Energy of the Day: Get it done!

What does “Get it done” mean? Whatever you feel like doing – do it!


Resting on your laurels is not good energy. To keep yourself inspired and enthusiastic about life and what you want to achieve, start thinking outside your own box.


Loving yourself will help you do what you want to do more than anything else. How many times do we put others first before ourselves? Putting others before ourselves is actually a religious concept that involves suffering, not a spiritual concept of knowing that when you take care of yourself first, you can do more for others (because you are a tremendous example of how to make yourself happy).

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Energy of the Day: Dynamic

The only thing we can really count on is change. Everything changes; nothing stays the same.


Being stiff and inflexible with situations that may arise will cause you to be stiff stressed. By practicing the Personal Energy Cleansing technique from Inner Expansion, you will be able to take a moment and realize that your energy is the most important asset you have.


Being relaxed is the key to being able to work best with your spiritual guidance. Your angels are with you 24/7/365 and are always giving you ideas on what you can do to make today – and every other day for that matter — the best day you have ever had. When you learn the two-way communication technique that comes with our Intermediate Package (see: Spiritual Guidance Consultation Program), you will have complete access to your guidance and they can give you all the answers you need. You can even have a running conversation with them – just as you would with your best friend. As a matter of fact, they are better than your best friends!

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Energy of the Week for Dec. 6-12, 2010: Pinnacle

Each day, week, month and year, the spiritual energy that flows through planet Earth changes. Knowing about it ahead of time – and knowing what it means for the personal, business, and social aspects of our lives – allows us to be prepared for what’s to come and to use that information to our advantage on a daily basis.

Today, as we’ll do each Sunday, we’re going to tell you about the Energy of the Week. Unlike the Energy of the Day, the Energy of the Week serves you for seven full days (starting with Monday and ending on Sunday). By posting this information, we aim to give you a head start on the week ahead, allowing you to begin the week on the most advantageous of notes. With those thoughts in mind, here is this coming week’s Energy of the Week

The Energy of the Week for December 6-12, 2010 is Pinnacle

Are you on the top of your game?

Sometimes we get so caught up in the details of life that we lose sight of the big picture. Take a clear look at your priorities this week and discover where you are getting bogged down. Then, take a second look and refocus your energy so that you are light on your feet and are having fun with everything.

It is true that we have to work hard sometimes to make things happen, but that does not mean we cannot take time to relax and really enjoy what we have built so that we can move forward with everything we’ve got!

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: You are your own higher standards. Did you know that sometimes you may feel sleepy when you are rising up above your parent’s concepts? Do not indulge in limiting ideas of who you are this week because they will hold you back more than you can imagine. This is the time of the year when you can evaluate — whether you have been loyal to yourself this year or not — and refocus your energy on making yourself the top priority of your life. Do not compromise. Make it happen no matter what it takes.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: How often do you consider how effective you can be when it comes to being of service to others? Stellar customer service means building relationships with all of your clients. If you are an employee, your clients are the people you report to and the people who report to you are also your customers. The person sitting next to you is also your customer (they want to work with you as a team member, and the best way to stimulate a great working relationship is to help them be the very best they can when it comes to being of service to others). Give them some ideas that have worked for you, and do not hesitate to ask for suggestions for yourself. Do not let false pride get in the way of being the best you can be for yourself – and others.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: You do not need to hold back in any of your communications with others this week. Remember that the most important aspect of life is the quality of your relationships – whether they are personal, business or social. Evaluate each of your relationships and decide who you can count with the most. This means that you can put these people into categories. The questions to ask are: How much do these people have my best interest at heart? Are they there only for themselves or do they really want to help and not manipulate me for their own personal experience? Answering these questions will help you from feeling taken advantage of, and will similarly help clarify how to keep your boundaries clear.

Remember: People can change. As a result, they may appear in different categories.

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Energy of the Day: Serious

Do not take things too seriously today. Remember — you are a soul with a physical body, not a physical body with a soul. Everything is a means to an end and not an end unto itself.


