The Energy of the Week for April 9-15, 2018: Simplify

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Sometimes, life gets so overcomplicated that you almost cannot go on until and unless you simplify things for yourself first. This week, it will become impossible to just sweep everything that bothers you under the rug and go on the way you used to. The energy will demand a deeper cleansing from heavier concepts that have been hanging around for way too long.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Start with a simple answer to what bothers you the most and go with the first quick idea that comes to you. Tell yourself honestly why it really matters that much until you pin down exactly what makes it into such a big deal for you. Nothing is as big a deal any longer once you manage to break it down into smaller pieces. Stop disliking what is going on and kindly love yourself so you can find out what you are wanting to clarify. If nothing else works right on the spot – music has got your answer. Someone, sometime, somewhere wrote a song and sang about something that has to do with what you are going through. Listen to it and let is ease your pain so you can feel refreshed from the inside out and can breathe freely. Simplify, so you can have an easier time.

DON’T tend to forget what you consider to be unimportant details or trivia.
DO take time for yourself and take a break when you feel the need.
DON’T waste others time being long-winded and over explain by telling the whole story.
DO be very flexible to take suggestions since there are many ways of doing the same thing.
DON’T get overwhelmed easily when others put pressure on you.
DO not compromise your own inner standards to avoid falling under pressure.
DON’T have a tendency to become a drama queen (or king).
DO always trust what you feel first and get a thought for every feeling to make clear decisions.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Make your whole business experience about one and one thing only – having a good time. Everyone is attracted like a magnet to anyone who is enjoying what they do to the fullest. Turn on the music in your head, smile and do a fantastic job so we can all enjoy what you do. You will cherish this one way to simplify everything and boil it all down to doing something rather incredible.

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO love your freedom and allow others to make their own choices.
DON’T have a lot of pride and hide your emotional side with a fake persona.
DO compare options to find the best solution, but be satisfied with realistic results.
DON’T have a tendency to undermine people or turn them down.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T easily become a hypochondriac and be overly concerned about your personal health.
DO be very compassionate but do not cater to others.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Make time to give special attention to those you have been ignoring lately. As a human, you will relate on a higher level if you just experience this unique connection. We all live, breathe and think but sometimes lose our way. But we usually find it again and get back on track right away. Nothing is too foreign or strange when you put it all into perspective. So forget about your troubles and take the time to lighten up someone else’s day, so yours will feel better and everything will be on the mend when you learn to simplify as you go.

DON’T like to sip drinks and eat snacks obsessively.
DO be a natural comedian and like to entertain others.
DON’T have too much pride and not want to look bad.
DO realize there are no mistakes in life, just steppingstones and opportunities to learn.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO have a keen sense of integrity and set fair boundaries.
DON’T want devotion and others to beg you to do something or kiss your ring.
DO give freely out of benevolence without expecting anything in return.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 2-8, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

EXPONENTIAL great results and outcomes well above and beyond what you would normally expect will be happening all week long. Savor the flavor of these amazing times of making things work really well for you and deeply appreciate your life has moments like these.

Monday, April 2, 2018: Thrive
Starting on a high note, you will thrive with energy all day long. Be reasonable about how to keep things practical and make them work for you so you do not overload your system with unnecessary complications.

Losing things and missing exits vs. staying grounded and mature in every situation
Being too picky in your choices vs. staying flexible in your decisions with first loyalty
Cutting off creativity by being too practical vs. keeping an open mind
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged by them vs. listening to all sides

Tuesday, April 3, 2018: Elementary
Going down to an elementary level and reaffirming the high importance of everything essential in your life is major today. Consider it a kind of a restart where you are just reminded of the key things that make the most sense and you cannot do without.

Being a space cadet and ending up in la-la land vs. staying focused and directed all the time
Covering up and pretending everything is ok with a smiley face vs. getting rid of pride
Being too heavily guarded vs. allowing others into your space
Feeling sorry for yourself and complaining vs. not playing the victim anymore

Wednesday, April 4, 2018: Fortitude
Make your fortitude work really hard for you today. Do not give up in the face of anything. You can persevere if you key into the powerful reason you hold inside for where you are headed and how determined you are to get there.

