Energy of the Day: Target

Target what you want –not what you do not want!


Put everything into perspective today, otherwise you may find yourself focusing on everything other than your top priorities.


Everything is available to you. The sun shines on you just as it shines on everyone else. Make the most of it and you will always be doing what is right for you first.

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The Energy of the Year for 2011 is Launch

The energy flowing through planet Earth this year is a very inspiring one – Launch. This can mean many things to many people, so to narrow in on what it means for you, take a look at all of the projects and desires you have been thinking about recently and you will find that you not only have the energy to do them, you have added inspiration as well.

2011 is a time to listen to your sensitivity. Never discount anything that comes to you in a positive light.

You will get ideas this year – ideas you may never have imagined before – about how to be of service to people. This means you will need to be focused on what is truly important in your life, because by doing so you will gain fulfillment you would not otherwise have experienced.

Remember to keep everything from being mundane or uninteresting this year. Now is the time to create, implement and have fun doing it!

How this energy affects you in your personal life: Launch what you want for yourself this year; trust that it will be good for everyone else around you. You are the most important person to yourself, and if you follow your true feelings and implement those inner desires (the ones you have had for a long time), you will realize everything is possible. 2011 is the time to get things done – not procrastinate. Act on your inspiration and be available when opportunities come your way. Your angels will give you chills when communicating with you closely, so do not discount anything — feelorganize, and act!

How this energy affects you in your business life: Whatever you have planned to do in your business life, 2011 is the time to do it. Do not hold back or you may feel as if specific business opportunities have passed you by. Remember, your service to others is what brings the total fulfillment you are seeking. Sitting on top of a mountain and meditating rather than putting your ideas into action is too intellectual. The balance of your thoughts and your feelings — so you do not become semi-intellectual (thinking too much) or unbalanced in your feelings (emotional) — will be very important this year. Likewise, it is important to have an understanding for every experience and an experience for every thought or theory you have about what you want to do.

How this energy affects you in your social life: Continue reading

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The Energy of the Month for January 2011 is Active

This month, being active is the key to getting things done. Do not rest on your laurels as you may find yourself behind the curve.

Discerning between priorities will keep your head above the water this month, and allows you to not get bogged down in the details (although, it is important to make sure you do not leave anything out of your plan of action).

By organizing yourself even more — to accomplish ten times more than you are used to– you can still move at your own pace and experience everything is possible; it is just a matter of deciding what you want to do.

The Energy of the Month for January is Active

How this energy affects you in your personal life: Your true feelings are going to determine what your mind does this month. If you get distracted from what your true priorities are, you will feel as if you have to work twice as hard to catch up to what you really feel you need to do. The way to keep this from happening is to regroup on your entire project list and checklist every single day. Do not push yourself to do what you cannot do in one day; simply add to the list for the following day and make sure you do not get distracted from doing what needs to get done.

How this energy affects you in your business life: If you decide you really want to be of service to the people around you, January will be a busy month. In your business life, make sure you are only doing for others what they cannot do for themselves. In other words, the way to expand is to train your protégés to do what you can do. Otherwise, you may get overwhelmed and get bogged down in doing everything yourself. Do not ever think you are the only one who can do a job; everyone has a special touch and creativity they can put into it as well. Enjoy delegating and training others because this is the key to upgrading yourself to a new level – both spiritually and materially.

How this energy affects you in your social life: Do not worry about Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Love

What do you love most? If you said yourself, you may be on the right track. This does not mean we do not love nature or people or children or our favorite animals. If we feel secure within ourselves, we have a greater capacity to love everything around us.


See yourself as a companion to your whole environment. If it is not compatible, then change it – step-by-step.


How do you do this? By communicating your concerns, of course!

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Energy of the Day: Celebrate

Okay…so it is New Year’s Eve Day. What is the big deal? Everything.


Now is your chance to relax and regroup what you have in store for you in the New Year. Just hanging around and not being an inspiration to yourself may result in a little apathy.


Do not fret. This is just a reminder you are capable of deciding what is right for you and what is not. Have fun!

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Energy of the Day: Relax

Relax and enjoy the day!


Find out what keeps you from relaxing totally. Part of the reason you may not be able to relax is you have too many things on your mind. If you delegate the things that do not excite you, you may find even more time to enjoy the things that do.


It is best to realize you did not come here to suffer. Quit feeling responsible for everyone else and do what is right for you – for a change.

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Energy of the Day: Understanding

What has made you who you are today? By regrouping and understanding yourself more today, you will realize an even greater sense of worth and inner motivation.


Limiting yourself to thinking your job is your profession will not make you who you really are.


Define yourself by realizing your true profession is the spiritual message or inner philosophy you live by. All fears are based on a lack of understanding. Ask yourself:

    1. What am I doing here?
    2. When do I want to do it?
    3. Where do I want to do it?
    4. Why do I want to do it?

Your answers create a basis of understanding you can carry for the rest of your life.

Tip: To learn about to organizing yourself from top to bottom, download The Universal Laws of Life eBook & Study Guide. It’s FREE!

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Energy of the Day: Travel

Where do you want to travel? The farther you travel within yourself, the more you will discover that you are a very special person.


Telling yourself you do not matter does not inspire anyone, yourself included.


Focus of what has made you the type of person you are to yourself. Realize every experience you have had in life is a steppingstone to the next experience. Loving yourself will only come about if you respect yourself enough to travel inside and understand how important you are to yourself – every single day!

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Energy of the Day: Sincere

Be sincere with yourself today.


Do not fall into the trap of glossing over what you need to learn and to share with others.

Remember: Your experience is what inspires others to do the best they can. When you come from the depths of your feelings, you will always hit the mark and motivate the people who came to learn from you.


Regroup all of the experiences you have had since you were born. Does this seem like an insurmountable task? Just recall what comes to mind first, second, third and fourth and ask yourself: What did I learn about myself in this situation? This will be the key to moving forward with enthusiasm and an inner sense of direction and security.

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Energy of the Week for December 27, 2010 – January 2, 2011: Regroup

Sometimes you just need to take a break! From thinking, that is. In other words, quit thinking about thinking about thinking. Just feel. When you do this, everything falls into place.

As you move into the energy of the new year, you will realize you have opportunities never presented to you before. If you take advantage of them, you will be in a higher place – the ultimate goal of every soul.

Have a great week!

This Week’s Energy is Regroup

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Just knowing you can do anything you want is a healing action. Never look at life as an obligation. Just think what you can do if you have the right attitude and the right tools to do it. When you learn how to connect and ask the right questions from your spiritual helpers (angels), you will experience what it is like to be in the right place at the right time all the time.

Tip: Do yourself a favor and order the Advancement Package also known as the Personal Energy Expansion Training Program.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: This week is a good time to take a look at the ways you want to be of service to others in 2011. Do not discount anything. You will want to take into account how you can help people — just like you — to accomplish their greatest purpose as well. This is what life is all about. The interaction between you and your spiritual protégés is where the fulfillment you are looking for can be found. Do not compromise. Reach the highest of your practical goals . See your efforts as a steppingstone for the next year and the following year, and every thereafter. Your life is a series of projects and timing. All you need is the inner desire to accomplish. Your guidance (angels) will give you the inspiration.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: What are you doing in your social life this week? Are you giving enough time to yourself and to the people who mean the most to you? This is a great time of the year to regroup all of your relationships and improve them. You are not alone in this world. There are thousands of people waiting to hear and learn from your spiritual message. Read Howard Wimer’s book, Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts, and find out how one cab driver reached more than 250,000 of his spiritual protégés before he retired.

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