only will that protect your integrity but you will grow immensely and be an example of how to behave to everyone.

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Energy of the Day: Circle

Have you ever felt as if your flow was interrupted? Everything moves in a circular motion. Starting from clock-time, day-night, the four-seasons cycle and even from birth to death, every end brings a new beginning.  The universe continuously repeats one circle after another as life goes on.


Avoid anything that interrupts your flow today. Your environment may put pressure on you to distract you from expressing your true feelings. When something cuts your flow, it will affect you on every level. If you get slowed down today on the circle of energy you are on, this may throw your timing off for the whole week, month or even more.


Swiftly resolve what is holding you up and continue on. Your life is about the journey between destinations – not about staying stuck in your emotions. You are only arriving at one point to reset your energy and depart for the next one. Moving on the continuous circle of life is what it is all about.

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