Weekly Energy of the Day for May 7-13, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Everything you possess serves you a 100 times more when you actually APPLY it. Put it out there in a more proactive mode and watch it produce ten-fold for you in just a few short days.

Monday, May 7, 2018: Satisfy
A need you are looking to satisfy will become so essential it will be impossible to ignore today. Take the time for it and know that you deserve to treat yourself right first no matter what else may be going on at the time. Once you are better off, you will be able to do whatever else it takes and be much more successful.

Having a tendency to be gullible because you know anything is possible vs. sticking with facts
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. just being an example for others to follow
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being flexible and understanding of others’ needs
Going into an emotional rage vs. giving others an opportunity to understand you better

Tuesday, May 8, 2018: Pin It Down!
Can you pin it down! and stop running around in circles? Put your foot down, turn your red power on and cut to the chase. All the details can wait a little, but the key points must be identified right here and right now as soon as possible. Do not waver until you do it and then and only then can you move on to anything else you want to do. It will be simply smashing!

Interrupting others with unrelated comments vs. staying on point and respecting others time
Wasting others time by being long winded vs. not over explaining the story again and again
Overpowering others who are weaker than you vs. not intimidating anyone you are with
Becoming a drama queen/king vs. settling down so you can get all of the facts as needed

Wednesday, May 9, 2018: Crucial
A big deal can come out of hardly anything at all sometimes. Maybe you missed a really small but crucial detail that escaped you once or twice. Paying close attention to everything always pays off well and today is one of those times when, if you manage to do it, it will bring tremendous results.

Tending to procrastinate vs. allowing yourself an opportunity to get excited all over again
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. organizing your time better
Undermining people or putting them down vs. respecting everyone where they are
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. having more compassion for others

Thursday, May 10, 2018: Summarize
If you need to gather up loose ends, you may need to summarize what is going on so you can move ahead with full clarity. Make a list so you do not have to account for everything in your own mind. Relax as you configure how to get it all done and tended to in an organized way.

Being nosy, meddling or mind other people’s business vs. minding your own business
Feeling hurt and blaming others for your troubles vs. taking full responsibility for yourself
Fighting fiercely out-of-control when you are backed against the wall vs. staying relaxed
Getting too chummy with people and sharing too much vs. putting a buffer around you

Friday, May 11, 2018: Happening
Something cool will be happening to you no matter where you are now and you will be able to partake from it as much as you really want. The best part is that it does give you a real chance to do something nice. Enjoy it!

Losing things, missing exits and forgetting vs. staying grounded and focused on the task
Tending to be a perfectionist vs. not getting bogged down in trying to make everything perfect
Bullying others by pushing decisions on them vs. respecting others opinions as your own
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. having a clear and quality environment

Saturday, May 12, 2018: Substance
Your whole true substance will be fully engaged today as you will have to make some vital decisions moving forward. Where you start will show how well you have your priorities in order and it will all count toward your immediate results. Acknowledge how well things work for you when you are dedicated and consistent in what you are pursuing.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. staying inspired with your highest priorities
Overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. managing your funds intelligently and wisely
Being a one-person operation because it is easier vs. allowing others opportunity to share
Being a care-taker rather than a care-giver vs. being benevolent rather than demanding

Sunday, May 13, 2018: Happy
If you are a lighthearted person, you are probably happy quite often. But today is a rare time when you will seriously experience the real height of an immeasurable joy beyond any usual expectations. You should almost free up some time so you can indulge in it more fully and not feel guilty you refreshed your whole spirit with some super pleasant satisfying and congenial moments you will never forget.

Trusting in the potential of others too much vs. not being so gullible when it comes to others
Being very traditional to the point of being dogmatic vs. being open to new ideas and direction
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. giving others a chance to be involved
Indulging in food as a way of avoiding emotions vs. taking the time to get the facts (wwww)

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Satisfy your desires when you pin in down! with a crucial personal touch to summarize what is happening and substantiate a real plan to achieve all of your goals.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Substantiate what is happening and summarize your crucial points when you pin it down! and satisfy completely your whole dream.

