Energy of the Day: Enthusiasm

If you are not enthusiastic about everything you do, you are doing it wrong!


Find out WHY you are doing what you are doing today. If you cannot explain what you are getting out of it spiritually, you need to re-think your priorities and re-organize where you are.


As we move into the energy of the New Year, realize that you are the only person who can make anything happen for you. Make a goal that you will be 100 percent organized and directed from now on. This is not difficult. It is fun.

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Energy of the Day: Compromise

What are you compromising about? You can have anything you want, as long as you organize yourself to get it. Be practical. Prepare a step-by-step plan of what you want to accomplish and carry this over into the New Year ( more about this later…).


If you discount yourself and what you feel you want to do with your life, you are living by your parent’s standards and not your own. Whatever you want to do with your life, do it because you want to – not because you have to.


Understanding yourself does not mean analyzing and dissecting everything about you. Do not judge or belittle yourself in any way. Just enjoy the joyous occasion of today as if you are in a part of the world that celebrates this day as a great holiday!

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Energy of the Day: Exact

To be exact is to be healthy – physically and spiritually. Whenever you doubt yourself or do not have all of the facts you need to move forward, you are compromising what you came here to do.


Decisions are the key today. Whenever you have indecision about your personal direction, you are Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Benevolence

Benevolence does not mean doing everything for everyone. Your smile is benevolence, your enthusiasm is benevolence and your passion is benevolence.


Feeling obligated is not a good energy to work with today. Do not allow your emotions to take over and do not get involved when someone else around you is not happy.


No matter what is happening around you today, stay calm and relaxed and overcome any energy that does not belong in your environment. Your goal today is to change the energy of someone who may have lost the big picture of what they came here to do – which is to be loyal to him or herself and enjoy life – to the fullest! Also, allow others to give to you today.

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Energy of the Day: Attitude

What is your attitude worth? It is worth everything.


Outside influences that cause you to lower your energy are not the answer. The best way to raise your energy level is to be loyal to yourself first. If you try to take care of everyone else’s needs before your own, you will feel anger or resentment.


The solution is to do what excites you . Even the routines you do every single day can be interesting if you put a new twist on them – or even delegate the ones you do not like to others who do!

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Energy of the Day: Increase

Whatever you do, increase your personal energy today, as doing so increases the chases you will accomplish what you need to do.


Not tuning into your inner guidance will cause you to throw your energy off today, especially if you are not careful.


Your sensitivity is the greatest asset you have. That said, do not get overwhelmed by all of the energy around you. Discern what is you and what is not you!

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Energy of the Day: Uplift

Uplift your day today by bracing yourself first thing in the morning. Remember this… your angels are always with you. They give you chills or goose-bumps on your physical body when they come close. This is an extra surge of energy to your nervous system. Your angels (guidance) give you comfort and an inner sense of security.


Once you decide to uplift yourself, you cannot go wrong. Do not allow yourself to lower your energy level to accommodate others who are in a poor emotional state.


Being yourself creates a special energy to which people will respond. By relaxing and not making things an end unto themselves, you will be on top of the world and not have to worry about anything.

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Energy of the Week for Dec 20-26, 2010: Focus

What happens when you do not focus on what you want? If you allow your energy to get scattered or disorganized, you may find that your timing is off.

This week, make sure you are not being distracted by trivial pursuits and that you decide and then focus on what is important. During the holiday season, it is so easy to get sidetracked from doing what you know is right for you and keep your loyalty to yourself intact.

Since everything is energy, decide that you want this to be the best week of your entire life and ask your spiritual helpers (guidance) to back you. They will do whatever you ask — as long as what you have in mind is in your best interest!

The Energy of The Week is Focus

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Letting others control your agenda may throw off your focus this week, especially if you are not careful. Even though this is a joyous time of the year, you may find yourself getting rushed or emotional. Remember that being in your own true feelings is the key and your enthusiasm is your greatest asset. By responding to the love and concern around you, you will find your inner joy. If you react, then you may have to regroup to get your energy on track again. Just be yourself!

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: There are many distractions this time of the year so it is important to keep your focus in your service to others. Do it with joy and passion — and smile a lot. People will appreciate your sincerity when you do not try to put pressure on them to do anything they are not ready for. Allow yourself and others to move at their own pace. This will be the key, not only for this week, but also for the next year. 2011 will be the best year ever.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Have fun this week! Enjoy all of your relationships and focus on the ones you feel are most important to you. Make those who are close to you feel special, and let them know why you love and respect them the way you do. They will respond in kind and tell you why they are with you and want to share part of their life with your energy. Attitude is the key to having others respond to your inner peace and harmony.

Remember: No one can make you happy. All you can do is decide to be happy yourself and allow yourself the opportunity to do what you came to do – to live your spiritual message or inner philosophy of life.

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Energy of the Day: Increase

There is no need to decrease any area of your life. By taking a good look at how you can increase your energy and outlook, you will see areas you never thought would be possible to clarify.


Knowledge is great, but wisdom is better. Only by understanding your own personal experiences can you start to feel confident and organized.


Do not cater to yourself or others today as that will set you back. The solution is to take care of your own needs first: food, health, love, shelter and self-expression!

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Energy of the Day: Realize

To realize what you can accomplish is no small matter. To trust you are on the right path, take time today to look at your inner knowing.


Nothing can hurt your spiritually if you are relaxed and open.

Tip: Visit to to learn how to keep your energy focused and directed and to cleanse your environment from any negativity or pressure.


Raise the level of your energy to 100 percent positive because that is when your greatest sensitivity will unfold and you will get all of your own answers.

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