Making up things about yourself and others vs. not exaggerating and believing it yourself
Needing to look different in order to stand out vs. blending in appropriately
Fighting back fiercely out-of-control when backed against a wall vs. getting the facts first
Making old rules apply in the present situation vs. putting everything into perspective

Thursday, April 5, 2018: Desire
Dare to desire full-heartedly. You are in your element when you are pursuing your dreams and unstoppable when flying high in your own mighty inspiration. None of the rest counts as much as this and you do not need to prove yourself worthy of it. Just do it for you, because you deserve to write your own destiny!

Tending to procrastinate vs. always making everything exciting and new
Feeling hurt and blaming others for your troubles vs. taking total responsibility for yourself
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. giving them the benefit of the doubt
Feeling insecure and becoming dependent on others vs. standing on your own two feet

Friday, April 6, 2018: Increase
Care to increase your results? Then think outside of the box. From this point-of-view, everything standard and typical is inside the box while everything extraordinary and creative is on the outside. It may feel different or unsettling at first, but is well worth the shot. Leap for the sky and you can get even higher up.

Tending to forget what you consider to be unimportant details vs. focus on what’s important
Being very competitive and wanting to win at all costs vs. always doing your very best
Sacrificing quality by getting the project out too soon vs. preparing ahead with a great plan
Playing dumb in order to make others feel bad vs. staying on top of your game and honest

Saturday, April 7, 2018: Regroup  
Counting your blessings and accounting for what works best is super important as you regroup yourself today. All of this will give you a solid sense you have so much going on for you and can make it only better if you hit it head on stronger than ever.

Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. having a healthy and consistent diet
Being afraid of making decision for fear of being wrong vs. getting off the fence
Being a control freak vs. allowing others the opportunity to be involved and contribute
Throwing temper tantrums when you don’t get your way vs. being patient and composed

Sunday, April 8, 2018: Plan
Sticking to the plan that is the plan will make it all work in the big picture. While some isolated interim moment could look not so good, if you sum it all up and look at it as a whole, you will discover it is actually going fairly well to say the least. Do not lose sight of the big frame that contains it all.

Having jealous feelings vs. realizing everyone has the same opportunity as you with success
Judging others based on their appearance vs. looking within to see the real them
Over thinking to the point of not expressing true feelings vs. going with your first impression
Feeling left out when people don’t listen to you vs. being a proactive communicator

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Thrive beyond the elementary with fortitude and desire to increase your success as you regroup precisely your own plan of action.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Make a plan to regroup and increase with desire your fortitude surpassing the elementary so you are able to thrive to no end in your highest of inspiration.

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The Energy of the Week for April 2-8, 2018: Exponential

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Starting the second quarter of the year in an amazing and awesome way may bring you some new propositions of great proportions that will take you farther down the road than you normally hoped you could get to. To play your cards to your advantage, you need not question the divine reason for those things to readily appear in front of you, but rather jump into action to secure in place the winning hand which has been dealt to you and secure exponential success.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Do not wander around for too long if there is something that requires you to act on it.  Swiftness and promptness with clarity are your winning ticket for success. If you blink  your eyes, your chance may disappear. Take it seriously from the start and do what you have to instead of dragging it around in any way. You can secure recurring and exponential high results if you put in place in some way a system that works well for you over and over again. You may need to upgrade your standards to create something more permanent and solid you can benefit from for a long time to come.

DON’T come up with great ideas but not put them into action.
DO take a special interest in learning about other cultures and people around the world.
DON’T hide or be shy to avoid confrontation at all costs.
DO be a strong optimist because you can always visualize a successful outcome.
DON’T be insensitive and not care about other people’s feelings.
DO understand how to keep your personal, business and social life separate.
DON’T want devotion or want others to beg you do something or kiss your ring.
DO have your own blueprint and follow your own direction in life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Being sharp and punctual at work will pay off big time for you. You need to stay on top of your ongoing projects and keep close tabs on all developments. This week can create some trends that have a long lasting effect and their longevity and exponential payback will be worth-while if you secured them with your greater efforts at the time.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO easily see the potential in yourself and others, but do not interfere with their free will.
DON’T expect, assume or demand from yourself or others.
DO have a photographic mind and easily memorize and reproduce what you have seen.
DON’T sometimes bully others by pushing your decisions on them.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T get very impatient when your emotions take over.
DO consider everyone is important because we are all a part of the whole.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
One of your real friendships will have an opportunity to show how good your relationship really is. Whether you will stand for them or they will stand for you, it will be equally rewarding in an exponential way to find yourself in their company and surrounded by energy that truly matters and minds what is really going on with you. Take the moment in and appreciate how important people always are at the end of any day.