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The Energy of the Week for May 7-13, 2018: Apply

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Any skill you have, whether you worked hard to obtain it or just have it naturally, is there for you to apply to your life and not just sit on it. This whole week, look for the things that you are fully capable of doing, but for some reason have not been using as much as you would have liked. This will be a good direction for you to put some extra strength into producing something extraordinary coming out of a forgotten ability you must have for a very good purpose.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
If you have been neglecting something you are really good at, there is an opportunity to revive it and start using it all over again. As soon as you start to apply it once more, you will enjoy the new energy it gives you as you put more of your efforts toward it. Celebrate how important all of your abilities are and how much more they can count toward what you do for yourself – and others.

DON’T come up with great ideas but do not put them into action.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T need to look different in order to stand out in a crowd.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T become overprotective of projects and people.
DO take only the most deserving people under your wing.
DON’T have a tendency to live in the past by holding on to negative memories.
DO feel close to others and have many friends and acquaintances.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Be adamant so you apply any new learned mastery to your current line of work. If you do not see a straight connection right off, get creative to include it and discern how it belongs with what you do – no matter what. Everything you are capable of will uplift you and using it on the spot makes an immediate difference that will pay off well for you – all in good time. This is how to best invest in yourself and in your own work and not just do it mechanically like a robot. When you are immersed in what you love to do one hundred percent, you will absolutely get one hundred percent back as long as you follow your own magnificent ethics.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO realize when you see something can be improved, bring it out into the open and communicate.
DON’T have a difficult time opening up and sharing about your personal life.
DO like to set up a system of policies and procedures for others to follow.
DON’T feel sorry for yourself and complain when you don’t get attention.
DO have a light and warm heart and stay positive under trying circumstances.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
The people you encounter on a daily basis respond to  your charm more than anything else. This is why, if you are hiding it and are always putting up a stiff or serious face, it will not serve you as much as if you were genuinely warm, lovely and engaging. The real you cannot help but show up and if you work with it and apply your delight and inner beauty to every conversation you have, your soulfulness will win them over from hello – every single time. Bring that witty and clever side out and have lots of fun sharing it fully with everyone around you.

DON’T have a tendency to ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO realize the main fact you are always interested in is the “what” and your energy is soft.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO compare options to find the best solution, but be satisfied with the realistic results.
DON’T become too selfish (me-first, me-second and me-third)
DO be a good organizer of people, materials and programs.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO have a light and warm heart and stay positive under trying circumstances.

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The Energy of the Month for May is UPWARD

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life
This month, it really does not matter if you are feeling low or down because you can shoot upward in no time and go straight up fast to wherever you are headed. It is a matter of having the right attitude. Even if you do feel something seems to be working against you in a given moment, this is only temporary. It may seem as if everything is taking forever while you are in it, but it will come to pass all of this unpleasantness will be followed by a much better time.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Do not lose hope no matter what. What you are going through may simply be a test for your patience and perseverance. Usually, if you stick to what you are doing and believe in it, you will bring it to fruition eventually no matter what it takes to get there. Besides, if you really think about it, the only time the going gets really tough is if you are actually headed upward onto a steep hill, which also means you are making a huge headway with every step up. If you have chosen to conquer the obstacles, then you are mobilizing all your strength to be able to push through.  It may not be the easiest thing to do, but it is worth it and it will give you a lot of advantages when you do get where you are headed. Use your highest tenacity. The pay back that follows will amaze you.

DON’T be lazy, become a couch potato and watch TV a lot.
DO know when someone needs help.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO vividly remember all of the details that stand out to me.
DON’T set your boundaries too strongly.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO love others and respect their free will even if they do not agree with you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Put your business in gear to go upward and watch it take off of the ground and head up to the stars. Make sure to fuel it properly with the right ingredients, such as doing what you are passionate about, tapping into your total skill and talent and then being creative as if your life depended on it. Run the marathon as if it is your last lap and your winning position will produce above and beyond what you expect.

