Energy of the Day: Interesting

What makes life interesting? Being involved! Don’t shy away from experiences where you can learn a lot about yourself. If you avoid others in your environment because you are not sure where they are coming from, you are missing an opportunity to learn more about your feelings and emotions and how others affect them.


Take everything head-on today. Do not keep yourself from coming up with solutions to situations you may be faced with that are perceived to be caused by others. Just relax and enjoy life.


The biggest key today is to stay detached. True detachment comes from realizing you are the most important person to yourself. No one is more important than you. Just think of all of the lifetimes you have invested in yourself to find out who you really are. Is that not the goal you came into this lifetime to achieve: learning the difference between you, others and your environment?

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Energy of the Day: Be All

Today, the energy is all about being who you really are. Are you pretending to be what others want you to be or are you following your true feelings and going by your own experience? If you trust yourself, you will always be in the right place at the right time.


Catering to others’ whims and expectations may bring you grief today. Just stay relaxed and open your heart to what is right for you. If you do that for yourself, everything will be right for others as well.


While reaching your potential is easy, do not lower your expectations of what you want to accomplish just to please others. By following what is right for you, you will be the perfect example of what it means to be successful and fulfilled. That is all people want (an example of what it means to be decisive and dynamic).

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Energy of the Week for July 19-25, 2010: Trust

As we told you a few days ago, each week the spiritual energy that flows through planet Earth changes. Knowing about it ahead of time – and knowing what it means for our personal, business, and social aspects of our lives – allows you to be prepared for what’s to come and to use that information to your advantage on a daily basis.

This week’s energy is Trust

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Trusting yourself is the key this week to living a free and abundant life. But how do you do that?

  • One way is to realize that you are a sum total of all the experiences you have had since the beginning of time. Through lifetimes, you have gained from valuable learning lessons you chose to accomplish before coming to planet Earth. With the help of your inner guidance, you can recollect some of these experiences.
  • When you have a FEELING to do something, where does this come from? It comes from the vast experience you have had not only in this lifetime, but in previous ones. Trust what you know and what you feel. Then, the picture and the understanding will naturally fall into place for you.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Trusting yourself in your business life is one of the biggest keys to being successful materially and spiritually. How can you be of service to others if you are not being of service to yourself first?

  • Take a look this week at how you leave yourself out when you are helping others. Do you do this out of sacrifice or from true concern? When you do it from your true feelings inside, then it will be fulfilling. But if you are doing it because you expect others to do something in return for you, the energy may fall flat.
  • The sign that you may be helping others with the wrong motives is when you feel anger or resentment that they are not doing enough in return for you. Remember, sacrifice is a religious concept…not a spiritual one. We did not come here to suffer. If you share with others with a sense of pure joy and benevolence, then you will be on the right track. Do not expect, assume or demand of anyone else…not even yourself!

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: How many relationships do you have? How many of these people do you trust? One way to find out is if they back or undermine you when you are not around.

  • If you discover that the people you trust are gossiping with others about what you did or did not do for them, then they — the people you trust — have fallen into the trap mentioned above. They will expect, assume and demand of you. These are the three little words that create all of the divorces in our society today. When you love someone, do you want to back them or bring them down? Of course, you want to help them achieve their goals any way possible!
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Energy of the Day: Rest

Take the time today to relax and regroup your experiences from the previous week. This needs to be a day of rest or relaxation. Remember, you can still be in action and have that quiet repose inside.


Not taking time for yourself today is the biggest pitfall to not keeping your energy compact and directed. You will realize that you cannot move forward unless you know exactly where you are now.


Taking action in the following week depends on what you learned about yourself this week. The problem that most people have is that they do not respect themselves enough to stop and listen to their own inner guidance. Do not gloss over anything. Keep your energy relaxed and open to new ideas and situations.

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Energy of the Day: Resolve

In order to accomplish your purpose, you need to have resolve. The dictionary defines this as coming “to a definite or earnest decision about; determine (to do something): I have resolved that I shall live to the full.”


Making a decision is the key. If you know what you want but have not made a decision that you really want to accomplish it, then you are still back in the area of procrastination or complacency. This is where most of the people on planet Earth are.


Making a decision is not as difficult as it sounds. The reason we have difficulty with it is because we always seem to make our decisions based on what others want but not us. Think about what you want first, then coordinate with others on how to achieve it for yourself. If it is right for you, it will most likely be the right thing for everyone who loves you.