DON’T have a tendency to doubt yourself and your hunches.
DO always trust yourself and your hunches.
DON’T cram fifteen things in a ten-thing space.
DO realize there are no mistakes in life, just steppingstones and opportunities to learn.
DON’T tend to overpower others you feel are weaker than you.
DO be factual, to-the-point and concise in your communications.
DON’T invest too much in relationships and end up losing your own identity.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

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The Energy of the Month for April is AMAZING

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple
, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Say to yourself: I am amazing and my life is amazing! when you start your first day of this month. This will set the tone for good fortune and all kinds of great experiences to happen to you in this spectacular month of April. The wave of energy coming your way will bring so many good things, there will be virtually no down time for not feeling incredible. All you have to do is participate. The only thing that will not work for you is being passive. Everything else will bring awesome results you will be extremely pleased with.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Lo and behold, the beginning of this month may require you to make a significant decision, which you may need to act on quickly and take seriously. But this will elevate your energy so high, you will be walking on air and bouncing off the walls in a really good way. You can accomplish anything if you have the desire and chops for it and then some. Foresee only the best scenario for yourself and then go for more. The sky will not be the limit, just the beginning. The amazing part is that you do go with your best bet. Then you will trigger the best possibilities and reap the best results. Try it confidently and let us know how well it works for you!

DON’T be very cynical and make fun of others.
DO easily see the potential in yourself and others but do not interfere with their free will.
DON’T be locked in to a picture of the way things should be.
DO look at a person and instantly tell what mood they are in.
DON’T become too selfish (me-first, me-second and me-third).
DO take total responsibility for your own life and be in full control.
DON’T want and demand to be the center of attention.
DO feel vibrations from people and objects when you touch them.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Work will not feel like work in the month of April. It could feel like pure magic that uplifts, emboldens and grows you wings to fly with. Tell yourself what you do will represent an outlet to really share from your inspired self and make a huge difference for others. Consider the big change you can bring in the lives of all those you reach and touch by giving them something they need in a nice and refreshing way that really feels good to them and you. It does not take a lot, because even if you do a little the right way, it will produce a high satisfaction on the spot that will bring multi-fold results everyone will appreciate.

DON’T be gullible because you know anything is possible.
DO have fun and appreciate life on matter what.
DON’T expect, assume and demand from yourself and others.
DO have great analytical skills, a keen sense of organization and love to color code.
DON’T tend to push yourself and go too long without eating.
DO be a good judge of people and can easily size them up.
DON’T feel left out or ignored when people don’t listen to you.
DO instantly feel the energy of those around you and if they need a healing.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
During April, if you help someone else it will help you twice more. Being caring and considerate will be enormous and quite the amazing thing to do to let your energy take someone else farther when they need it the most. This will reward you many times over in return. Think about this reciprocity backed by the energy when you make up your mind about what you should do in the interesting situations at hand that will come about as a result.

DON’T lose things, miss exits and forget where your car is parked.
DO know anything is possible as long as you are clear about what you want.
DON’T cram fifteen things in a ten things space.
DO love reading books but not be disappointed when the movie based on it comes out.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO be persistent and once you make up your mind, do not quit.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from people around you.
DO feel close to others and have many friends and acquaintances.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 26-April 1, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

SUCCESS will be an inspiring word and very applicable these next few days in all areas of your life. Feeling good and strong about yourself and what you are doing will show up in many of your accomplishments as you go through the week. Avoid temptations to go out on a limb and stay focused on what is really more important to you, so everything you touch will manifest as much as you want it to.

Monday, March 26, 2018: Purple
A purple day today has nothing to do with the color hews in the early morning sky at dawn. Rather, it will be about the energy of having a great and fun time with creative and new beginnings leading up to seeing the bigger picture and having awesome perspectives you cannot help but enjoy through and through. All of this will help you simply know how much inspiration is right by your side all day long. Hurry up and make lots of hay while the sun shines on you!

Having too many projects going on vs. being able to prioritize everything with the best timing
Making everything into a big deal vs. having a better perspective on what is really happening
Being too heavily guarded vs. opening up and sharing from your true feelings
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping a bigger picture overall

Tuesday, March 27, 2018: Revere
After today, you will be certain to revere the opportunity of having a really good time and nothing less will keep your spirits high and excited. You need this kind of loosening up and enjoyment so all of your discernment and decision making will be easy and light. Feeling better has great benefits for your entire environment and will uplift them all to join you on a high note to finish an incredibly big success day.