DON’T be a fence-sitter and have a hard time making decisions.
DO love your freedom and allow others to make their own choices.
DON’T be overly concerned with your appearance.
DO like cleaning and keeping things tidy.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO build a solid foundation for yourself so you can have stability and consistency.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of trinkets.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
An upward push with your social life will give you extra vibrancy and inspiration to win others over and share from the heart your most compelling truth about the deep meaning of life. People appreciate the genuine you baring your soul and outpouring your wisdom from your own experiences and speaking openly and with authority about what has really worked for you and what has not. This is the priceless way we learn from each other.

DON’T have a tendency to get on a glory trip and want to be a guru.
DO always look at the bigger picture rather than the smaller details.
DON’T be too picky in your choices and then become disappointed with what you have chosen.
DO love reading books but do not be disappointed when the movie based on the book comes out.
DON’T sacrifice quality by rushing to get the project out there too soon.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T want and demand to be the center of attention.
DO have a light and warm heart and stay positive under trying circumstances.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 30-May 6, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Your PHENOMENAL actions will lead to PHENOMENAL times and PHENOMENAL results this whole week!

Monday, April 30, 2018: Discern
It all begins with a clear ability to discern what is real important for you throughout the day. If you cannot do this, you will be spinning your wheels and not accomplishing much of anything all day long. Stop the madness, get to your senses and regroup for clarity first before you do anything else.

Having a tendency to make a lot of piles vs. keeping up a good filing system to be organized
Being late for appointments vs. knowing exactly how long it takes to get to your meeting
Pushing through projects without communicating first vs. planning, communicating and acting
Having a tendency to get into a hole by not being detached vs. discerning what is really you

Tuesday, May 1, 2018: Relax
It is important for you to relax a bit knowing you are underway to conquering your mission and are staying steady en route to its completion – without a doubt!

Interrupting others with unrelated comments vs. staying on point
Being very competitive to win at all costs vs. always doing the best you can do
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being more flexible to allow people in
Living in the past by holding on to negative memories vs. being present and factual

Wednesday, May 2, 2018: Exceptional
Some factors are going to work for you better than you would have expected and if you play your cards right, this might just put you over the moon in an exceptional way. You could never have configured this particular scenario all by yourself.

Making up things about yourself and others vs. not exaggerating and staying grounded
Wasting others time being long-winded vs. keeping the story to the key points
Being a control freak vs. being an example and a wayshower
Becoming a drama queen or king vs. staying centered and understanding where you are 

Thursday, May 3, 2018: Task
You will be right on task when you jump start your day in the right direction. This will take you so much closer to your overall destination. As a matter of fact, you will be able to smell it in the air.

Coming up with great ideas but not putting them into action vs. being focused 100%
Feeling dumb because you do not understand vs. listening and asking questions
Being overbearing and aggressive with others vs. changing your approach
Becoming dependent on others, especially loved ones vs. standing on your own two feet

Friday, May 4, 2018: Regroup
You may need to regroup more today just to make sure everything is working as it should. This will be helpful since you have been hitting the ball out of the ball park all week. There has already been a lot taking place and you must make sure you are still on the right track.

Being scattered in your thinking and living in the future vs. staying focused and organized
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. being a pure example of perfection
Being short-tempered and confronting others vs. accepting people for where they are
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged vs. looking at all sides of an issue first

Saturday, May 5, 2018: Purport
Come to think of it, there is hardly any reason to pretend you cannot live your truth. You can purport who you really are when you have worked so hard to get there. Wrap up the energy and ease up because you are coming up to the point where you can really enjoy the fruits of your labor and it will be a very nice experience.

A tendency to procrastinate vs. keeping your mind focused and excited about everything
Expecting, assuming and demanding of others vs. having 50-50 relationships
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. giving everyone an opportunity to express themselves
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball vs. making a plan and sticking with it

Sunday, May 6, 2018: Nevertheless
So much of your efforts may have left you wondering if there will ever be a good payback for them, but then comes a day like this and you are going to see just how it all fits together and plays out after all. Nevertheless, you will still be trying to have it all sink in after an unimaginably progressive week. Everyone who has helped you get here over the past few days will deserve some kudos for having the sensitivity to be there for you.

