The energy flowing through the planet defines the theme of our lessons on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. Like in an annual diary, the energy wave changes every day as we flip from page to page and every week and month, we move from chapter to chapter.
What are we going to learn for ourselves? What footprint are we going to leave behind us? How will this change the story being written on planet Earth?
It is simple. Staying focused and tuned in to the powerful flow around the spinning globe, we are all a part of it and can make the most of this lifetime for ourselves and everyone else.
Knowing about it ahead of time – and knowing what it means for our personal, business, and social aspects of our lives – allows us to be prepared for what is to come and to use that information to our advantage on a daily basis:
- Your Personal Life (i.e., your loyalty to yourself)
- Your Business Life (i.e., in service to others)
- Your Social Life (i.e., relationships)
We invite you to share with us your comments and personal experiences about how applying these insights helps you stay ahead of the curve in your everyday life. This way, you can pass on your inspiration to benefit others.