Having jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it vs. being benevolent
Feeling dumb because you can’t understand what others are saying vs. asking questions
Being short-tempered and confronting others vs. taking the time to get the facts (wwww)
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball vs. making a commitment from the beginning

Wednesday, March 28, 2018: Togetherness
Straightforward togetherness with your closest team will keep your action tight and steady to achieve all you want today. Do not do it alone. This is about connecting closely and personally to completing a larger task or push through a looming deadline. Doing your part will not finish it on its own, so inspire and entice the rest of whoever needs to be on board to help you out. With the energy prepping them, today they might just be more willing than ever to be one with you and hit it out of the ballpark. You cannot ask for more than this huge success.

Fragmenting others with unrelated comments vs. staying focused in your communications
Judging others based on their appearance vs. looking in more depth to get the right perspective
Cutting off creativity by being too practical vs. allowing your inspiration to fulfill itself
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged vs. getting all different points-of-view

Thursday, March 29, 2018: Seeing Is Believing
Rarely will you get to see the future revealed like you will today much like being reflected in a huge crystal ball. Either your intuition will be giving you clear visions of what is coming up for you or you will be comprising on an idea based on everything you have been experiencing so far. Nevertheless, you will be fairly sure how most things will be coming about for you and it will be exhilarating to say the least. Seeing is believing and you will not question any of it at all since you will feel so right about it. Everything will just fit like a glove. You will wish today would last forever!

Being a fence-sitter and not making decisions vs. just deciding what to do
Tending to be a perfectionist vs. not getting bogged down in trying to make everything perfect
Getting overwhelmed by negative thoughts in your head vs. staying positive and direct
Getting very impatient when your emotions take over vs. taking time for yourself first

Friday, March 30, 2018: Unanimous
When something is really crystal clear, you will have a unanimous feeling inside between your body, mind and spirit. All of these components will be on the same page about how it all comes together. This is totally opposite to being split between them in any way and it is really good for you to keep it all together and not have any quams about something not working for you as you have wished. Celebrate this inner and outer success intertwining so greatly for you that you come to terms with what your life is really all about all over again.

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. keeping life interesting and fun
Getting locked into a picture of the way things should be vs. being more flexible and open
Getting impatient with less organized minds vs. seeing the good in everyone
Wanting old rules to apply in the present situation vs. realizing how much things can change

Saturday, March 31, 2018: Forthright
Being forthright will brighten your whole day and reaffirm that you are on the right track to your own success once and for all. Take everything in with open arms and appreciate it because you do not want to take anything for granted. You work long and hard to create the results you are enjoying and you deserve it all. Cherish these precious moments when it all comes together and know you can continue strong as long as you remain consistent and vigilant to what matters to you the most.

Sipping drinks and eating snacks obsessively vs. having a good and healthy regimen
Having a lot of pride and hiding an emotional persona vs. not comparing yourself with others
Compromising your own standards when under pressure vs. deciding what is right for you first
Feeling sorry for yourself when you don’t get attention vs. allowing others the freedom to be 

Sunday, April 1, 2018: Celebrate
This will be a spectacular day to celebrate something great. It could be a special occasion or just having a super nice day that stays with you for a long time to come. The energy will be pampering you so much, you might feel twenty inches taller than usual as if you are in a romantic movie that plays out your personal success story as an example to inspire others. Today will be your day even more than you ever wanted.

Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. trusting what you get from your inner guidance
Feeling hurt and blaming others for your troubles vs. taking responsibility for your actions
Being a control freak vs. allowing others to have their own self-expression and creativity
Living in the past holding on to negative memories vs. learning from them and moving on

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With some purple fun, revere the togetherness that brought you to understanding how seeing is believing especially when you experience the unanimous way life can be forthright as you celebrate your own complete success.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Celebrate how being forthright can be unanimous when everyone realizes seeing is believing which creates a togetherness that will help you revere all the good things manifesting for you like a color sense of purple prophetic dream coming true.