Losing your initiative when you get too comfortable vs. keeping yourself challenged
Being overly frugal to the point of being cheap vs. managing finances in an organized way
Bulling others by pushing decisions on them vs. listening to all sides and coordinating
Ignoring the facts (what, when, where and why) vs. having a clear blueprint of your direction

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Discern your priorities so you can relax after completing an exceptional task as you regroup how to purport what you are all about and nevertheless keep moving along with joy and vigor.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Nevertheless, as you purport who you really are inside, anything troubling you will cause you to want to regroup the task at hand with an exceptional effort so you can relax and discern the best way to act and move forward.

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The Energy of the Week for April 30-May 6, 2018: Phenomenal

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Put your best suit on and polish your shoes. You are going to town this week! The most phenomenal energy that has ever visited planet Earth is about to arrive in style everywhere. Those with genuine motives will be harvesting opportunities of a life time and reaping successes above and beyond what is imaginable as long as they are proactive to flow with the current events that require acting on them quickly.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Purify your intent and get a genuine return for being concerned, considerate, respectful, kind and loving in a situation that will require the real you to act in a most real way. Pay attention at everything that will be happening this whole week. There is never anything random, but sometimes the circumstances are even more put together to really work in your favor as long as you are truly acting in your own best interest. Do not miss out on something that is staring you right in the face. Does it get better than phenomenal?

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO be a good designer and match colors easily.
DON’T be a one-person operation because it’s easier to just do the work yourself.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T indulge in food, etc. as a way of avoiding your emotions.
DO be very considerate of others and care deeply for their well-being.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
All is right and good when everything falls in place exactly as you want. Your business will get a good jilt of energy to jump ahead in a jiffy as long as you are doing the right thing for it from morning to evening every single day. Stay focused and do not let up until you know for sure that what has to happen finally has. Get ready for a phenomenal celebration coming on the weekend, but do not jump ahead before it is all said and done first. You might get more excited than ever in the process and for a really good reason!

DON’T have a tendency to ramble on and on with a captive audience.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO like cleaning to keep things neat and tidy.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO have a keen sense of integrity and set fair boundaries.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO always share what you feel is the truth because you cannot tell a lie.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Be aware you have a really big picture web you have been diligently weaving and weaving over your lifetime. Now is the time to make even more connections and re-connect with everyone you have been thinking of so you can re-generate a phenomenal following for occasions now and in the future. Inspire them with your bubbly self which is so full of genuine joy, they will have positive expectations that the best times are right in front of you.

DON’T wear yourself too thin and become a workaholic.
DO ground yourself by eating or snacking regularly to keep your energy high.
DON’T judge others based on their appearance.
DO love reading books but do not be disappointed when the movie based on the book comes out.
DON’T have a difficult time opening up and sharing about your personal life.
DO clearly discern the difference between your own energy and what does not belong to you.
DON’T get easily excited and jump into projects without thinking about the consequences.
DO follow your true feelings and not your emotions (intellectual feelings like anger, guilt, frustration, etc.)

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 23-29, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

ENTHUSIASM is the ingredient that will bring you to the point of really enjoying yourself so you can make friends on the spot in both your business and social environment alike. Remember how much this means to you so you can use it more often to brighten up your life.

Monday, April 23, 2018: Create
What better thing is there to do than create your own best scenario and play it all out? Get inspired and come up with what you really want to happen so you can get it going starting it off on the right foot and then keeping it up.

Being a space cadet and living in la-la land vs. staying grounded and focused
Comparing yourself with others and feeling greater/lesser vs. just being yourself
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. letting others be involved as to their ability
Throwing temper tantrums when you don’t get your way vs. staying flexible

Tuesday, April 24, 2018: Design
Make a sketch of what you truly desire so you can design your own destiny today. Add the details you like and custom-craft the framework. Insert your signature and portray your skills all the way. It will be a piece of work to admire.

