We all live and learn on planet Earth

The energy flowing through the planet defines the theme of our lessons on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. Like in an annual diary, the energy wave changes every day as we flip from page to page and every week and month, we move from chapter to chapter.

What are we going to learn for ourselves? What footprint are we going to leave behind us? How will this change the story being written on planet Earth?

It is simple. Staying focused and tuned in to the powerful flow around the spinning globe, we are all a part of it and can make the most of this lifetime for ourselves and everyone else.

Knowing about it ahead of time – and knowing what it means for our personal, business, and social aspects of our lives – allows us to be prepared for what is to come and to use that information to our advantage on a daily basis:

  • Your Personal Life (i.e., your loyalty to yourself)
  • Your Business Life (i.e., in service to others)
  • Your Social Life (i.e., relationships)

We invite you to share with us your comments and personal experiences about how applying these insights helps you stay ahead of the curve in your everyday life. This way, you can pass on your inspiration to benefit others.

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Energy of the Week for January 10-16, 2011: Uplift

No matter where you are, you can uplift yourself to where you want to be. Since everything is interconnected, you are changing, moving and expanding all the time. If your energy is clear and you allow yourself to be uplifted, you will certainly get where you want to be.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life:
You are in charge of your own flow. This week, you can uplift your energy and step up from where you are to where you desire to be. It is up to you to use the whole energy around the planet to easily excel and rise up to the next level. Your time to move to the next step is now.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life:
and upgrade your service to others. Put your ideas to work. Feel inspired to offer something extra to benefit those you are being of service to even more. Remember, the more you are giving the more you are gaining back. This week, it is easier than ever to go the extra mile as the energy on planet Earth will already uplift you in that direction.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life:
Everyone you are connected to and have any relationship with is also experiencing an energy uplift this week. This allows you to unite even more closely with everyone and clarify the purpose of the relationship you have with them. Find a moment to regroup with the people around you how important they are and how much they matter. Then you will be even more fulfilled with your social experiences. After all, you are not alone – your life is a life with others.

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Energy of the Day: Understanding

Understanding expresses your empathy for and connectivity with everything. You have attracted what is happening around you. There is an explanation for all that exists under the sun.


All fear is based on the lack of understanding of where you fit. It creates separation and keeps you apart from the joy of being able to relate to everyone around you and prevents you from being involved.


Clarifying the facts: what, when, where and why allows you to relate to anything and helps you understand it. If you understand – you can forgive. If you forgive – you will be at peace. This is why understanding is the key to having an uninterrupted flow.

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Energy of the Day: Loving

Nothing surpasses loving energy. Being loving is the meaning of all life and underlies all things. Loving denotes caring, concern, friendliness, niceness, kindness and so much more. It feels as if you are bathing in the light and warmth of positive radiance.


What experience is the opposite of loving? When a cutting, senseless, cold, unpleasant, or other negative feeling strikes us, it is everything but loving. Is there a purpose to experiencing anything short of loving? Sometimes, the only way to know the real value of something is in enduring the absence of it.


Loving is innate to our very nature. Being loving is the magic that turns around negative situations and unlocks closed doors. It is contagious. The most destructive and cold intent will melt away in front of it. By loving yourself first and sharing with others, you will manifest the highest flow of pure energy all around you.

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Energy of the Day: Resign

Life brings you a series of experiences and lessons your angels (spiritual helpers) have set up for you. Organize your energy with every experience in compact units and conclude each one appropriately by regrouping what you learned from them.


Do not give up your dreams. If you resign from pursuing them they will never come true.  However, at the end of every experience, you need to regroup what you are learning from it in order to complete your lesson. Always resign your energy from it so you are able to fully focus it again on the new project at hand. Otherwise, it will continue leaking into projects you are no longer actively involved with which will drain you unnecessarily. This is why it is wise to close one door before opening another.


Regroup and retire from your day at the end of it so you can start fresh the next day. Upon completing a project, resign from your involvement in it and cut your energy to keep it intact and available for the new endeavor you will begin next. Resign at the finish line of everything you are doing and you will be ready to re-start your next experience reenergized and empowered.