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The Energy of the Week for March 26-April 1, 2018: Success

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

Define your own success really well, because this whole week you can have it as big, bold and glorious as your heart desires. You can move ahead with strong steps at your own pace and by following your own direction. You prosper the most when you feel good and elevated about what you do, so only you know best what that is and how to get there.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Bring out all you have got – right here right now. Pull out from within your strongest and brightest assets and qualities and implement the most inspired actions you can put forth this whole week. Finish March on a strong note and make some unraveled ends meet again so everything is complete and whole. Focus on what would bring that desired success just the way you want it so you can put all of your efforts into making it happen. Do everything you can so you do not regret any partial attempts at what you know is your sure bet. Acknowledge your results as you go, so you take away on the spot what works the best and how you can apply it more in the future.

DON’T have a tendency to be possessive.
DO like to work in compact units so you can keep everything in order
DON’T be overly concerned with your appearance.
DO have tremendous empathy and picture being in other people’s shoes.
DON’T push your way through projects and situations without communicating first
DO give people an opportunity or a second chance until they prove me wrong.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from people around you.
DO feel close to others and have many friends and acquaintances.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Making your work a continuous success can happen with a combination of two simple things. One is to show up on time and cover the ground you are supposed to and second will be to use extra thoughtfulness adding more flair like throwing a little bit of golden dust on top of it all. All of this will make things extra special and put you over the benchmark you are looking to achieve. In short, keeping things simple but effective will yield a whole lot more than you ever thought possible and bring more excitement, which is always great in any work environment.

DON’T become lazy, a couch potato and watch TV too much.
DO have prophetic dreams that come true.
DON’T think you are dumb sometimes because you cannot picture what others are saying.
DO see the big picture with all the steps in between.
DON’T tend to overpower others who you feel are weaker than you.
DO be very independent and prefer to work for yourself.
DON’T get bogged down in unimportant details.
DO realize you can have an opinion of other’s opinions so you do not feel bad about yourself.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
By making more happen for yourself, it will also happen for everyone else around you. If you are yearning for more fun and entertainment or just a relaxing R&R, perhaps you should come up with some leisure routines that will help you unwind a bit more and get you relaxed while, at the same time, motivated to move on even more refreshed than usual. Share this with those you encounter and you will be surprised how much more good this will do for all of them as well. Sounds like a small scale success that will be cheered on by all the people you touch.

DON’T come up with great ideas but do not put them into action.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO be a strong optimist because you can always visualize a successful outcome.
DON’T have a tendency to undermine people or put them down.
DO easily help people with the simple facts (what, when, where and why) and their options.
DON’T indulge in food, etc. as a way of avoiding your emotions.
DO feel close to others and have many friends and acquaintances.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 19-25, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

COORDINATE having a better life for yourself over the next few days. Stay on the up and up and soar on top of the waves like a skilled surfer. Even if you keep going up by a little bit at a time, as long as you do not fall back, you will be amazed at just how far you can really go!

Monday, March 19, 2018: Pass
Take a pass on anything negative today and you will find yourself on the positive side of life all day long. It will be like a heavenly paradise and you could decide this is exactly how you want it from now on every single day.

Complaining a lot and getting involved in moral issues vs. staying detached in the big picture
Hiding your emotional side with a fake persona vs. sticking with the truth and facing reality
Becoming too selfish (me-first, me-second, me-third) vs. looking out for other’s welfare
Wanting devotion and others to beg you vs. having 50-50 relationships with everyone   

Tuesday, March 20, 2018: Lift
Lift the burdens off and you will be left light as a feather. Do not take anything upon yourself that weighs you down in any way whatsoever. Think about easy solutions and making things practical for yourself so you can overcome any situation victoriously and enjoy yourself for the rest of the day.

Having a tendency to get on a glory trip vs. realizing everyone has their own wisdom inside
Needing to look different in order to stand out vs. being your unique self and loving it
Building fortresses and empires to feel important vs. being successful for you first
Getting impatient when your emotions take over vs. making yourself more important

Wednesday, March 21, 2018: Design
If you could design an extraordinary experience, one that stays with you long after it is gone, what would it be? Well, take the time to be very creative because the energy is promising today that anything you can contemplate, you can demonstrate.

Being gullible knowing anything is possible vs. becoming more discerning with the facts first
Being very traditional or even dogmatic vs. remaining flexible and open minded
Compromising on your own standards when under pressure vs. lightening up when needed
Cluttering your space with a lot of small trinkets vs. buying quality for the environment 

Thursday, March 22, 2018: Amazing
A rare and amazing time will be breathtaking for you when you lift yourself up with a brand new inspiration. You will be getting all of this first thing in the morning. Just follow it and do not put it off so you can open the special energy it is creating for you.