If you allow it, making others more important will keep you from feeling like yourself today.


Whatever you do today, do it with an energy and attitude of benevolence. You will be glad you did. Otherwise, you may take yourself too seriously and get bogged down. Just enjoy everything around you and allow others to do the same. It will definitely pay off.

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Energy of the Day: Rocket

Rocket yourself to success by listening to your own inspiration and not to what others think you should be doing.


Today is a launching pad for many of the ideas you have received recently from your spiritual helpers. Make sure you write them down and organize yourself to go for it.


Do not take no for an answer from yourself. You always have time to do what truly inspires you. Otherwise, you are discounting your abilities to really make it work for yourself first.

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Energy of the Day: Workable

What is workable and what is not?


Plan your day for success. If you wing it, you may find yourself being swayed by the opinions of others and, as a result, find yourself in a place you did not expect to be.


Organize yourself so that nothing can influence you from doing what is perfect and right for you today.

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Energy of the Day: Unbelievable

Do not feel lonely today, as doing so does not fit with the energy flowing through planet Earth (nor does it fit with what everyone is learning about themselves)!


If you limit yourself in any way today, you may cut off the inspiration your spiritual guidance (angels) is giving you. Use your hunches, visions, thoughts and feelings to keep yourself in the loop of your own life.


What in the world are you thinking? That is the key to making sure you are being loyal to yourself today. If you are thinking in the should’s and not in the love to’s, then get back to the basics and realize that only you can make you happy.

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Energy of the Day: Containment

When you are not sure where you are on a personal level, just contain it until you have a chance to regroup and decide what is best for you and everyone around you.


Containment does not mean you have to limit yourself. It means to regroup your energy and compact it so you can start moving with more energy than ever before.


Focus on what is inspiring to you and you will always be right on target.

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The Energy of the Month for December 2010 is Success

Success is a word people toss around a lot. It does not mean anything unless you feel it inside.

This month, focus your energy on what is truly important to you, and in doing do, realize that the holiday season is a time for joy and sharing of yourself. If you put yourself under pressure with the obligation of sharing yourself rather than the opportunity of it, you are putting yourself last on the list.

Put yourself at the top of your list this month!

The energy this month is Success

How this energy affects you in your personal life: Everyone wants to know the meaning of success. We have all heard that the real meaning of success is inside. But how do we actually put this into action in our everyday life? We are constantly beating ourselves up for what we did not do or what we think we cannot do. We set artificial boundaries for ourselves to the point where we procrastinate or give up. The key to getting what you want is to set your sights on the greatest dream you have, organize it into the Four Ws — what, when, where and why — and then gather the manpower and materials you need to make it work and go for it!

How this energy affects you in your business life: What is success in your business life? The measure of success is how much fulfillment you have at the end of the day. The way to be of service every day is to give people something they actually need. Then show them how to use it. If you help others understand how this works or give them the customer service that they deserve, then you are doing your job.

How this energy affects you in your social life: Success does not mean that you have to cater to everyone in your environment. Realize that the happiness of everyone around you is a direct measure of how happy you are inside. This is the mantra we emphasize through Inner Expansion. You are a great example of every wonderful experience you have had since the beginning of time. Respect yourself and only share from your experience. If you argue with someone who is right or wrong, you are missing the point. Everybody is right – in their own right!

Tip: For all of the answers for yourself this month, learn how to contact your angels in 60 seconds or less by investing in yourself with the Intermediate Package from Inner Expansion (see: Inner Guidance Consultation Program). Once you know how to contact your angels, you can ask as many questions as you want. You do not need to go to – or through – anyone. Soon, you can  have it all at your fingertips.

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Energy of the Day: Purposeful

Being purposeful is not difficult when you are organized and directed.


Reacting to life will always bog you down and you find yourself complaining that there is not enough time in the day to accomplish what you want.


Nothing is a big deal. When you feel calm and relaxed inside of yourself, you know that you are on the right track. You do not need outside stimulus to make you happy when you inspire yourself to act on your true feelings.

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