Energy of the Week for July 12-18, 2010

Each day, week, month and year, the spiritual energy that flows through planet Earth changes. Knowing about it ahead of time – and knowing what it means for our personal, business, and social aspects of our lives – allows us to be prepared for what’s to come and to use that information to our advantage on a daily basis.

Today, as we’ll do each Sunday, we’re going to tell you about the Energy of the Week. Unlike the Energy of the Day, the Energy of the Week serves you for seven full days (starting with Monday and ending on Sunday). By posting information about the Energy of the Week on Sunday, we aim to give you a head start so you can begin the week on the most advantageous of notes. And since this is the first time we’re blogging about it, it might be helpful to know that we’ll always frame the Energy of the Day as it relates to:

  • Your Personal Life (i.e., your loyalty to yourself)
  • Your Business Life (i.e., in service to others)
  • Your Social Life (i.e., relationships)

With those thoughts in mind, here’s is this coming week’s Energy of the Week

The Energy of the Week for July 12-18, 2010 is Dynamic.

How this week’s energy affects you in your Personal life: Being loyal to yourself sometimes means that great changes can take place without you even realizing it. Your energy will always change no matter what you do. You are not only a product of your inner concepts, but you are also affected greatly by your environment. Whatever you do in life, you will realize that you are a combination of responses and reactions. The key is to respond to life from your true feelings rather than react with the emotional side of you.

  • Do not act out of frustration or anger because these are learned feelings and are not real. They may feel real at the time, but they really come from habits and concepts from your parents or whoever raised you.

This week, take the time to see how much you respond rather than react to situations that may come up in your life.

How this week’s energy affects you in your Business life: Being of service to people is not always easy, but it can be if you are being loyal to yourself first. This means thinking about what is right for you no matter what. When you do that for yourself, you will always be benevolent toward others. Here’s an example:

  • If you are always leaving yourself out and thinking of others first, you will not be fulfilled. As a result, you will consistently be looking for attention because you will have a feeling of lack. When you are in a business setting, the focus will be on you even though you are pretending to be more concerned for others. At the end of the day, you will feel lonely and deprived because others did not appreciate what you did for them. This creates resentment and will carry over into the service you are providing others. This does not work.

By doing what you feel is right for you first, then and only then will you feel as if others are benefiting from your actions and your experience. Have fun and everyone will feel it!

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: It should be a dynamic week in your social life. Many changes will take place this week if you really look for them. Your relationships will take a turn for the better, especially if you are being loyal to yourself first and sharing with others in a very enthusiastic way and backing them to do what they enjoy doing the most themselves.

  • Do not assume that everything will always be the same because people change themselves and you cannot lock yourself into a picture that everyone you have a relationship with will be the same person they were yesterday. Everyone on planet Earth is growing at a rapid pace whether you realize it or not. We are all doing the best we know how. Sometimes you may feel frustrated that people are not responding to you the way you think they should. Just relax and let them share with you how they feel about the situation and adapt yourself to what they want and need.

In closing, understanding the Energy of the Week is the key to learning about yourself and your relationships with others. Since we all live in a big school, so to speak, it should come as no surprise that there is a master plan, and if you’ve been attending any of Inner Expansion’s courses over the last 10 years or so, you know that this master plan comes from our spiritual helpers, who are also sometimes called guardian angels. Tune in to what your spiritual helpers are sharing and you too will have a dynamic week!

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