Being a know-it-all and giving advice vs. giving suggestions and being flexible
Expecting, assuming and demanding of yourself and others vs. being reasonable and rational
Bullying others by pushing your decisions on them vs. allowing others to have their own ideas
Giving people gifts so they will like you vs. just being you and sharing from your feelings

Friday, March 23, 2018: Revolutionary
A revolutionary ending to a very memorable week will be like a topping on an ice cream cone, sweet and energizing. Let us know exactly how very different today will be than the usual so we can unite in your joy of what is happening for you. The best part is, you will never go back anymore once you can see the horizon all over again and everything it contains from this new vantage point in life.

Doubting yourself and your hunches vs. trusting your inner knowing 100%
Being too picky and then disappointed with the choice made vs. sticking to what you decided
Getting overwhelmed easily when pressured vs. standing back and discerning where you are
Indulging in food, etc. as a way of avoiding emotions vs. allowing yourself space just to feel 

Saturday, March 24, 2018: Comprehensive
Today will have you inspired to do a thorough and comprehensive examination of your whole situation and aspiration about where to go from here. It will be eye opening to establish some key factors that are playing a perhaps more important role than you realize.

Trusting in the potential of others too much vs. being realistic in your relationships
Cutting people you do not like off (out-of-sight/out-of-mind) vs. giving them another chance
Pushing yourself and going too long without eating vs. taking care of your own needs first
Getting overwhelmed and dropping the ball vs. setting a goal and finishing it to the end 

Sunday, March 25, 2018: Leverage
All of your experiences this whole week will have you thinking ahead so you will be able to leverage this newly gathered wisdom to serve you in the best possible way and help you accomplish exactly what you have set out to do for yourself first.

Having jealous feelings that if you cannot have it, you will destroy it vs. relying on yourself
Too competitive needing to win to be the best at all costs vs. being satisfied doing your best
Cutting off creativity by thinking too practically vs. being flexible and open to new ideas
Feeling ignored when people don’t listen to you vs. speaking up and pinning them down

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Get a pass to lift yourself up with a new design of an amazing and revolutionary way of comprehensive leverage you gain out of your becoming the best you can be for yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Leverage yourself in a comprehensive revolutionary way as you build an amazing design to lift up everyone and pass on more inspiration than at any time before.

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The Energy of the Week for March 19-25, 2018: Coordinate

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

You have a lot going on for you and so much to offer. There is one certain way you can make it even better – if you coordinate really well all your efforts so they are working in unison even bigger and stronger than ever before – for you first.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You have ups, but your downs set you back every time you leave room for them. This week is challenging you to be on the up and up at all times and find out how much more unstoppable you really are when you do not drag yourself back to the floor once you stand up tall and free. This is a very important time for you to discern because sometimes you might not even understand what is holding you back. But, if you are aware of it, you could think twice before you fall into some lowly habit and send yourself backwards instead of moving forward. The distinction is whether you respond or react to the situations you encounter. In the first case, you engage out of your true calm inside and use your sensitivity. In the second, you are off base and are sparring out of your intellectual patterns of behaviors, which omit your real feelings as you fall into some learned concepts such as anger, resentment, etc. which never belong to you to begin with. You have usually picked this up from your environment during your first seven years of life and carry it on so they limit your otherwise overall sense of wholeness. Make sure to be relaxed and balanced and not rattled or on edge when you act on whatever life throws your way. Then, you can always stay in the zone and work out of all your unlimited strength within your inner core, such as your talent, skill and wisdom. Coordinate with yourself to respond in the best possible way to anything going on around you.

DON’T be a fence-sitter and have a hard time making decisions.
DO ground yourself by eating or snacking regularly to keep your energy high.
DON’T be a neat freak and impose this on others.
DO love balance and harmony and achieve it by synchronizing and coordinating.
DON’T be short-tempered and confront others in the process.
DO choose quality over quantity when it comes to your possessions.
DON’T feel sorry for others and want to sympathize or want to save them from their troubles.
DO be open and giving in every aspect of your life.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Advance faster while still going at your own pace when you coordinate what you do with the demand from your customers and your fellow associates. If you can make these two parallel, you can then fulfill much better what others are looking for. This will bring great results for everyone. Regroup closely on this first so you can take it into consideration when you perform your duties this whole week.