Tending to procrastinate vs. setting your priorities and sticking with them
Needing to look different in order to stand out in a crowd vs. blending in as needed
Becoming an alcoholic or drug user to suppress emotions vs. staying relaxed and focused
Giving people gifts so they will like you vs. just sharing from the heart and soul

Wednesday, April 25, 2018: Great!
Something great! is coming down the pipeline and will make your day. Putting all your efforts towards it will be fulfilling and very special. Take advantage of the moment unfolding in front of you and use everything you have to make it as incredible as you can. At the end of the day, you can rightfully sit back and marvel at how much you have managed to achieve in just a few productive hours. Kudos to you!

Tending to forget what you consider unimportant details vs. getting all the facts and details
Being late for appointments because everything takes longer vs. planning your day effectively
Being a control freak vs. allowing others the freedom to express themselves openly and freely
Ignoring the facts of what, when, where and why vs. taking all the facts into consideration

Thursday, April 26, 2018: Administrate
Rule your day and add an unexpected touch when you administrate the need to perform all tasks to the highest quality and best known standards you are aware of. This puts you on the top of your game and there is no other place you would rather be once you taste the sweetness of victory.

Coming up with great ideas but not putting them into action vs. making a commitment
Having too much pride and not wanting to look bad vs. keeping a good sense of humor
Sacrificing quality by rushing to get the project out too soon vs. taking the time to do it
Wanting old rules to apply in the present situation vs. updating your perspective

Friday, April 27, 2018: Powerful
Combine a unique occasion with a rare opportunity and you will get a powerful situation you will be witnessing today of which you will be very much a part of. Lean it your way by working hard to sway things where you would like them to go. Dedication attracts results like a magnet and creates a stronger pull for things to happen than any other attitude.

Getting bored easily and not finishing projects you start vs. getting it done enthusiastically
Judging others based on their appearance vs. allowing others the freedom to be themselves
Becoming overprotective of people and projects vs. letting others do their creative 50%
Feeling insecure and becoming dependent on others vs. sticking to your own standards

Saturday, April 28, 2018: Niche
Can you expand your niche? Take what you are naturally good at and add a little bit more by stretching it to the limit. By having a peace of mind, you are always able to go over what you think you are capable of and still manage the results. For the sake of stepping things up even more, you will need to feel courageous and take a chance to make it even better.

Having jealous feelings vs. letting others do what they need to do in their own timing
Feeling dumb because you can’t always get a picture vs. asking questions to get the facts
Getting overwhelmed easily vs. not accepting pressure
Getting impatient when your emotions take over vs. staying relaxed and steady

Sunday, April 29, 2018: Ability
Score big with your true ability to understand and relate to what someone who matters to you a lot is going through. Put yourself in their shoes so you can imagine what they are experiencing and act upon it from that renewed pool of information which gives you so much more of a rich point-of-view than ever before.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. staying excited and enthusiastic!
Cutting people off (out-of-sight, out-of-mind) vs. giving them the benefit of the doubt
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking care of your own needs first
Investing too much in relationships and losing your identity vs. staying loving, but detached

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Create a new design of a great! outcome as you administrate sincerely in a powerful way into your niche with the ability to thrive as you go.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Bring out your best ability in your niche for the most powerful way to administrate a super great! opportunity of a unique design you can create for yourself.

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The Energy of the Week for April 23-29, 2018: Enthusiasm

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

How much fun can you have in one week? You’re about to find out quickly starting from day one. This week, you are bound to have more enthusiasm than you can remember ever having before. Full of excitement, you will rock and roll just about everything there is to do. Smile and enjoy the process even if something may appear more difficult than it really is. You can figure it out, find a solution and make it work for the better!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
If only life could be like this all the time. Since you will feel the freedom to do what you really want to, your excitement will be through the roof and your energy will skyrocket so you can glide and hop over the stumbling blocks ahead of you – arriving in a great mood all the way to the finish line. One reason you will feel this well is by being able to figure out something important and clarify your plan of action as a result. Knowing exactly what to do and how to do it will feel light and bring enthusiasm you will appreciate all week long.

