Energy of the Day: Perpetrate

Seeing or hearing between the lines is important today. Do not just look at the surface. Go in-depth and realize there may be more than what meets the eye.


Skimming over things today is a recipe for creating mistakes. In reality, there is no such thing as a mistake…only a steppingstone of learning experiences to do better the next time.


By looking beneath the surface, you are being diligent and understand that there may be more dimensions to what you need to know or understand. This automatically creates solutions. Just being positive does not always cut it. You need to act on that positivity and understand why you are doing what you are doing to make it all work.

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Energy of the Day: Rosy

Everything will come up rosy when you have everything in order. Take a look today at your physical environment. Is it messy or organized in compact units.


Sometimes we have so many projects going on that we do not organize ourselves to do one thing at a time. This is a recipe for being overwhelmed and it causes a lot of pressure.


If you have piles of papers or materials around you and do not know what to do with them, it is time to take a break and put everything in order. Go to your closest office supply store and buy file folders or other organizational materials to put everything into a category and prioritize them so you are only seeing your current files – not anything you do not work with on a daily basis.

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Energy of the Day: Think

Sometimes we think that we think that we think!


This is called mental gymnastics, and mental gymnastics causes us to delay our decisions or doubt our hunches and impressions. This is the worst thing you can do because it throws off your timing.


Once you get an impression for something you want to create or do, put it into perspective and realize that if you do not do it for yourself, no one else will!

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Energy of the Day: Passionate

What do you want to do from now on? If you are not passionate about what you want to do, you may need to re-think your direction and/or how you are doing it.


Keeping up with the Jones’ is not always the best strategy to live your life. Look at how you compete with yourself and others in order to create a certain status in society.


When you are doing things for the wrong reason, you will always feel a gap inside between your true feelings and your intellectual idea of what you think you should do.

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Energy of the Day: Direction

Direction is the basic need of every human being. It is why we come to planet Earth to begin with. Once we have direction, then it is up to us to follow-though with our plan. Our spiritual helpers are there to help keep us on track. This is why we get a hundred hunches or impressions a day!


Once we doubt ourselves, we are undermining our own credibility. If you get an inspiration today, ask yourself: What does this mean and where does it fit in my overall picture? A true inspiration comes from our feelings, whereas a false impression is created by our emotions, such as guilt or frustration.


Don’t think…just feel – and discern what you are feeling.

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Energy of the Week for November 8-14, 2010: Compassionate

The amount of compassion you have for yourself is exactly how much you have for others.

Sometimes, when we think that we are being benevolent toward others, we may actually have underlying ulterior motives.

This week, look at the internal purpose for what you do. If there is a hint of 1) expecting, 2) assuming and then making a 3) demand toward yourself or others, it is important to clarify why you are doing what you are doing and the attitude you are doing it with.

This Week the Energy is Compassionate

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: How many demands do we put on ourselves? Why accept the pressure when all we need to do is realize that we are doing the best we know how. If we place demands on ourselves, we are probably doing the same with our loved ones or friends. Remember, there no pressure in the world except for that which we create within. These pressures we create come from concepts we inherited in our first seven years of the life, when we receive 90 percent or more of the attitudes and motives for what we do. Release the pressure and you have it made!

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: When we are compassionate toward the people we work with, our world will change for the better. This does not mean you need to cater to someone or do their work for them. The key is to be a great example of what true concern is really all about. True concern is what people want. They look for a loving and friendly environment in which to do their work. This is not a sign of weakness when you show this type of compassion. Rather, it is the greatest strength you have.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Being compassionate is the top priority this week in your social life. Without it, you may find that you will have others around you who will have a difficult time returning the same love and concern that they may innately have but are not showing it. Take the time to realize that your relationships are your greatest asset and that the more you show others how much you care about them, the more it will come back to you. Always be an example and do not worry about what others are thinking…focus instead on what others are feeling.

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Energy of the Day: Regroup

Take a few moments to regroup what you are getting out of everything you are doing today. Enthusiasm comes from realizing you are the only one who can make the best decisions for you.


The best way to regroup is to ask yourself these three questions:

    1. What am I learning?
    2. What was the highlight of my day?
    3. What could I do differently next time?

Without a system for regrouping yourself, you will not achieve the maximum understanding of who you really are and where you are going in life.


Take a look at all the things that work for you and the ones that do not. Remember, the Energy of the Month for November is Repeat.

Tip: Read the Energy of the Month blog post for November 2010.

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Energy of the Day: Loving

Loving yourself is nothing more than treating yourself as you want others to treat you. Did you know that the amount of patience you have for yourself is the exact amount of patience your parents had for you?


Do not judge or undermine yourself in any way. No one really cares what you think about yourself.

Remember: Other people are too worried about what you think about them, let alone what you think about yourself!


It is action and true concern that keeps you focused and enjoying life…with enthusiasm.

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Energy of the Day: Increase

In order to increase your energy, you need to focus.

Recommended: Go to and practice the Personal Energy Cleansing technique. This technique is used to avoid any pressure and negativity. Show your friends how to do it – and start a movement of being relaxed and tuned into your own inner guidance!


Avoiding personal responsibility or making decisions will always land you in the soup.


Love yourself. Enjoy your life. Do not let anyone tell you have to suffer or feel guilty about anything. If you indulge in their negativity, they are the ones who are in control of your personal energy – not you.

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Energy of the Day: Determine

Determine the real facts – not the perceived facts!


Sometimes we perceive things differently than the reality of the situation. It is important to determine whether you are going by someone else’s opinion or whether there is a bigger picture available.


Timing is everything. If you push too much, you may not have all of the real facts you need to make a decision. Slow down and make sure you are doing the right thing at the right time.

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