DON’T be a space cadet and end up in la-la land.
DO just know when someone needs help.
DON’T dwell on past negative experiences and not release them.
DO love reading books but do not be disappointed with the movie that is based on it.
DON’T ignore people if they bother you.
DO take total responsibility for your own life and be in full control.
DON’T feel insecure and become dependent on others, especially your loved ones.
DO be solid and feel good about yourself when you don’t take opinions of others personally.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Are you prepared to feel more waves and ripples in your social life than ever before? This is in the forecast. Can you handle it? Even if you don’t think of yourself as being particularly popular, you will be this week. Old friends and new acquaintances will be coming to find you over the next few days. So get comfortable, coordinate and be prepared as you may spend more time on the road meeting and interacting than staying at home.

DON’T be a mama or papa goose and tell other people how to live their lives.
DO have fun and appreciate life no matter what.
DON’T cover up and pretend everything is alright with a smiley face.
DO realize you never forget a face once you have seen it.
DON’T be a control freak.
DO understand how to keep your personal, business and social separate.
DON’T ignore the facts of what, when, where and why and do not make the who more important.
DO give freely out of benevolence without expecting anything in return.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 12-18, 2018

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

Daily Challenges Vs. Solutions

INSPIRE a new solution by adding yourself permanently in your agenda and always taking care of your needs so you can feel great and bring out the best in yourself.




Monday, March 12, 2018: Leap
In order to leap forward, you have to get ready and be set first. So, today take some time to think about it and decide what will have you springing on your toes when you feel you are prepared for it. Then, of course, do it and do not lag on your inspiration.

Being very cynical and making fun of others vs. being more sincere in your relationships
Taking a tragic view of life and making everything a big deal vs. looking for solid solutions
Thinking there is only one way to do things – your way vs. respecting other’s time and energy
Taking things personally and avoiding criticism at all costs vs. staying detached and loving

Tuesday, March 13, 2018: Concentrate
Your skill can sharpen itself a few times over when you concentrate better at the task at hand. You cannot be spacey and still make it work today. You need razor sharp focus topped off with determination to pass the test and get a great score. Get ready, here it comes!

Getting bored easily and not following through vs. keeping a perspective and being inspired
Comparing yourself with others and feeling greater or lesser than vs. just being you
Setting your boundaries too strongly vs. relaxing and being flexible
Being a care-taker rather than a care-giver vs. being of service rather than being a servant

Wednesday, March 14, 2018: Understanding
A solid understanding of the finer elements with what you are experiencing will put you in full control of all developments and not miss a beat of the action. Put it all on the table so you can look at it as close and long as necessary. If you know exactly what you are going through, you will find a way to handle it and come out victorious once again in glory and with a lot of joy!

Coming up with great ideas but not putting them into action vs. making a plan and going for it
Hiding or being shy to avoid confrontation vs. not being afraid to come out front
Ignoring people if they bother you vs. allowing others to be in your space
Indulging in food, etc. as a way of avoiding emotions vs. releasing old acquired concepts

Thursday, March 15, 2018: Satisfy
Satisfy the requirements of the pending matter and you will have it made. Sometimes playing the game is the way to go so you can get where you are headed. If you wish to improve the process, you can still make attempts later to influence it for the future. You just need to keep moving on so you do not get stopped dead in your tracks.

Wearing yourself too thin and becoming a workaholic vs. taking breaks when needed
Having a lot of pride and hiding with a fake persona vs. honoring yourself as you are
Undermining people or putting them down vs. looking at the best in everyone
Throwing temper tantrums when you don’t get your way vs. just being honest with yourself

Friday, March 16, 2018: Condition
To better your condition, you will need to have a high regard for your own personal needs and pay more attention to your food, health, love, shelter and self-expression – not just from time to time – all the time! Write a short list of what you need and come up with some better solutions on how to get it. Do not leave anything behind because it may come to haunt you later on if you don’t. Just be honest with yourself on how you can be much better off.

Being a mama or papa goose vs. allowing others the freedom to be who they truly are
Being afraid of making decisions for fear of being wrong vs. just going for it!
Being overwhelmed with negative thoughts vs. staying focused and directed
Gossiping about people when you feel wronged by them vs. communicating openly

Saturday, March 17, 2018: Alleviate
Alleviate not feeling good because it is not productive in any way and does not accomplish anything. It only gives you grief in the process. Cheer yourself up instead with some happy tunes and positive perspectives awaiting for you to get there.