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO be very diplomatic and get along with just about anyone.
DON’T cram fifteen things in a ten thing space.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T be too heavily guarded and do not let anyone invade your space.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T clutter your space with a lot of small trinkets.
DO realize you are never alone because you are your own best friend and are always there for yourself.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
It all starts with you. Doing business with enthusiasm will be invigorating and fun for you with a lot of joy for all of those you reach and touch with your products or services. It has contagious energy that will spread like wildfire all across the workplace and create an environment everyone will want to be in. People are going to want to spend more time with you and hang a little longer around you all because it simply feels good. Get used to it. Making a habit out of this could be priceless.

DON’T get bored easily and not follow through or finish the projects that you start.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T get locked into a picture of the way things should be.
DO be at ease sharing things exactly as you experience and see them.
DON’T get discouraged when you are overwhelmed by the negative thoughts in your head.
DO have very few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T easily become a hypochondriac and be overly concerned about your personal health.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Being yourself while getting inspired will bring you so much enthusiasm nothing can extinguish it. Your social circle will always appreciate seeing you jiving as yourself and being full of life. They can participate in this happy vibe you are creating and feel enriched just by being by your side. To them, it always feels good knowing you and meeting with you, but most of all sharing their time with you. This may create some long lasting relationships you will cherish for a long time to come.

DON’T like to sip drinks and eat snacks obsessively.
DO see everything in life as an interesting opportunity.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO be very flexible to take suggestions since there are many ways of doing the same thing.
DON’T get overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you.
DO seize the outdoors and enjoy conquering nature.
DON’T get easily excited and jump into projects without thinking about the consequences.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 16-22, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

Move FORWARD in your life above and beyond all expectations by being proactive, using others’ help and staying on point no matter what. The payoff is closer than you think as you can almost taste it.

Monday, April 16, 2018: Sincere
A sincere connection with a like-minded person will make it all happen today for you. When things coincide like it is meant to, there is no power to work against the collective energy this creates. Experience the fullness of today and enjoy it to the fullest.

Having a tendency to be possessive vs. letting go and allowing others their own freedom
Judging others based on their appearance vs. taking a look at the whole person
Being a control freak vs. allowing others their own opinions and actions
Giving people gifts so they like you vs. just being yourself and sharing from the heart

Tuesday, April 17, 2018: Understanding
Guide your understanding through a thick layer of confusion with confidence and elegance all the way to a full completion of an important task at hand.

Being a fence-sitter and not making decisions vs. making up your mind based on true feelings
Wasting others time by being long-winded vs. getting to the point with all important details
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being more flexible with your time and energy
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. having 50-50 relationships

Wednesday, April 18, 2018: Persevere
Sometimes, if you are able to persevere through a brief tightness in the energy that feels uncomfortable, the next  moment can really bring so much resolve, it is all worth the temporary rattling and inconvenience. Today is highly likely to be one of those days when you are both pressed and then elevated right after. Let us hear about your brief storm and the beautiful rainbow that appears right after it.

Wearing yourself too thin being a workaholic vs. prioritizing your time and taking breaks
Hiding to avoid confrontation at all costs vs. not being afraid to express your opinions
Undermining people or cutting them down vs. setting your boundaries and being fair
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. staying in the big picture about everything

Thursday, April 19, 2018: Exacting
Anything that is an unclear occurrence will slow you down unnecessarily, but if you put your foot down on time, you can both pin down and click things right into place with an exacting touch. There is nothing like a good ending to every story.

Being lazy and watching TV a lot vs. staying focused and organized in your endeavors
Being a neat freak and imposing this on others vs. setting the standards to be an example
Becoming too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. being more generous
Jumping into projects without thinking vs. taking the time to plan ahead

Friday, April 20, 2018: Wellness
Make your overall wellness a top priority today. Give yourself extra rest and a pampering both physically and mentally. Every once in a while, you need to slow it down to take even better care of yourself than usual so you can get back to the best shape you can really be in to keep moving forward beautifully and in style.