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Energy of the Day: Create

It will continue to be a dynamic week if you create what it is that you want. Yesterday, we urged you to further clarify your priorities. Now is the time to take the first step toward accomplishing everything you want to achieve.


Always thinking of others sounds great on the surface, but being an example is even better. Once you master an area within yourself, you can pass it on to others. Who wants to follow someone who is only a theory of their real selves? By living what you share with others, you are able to set a pace that will work for you and help others in the process.


By focusing on what makes you happy instead of trying to make others happy, you have already found the solution. Your enthusiasm and passion for life is what makes it all worthwhile. Keep a big picture and delegate the areas of your life that are not exciting or are a burden. Where there is a will there is a way.

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Energy of the Day: Abundance

Abundance is all around us. All we need to do is attract it. This is what some people call The Law of Attraction. Everyone does this every single day. The key to success in this area? Simply clarify what you want. Then, ask your inner guidance to help you create it. It is as simple as that.


Not knowing what you want is the biggest pitfall to achieving success in every area of your life. If you want more people in your life, simply communicate more. It is not rocket science. If you want more material abundance, focus on being more of service and creating opportunity for others to achieve their success as well.


By clarifying what you want so you can focus on what your priorities are, you will always accomplish what your heart desires. If you procrastinate or expect others to do it for you, then you are not living up to your true potential. The key is to not get bogged down in the details or routines of life and leave yourself out of the overall picture of what you want to do or create. Your spiritual helpers or angels will always back you to do what you came here to do.

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Energy of the Day is REPEAT

Repeat what works and do not repeat what does not. This is the tenant that we always want to strive for today. In other words, habits that are to your benefit are always good. But if you keep repeating what works against you in your life, you will be destined to never change the dynamics of success.


Take a look at what is not working in your life today. Even though this sounds like a solution, if you indulge in staying with the same habits, this will be the pitfall.


Understanding yourself is the key to everything. In the book Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts, Howard Wimer outlines the positive personality types of each spiritual gift and the unbalanced areas of each one.

  • For example, if you are a prophetic, you are very creative, but you will procrastinate when you get bored.
  • If you are clairvoyant, you can create what you see in your mind, but you may be a perfectionist.
  • If you are clairaudient, you will never give up until the project is done, but you could put pressure on yourself and take on too much responsibility.
  • Finally, if you are a healer, you will inspire others, but do not leave yourself out.
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Energy of the Day: Forthright

Being straightforward is the key today. Do not pull any punches; be honest with yourself and others. This understanding will help you overcome any challenges that may come your way. If you evade what is in front of you, you may not achieve 100 percent of what you want.


Evading an issue is the worst thing you can do today. Be honest with yourself and realize that there are always two sides to every story. If you do not look at things in a frank and direct way, you may end up glossing over an area that needs to be looked at.


If you look at everything from a factual standpoint, then you will be fine today. Remember, in order for everything to fall into place, you need to have the what, when, where and why; and not to worry because the who will follow. Do not put the who first because then you are only thinking of yourself. Do not confuse this with being loyal to yourself first. As a matter of fact, the me first, me second or me third point-of-view is not being true to you at all.

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Energy of the Day: Simple

As we told you in yesterday’s post, the energy flowing through planet Earth changes on a daily basis. Knowing about it helps you to identify pitfalls before they have a chance to throw you off course, as well as be clear about solutions. Notice we place an emphasis on pitfalls and solutions? That’s because in addition to including a general introduction to the each day’s Energy, all of our Energy of the Day blog posts will include information on Pitfalls and Solutions.

Pitfalls are best characterized as the pressures we feel and experience within our own environments; while solutions are just that… ways of thinking and being that help us avoid the pitfalls.

Read up on today’s Energy of the Day and let us know if you have any questions:

The Energy of the Day is SIMPLE

Everything in life is simple if you break it down into smaller pieces. The key is to realize we are living in three distinct energy patterns: Personal, Business, and Social.

When you mix those three areas together and get them confused, you are not being loyal to yourself first. You may decide to do business in the social or get your social mixed in with the business side of life.


Let yourself relax today because you may feel pressure to do things you may not want to do right away. This is the pitfall in the energy today. When you feel areas of your life are becoming too complicated, take a break and realize that everything is timing.


Come up with a solution for every aspect of your life. Any new facts or opportunities that come your way are an opportunity to learn more about yourself. When you react rather than respond to what is going on, you may be missing your timing on getting the most out of the situation at hand. Try it. It will work for you.

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