Becoming lazy and watching TV a lot vs. having a clear agenda and organizing your time
Feeling dumb because you cannot picture what others are saying vs. asking questions
Being a one-person operation because it is easier vs. giving others opportunity
Giving people gifts so they will like you vs. coming across with sincerity and honesty

Sunday, March 18, 2018: A Situation Will Come Up That Will Make You Very, Very Happy
Say what? You may be left breathless and speechless when a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy. And happy you have been needing to be more and more recently. So it will be just in time and no less than what will totally satisfy and fulfill you to the fullest. Happy Sunday to you!

Indulging in too much sleep in order to escape vs. staying active and alive!
Dwelling on past negative experiences vs. releasing them and regrouping what you learned
Having a difficult time opening up vs. selecting when it is time to share your personal life
Getting bogged down in unimportant details vs. keeping a bigger picture

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Leap forward with an inner faith as you concentrate on having a full understanding about how to satisfy your overall condition in order to alleviate any uncertainty when a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy so you are inspired to go on in total joy.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Relax! So a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy and alleviate a troublesome condition and satisfy your total understanding as you concentrate on how     to leap forward in full faith.

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The Energy of the Week for March 12-18, 2018: Inspire

Prophetic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Feeler
aka Purple, Yellow, Red and Blue Color Senses

DO’s & DON’Ts in your personal, business and social life

This week, it may be a challenge for you to feel good or inspire yourself to find the best way to go through some burdening situations in your life. When it is cloudy and you do not see the sun, it is hard to imagine its warmth is still there, because you are not experiencing it directly. But it is still out there and you know it. Likewise, if it feels as if the heaven above has simply forgotten about you and has left you feeling petty in any way, do not forsake it altogether. The whole of the universe is still there looking out for you very closely. You just may not be experiencing it directly for the time being. This is the time when your inner faith takes over for you. Go back to your big picture so you can pull through the temporary feeling of being indisposed with all of its inconveniences.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Usually, life brings you to a jolt when you have been consistently forgetting to take care of yourself well enough. If you think you can just move in the fast lane and not spare enough attention to your own inner equilibrium, something will happen to slow you down anyway. The thing is, you simply cannot forget about yourself while you are so concerned with everything else going on in your life. All of that is there for you and to happen with you, not without you. So, you have to come first no matter what and making sure you are good to go is your number one priority. Put your name on your own schedule in between the other things as a reminder that first and foremost, you will be doing what is right for you so then you can take care of everything else in the best possible way as well. May all this inspire a new agenda for you that lets you rest off so you can be best off.

DON’T get bored easily and not follow through or finish the projects you start.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO create what you imagine in your mind.
DON’T get impatient with less organized minds.
DO be persistent and once you make up your mind, don’t quit.
DON’T feel depressed when you pick up negative energy from people around you.
DO love life to the fullest, enjoy people and like to give hugs.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Turn on your creativity, because the idea this whole week is to inspire your customers to do something better for themselves. Stand for them to help them stand for themselves. Apply what you are doing for them to make their lives easier by offering real solutions so they will find a reprieve by using your offering and like it a lot. Smiling customers means a well done job for you.

DON’T have a tendency to be scattered in your thinking and live in the future.
DO like to be creative and innovative.
DON’T judge others based on their appearance.
DO have a sunny personality and disposition.
DON’T be overbearing and aggressive in your approach with others.
DO be fair and honest in your dealings with people.
DON’T feel left out or ignored when people don’t listen to you.
DO have a bubbly and enthusiastic personality.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
More intricate situations requiring a much closer look at what is taking place around you may require you to break it down with those in your social environment. This way, you can get down to the nitty-gritty and not miss anything important that may be falling through the cracks. Through this process, you can inspire each other to look out for better solutions on the spot and ward off anything wanting to explode later if left unattended.

DON’T have more projects going on in your life than you can handle right now.
DO get a lot of hunches and impressions about the future.
DON’T tend to be a perfectionist.
DO have great analytical skills, a keen sense of organization and love to color code.
DON’T push your way through projects and situations without communicating first.
DO be a good judge of people and easily size them up on-the-spot.
DON’T feel sorry for yourself and complain when you don’t get attention.
DO feel close to others and have many friends and acquaintances.

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