Giving others too much credit vs. not being too gullible
Cramming fifteen things in a ten-thing space vs. planning out your timing and priorities better
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking care of your own needs first
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping a bigger picture of the project

Saturday, April 21, 2018: Consideration
Having consideration for yourself and others will be your winning ticket for today. If you have it, everything will work for you very nicely. If you do not, it might go downhill quicker than you care to experience. But the best news is you can diminish any loss just by taking up the matters at hand with true concern and decide to care about what is really going on in that moment.

Indulging in too much sleep to escape vs. keeping your life exciting and inspirational
When angry, becoming mean and calling people names vs. taking responsibility for yourself
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. letting others into your space
Becoming do-gooder vs. not making others more important than yourself

Sunday, April 22, 2018: Win
A solid win with a major achievement will brighten your entire week – much like the sun shining on your parade. Be a dear friend to those who helped you out and express your gratitude a few times over to show you appreciate how things are working out for you.

Becoming a mama or papa goose vs. not being too controlling and a know-it-all
Expecting, assuming and demanding vs. giving people the benefit of the doubt
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. being more flexible and open to others
Throwing temper tantrums when you do not get your way vs. taking time to regroup

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a sincere understanding, you can persevere and bring an exacting touch to your own wellness after giving much consideration to all of the factors that are helping you win.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Win others’ consideration and help, you can stick to your wellness plan in an exacting way to persevere through any hardship and bring understanding to being more sincere and move along in style.

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The Energy of the Week for April 16-22, 2018: Forward

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Bring out your positive attitude this week so you can enjoy your prosperity and move forward regardless of any not-so-good circumstances that may have been throwing a shadow over you recently.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Your time is quickly coming around and you are so close to it you may start feeling very exhilarated. You will feel it in the air when, all of a sudden, everything will become very calm and peaceful. You will start sensing the inner power and readiness you have inside to make the right move at the right time and engage as needed to make it all happen. Be clear and straightforward with yourself about what it would take and how you can work with the energy to manifest all of your ideas. Take the lead and cause everything else in your life to shift forward for the better – both for yourself and others.

DON’T come up with great ideas but not put them into action.
DO always look at the big picture rather than the smaller details.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO realize that once you have seen a face, you will never forget it.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO have a few trustworthy friends and many acquaintances.
DON’T throw temper tantrums when you do not get your way.
DO consider everyone important because we are all a part of the whole.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
One right move will hit the bulls eye every single time. It takes focus and lots of thoughtfulness, but instead of wasting energy, you can hit it straight out of the ball park with one forward shot – as long as you really know what and how to do it. Align with anyone who wants to work with you more closely so you can achieve great results with your collective energy and bring all of your work to the next level. Have a blast!

DON’T have jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO realize when you see something can be improved, you bring it out into the open and communicate.
DON’T get discouraged when you are overwhelmed by the negative thoughts in your head.
DO have a few trustworthy friends and a few acquaintances.
DON’T gossip about people when you feel wronged by them.
DO realize you are never alone because you are your own best friend and are always there for yourself.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
A much nicer atmosphere will bring more inspiration so make an effort to keep things light, easy and fun in your environment. Organize those around you to participate so you can let everyone be involved and feel good about it. Remember to always step forward and not backwards by keeping things moving along so you do not slow down or get stagnant. At the end of the day, remember to be thankful and motivate everyone to continue to help each other. All of you can lift up the weight a lot easier than you could do it alone or with fewer people helping you. This will make your social interactions with others count more in a whole new way in your life right now.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T think you are dumb sometimes because you can’t picture what others are saying.
DO love balance and harmony and achieve it by synchronizing the coordinating.
DON’T cut off your creativity be being too practical in your thinking.
DO receive inspiration as a running conversation of thoughts and ideas in your mind.
DON’T feel insecure and become dependent on others, especially your loved ones.
DO realize you can have an opinion of other’s opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 9-15, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

SIMPLIFY and live a better life for a change when you see what can happen overnight for you as you relax and tune into your own inner guidance. As soon as you get unburdened from the clutter, you will feel lighter as if a sun beam was pointing directly down to you from the sky. Feel the breeze and enjoy the moment all week long.

