Energy of the Day: Undercover

Sometimes you have to go undercover to discover the reality of everything.


Do not look at the surface of the ideas you are coming up with today. Go in-depth and gather the facts before moving up, up and away!


Whatever you do, do not discount yourself or the ideas coming to you. Open up and share these ideas with everyone around you. When you do, you may realize everyone has similar fears and guilt.

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Energy of the Day: Climb

Climb up to the highest thought you can muster today so you are above all of the trivia of life.


Lowering your standards to accommodate others will keep you from feeling one-with-all-things. When you indulge in concepts inherited from your parents, such as guilt or frustration, you may sink to a level where you act out emotions that do not belong to you.


Once you raise yourself above your parent’s standards, you may feel sleepy. Squeeze your thumbs when this happens to you and realize only you can accomplish your own life dreams – others have their own dreams.

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

The purpose of this day is to share with others what you have been learning and to stay out of your emotional side.


Trying to help others before helping yourself today will keep you from being on-track.


Do not try too hard to please others because it may throw your timing off. The way to keep yourself on-track is to ask yourself: What do I want to do today?

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Energy of the Day: Insist

Insist you have a great day today. Do not worry about anything because worrying means you have made others more important than you.


Putting pressure on you to perform today is not the best strategy.


You may need to take a moment and realize you are the key to making yourself happy and relaxed. By thinking about the problems of others, you are sinking down too low to make you happy.

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Energy of the Day: Passion

Without passion, life is dull and boring.


If you feel guilty for being enthusiastic about everything in your life because others around you are feeling sad or depressed, you have caught their dis-ease. Be kind to yourself by laughing out loud or cheer others up with a smile – a simple recipe for receiving a big dose of love and concern back for yourself.


Having passion can only come from your true feelings. Knowing what is right for you and going for it brings about being light and focused.

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Energy of the Week for December 13-19, 2010: Accurate

When it comes to listening to your inner sensitivity, how accurate are you?

Listening to yourself is the most important thing you can do to make sure you are on the right track spiritually and materially.

Everyone is sensitive. We all experience a hundred hunches, visions, ideas or feelings every single day. But are you discerning what your intuition is really telling you – or do you discount it?

This is the week to concentrate on following through with all of your hunches and not getting bogged down by anyone else’s energy and direction.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Listening to your true feelings will always prove accurate. When you get involved in your emotions (those feelings you have been taught to feel by your parents or whoever raised you), you end up doubting yourself or procrastinating about what you really know is right for you. Discernment is the key as you put what you are inspired to do into perspective. What is it you are picking up with your sensitivity and where does it fit in with your priorities? Putting this into perspective will keep you on track and not in a situation where you need to change the plan to accommodate the situation around you.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Once you discern how you can be of service the most you can be this week, it is important to clarify the facts you need in order to be accurate in your assessment of every situation.

Warning: Do not assume you know what to do. Look at all options and decide which one will work the best. Ask other people what their opinions are, but make your own decision.

By listening to your own sensitivity first, you will be more apt to tune into the needs of your clients or customers.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Being accurate in knowing what to say to everyone you meet requires patience and fortitude. See everything as an opportunity to grow and expand your life so your enthusiasm shines through. When you doubt yourself, you may have a tendency to hold back and that is a recipe for loneliness. By getting out there and communicating effectively with your family and friends, you will notice that positive backing and energy will enhance your life.

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Energy of the Day: Realize

Realize you are doing well. Sometimes we try too hard… we apply so much pressure to prove ourselves to ourselves and to others.


Full spiritual realization is not accomplished by chanting or sitting on top of a mountain and meditating for 20 years. The key is to be involved in life and learn the lessons here for us to learn.


You may think that the more spiritual knowledge you gain from reading books or listening to so-called enlightened spiritual leaders will lead to graduating from planet Earth. The truth is, you cannot take all of this knowledge with you. The only thing you really graduate with are your own personal experiences and what you learn from them. This becomes your inner wisdom and will help you become a spiritual helper for someone else somewhere down the line in your spiritual existence. The people who get involved in spiritual prestige or devotion will not graduate until they too realize that everyone has their own answers. We do not need to look up – or down – at others thinking they are lesser or greater as a soul in the universe.

Tip: Do not judge others for not having your spiritual understanding. Remember how many lifetimes it took you to get where you are. The key is to be a pure example.

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Energy of the Day: Accomplish

What do you want to accomplish today?


Do not think about it. Just do it.


Since you have clarified even more this week what your best priorities are and you are at the pinnacle of your game, you will not have any problems.

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Energy of the Day: Action

Move forward today and realize there is nothing you cannot accomplish.


Thinking too much and procrastinating is not a good approach. Do not think about everything you feel cannot happen. Rather, concentrate on what you want to do and organize yourself by asking: What do I need to do? When do I need to do it? Where does it need to happen? And why am I doing it? Then, the fifth “W” question in the equation — Who will gain from what I am doing? — will fall into place.


Organizing yourself for action is easy, especially when you do not listen to your intellect or exclusively to what others want you to do. You will be able to see a clear picture of what is right for you and want is not. This may sound simple, but you have to clear away all of the extraneous thoughts and programming that cloud your true feelings. Try it. It will work – guaranteed!

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Energy of the Day: Peaceful

Does peaceful mean you have to avoid confrontation at all costs? No! This is one of the unbalanced traits of the clairvoyant gift that only wants peace and harmony. Sometimes you have to face something head-on to make sure it gets clarified. Do not hesitate to do this today, but keep it positive and enlightened for everyone around you today!


Not being positive and encouraging with everyone around you will keep you from really clarifying the facts of what you need to know about yourself and what needs to be done.


Feel and think before acting. When you jump to conclusions, you may not have all of the facts before moving forward with your ideas and opinions. Remember, you can have an opinion of another opinion and the people around you can have an opinion of your opinion as well!

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