Energy of the Day: Direct

It is always important to be direct and honest in your communications.


Do not shy away from communicating how you really feel today because doing so will pay off in big dividends. Your enthusiasm is what will win the day and you will feel as if you are really accomplishing something great.


Loving what you do and doing what you love is the key to living longer and feeling as if you have it all.

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Energy of the Day: Multiply

Multiply your thoughts and ideas and you will see endless possibilities.


Small thinking leads to small actions. Thinking outside the box does not always mean being more creative. It means you can see other opportunities you may not have thought were available to you before. All you need to do is follow through – and have a good time doing it!


By being happy with yourself first, you will be happy with others. Be flexible and realize everyone – yourself and others — is doing the best they know how at the time.

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Energy of the Day: Sincere

Being sincere is not just acting sincere. Being sincere means truly having the compassion to help others to help themselves. Remember, if you give a fish to someone, they will always come back to you when they are hungry. When you give someone a fishing pole and show them how to fish, then they will have the freedom to eat for the rest of their lives.


Do not do things for others they can do for themselves (this only makes them weaker).


Have fun working with people but do not cater or do things for them they can do for themselves. This makes them very strong and it gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you did something right and good for you – and for them.

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Energy of the Day: Action

Actions always speak louder than words!


People will respond to what you do – not what you say. If you are truly responsible in your actions, everyone will respect and trust you no matter what. Does this mean we have to be perfect? Of course not. But communication is the key. If you have to change a plan — something requiring you to coordinate with others — it is important to communicate that change right away. Remember, other people often depend on your actions.


Simply put – coordination with others is worth its weight in gold. Do not discount it.

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Energy of the Day: Exact

Take an exact measure of where you are today.


Do not assume you know exactly what to do in every situation. Take a moment to relax and let your guidance work with you to get the solutions you are looking for.


Your spiritual helpers (angels) are always looking out for you. The reason you chose them is because they have already experienced everything you came here to do. They are there for you whether you acknowledge them or not. Whenever you get chills or goose-bumps on your physical body, it means they are around you and giving you all of the backing you need.

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Energy of the Day: Understanding

Understanding yourself is the key for today. When you feel frustrated or angry, it simply means you have a fear that you do not understand.


Because fears are based on a lack of understanding, all you need to do is get all of the facts (what, when, where and why) before moving forward. Do not push! Let the facts speak for themselves without getting frustrated. Otherwise, everyone else is in control – not you!


Relax and do not try. Just let it happen naturally (with all of the facts in place).

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Energy of the Day: Distribute

Take a look at how you distribute your energy today.


Do you know why you get tired? The reason is very simple… You are thinking about all of things you did not accomplish yesterday, all of the items on your list for today, as well as what you have planned for tomorrow. What could be more tiring? If you can see how your energy gets scattered, you are already 50 percent there for yourself.


Realize that you can only do one thing at a time. Set your priorities for today and do not worry about anything else. If you can delegate some of the tasks on your list, do so. It will pay off in the end. If you think you cannot delegate, think again. There are many people around you who are certainly willing to help. All you need to do is ask.

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Energy of the Week for November 15-21, 2010: Act

Sometimes we act on our feelings, while at other times we doubt what we are getting and make decisions that we come to regret.

Even though you cannot make a mistake (in reality, there are only steppingstones to learn what we need to learn), sometimes you may find yourself in a spot where you wish you were not.

What is the solution?

Do not panic; take a break and not push your way through it. By taking the time necessary to get back to the real you and make decisions based on what you really feel, you are always doing it right!

This week’s energy is Act

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Now is the time to feel. Do not rush into what you may think you want to do without having all of the facts. In other words, do not assume you know exactly what you want until you base it on being loyal to yourself first. The way to tell what you want is to sense whether you have an excited or inspired feeling inside about what you want to accomplish. Then, act on it and you will be very glad you did.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: You can have all of the great ideas in the world, but if you do not act on these inspirations, what is the point? The key to being successful is to have a plan first, communicate that plan to others second, and act third. Some people will act first, then communicate and then come up with a plan. Others will communicate, then get a plan and try to act. These approaches often result in having to go back and re-do the plan because no one ends up knowing what to do. What a mess! If you follow these simple rules — plan first, communicate that plan to others second, and act third — in your personal, business and social life, you will always feel as if you are doing it right.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Act on what you feel in your communications with others this week. Let others know you care by following through on what you say you will do. If you cater to others and try to placate rather than doing what is right for you – and for them – you are not being true to yourself first. Being loyal to yourself first does not mean you are being greedy or selfish. It truly means to be a great example of doing whatever it takes to clarify all of the facts in every relationship you have — no matter how small or meaningful it may be.

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Energy of the Day: Realize

Realize how great life is!


Whenever you get down on yourself about something, it is usually a feeling of guilt or frustration that you should have done something that you didn’t.


You never have to feel guilty about anything. Guilt is a religious concept and promotes outside loyalty to everything other than yourself. No one has a spiritual right to make you feel guilty about anything. Since everything is truly a learning experience, you can upgrade your energy at any time to become more responsible or responsive to the needs of others. But you have to take care of yourself first – no matter what.

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Energy of the Day: Concern

When you are passionate, concern comes naturally.


When you put yourself down or criticize yourself for not doing the right thing, you are only keeping yourself from being the soul you really are and enjoying your true potential.


Understand that only you can do what you came here to do. Others can make suggestions, but do not take them as a command. You always make the final decision about what is right for you and what is not. This way, you will always be in the right place at the right time.

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