Monday, April 9, 2018: Purpose
Make yourself feel good on this first day of the week. Take good care so you do not add tiredness or fatigue into anything that may seem as if it is headed south for you. Remaining strong and holding your ground has huge advantages. Whatever works against you tends to give up when you do not. After all, how are you able to do justice to your own purpose if you are out of shape and out of grace with yourself?

Tending to procrastinate vs. keeping yourself inspired and focused on what you really want
Being late for appointments because it takes longer than you expect vs. judging your timing
Being a one-person operation because it is easier vs. realizing others need opportunity, too
Indulging in food, etc. as a way of avoiding your emotions vs. relaxing enough to get facts

Tuesday, April 10, 2018: Dynamic
Giving yourself time to be dynamic is a go today. Trusting your gut will make everything work – fast and to the point. Do not indulge in anything extraneous so there is nothing additional you have to deal with. Simplify and you can conquer the day.

Complaining a lot and getting involved in moral issues vs. staying with the big picture
Feeling hurt and blaming others in the process vs. taking total responsibility for yourself
Becoming overprotective of people and projects vs. having 50-50 relationships
Getting very impatient when your emotions take over vs. taking time to regroup

Wednesday, April 11, 2018: Crucial
It is crucial you stay in tune with your own timing. Do not miss the train. It will not come back like this ever again. Stay alert and vigilant so you are prepared 100 %. When you do not let anything skip by you, you will not skip on anything.

Rambling on and on with a captive audience vs. staying on point and respecting time
Comparing yourself with others feeling greater or lesser vs. relating soul-to-soul
Becoming too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. sharing with others equally
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged vs. taking personality out of it

Thursday, April 12, 2018: Recommend
Someone could recommend something to you that could be surprising. Let go of anything you feel is irritating you today. It is much wiser to savor your efforts and not go too low with your energy so you can take advantage of any opportunity given to you. Avoid any mud fights with anyone in your immediate environment. Visit the spa and get pampered instead.

Becoming very cynical and making fun of others vs. respecting everyone where they are
Avoiding confrontation at all costs vs. not being afraid to face up to reality
Being a control freak vs. allowing others the freedom to make their own decisions
Having trouble setting boundaries vs. not getting involved in other’s problems

Friday, April 13, 2018: Relax
Take the opportunity to relax so you have so much more vitality. You are better off gathering up all of your energy than running around aimlessly until you drop.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. staying inspired by focusing clearly
Tending to be a perfectionist vs. not wasting time by going overboard
Getting discouraged by negative thoughts in your head vs. relaxing and staying clear
Wanting and demanding to be the center of attention vs. realizing others have feelings, too 

Saturday, April 14, 2018: Perpetuate
Do not be surprised when you find out you can perpetuate a good deed and it turns out it affects many more situations than you can count on one hand.

Being a space cadet and ending up in la-la land vs. staying grounded by eating regularly
Having a tendency to get angry and call people names vs. being civil with everyone
Bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. allowing others the freedom of choice
Feeling insecure and becoming dependent on others vs. doing what is right for you first

Sunday, April 15, 2018: Practice
Practice makes permanent and today it will be working for you twice as fast. So enjoy doing what you want to get better at and, by the end of the day, others will notice it works!

Having more projects going on than you can handle vs. setting your priorities
Tending to overdo in order to prove yourself vs. taking time for yourself first
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking breaks when needed
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball vs. finishing the plan you started 100%

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a pure purpose for dynamic outcomes, you can make crucial  decisions on the spot and recommend the best way to relax as you perpetuate all of your good deeds in practice.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Practice to perpetuate your work so you can relax and recommend a more crucial and dynamic purpose for every key situation.

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