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Energy of the Day: Capture

What can you capture from your experiences in life? Have you ever wanted to simply stop time and capture a moment of bliss?


The only thing that expands is what you give energy to. Do not stay locked into negative experiences that drag you down and prevent you from enjoying life. Be alert when others try to capture you into a net of negativity and keep you bogged down.


Today, capture the precious moments you will carry through eternity. Forgive and forget the rest – no need to bring along the things you do not like. Decide to capture the best times of your life and make this your most enchanting incarnation yet.

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Energy of the Day: Motivate

What motivates you reveals your true passion and incentive. This is what allows you to increase and multiply your own energy and sparkle it up so your best achievements will be easy going.


What does it take to motivate you? If what you do and what is around you does not motivate you, you are simply not in the right place doing the right thing for you.  Sometimes, you may find yourself in a desperate situation and hit the ground hard in order to get motivated enough to change.


Find out what really motivates you. You can do anything you want when you realize you have endless spiritual backing to achieve it. Outer motivation only gets you so far. Inner motivation empowers you. It fuels you with the zest and zeal to jump forward and enjoy your life to the fullest.

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Energy of the Day: Direction

You are a powerhouse of energy. All you need is clear Direction to flow freely on your spiritual path. Since planet Earth is a school, you choose your Direction and your Personal Life Plan before you come to live another lifetime.


Life offers a full spectrum of experiences: from good to better. There is no such thing as a bad experience. Some things we can witness and learn from; others we need to go through ourselves. There are always outside influences trying to keep us on a detour from our main Direction. Would you give in? Can you withstand it? You need to be on the lookout for anything that will deter you from your best Direction.


What helps you keep a steady Direction is knowing the big picture of what your own individual path is. Staying true to yourself, being in your feelings and loyal to yourself at all times will ensure you are following your own Direction 100%.

Tip: Curious what your Personal Life Plan might be? You can find out with our Inner Guidance Consultation Program.

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Energy of the Day: Peaceful

All creativity that is beneficial happens when the energy is Peaceful. When you are in a Peaceful state, your inner talents thrive. Being Peaceful keeps you tuned in and open for your highest inspiration to flow in.


To ensure your Peaceful flow, you might need to brace yourself when your environment  challenges you by declaring a war. If something or someone is trying to agitate you, simply be ready. You can always tell when something unsettling is coming your way. No matter how big a temper tantrum or fit someone around you is having, you do not have to accept it. It is up to you to stay detached.


Remind yourself that you and only you are responsible for your own energy. You are always in control and can remain Peaceful despite of it all. Stay cleansed (go to http://www.InnerExpansion.com/InnerGuidance) and detached from all negative circumstances. Know that every challenge you face is for your benefit. Life never puts in front of you more than you can handle. Take it easy and choose a Peaceful outcome.

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Energy of the Week for January 3-9, 2011: Action

Action is the single moving element that gets us from here to there. Without Action our energy stagnates and we are not moving along. While everything in the whole Universe is expanding, if we are not moving along with it, not only are we not staying at the same place, but we are actually going backwards. This is why Action is much needed in everything.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life:
We are prone to Action naturally. But are we always moving forward? What allows us to be in Action is our clarity of the facts (what, when, where and why) so we can determine what we want and what our goals are. Then we can make a decision and direct our flow into Action. If you are not in Action, check your facts and make a decision so you can keep your personal flow moving in the right direction for you.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life:
To be of service you must be in Action. The Action of being of service is what you came here to do. Your expertise from past experiences and wisdom compels you to get into Action and share it to empower others so they can also move into Action. This way, they can utilize for themselves what you have offered them. Your highest reward and fulfillment is in being of service and generously passing on what you have learned so everyone else can benefit from it, just as you have received from others. At the end of the day, your true satisfaction is in the Action of being of service.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life:
Take Action to communicate, share and be involved in life fully and abundantly. Although you came here to live your life and learn for yourself, the story of your life is never complete until you share it with the people who came to hear your spiritual message. You being here on planet Earth makes all the difference. You matter. Nothing would be the same without you and your actions. Make the best of every opportunity you have to share your wisdom. This week is a time for Action!

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